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Cross-Platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets

This project is merely to make the CD-ROM contents in the Book by Julian Smart and Kevin Hock avaiable in a moderized environment. That is to update the code to comply to WxWidgets 3.2 frameworks as 2.6.0 is seemingly (and even >2.2.0 releases when studying the artworks) the version that the authors used 20 odd years ago when writing the book.


Run the flowwing commands to download and setup the build environment:

git clone
cd Cross-Platform-GUI-Programming-with-wxWidgets
cmake .

Key Principles:

I'll strive to follow KISS, DRY and YAGNI principles (More about that here: Thus no fancy addtions are added in the source code. Only the minimum additions to get the applications to build and run with the least amount of effort is provided. Simple testing applications are written into Testing for the sole purpose to run the library files from generated in Chapters 3 and 20.

The Book is included in this repo here. As this book is in a public domain for free, I don't see any issue to include it.

Take Away points:


The build system used in this project is CMake, no build system whatsoever were included in the source files from CD-ROM. This poses a few issues if one wishes to build the examples and debug them straight away. For instance, the example in Chapter 3 the wxApp class is not used at all and therefore it can only be build as a library and can't be debugged without a test executable. The CMakeLists.txt file does not nessessarly follow "best practice" as it uses link_directories() and file GLOB for file fetching but it is OK in this context.

For the purpose of simplicity only a single CMakeLists.txt is provided. I'll reserve the learning of using best practises for CMake and test coverage to other resources:

Updated syntaxes (ver 2.6 => 3.2) "Errata" & Additions:

Fortunately, WxWidgets maintains a list of depreacted classes in

Chapter 3

SetBestFittingSize(size) is replaced by SetInitialSize(const wxSize& size) in chap03/fontctrl.cpp

Chapter 10

Please note that this example is able to build, however, no window will appear since there is no defined wxFrame instance; The example is solely to demonstrate the wxArtProvider class The code section for artprov.cpp reads:

// Initialization
bool MyApp::OnInit()

    wxArtProvider::PushProvider(new MyArtProvider);

    return true;

This will naturally not compile as the class MyApp is not defined in the scope, but reusing the following from Chapter 2 remidiates this:

class MyApp : public wxApp
    // Called on application startup
    virtual bool OnInit();


addtionally, wxArtProvider::PushProvider() is corrected to wxArtProvider::Push().

The bitmaps used in the example does not exist in 3.2 and recent releases of WxWidgets (with exception of art/helpicon.xpm); thus the bitmaps in were copied to the chap10 path.

Chapter 11

chap11/dnd.cpp is updated by the follwoing changes:

  • wxTHICK_FRAME is replaced by wxRESIZE_BORDER
  • wxFlexGridSizer(4, 2) is replaced by wxFlexGridSizer(4, 2, 1) The newer WxWidgets version requires two integers for vertical and horizontal gap sizing.

Chapter 12

Taskbar (Notification area) example

taskbar.cpp resembles cloosely the Taskbar example provided from wxWidgets repository ( It is best to look past this example from the book since tbtest.h is omitted and that wxDialog::Init method is deprecated, therefore all initalizations take place in the wxDialog::wxDialog() constructor. I will further suggest the following code section for the constructors is not very easy to follow as it straight forwards the initalization tasks to the wxDialog::Init method anyways.

MyDialog::MyDialog(wxWindow* parent, const wxWindowID id, const wxString& title,
    const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, const long windowStyle):
  wxDialog(parent, id, title, pos, size, windowStyle)

Therefore the example from the wxWidgets repo is copied and used instead.

Wizard Example

Missing file wiztest.xpm is copied from wiztest2.xpm were created by simply inverting the colors of wiztest.xpm in GIMP editor

Chapter 19

wxDocument::SaveObject() may use arguments wxOutputStream& stream or std::ostream& stream depending on configuration of the WxWidgets installation instance. chap19/doodle/doc.cpp

Chapter 20

Piped Process

#include "wx/filename.h" is appended in chap20/pipedprocess/debugger.cpp

Since the bitmaps were not included in the CD-ROM for the debugger application, those xpm-bitmap icons are replaced by icons found in ( even may be used or even the icons used in WinDbg ). These icon/bitmap files has to be converted to xpm files using GIMP, etc. One may ofcourse use GIMP to make what ever icons one wishes to, and create a custom theme.

