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Bungie (A Chroms Extension)


Bungie is a fun chrome extension that helps you learn critical information.

The way Bungie works is by taking any information you find important in your browser, saving it in a database, and then texting it to you periodically throughout the week.

To specifiy what information you want "bounced" back to you, select the text you want to learn, and then hit the appropriate hotkeys:

Windows/Linux: Ctrl + Alt + A
Mac: Command + Alt + A

<img src="./README_images/selected.png" alt="image of text selection" width ="300" height:"150"/>

Once you select your informartion, a popup will appeare to let you know it was saved successfully.

<img src="./README_images/popup.png" alt="image of popup" width ="300" height:"150"/>

The information is then stored in Parse's backend through Parse's REST API. From here, Parse's Cloud Code will periodically call Twilio's Rest API and have it text you the information you wanted help remembering.


Go to Parse and create an account. After creating and account, create a new application and name it whatever you want.

<img src="./README_images/create_app.png" alt="image of app creation" width ="600" height:"300"/>

Now create a folder inside of our main bungie folder and follow the Parse Cloud Code Setup instructions to set up your Cloud Application inside the folder you just created.

Copy the all the code from bungie/parse_cloud_code/cloud/main.js and put it into bungie/your_cloud_code_folder/cloud/main.js.

Then go into your terminal and into bungie/your_cloud_code_folder and run the command parse deploy.

Go into your Parse App again and go into Core and then into Jobs. Make sure you have a job named sendText and it's set to run every 15 minutes.

<img src="./README_images/jobs.png" alt="image of job creation" width ="600" height:"300"/>

Go to Twilio and create an account.


              type: 'POST',
              headers: {
                  'X-Parse-Application-Id': "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
                  'X-Parse-REST-API-Key': "YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY"
              url: "",
              data: JSON.stringify(selectedText)
                alert("Bungie saved your info. We'll bounce it back to your phone throughout the week.");

Go to your into your Parse App and then into settings and keys. Add your Parse Rest API key and your application ID to the post method.


Parse.Cloud.job("sendText", function(request, status) {

      method: 'GET',
      url: "",
      headers: {

       if (typeof === 'object' && >= 1) {
          var queryResults =; 

            for (var i = 0; i < queryResults.length; i++) {
               var currentResult = queryResults[i];

               var currentTime = new Date().getTime();
          //# of seconds in a day = 86400000
           if ((currentResult.timeStamp + 86400000) <= currentTime){
              currentResult.timesSent ++;
              currentResult.timeStamp = currentTime;

                method: "POST",
                url: "https://ACCOUNT_SID:[email protected]/2010-04-01/Accounts/ACCOUNT_SID/SMS/Messages.json",
                body: {
                   To: "+Your_Number",
                   Body: "-> \n" + currentResult.text

                method: 'PUT',
                url: "" + currentResult.objectId, 
                body: currentResult,
                headers: {

                  if (currentResult.timesSent >= 7){
                  method: 'Delete',
                  url: "" + currentResult.objectId,
                  headers: {
                console.log(" \n \n Put response = " + JSON.stringify(response));

Add your Parse and Twilio keys as well as the proper telphone numbers from Twilio.

After this, you should be good to go.