Actors can be used to create dynamic lighting within a scene. This is generally seen with ceiling lights, fires, torches, etc.
Within the Content Browser, select the Add New button and then the Blueprint Class. In the next screen, select the parent class to be an Actor class.
Open the blueprint (ensure the full editor view is open).
Within the Viewport pane, drag in the static mesh to be used (in this case, a fire torch). Ensure that the static mesh is a child of the DefaultSceneRoot component.
Add the particle component which is to be the aesthetic light source of the Actor (in this case, a fire particle component). Ensure the particle component is a child of the DefaultSceneRoot component.
Adjust the particle component to be positioned at the correct location within the static mesh (in this case, the holder area of the fire torch).
In order to physically emit light into the level, the particle component requires a light source. Within the Components pane, select the Add Component button and then the Point Light. Ensure the point light component is a child of the DefaultSceneRoot component.
Adjust the point light component to be positioned within the particle component. Sometimes placing the light component in an offset position to the particle component will yield a more rewarding lighting effect so be sure to test what works best for your actor and scene.
In the Details pane of the Point Light component, adjust the Light Attention setting in the Light section to a realistic value (in this case, 500.0).
In the same section, adjust the Light Color setting to an appropriate color (in this case, an orange-based colour).
Once the actor has been created in the blueprint editor, Compile and Save the blueprint.
Within the Event Graph pane, add a Delay block to the Event BeginPlay block. Source a Random Float in Range block into the Delay parameter using Min and Max values of 0.0 and 0.2 respectively. This now adds a random delay in the fire ignition of the torch.
Add a Set Intensity block to the Event Graph. Source a reference to the Point Light component into the Target parameter. Source a Random Float in Range block into the New Intensity parameter using Min and Max values of 900.0 and 3000.0 respectively. This now adds a variable intensity for each torch instance.
Connect the Delay block success pin to the trigger input of the Set Intensity block. This creates the sequence required for a light flicker.
Connect the Set Intensity success pin to the trigger input of the Delay block. This creates the loop for infinite light flickering.
Once the actor has been created in the blueprint editor, Compile and Save the blueprint.
In the main editor window, drag the blueprint instances into the scene and position as necessary.
Build all lighting for the level.