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LG Wall Controller Protocol

Documentation for the protocol used by wired wall controllers. This is largely based on reverse-engineering the LG PREMTB001 controller (some information is based on the newer PREMTB100). Most of these things haven't been tested with an actual AC unit.

NOTE: as explained in the README, this controller actually supports two different protocols. This only documents the more modern protocol that's used by my own AC.

Some information is based on:


LG controllers use a (very slow) 104 bps 8N1 serial connection over a three-wire cable (Red = 12V, Yellow = Signal, Black = GND) connected to the CN-REMO port on the indoor unit's PCB. The HVAC unit and controller will often send the same message twice (or even four times) with a short delay between them, but this is not required.


Collisions on the bus are possible because devices can send at arbitrary times, for example immediately after a setting is changed. My custom controller tries to prevent this by ensuring the RX pin is high for at least 500 ms before sending. This works well (I haven't seen any collisions in practice) and the LG controllers seem to do something similar.

My custom controller also checks that each message we send is transmitted uncorrupted and else it tries to send it again. This works because it's a single wire bus, so the controller always receives its own messages too.

Message format

Each message is 13 bytes long. The first byte indicates the message type:

Bits Description
XXX0_0000 Source of the message
1: slave controller (for example 0x28 or 0x2A)
5: master controller (for example 0xA8 or 0xAA)
6: unit (for example 0xC8 or 0xC9)
000X_X000 Product type
0: ventilation
1: AC
2: heat exchanger?
0000_0XXX Message type (0-7)
0: status message
1: capabilities message
2: settings
... see below ...

The two "product type" bits are always set to 01 for normal HVAC units. This means the (master) controller sends messages with first byte 0xA8 to 0xAF and the AC unit will send messages 0xC8 to 0xCF. You can use this to identify the source of a message.

For instance, 0xC8 is a status message sent by the AC unit. 0xAA is a settings message sent by the controller.

LG controllers send messages with the product type field set to 0 or 2 only when connected to a ventilation product responding with such messages. For example if a heat exchanger unit responds with 0xD0 messages, the LG controllers will switch from sending 0xA8 to 0xB0 messages. This documentation and the ESPHome controller only cover AC units.

The last byte of each message is a checksum, computed by adding up the other bytes and XOR'ing with 0x55.

Type 0: Status message (0xA8/0xC8/0x28)

Status messages are used to control all of the basic settings such as operation mode, fan mode, room temperature, etc.

The controller and AC unit will send this when a setting changes. The AC unit will also send this every 60 seconds and 'master' controllers send this every 20 seconds.

Byte Bits Description
0 XXXX_XXXX Message type, 0xA8/0xC8/0x28
1 0000_000X Set if settings were changed
0000_00X0 On/off
0: unit is off
1: unit is on
000X_XX00 Operation mode
0: cooling
1: dehumidify
2: fan
3: auto
4: heating
XXX0_0000 Fan speed
0: low
1: medium
2: high
3: auto
4: slow
5: low-medium
6: medium-high
7: power
2 0000_000X If set, controller shows Filter sign
0000_00X0 Controller sets this when clearing Filter in settings?
0000_0X00 Plasma / air-purifier
0000_X000 Humidifier
000X_0000 Resistive heater
00X0_0000 Swirl
0X00_0000 Horizontal swing
X000_0000 Vertical swing
3 0000_000X External ventilation is on
0000_00X0 Fan Auto function
0000_0X00 Defrost
0000_X000 Preheat
000X_0000 Active reservation
0XX0_0000 Elevation grill setting
0: default
1: stop
2: up
3: down
X000_0000 Unknown
4 0000_XXXX Unknown (seems related to central control)
000X_0000 Plasma sign blinks if plasma on (unclear what this is for)
00X0_0000 Auto addressing (shows IDU address on PREMTB100)
0X00_0000 Set by unit in heating mode
X000_0000 Related to central control
5 0000_000X Add 0.5 to setpoint in byte 6
0000_00X0 Energy saving function
0000_0X00 Outdoor unit is active
0000_X000 Zone 4 on
000X_0000 Zone 3 on
00X0_0000 Zone 2 on
0X00_0000 Zone 1 on
X000_0000 Set if installer setting Zone Type is set to New
6 0000_XXXX Setpoint, stored as temperature - 15 (example: 4 => 19°C or 19.5°C depending on byte 5)
In AI mode: -2 to +2 stored as 0-4
00XX_0000 Thermistor installer setting
0: unit
1: controller
2: 2TH
XX00_0000 Ceiling height installer setting
0: medium
1: low
2: high
3: very high
7 00XX_XXXX Room temperature, stored as (temperature - 10) * 2 (example: 27 => 27 / 2 + 10 => 23.5°C)
0X00_0000 Set by AC when any indoor unit is in cooling mode
X000_0000 Set by AC when any indoor unit is in heating mode
8 0000_0XXX Reservation/timer number of minutes, upper bits (see next section)
00XX_X000 Reservation/timer type (see next section)
0: none
1: turn-on reservation
2: turn-off reservation
3: sleep timer
4: clear all reservation data
5: simple timer (on/off after N minutes)
6-7: unknown
0X00_0000 If set, the AC unit will send a batch with all of its settings (other message types below) and clear it. LG controllers set this when powered on.
X000_0000 Set temporarily for "release 3 minute delay" installer setting 10
9 XXXX_XXXX Reservation/timer number of minutes, lower bits (see next section)
10 0000_000X Set temporarily for installer setting 1 (test run)
0000_00X0 Zone 8 on
0000_0X00 Unknown, but always set by PREMTB100 (PREMTB001 sets it too but lets the unit clear it)
Or for duct units with > 4 zones: zone 7 on
0000_X000 Active robot clean
Or for duct units with > 4 zones: zone 6 on
000X_0000 Active auto clean (auto dry)
Or for duct units with > 4 zones: zone 5 on
00X0_0000 Unknown
0X00_0000 Set by unit when initializing?
X000_0000 Set by controller when initializing or for reservation/Fahrenheit settings (see next sections)
11 XXXX_XXXX Error value, 0 = no error
12 XXXX_XXXX Checksum

