- Localisation_Documentation_AWS - Setup Guide (Server by Server)
- Localisation_RaspberryPI_Setup - All RPI Setup and Troubleshooting
- Localisation_Troubleshooting - All troubleshooting steps and guide for every server
- Useful Automated Scripts
- Overall System Architecture and its respective Technologies - http://gofile.me/2xtQD/d5ROiCZJR
- Calibration_Documentation - All calibration Guide
Useful Scripts are found in /scripts/intel-edison-setup/Automated Scripts
Extract scripts are found in /scripts/extract-data
Mini Assignment - http://gofile.me/2xtQD/Q4mDZh5mV
- api-server - Connector to Postgres RDS
- Notification-server
- Algorithm-server - Barycentric Localisation
- elk-server - Logstash config files for writing to Elasticsearch
- analysis-server - Calibration Files
- new-web-server - Development website
- medicalWebsite - Client website
- Location Tracking - http://gofile.me/2xtQD/73hNwKNf2
- Vitals Monitoring - http://gofile.me/2xtQD/sRjmbqXjo
- Contact Tracing - http://gofile.me/2xtQD/1yQCSxGVB
- Complete_AH - http://gofile.me/2xtQD/mC44lncxy
- MD6 (Reduced Length) - http://gofile.me/2xtQD/cJ3jqBLKL
- Filter_Explanation - http://gofile.me/2xtQD/gZWMMQMgy