# Wallpapers Images meant to be used as desktop backgrounds. ## GameBackdrop & GameBackdropGiana 1920x1200 - A celebration of a few classic games from the past. The first version (GameBackdrop) was built around Super Mario Level 1, but I had to shrink it to fit the screen so it didn't look great. I was then asked to do a version without the Nintendo references so I did GameBackdropGiana. Since the Giana Sisters level 1 map is shorter it almost fit completely in 1920 pixels, so I could do this one pixel perfect. I have mainly continued to work on the Giana Sisters based backdrop and focus on Amiga and C64 games even though a few other classics have gotten in - and yes, there still is a Ninitendo referrence :-o .. Includes Gimp project file. The level itself is Giana Sisters level 1 (C64). Interleaved in a few places are pipes from Pipe Mania (Amiga). Then, going from left to right, we see: * Moonstone (Amiga) * James Pond II - RoboCod (Amiga) * Dalek Attack (Amiga) * Cybernoid (C64) * Worms 2 (Some platform, need to get a proper Amiga screenshot here) * Tiny Bobble (Amiga) - Should be the original Bubble Bobble Amiga sprite * Batman (C64) * Silkworm (Amiga) * Rodland (Amiga) * Lemmings (Amiga) * International Karate+ (C64) * Boulder Dash (C64) * Pacmania (Amiga) * Flashback (Unknown platform. Should get a verified Amiga screenshot.) * Another World (Amiga) * Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (Amiga) * Simon the Sorcerer (Amiga) * Switchblade II (Amiga) * Monty Python (Amiga) * Rick Dangerous (Amiga) * Monkey Island 2 (Amiga) * Space Invaders (Arcade, Taito) * Canon Fodder (Amiga) * Pengo (C64) * Impossible Mission (C64) * Turrican II (Amiga) * Superfrog (Amiga) * Tetris (Game Boy) * Rainbow Island (Amiga) * Gods (Amiga) * Flight of the Amazon Queen (Amiga) * Star Trek (Amiga) * Barbarian (Amiga) * Choplifter! (C64) * Blagger (C64)