Reservation settings

Timer-related settings use the reservation flag in byte 3 with type + number of minutes stored in bytes 8 and 9.

For example when the controller sets a "simple reservation" to turn on/off after N hours, it stores the reservation type in byte 8 and the number of minutes in byte 9 + the three low bits of byte 8 if value > 255:

1 hour : a8 43 00 10 00 00 03 1d 28 3c 00 00 => 0x3c => 60 minutes
7 hours: a8 43 00 10 00 00 03 1d 29 a4 00 00 => 0x100 + 0xa4 => 420 minutes
                  ^              ^^ ^^

If a wired controller is connected, it looks like the unit makes it the controller's responsibility to implement these timers and turn the unit on/off.

The sleep timer option uses a different reservation type (3) in byte 8. The sleep timer is the only reservation type that the controller keeps sending regularly with the updated number of minutes. Unlike the other reservation types, the sleep timer can't be emulated with Home Assistant automations because some units use an extra-low fan speed and reduce power usage when the sleep timer is on. This is why the ESPHome controller supports sleep timers natively but not any of the other timers.

The turn-off/turn-on reservations are set based on the target time, but the controller always converts this to number of minutes relative to the current time.

To disable a single reservation or timer, the number of minutes can be set to 0. Reservation type 4 will clear all reservations.

Because multiple reservation types can be active at the same time, the controller also has a way to disable individual ones: byte 10 has bit 0x80 set and then byte 9 has a single bit for each of the following if they're enabled: turn-off reservation (0x4), turn-on reservation (0x8), sleep timer (0x10), and simple timer (0x20). My AC unit doesn't send messages like this, it just uses the reservation type with number of minutes > 0 to enable a reservation or timer, and 0 minutes to disable it.

Fahrenheit mode

Temperature values sent/received are always in Celsius. To switch the unit to Fahrenheit (this affects the displayed temperature), the controller can temporarily set bit 0x80 of byte 10 and then set byte 9 to 0x40. (Note that this is similar to the mechanism in the previous paragraph.)

Unfortunately LG uses a Fahrenheit/Celsius mapping that's different from what you'd expect. For example, 78°F is ~25.5°C, but LG controllers and units will instead send 26°C for 78°F (even though 26°C is more like 79°F). A value of 25.5°C is treated by the AC as 77°F. The ESPHome controller has code to convert between Fahrenheit, Celsius and "LG-Celsius" in Fahrenheit mode to account for these differences. See issue #27 for more information on this.

Type 1: Capabilities message (0xC9)

The AC sends this to the controller when it's powered on to tell it which features are supported.