This example basically attempts to use gdb (Gnu Debugger) executable located from from the path environmental variable. For windows, this is typically provided in a MSYS/CYGWIN environment. One may use the invoke the Visual C++ debugger (throu Visual Studio GUI) by: devenv /debugexe <some-exe-file> /log logfile.txt; this is . Alternatively, one may use lldb that is shipped with the LLVM compiler collection (You may even install LLVM with the Visual Studio installer wizard!)

For the CMakeLists.txt, you may choose to opt in for gdb, lldb or devenv with a log file watcher if MSVC is the target generator.

Riffle sample App

  • wxRect::Inside(wxPoint pt) is replaced by Contains(wxPoint pt).
  • wxSplitPath(wxString filePath, wxString& fullPath, wxString& fileName, wxString& fileExtension) is replaced by wxFileName::GetExt(), etc.
HTML Help files

The HTML Help files contains a HelpBlocks project file riffle.wxh that can be opened and edited. This is now a retired application last updated in 2019 and avaiable in full feature for free. For the convinence, the installation files are added to the HelpBlockSetup path of this repo along with registration name holder and key. This software is also available from The successor to HelpBlocks is Jutoh and charges a one-time fee of 45 USD for the basic edition.

Final Notes:

Most of the examples uses bitmaps imports directly into the source files, a more modern approach is to handle this into a reperate resource file; e.g. sample.rc.

HTML Help Content

For my personal taste, to organize and author HTML help content, I prefer to use HelpBlocks to organize the documents with indexes. However for creating the HTML files, I find it sufficient to a common word processor such as Microsoft Office Word, LibreOffice or OpenOffice. This is very neat for as nearly anybody can use these programs and create Help content very fast as they would make just about any other document. Once finished, one may just save the file as HTML document as a "printed" document. Most of HTML artifacts from these generated documents are supported see the wxHTML documentation. Unsupported features are dropped in the viewer. Usually, the limitations are that the help files should be created very simple manner. Having text floating over images will not be displayed correctly,

Option: One can create a post build command that activates the WinHelpCompiledFile.chm, given that HTML Help Workshop is installed, the path to the compiler (really just a file zipper) is typically: C:\Program Files (x86)\HTML Help Workshop\hhc.exe. The syntax is hhc.exe projFile.hhp For convience, of the user selects the USE_CHM CMake flag


The Book along with this repository brings a lot of value to learn how to work directly with wxWidgets and understand how things work under the hood. As you probably already know there are several WYSIWYG editors that allows you to create the basic source code for the GUI. Manually coding as presented in the Book and in this repo is not intended to replace that.

TODO: I intent to use the Riffle App as a viehle to showcase the modernizations that can be made to an application.

Multi-lingual applications

As demonstrated in a limited language selection in chap16 example, multilingual applications can be transleted with *.po files. These files can be viewed and edited in e.g. poedit. When deciding on which languages to choose when making an application, you would likely consider the following:

  • Supporting many languages introduces a lot of upkeep when updating the application with new features. This can however be automated away by a translation engine. In recent time, LLMs with billions of model parameters can be trained on millions of translation examples. One such open source model is BigTranslate. Using this however takes about 26 GB of disk space and scores worse than Google Translate. This is probably OK for meny item translations, but for HTML help files, this likely needs more careful though.
  • What is your target audience or demography? - does it makes sence to support Icelandic?. For example, If your application is intendeded for very tech savvy users around the globe, chances are that English is more than sufficient.
  • Profile your geographic marked - access English proficeny score index and evalute the need.
  • What markets are actually available for you? There are several trade-embargoed countries (and even a list of prohibited persons), that is effected by a ban of distributiong software (dual-use) that might be used for military applications (such as ERP - belive is or not). If your software is applicable for this criteria, it may not be worthwile at the time of wrting to support Russian etc for this very reason.

Signing the application

Since the publication, several things has happened in the Cyber Sequirty space. It now seems that Microsoft and anti-virus vendors can't trust any installers on the web unless the developers provide a hash signature and pays them to whitelist their application. Creating the setup wizard program as is will make Microsoft belive this is a 0-day trojan and generally won't accept the user to launch it (or even keep the file on disk). Therefore, Microsoft Signtool whitin the Windows SDK comes handy to create a digital certificate of the app.

An example to sign the application is provided here (and provided as an option for the Riffle app):

signtool sign
/f "path_to_your_certificate.pfx"
/p "your_certificate_password"
/t ""

This has to be performed for every release that is created, and best suited to be automated by the

creating the certificate "path_to_your_certificate.pfx" can be perfomred with powershell commands

  -Type Custom
  -Subject "CN=<Org Namespace>, O=<Org Name>, C=<Org-CountryCode>"
  -KeyUsage DigitalSignature
  -FriendlyName "My Friendly Cert Name"
  -CertStoreLocation "Cert:\CurrentUser\My"
  -TextExtension @("{text}", "{text}")
  -cert Cert:\CurrentUser\My\<Certificate Thumbprint>
  -FilePath <FilePath>.pfx
  -ProtectTo <Username or group name>

Please see New-SelfSignedCertificate documentation and

Setup Wizards

The Book does cover Inno Setup scripts for creating distributable setup wizards for installing software on client machines. This is more or less in the same approach for NSIS Setup, but NSIS do have a more advanced script structure that avoids most of the workarounds that the riffle\scripts\ does to generate the Inno setup script file from inno-top-file and inno-bottom-file along with pesky UNIX to DOS lineendings due to using MSIS/CYGWIN.

For this reason, I have provided an option in the CMakeLists.txt to create either a NSIS and/or Inno setup wizard.

For the past two decades, Microsoft has released three diffent installer methods ()

  • MSI - Database structured approach to fetch install media remotely - full Win32 application.
    • WiX Toolset is commonly used for this,
    • in CMakeLists.txt, using the CPack (included in CMake) module:
      install(TARGETS coolstuff RUNTIME DESTINATION bin)
      set(CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME "CoolStuff")
      set(CPACK_PACKAGE_VENDOR "Cool \"Company\"")
      set (CPACK_NSIS_MUI_ICON "@CMake_SOURCE_DIR@/Utilities/Release/CMakeLogo.ico")
      # set the add/remove programs icon using an installed executable
      set(CPACK_NSIS_INSTALLED_ICON_NAME "bin\\cmake-gui.exe")
      set (CPACK_PACKAGE_ICON "${CMake_SOURCE_DIR}/Utilities/Release\\CMakeInstall.bmp")
      Running the Cpack compiler after running CMake is fairly straight forward: cpack -C Release --config ./<build directory>/CPackConfig.cmake, or throu the IDE, CMake has a predefined target PACKAGE.
  • ClickOnce - Only for .NET desktop applications. However Visual C++ applications are also covered if they are dependencies to the .NET project. ClickOnce automates self-updating applications with simplified security permissions. read more here
  • APPX - Virtual machine sandboxing for application. This reduces the external resources that the application can use from the Windows system.
    • MSIX Packaging Tool

.msi setup file generated from the Windows Installer also included with the Windows SDK. .msi. MSIX Packaging Tool

One should also consider if you intend that the application may not need Administrator premissions to install for the end-user. If the software is placed in %APPDATA% instead of C:\Program Files, you only use local user rights. This is usually encapsulated in the wizard telling the user to install for all users (requires admin privledges) or "just for me".

Finally, Microsoft has now also a modern distribution channel for distributing software as a service; namely Microsoft Store. Both Free and Paid applications can be published there, but a commisioning fee for paid ones are introduced.


  • GitHub Actions & Badge: You may run catch2 with .\compiledTestExe --reporter xml, save it somewhere accessable, then use an url assembeled from in your markdown
  • CyberSecurity: CodeQL may be used to assess unsafe code sections, unreachable code and unused functions. Similarly, one can create a badge for the by generating a SARIF json document and possibly tally the respective levels with a simple python script.
  • Google C++ Style Guide issues can be reported by cpplint. This is just a python script that can be modified to whichever coding conventions you like, and outputs an xml report.