diff --git a/docs/source/usage/benchmarks.rst b/docs/source/usage/benchmarks.rst
index 3774b6a5..6a746723 100644
--- a/docs/source/usage/benchmarks.rst
+++ b/docs/source/usage/benchmarks.rst
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ benchmark in JADE.
expect a single library (e.g. ``31c``), activation ones require
two: an activation library and a transport one for all zaids that
cannot be activated (e.g. ``99c-31c``).
+ * The irradiation and activation files if present for a SDDR benchmark should be
+ placed in the same folder as the input file.
* In activation benchmarks, the library that is considered the assessed one
is always the activation library (i.e. the first provided). No track
is kept during the post-processing of which was the transport library used
diff --git a/jade/computational.py b/jade/computational.py
index f0856795..5e254bbd 100644
--- a/jade/computational.py
+++ b/jade/computational.py
@@ -87,9 +87,14 @@ def executeBenchmarksRoutines(session, lib: str, runoption, exp=False) -> None:
- print("Transport code was not specified or is not available for input generation, defaulting to MCNP")
- print("")
- row["MCNP"]=True
+ if (
+ testname in ["SphereSDDR", "FNG", "ITER_Cyl_SDDR"]
+ ):
+ row["d1S"] = True
+ else:
+ print("Transport code was not specified or is not available for input generation, defaulting to MCNP")
+ print("")
+ row["MCNP"] = True
print(" -- " + testname.upper() + " STARTED --\n")
print(" Generating input files:" + " " + str(datetime.datetime.now()))
diff --git a/jade/configuration.py b/jade/configuration.py
index c02eb4e8..3f674ab9 100644
--- a/jade/configuration.py
+++ b/jade/configuration.py
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ def _process_path(self, file_path: str) -> str:
if not os.path.exists(file_path):
# If to terminate or not the session is lef to the user
# other codes path may be present but not used
- logging.warning("Path {file_path} do not exist")
+ logging.warning(f"Path {file_path} do not exist")
# fatal_exception(file_path + ' does not exist')
return file_path
diff --git a/jade/default_settings/Config.xlsx b/jade/default_settings/Config.xlsx
index edb2ba00..b324648b 100644
Binary files a/jade/default_settings/Config.xlsx and b/jade/default_settings/Config.xlsx differ
diff --git a/jade/excel_support.py b/jade/excel_support.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 65b3f744..00000000
--- a/jade/excel_support.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,588 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Created on Thu Jan 2 12:05:36 2020
-@author: Davide Laghi
-Copyright 2021, the JADE Development Team. All rights reserved.
-This file is part of JADE.
-JADE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-JADE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with JADE. If not, see .
-# from copy import copy
-# import openpyxl
-import pandas as pd
-# def createNewWorkbook(manyWb, theOne):
-# for wb in manyWb:
-# for sheetName in wb.sheetnames:
-# o = theOne.create_sheet(sheetName)
-# safeTitle = o.title
-# copySheet(wb[sheetName], theOne[safeTitle])
-# def copySheet(sourceSheet, newSheet):
-# for row in sourceSheet.rows:
-# for cell in row:
-# newCell = newSheet.cell(row=cell.row, column=cell.col_idx,
-# value=cell.value)
-# if cell.has_style:
-# newCell.font = copy(cell.font)
-# newCell.border = copy(cell.border)
-# newCell.fill = copy(cell.fill)
-# newCell.number_format = copy(cell.number_format)
-# newCell.protection = copy(cell.protection)
-# newCell.alignment = copy(cell.alignment)
-# def merge_sheets(filesInput, outfile):
-# myfriends = [openpyxl.load_workbook(f, read_only=False,
-# keep_vba=True) for f in filesInput]
-# # theOne = openpyxl.Workbook()
-# # del theOne['Sheet'] # We want our new book to be empty. Thanks.
-# createNewWorkbook(myfriends, outfile)
-# for excel in myfriends:
-# excel.close()
-# # outfile.save(outfile)
-def insert_df(startrow, startcolumn, df, ws, header=True):
- """
- Insert a DataFrame (df) into a Worksheet (ws) using xlwings.
- (startrow) and (startcolumn) identify the starting data entry
- """
- columns = list(df.columns)
- values = df.values
- if header:
- for i, column in enumerate(range(startcolumn,
- startcolumn+len(columns))):
- value = columns[i]
- try:
- ws.cell(column=column, row=startrow,value=value)
- #ws.range((startrow, column)).value = value
- except (AttributeError, ValueError) as e:
- print(e)
- print('Warning! header not printes: column,value',
- column, value)
- startrow = startrow+1
- for i, row in enumerate(range(startrow, startrow+len(df))):
- for j, column in enumerate(range(startcolumn,
- startcolumn+len(df.columns))):
- value = values[i][j]
- try:
- ws.cell(column=column,row=row,value=value)
- #ws.range((row, column)).value = value
- except (AttributeError, ValueError) as e:
- print(e)
- print('Warning! value not printed: row,column,value', row,
- column, value)
-def single_excel_writer(self, outpath, lib, tallies, stats=None):
- """
- Produces single library summary excel file using XLSXwriter
- Parameters
- ----------
- outpath : path or str
- path to the output in Tests/Postprocessing.
- lib : str
- Shorthand representation of data library (i.e 00c, 31c).
- tallies : Dataframe
- Summary of tally tallies
- errors: Dataframe
- Errors on tally tallies
- stats: Dataframe
- Results of statistical checks
- Returns
- -------
- None
- """
- writer = pd.ExcelWriter(outpath, engine="xlsxwriter")
- #for df in (tallies, errors):
- #df.set_index("Zaid", inplace=True)
- startrow = 8
- startcol = 1
- max_len = 0
- max_width = 0
- df_positions = []
- for tally, results in tallies.items():
- #print(results)
- tally_len, tally_width = results["Value"].shape
- df_positions.append([startrow,startcol])
- #print(pd.Series(results["title"]))
- #pd.Series(results["title"]).to_excel(writer, startrow=startrow, startcol=startcol+1, sheet_name="Values", index=False, header=False)
- results["Value"].to_excel(writer, startrow=startrow+1, startcol=startcol, sheet_name="Values")
- startrow = startrow + tally_len + 3
- max_len = max_len + tally_len
- if tally_width > max_width:
- max_width = tally_width
- wb = writer.book
- tal_sheet = writer.sheets["Values"]
- #errors.to_excel(writer, startrow=8, startcol=1, sheet_name="Errors")
- #err_sheet = writer.sheets["Errors"]
- #tallies_len, tallies_width = tallies.shape
- #errors_len, errors_width = errors.shape
- if stats is not None:
- print(stats)
- #stats.set_index("Zaid", inplace=True)
- stats.to_excel(
- writer, startrow=8, startcol=1, sheet_name="Statistical Checks"
- )
- stat_sheet = writer.sheets["Statistical Checks"]
- stats_len, stats_width = stats.shape
- # Formatting styles
- plain_format = wb.add_format({"bg_color": "#FFFFFF"})
- oob_format = wb.add_format(
- {
- "align": "center",
- "valign": "center",
- "bg_color": "#D9D9D9",
- "text_wrap": True,
- }
- )
- tally_format = wb.add_format({"bg_color": "#D9D9D9"})
- merge_format = wb.add_format(
- {"align": "center", "valign": "center", "border": 2}
- )
- title_merge_format = wb.add_format(
- {
- "font_size": "36",
- "align": "center",
- "valign": "center",
- "bold": True,
- "border": 2,
- }
- )
- subtitle_merge_format = wb.add_format(
- {
- "font_size": "16",
- "align": "center",
- "valign": "center",
- "bold": True,
- "border": 2,
- }
- )
- legend_text_format = wb.add_format({"align": "center", "bg_color": "white"})
- red_cell_format = wb.add_format({"bg_color": "red"})
- orange_cell_format = wb.add_format({"bg_color": "orange"})
- yellow_cell_format = wb.add_format({"bg_color": "yellow"})
- green_cell_format = wb.add_format({"bg_color": "#A6D86E"})
- value_allzero_format = wb.add_format({"bg_color": "#EDEDED"})
- value_belowzero_format = wb.add_format({"bg_color": "#FFC7CE"})
- value_abovezero_format = wb.add_format({"bg_color": "#C6EFCE"})
- # tallies
- # Title Format
- tal_sheet.merge_range("B1:C2", "LIBRARY", subtitle_merge_format)
- tal_sheet.merge_range("D1:D2", lib, subtitle_merge_format)
- tal_sheet.merge_range(
- )
- for tal in range(len(df_positions)):
- tal_sheet.merge_range(df_positions[tal][0],
- df_positions[tal][1] + 1,
- df_positions[tal][0],
- df_positions[tal][1] + 4,
- list(tallies.values())[tal]["title"],
- subtitle_merge_format)
- #tal_sheet.merge_range("B8:C8", "ZAID", subtitle_merge_format)
- #tal_sheet.merge_range("D8:L8", "TALLY", subtitle_merge_format)
- # Freeze title
- tal_sheet.freeze_panes(8, 2)
- # out of bounds
- tal_sheet.set_column(0, 0, 4, oob_format)
- tal_sheet.set_column(max_width + 2, 1000, 18, oob_format)
- for i in range(9):
- tal_sheet.set_row(i, None, oob_format)
- for i in range(9 + max_len, 1000):
- tal_sheet.set_row(i, None, oob_format)
- # Column widths for tallies, set up to 15th col to ensure title format correct
- tal_sheet.set_column(1, 14, 20)
- tal_sheet.set_column(1, max_width + 2, 20)
- # Row Heights
- tal_sheet.set_row(7, 31)
- #tal_sheet.set_row(8, 73.25)
- # Legend
- tal_sheet.merge_range("N3:O3", "LEGEND", merge_format)
- tal_sheet.merge_range("N8:O8", "According to MCNP manual", oob_format)
- tal_sheet.write("N4", "", red_cell_format)
- tal_sheet.write("O4", ">|5|%", legend_text_format)
- tal_sheet.write("N5", "", orange_cell_format)
- tal_sheet.write("O5", "|1|%≤|5|%", legend_text_format)
- tal_sheet.write("N6", "", yellow_cell_format)
- tal_sheet.write("O6", "|0.5|%≤|1|%", legend_text_format)
- tal_sheet.write("N7", "", green_cell_format)
- tal_sheet.write("O7", "<|0.5|%", legend_text_format)
- # Conditional Formatting
- tal_sheet.conditional_format(
- 10,
- 1,
- 8 + max_len,
- max_width + 1,
- {"type": "blanks", "format": oob_format},
- )
- tal_sheet.conditional_format(
- 10,
- 2,
- 8 + max_len,
- max_width + 1,
- {
- "type": "text",
- "criteria": "containing",
- "value": "Value = 0",
- "format": value_allzero_format,
- },
- )
- tal_sheet.conditional_format(
- 10,
- 2,
- 8 + max_len,
- max_width + 1,
- {
- "type": "text",
- "criteria": "containing",
- "value": "Value < 0",
- "format": value_belowzero_format,
- },
- )
- tal_sheet.conditional_format(
- 10,
- 2,
- 8 + max_len,
- max_width + 1,
- {
- "type": "text",
- "criteria": "containing",
- "value": "Value > 0",
- "format": value_abovezero_format,
- },
- )
- tal_sheet.conditional_format(
- 10,
- 2,
- 8 + max_len,
- max_width + 1,
- {
- "type": "cell",
- "criteria": "greater than",
- "value": 0.05,
- "format": red_cell_format,
- },
- )
- tal_sheet.conditional_format(
- 10,
- 2,
- 8 + max_len,
- max_width + 1,
- {
- "type": "cell",
- "criteria": "between",
- "minimum": 0.01,
- "maximum": 0.05,
- "format": orange_cell_format,
- },
- )
- tal_sheet.conditional_format(
- 10,
- 2,
- 8 + max_len,
- max_width + 1,
- {
- "type": "cell",
- "criteria": "between",
- "minimum": 0.005,
- "maximum": 0.01,
- "format": yellow_cell_format,
- },
- )
- tal_sheet.conditional_format(
- 10,
- 2,
- 8 + max_len,
- max_width + 1,
- {
- "type": "cell",
- "criteria": "less than",
- "value": -0.05,
- "format": red_cell_format,
- },
- )
- tal_sheet.conditional_format(
- 10,
- 2,
- 8 + max_len,
- max_width + 1,
- {
- "type": "cell",
- "criteria": "between",
- "minimum": -0.05,
- "maximum": -0.01,
- "format": orange_cell_format,
- },
- )
- tal_sheet.conditional_format(
- 10,
- 2,
- 8 + max_len,
- max_width + 1,
- {
- "type": "cell",
- "criteria": "between",
- "minimum": -0.01,
- "maximum": -0.005,
- "format": yellow_cell_format,
- },
- )
- tal_sheet.conditional_format(
- 10,
- 2,
- 8 + max_len,
- max_width + 1,
- {
- "type": "cell",
- "criteria": "between",
- "minimum": -0.005,
- "maximum": 0.005,
- "format": green_cell_format,
- },
- )
- # Title
- #err_sheet.merge_range("B1:C2", "LIBRARY", subtitle_merge_format)
- #err_sheet.merge_range("D1:D2", lib, subtitle_merge_format)
- #err_sheet.merge_range(
- # "B3:L7", "SPHERE LEAKAGE TEST RESULTS RECAP: ERRORS", title_merge_format
- #)
- #err_sheet.merge_range("B8:C8", "ZAID", subtitle_merge_format)
- #err_sheet.merge_range("D8:L8", "TALLY", subtitle_merge_format)
- ## Freeze title
- #err_sheet.freeze_panes(9, 0)
- ## out of bounds
- #err_sheet.set_column(0, 0, 4, oob_format)
- #err_sheet.set_column(errors_width + 2, 1000, 18, oob_format)
- #for i in range(9):
- # err_sheet.set_row(i, None, oob_format)
- #for i in range(9 + errors_len, 1000):
- # err_sheet.set_row(i, None, oob_format)
- ## Column widths for errors, set up to 15th col by default to ensure title format correct
- #err_sheet.set_column(1, 14, 20)
- #err_sheet.set_column(1, errors_width + 2, 20)
- ## Row Heights
- #err_sheet.set_row(7, 31)
- #err_sheet.set_row(8, 73.25)
- ## Legend
- #err_sheet.merge_range("N3:O3", "LEGEND", merge_format)
- #err_sheet.merge_range("N8:O8", "According to MCNP manual", oob_format)
- #err_sheet.write("N4", "", red_cell_format)
- #err_sheet.write("O4", "> 50%", legend_text_format)
- #err_sheet.write("N5", "", orange_cell_format)
- #err_sheet.write("O5", "20% ≤ 50%", legend_text_format)
- #err_sheet.write("N6", "", yellow_cell_format)
- #err_sheet.write("O6", "10% ≤ 20%", legend_text_format)
- #err_sheet.write("N7", "", green_cell_format)
- #err_sheet.write("O7", "< 10%", legend_text_format)
- ## Conditional Formatting
- #err_sheet.conditional_format(
- # 9,
- # 3,
- # 8 + errors_len,
- # errors_width + 1,
- # {"type": "blanks", "format": plain_format},
- #)
- #err_sheet.conditional_format(
- # 9,
- # 3,
- # 8 + errors_len,
- # errors_width + 1,
- # {"type": "cell", "criteria": ">", "value": 0.5, "format": red_cell_format},
- #)
- #err_sheet.conditional_format(
- # 9,
- # 3,
- # 8 + errors_len,
- # errors_width + 1,
- # {
- # "type": "cell",
- # "criteria": "between",
- # "minimum": 0.2,
- # "maximum": 0.5,
- # "format": orange_cell_format,
- # },
- #)
- #err_sheet.conditional_format(
- # 9,
- # 3,
- # 8 + errors_len,
- # errors_width + 1,
- # {
- # "type": "cell",
- # "criteria": "between",
- # "minimum": 0.1,
- # "maximum": 0.2,
- # "format": yellow_cell_format,
- # },
- #)
- #err_sheet.conditional_format(
- # 9,
- # 3,
- # 8 + errors_len,
- # errors_width + 1,
- # {"type": "cell", "criteria": "<", "value": -0.5, "format": red_cell_format},
- #)
- #err_sheet.conditional_format(
- # 9,
- # 3,
- # 8 + errors_len,
- # errors_width + 1,
- # {
- # "type": "cell",
- # "criteria": "between",
- # "minimum": -0.5,
- # "maximum": -0.2,
- # "format": orange_cell_format,
- # },
- #)
- #err_sheet.conditional_format(
- # 9,
- # 3,
- # 8 + errors_len,
- # errors_width + 1,
- # {
- # "type": "cell",
- # "criteria": "between",
- # "minimum": -0.2,
- # "maximum": -0.1,
- # "format": yellow_cell_format,
- # },
- #)
- #err_sheet.conditional_format(
- # 9,
- # 3,
- # 8 + errors_len,
- # errors_width + 1,
- # {
- # "type": "cell",
- # "criteria": "between",
- # "minimum": -0.1,
- # "maximum": 0.1,
- # "format": green_cell_format,
- # },
- #)
- if stats is not None:
- # Title
- stat_sheet.merge_range("B1:C2", "LIBRARY", subtitle_merge_format)
- stat_sheet.merge_range("D1:D2", lib, subtitle_merge_format)
- stat_sheet.merge_range(
- "B3:L7",
- title_merge_format,
- )
- stat_sheet.merge_range("B8:C8", "ZAID", subtitle_merge_format)
- stat_sheet.merge_range("D8:L8", "TALLY", subtitle_merge_format)
- # Freeze title
- stat_sheet.freeze_panes(9, 0)
- # out of bounds
- stat_sheet.set_column(0, 0, 4, oob_format)
- stat_sheet.set_column(stats_width + 2, 1000, 18, oob_format)
- for i in range(9):
- stat_sheet.set_row(i, None, oob_format)
- for i in range(9 + stats_len, 1000):
- stat_sheet.set_row(i, None, oob_format)
- # Column widths for errors, set up to 15th col by default to ensure title format correct
- stat_sheet.set_column(1, 14, 20)
- stat_sheet.set_column(1, stats_width + 2, 20)
- # Row Heights
- stat_sheet.set_row(7, 31)
- stat_sheet.set_row(8, 73.25)
- # Formatting
- stat_sheet.conditional_format(
- 9,
- 3,
- 8 + stats_len,
- stats_width + 1,
- {"type": "blanks", "format": plain_format},
- )
- stat_sheet.conditional_format(
- 9,
- 3,
- 8 + stats_len,
- stats_width + 1,
- {
- "type": "text",
- "criteria": "containing",
- "value": "Passed",
- "format": value_abovezero_format,
- },
- )
- stat_sheet.conditional_format(
- 9,
- 3,
- 8 + stats_len,
- stats_width + 1,
- {
- "type": "text",
- "criteria": "containing",
- "value": "All zeros",
- "format": value_allzero_format,
- },
- )
- stat_sheet.conditional_format(
- 9,
- 3,
- 8 + stats_len,
- stats_width + 1,
- {
- "type": "text",
- "criteria": "containing",
- "value": "Missed",
- "format": value_belowzero_format,
- },
- )
- wb.close()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jade/excelsupport.py b/jade/excelsupport.py
index d413c83d..399e2fe3 100644
--- a/jade/excelsupport.py
+++ b/jade/excelsupport.py
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ def insert_df(startrow, startcolumn, df, ws, header=True):
#ws.range((row, column)).value = value
except (AttributeError, ValueError) as e:
- print('Warning! value not printed: row,column,value', row,
+ print('Warning! value not printed: row, column, value', row,
column, value)
def single_excel_writer(self, outpath, lib, testname, tallies, stats=None):
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ def single_excel_writer(self, outpath, lib, testname, tallies, stats=None):
df_positions = []
+ print(tallies)
for tally, results in tallies.items():
tally_len, tally_width = results["Value"].shape
@@ -459,4 +459,560 @@ def single_excel_writer(self, outpath, lib, testname, tallies, stats=None):
+ wb.close()
+def comp_excel_writer(self, outpath, lib_to_comp, testname, comps, abs_diffs, std_devs):
+ """
+ Produces single library summary excel file using XLSXwriter
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ outpath : path or str
+ path to the output in Tests/Postprocessing.
+ lib_to_comp : str
+ Shorthand representation of data libraries to be
+ compared (i.e 00c_vs_31c).