Byte Bits Description
0 XXXX_XXXX Message type, 0xC9
1 0000_0XXX Kind of unit?
1: cassette
2: duct (enables zone settings)
4: wall unit
(other values unknown)
0000_X000 Unknown
000X_0000 Supports zone state installer setting
00X0_0000 Supports swirl
0X00_0000 Supports horizontal swing
X000_0000 Supports vertical swing
2 0000_000X Supports Fan Auto sub function
0000_00X0 Supports plasma (air purifier)
0000_0X00 Supports humidifier
0000_X000 Supports operation mode Auto
000X_0000 Supports operation mode AI
00X0_0000 Supports operation mode Heating
0X00_0000 Supports operation mode Fan
X000_0000 Supports operation mode Dehumidify
3 0000_000X Supports fan speed Auto
0000_00X0 Supports fan speed Power
0000_0X00 Supports fan speed High
0000_X000 Supports fan speed Medium
000X_0000 Supports fan speed Low
00X0_0000 Supports fan speed Slow
0X00_0000 Unknown
X000_0000 Supports fan speed Power in heating mode
4 0000_000X Supports vertical vane control
0000_00X0 Supports ESP value installer setting
0000_0X00 Supports static pressure installer setting
0000_X000 Supports ceiling height installer setting
00XX_0000 Unknown
0X00_0000 Supports robot clean setting
X000_0000 Supports auto clean (auto dry) setting
5 0000_000X Supports energy saving sub function
0000_00X0 Supports override master/slave installer setting
0000_0X00 Supports auto change temperature setting
000X_X000 Unknown
00X0_0000 Half degrees C not supported
0X00_0000 Has single vane
X000_0000 Has two vanes
6 0000_000X Supports extra airflow option (presence based?)
0000_0XX0 Unknown
0000_X000 Supports low-medium fan option
000X_0000 Supports medium-high fan option
00X0_0000 Supports minimum cooling target temperature of 16 instead of 18
XX00_0000 Unknown
7 0000_0X00 Supports auxiliary heater, installer setting
000X_X000 Supports setting for zone = 1 to N (this value) in settings. Unclear what this is for
X000_0000 Supports over heating, installer setting 15
8 0000_000X Supports pipe temperature setting (installer setting 16 on PREMTB001)
0000_00X0 Supports centrigrade installer setting (0.5C or 1C)
0000_0X00 Unknown
0000_X000 Supports 5-8 zones
000X_0000 Supports emergency heater installer setting
00X0_0000 Supports group control installer setting
0X00_0000 Supports unit information setting
X000_0000 Supports clear filter timer in settings
9 0000_00X0 Supports indoor unit address check, installer setting 26
0000_0X00 Supports over cooling, installer setting 27
000X_0000 Supports energy usage setting
X000_0000 Supports refrigerant leak detector installation, installer setting 29
10 0000_000X Supports DRED (demand response enabling device)
0000_00X0 Supports static pressure step, installer setting 32
0000_0X00 Supports indoor unit Wifi AP setting
0X00_0000 Supports fan cooling mode thermal off, installer setting 35
X000_0000 Supports use primary heater control, installer setting 36
11 0000_000X Supports indoor unit auto start installer setting
0000_00X0 Supports AC fan interlocked with ventilation installer setting
0000_0X00 Supports himalaya cool sub function
0000_X000 Supports monsoon comfort option
000X_0000 Supports mosquito away sub function
00X0_0000 Supports hum+e sub function (called 'comfort cooling' on PREMTB100)
0X00_0000 Unknown
X000_0000 Supports simple dry contact installer setting 41
12 XXXX_XXXX Checksum

Type 2: Settings (0xAA/0xCA)

Type 0xA messages store more advanced settings and are only sent when the AC is powered on or when changing settings.

Byte Bits Description
0 XXXX_XXXX Message type, 0xAA or 0xCA
1 XXXX_XXXX Unit address (see installer setting 2)
2 XXXX_XXXX Fan speed for Slow fan (see installer setting 3)
0: default
3 XXXX_XXXX Fan speed for Low fan (see installer setting 3)
0: default
4 XXXX_XXXX Fan speed for Medium fan (see installer setting 3)
0: default
5 XXXX_XXXX Fan speed for High fan (see installer setting 3)
0: default
6 XXXX_XXXX Fan speed for Power fan (see installer setting 3)
0: default
7 0000_XXXX Vertical vane position for vane 1
0: default for operation mode
1: up
2-5: ...
6: down
XXXX_0000 Vertical vane position for vane 2
8 0000_XXXX Vertical vane position for vane 3
XXXX_0000 Vertical vane position for vane 4
9 0000_0XXX Auto change temperature setting 1-7
X000_0000 Auxiliary heater, installer setting 25
0: not installed
1: installed
10 XXXX_0000 Maximum setpoint value, stored as temperature - 15. Typically 0xf => 30°C.
0000_XXXX Minimum setpoint value, stored as temperature - 15. Typically 0x1 => 16°C.
11 0000_000X Dry contact mode installer setting 9
1: auto
0000_00X0 Zone state installer setting 11
0: variable
1: fixed
0000_0X00 Robot clean auto
0000_X000 Auto clean (auto dry) enabled
XXXX_0000 Unknown
12 XXXX_XXXX Checksum

Type 3: More settings (0xAB/0xCB)

0xB stores more information and settings (whether Wifi AP mode is on, installer settings, etc).

Byte Bits Description
0 XXXX_XXXX Message type, 0xAB or 0xCB
1 0000_00XX DRED, demand response mode
0: off
1: DRM 1
2: DRM 2
3: DRM 3
X000_0000 Set to request this message type from the other side (works both ways). For example, if the controller sends AB 80 .., the unit will immediately send CB 00 ... Messages are otherwise the same.
2 0000_00XX Setting zone = 1-3 in settings menu will set these bits to that number. Unclear what this setting is for.
00XX_X000 Over heating, installer setting 15
0: default for unit
1: +4°C / +6°C
2: +2°C / +4°C
3: -1°C / +1°C
4: -0.5°C / +0.5°C
Note: the LG controllers only show option 4 in Fahrenheit mode (where it's -1F/+1F) and some only in dual setpoint mode, but a custom controller can send it in Celsius mode too.
XX00_0000 Over cooling, installer setting 27
0: +0.5°C / -0.5°C
1: +6°C / +4°C
2: +4°C / +2°C
3: +1°C / -1°C
3 XXXX_XXXX Pipe temperature In (see table below)
4 XXXX_XXXX Pipe temperature Out (see table below)
5 XXXX_XXXX Pipe temperature Mid (see table below)
6 0000_00X0 Oil change warning
0000_0X00 Centrigrade control, installer setting 17
0: 1°C
1: 0.5°C
0000_X000 Emergency heater, installer setting 18
0: don't use
1: use
0X00_0000 Emergency heater, installer setting 18, fan speed
0: fan off
1: fan on
X000_0000 Function setting for group control, installer setting 19
0: not in use
1: in use
7 0X00_0000 Indoor unit Wifi Access Point (AP) mode
8 0000_XXXX Model info, outdoor unit (see table in PREMTB001 manual)
XXXX_0000 Model info, indoor unit (see table in PREMTB001 manual)
9 0000_XXXX Model info, capacity field (see table in PREMTB001 manual)
000X_0000 Refrigerant leak detector, installer setting 29
0: not installed
1: installed
XX00_0000 Fan operation in cooling mode and thermal off conditions, installer setting 35
0: fan low
1: fan off
2: fan setting
10 0000_XXXX Static pressure step, installer setting 32 (0-11)
XXXX_0000 Number of zones configured for duct units (Zone Number installer setting)
11 0000_XXXX Emergency heater, installer setting 18, low ambient heating operation (0-15)
12 XXXX_XXXX Checksum

Pipe Temperature Values

Bytes 3-5 contain pipe temperature values. A higher value indicates a lower temperature. Below are the byte values mapped to °C (from PREMTB100). For example, a value of 0x78 indicates 23°C.

0x0 0x1 0x2 0x3 0x4 0x5 0x6 0x7 0x8 0x9 0xA 0xB 0xC 0xD 0xE 0xF
0x00 - - - - - - - - - - 108 104 101 100 98 95
0x10 93 91 89 87 85 84 82 81 79 78 76 75 74 73 72 71
0x20 70 68 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 60 59 58 57 57
0x30 56 55 55 54 53 53 52 52 51 50 50 49 49 48 47 47
0x40 46 46 45 45 44 44 43 43 42 42 41 41 40 40 39 39
0x50 39 38 38 37 37 36 36 36 35 35 34 34 33 33 33 32
0x60 32 31 31 31 30 30 30 29 29 29 28 28 27 27 27 26
0x70 26 26 25 25 24 24 24 23 23 23 22 22 22 21 21 21
0x80 20 20 20 19 19 19 18 18 18 17 17 17 16 16 16 15
0x90 15 15 14 14 14 13 13 13 12 12 12 11 11 11 10 10
0xA0 10 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 4
0xB0 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 -1
0xC0 -1 -2 -2 -2 -3 -3 -4 -4 -5 -5 -5 -6 -6 -7 -7 -8
0xE0 -8 -9 -9 -9 -10 -10 -11 -11 -12 -12 -13 -14 -14 -15 -15 -16
0xE0 -16 -17 -18 -18 -19 -20 -20 -21 -22 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28
0xF0 -29 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Type 4: More status information (0xAC/0xCC)

The wall controller sends these regularly and apparently some AC units do this too, but I've never seen this from my unit.

Byte Bits Description
0 XXXX_XXXX Message type, 0xAC/0xCC/2C
1 XXXX_XXXX Filter time left in hours (low bits). Combined with value in byte 2.
Example: CC.AB.01 => 0x1AB => 427 hours left
2 0000_XXXX Filter time left in hours (high bits)
0X00_0000 Occupancy status
X000_0000 Dual setpoint mode
3-5 XXXX_XXXX Power Consumption in kWh. Example: 64.91.29 => 64912.9 kWh
6 0XXX_XXXX Setpoint in degrees C, integer part. Used for the high setpoint in dual setpoint mode
7 0XXX_XXXX Setpoint in degrees C, integer part. Used for the low setpoint in dual setpoint mode
X000_0000 Set if settings were changed. This is similar to the bit in byte 1 for Type 0 status messages
8 0000_XXXX Fractional part for setpoint in byte 7 (for example 5 => 0.5C)
XXXX_0000 Fractional part for setpoint in byte 6
9 XXXX_XXXX Room temperature value (from controller) or unit temperature (from AC). Stored as temperature * 2 (example: 0x2B => 21.5C). PREMTB100 sends this but PREMTB001 always sends 0.
10 XXXX_XXXX Deadband for dual setpoint mode (example: 0x25 => 2.5C)
11 0000_000X Himalaya Cooling
0000_00X0 Mosquito Away
0000_0X00 Comfort Cooling
12 XXXX_XXXX Checksum

Type 5: Advanced settings (0xAD/0xCD)

My unit sends this after power on with all zeroes. The wall controller uses it for installer settings.

Set 25 (auxiliary heater) to duct-type:          ad 04 ...
Set 36 (use primary heater control) to 1:        ad 40 ...
Set 38 (fan interlocked with ventilation) to 1:  ad 02 ...
Set 39 (indoor unit auto start) to 1:            ad 01
Set 41 (simple dry contact setting) to 3:        ad 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 ..

Type 6: More settings or status information (0xAE/0xCE)

The format here is a bit different, with the second byte as additional message type (probably because they ran out of message types).

CE.00... => extended capabilities message? unit sends this with available settings

CE.10... => used to set settings
Set 46 (fan continuous) to 1:                        ae 10 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ..
Set 47 (outdoor unit function) to 1:                 ae 10 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 ..
Set 48 (silent mode) to 2:                           ae 10 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ..
Set 49 (defrost mode) to 3:                          ae 10 00 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ..
Set 51 (temperature-based fan speed auto) to 1:      ae 10 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ..
Set 52 (CN_EXT setting) to 5:                        ae 10 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .. 
Set 56 (outdoor unit cycle priority) to 1 (standby): ae 10 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 ..
Set it to 2 (cool) with step 3:                      ae 10 00 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 ..
Set it to 2 (cool) with step 4:                      ae 10 00 00 00 00 09 00 00 00 00 00 ..
Set 60 (outdoor unit cycle priority) to 1 (special): ae 10 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 ..
Set 57 (outdoor temp for heating stages) to 1:       ae 10 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 ..
Set it to 3 with 27.5C:                              ae 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 5b 00 00 00 .. => 0x1b = 27, other bit is for 0.5

CE 11... => used for air quality monitoring values?

The AE 80 / CE 80 message is a newer, additional status message that the PREMTB100 controller and some units send regularly.

- byte 2:      humidity (0x3C => 60%)
- bytes 3-4:   fan operation time (0x0f17 => 3863 hours)
- bytes 6-7:   IDU (indoor unit) operation time (0x2a74 => 10868 hours)
- byte 8:      PREMTB100 always sets bit 2 (unknown)
- bytes 10-11: room temperature with 0.1 degrees precision (0x12 + 0x04 => 18 + 0.4 => 18.4C)
- byte 12:     checksum

Type 7: More status information (0xAF/0xCF)

Used by newer units and controllers. Contains unit's current power usage among other things. Some examples from PREMTB100:

CF. => 123.5 kW
CF. => 987.7 kW
CF.00.AB.CD.EF. => 1123.5 kW