From 31e821a648c0d3bbe59028381aff3c9ab2515e11 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jaid <> Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2024 08:16:54 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Removed accidentally pushed out folder Signed-off-by: Jaid <> --- test/out/test/config.yml | 640 ------------------------------ test/out/test/result.yml | 39 -- test/out/test/result/src/a.ts.yml | 42 -- 3 files changed, 721 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 test/out/test/config.yml delete mode 100644 test/out/test/result.yml delete mode 100644 test/out/test/result/src/a.ts.yml diff --git a/test/out/test/config.yml b/test/out/test/config.yml deleted file mode 100644 index a2ce042..0000000 --- a/test/out/test/config.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,640 +0,0 @@ -linterOptions: - reportUnusedDisableDirectives: 1 -language: '@/js' -languageOptions: - sourceType: module - ecmaVersion: latest - parser: typescript-eslint/parser@8.0.0-alpha.30 - parserOptions: - projectService: true -plugins: -- '@' -- typescript:@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin@8.0.0-alpha.30 -- stylistic -- node:eslint-plugin-n@17.9.0 -- unicorn:eslint-plugin-unicorn@54.0.0 -- importQuotes -- regex:eslint-plugin-regexp@2.6.0 -- perfectionist:eslint-plugin-perfectionist -rules: - multiline-comment-style: - - 0 - new-cap: - - 1 - no-eq-null: - - 1 - no-extend-native: - - 1 - no-lonely-if: - - 1 - no-multi-assign: - - 1 - no-nested-ternary: - - 1 - no-object-constructor: - - 1 - no-underscore-dangle: - - 1 - - allow: - - __REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION_COMPOSE__ - allowAfterThis: false - allowAfterSuper: false - allowAfterThisConstructor: false - enforceInMethodNames: false - allowFunctionParams: true - enforceInClassFields: false - allowInArrayDestructuring: true - allowInObjectDestructuring: true - no-unneeded-ternary: - - 1 - no-with: - - 1 - one-var: - - 1 - - never - prefer-const: - - 1 - prefer-exponentiation-operator: - - 1 - sort-vars: - - 1 - typescript/no-base-to-string: - - 1 - typescript/no-misused-promises: - - 1 - typescript/no-non-null-asserted-nullish-coalescing: - - 1 - typescript/no-non-null-asserted-optional-chain: - - 1 - typescript/no-redundant-type-constituents: - - 1 - typescript/no-unnecessary-boolean-literal-compare: - - 1 - typescript/no-unnecessary-condition: - - 1 - - allowConstantLoopConditions: true - typescript/no-unnecessary-qualifier: - - 1 - typescript/no-unnecessary-type-arguments: - - 1 - typescript/no-unnecessary-type-assertion: - - 1 - typescript/no-unnecessary-type-constraint: - - 1 - typescript/no-unsafe-argument: - - 1 - typescript/no-unsafe-assignment: - - 1 - typescript/no-unsafe-call: - - 1 - typescript/no-unsafe-declaration-merging: - - 1 - typescript/no-unsafe-enum-comparison: - - 1 - typescript/no-unsafe-member-access: - - 1 - typescript/no-unsafe-return: - - 1 - typescript/no-unsafe-unary-minus: - - 1 - typescript/prefer-includes: - - 1 - typescript/prefer-optional-chain: - - 1 - typescript/prefer-reduce-type-parameter: - - 1 - typescript/prefer-string-starts-ends-with: - - 1 - typescript/prefer-ts-expect-error: - - 1 - typescript/restrict-template-expressions: - - 1 - typescript/unbound-method: - - 1 - - ignoreStatic: true - typescript/dot-notation: - - 1 - typescript/no-array-constructor: - - 1 - typescript/no-dupe-class-members: - - 1 - typescript/no-redeclare: - - 1 - typescript/no-restricted-imports: - - 1 - - name: lodash - message: Use lodash-es - - name: ensure-array - message: Use sure-array - - name: '@absolunet/fsp' - message: Use fs-extra - - name: '@absolunet/fss' - message: Use fs-extra - - name: opn - message: Use open - - name: pify - message: Use util.promisify - - name: fs/promises - message: Use fs-extra (more stable) - - name: node:fs/promises - message: Use fs-extra (more stable) - - name: execall - message: Use super-regex - - name: js-yaml - message: Use yaml - - name: jest - message: Use node:test and node:assert - - name: '@types/jest' - message: Use node:test and node:assert - - name: jest-extended - message: Use node:test and node:assert - - name: jest-light-runner - message: Use node:test and node:assert - - name: emp - message: Use fs-extra (emptyDir) - typescript/no-shadow: - - 1 - typescript/only-throw-error: - - 1 - typescript/no-use-before-define: - - 1 - typescript/no-useless-constructor: - - 1 - typescript/prefer-regexp-exec: - - 1 - typescript/require-array-sort-compare: - - 1 - typescript/return-await: - - 1 - typescript/array-type: - - 1 - - default: generic - typescript/class-literal-property-style: - - 1 - typescript/consistent-generic-constructors: - - 1 - typescript/consistent-indexed-object-style: - - 1 - typescript/consistent-type-assertions: - - 1 - - assertionStyle: as - objectLiteralTypeAssertions: allow - typescript/consistent-type-exports: - - 1 - typescript/consistent-type-imports: - - 1 - - prefer: type-imports - disallowTypeAnnotations: false - fixStyle: separate-type-imports - typescript/method-signature-style: - - 1 - typescript/no-meaningless-void-operator: - - 1 - typescript/no-unnecessary-template-expression: - - 1 - typescript/prefer-as-const: - - 1 - node/no-mixed-requires: - - 1 - node/no-new-require: - - 1 - node/no-path-concat: - - 1 - node/no-sync: - - 1 - unicorn/catch-error-name: - - 1 - unicorn/consistent-function-scoping: - - 1 - unicorn/error-message: - - 1 - unicorn/escape-case: - - 1 - unicorn/expiring-todo-comments: - - 1 - unicorn/new-for-builtins: - - 1 - unicorn/no-array-for-each: - - 1 - unicorn/no-await-expression-member: - - 1 - unicorn/no-hex-escape: - - 1 - unicorn/no-instanceof-array: - - 1 - unicorn/no-nested-ternary: - - 1 - unicorn/no-new-array: - - 1 - unicorn/no-new-buffer: - - 1 - unicorn/no-thenable: - - 1 - unicorn/no-unnecessary-await: - - 1 - unicorn/no-useless-fallback-in-spread: - - 1 - unicorn/no-useless-length-check: - - 1 - unicorn/no-useless-promise-resolve-reject: - - 1 - unicorn/no-useless-spread: - - 1 - unicorn/no-useless-undefined: - - 1 - unicorn/no-zero-fractions: - - 1 - unicorn/number-literal-case: - - 1 - unicorn/numeric-separators-style: - - 1 - unicorn/prefer-add-event-listener: - - 1 - unicorn/prefer-array-find: - - 1 - unicorn/prefer-array-flat: - - 1 - unicorn/prefer-array-flat-map: - - 1 - unicorn/prefer-array-index-of: - - 1 - unicorn/prefer-at: - - 1 - unicorn/prefer-blob-reading-methods: - - 1 - unicorn/prefer-code-point: - - 1 - unicorn/prefer-date-now: - - 1 - unicorn/prefer-logical-operator-over-ternary: - - 1 - unicorn/prefer-math-trunc: - - 1 - unicorn/prefer-modern-math-apis: - - 1 - unicorn/prefer-module: - - 1 - unicorn/prefer-native-coercion-functions: - - 1 - unicorn/prefer-negative-index: - - 1 - unicorn/prefer-number-properties: - - 1 - unicorn/prefer-prototype-methods: - - 1 - unicorn/prefer-regexp-test: - - 1 - unicorn/prefer-set-has: - - 1 - unicorn/prefer-set-size: - - 1 - unicorn/prefer-spread: - - 1 - unicorn/prefer-string-replace-all: - - 1 - unicorn/prefer-string-slice: - - 1 - unicorn/prefer-string-starts-ends-with: - - 1 - unicorn/prefer-string-trim-start-end: - - 1 - unicorn/prefer-top-level-await: - - 1 - unicorn/prefer-type-error: - - 1 - unicorn/relative-url-style: - - 1 - unicorn/text-encoding-identifier-case: - - 1 - unicorn/throw-new-error: - - 1 - unicorn/prefer-structured-clone: - - 1 - importQuotes/import-quotes: - - 1 - - single - regex/control-character-escape: - - 1 - regex/letter-case: - - 1 - - caseInsensitive: lowercase - unicodeEscape: uppercase - hexadecimalEscape: uppercase - controlEscape: lowercase - regex/negation: - - 1 - regex/no-dupe-characters-character-class: - - 1 - regex/no-extra-lookaround-assertions: - - 1 - regex/no-invisible-character: - - 1 - regex/no-missing-g-flag: - - 1 - regex/no-trivially-nested-assertion: - - 1 - regex/no-trivially-nested-quantifier: - - 1 - regex/no-useless-assertions: - - 1 - regex/no-useless-backreference: - - 1 - regex/no-useless-character-class: - - 1 - regex/no-useless-flag: - - 1 - regex/no-useless-lazy: - - 1 - regex/no-useless-quantifier: - - 1 - regex/no-useless-range: - - 1 - regex/no-useless-two-nums-quantifier: - - 1 - regex/optimal-quantifier-concatenation: - - 1 - regex/prefer-d: - - 1 - regex/prefer-predefined-assertion: - - 1 - regex/prefer-quantifier: - - 1 - regex/sort-alternatives: - - 1 - regex/sort-character-class-elements: - - 1 - regex/sort-flags: - - 1 - regex/strict: - - 1 - perfectionist/sort-classes: - - 1 - - type: natural - ignore-case: true - groups: - - static-property - - static-method - - static-private-method - - index-signature - - property - - private-property - - constructor - - - get-method - - set-method - - method - - private-method - - unknown - order: asc - perfectionist/sort-enums: - - 1 - - type: natural - ignore-case: true - partition-by-comment: false - order: asc - perfectionist/sort-imports: - - 1 - - type: natural - ignore-case: true - groups: - - - parent-type - - sibling-type - - external-type - - - internal-type - - internalWithShortcut-type - - index-type - - side-effect - - object - - - builtin - - node - - external - - - internal - - internalWithShortcut - - - parent - - siblings - - style - - unknown - custom-groups: - value: - node: node:* - internalWithShortcut: - - src/** - - lib/** - - component/** - - components/** - type: - internalWithShortcut-type: internalWithShortcut - order: asc - newlines-between: always - perfectionist/sort-interfaces: - - 1 - - type: natural - ignore-case: true - optionality-order: ignore - order: asc - groups: [] - partition-by-new-line: false - perfectionist/sort-named-exports: - - 1 - - type: natural - ignore-case: true - order: asc - group-kind: mixed - perfectionist/sort-named-imports: - - 1 - - type: natural - ignore-case: true - order: asc - ignore-alias: false - group-kind: mixed - perfectionist/sort-object-types: - - 1 - - type: natural - ignore-case: true - order: asc - groups: [] - partition-by-new-line: false - perfectionist/sort-union-types: - - 1 - - type: natural - ignore-case: true - nullable-last: true - order: asc - stylistic/brace-style: - - 1 - stylistic/comma-spacing: - - 1 - stylistic/func-call-spacing: - - 1 - stylistic/indent: - - 1 - - 2 - stylistic/key-spacing: - - 1 - stylistic/keyword-spacing: - - 1 - stylistic/lines-between-class-members: - - 1 - - never - stylistic/object-curly-spacing: - - 1 - stylistic/padding-line-between-statements: - - 1 - - blankLine: never - prev: '*' - next: '*' - - blankLine: any - prev: import - next: '*' - - blankLine: any - prev: '*' - next: export - - blankLine: any - prev: import - next: type - - blankLine: any - prev: type - next: '*' - - blankLine: any - prev: '*' - next: type - - blankLine: any - prev: type - next: type - - blankLine: any - prev: export - next: '*' - stylistic/quotes: - - 1 - - backtick - stylistic/space-before-blocks: - - 1 - stylistic/space-before-function-paren: - - 1 - - anonymous: always - named: never - asyncArrow: always - stylistic/space-infix-ops: - - 1 - stylistic/member-delimiter-style: - - 1 - - singleline: - delimiter: comma - requireLast: false - multiline: - delimiter: none - requireLast: false - stylistic/type-annotation-spacing: - - 1 - stylistic/array-bracket-newline: - - 1 - - multiline: true - stylistic/array-bracket-spacing: - - 1 - stylistic/array-element-newline: - - 1 - - consistent - stylistic/arrow-parens: - - 1 - - as-needed - stylistic/arrow-spacing: - - 1 - stylistic/comma-dangle: - - 1 - - arrays: only-multiline - objects: only-multiline - imports: only-multiline - exports: only-multiline - functions: only-multiline - enums: only-multiline - generics: only-multiline - tuples: only-multiline - stylistic/comma-style: - - 1 - stylistic/computed-property-spacing: - - 1 - stylistic/dot-location: - - 1 - - property - stylistic/eol-last: - - 1 - stylistic/function-paren-newline: - - 1 - - never - stylistic/implicit-arrow-linebreak: - - 1 - stylistic/linebreak-style: - - 1 - - unix - stylistic/new-parens: - - 1 - - never - stylistic/no-extra-parens: - - 1 - stylistic/no-floating-decimal: - - 1 - stylistic/no-multiple-empty-lines: - - 1 - - max: 1 - maxEOF: 1 - maxBOF: 0 - stylistic/no-tabs: - - 1 - stylistic/no-trailing-spaces: - - 1 - stylistic/no-whitespace-before-property: - - 1 - stylistic/object-curly-newline: - - 1 - - ObjectExpression: - consistent: true - minProperties: 2 - multiline: true - ObjectPattern: never - ImportDeclaration: never - stylistic/object-property-newline: - - 1 - stylistic/operator-linebreak: - - 1 - - before - stylistic/padded-blocks: - - 1 - - never - stylistic/quote-props: - - 1 - - as-needed - stylistic/rest-spread-spacing: - - 1 - stylistic/space-in-parens: - - 1 - stylistic/space-unary-ops: - - 1 - stylistic/spaced-comment: - - 1 - stylistic/switch-colon-spacing: - - 1 - stylistic/template-curly-spacing: - - 1 - stylistic/template-tag-spacing: - - 1 - stylistic/yield-star-spacing: - - 1 - stylistic/block-spacing: - - 1 - stylistic/function-call-argument-newline: - - 1 - - consistent - stylistic/function-call-spacing: - - 1 - stylistic/generator-star-spacing: - - 1 - stylistic/max-statements-per-line: - - 1 - stylistic/newline-per-chained-call: - - 1 - stylistic/no-confusing-arrow: - - 1 - stylistic/no-multi-spaces: - - 1 - stylistic/semi: - - 1 - - never diff --git a/test/out/test/result.yml b/test/out/test/result.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 40f085b..0000000 --- a/test/out/test/result.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -- filePath: D:\git\eslint-config-jaid\test\fixture\basic\src\a.ts - messages: - - ruleId: prefer-const - severity: 1 - message: "'a' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead." - line: 1 - column: 5 - nodeType: Identifier - messageId: useConst - endLine: 1 - endColumn: 6 - fix: - range: - - 0 - - 15 - text: const a = 12_345; - - ruleId: stylistic/semi - severity: 1 - message: Extra semicolon. - line: 1 - column: 15 - nodeType: VariableDeclaration - messageId: extraSemi - endLine: 1 - endColumn: 16 - fix: - range: - - 8 - - 15 - text: 12_345 - suppressedMessages: [] - errorCount: 0 - fatalErrorCount: 0 - warningCount: 2 - fixableErrorCount: 0 - fixableWarningCount: 2 - source: | - let a = 12_345; - usedDeprecatedRules: [] diff --git a/test/out/test/result/src/a.ts.yml b/test/out/test/result/src/a.ts.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 7bf225b..0000000 --- a/test/out/test/result/src/a.ts.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -- filePath: D:\git\eslint-config-jaid\test\fixture\basic\src\a.ts - messages: - - ruleId: prefer-const - severity: 1 - message: "'a' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead." - line: 1 - column: 5 - nodeType: Identifier - messageId: useConst - endLine: 1 - endColumn: 6 - fix: - range: - - 0 - - 15 - text: const a = 12_345; - - ruleId: stylistic/semi - severity: 1 - message: Extra semicolon. - line: 1 - column: 15 - nodeType: VariableDeclaration - messageId: extraSemi - endLine: 1 - endColumn: 16 - fix: - range: - - 8 - - 15 - text: 12_345 - suppressedMessages: [] - errorCount: 0 - fatalErrorCount: 0 - warningCount: 2 - fixableErrorCount: 0 - fixableWarningCount: 2 - source: | - let a = 12_345; - usedDeprecatedRules: - - ruleId: typescript/prefer-ts-expect-error - replacedBy: - - '@typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment'