A wrapper for the Google Text To Speech API with various features.
You can download this package from npmjs. With command:
const GoogleTts = require("google-tts.js")
GoogleTts.getUrl("text", "language codes")
GoogleTts.getUrl("abc", "id").then(console.log)
success: true,
url: 'https://translate.google.com/translate_tts?ie=UTF-8&q=abc&tl=id&total=1&idx=0&textlen=24&client=tw-ob&prev=input&ttsspeed=1'
const GoogleTts = require("google-tts.js")
GoogleTts.saveFile("text", "language codes", "the location that will be filled by the result mp3. (optional)")
GoogleTts.saveFile("abc", "id", "./src/audio.mp3").then(console.log)
/* console log:
{ success: true, message: 'Saved audio in ./src/audio.mp3' }
/* and
add the resulting file to the location you wrote earlier.
console log:
{ success: true, message: 'Saved audio in ./src/audio.mp3' }
and add the resulting file to the location you wrote earlier.
GoogleTts.saveFile("text", "language codes", "the location that will be filled by the result mp3. (optional)")
GoogleTts.getUrl("text", "language codes")