This repo contains code and data for our neural tweet search paper published in AAAI'19.
Given a query, we aim to return the most relevant documents(tweets) by ranking their relevency. In social media search, the scenario is different as standard ad-hoc retrieval: shorter document length, less formal languages and multiple relevance source signals (e.g., URL, hashtag). We propose a hierarchical convolutional model to approach the hetergeneous relevance signals (tweet, URL, hashtag) at multiple perspectives, including character-, word-, phrase- and sentence-level modeling. Our model demonstrated significant gains on multiple twitter datasets against state-of-the-art neural ranking models. More details can be found in our paper.
- Python 2.7
- Tensorflow or Theano (tested on TF 1.4.1)
- Keras (tested on 2.0.5)
- Download our repo:
git clone
cd neural-tweet-search
- Install gdrive
- Download required data and word2vec:
$ chmod +x; ./
- Install Tensorflow and Keras dependency:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Train and test on GPU:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -u -t trec-2013
The path of best model and output predictions will be shown in the log. Default parameters should work reasonably well.
Note: you might need around ~40GB memory to create the dataset (because of the large size of IDF weights). Please file a issue if you have any problem in creating the dataset.
Parameter sweep to find the best parameter set:
chmod +x; ./ trec-2013 &
This command will save all the outputs under tune-logs folder.
$ ./trec_eval.8.1/trec_eval data/twitter-v0/qrels.microblog2011-2014.txt \
This should return the exact MPHCNN score on TREC 2013 dataset (MAP: 0.2818, P30: 0.5222) we reported in our paper.
option | input format | default | description |
-t |
[trec-2011, trec-2012, trec-2013, trec-2014] | trec-2011 | test set |
-l |
[true, false] | false | whether to load pre-created dataset (set to true when data is ready) |
--load_model |
[true, false] | false | whether to load pre-trained model |
-b |
[1, n) | 64 | batch size |
-n |
[1, n) | 256 | number of convolutional filters |
-d |
[0, 1] | 0.1 | dropout rate |
-o |
[sgd, adam, rmsprop] | sgd | optimization method |
--lr |
[0, 1] | 0.05 | learning rate |
--epochs |
[1, n) | 15 | number of training epochs |
--trainable |
[true, false] | true | whether to train word embeddings |
--val_split |
(0, 1) | 0.15 | percentage of validation set sampled from training set |
-v |
[0, 1, 2] | 1 | verbose (for logging), 0 for silent, 1 for interactive, 2 for per-epoch logging |
--conv_option |
[normal, ResNet] | normal | convolutional model, normal or ResNet |
--model_option |
[complete, word-url] | complete | what input sources to use, complete for MP-HCNN, word-url for only modeling query-tweet (word) and query-url (char) |
If you are using this code or dataset, please kindly cite the paper below:
title={Multi-Perspective Relevance Matching with Hierarchical ConvNets for Social Media Search},
author={Rao, Jinfeng and Yang, Wei and Zhang, Yuhao and Ture, Ferhan and Lin, Jimmy},
journal={Proceedings of the Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)},