+ tallies : Dataframe
+ Summary of tally tallies
+ errors: Dataframe
+ Errors on tally tallies
+ stats: Dataframe
+ Results of statistical checks
+ Returns
+ -------
+ None
+ """
+ writer = pd.ExcelWriter(outpath, engine="xlsxwriter")
+ title = testname + " RESULTS RECAP: Comparison"
+ startrow = 8
+ startcol = 1
+ max_len = 0
+ max_width = 0
+ df_positions = []
+ for i in range(len(comps.keys())):
+ comp_len, comp_width = list(comps.values())[i]["Value"].shape
+ df_positions.append([startrow,startcol])
+ list(comps.values())[i]["Value"].to_excel(writer, startrow=startrow+1,
+ startcol=startcol,
+ sheet_name="Comparisons (%)")
+ list(std_devs.values())[i]["Value"].to_excel(writer, startrow=startrow+1,
+ startcol=startcol,
+ sheet_name="Comparisons (std. dev.)")
+ list(abs_diffs.values())[i]["Value"].to_excel(writer, startrow=startrow+1,
+ startcol=startcol,
+ sheet_name="Comparisons (abs. diff.)")
+ startrow = startrow + comp_len + 3
+ max_len = max_len + comp_len + 3
+ if comp_width > max_width:
+ max_width = comp_width
+ wb = writer.book
+ comp_sheet = writer.sheets["Comparisons (%)"]
+ std_dev_sheet = writer.sheets["Comparisons (std. dev.)"]
+ absdiff_sheet = writer.sheets["Comparisons (abs. diff.)"]
+ # Formatting styles
+ plain_format = wb.add_format({"bg_color": "#FFFFFF"})
+ oob_format = wb.add_format(
+ {
+ "align": "center",
+ "valign": "center",
+ "bg_color": "#D9D9D9",
+ "text_wrap": True,
+ }
+ )
+ tally_format = wb.add_format({"bg_color": "#D9D9D9"})
+ merge_format = wb.add_format(
+ {"align": "center", "valign": "center", "border": 2}
+ )
+ title_merge_format = wb.add_format(
+ {
+ "font_size": "36",
+ "align": "center",
+ "valign": "center",
+ "bold": True,
+ "border": 2,
+ }
+ )
+ subtitle_merge_format = wb.add_format(
+ {
+ "font_size": "16",
+ "align": "center",
+ "valign": "center",
+ "bold": True,
+ "border": 2,
+ }
+ )
+ legend_text_format = wb.add_format({"align": "center", "bg_color": "white"})
+ red_cell_format = wb.add_format({"bg_color": "red"})
+ orange_cell_format = wb.add_format({"bg_color": "orange"})
+ yellow_cell_format = wb.add_format({"bg_color": "yellow"})
+ green_cell_format = wb.add_format({"bg_color": "#A6D86E"})
+ value_allzero_format = wb.add_format({"bg_color": "#EDEDED"})
+ value_belowzero_format = wb.add_format({"bg_color": "#FFC7CE"})
+ value_abovezero_format = wb.add_format({"bg_color": "#C6EFCE"})
+ not_avail_format = wb.add_format({"bg_color": "#B8B8B8"})
+ target_ref_format = wb.add_format({"bg_color": "#8465C5"})
+ identical_format = wb.add_format({"bg_color": "#7ABD7E"})
+ # Title Format
+ comp_sheet.merge_range("B1:C2", "LIBRARY", subtitle_merge_format)
+ comp_sheet.merge_range("D1:D2", lib_to_comp, subtitle_merge_format)
+ comp_sheet.merge_range(
+ "B3:L8", "{} RESULTS RECAP: COMPARISON (%)".format(testname), title_merge_format
+ )
+ for tal in range(len(df_positions)):
+ comp_sheet.merge_range(df_positions[tal][0],
+ df_positions[tal][1] + 1,
+ df_positions[tal][0],
+ df_positions[tal][1] + 4,
+ list(comps.values())[tal]["title"],
+ subtitle_merge_format)
+ #comp_sheet.merge_range("B8:C8", "ZAID", subtitle_merge_format)
+ #comp_sheet.merge_range("D8:L8", "TALLY", subtitle_merge_format)
+ # Freeze title
+ comp_sheet.freeze_panes(8, 2)
+ # out of bounds
+ comp_sheet.set_column(0, 0, 4, oob_format)
+ comp_sheet.set_column(max_width + 2, max_width + 20, 18, oob_format)
+ for i in range(9):
+ comp_sheet.set_row(i, None, oob_format)
+ for i in range(8 + max_len, max_len + 50):
+ comp_sheet.set_row(i, None, oob_format)
+ # Column widths for tallies, set up to 15th col to ensure title format correct
+ comp_sheet.set_column(1, 14, 20)
+ comp_sheet.set_column(1, max_width + 2, 20)
+ # Row Heights
+ comp_sheet.set_row(7, 31)
+ #comp_sheet.set_row(8, 73.25)
+ # Legend
+ comp_sheet.merge_range("N3:O3", "LEGEND", merge_format)
+ comp_sheet.write("N4", "", red_cell_format)
+ comp_sheet.write("O4", ">|20|%", legend_text_format)
+ comp_sheet.write("N5", "", orange_cell_format)
+ comp_sheet.write("O5", "|20|%≤|10|%", legend_text_format)
+ comp_sheet.write("N6", "", yellow_cell_format)
+ comp_sheet.write("O6", "|10|%≤|5|%", legend_text_format)
+ comp_sheet.write("N7", "", green_cell_format)
+ comp_sheet.write("O7", "<|5|%", legend_text_format)
+ comp_sheet.conditional_format(
+ 10,
+ 2,
+ 8 + max_len,
+ max_width + 1,
+ {"type": "blanks", "format": oob_format},
+ )
+ comp_sheet.conditional_format(
+ 10,
+ 2,
+ 8 + max_len,
+ max_width + 1,
+ {"type": "blanks", "format": plain_format},
+ )
+ comp_sheet.conditional_format(
+ 10,
+ 2,
+ 8 + max_len,
+ max_width + 1,
+ {
+ "type": "text",
+ "criteria": "containing",
+ "value": "Not Available",
+ "format": not_avail_format,
+ },
+ )
+ comp_sheet.conditional_format(
+ 10,
+ 2,
+ 8 + max_len,
+ max_width + 1,
+ {
+ "type": "text",
+ "criteria": "containing",
+ "value": "Target = 0",
+ "format": target_ref_format,
+ },
+ )
+ comp_sheet.conditional_format(
+ 10,
+ 2,
+ 8 + max_len,
+ max_width + 1,
+ {
+ "type": "text",
+ "criteria": "containing",
+ "value": "Reference = 0",
+ "format": target_ref_format,
+ },
+ )
+ comp_sheet.conditional_format(
+ 10,
+ 2,
+ 8 + max_len,
+ max_width + 1,
+ {
+ "type": "text",
+ "criteria": "containing",
+ "value": "Identical",
+ "format": identical_format,
+ },
+ )
+ comp_sheet.conditional_format(
+ 10,
+ 2,
+ 8 + max_len,
+ max_width + 1,
+ {
+ "type": "cell",
+ "criteria": "greater than",
+ "value": 0.2,
+ "format": red_cell_format,
+ },
+ )
+ comp_sheet.conditional_format(
+ 10,
+ 2,
+ 8 + max_len,
+ max_width + 1,
+ {
+ "type": "cell",
+ "criteria": "between",
+ "minimum": 0.1,
+ "maximum": 0.2,
+ "format": orange_cell_format,
+ },
+ )
+ comp_sheet.conditional_format(
+ 10,
+ 2,
+ 8 + max_len,
+ max_width + 1,
+ {
+ "type": "cell",
+ "criteria": "between",
+ "minimum": 0.05,
+ "maximum": 0.1,
+ "format": yellow_cell_format,
+ },
+ )
+ comp_sheet.conditional_format(
+ 10,
+ 2,
+ 8 + max_len,
+ max_width + 1,
+ {
+ "type": "cell",
+ "criteria": "less than",
+ "value": -0.2,
+ "format": red_cell_format,
+ },
+ )
+ comp_sheet.conditional_format(
+ 10,
+ 2,
+ 8 + max_len,
+ max_width + 1,
+ {
+ "type": "cell",
+ "criteria": "between",
+ "minimum": -0.5,
+ "maximum": -0.1,
+ "format": orange_cell_format,
+ },
+ )
+ comp_sheet.conditional_format(
+ 10,
+ 2,
+ 8 + max_len,
+ max_width + 1,
+ {
+ "type": "cell",
+ "criteria": "between",
+ "minimum": -0.1,
+ "maximum": -0.05,
+ "format": yellow_cell_format,
+ },
+ )
+ comp_sheet.conditional_format(
+ 10,
+ 2,
+ 8 + max_len,
+ max_width + 1,
+ {
+ "type": "cell",
+ "criteria": "between",
+ "minimum": -0.05,
+ "maximum": 0.05,
+ "format": green_cell_format,
+ },
+ )
+ # Title
+ absdiff_sheet.merge_range("B1:C2", "LIBRARY", subtitle_merge_format)
+ absdiff_sheet.merge_range("D1:D2", lib_to_comp, subtitle_merge_format)
+ absdiff_sheet.merge_range(
+ "B3:L8", "{} RESULTS RECAP: COMPARISON (Absolute Difference)".format(testname), title_merge_format
+ )
+ for tal in range(len(df_positions)):
+ absdiff_sheet.merge_range(df_positions[tal][0],
+ df_positions[tal][1] + 1,
+ df_positions[tal][0],
+ df_positions[tal][1] + 4,
+ list(comps.values())[tal]["title"],
+ subtitle_merge_format)
+ #absdiff_sheet.merge_range("B8:C8", "ZAID", subtitle_merge_format)
+ #absdiff_sheet.merge_range("D8:L8", "TALLY", subtitle_merge_format)
+ # Freeze title
+ absdiff_sheet.freeze_panes(8, 2)
+ # out of bounds
+ absdiff_sheet.set_column(0, 0, 4, oob_format)
+ absdiff_sheet.set_column(max_width + 2, max_width + 20, 18, oob_format)
+ for i in range(9):
+ absdiff_sheet.set_row(i, None, oob_format)
+ for i in range(8 + max_len, max_len + 50):
+ absdiff_sheet.set_row(i, None, oob_format)
+ # Column widths for errors, set up to 15th col by default to ensure title format correct
+ absdiff_sheet.set_column(1, 14, 20)
+ absdiff_sheet.set_column(1, max_width + 2, 20)
+ # Row Heights
+ absdiff_sheet.set_row(7, 31)
+ #absdiff_sheet.set_row(8, 73.25)
+ # Legend
+ absdiff_sheet.merge_range("N3:O3", "LEGEND", merge_format)
+ absdiff_sheet.merge_range("N8:O8", "According to MCNP manual", oob_format)
+ absdiff_sheet.write("N4", "", red_cell_format)
+ absdiff_sheet.write("O4", "> 50%", legend_text_format)
+ absdiff_sheet.write("N5", "", orange_cell_format)
+ absdiff_sheet.write("O5", "20% ≤ 50%", legend_text_format)
+ absdiff_sheet.write("N6", "", yellow_cell_format)
+ absdiff_sheet.write("O6", "10% ≤ 20%", legend_text_format)
+ absdiff_sheet.write("N7", "", green_cell_format)
+ absdiff_sheet.write("O7", "< 10%", legend_text_format)
+ # Conditional Formatting
+ absdiff_sheet.conditional_format(
+ 10,
+ 1,
+ 8 + max_len,
+ max_width + 1,
+ {"type": "blanks", "format": oob_format},
+ )
+ # Title Format
+ std_dev_sheet.merge_range("B1:C2", "LIBRARY", subtitle_merge_format)
+ std_dev_sheet.merge_range("D1:D2", lib_to_comp, subtitle_merge_format)
+ std_dev_sheet.merge_range(
+ "B3:L8", "{} RESULTS RECAP: COMPARISON (Standard deviations from reference library)".format(testname), title_merge_format
+ )
+ for tal in range(len(df_positions)):
+ std_dev_sheet.merge_range(df_positions[tal][0],
+ df_positions[tal][1] + 1,
+ df_positions[tal][0],
+ df_positions[tal][1] + 4,
+ list(comps.values())[tal]["title"],
+ subtitle_merge_format)
+ #std_dev_sheet.merge_range("B8:C8", "ZAID", subtitle_merge_format)
+ #std_dev_sheet.merge_range("D8:L8", "TALLY", subtitle_merge_format)
+ # Freeze title
+ std_dev_sheet.freeze_panes(8, 2)
+ # out of bounds
+ std_dev_sheet.set_column(0, 0, 4, oob_format)
+ std_dev_sheet.set_column(max_width + 2, max_width + 20, 18, oob_format)
+ for i in range(9):
+ std_dev_sheet.set_row(i, None, oob_format)
+ for i in range(8 + max_len, max_len + 50):
+ std_dev_sheet.set_row(i, None, oob_format)
+ # Column widths for tallies, set up to 15th col to ensure title format correct
+ std_dev_sheet.set_column(1, 14, 20)
+ std_dev_sheet.set_column(1, max_width + 2, 20)
+ # Row Heights
+ std_dev_sheet.set_row(7, 31)
+ #std_dev_sheet.set_row(8, 73.25)
+ # Legend
+ std_dev_sheet.merge_range("N3:O3", "LEGEND", merge_format)
+ std_dev_sheet.write("N4", "", red_cell_format)
+ std_dev_sheet.write("O4", ">|3|%", legend_text_format)
+ std_dev_sheet.write("N5", "", orange_cell_format)
+ std_dev_sheet.write("O5", "|2|%≤|3|%", legend_text_format)
+ std_dev_sheet.write("N6", "", yellow_cell_format)
+ std_dev_sheet.write("O6", "|1|%≤|2|%", legend_text_format)
+ std_dev_sheet.write("N7", "", green_cell_format)
+ std_dev_sheet.write("O7", "<|1|%", legend_text_format)
+ std_dev_sheet.conditional_format(
+ 10,
+ 1,
+ 8 + max_len,
+ max_width + 1,
+ {"type": "blanks", "format": oob_format},
+ )
+ std_dev_sheet.conditional_format(
+ 10,
+ 2,
+ 8 + max_len,
+ max_width + 1,
+ {"type": "blanks", "format": plain_format},
+ )
+ std_dev_sheet.conditional_format(
+ 10,
+ 2,
+ 8 + max_len,
+ max_width + 1,
+ {
+ "type": "text",
+ "criteria": "containing",
+ "value": "Not Available",
+ "format": not_avail_format,
+ },
+ )
+ std_dev_sheet.conditional_format(
+ 10,
+ 2,
+ 8 + max_len,
+ max_width + 1,
+ {
+ "type": "text",
+ "criteria": "containing",
+ "value": "Target = 0",
+ "format": target_ref_format,
+ },
+ )
+ std_dev_sheet.conditional_format(
+ 10,
+ 2,
+ 8 + max_len,
+ max_width + 1,
+ {
+ "type": "text",
+ "criteria": "containing",
+ "value": "Reference = 0",
+ "format": target_ref_format,
+ },
+ )
+ std_dev_sheet.conditional_format(
+ 10,
+ 2,
+ 8 + max_len,
+ max_width + 1,
+ {
+ "type": "text",
+ "criteria": "containing",
+ "value": "Identical",
+ "format": identical_format,
+ },
+ )
+ std_dev_sheet.conditional_format(
+ 10,
+ 2,
+ 8 + max_len,
+ max_width + 1,
+ {
+ "type": "cell",
+ "criteria": "greater than",
+ "value": 3,
+ "format": red_cell_format,
+ },
+ )
+ std_dev_sheet.conditional_format(
+ 10,
+ 2,
+ 8 + max_len,
+ max_width + 1,
+ {
+ "type": "cell",
+ "criteria": "between",
+ "minimum": 2,
+ "maximum": 3,
+ "format": orange_cell_format,
+ },
+ )
+ std_dev_sheet.conditional_format(
+ 10,
+ 2,
+ 8 + max_len,
+ max_width + 1,
+ {
+ "type": "cell",
+ "criteria": "between",
+ "minimum": 1,
+ "maximum": 2,
+ "format": yellow_cell_format,
+ },
+ )
+ std_dev_sheet.conditional_format(
+ 10,
+ 2,
+ 8 + max_len,
+ max_width + 1,
+ {
+ "type": "cell",
+ "criteria": "less than",
+ "value": -3,
+ "format": red_cell_format,
+ },
+ )
+ std_dev_sheet.conditional_format(
+ 10,
+ 2,
+ 8 + max_len,
+ max_width + 1,
+ {
+ "type": "cell",
+ "criteria": "between",
+ "minimum": -3,
+ "maximum": -2,
+ "format": orange_cell_format,
+ },
+ )
+ std_dev_sheet.conditional_format(
+ 10,
+ 2,
+ 8 + max_len,
+ max_width + 1,
+ {
+ "type": "cell",
+ "criteria": "between",
+ "minimum": -2,
+ "maximum": -1,
+ "format": yellow_cell_format,
+ },
+ )
+ std_dev_sheet.conditional_format(
+ 10,
+ 2,
+ 8 + max_len,
+ max_width + 1,
+ {
+ "type": "cell",
+ "criteria": "between",
+ "minimum": -1,
+ "maximum": 1,
+ "format": green_cell_format,
+ },
+ )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jade/expoutput.py b/jade/expoutput.py
index bf14f6cf..d594e7be 100644
--- a/jade/expoutput.py
+++ b/jade/expoutput.py
@@ -81,7 +81,15 @@ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.path_exp_res = os.path.join(session.path_exp_res, testname)
# Add the raw path data (not created because it is a comparison)
- out = os.path.dirname(self.atlas_path_mcnp)
+ if self.mcnp:
+ out = os.path.dirname(self.atlas_path_mcnp)
+ elif self.d1s:
+ out = os.path.dirname(self.atlas_path_d1s)
+ elif self.serpent:
+ out = os.path.dirname(self.atlas_path_serpent)
+ elif self.openmc:
+ out = os.path.dirname(self.atlas_path_openmc)
raw_path = os.path.join(out, 'Raw_Data')
if not os.path.exists(raw_path):
@@ -147,7 +155,15 @@ def build_atlas(self):
# Build a temporary folder for images
- tmp_path = os.path.join(self.atlas_path_mcnp, 'tmp')
+ if self.mcnp:
+ tmp_path = os.path.join(self.atlas_path_mcnp, 'tmp')
+ elif self.d1s:
+ tmp_path = os.path.join(self.atlas_path_d1s, 'tmp')
+ elif self.openmc:
+ tmp_path = os.path.join(self.atlas_path_openmc, 'tmp')
+ elif self.serpent:
+ tmp_path = os.path.join(self.atlas_path_serpent, 'tmp')
globalname = ''
@@ -165,7 +181,10 @@ def build_atlas(self):
# Save Atlas
print(' Producing the PDF...')
- atlas.save(self.atlas_path_mcnp)
+ if self.mcnp:
+ atlas.save(self.atlas_path_mcnp)
+ elif self.d1s:
+ atlas.save(self.atlas_path_d1s)
# Remove tmp images
@@ -205,19 +224,34 @@ def _extract_outputs(self):
if input not in inputs:
if self.openmc:
- print("Experimental comparison not impletmented \
+ print("Experimental comparison not implemented \
for OpenMC")
if self.serpent:
- print("Experimental comparison not impletmented \
+ print("Experimental comparison not implemented \
for Serpent")
if self.d1s:
- print("Experimental comparison not impletmented \
- for D1S")
- break
+ results_path = os.path.join(test_path,
+ folder, "d1s")
+ pieces = folder.split('_')
+ # Get zaid
+ input = pieces[-1]
+ mfile, ofile = self._get_output_files(results_path)
+ # Parse output
+ output = MCNPoutput(mfile, ofile)
+ outputs[input, lib] = output
+ code_raw_data[input, lib] = output.tallydata
+ # self.raw_data[input, lib] = output.tallydata
+ # Get the meaningful results
+ results[input, lib] = self._processMCNPdata(output)
+ if input not in inputs:
+ inputs.append(input)
if self.mcnp:
self.raw_data["mcnp"] = code_raw_data
+ if self.d1s:
+ self.raw_data["d1s"] = code_raw_data
# Results are organized just by lib
mfile, ofile = self._get_output_files(test_path)
@@ -307,7 +341,8 @@ def _print_raw(self):
if self.serpent:
if self.d1s:
- pass
+ raw_to_print = self.raw_data['d1s'].items()
for (folder, lib), item in raw_to_print:
# Create the lib directory if it is not there
cd_lib = os.path.join(self.raw_path, lib)
@@ -451,7 +486,7 @@ def _pp_excel_comparison(self):
# Dump the global C/E table
print(' Dump the C/E table in Excel...')
- ex_outpath = os.path.join(self.excel_path_mcnp, 'C over E table.xlsx')
+ ex_outpath = os.path.join(self.excel_path_d1s, self.testname + '_CE_tables.xlsx')
# Create a Pandas Excel writer using XlsxWriter as the engine.
with pd.ExcelWriter(ex_outpath, engine='xlsxwriter') as writer:
# --- build and dump the C/E table ---
@@ -568,7 +603,7 @@ def _build_atlas(self, tmp_path, atlas):
# There is the need to recover the tracked parents and daughters
zaid_tracked = {}
for lib in self.lib[1:]:
- file = os.path.join(self.test_path[lib], folder, folder)
+ file = os.path.join(self.test_path[lib], folder, "d1s", folder)
inp = D1S_Input.from_text(file)
for tallynum in ['24', '14']:
card = inp.get_card_byID('settings', 'FU' + tallynum)
diff --git a/jade/gui.py b/jade/gui.py
index 0ffe1161..fbcf3cdf 100644
--- a/jade/gui.py
+++ b/jade/gui.py
@@ -31,28 +31,37 @@
from jade.__version__ import __version__
from jade.status import EXP_TAG
from tqdm import tqdm
+from jade.main import Session
-date = '10/05/2022'
+date = "10/05/2022"
version = __version__
def clear_screen():
- if os.name == 'nt':
- os.system('cls')
+ if os.name == "nt":
+ os.system("cls")
- os.system('clear')
+ os.system("clear")
-exit_text = '\nSession concluded normally \n'
+exit_text = "\nSession concluded normally \n"
-header = """
+header = (
+ """
- Welcome to JADE """+version+"""
+ Welcome to JADE """
+ + version
+ + """
A nuclear libraries V&V Test Suite
- Release date: """+date+'\n'
-principal_menu = header+"""
+ Release date: """
+ + date
+ + "\n"
+principal_menu = (
+ header
+ + """
Powered by {}
@@ -79,7 +88,10 @@ def clear_screen():
* Exit (exit)
+ )
def mainloop(session):
@@ -91,144 +103,164 @@ def mainloop(session):
while True:
- option = input(' Enter action: ')
+ option = input(" Enter action: ")
- if option == 'comp':
+ if option == "comp":
- elif option == 'exp':
+ elif option == "exp":
- elif option == 'qual':
+ elif option == "qual":
- print(' Currently not developed. Please select another option')
+ print(" Currently not developed. Please select another option")
- elif option == 'post':
+ elif option == "post":
- elif option == 'printlib':
+ elif option == "printlib":
- elif option == 'restore':
+ elif option == "restore":
- elif option == 'trans':
+ elif option == "trans":
newlib = session.lib_manager.select_lib()
if newlib == "back":
if newlib == "exit":
- inputfile = input(' MCNP input file: ')
+ inputfile = input(" MCNP input file: ")
if newlib in session.lib_manager.libraries:
ans = uty.translate_input(session, newlib, inputfile)
if ans:
- print(' Translation successfully completed!\n')
- session.log.adjourn('file'+inputfile +
- ' successfully translated to ' + newlib)
+ print(" Translation successfully completed!\n")
+ session.log.adjourn(
+ "file" + inputfile + " successfully translated to " + newlib
+ )
- print('''
+ print(
+ """
The file does not exist or can't be opened
- ''')
+ """
+ )
- print('''
+ print(
+ """
The selected library is not available.
Check your available libraries using 'printlib'
- ''')
+ """
+ )
- elif option == 'printmat':
- inputfile = input(' MCNP Input file of interest: ')
+ elif option == "printmat":
+ inputfile = input(" MCNP Input file of interest: ")
ans = uty.print_material_info(session, inputfile)
if ans:
- print(' Material infos printed')
+ print(" Material infos printed")
- print('''
+ print(
+ """
Either the input or output files do not exist or can't be opened
- ''')
+ """
+ )
- elif option == 'generate':
- inputfile = uty.select_inputfile(' MCNP input file: ')
+ elif option == "generate":
+ inputfile = uty.select_inputfile(" MCNP input file: ")
message = " Fraction type (either 'mass' or 'atom'): "
- options = ['mass', 'atom']
+ options = ["mass", "atom"]
fraction_type = uty.input_with_options(message, options)
- materials = input(' Source materials (e.g. m1-m10): ')
- percentages = input(' Materials percentages (e.g. 0.1-0.9): ')
+ materials = input(" Source materials (e.g. m1-m10): ")
+ percentages = input(" Materials percentages (e.g. 0.1-0.9): ")
lib = session.lib_manager.select_lib()
if lib == "back":
if lib == "exit":
- materials = materials.split('-')
- percentages = percentages.split('-')
+ materials = materials.split("-")
+ percentages = percentages.split("-")
if len(materials) == len(percentages):
- ans = uty.generate_material(session, inputfile,
- materials, percentages, lib,
- fractiontype=fraction_type)
+ ans = uty.generate_material(
+ session,
+ inputfile,
+ materials,
+ percentages,
+ lib,
+ fractiontype=fraction_type,
+ )
if ans:
- print(' Material generated')
+ print(" Material generated")
- print('''
+ print(
+ """
Either the input or output files can't be opened
- ''')
+ """
+ )
- print('''
+ print(
+ """
The number of materials and percentages must be the same
- ''')
+ """
+ )
- elif option == 'switch':
+ elif option == "switch":
# Select MCNP input
- inputfile = uty.select_inputfile(' MCNP input file: ')
+ inputfile = uty.select_inputfile(" MCNP input file: ")
# Select fraction type
- options = ['mass', 'atom']
+ options = ["mass", "atom"]
message = " Fraction to switch to (either 'mass' or 'atom'): "
fraction_type = uty.input_with_options(message, options)
# Switch fraction
ans = uty.switch_fractions(session, inputfile, fraction_type)
if ans:
- print(' Fractions have been switched')
+ print(" Fractions have been switched")
- print('''
+ print(
+ """
- Either the input or output files can't be opened''')
+ Either the input or output files can't be opened"""
+ )
- elif option == 'acelib':
+ elif option == "acelib":
- print('\n Suffix change was completed\n')
+ print("\n Suffix change was completed\n")
- elif option == 'react':
+ elif option == "react":
- print('\n Reaction file has been dumped\n')
+ print("\n Reaction file has been dumped\n")
- elif option == 'rmvruntpe':
+ elif option == "rmvruntpe":
- print('\n Runtpe files have been removed\n')
+ print("\n Runtpe files have been removed\n")
- elif option == 'comparelib':
+ elif option == "comparelib":
- elif option == 'exit':
- session.log.adjourn('\nSession concluded normally \n')
+ elif option == "exit":
+ session.log.adjourn("\nSession concluded normally \n")
- print(' Please enter a valid option!')
+ print(" Please enter a valid option!")
-computational_menu = header+"""
+computational_menu = (
+ header
+ + """
Powered by {}
@@ -239,10 +271,13 @@ def mainloop(session):
* Continue assessment (continue)
* Back to main menu (back)
* Exit (exit)
+ )
-def comploop(session):
+def comploop(session: Session):
This handle the actions related to the computational benchmarck menu
@@ -252,12 +287,12 @@ def comploop(session):
while True:
- option = input(' Enter action: ')
+ option = input(" Enter action: ")
- if option == 'printlib':
+ if option == "printlib":
- elif option == 'assess':
+ elif option == "assess":
# Select and check library
lib = session.lib_manager.select_lib()
if lib == "back":
@@ -270,26 +305,31 @@ def comploop(session):
if runoption == "exit":
- sys.exit()
+ sys.exit()
ans = session.state.check_override_run(lib, session)
# If checks are ok perform assessment
if ans:
- # Logging
- bartext = 'Computational benchmark execution started'
+ # Logging
+ bartext = "Computational benchmark execution started"
- session.log.adjourn('Selected Library: '+lib,
- spacing=False, time=True)
- print(' ########################### COMPUTATIONAL BENCHMARKS EXECUTION ###########################\n')
+ session.log.adjourn(
+ "Selected Library: " + lib, spacing=False, time=True
+ )
+ print(
+ " ########################### COMPUTATIONAL BENCHMARKS EXECUTION ###########################\n"
+ )
cmp.executeBenchmarksRoutines(session, lib, runoption) # Core function
- print(' ####################### COMPUTATIONAL BENCHMARKS RUN ENDED ###############################\n')
- t = 'Computational benchmark execution ended'
+ print(
+ " ####################### COMPUTATIONAL BENCHMARKS RUN ENDED ###############################\n"
+ )
+ t = "Computational benchmark execution ended"
- print(' Assessment cancelled.')
+ print(" Assessment cancelled.")
- elif option == 'continue':
+ elif option == "continue":
# Select and check library
# Warning: this is done only for sphere test at the moment
lib = session.lib_manager.select_lib()
@@ -304,49 +344,55 @@ def comploop(session):
unfinished = None
if unfinished is None:
- print(' The selected library was not assessed')
+ print(" The selected library was not assessed")
elif len(unfinished) == 0:
- print(' The assessment is already completed')
+ print(" The assessment is already completed")
- print(' Completing sphere assessment:')
- session.log.adjourn('Assessment of: '+lib+' started',
- spacing=False, time=True)
+ print(" Completing sphere assessment:")
+ session.log.adjourn(
+ "Assessment of: " + lib + " started", spacing=False, time=True
+ )
flagOk = True
for directory in tqdm(unfinished):
path = os.path.join(motherdir, directory)
- name = directory+'_'
+ name = directory + "_"
- flag = testrun.Test._runMCNP('mcnp6', name, path,
- cpu=session.conf.cpu)
+ flag = testrun.Test._runMCNP(
+ "mcnp6", name, path, cpu=session.conf.cpu
+ )
if flag:
flagOk = False
- session.log.adjourn(name +
- ' reached timeout, eliminate folder')
+ session.log.adjourn(name + " reached timeout, eliminate folder")
if not flagOk:
- print("""
+ print(
+ """
Some MCNP run reached timeout, they are listed in the log file.
- Please remove their folders before attempting to postprocess the library""")
+ Please remove their folders before attempting to postprocess the library"""
+ )
- print(' Assessment completed')
+ print(" Assessment completed")
- session.log.adjourn('Assessment of: '+lib+' completed',
- spacing=True, time=True)
+ session.log.adjourn(
+ "Assessment of: " + lib + " completed", spacing=True, time=True
+ )
- elif option == 'back':
+ elif option == "back":
- elif option == 'exit':
+ elif option == "exit":
- print(' Please enter a valid option!')
+ print(" Please enter a valid option!")
-experimental_menu = header+"""
+experimental_menu = (
+ header
+ + """
Powered by {}
@@ -357,7 +403,10 @@ def comploop(session):
* Continue assessment (continue)
* Back to main menu (back)
* Exit (exit)
+ )
def exploop(session):
@@ -370,12 +419,12 @@ def exploop(session):
while True:
- option = input(' Enter action: ')
+ option = input(" Enter action: ")
- if option == 'printlib':
+ if option == "printlib":
- elif option == 'assess':
+ elif option == "assess":
# Update the configuration file
# Select and check library
@@ -392,53 +441,59 @@ def exploop(session):
# it may happen that lib are two but only the first is the assessed
- pieces = lib.split('-')
+ pieces = lib.split("-")
if len(pieces) > 1:
libtocheck = pieces[0]
libtocheck = lib
- ans = session.state.check_override_run(libtocheck,
- session, exp=True)
+ ans = session.state.check_override_run(libtocheck, session, exp=True)
# If checks are ok perform assessment
if ans:
# Logging
runoption = session.conf.run_option(exp=True)
- bartext = 'Experimental benchmark execution started'
+ bartext = "Experimental benchmark execution started"
- session.log.adjourn('Selected Library: '+lib,
- spacing=False, time=True)
- print(' ########################### EXPERIMENTAL BENCHMARKS EXECUTION ###########################\n')
+ session.log.adjourn(
+ "Selected Library: " + lib, spacing=False, time=True
+ )
+ print(
+ " ########################### EXPERIMENTAL BENCHMARKS EXECUTION ###########################\n"
+ )
# Core function
cmp.executeBenchmarksRoutines(session, lib, runoption, exp=True)
- print(' ####################### EXPERIMENTAL BENCHMARKS RUN ENDED ###############################\n')
- t = 'Experimental benchmark execution ended'
+ print(
+ " ####################### EXPERIMENTAL BENCHMARKS RUN ENDED ###############################\n"
+ )
+ t = "Experimental benchmark execution ended"
- print(' Assessment canceled.')
+ print(" Assessment canceled.")
- elif option == 'continue':
+ elif option == "continue":
# Update the configuration file
- print(' Currently not developed. Please select another option')
+ print(" Currently not developed. Please select another option")
- elif option == 'back':
+ elif option == "back":
- elif option == 'exit':
+ elif option == "exit":
- print(' Please enter a valid option!')
+ print(" Please enter a valid option!")
-pp_menu = header+"""
+pp_menu = (
+ header
+ + """
Powered by {}
@@ -450,7 +505,10 @@ def exploop(session):
* Compare Vs Experiments (compexp)
* Back to main menu (back)
* Exit (exit)
+ )
def pploop(session):
@@ -463,13 +521,13 @@ def pploop(session):
while True:
- option = input(' Enter action: ')
+ option = input(" Enter action: ")
- if option == 'printlib':
+ if option == "printlib":
lib_tested = list(session.state.run_tree.keys())
- elif option == 'pp':
+ elif option == "pp":
# Update the configuration file
# Select and check library
@@ -482,20 +540,22 @@ def pploop(session):
if ans:
lib = to_single_pp[0]
# Check active tests
- #to_perform = session.check_active_tests('Post-Processing')
+ # to_perform = session.check_active_tests('Post-Processing')
# For the moment no pp is foreseen for experimental benchmarks
# to_perf_exp = session.check_active_tests('Post-Processing',
# exp=True)
# to_perform.extend(to_perf_exp)
# Logging
- bartext = 'Post-Processing started'
+ bartext = "Post-Processing started"
- session.log.adjourn('Selected Library: '+lib, spacing=False)
- print('\n ########################### POST-PROCESSING STARTED ###########################\n')
+ session.log.adjourn("Selected Library: " + lib, spacing=False)
+ print(
+ "\n ########################### POST-PROCESSING STARTED ###########################\n"
+ )
# Core function
- pp.postprocessBenchmark(session, lib)
- #for testname in to_perform:
+ pp.postprocessBenchmark(session, lib)
+ # for testname in to_perform:
# try:
# pp.postprocessBenchmark(session, lib, testname)
# except PermissionError as e:
@@ -504,11 +564,13 @@ def pploop(session):
# print(' '+str(e))
# print(' Please close all excel/word files and retry')
# continue
- print('\n ######################### POST-PROCESSING ENDED ###############################\n')
- t = 'Post-Processing completed'
+ print(
+ "\n ######################### POST-PROCESSING ENDED ###############################\n"
+ )
+ t = "Post-Processing completed"
session.log.bar_adjourn(t, spacing=False)
- elif option == 'compare':
+ elif option == "compare":
# Update the configuration file
@@ -517,30 +579,36 @@ def pploop(session):
if ans:
# Logging
- bartext = 'Comparison Post-Processing started'
+ bartext = "Comparison Post-Processing started"
- session.log.adjourn('Selected Library: '+lib_input,
- spacing=True)
- print('\n ########################### COMPARISON STARTED ###########################\n')
+ session.log.adjourn("Selected Library: " + lib_input, spacing=True)
+ print(
+ "\n ########################### COMPARISON STARTED ###########################\n"
+ )
# Check active tests
- to_perform = session.check_active_tests('Post-Processing')
+ to_perform = session.check_active_tests("Post-Processing")
# Execute single pp
for lib in to_single_pp:
- print('to single pp', to_single_pp)
+ print("to single pp", to_single_pp)
for testname in to_perform:
- print("to_perform",to_perform)
+ print("to_perform", to_perform)
- print(' Single PP of library '+lib+' required')
+ print(" Single PP of library " + lib + " required")
pp.postprocessBenchmark(session, lib)
- session.log.adjourn("""
-Additional Post-Processing of library:"""+lib+' completed\n', spacing=False)
+ session.log.adjourn(
+ """
+Additional Post-Processing of library:"""
+ + lib
+ + " completed\n",
+ spacing=False,
+ )
except PermissionError as e:
- print(' '+str(e))
- print(' Please close all excel/word files and retry')
+ print(" " + str(e))
+ print(" Please close all excel/word files and retry")
# Execute Comparison
@@ -550,72 +618,78 @@ def pploop(session):
except PermissionError as e:
- print(' '+str(e))
- print(' Please close all excel/word files and retry')
+ print(" " + str(e))
+ print(" Please close all excel/word files and retry")
- print('\n ######################### COMPARISON ENDED ###############################\n')
- t = 'Post-Processing completed'
+ print(
+ "\n ######################### COMPARISON ENDED ###############################\n"
+ )
+ t = "Post-Processing completed"
session.log.bar_adjourn(t, spacing=False)
- elif option == 'compexp':
+ elif option == "compexp":
# Update the configuration file
# Select and check library
- ans, to_single_pp, lib_input = session.state.check_override_pp(session, exp=True)
+ ans, to_single_pp, lib_input = session.state.check_override_pp(
+ session, exp=True
+ )
if ans:
# Logging
- bartext = 'Comparison Post-Processing started'
+ bartext = "Comparison Post-Processing started"
- session.log.adjourn('Selected Library: '+lib_input,
- spacing=True)
- print('\n ########################### COMPARISON STARTED ###########################\n')
+ session.log.adjourn("Selected Library: " + lib_input, spacing=True)
+ print(
+ "\n ########################### COMPARISON STARTED ###########################\n"
+ )
# Check active tests
- to_perform = session.check_active_tests('Post-Processing',
- exp=True)
-# # Execut single pp
-# for lib in to_single_pp:
-# for testname in to_perform:
-# try:
-# print(' Single PP of library '+lib+' required')
-# pp.postprocessBenchmark(session, lib, testname)
-# session.log.adjourn("""
-# Additional Post-Processing of library:"""+lib+' completed\n', spacing=False)
-# except PermissionError as e:
-# clear_screen()
-# print(pp_menu)
-# print(' '+str(e))
-# print(' Please close all excel/word files and retry')
-# continue
+ to_perform = session.check_active_tests("Post-Processing", exp=True)
+ # # Execut single pp
+ # for lib in to_single_pp:
+ # for testname in to_perform:
+ # try:
+ # print(' Single PP of library '+lib+' required')
+ # pp.postprocessBenchmark(session, lib, testname)
+ # session.log.adjourn("""
+ # Additional Post-Processing of library:"""+lib+' completed\n', spacing=False)
+ # except PermissionError as e:
+ # clear_screen()
+ # print(pp_menu)
+ # print(' '+str(e))
+ # print(' Please close all excel/word files and retry')
+ # continue
# Execute Comparison
- lib_input = EXP_TAG+'-'+lib_input # Insert the exp tag
+ lib_input = EXP_TAG + "-" + lib_input # Insert the exp tag
for testname in to_perform:
- pp.compareBenchmark(session, lib_input, testname, exp = True)
+ pp.compareBenchmark(session, lib_input, testname, exp=True)
except PermissionError as e:
- print(' '+str(e))
- print(' Please close all excel/word files and retry')
+ print(" " + str(e))
+ print(" Please close all excel/word files and retry")
- print('\n ######################### COMPARISON ENDED ###############################\n')
- t = 'Post-Processing completed'
+ print(
+ "\n ######################### COMPARISON ENDED ###############################\n"
+ )
+ t = "Post-Processing completed"
session.log.bar_adjourn(t, spacing=False)
- elif option == 'back':
+ elif option == "back":
- elif option == 'exit':
+ elif option == "exit":
- print(' Please enter a valid option!')
+ print(" Please enter a valid option!")
diff --git a/jade/inputfile.py b/jade/inputfile.py
index 9b784b75..68c0dec7 100644
--- a/jade/inputfile.py
+++ b/jade/inputfile.py
@@ -233,7 +233,6 @@ def update_zaidinfo(self, lib_manager):
-# def add_stopCard(self, nps, ctme, precision):
def add_stopCard(self, nps):
Add STOP card
@@ -242,10 +241,6 @@ def add_stopCard(self, nps):
nps : int
number of particles to simulate.
- ctme : int
- copmuter time.
- precision : (str, float)
- tally number, precision.
@@ -259,21 +254,9 @@ def add_stopCard(self, nps):
line = line+'NPS '+str(int(nps))+' '
except ValueError:
pass # an escaped NaN
- """
- if ctme is not None:
- try:
- line = line+'CTME '+str(int(ctme))+' '
- except ValueError:
- pass # an escaped NaN
- if precision is not None:
- tally = precision[0]
- error = precision[1]
- line = line+str(tally)+' '+str(error)
- """
if line == 'STOP ':
raise ValueError("""
-Specify at least one among nps, ctme or precision""")
+Specify an nps for the simulation""")
line = line+'\n'
@@ -676,32 +659,21 @@ def add_track_contribution(self, tallyID, zaids, who='parent'):
class D1S5_InputFile(D1S_Input):
- def add_stopCard(self, nps, ctme, precision):
+ def add_stopCard(self, nps):
STOP card is not supported in MCNP 5. This simply is translated to a
- nps card. Warnings are prompt to the user if ctme or precision are
- specified.
+ nps card.
nps : int
number of particles to simulate
- ctme = int
- computer time
- precision = (str, float)
- tuple indicating the tally number and the precision requested
- if ctme is not None or precision is not None:
- if self.name != 'SphereSDDR':
- warnings.warn('''
-STOP card is substituted with normal NPS card for MCNP5.
-specified ctme or precision parameters will be ignored
if nps is None:
raise ValueError(' NPS value is mandatory for MCNP 5 inputs')
@@ -709,7 +681,6 @@ def add_stopCard(self, nps, ctme, precision):
card = par.Card([line], 5, -1)
def suppress_stdout():
with open(os.devnull, "w") as devnull:
@@ -724,7 +695,7 @@ def suppress_stdout():
def check_transport_activation(lib):
# Operate on the newlib, should arrive in the 99c-31c format
errmsg = """
- Please define the pair activation-transport lib for the FNG benchmark
+ Please define the pair activation-transport lib for SDDR benchmarks
(e.g. 99c-31c). See additional details on the documentation.
diff --git a/jade/install_files/Benchmarks_Inputs/ITER_Cyl_SDDR/mcnp/ITER_Cyl_SDDR.i b/jade/install_files/Benchmarks_Inputs/ITER_Cyl_SDDR/d1s/ITER_Cyl_SDDR.i
similarity index 100%
rename from jade/install_files/Benchmarks_Inputs/ITER_Cyl_SDDR/mcnp/ITER_Cyl_SDDR.i
rename to jade/install_files/Benchmarks_Inputs/ITER_Cyl_SDDR/d1s/ITER_Cyl_SDDR.i
diff --git a/jade/install_files/Benchmarks_Inputs/ITER_Cyl_SDDR/d1S/ITER_Cyl_SDDR/ITER_Cyl_SDDR_irrad b/jade/install_files/Benchmarks_Inputs/ITER_Cyl_SDDR/d1s/ITER_Cyl_SDDR_irrad
similarity index 100%
rename from jade/install_files/Benchmarks_Inputs/ITER_Cyl_SDDR/d1S/ITER_Cyl_SDDR/ITER_Cyl_SDDR_irrad
rename to jade/install_files/Benchmarks_Inputs/ITER_Cyl_SDDR/d1s/ITER_Cyl_SDDR_irrad
diff --git a/jade/install_files/Benchmarks_Inputs/ITER_Cyl_SDDR/d1S/ITER_Cyl_SDDR/ITER_Cyl_SDDR_react b/jade/install_files/Benchmarks_Inputs/ITER_Cyl_SDDR/d1s/ITER_Cyl_SDDR_react
similarity index 100%
rename from jade/install_files/Benchmarks_Inputs/ITER_Cyl_SDDR/d1S/ITER_Cyl_SDDR/ITER_Cyl_SDDR_react
rename to jade/install_files/Benchmarks_Inputs/ITER_Cyl_SDDR/d1s/ITER_Cyl_SDDR_react
diff --git a/jade/install_files/Benchmarks_Inputs/ITER_Cyl_SDDR/openmc/geometry.xml b/jade/install_files/Benchmarks_Inputs/ITER_Cyl_SDDR/openmc/geometry.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index aee3bc6b..00000000
--- a/jade/install_files/Benchmarks_Inputs/ITER_Cyl_SDDR/openmc/geometry.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
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diff --git a/jade/install_files/Benchmarks_Inputs/ITER_Cyl_SDDR/openmc/materials.xml b/jade/install_files/Benchmarks_Inputs/ITER_Cyl_SDDR/openmc/materials.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 96d9f9f9..00000000
--- a/jade/install_files/Benchmarks_Inputs/ITER_Cyl_SDDR/openmc/materials.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/jade/install_files/Benchmarks_Inputs/ITER_Cyl_SDDR/serpent/ITER_Cyl_SDDR.i b/jade/install_files/Benchmarks_Inputs/ITER_Cyl_SDDR/serpent/ITER_Cyl_SDDR.i
deleted file mode 100644
index aad839d1..00000000
--- a/jade/install_files/Benchmarks_Inputs/ITER_Cyl_SDDR/serpent/ITER_Cyl_SDDR.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,374 +0,0 @@
-% --- surface definitions --- %
-surf 1 cylz 0.0 0.0 7.5
-surf 2 cylz 0.0 0.0 48.0
-surf 3 cylz 0.0 0.0 50.0
-surf 4 cylz 0.0 0.0 100.0
-surf 101 cylz 0.0 0.0 12.0
-surf 102 cylz 0.0 0.0 42.0
-surf 103 cylz 0.0 0.0 56.0
-surf 104 cylz 0.0 0.0 94.0
-surf 10 cylz 0.0 0.0 15.0
-surf 11 cylz 0.0 0.0 30.0
-surf 12 cylz 0.0 0.0 45.0
-surf 13 cylz 0.0 0.0 60.0
-surf 20 pz -110.0
-surf 21 pz -100.0
-surf 22 pz 0.0
-surf 23 pz 210.0
-surf 24 pz 535.0
-surf 25 pz 550.0
-surf 26 pz 580.0
-surf 27 pz 590.0
-surf 201 pz 20.0
-surf 202 pz 40.0
-surf 203 pz 60.0
-surf 204 pz 80.0
-surf 205 pz 100.0
-surf 206 pz 120.0
-surf 207 pz 140.0
-surf 208 pz 160.0
-surf 209 pz 180.0
-surf 210 pz 200.0
-surf 211 pz 220.0
-surf 212 pz 240.0
-surf 213 pz 260.0
-surf 214 pz 280.0
-surf 215 pz 300.0
-surf 216 pz 320.0
-surf 217 pz 340.0
-surf 218 pz 360.0
-surf 219 pz 380.0
-surf 220 pz 400.0
-surf 221 pz 420.0
-surf 222 pz 440.0
-surf 223 pz 460.0
-surf 224 pz 480.0
-surf 225 pz 500.0
-surf 226 pz 520.0
-surf 227 pz 540.0
-surf 228 pz 545.0
-surf 229 pz 547.0
-surf 230 pz 549.0
-% --- cell definitions --- %
-cell 1100 0 2 ( 3 -103 22 -201 )
-cell 1101 0 2 ( 3 -103 201 -202 )
-cell 1102 0 2 ( 3 -103 202 -203 )
-cell 1103 0 2 ( 3 -103 203 -204 )
-cell 1104 0 2 ( 3 -103 204 -205 )
-cell 1105 0 2 ( 3 -103 205 -206 )
-cell 1106 0 2 ( 3 -103 206 -207 )
-cell 1107 0 2 ( 3 -103 207 -208 )
-cell 1108 0 2 ( 3 -103 208 -209 )
-cell 1109 0 2 ( 3 -103 209 -210 )
-cell 1110 0 2 ( 3 -103 210 -211 )
-cell 1111 0 2 ( 3 -103 211 -212 )
-cell 1112 0 2 ( 3 -103 212 -213 )
-cell 1113 0 2 ( 3 -103 213 -214 )
-cell 1114 0 2 ( 3 -103 214 -215 )
-cell 1115 0 2 ( 3 -103 215 -216 )
-cell 1116 0 2 ( 3 -103 216 -217 )
-cell 1117 0 2 ( 3 -103 217 -218 )
-cell 1118 0 2 ( 3 -103 218 -219 )
-cell 1119 0 2 ( 3 -103 219 -220 )
-cell 1120 0 2 ( 3 -103 220 -221 )
-cell 1121 0 2 ( 3 -103 221 -222 )
-cell 1122 0 2 ( 3 -103 222 -223 )
-cell 1123 0 2 ( 3 -103 223 -224 )
-cell 1124 0 2 ( 3 -103 224 -225 )
-cell 1125 0 2 ( 3 -103 225 -226 )
-cell 1126 0 2 ( 3 -103 226 -24 )
-cell 1127 0 2 ( 3 -103 24 -227 )
-cell 1128 0 2 ( 3 -103 227 -228 )
-cell 1129 0 2 ( 3 -103 228 -229 )
-cell 1130 0 2 ( 3 -103 229 -230 )
-cell 1131 0 2 ( 3 -103 230 -25 )
-cell 1200 0 2 ( 103 -104 22 -201 )
-cell 1201 0 2 ( 103 -104 201 -202 )
-cell 1202 0 2 ( 103 -104 202 -203 )
-cell 1203 0 2 ( 103 -104 203 -204 )
-cell 1204 0 2 ( 103 -104 204 -205 )
-cell 1205 0 2 ( 103 -104 205 -206 )
-cell 1206 0 2 ( 103 -104 206 -207 )
-cell 1207 0 2 ( 103 -104 207 -208 )
-cell 1208 0 2 ( 103 -104 208 -209 )
-cell 1209 0 2 ( 103 -104 209 -210 )
-cell 1210 0 2 ( 103 -104 210 -211 )
-cell 1211 0 2 ( 103 -104 211 -212 )
-cell 1212 0 2 ( 103 -104 212 -213 )
-cell 1213 0 2 ( 103 -104 213 -214 )
-cell 1214 0 2 ( 103 -104 214 -215 )
-cell 1215 0 2 ( 103 -104 215 -216 )
-cell 1216 0 2 ( 103 -104 216 -217 )
-cell 1217 0 2 ( 103 -104 217 -218 )
-cell 1218 0 2 ( 103 -104 218 -219 )
-cell 1219 0 2 ( 103 -104 219 -220 )
-cell 1220 0 2 ( 103 -104 220 -221 )
-cell 1221 0 2 ( 103 -104 221 -222 )
-cell 1222 0 2 ( 103 -104 222 -223 )
-cell 1223 0 2 ( 103 -104 223 -224 )
-cell 1224 0 2 ( 103 -104 224 -225 )
-cell 1225 0 2 ( 103 -104 225 -226 )
-cell 1226 0 2 ( 103 -104 226 -24 )
-cell 1227 0 2 ( 103 -104 24 -227 )
-cell 1228 0 2 ( 103 -104 227 -228 )
-cell 1229 0 2 ( 103 -104 228 -229 )
-cell 1230 0 2 ( 103 -104 229 -230 )
-cell 1231 0 2 ( 103 -104 230 -25 )
-cell 1300 0 2 ( 104 -4 22 -201 )
-cell 1301 0 2 ( 104 -4 201 -202 )
-cell 1302 0 2 ( 104 -4 202 -203 )
-cell 1303 0 2 ( 104 -4 203 -204 )
-cell 1304 0 2 ( 104 -4 204 -205 )
-cell 1305 0 2 ( 104 -4 205 -206 )
-cell 1306 0 2 ( 104 -4 206 -207 )
-cell 1307 0 2 ( 104 -4 207 -208 )
-cell 1308 0 2 ( 104 -4 208 -209 )
-cell 1309 0 2 ( 104 -4 209 -210 )
-cell 1310 0 2 ( 104 -4 210 -211 )
-cell 1311 0 2 ( 104 -4 211 -212 )
-cell 1312 0 2 ( 104 -4 212 -213 )
-cell 1313 0 2 ( 104 -4 213 -214 )
-cell 1314 0 2 ( 104 -4 214 -215 )
-cell 1315 0 2 ( 104 -4 215 -216 )
-cell 1316 0 2 ( 104 -4 216 -217 )
-cell 1317 0 2 ( 104 -4 217 -218 )
-cell 1318 0 2 ( 104 -4 218 -219 )
-cell 1319 0 2 ( 104 -4 219 -220 )
-cell 1320 0 2 ( 104 -4 220 -221 )
-cell 1321 0 2 ( 104 -4 221 -222 )
-cell 1322 0 2 ( 104 -4 222 -223 )
-cell 1323 0 2 ( 104 -4 223 -224 )
-cell 1324 0 2 ( 104 -4 224 -225 )
-cell 1325 0 2 ( 104 -4 225 -226 )
-cell 1326 0 2 ( 104 -4 226 -24 )
-cell 1327 0 2 ( 104 -4 24 -227 )
-cell 1328 0 2 ( 104 -4 227 -228 )
-cell 1329 0 2 ( 104 -4 228 -229 )
-cell 1330 0 2 ( 104 -4 229 -230 )
-cell 1331 0 2 ( 104 -4 230 -25 )
-cell 2100 0 1 ( 1 -101 22 -201 )
-cell 2101 0 1 ( 1 -101 201 -202 )
-cell 2102 0 1 ( 1 -101 202 -203 )
-cell 2103 0 1 ( 1 -101 203 -204 )
-cell 2104 0 1 ( 1 -101 204 -205 )
-cell 2105 0 1 ( 1 -101 205 -206 )
-cell 2106 0 1 ( 1 -101 206 -207 )
-cell 2107 0 1 ( 1 -101 207 -208 )
-cell 2108 0 1 ( 1 -101 208 -209 )
-cell 2109 0 1 ( 1 -101 209 -210 )
-cell 2110 0 1 ( 1 -101 210 -23 )
-cell 2200 0 1 ( 101 -102 22 -201 )
-cell 2201 0 1 ( 101 -102 201 -202 )
-cell 2202 0 1 ( 101 -102 202 -203 )
-cell 2203 0 1 ( 101 -102 203 -204 )
-cell 2204 0 1 ( 101 -102 204 -205 )
-cell 2205 0 1 ( 101 -102 205 -206 )
-cell 2206 0 1 ( 101 -102 206 -207 )
-cell 2207 0 1 ( 101 -102 207 -208 )
-cell 2208 0 1 ( 101 -102 208 -209 )
-cell 2209 0 1 ( 101 -102 209 -210 )
-cell 2210 0 1 ( 101 -102 210 -23 )
-cell 2300 0 1 ( 102 -2 22 -201 )
-cell 2301 0 1 ( 102 -2 201 -202 )
-cell 2302 0 1 ( 102 -2 202 -203 )
-cell 2303 0 1 ( 102 -2 203 -204 )
-cell 2304 0 1 ( 102 -2 204 -205 )
-cell 2305 0 1 ( 102 -2 205 -206 )
-cell 2306 0 1 ( 102 -2 206 -207 )
-cell 2307 0 1 ( 102 -2 207 -208 )
-cell 2308 0 1 ( 102 -2 208 -209 )
-cell 2309 0 1 ( 102 -2 209 -210 )
-cell 2310 0 1 ( 102 -2 210 -23 )
-cell 3100 0 2 ( -1 24 -227 )
-cell 3101 0 2 ( -1 227 -228 )
-cell 3102 0 2 ( -1 228 -229 )
-cell 3103 0 2 ( -1 229 -230 )
-cell 3104 0 2 ( -1 230 -25 )
-cell 3200 0 2 ( 1 -10 24 -227 )
-cell 3201 0 2 ( 1 -10 227 -228 )
-cell 3202 0 2 ( 1 -10 228 -229 )
-cell 3203 0 2 ( 1 -10 229 -230 )
-cell 3204 0 2 ( 1 -10 230 -25 )
-cell 3300 0 2 ( 10 -11 24 -227 )
-cell 3301 0 2 ( 10 -11 227 -228 )
-cell 3302 0 2 ( 10 -11 228 -229 )
-cell 3303 0 2 ( 10 -11 229 -230 )
-cell 3304 0 2 ( 10 -11 230 -25 )
-cell 3400 0 2 ( 11 -12 24 -227 )
-cell 3401 0 2 ( 11 -12 227 -228 )
-cell 3402 0 2 ( 11 -12 228 -229 )
-cell 3403 0 2 ( 11 -12 229 -230 )
-cell 3404 0 2 ( 11 -12 230 -25 )
-cell 3500 0 2 ( 12 -2 24 -227 )
-cell 3501 0 2 ( 12 -2 227 -228 )
-cell 3502 0 2 ( 12 -2 228 -229 )
-cell 3503 0 2 ( 12 -2 229 -230 )
-cell 3504 0 2 ( 12 -2 230 -25 )
-cell 3600 0 2 ( 2 -3 24 -25 )
-cell 10 0 void ( 26 -27 -10 )
-cell 11 0 void ( 26 -27 10 -11 )
-cell 12 0 void ( 26 -27 11 -12 )
-cell 13 0 void ( 26 -27 12 -13 )
-cell 14 0 void ( 26 -27 13 -4 )
-cell 15 0 void ( -4 21 -22 )
-cell 16 0 void ( -1 22 -23 )
-cell 17 0 void ( -3 23 -24 )
-cell 18 0 void ( -4 25 -26 )
-cell 19 0 void ( 2 -3 22 -23 )
-cell 50 0 void ( -4 20 -21 )
-cell 100 0 void ( 4: -20: 27 )
-% --- material definitions --- %
-% M1
-mat 1 -6.536 rgb 0 208 31
-1001 1.457907e-01
-1002 1.676788e-05
-5010 7.989261e-06
-5011 3.215778e-05
-6012 8.129276e-04
-7014 2.159162e-03
-7015 7.975079e-05
-8016 7.280396e-02
-13027 8.029408e-04
-14028 7.119967e-03
-14029 3.615341e-04
-14030 2.383266e-04
-15031 3.495389e-04
-22046 1.120522e-04
-22047 1.010507e-04
-22048 1.001269e-03
-22049 7.347907e-05
-22050 7.035519e-05
-24050 6.335342e-03
-24052 1.221708e-01
-24053 1.385322e-02
-24054 3.448351e-03
-25055 1.418129e-02
-26054 2.936167e-02
-26056 4.609150e-01
-26057 1.064456e-02
-26058 1.416591e-03
-27059 3.675152e-04
-28058 6.159644e-02
-28060 2.372680e-02
-28061 1.031389e-03
-28062 3.288522e-03
-28064 8.374892e-04
-29063 1.416122e-03
-29065 6.311824e-04
-41093 4.663848e-05
-42092 1.674711e-03
-42094 1.043873e-03
-42095 1.796590e-03
-42096 1.882357e-03
-42097 1.077728e-03
-42098 2.723098e-03
-42100 1.086756e-03
-73181 2.396838e-05
-74182 6.245761e-07
-74183 3.372711e-07
-74184 7.221513e-07
-74186 6.700641e-07
-82206 4.043466e-07
-82207 3.707909e-07
-82208 8.791602e-07
-83209 1.657813e-06
-16032 9.676215e-05
-16033 7.639922e-07
-16034 4.329289e-06
-16036 1.018656e-08
-19039 5.169006e-06
-19040 6.484945e-10
-19041 3.730340e-07
-23050 3.395521e-06
-23051 1.354813e-03
-40090 4.891587e-06
-40091 1.066737e-06
-40092 1.630529e-06
-40094 1.652396e-06
-40096 2.662088e-07
-50112 7.081358e-08
-50114 4.818244e-08
-50115 2.482126e-08
-50116 1.061474e-06
-50117 5.606684e-07
-50118 1.768149e-06
-50119 6.271017e-07
-50120 2.378460e-06
-50122 3.380071e-07
-50124 4.226914e-07
-% M2
-mat 2 -7.93 rgb 0 0 255
-5010 1.022623e-05
-5011 4.116186e-05
-6012 1.039759e-03
-7014 2.769128e-03
-7015 1.022803e-04
-8016 6.948389e-05
-13027 1.029761e-03
-14028 9.119405e-03
-14029 4.630606e-04
-14030 3.052532e-04
-15031 4.478961e-04
-22046 1.435167e-04
-22047 1.294260e-04
-22048 1.282433e-03
-22049 9.411218e-05
-22050 9.011110e-05
-24050 8.123266e-03
-24052 1.566487e-01
-24053 1.776278e-02
-24054 4.421525e-03
-25055 1.819578e-02
-26054 3.763307e-02
-26056 5.907590e-01
-26057 1.364324e-02
-26058 1.815659e-03
-27059 4.708908e-04
-28058 7.895089e-02
-28060 3.041175e-02
-28061 1.321973e-03
-28062 4.215043e-03
-28064 1.073451e-03
-29063 1.811830e-03
-29065 8.075587e-04
-41093 5.978614e-05
-42092 2.151301e-03
-42094 1.340939e-03
-42095 2.307865e-03
-42096 2.418039e-03
-42097 1.384429e-03
-42098 3.498039e-03
-42100 1.396026e-03
-73181 3.069288e-05
-74182 8.001145e-07
-74183 4.320618e-07
-74184 9.251135e-07
-74186 8.583870e-07
-82206 5.156204e-07
-82207 4.728304e-07
-82208 1.121100e-06
-83209 2.129506e-06
-16032 1.234584e-04
-16033 9.747740e-07
-16034 5.523719e-06
-16036 1.299699e-08
-19039 6.619790e-06
-19040 8.305074e-10
-19041 4.777334e-07
-23050 1.089747e-07
-23051 4.348092e-05
-40090 6.275445e-06
-40091 1.368523e-06
-40092 2.091815e-06
-40094 2.119868e-06
-40096 3.415208e-07
-50112 9.077095e-08
-50114 6.176168e-08
-50115 3.181662e-08
-50116 1.360628e-06
-50117 7.186814e-07
-50118 2.266466e-06
-50119 8.038376e-07
-50120 3.048781e-06
-50122 4.332675e-07
-50124 5.418184e-07
diff --git a/jade/install_files/Benchmarks_Inputs/SphereSDDR/mcnp/SphereSDDR.i b/jade/install_files/Benchmarks_Inputs/SphereSDDR/d1s/SphereSDDR.i
similarity index 100%
rename from jade/install_files/Benchmarks_Inputs/SphereSDDR/mcnp/SphereSDDR.i
rename to jade/install_files/Benchmarks_Inputs/SphereSDDR/d1s/SphereSDDR.i
diff --git a/jade/install_files/Benchmarks_Inputs/SphereSDDR/openmc/geometry.xml b/jade/install_files/Benchmarks_Inputs/SphereSDDR/openmc/geometry.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index d795ebde..00000000
--- a/jade/install_files/Benchmarks_Inputs/SphereSDDR/openmc/geometry.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
- |
- |
- |
- |
diff --git a/jade/install_files/Benchmarks_Inputs/SphereSDDR/serpent/SphereSDDR.i b/jade/install_files/Benchmarks_Inputs/SphereSDDR/serpent/SphereSDDR.i
deleted file mode 100644
index f4e588e5..00000000
--- a/jade/install_files/Benchmarks_Inputs/SphereSDDR/serpent/SphereSDDR.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-% --- surface definitions --- %
-surf 1 sph 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0
-surf 2 sph 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0
-surf 3 sph 0.0 0.0 0.0 55.0
-surf 4 sph 0.0 0.0 0.0 60.0
-% --- cell definitions --- %
-cell 1 0 void ( -1 )
-cell 2 0 1 ( 1 -2 )
-cell 3 0 void ( 2 -3 )
-cell 4 0 void ( 3 )
diff --git a/jade/libmanager.py b/jade/libmanager.py
index f995c341..f7d01e53 100644
--- a/jade/libmanager.py
+++ b/jade/libmanager.py
@@ -27,7 +27,9 @@
import os
import re
import sys
+import logging
import warnings
+import numpy as np
import jade.acepyne as ace
import jade.xsdirpyne as xs
@@ -36,28 +38,28 @@
from jade.exceptions import fatal_exception
# colors
-CRED = '\033[91m'
-CEND = '\033[0m'
+CRED = "\033[91m"
+CEND = "\033[0m"
-MSG_DEFLIB = ' The Default library {} was used for zaid {}'
+MSG_DEFLIB = " The Default library {} was used for zaid {}"
class IsotopeDataParser:
def __init__(self, isotopes_file: os.PathLike) -> None:
# load the natural abundance file
abundances = pd.read_csv(isotopes_file, skiprows=2)
- abundances['idx'] = abundances['idx'].astype(str)
- abundances.set_index('idx', inplace=True)
+ abundances["idx"] = abundances["idx"].astype(str)
+ abundances.set_index("idx", inplace=True)
self.isotopes = abundances
def get_formulazaid(self, formula):
match = re.match(r"([a-z]+)([0-9]+)", formula, re.I)
parts = match.groups()
E, A = parts[0], int(parts[1])
- newiso = self.isotopes[self.isotopes['E'] == E]
- Z = newiso['Z'].values[0]
- zaid = '{0}{1:0>3}'.format(Z, A)
+ newiso = self.isotopes[self.isotopes["E"] == E]
+ Z = newiso["Z"].values[0]
+ zaid = "{0}{1:0>3}".format(Z, A)
return zaid
@@ -65,11 +67,15 @@ class LibManager:
# def __init__(self, xsdir_file, defaultlib='81c', activationfile=None,
# isotopes_file=None):
- def __init__(self, lib_df: pd.DataFrame, defaultlib: str = None,
- activationfile: os.PathLike = None,
- isotopes_file: os.PathLike = None):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ lib_df: pd.DataFrame,
+ defaultlib: str = None,
+ activationfile: os.PathLike = None,
+ isotopes_file: os.PathLike = None,
+ ) -> None:
- Object dealing with all complex operations that involves nuclear data
+ Object dealing with all complex operations that involves nuclear data.
@@ -85,13 +91,32 @@ def __init__(self, lib_df: pd.DataFrame, defaultlib: str = None,
path to the isotopes files. If None (default) the file is searched
in the current directory.
+ Attributes
+ ----------
+ isotope_parser : IsotopeDataParser
+ object dealing with the isotopes data.
+ isotopes : pd.DataFrame
+ contains the isotopes data.
+ defaultlib : str
+ lib suffix to be used as default in translation operations.
+ data : dict[str, dict[str, Union[Xsdir, OpenMCXsdir, SerpentXsdir]]]
+ contains the libraries data. first level keys are the codes, second
+ level keys are the library suffixes. ultimate value is the xsdir
+ object.
+ codes : list
+ list of codes available.
+ libraries : dict[str, list[str]]
+ contains the libraries available for each code.
+ reactions : dict[str, pd.DataFrame]
+ contains the reactions data for the different activation libraries.
if isotopes_file is None:
- isotopes_file = os.path.join('resources', 'Isotopes.txt')
+ isotopes_file = os.path.join("resources", "Isotopes.txt")
self.isotope_parser = IsotopeDataParser(isotopes_file)
self.isotopes = self.isotope_parser.isotopes
@@ -103,56 +128,96 @@ def __init__(self, lib_df: pd.DataFrame, defaultlib: str = None,
lib_df.columns = new_columns
if defaultlib is None:
- self.defaultlib = lib_df[lib_df['default'] == 'yes']['suffix'].values[0]
+ self.defaultlib = lib_df[lib_df["default"] == "yes"]["suffix"].values[0]
self.defaultlib = defaultlib
self.data = {}
self.codes = []
- lib_df.set_index('suffix', inplace=True)
+ lib_df.set_index("suffix", inplace=True)
# Initilize the Xsdir object
# self.XS = xs.Xsdir(xsdir_file)
+ # this block of code needs to check the availability of the libraries.
+ # Only libraries specified in the config file are checked, if paths
+ # for the libraries are left empty, the library is not not checked and
+ # it is not registered as available. If the path is not empty but
+ # library is not found, a warning is raised, choice for interrupting the
+ # session is left to the user.
for code in lib_df.columns[2:]:
code = code.lower()
self.data[code] = {}
for library, row in lib_df.iterrows():
path = row[code]
- if path != '':
- if not os.path.exists(path):
- fatal_exception(path + ' does not exist')
- if len(path) != 0 :
- if code == 'mcnp':
- self.data[code][library] = Xsdir(path)
- elif code == 'openmc':
- self.data[code][library] = OpenMCXsdir(path, self, library)
- elif code == 'serpent':
- self.data[code][library] = SerpentXsdir(path)
- elif code == 'd1s':
- self.data[code][library] = Xsdir(path)
+ # if the path is empty just ignore it
+ if path is None or path == "":
+ logging.info("No path for %s library", library)
+ continue
+ # if the path is not empty, check if the file exists
+ # and if it does not, raise a warning since it may not be the
+ # intended behaviour by the user
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ logging.warning(
+ "Library %s for code %s not found at %s", library, code, path
+ )
+ # fatal_exception(path + " does not exist")
+ if code == "mcnp":
+ xsdir = Xsdir(path)
+ # verify that the library is actually in the xsdir
+ available_libs = set(np.array(xsdir.tablenames)[:, 1])
+ if library in available_libs:
+ self.data[code][library] = xsdir
+ else:
+ logging.warning(
+ "Library %s not present in XSDIR file: %s", library, path
+ )
+ elif code == "openmc":
+ self.data[code][library] = OpenMCXsdir(path, self, library)
+ elif code == "serpent":
+ self.data[code][library] = SerpentXsdir(path)
+ elif code == "d1s":
+ xsdir = Xsdir(path)
+ # verify that the library is actually in the xsdir
+ available_libs = set(np.array(xsdir.tablenames)[:, 1])
+ if library in available_libs:
+ self.data[code][library] = xsdir
- raise ValueError('{} code not implemented'.format(code))
+ logging.warning(
+ "Library %s not present in XSDIR file: %s", library, path
+ )
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"{code} code not implemented")
# Identify different libraries installed. This is done checking H
# libraries = self.check4zaid('1001')
# libraries.extend(self.check4zaid('1000')) # photons
- """ Legacy library definition changed """
- """
- libraries = []
- for table in self.XS:
- lib = table.name.split('.')[1]
- if lib not in libraries:
- libraries.append(lib)
+ # """ Legacy library definition changed """
+ # """
+ # libraries = []
+ # for table in self.XS:
+ # lib = table.name.split('.')[1]
+ # if lib not in libraries:
+ # libraries.append(lib)
+ # self.libraries = libraries
+ # """
+ # libraries have now been checked at the source, they may be different
+ # for each code
+ libraries = {}
+ for key, value in self.data.items():
+ libraries[key] = []
+ for lib, _ in value.items():
+ libraries[key].append(lib)
self.libraries = libraries
- """
- self.libraries = list(lib_df.index)
# Load the activation reaction data if available
if activationfile is not None:
@@ -167,7 +232,7 @@ def __init__(self, lib_df: pd.DataFrame, defaultlib: str = None,
self.reactions = reactions
- def check4zaid(self, zaid: str, code: str = 'mcnp'):
+ def check4zaid(self, zaid: str, code: str = "mcnp"):
# Needs fixing
Check which libraries are available for the selected zaid and return it
@@ -186,13 +251,13 @@ def check4zaid(self, zaid: str, code: str = 'mcnp'):
libraries = []
- if code != 'openmc':
- for lib in self.libraries:
+ if code != "openmc":
+ for lib in self.libraries[code]:
xsdir = self.data[code][lib]
- if lib in xsdir.find_table(zaid, mode='default-fast'):
+ if lib in xsdir.find_table(zaid, mode="default-fast"):
- raise NotImplementedError('{} not implemented yet'.format(code))
+ raise NotImplementedError("{} not implemented yet".format(code))
return libraries
@@ -205,7 +270,7 @@ def check4zaid(self, zaid: str, code: str = 'mcnp'):
# else:
# return False
- def convertZaid(self, zaid, lib, code: str = 'mcnp'):
+ def convertZaid(self, zaid: str, lib: str, code: str = "mcnp"):
# Needs fixing
This methods will convert a zaid into the requested library
@@ -238,36 +303,43 @@ def convertZaid(self, zaid, lib, code: str = 'mcnp'):
# Check if library is available in Xsdir
- if lib not in self.libraries:
- raise ValueError('Library '+lib+' is not available in xsdir file')
+ if lib not in self.libraries[code]:
+ raise ValueError("Library " + lib + " is not available in xsdir file")
zaidlibs = self.check4zaid(zaid, code)
- if code in ['mcnp', 'd1s', 'serpent']:
+ if code in ["mcnp", "d1s", "serpent"]:
XS = self.data[code][lib]
# Natural zaid
- if zaid[-3:] == '000':
+ if zaid[-3:] == "000":
# Check if zaid has natural info
- if XS.find_table(zaid+'.'+lib, mode='exact'):
+ if XS.find_table(zaid + "." + lib, mode="exact"):
translation = {zaid: (lib, 1, 1)} # mass not important
else: # Has to be expanded
translation = {}
- reduced = self.isotopes[self.isotopes['Z'] == int(zaid[:-3])]
+ reduced = self.isotopes[self.isotopes["Z"] == int(zaid[:-3])]
for idx, row in reduced.iterrows():
# zaid availability must be checked
- if XS.find_table(idx+'.'+lib, mode='exact'):
+ if XS.find_table(idx + "." + lib, mode="exact"):
newlib = lib
- elif self.data[code][self.defaultlib].find_table(idx+'.'+self.defaultlib,
- mode='exact'):
+ elif self.data[code][self.defaultlib].find_table(
+ idx + "." + self.defaultlib, mode="exact"
+ ):
warnings.warn(MSG_DEFLIB.format(self.defaultlib, zaid))
newlib = self.defaultlib
- raise ValueError('No available translation for zaid :' +
- zaid+'It is needed for natural zaid expansion.')
- translation[idx] = (newlib, row['Mean value'],
- row['Atomic Mass'])
+ raise ValueError(
+ "No available translation for zaid :"
+ + zaid
+ + "It is needed for natural zaid expansion."
+ )
+ translation[idx] = (
+ newlib,
+ row["Mean value"],
+ row["Atomic Mass"],
+ )
# 1to1
elif lib in zaidlibs:
translation = {zaid: (lib, 1, 1)} # mass not important
@@ -275,22 +347,23 @@ def convertZaid(self, zaid, lib, code: str = 'mcnp'):
# No possible correspondence, natural or default lib has to be used
# Check if the natural zaid is available
- natzaid = zaid[:-3]+'000'
- if XS.find_table(natzaid+'.'+lib, mode='exact'):
+ natzaid = zaid[:-3] + "000"
+ if XS.find_table(natzaid + "." + lib, mode="exact"):
translation = {natzaid: (lib, 1, 1)} # mass not important
# Check if default lib is available
- elif self.data[code][self.defaultlib].find_table(zaid+'.'+self.defaultlib, mode='exact'):
+ elif self.data[code][self.defaultlib].find_table(
+ zaid + "." + self.defaultlib, mode="exact"
+ ):
warnings.warn(MSG_DEFLIB.format(self.defaultlib, zaid))
translation = {zaid: (self.defaultlib, 1, 1)} # mass not imp
- raise ValueError('No available translation for zaid :' +
- zaid)
+ raise ValueError("No available translation for zaid :" + zaid)
- raise ValueError('Translation not required for code '+code)
+ raise ValueError("Translation not required for code " + code)
return translation
- def get_libzaids(self, lib: str, code: str = 'mcnp'):
+ def get_libzaids(self, lib: str, code: str = "mcnp"):
# Needs fixing
Given a library, returns all zaids available
@@ -314,11 +387,11 @@ def get_libzaids(self, lib: str, code: str = 'mcnp'):
if isinstance(XS, xs.Xsdir):
for table in XS.find_zaids(lib):
- zaid = table.name.split('.')[0]
+ zaid = table.name.split(".")[0]
if zaid not in zaids:
- raise NotImplementedError('{} code is not yet implemented'.format(code))
+ raise NotImplementedError("{} code is not yet implemented".format(code))
return zaids
@@ -344,7 +417,7 @@ def get_zaidname(self, zaid):
if type(zaid) == str:
- splitted = zaid.split('.')
+ splitted = zaid.split(".")
elem = splitted[0][:-3]
i = int(elem)
isotope = splitted[0][-3:]
@@ -353,11 +426,11 @@ def get_zaidname(self, zaid):
i = int(zaid.element)
isotope = zaid.isotope
- newiso = self.isotopes.set_index('Z')
- newiso = newiso.loc[~newiso.index.duplicated(keep='first')]
+ newiso = self.isotopes.set_index("Z")
+ newiso = newiso.loc[~newiso.index.duplicated(keep="first")]
- name = newiso['Element'].loc[i]
- formula = newiso['E'].loc[i]+'-'+str(int(isotope))
+ name = newiso["Element"].loc[i]
+ formula = newiso["E"].loc[i] + "-" + str(int(isotope))
return name, formula
@@ -377,24 +450,24 @@ def get_zaidnum(self, zaidformula):
# get the table and drop the duplicates
- newiso = self.isotopes.set_index(['E'])
- newiso = newiso.loc[~newiso.index.duplicated(keep='first')]
+ newiso = self.isotopes.set_index(["E"])
+ newiso = newiso.loc[~newiso.index.duplicated(keep="first")]
# split the name
- patnum = re.compile(r'\d+')
- patname = re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z]+')
+ patnum = re.compile(r"\d+")
+ patname = re.compile(r"[a-zA-Z]+")
num = patnum.search(zaidformula).group()
name = patname.search(zaidformula).group()
except AttributeError:
- raise ValueError('No correspondent zaid found for '+zaidformula)
+ raise ValueError("No correspondent zaid found for " + zaidformula)
- atomnumber = newiso.loc[name, 'Z']
+ atomnumber = newiso.loc[name, "Z"]
zaidnum = "{}{:03d}".format(atomnumber, int(num))
return zaidnum
- def select_lib(self):
+ def select_lib(self, code: str = "mcnp") -> str:
Prompt an library input selection with Xsdir availabilty check
@@ -402,54 +475,60 @@ def select_lib(self):
lib : str
Library to assess.
+ code: str, optional
+ code for which the library is selected. default is MCNP
- error = CRED+'''
+ error = (
+ + """
Error: {}
The selected library is not available.
- '''+CEND
+ """
+ + CEND
+ )
# Add a counter to avoid falling in an endless loop
i = 0
while True:
i += 1
- lib = input(' Select library (e.g. 31c or 99c-31c): ')
- if lib in self.libraries:
+ lib = input(" Select library (e.g. 31c or 99c-31c): ")
+ if lib in self.libraries[code]:
- elif lib[0] == '{':
+ elif lib[0] == "{":
libs = json.loads(lib)
# all libraries should be available
tocheck = list(libs.values())
flag = True
for val in tocheck:
- if val not in self.libraries:
+ if val not in self.libraries[code]:
flag = False
if flag:
- elif '-' in lib:
- libs = lib.split('-')
+ elif "-" in lib:
+ libs = lib.split("-")
flag = True
for val in libs:
- if val not in self.libraries:
+ if val not in self.libraries[code]:
flag = False
if flag:
- elif lib == 'back':
+ elif lib == "back":
elif lib == "exit":
- break
+ break
if i > 10:
- raise ValueError('Too many wrong inputs')
+ raise ValueError("Too many wrong inputs")
return lib
def get_zaid_mass(self, zaid):
@@ -468,13 +547,13 @@ def get_zaid_mass(self, zaid):
- m = self.isotopes['Atomic Mass'].loc[zaid.element+zaid.isotope]
+ m = self.isotopes["Atomic Mass"].loc[zaid.element + zaid.isotope]
except KeyError: # It means that it is a natural zaid
# For a natural zaid the natural abundance mass is used
df = self.isotopes.reset_index()
- df['Partial mass'] = df['Atomic Mass']*df['Mean value']
- masked = df.set_index('Z').loc[int(zaid.element)]
- m = masked['Partial mass'].sum()
+ df["Partial mass"] = df["Atomic Mass"] * df["Mean value"]
+ masked = df.set_index("Z").loc[int(zaid.element)]
+ m = masked["Partial mass"].sum()
return float(m)
@@ -497,22 +576,22 @@ def get_reactions(self, lib, parent):
reactions = []
- df = self.reactions[lib].set_index('Parent')
+ df = self.reactions[lib].set_index("Parent")
isotopename, formula = self.get_zaidname(parent)
- formulazaid = formula.replace('-', '') # eliminate the '-'
+ formulazaid = formula.replace("-", "") # eliminate the '-'
# collect and provide as tuples
subset = df.loc[formulazaid]
for _, row in subset.iterrows():
- MT = str(int(row['MT']))
- daughter = row['Daughter']
+ MT = str(int(row["MT"]))
+ daughter = row["Daughter"]
daughter = self.get_zaidnum(daughter)
reactions.append((MT, daughter))
except AttributeError:
# then is not a DF but a Series
- MT = str(int(subset['MT']))
- daughter = subset['Daughter']
+ MT = str(int(subset["MT"]))
+ daughter = subset["Daughter"]
daughter = self.get_zaidnum(daughter)
reactions.append((MT, daughter))
diff --git a/jade/main.py b/jade/main.py
index b20fe906..f9f949e8 100644
--- a/jade/main.py
+++ b/jade/main.py
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
class Session:
- def __init__(self):
+ def __init__(self) -> None:
This object represent a JADE session. All "environment" variables are
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ def __init__(self):
- def initialize(self):
+ def initialize(self) -> None:
Initialize JADE session:
- folders structure is created if absent
@@ -82,45 +82,54 @@ def initialize(self):
jade_root = os.getcwd()
if os.path.dirname(code_root) in jade_root:
- fatal_exception('Cannot initialise JADE in Code directory')
- self.path_default_settings = os.path.join(code_root, 'default_settings')
- self.path_templates = os.path.join(code_root, 'templates')
+ fatal_exception("Cannot initialise JADE in Code directory")
+ self.path_default_settings = os.path.join(code_root, "default_settings")
+ self.path_templates = os.path.join(code_root, "templates")
# --- Create/memorize JADE folder structure ---
# Future implementation
- self.path_quality = os.path.join(jade_root, 'Quality')
+ self.path_quality = os.path.join(jade_root, "Quality")
# Test level 1
- self.path_test = os.path.join(jade_root, 'Tests')
+ self.path_test = os.path.join(jade_root, "Tests")
# Test level 2
- self.path_run = os.path.join(self.path_test, 'Simulations')
- self.path_pp = os.path.join(self.path_test, 'Post-Processing')
+ self.path_run = os.path.join(self.path_test, "Simulations")
+ self.path_pp = os.path.join(self.path_test, "Post-Processing")
# Test level 3
- self.path_single = os.path.join(self.path_pp, 'Single_Libraries')
- self.path_comparison = os.path.join(self.path_pp, 'Comparisons')
+ self.path_single = os.path.join(self.path_pp, "Single_Libraries")
+ self.path_comparison = os.path.join(self.path_pp, "Comparisons")
# Utilities
- self.path_uti = os.path.join(jade_root, 'Utilities')
- self.path_logs = os.path.join(jade_root, 'Utilities', 'Log_Files')
- self.path_test_install = os.path.join(jade_root, 'Utilities',
- 'Installation_Test')
- keypaths = [self.path_quality, self.path_test,
- self.path_run, self.path_pp, self.path_uti,
- self.path_single, self.path_comparison, self.path_logs,
- self.path_test_install]
+ self.path_uti = os.path.join(jade_root, "Utilities")
+ self.path_logs = os.path.join(jade_root, "Utilities", "Log_Files")
+ self.path_test_install = os.path.join(
+ jade_root, "Utilities", "Installation_Test"
+ )
+ keypaths = [
+ self.path_quality,
+ self.path_test,
+ self.path_run,
+ self.path_pp,
+ self.path_uti,
+ self.path_single,
+ self.path_comparison,
+ self.path_logs,
+ self.path_test_install,
+ ]
for path in keypaths:
if not os.path.exists(path):
# --This paths must exist or are created at the first initialization--
# Configuration
- self.path_cnf = os.path.join(jade_root, 'Configuration',
- 'Benchmarks_Configuration')
+ self.path_cnf = os.path.join(
+ jade_root, "Configuration", "Benchmarks_Configuration"
+ )
# Experimental results
- self.path_exp_res = os.path.join(jade_root, 'Experimental_Results')
+ self.path_exp_res = os.path.join(jade_root, "Experimental_Results")
# Benchmark inputs
- self.path_inputs = os.path.join(jade_root, 'Benchmarks_Inputs')
+ self.path_inputs = os.path.join(jade_root, "Benchmarks_Inputs")
# Copy default settings if it is the first initialization
if not os.path.exists(self.path_cnf):
@@ -129,32 +138,34 @@ def initialize(self):
shutil.copytree(files, os.path.dirname(self.path_cnf))
# Copy files into benchmark inputs folder
- files = os.path.join(code_root, 'install_files', 'Benchmarks_Inputs')
+ files = os.path.join(code_root, "install_files", "Benchmarks_Inputs")
shutil.copytree(files, self.path_inputs)
# Copy experimental results folder
- files = os.path.join(code_root, 'install_files', 'Experimental_Results')
+ files = os.path.join(code_root, "install_files", "Experimental_Results")
shutil.copytree(files, self.path_exp_res)
# the application needs to be closed
# Read global configuration file. All vital variables are stored here
- self.conf = cnf.Configuration(os.path.join(jade_root, 'Configuration',
- 'Config.xlsx'))
+ self.conf = cnf.Configuration(
+ os.path.join(jade_root, "Configuration", "Config.xlsx")
+ )
# --- Create the session LOG ---
- log = os.path.join(self.path_logs,
- 'Log '+time.ctime().replace(':', '-')+'.txt')
+ log = os.path.join(
+ self.path_logs, "Log " + time.ctime().replace(":", "-") + ".txt"
+ )
self.log = cnf.Log(log)
# --- Create the library manager ---
- #dl = self.conf.default_lib
- activationfile = os.path.join(jade_root, 'Configuration', 'Activation.xlsx')
- isotopes_file = os.path.join(code_root, 'resources', 'Isotopes.txt')
- self.lib_manager = libmanager.LibManager(self.conf.lib,
- activationfile=activationfile,
- isotopes_file=isotopes_file)
+ # dl = self.conf.default_lib
+ activationfile = os.path.join(jade_root, "Configuration", "Activation.xlsx")
+ isotopes_file = os.path.join(code_root, "resources", "Isotopes.txt")
+ self.lib_manager = libmanager.LibManager(
+ self.conf.lib, activationfile=activationfile, isotopes_file=isotopes_file
+ )
# --- Initialize status ---
self.state = status.Status(self)
@@ -187,11 +198,11 @@ def check_active_tests(self, action, exp=False):
to_perform = []
for idx, row in config.iterrows():
- filename = str(row['Folder Name'])
- testname = filename.split('.')[0]
+ filename = str(row["Folder Name"])
+ testname = filename.split(".")[0]
pp = row[action]
- if pp is True or pp == 'True' or pp == 'true':
+ if pp is True or pp == "True" or pp == "true":
return to_perform
@@ -217,13 +228,12 @@ def restore_default_settings(self):
def main():
# Module having problem with log(0) for tick position in graphs
- warnings.filterwarnings('ignore',
- r'invalid value encountered in double_scalars')
- warnings.filterwarnings('ignore',
- r'overflow encountered in power')
- warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', module=r'plotter')
- warnings.filterwarnings('ignore',
- message=r'Warning: converting a masked element to nan.')
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", r"invalid value encountered in double_scalars")
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", r"overflow encountered in power")
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", module=r"plotter")
+ warnings.filterwarnings(
+ "ignore", message=r"Warning: converting a masked element to nan."
+ )
session = Session()
diff --git a/jade/output.py b/jade/output.py
index dd5a9710..65deee82 100644
--- a/jade/output.py
+++ b/jade/output.py
@@ -242,36 +242,6 @@ def __init__(self, lib, config, session):
self.atlas_path_d1s = atlas_path_d1s
self.couples = couples # Couples of libraries to post process
- """
- if self.mcnp:
- atlas_path_mcnp = os.path.join(self.atlas_path, "mcnp")
- os.mkdir(atlas_path_mcnp)
- self.atlas_path_mcnp = atlas_path_mcnp
- raw_path_mcnp = os.path.join(self.raw_path, "mcnp")
- os.mkdir(raw_path_mcnp)
- self.raw_path_mcnp = raw_path_mcnp
- if self.serpent:
- atlas_path_serpent = os.path.join(self.atlas_path, "serpent")
- os.mkdir(atlas_path_serpent)
- self.atlas_path_serpent = atlas_path_serpent
- raw_path_serpent = os.path.join(self.raw_path, "serpent")
- os.mkdir(raw_path_serpent)
- self.raw_path_serpent = raw_path_serpent
- if self.openmc:
- atlas_path_openmc = os.path.join(self.atlas_path, "openmc")
- os.mkdir(atlas_path_openmc)
- self.atlas_path_openmc = atlas_path_openmc
- raw_path_openmc = os.path.join(self.raw_path, "openmc")
- os.mkdir(raw_path_openmc)
- self.raw_path_openmc = raw_path_openmc
- if self.d1s:
- atlas_path_d1s = os.path.join(self.atlas_path, "d1s")
- os.mkdir(atlas_path_d1s)
- self.atlas_path_d1s = atlas_path_d1s
- raw_path_d1s = os.path.join(self.raw_path, "d1s")
- os.mkdir(raw_path_d1s)
- self.raw_path_d1s = raw_path_d1s
- """
self.single = True # Indicator for single or comparison
@@ -331,92 +301,6 @@ def __init__(self, lib, config, session):
self.raw_path_d1s = raw_path_d1s
self.atlas_path_d1s = atlas_path_d1s
- # Generate folders for each code
- """if self.mcnp:
- atlas_path_mcnp = os.path.join(self.atlas_path, "mcnp")
- os.mkdir(atlas_path_mcnp)
- self.atlas_path_mcnp = atlas_path_mcnp
- raw_path_mcnp = os.path.join(self.raw_path, "mcnp")
- os.mkdir(raw_path_mcnp)
- self.raw_path_mcnp = raw_path_mcnp
- if self.serpent:
- atlas_path_serpent = os.path.join(self.atlas_path, "serpent")
- os.mkdir(atlas_path_serpent)
- self.atlas_path_serpent = atlas_path_serpent
- raw_path_serpent = os.path.join(self.raw_path, "serpent")
- os.mkdir(raw_path_serpent)
- self.raw_path_serpent = raw_path_serpent
- if self.openmc:
- atlas_path_openmc = os.path.join(self.atlas_path, "openmc")
- os.mkdir(atlas_path_openmc)
- self.atlas_path_openmc = atlas_path_openmc
- raw_path_openmc = os.path.join(self.raw_path, "openmc")
- os.mkdir(raw_path_openmc)
- self.raw_path_openmc = raw_path_openmc
- if self.d1s:
- atlas_path_d1s = os.path.join(self.atlas_path, "d1s")
- os.mkdir(atlas_path_d1s)
- self.atlas_path_d1s = atlas_path_d1s
- raw_path_d1s = os.path.join(self.raw_path, "d1s")
- os.mkdir(raw_path_d1s)
- self.raw_path_d1s = raw_path_d1s"""
- """
- # Attempt to fix folder structure - unfinished
- if self.mcnp:
- path_mcnp = os.path.join(out, 'mcnp')
- os.mkdir(path_mcnp)
- self.path_mcnp = path_mcnp
- atlas_path_mcnp = os.path.join(path_mcnp, 'Atlas')
- os.mkdir(atlas_path_mcnp)
- self.atlas_path_mcnp = atlas_path_mcnp
- excel_path_mcnp = os.path.join(path_mcnp, 'Excel')
- os.mkdir(excel_path_mcnp)
- self.excel_path_mcnp = excel_path_mcnp
- raw_path_mcnp = os.path.join(path_mcnp, 'Raw')
- os.mkdir(raw_path_mcnp)
- self.raw_path_mcnp = raw_path_mcnp
- if self.serpent:
- path_serpent = os.path.join(out, 'serpent')
- os.mkdir(path_serpent)
- self.path_serpent = path_serpent
- atlas_path_serpent = os.path.join(path_serpent, 'Atlas')
- os.mkdir(atlas_path_serpent)
- self.atlas_path_serpent = atlas_path_serpent
- excel_path_serpent = os.path.join(path_serpent, 'Excel')
- os.mkdir(excel_path_serpent)
- self.excel_path_serpent = excel_path_serpent
- raw_path_serpent = os.path.join(path_serpent, 'Raw')
- os.mkdir(raw_path_serpent)
- self.raw_path_serpent = raw_path_serpent
- if self.openmc:
- path_openmc = os.path.join(out, 'openmc')
- os.mkdir(path_openmc)
- self.path_openmc = path_openmc
- atlas_path_openmc = os.path.join(path_openmc, 'Atlas')
- os.mkdir(atlas_path_openmc)
- self.atlas_path_openmc = atlas_path_openmc
- excel_path_openmc = os.path.join(path_openmc, 'Excel')
- os.mkdir(excel_path_openmc)
- self.excel_path_openmc = excel_path_openmc
- raw_path_openmc = os.path.join(path_openmc, 'Raw')
- os.mkdir(raw_path_openmc)
- self.raw_path_openmc = raw_path_openmc
- if self.d1s:
- path_d1s = os.path.join(out, 'd1s')
- os.mkdir(path_d1s)
- self.path_d1s = path_d1s
- atlas_path_d1s = os.path.join(path_d1s, 'Atlas')
- os.mkdir(atlas_path_d1s)
- self.atlas_path_d1s = atlas_path_d1s
- excel_path_d1s = os.path.join(path_d1s, 'Excel')
- os.mkdir(excel_path_d1s)
- self.excel_path_d1s = excel_path_d1s
- raw_path_d1s = os.path.join(path_d1s, 'Raw')
- os.mkdir(raw_path_d1s)
- self.raw_path_d1s = raw_path_d1s
- """
def single_postprocess(self):
Execute the full post-processing of a single library (i.e. excel,
@@ -455,6 +339,7 @@ def single_postprocess(self):
if self.mcnp:
+ print(self.outputs["mcnp"])
output = self.outputs["mcnp"][tally_num]
except KeyError:
@@ -544,7 +429,8 @@ def compare(self):
print(" Creating Atlas...")
- outpath = os.path.join(self.atlas_path, "tmp")
+ if self.mcnp:
+ outpath = os.path.join(self.atlas_path_mcnp, "tmp")
# Get atlas configuration
@@ -552,10 +438,7 @@ def compare(self):
atl_cnf.set_index("Tally", inplace=True)
# Printing Atlas
- template = os.path.join(
- self.code_path,
- "templates",
- "AtlasTemplate.docx")
+ template = os.path.join(self.path_templates, "AtlasTemplate.docx")
atlas = at.Atlas(template, self.testname + "_" + self.name)
@@ -563,13 +446,13 @@ def compare(self):
outputs_dic = {}
for lib in self.lib:
# Recover lib output
- out_path = os.path.join(
- self.session.path_single,
- lib,
- self.testname,
- "Raw_Data",
- lib + ".pickle",
- )
+ if self.mcnp:
+ out_path = os.path.join(
+ self.session.path_single,
+ lib, self.testname,
+ "mcnp", "Raw_Data",
+ lib + ".pickle"
+ )
with open(out_path, "rb") as handle:
outputs = pickle.load(handle)
outputs_dic[lib] = outputs
@@ -583,7 +466,15 @@ def compare(self):
atl_cnf_plot = atl_cnf[atl_cnf[plot_type]]
for tally_num in tqdm(atl_cnf_plot.index, desc="Tallies"):
# The last 'outputs' can be easily used for common data
- output = outputs[tally_num]
+ try:
+ if self.mcnp:
+ output = self.outputs["mcnp"][tally_num]
+ except KeyError:
+ fatal_exception(
+ "tally n. "
+ + str(tally_num)
+ + " is in config but not in the MCNP output"
+ )
vals_df = output["Value"]
err_df = output["Error"]
quantity = str(atl_cnf_plot["Quantity"].loc[tally_num])
@@ -656,8 +547,9 @@ def compare(self):
img_path = plot.plot(plot_type)
+ if self.mcnp:
+ atlas.save(self.atlas_path_mcnp)
- atlas.save(self.atlas_path)
# Remove tmp images
@@ -702,6 +594,7 @@ def _generate_single_excel_output(self):
outpath = os.path.join(
self.excel_path_mcnp, self.testname + "_" + self.lib + ".xlsx"
+ outputs = {}
#ex = ExcelOutputSheet(template, outpath)
# Get results
# results = []
@@ -724,7 +617,7 @@ def _generate_single_excel_output(self):
self.raw_data = mcnp_output.tallydata
# res, err = output.get_single_excel_data()
- outputs = {}
for label in ["Value", "Error"]:
# keys = {}
@@ -852,9 +745,9 @@ def _generate_single_excel_output(self):
self.outputs["mcnp"] = outputs
# print(outputs)
# Dump them for comparisons
- #outpath = os.path.join(self.raw_path_mcnp, self.lib + ".pickle")
- #with open(outpath, "wb") as outfile:
- # pickle.dump(outputs, outfile)
+ raw_outpath = os.path.join(self.raw_path_mcnp, self.lib + ".pickle")
+ with open(raw_outpath, "wb") as outfile:
+ pickle.dump(outputs, outfile)
# Compile general infos in the sheet
#ws = ex.current_ws
@@ -892,163 +785,233 @@ def _print_raw(self):
def _generate_comparison_excel_output(self):
# Get excel configuration
+ self.outputs = {}
+ self.results = {}
+ self.errors = {}
+ self.stat_checks = {}
ex_cnf = pd.read_excel(self.cnf_path, sheet_name="Excel")
ex_cnf.set_index("Tally", inplace=True)
# Open the excel file
- name_tag = "Generic_comparison.xlsx"
- template = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates", name_tag)
- mcnp_outputs = {}
- iteration = 0
- for reflib, tarlib, name in self.couples:
- iteration = iteration + 1
- outpath = os.path.join(
- self.excel_path,
- self.testname +
- "_Comparison_" +
- name +
- ".xlsx")
- ex = ExcelOutputSheet(template, outpath)
- # Get results
- if iteration == 1:
- to_read = [reflib, tarlib]
- else:
- to_read = [tarlib]
- for lib in to_read:
- results_path = self.test_path[lib]
- # Get mfile and outfile and possibly meshtal file
- meshtalfile = None
- for file in os.listdir(results_path):
- if file[-1] == "m":
- mfile = os.path.join(results_path, file)
- elif file[-1] == "o":
- ofile = os.path.join(results_path, file)
- elif file[-4:] == "msht":
- meshtalfile = os.path.join(results_path, file)
- # Parse output
- mcnp_output = MCNPoutput(
- mfile, ofile, meshtal_file=meshtalfile)
- mcnp_outputs[lib] = mcnp_output
- # Build the comparison
- for tally in mcnp_outputs[reflib].mctal.tallies:
- num = tally.tallyNumber
- key = tally.tallyComment[0]
+ #name_tag = "Generic_comparison.xlsx"
+ #template = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates", name_tag)
- # Full tally data
- tdata_ref = mcnp_outputs[reflib].tallydata[num].copy()
- tdata_tar = mcnp_outputs[tarlib].tallydata[num].copy()
- try:
- tally_settings = ex_cnf.loc[num]
- except KeyError:
- print(
- " Warning!: tally n." +
- str(num) +
- " is not in configuration")
- continue
- # Re-Elaborate tdata Dataframe
- x_name = tally_settings["x"]
- x_tag = tally_settings["x name"]
- y_name = tally_settings["y"]
- y_tag = tally_settings["y name"]
- ylim = tally_settings["cut Y"]
- # select the index format
- if x_name == "Energy":
- idx_format = "0.00E+00"
- # TODO all possible cases should be addressed
- else:
- idx_format = "0"
+ if self.mcnp:
+ mcnp_outputs = {}
+ comps = {}
+ abs_diffs = {}
+ std_devs = {}
+ for reflib, tarlib, name in self.couples:
+ lib_to_comp = name
+ outfolder_path = self.excel_path_mcnp
+ outpath = os.path.join(
+ outfolder_path, "Comparison_" + name + "_mcnp.xlsx"
+ )
- if y_name != "tally":
- tdata_ref.set_index(x_name, inplace=True)
- tdata_tar.set_index(x_name, inplace=True)
- x_set = list(set(tdata_ref.index))
- y_set = list(set(tdata_ref[y_name].values))
- rows = []
- for xval in x_set:
+ #ex = ExcelOutputSheet(template, outpath)
+ # Get results
+ #for lib in to_read:
+ # results_path = self.test_path[lib]
+ for lib, results_path in {
+ reflib: os.path.join(self.test_path[reflib], "mcnp"),
+ tarlib: os.path.join(self.test_path[tarlib], "mcnp"),
+ }.items():
+ results = []
+ errors = []
+ # Get mfile and outfile and possibly meshtal file
+ meshtalfile = None
+ for file in os.listdir(results_path):
+ if file[-1] == "m":
+ mfile = os.path.join(results_path, file)
+ elif file[-1] == "o":
+ ofile = os.path.join(results_path, file)
+ elif file[-4:] == "msht":
+ meshtalfile = os.path.join(results_path, file)
+ # Parse output
+ mcnp_output = MCNPoutput(
+ mfile, ofile, meshtal_file=meshtalfile)
+ mcnp_outputs[lib] = mcnp_output
+ # Build the comparison
+ for label in ["Value", "Error"]:
+ for tally in mcnp_outputs[reflib].mctal.tallies:
+ num = tally.tallyNumber
+ key = tally.tallyComment[0]
+ # Full tally data
+ tdata_ref = mcnp_outputs[reflib].tallydata[num].copy()
+ tdata_tar = mcnp_outputs[tarlib].tallydata[num].copy()
- ref = tdata_ref.loc[xval, "Value"].values
- tar = tdata_tar.loc[xval, "Value"].values
+ tally_settings = ex_cnf.loc[num]
+ except KeyError:
+ print(
+ " Warning!: tally n." +
+ str(num) +
+ " is not in configuration")
+ continue
+ # Re-Elaborate tdata Dataframe
+ x_name = tally_settings["x"]
+ x_tag = tally_settings["x name"]
+ y_name = tally_settings["y"]
+ y_tag = tally_settings["y name"]
+ ylim = tally_settings["cut Y"]
+ # select the index format
+ if label == "Value":
+ for dic in [comps, abs_diffs, std_devs]:
+ dic[num] = {"title": key, "x_label": x_tag}
+ if x_name == "Energy":
+ idx_format = "0.00E+00"
+ # TODO all possible cases should be addressed
+ else:
+ idx_format = "0"
+ if y_name != "tally":
+ tdata_ref.set_index(x_name, inplace=True)
+ tdata_tar.set_index(x_name, inplace=True)
+ x_set = list(set(tdata_ref.index))
+ y_set = list(set(tdata_ref[y_name].values))
+ rows_fin = []
+ rows_abs_diff = []
+ rows_std_dev = []
+ for xval in x_set:
+ try:
+ ref = tdata_ref.loc[xval, "Value"].values
+ ref_err = tdata_ref.loc[xval, "Error"].values
+ tar = tdata_tar.loc[xval, "Value"].values
+ # !!! True divide warnings are suppressed !!!
+ with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"):
+ row_fin = (ref - tar) / ref
+ row_abs_diff = (ref - tar)
+ row_std_dev = row_abs_diff / (ref_err*ref)
+ prev_len = len(ref)
+ except AttributeError:
+ # This is raised when total values are
+ # collected only for one bin.
+ # the rest needs to be filled by nan
+ ref = tdata_ref.loc[xval, "Value"]
+ ref_err = tdata_ref.loc[xval, "Error"]
+ tar = tdata_tar.loc[xval, "Value"]
+ for i in range(prev_len - 1):
+ row_fin.append(np.nan)
+ row_abs_diff.append(np.nan)
+ row_std_dev.append(np.nan)
+ row_fin.append((ref - tar) / ref)
+ row_abs_diff.append(ref - tar)
+ row_std_dev.append((ref - tar)/(ref_err*ref))
+ rows_fin.append(row_fin)
+ rows_abs_diff.append(row_abs_diff)
+ rows_std_dev.append(row_std_dev)
+ try:
+ final = pd.DataFrame(
+ rows_fin, columns=y_set, index=x_set)
+ abs_diff = pd.DataFrame(
+ rows_abs_diff, columns=y_set, index=x_set)
+ std_dev = pd.DataFrame(
+ rows_std_dev, columns=y_set, index=x_set)
+ for df in [final, abs_diff, std_dev]:
+ df.index.name = x_name
+ df.replace(np.nan, "Not Available", inplace=True)
+ df.replace(float(0), "Identical", inplace=True)
+ df.replace(-np.inf, "Reference = 0", inplace=True)
+ df.replace(1, "Target = 0", inplace=True)
+ except ValueError:
+ print(
+ + """
+ A ValueError was triggered, a probable cause may be that more than 2 binnings
+ are defined in tally {}. This is a fatal exception, application will now
+ close""".format(
+ str(num)
+ )
+ + CEND
+ )
+ # Safely exit from excel and from application
+ sys.exit()
+ # reorder index and quick index reset
+ for df in [final, abs_diff, std_dev]:
+ df.reset_index(inplace=True)
+ df = self._reorder_df(df, x_name)
+ df.set_index(x_name, inplace=True)
+ comps[num][label] = final
+ abs_diffs[num][label] = abs_diff
+ std_devs[num][label] = std_dev
+ # insert the df in pieces
+ #ex.insert_cutted_df(
+ # "B",
+ # main_value_df,
+ # "Comparison",
+ # ylim,
+ # header=(key, "Tally n." + str(num)),
+ # index_name=x_tag,
+ # cols_name=y_tag,
+ # index_num_format=idx_format,
+ # values_format="0.00%",
+ #)
+ else:
+ # reorder dfs
+ try:
+ tdata_ref = self._reorder_df(tdata_ref, x_name)
+ except KeyError:
+ print(
+ + """
+ {} is not available in tally {}. Please check the configuration file.
+ The application will now exit """.format(
+ x_name, str(num)
+ )
+ + CEND
+ )
+ # Safely exit from excel and from application
+ sys.exit()
+ del tdata_ref["Error"]
+ tdata_ref.set_index(x_name, inplace=True)
+ tdata_tar = self._reorder_df(tdata_tar, x_name)
+ del tdata_tar["Error"]
+ tdata_tar.set_index(x_name, inplace=True)
# !!! True divide warnings are suppressed !!!
with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"):
- row = (ref - tar) / ref
- prev_len = len(ref)
- except AttributeError:
- # This is raised when total values are
- # collected only for one bin.
- # the rest needs to be filled by nan
- ref = tdata_ref.loc[xval, "Value"]
- tar = tdata_tar.loc[xval, "Value"]
- row = []
- for i in range(prev_len - 1):
- row.append(np.nan)
- row.append((ref - tar) / ref)
- rows.append(row)
- main_value_df = pd.DataFrame(
- rows, columns=y_set, index=x_set)
- main_value_df.index.name = x_name
- # reorder index and quick index reset
- main_value_df.reset_index(inplace=True)
- main_value_df = self._reorder_df(main_value_df, x_name)
- main_value_df.set_index(x_name, inplace=True)
- # insert the df in pieces
- ex.insert_cutted_df(
- "B",
- main_value_df,
- "Comparison",
- ylim,
- header=(key, "Tally n." + str(num)),
- index_name=x_tag,
- cols_name=y_tag,
- index_num_format=idx_format,
- values_format="0.00%",
- )
- else:
- # reorder dfs
- tdata_ref = self._reorder_df(tdata_ref, x_name)
- del tdata_ref["Error"]
- tdata_ref.set_index(x_name, inplace=True)
- tdata_tar = self._reorder_df(tdata_tar, x_name)
- del tdata_tar["Error"]
- tdata_tar.set_index(x_name, inplace=True)
- # !!! True divide warnings are suppressed !!!
- with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"):
- df = (tdata_ref - tdata_tar) / tdata_ref
- # Insert DF
- ex.insert_df(
- "B",
- df,
- "Comparison",
- print_index=True,
- header=(key, "Tally n." + str(num)),
- values_format="0.00%",
- )
+ comp_df = (tdata_ref - tdata_tar) / tdata_ref
+ abs_diff_df = (tdata_ref - tdata_tar)
+ std_dev_df = abs_diff_df
+ comps[num][label] = comp_df
+ abs_diffs[num][label] = abs_diff_df
+ std_devs[num][label] = abs_diff_df
+ # Insert DF
+ #ex.insert_df(
+ # "B",
+ # df,
+ # "Comparison",
+ # print_index=True,
+ # header=(key, "Tally n." + str(num)),
+ # values_format="0.00%",
+ #)
- # Compile general infos in the sheet
- ws = ex.current_ws
- title = self.testname + " RESULTS RECAP: Comparison"
- ws.range("A3").value = title
- ws.range("C1").value = tarlib + " Vs " + reflib
- # Add single pp sheets
- for lib in [reflib, tarlib]:
- cp = self.state.get_path(
- "single", [lib, self.testname, "Excel"])
- file = os.listdir(cp)[0]
- cp = os.path.join(cp, file)
- ex.copy_sheets(cp)
- ex.save()
+ # Compile general infos in the sheet
+ #ws = ex.current_ws
+ #title = self.testname + " RESULTS RECAP: Comparison"
+ #ws.range("A3").value = title
+ #ws.range("C1").value = tarlib + " Vs " + reflib
+ # Add single pp sheets
+ #for lib in [reflib, tarlib]:
+ # cp = self.state.get_path(
+ # "single", [lib, self.testname, "Excel"])
+ # file = os.listdir(cp)[0]
+ # cp = os.path.join(cp, file)
+ # ex.copy_sheets(cp)
+ #ex.save()
+ self.outputs["mcnp"] = comps
+ exsupp.comp_excel_writer(self, outpath, lib_to_comp, self.testname, comps, abs_diffs, std_devs)
class MCNPoutput:
diff --git a/jade/plotter.py b/jade/plotter.py
index 81a4d76c..ef6a7e06 100644
--- a/jade/plotter.py
+++ b/jade/plotter.py
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
# ============================================================================
# Specify parameters for plots
# ============================================================================
-np.seterr(divide="ignore") # Suppressing divide by zero error in plots
+np.seterr(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore") # Suppressing divide by zero error in plots
diff --git a/jade/sphereoutput.py b/jade/sphereoutput.py
index 0d2da12e..a2f1260e 100644
--- a/jade/sphereoutput.py
+++ b/jade/sphereoutput.py
@@ -1325,8 +1325,7 @@ def pp_excel_comparison(self):
# Build the final excel data
final = (comp_dfs[0].loc[newidx] - comp_dfs[1].loc[newidx]) / comp_dfs[
- 0
- ].loc[newidx]
+ 0].loc[newidx]
absdiff = comp_dfs[0].loc[newidx] - comp_dfs[1].loc[newidx]
#self.diff_data["openmc"] = final
@@ -1839,7 +1838,7 @@ def sphere_comp_excel_writer(self, outpath, name, final, absdiff, std_dev, summa
"type": "cell",
"criteria": "greater than",
- "value": 0.2,
+ "value": 3,
"format": red_cell_format,
@@ -1851,8 +1850,8 @@ def sphere_comp_excel_writer(self, outpath, name, final, absdiff, std_dev, summa
"type": "cell",
"criteria": "between",
- "minimum": 0.1,
- "maximum": 0.2,
+ "minimum": 3,
+ "maximum": 2,
"format": orange_cell_format,
@@ -1864,8 +1863,8 @@ def sphere_comp_excel_writer(self, outpath, name, final, absdiff, std_dev, summa
"type": "cell",
"criteria": "between",
- "minimum": 0.05,
- "maximum": 0.1,
+ "minimum": 2,
+ "maximum": 1,
"format": yellow_cell_format,
@@ -1877,7 +1876,7 @@ def sphere_comp_excel_writer(self, outpath, name, final, absdiff, std_dev, summa
"type": "cell",
"criteria": "less than",
- "value": -0.2,
+ "value": -3,
"format": red_cell_format,
@@ -1889,8 +1888,8 @@ def sphere_comp_excel_writer(self, outpath, name, final, absdiff, std_dev, summa
"type": "cell",
"criteria": "between",
- "minimum": -0.5,
- "maximum": -0.1,
+ "minimum": -3,
+ "maximum": -2,
"format": orange_cell_format,
@@ -1902,8 +1901,8 @@ def sphere_comp_excel_writer(self, outpath, name, final, absdiff, std_dev, summa
"type": "cell",
"criteria": "between",
- "minimum": -0.1,
- "maximum": -0.05,
+ "minimum": -2,
+ "maximum": -1,
"format": yellow_cell_format,
@@ -1915,8 +1914,8 @@ def sphere_comp_excel_writer(self, outpath, name, final, absdiff, std_dev, summa
"type": "cell",
"criteria": "between",
- "minimum": -0.05,
- "maximum": 0.05,
+ "minimum": -1,
+ "maximum": 1,
"format": green_cell_format,
diff --git a/jade/status.py b/jade/status.py
index efc7c666..006b138d 100644
--- a/jade/status.py
+++ b/jade/status.py
@@ -21,28 +21,32 @@
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with JADE. If not, see .
+from __future__ import annotations
import os
import re
+from jade.main import Session
- 'Sphere',
- 'Oktavian',
- 'SphereSDDR',
- 'FNG',
- 'Tiara-BC',
- 'Tiara-BS',
- 'Tiara-FC',
- 'FNS-TOF',
- 'FNG-BKT',
- 'FNG-W',
- 'ASPIS-Fe88',
- 'TUD-Fe',
- 'TUD-W']
-EXP_TAG = 'Exp'
-class Status():
- def __init__(self, session):
+ "Sphere",
+ "Oktavian",
+ "SphereSDDR",
+ "FNG",
+ "Tiara-BC",
+ "Tiara-BS",
+ "Tiara-FC",
+ "FNS-TOF",
+ "FNG-BKT",
+ "FNG-W",
+ "ASPIS-Fe88",
+ "TUD-Fe",
+ "TUD-W",
+EXP_TAG = "Exp"
+class Status:
+ def __init__(self, session: Session) -> None:
Stores the state of the JADE runs and post-processing.
@@ -70,14 +74,14 @@ def __init__(self, session):
self.comparison_tree, self.single_tree = self.update_pp_status()
# Updated by S. Bradnam to include new level, code, between test and zaid.
- def update_run_status(self):
+ def update_run_status(self) -> dict:
Read/Update the run tree status. All files produced by runs are
- libraries : dic
+ libraries : dict
dictionary of dictionaries representing the run tree
@@ -115,17 +119,17 @@ def update_run_status(self):
return libraries
# Updated by S. Bradnam, UKAEA to include new level, code.
- def update_pp_status(self) -> tuple:
+ def update_pp_status(self) -> tuple[dict, dict]:
Read/Update the post processing tree status. All files produced by
post processing registered
- comparison_tree : dic
+ comparison_tree : dict
Dictionary registering all test post processed for each
comparison of libraries.
- single_tree : dic
+ single_tree : dict
Dictionary registering all test post processed performed for
single libraries.
@@ -160,7 +164,7 @@ def update_pp_status(self) -> tuple:
return comparison_tree, single_tree
- def get_path(self, tree: str, itinerary: list) -> str:
+ def get_path(self, tree: str, itinerary: list[str]) -> str | os.PathLike:
Get the resulting path of an itinery on one tree
@@ -168,7 +172,7 @@ def get_path(self, tree: str, itinerary: list) -> str:
tree : str
Either 'comparison', 'single', or 'run'.
- itinerary : list
+ itinerary : list[str]
list of strings representing the step to take inside the tree.
@@ -178,7 +182,7 @@ def get_path(self, tree: str, itinerary: list) -> str:
- cp : str/path
+ cp : str | os.PathLike
path to final step.
@@ -200,7 +204,9 @@ def get_path(self, tree: str, itinerary: list) -> str:
return cp
- def get_unfinished_zaids(self, lib) -> tuple:
+ def get_unfinished_zaids(
+ self, lib: str
+ ) -> tuple[dict[str, list], str | os.PathLike] | None:
Identify zaids to run for rerun or continuation purposes
@@ -211,8 +217,10 @@ def get_unfinished_zaids(self, lib) -> tuple:
- unfinished : list
- zaids/typical materials not run.
+ unfinished : dict[str, list]
+ list of zaids/typical materials not run for each code.
+ motherdir : str | os.PathLike
+ root of test folder.
@@ -236,12 +244,12 @@ def get_unfinished_zaids(self, lib) -> tuple:
return unfinished, motherdir
- def check_test_run(self, files: list, code: str) -> bool:
+ def check_test_run(self, files: list[str], code: str) -> bool:
"""Check if a test was run successfully for the specified code.
- files : list
+ files : list[str]
filenames inside the test folder
code : str
Transport code
@@ -261,13 +269,13 @@ def check_test_run(self, files: list, code: str) -> bool:
return flag_run_test
- def _check_test_mcnp(self, files: list) -> bool:
+ def _check_test_mcnp(self, files: list[str]) -> bool:
Check if a test has been run
- files : list
+ files : list[str]
file names inside test folder.
@@ -285,12 +293,12 @@ def _check_test_mcnp(self, files: list) -> bool:
return flag_run_test
- def _check_test_serpent(self, files: list) -> bool:
+ def _check_test_serpent(self, files: list[str]) -> bool:
"""Checks to see if Serpent simualtion has been run.
- files : list
+ files : list[str]
file names inside test folder.
@@ -306,12 +314,12 @@ def _check_test_serpent(self, files: list) -> bool:
flag_run_test = True
return flag_run_test
- def _check_test_openmc(self, files: list) -> bool:
+ def _check_test_openmc(self, files: list[str]) -> bool:
"""Checks to see if OpenMC simualtion has been run.
- files : list
+ files : list[str]
file names inside test folder.
@@ -328,7 +336,7 @@ def _check_test_openmc(self, files: list) -> bool:
return flag_run_test
# TODO checking for multiple codes
- def check_override_run(self, lib, session, exp=False):
+ def check_override_run(self, lib: str, session: Session, exp: bool = False) -> bool:
Check status of the requested run. If overridden is required permission
is requested to the user
@@ -395,12 +403,7 @@ def check_override_run(self, lib, session, exp=False):
return ans
- def check_lib_run(
- self,
- lib,
- session,
- config_option="Run",
- exp=False) -> dict:
+ def check_lib_run(self, lib, session, config_option="Run", exp=False) -> dict:
Check if a library has been run. To be considered run a meshtally or
meshtal have to be produced (for MCNP). Only active benchmarks (specified in
@@ -460,8 +463,7 @@ def check_lib_run(
exps = self.run_tree[lib][testname]
for experiment, codes in exps.items():
for code, files in codes.items():
- flag_run_zaid = self.check_test_run(
- files, code)
+ flag_run_zaid = self.check_test_run(files, code)
if flag_run_zaid:
flag_test_run = True
if flag_test_run:
@@ -473,8 +475,7 @@ def check_lib_run(
if testname in MULTI_TEST:
flag_test_run = False
for zaid, files in test.items():
- flag_run_zaid = self.check_test_run(
- files, code)
+ flag_run_zaid = self.check_test_run(files, code)
if flag_run_zaid:
flag_test_run = True
if flag_test_run:
@@ -518,9 +519,7 @@ def check_pp_single(self, lib, session, tree="single", exp=False):
- trees = {
- "single": self.single_tree,
- "comparison": self.comparison_tree}
+ trees = {"single": self.single_tree, "comparison": self.comparison_tree}
library_tests = trees[tree][lib]
to_pp = session.check_active_tests("Post-Processing", exp=exp)
@@ -582,8 +581,7 @@ def check_override_pp(self, session, exp=False):
# Check if libraries have been run
flag_not_run = False
for lib in libs:
- test_run = self.check_lib_run(
- lib, session, "Post-Processing", exp=exp)
+ test_run = self.check_lib_run(lib, session, "Post-Processing", exp=exp)
if len(test_run) == 0: # TODO not checking for each benchmark
flag_not_run = True
lib_not_run = lib
@@ -613,8 +611,7 @@ def check_override_pp(self, session, exp=False):
You can manage the selection of benchmarks in the Config.xlsx file.
- i = input(
- " Would you like to override the results?(y/n) ")
+ i = input(" Would you like to override the results?(y/n) ")
if i == "y":
ans = True
logtext = (
@@ -656,8 +653,7 @@ def check_override_pp(self, session, exp=False):
A comparison for these libraries was already performed.
- i = input(
- " Would you like to override the results?(y/n) ")
+ i = input(" Would you like to override the results?(y/n) ")
if i == "y":
ans = True
logtext = (
diff --git a/jade/testrun.py b/jade/testrun.py
index 9107feb9..d8faaa43 100644
--- a/jade/testrun.py
+++ b/jade/testrun.py
@@ -103,9 +103,6 @@ def __init__(self, inp, lib, config, log, confpath, runoption):
# Path variables
self.run_dir = None
- # self.serpent_dir = None
- # self.openmc_dir = None
- # self.d1s_dir = None
config = config.dropna()
@@ -136,25 +133,13 @@ def __init__(self, inp, lib, config, log, confpath, runoption):
except KeyError:
self.d1s = False
- """
- # Chek for valid code
- code = config['Code']
- if code not in CODE_TAGS.keys():
- raise ValueError(code+' is not an admissible value for code.\n' +
- 'Please double check the configuration file.')
- else:
- self.code = code # transport code to be used for the benchmark
- """
# Generate input file template according to transport code
if self.d1s:
- d1s_ipt = os.path.join(inp, "d1s", self.name + ".i")
+ d1s_ipt = os.path.join(inp, "d1s", os.path.basename(inp) + ".i")
self.d1s_inp = ipt.D1S5_InputFile.from_text(d1s_ipt)
- # It also have additional files then that must be in the
- # VRT folder (irradiation and reaction files)
- # To change with revised folder structure - removed VRT.
- irrfile = os.path.join(VRTpath, self.d1s_inp.name, self.inp.name + "_irrad")
+ irrfile = os.path.join(inp, "d1s", os.path.basename(inp) + "_irrad")
reacfile = os.path.join(
- VRTpath, self.d1s_inp.name, self.d1s_inp.name + "_react"
+ inp, "d1s", os.path.basename(inp) + "_react"
self.irrad = IrradiationFile.from_text(irrfile)
@@ -163,17 +148,11 @@ def __init__(self, inp, lib, config, log, confpath, runoption):
"d1S irradition and reaction files not found, skipping..."
- # For instance in sphere test they are not provided
- # There may be reasons why these files are not provided, it is
- # responsability of the user to make them available or not.
- # self.irrad = None
- # self.react = None
+ self.name = self.d1s_inp.name
if self.mcnp:
mcnp_ipt = os.path.join(inp, "mcnp", os.path.basename(inp) + ".i")
self.mcnp_inp = ipt.InputFile.from_text(mcnp_ipt)
self.name = self.mcnp_inp.name
- # self.irrad = None
- # self.react = None
if self.serpent:
serpent_ipt = os.path.join(inp, "serpent", os.path.basename(inp) + ".i")
self.serpent_inp = ipt.SerpentInputFile.from_text(serpent_ipt)
@@ -181,37 +160,6 @@ def __init__(self, inp, lib, config, log, confpath, runoption):
openmc_ipt = os.path.join(inp, "openmc")
self.openmc_inp = ipt.OpenMCInputFiles.from_path(openmc_ipt)
- # Need to add this back if user only running MCNP
- # Add the stop card according to config
- """
- config = config.dropna()
- try:
- nps = config['NPS cut-off']
- except KeyError:
- nps = None
- if nps is np.nan:
- nps = None
- try:
- ctme = config['CTME cut-off']
- except KeyError:
- ctme = None
- if ctme is np.nan:
- ctme = None
- try:
- tally = config['Relative Error cut-off'].split('-')[0]
- error = config['Relative Error cut-off'].split('-')[1]
- precision = (tally, error)
- except KeyError:
- precision = None
- self.nps = nps
- self.ctme = ctme
- self.precision = precision
- # Directory where the MCNP run will be performed
- self.MCNPdir = None
- """
def _translate_input(self, lib, libmanager):
Translate the input template to selected library
@@ -236,7 +184,6 @@ def _translate_input(self, lib, libmanager):
add = self.d1s_inp.translate(
- "d1s",
@@ -277,8 +224,6 @@ def generate_test(self, lib_directory, libmanager, run_dir=None):
self._translate_input(self.lib, libmanager)
# Add stop card
- # Need to retain adding ctme and precision for MCNP
- # self.inp.add_stopCard(self.nps, self.ctme, self.precision)
if self.d1s:
if self.mcnp:
@@ -301,25 +246,20 @@ def generate_test(self, lib_directory, libmanager, run_dir=None):
- # edits_file = os.path.join(directoryVRT, 'inp_edits.txt')
- # ww_file = os.path.join(directoryVRT, 'wwinp')
- # if os.path.exists(directoryVRT):
- # # This was tested only for sphere... be careful
- # self.inp.add_edits(edits_file) # Add variance reduction
# Allow space for personalization getting additional modification
if self.d1s:
- os.mkdir(os.path.join(motherdir, "d1s"))
- outinpfile = os.path.join(motherdir, "d1s", testname)
+ d1s_dir = os.path.join(motherdir, "d1s")
+ os.mkdir(d1s_dir)
+ outinpfile = os.path.join(d1s_dir, testname)
# And accessory files if needed
if self.irrad is not None:
- self.irrad.write(motherdir, "d1s")
+ self.irrad.write(d1s_dir)
if self.react is not None:
- self.react.write(motherdir, "d1s")
- # Get VRT files if available
+ self.react.write(d1s_dir)
+ # Get WW files if available
wwinp = os.path.join(self.original_inp, "d1s", "wwinp")
if os.path.exists(wwinp):
outfile = os.path.join(motherdir, "d1s", "wwinp")
@@ -336,30 +276,13 @@ def generate_test(self, lib_directory, libmanager, run_dir=None):
shutil.copyfile(wwinp, outfile)
if self.serpent:
- # Impliment serpent outputfile generation here
+ # Implement serpent outputfile generation here
if self.openmc:
- # Impliment openmc outputfile generation here
+ # Implement openmc outputfile generation here
- """
- # Write new input file
- outinpfile = os.path.join(motherdir, testname)
- self.inp.write(outinpfile)
- # And accessory files if needed
- if self.irrad is not None:
- self.irrad.write(motherdir)
- if self.react is not None:
- self.react.write(motherdir)
- # Get VRT files if available
- wwinp = os.path.join(self.path_VRT, testname, 'wwinp')
- if os.path.exists(wwinp):
- outfile = os.path.join(motherdir, 'wwinp')
- shutil.copyfile(wwinp, outfile)
- """
def custom_inp_modifications(self):
Perform additional operation on the input before generation. In this
@@ -482,8 +405,118 @@ def job_submission(
config.batch_system + " " + job_script, cwd=directory, shell=True
- def run_d1s(self, config, libmanager, name, directory):
- pass
+ def run_d1s(
+ self,
+ config,
+ lib_manager,
+ name: str,
+ directory: Path,
+ runoption: str,
+ timeout=None,
+ ) -> bool:
+ """Run D1S simulation either on the command line or submitted as a job.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ config :
+ Configuration settings
+ lib_manager :
+ libmanager
+ name : str
+ Name of the simulation
+ directory : str, path
+ Directory where the simulation will be executed
+ runoption: str
+ Whether JADE run in parallel or command line
+ timeout : float, optional
+ Maximum time to wait for simulation of complete, by default None
+ Returns
+ -------
+ bool
+ Flag if simulation not run
+ """
+ # Calculate MPI tasks and OpenMP threads
+ mpi_tasks = int(config.openmp_threads) * int(config.mpi_tasks)
+ omp_threads = 1
+ run_mpi = False
+ if mpi_tasks > 1:
+ run_mpi = True
+ executable = config.d1s_exec
+ env_variables = config.d1s_config
+ inputstring = "i=" + name
+ outputstring = "n=" + name
+ #TODO change for D1S
+ if isinstance(self.lib, dict):
+ lib = list(self.lib.values())[0]
+ elif isinstance(self.lib, str):
+ lib = self.lib
+ xsstring = "xs=" + str(lib_manager.data["mcnp"][lib].filename)
+ if run_mpi:
+ run_command = [
+ "mpirun",
+ "-n",
+ str(mpi_tasks),
+ executable,
+ inputstring,
+ outputstring,
+ xsstring,
+ ]
+ else:
+ run_command = [executable, inputstring, outputstring, xsstring]
+ flagnotrun = False
+ try:
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(directory)
+ # cancel eventual previous output file
+ outputfile = name + ".o"
+ if os.path.exists(outputfile):
+ os.remove(outputfile)
+ # check if runtpe exists
+ runtpe = name + ".r"
+ if os.path.exists(runtpe):
+ command = command + " runtpe=" + name + ".r"
+ if runoption.lower() == "c":
+ try:
+ if not sys.platform.startswith("win"):
+ unix.configure(env_variables)
+ print(" ".join(run_command))
+ subprocess.run(
+ " ".join(run_command), cwd=directory, shell=True, timeout=43200
+ )
+ except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
+ print(
+ "Sesion timed out after 12 hours. Consider submitting as a job."
+ )
+ flagnotrun = True
+ elif runoption.lower() == "s":
+ # Run MCNP as a job
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(directory)
+ self.job_submission(
+ config,
+ directory,
+ run_command,
+ mpi_tasks,
+ omp_threads,
+ env_variables,
+ )
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+ except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
+ pass
+ return flagnotrun
def run_mcnp(
@@ -832,7 +865,10 @@ def generate_test(self, directory, libmanager, limit=None, lib=None):
zaids = libmanager.get_libzaids(lib, "mcnp")
# testname = self.inp.name
- testname = "Sphere"
+ if self.d1s:
+ testname = "SphereSDDR"
+ else:
+ testname = "Sphere"
motherdir = os.path.join(directory, testname)
# If previous results are present they are canceled
@@ -875,42 +911,12 @@ def generate_test(self, directory, libmanager, limit=None, lib=None):
nps = self.nps
- # if self.ctme is None:
- # ctme = settings.loc[Z, 'CTME cut-off']
- # if ctme is np.nan:
- # ctme = None
- # else:
- # ctme = self.ctme
- #
- # if self.precision is None:
- # prec = settings.loc[Z, 'Relative Error cut-off']
- # if prec is np.nan:
- # precision = None
- # else:
- # tally = prec.split('-')[0]
- # error = prec.split('-')[1]
- # precision = (tally, error)
- # else:
- # precision = self.precision
# Zaid local settings are prioritized
nps = settings.loc[Z, "NPS cut-off"]
if nps is np.nan:
nps = None
- # ctme = settings.loc[Z, 'CTME cut-off']
- # if ctme is np.nan:
- # ctme = None
- #
- # prec = settings.loc[Z, 'Relative Error cut-off']
- # if prec is np.nan:
- # precision = None
- # else:
- # tally = prec.split('-')[0]
- # error = prec.split('-')[1]
- # precision = (tally, error)
zaid, libmanager, testname, motherdir, -1 * density, nps
@@ -925,9 +931,6 @@ def generate_test(self, directory, libmanager, limit=None, lib=None):
material, -1 * density, libmanager, testname, motherdir
- # def generate_zaid_test(self, zaid, libmanager, testname, motherdir,
- # density, nps, ctme, precision, addtag=None,
- # parentlist=None, lib=None):
def generate_zaid_test(
@@ -957,10 +960,6 @@ def generate_zaid_test(
Density value for the sphere.
nps : float
number of particles cut-off
- ctme : float
- computer time cut-off
- precision : float
- precision cut-off
addtag : str, optional
add tag at the end of the single zaid test name. The default is
@@ -978,15 +977,10 @@ def generate_zaid_test(
# Adjourn the material cards for the zaid
zaid = mat.Zaid(1, zaid[:-3], zaid[-3:], lib)
name, formula = libmanager.get_zaidname(zaid)
if self.d1s:
- # Add d1s function here
- pass
- if self.mcnp:
# Retrieve wwinp & other misc files if they exist
directoryVRT = os.path.join(
- self.path_VRT, "mcnp", zaid.element + zaid.isotope
+ self.path_VRT, "d1s", zaid.element + zaid.isotope
edits_file = os.path.join(directoryVRT, "inp_edits.txt")
ww_file = os.path.join(directoryVRT, "wwinp")
@@ -996,19 +990,49 @@ def generate_zaid_test(
matlist = mat.MatCardsList([material])
# Generate the new input
- newinp = deepcopy(self.mcnp_inp)
+ newinp = deepcopy(self.d1s_inp)
newinp.matlist = matlist # Assign material
# adjourn density
# assign stop card
- newinp.add_stopCard(nps) # , ctme, precision)
+ newinp.add_stopCard(nps)
# add PIKMT if requested
if parentlist is not None:
- # if os.path.exists(directoryVRT):
- # newinp.add_edits(edits_file) # Add variance reduction
+ # Write new input file
+ outfile, outdir = self._get_zaidtestname(
+ testname, zaid, formula, addtag=addtag
+ )
+ outpath = os.path.join(motherdir, "d1s", outdir)
+ os.mkdir(outpath)
+ outinpfile = os.path.join(outpath, outfile)
+ newinp.write(outinpfile)
+ # Copy also wwinp file
+ if os.path.exists(directoryVRT):
+ outwwfile = os.path.join(outpath, "wwinp")
+ shutil.copyfile(ww_file, outwwfile)
+ if self.mcnp:
+ # Retrieve wwinp & other misc files if they exist
+ directoryVRT = os.path.join(
+ self.path_VRT, "mcnp", zaid.element + zaid.isotope
+ )
+ edits_file = os.path.join(directoryVRT, "inp_edits.txt")
+ ww_file = os.path.join(directoryVRT, "wwinp")
+ # Create MCNP material card
+ submat = mat.SubMaterial("M1", [zaid], header="C " + name + " " + formula)
+ material = mat.Material([zaid], None, "M1", submaterials=[submat])
+ matlist = mat.MatCardsList([material])
+ # Generate the new input
+ newinp = deepcopy(self.mcnp_inp)
+ newinp.matlist = matlist # Assign material
+ # adjourn density
+ newinp.change_density(density)
+ # assign stop card
+ newinp.add_stopCard(nps)
# Write new input file
outfile, outdir = self._get_zaidtestname(
testname, zaid, formula, addtag=addtag
@@ -1122,7 +1146,40 @@ def generate_material_test(
truename = material.name
if self.d1s:
- # Add d1s function here
+ # Retrieve wwinp & other misc files if they exist
+ directoryVRT = os.path.join(self.path_VRT, "d1s", truename)
+ edits_file = os.path.join(directoryVRT, "inp_edits.txt")
+ ww_file = os.path.join(directoryVRT, "wwinp")
+ newmat = deepcopy(material)
+ # Translate and assign the material
+ newmat.translate(lib, libmanager, "mcnp")
+ newmat.header = material.header + "C\nC True name:" + truename
+ newmat.name = "M1"
+ matlist = mat.MatCardsList([newmat])
+ # Generate the new input
+ newinp = deepcopy(self.d1s_inp)
+ newinp.matlist = matlist # Assign material
+ # adjourn density
+ newinp.change_density(density)
+ # add stop card
+ newinp.add_stopCard(self.nps)
+ # Add PIKMT card if required
+ if parentlist is not None:
+ newinp.add_PIKMT_card(parentlist)
+ # Write new input file
+ outfile = testname + "_" + truename + "_"
+ outdir = testname + "_" + truename
+ outpath = os.path.join(motherdir, "d1s", outdir)
+ os.mkdir(outpath)
+ outinpfile = os.path.join(outpath, outfile)
+ newinp.write(outinpfile)
+ # Copy also wwinp file
+ if os.path.exists(directoryVRT):
+ outwwfile = os.path.join(outpath, "wwinp")
+ shutil.copyfile(ww_file, outwwfile)
if self.mcnp:
@@ -1143,14 +1200,11 @@ def generate_material_test(
# adjourn density
# add stop card
- newinp.add_stopCard(self.nps) # , self.ctme, self.precision)
+ newinp.add_stopCard(self.nps)
# Add PIKMT card if required
if parentlist is not None:
- # if os.path.exists(directoryVRT):
- # newinp.add_edits(edits_file) # Add variance reduction
# Write new input file
outfile = testname + "_" + truename + "_"
outdir = testname + "_" + truename
@@ -1257,7 +1311,6 @@ def run(self, config, libmanager, runoption: str) -> None:
-# Fix from here
class SphereTestSDDR(SphereTest):
def __init__(self, *args, **keyargs):
super().__init__(*args, **keyargs)
@@ -1272,7 +1325,7 @@ def generate_test(self, directory, libmanager, limit=None, lib=None):
def generate_zaid_test(
- self, zaid, libmanager, testname, motherdir, density, nps, ctme, precision
+ self, zaid, libmanager, testname, motherdir, density, nps
Generate input for a single zaid sphere SDDR benchmark run.
@@ -1293,10 +1346,6 @@ def generate_zaid_test(
Density value for the sphere.
nps : float
number of particles cut-off
- ctme : float
- computer time cut-off
- precision : float
- precision cut-off
@@ -1318,8 +1367,6 @@ def generate_zaid_test(
- ctme,
- precision,
@@ -1503,7 +1550,7 @@ def _generate_irradiation_file(self, daughters):
+ """
- Warning: irradiations schedules were not find for all specified daughters.
+ Warning: irradiation schedules were not found for all specified daughters.
@@ -1519,10 +1566,10 @@ class FNGTest(Test):
def custom_inp_modifications(self):
# Add the tracking for daughters in tally 14
zaids = self.irrad.get_daughters()
- self.inp.add_track_contribution("F14:p", zaids, who="daughter")
+ self.d1s_inp.add_track_contribution("F14:p", zaids, who="daughter")
# Add the tracking for daughters in tally 24
zaids = self.react.get_parents()
- self.inp.add_track_contribution("F24:p", zaids, who="parent")
+ self.d1s_inp.add_track_contribution("F24:p", zaids, who="parent")
class MultipleTest:
diff --git a/jade/xsdirpyne.py b/jade/xsdirpyne.py
index 0ca81e35..f9cc7bea 100644
--- a/jade/xsdirpyne.py
+++ b/jade/xsdirpyne.py
@@ -139,22 +139,27 @@ def read(self):
# All tables have at least 7 attributes
- table.name = words[0]
- table.awr = float(words[1])
- table.filename = words[2]
- table.access = words[3]
- table.filetype = int(words[4])
- table.address = int(words[5])
- table.tablelength = int(words[6])
- if len(words) > 7:
- table.recordlength = int(words[7])
- if len(words) > 8:
- table.entries = int(words[8])
- if len(words) > 9:
- table.temperature = float(words[9])
- if len(words) > 10:
- table.ptable = (words[10] == 'ptable')
+ try:
+ table.name = words[0]
+ table.awr = float(words[1])
+ table.filename = words[2]
+ table.access = words[3]
+ table.filetype = int(words[4])
+ table.address = int(words[5])
+ table.tablelength = int(words[6])
+ if len(words) > 7:
+ table.recordlength = int(words[7])
+ if len(words) > 8:
+ table.entries = int(words[8])
+ if len(words) > 9:
+ table.temperature = float(words[9])
+ if len(words) > 10:
+ table.ptable = (words[10] == 'ptable')
+ except ValueError:
+ problem_line = words[0]
+ print("Error reading line corresponding to {}, passing for now, please adjust XSDIR file".format(problem_line))
+ pass
def find_table(self, name, mode='default'):
"""Find all tables for a given ZIAD.
diff --git a/templates/AtlasTemplate.docx b/templates/AtlasTemplate.docx
deleted file mode 100644
index a0572897..00000000
Binary files a/templates/AtlasTemplate.docx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/tests/libmanager_test.py b/tests/libmanager_test.py
index d1119f6a..ab840d70 100644
--- a/tests/libmanager_test.py
+++ b/tests/libmanager_test.py
@@ -36,10 +36,9 @@
from jade.matreader import Zaid
-ACTIVATION_FILE = os.path.join(cp, 'TestFiles', 'libmanager',
- 'Activation libs.xlsx')
-XSDIR_FILE = os.path.join(cp, 'TestFiles', 'libmanager', 'xsdir')
-ISOTOPES_FILE = os.path.join(root, 'jade', 'resources', 'Isotopes.txt')
+ACTIVATION_FILE = os.path.join(cp, "TestFiles", "libmanager", "Activation libs.xlsx")
+XSDIR_FILE = os.path.join(cp, "TestFiles", "libmanager", "xsdir")
+ISOTOPES_FILE = os.path.join(root, "jade", "resources", "Isotopes.txt")
class TestLibManger:
@@ -47,75 +46,89 @@ class TestLibManger:
def lm(self):
df_rows = [
- ['99c', 'sda', '', XSDIR_FILE],
- ['98c', 'acsdc', '', XSDIR_FILE],
- ['21c', 'adsadsa', '', XSDIR_FILE],
- ['31c', 'adsadas', '', XSDIR_FILE],
- ['00c', 'sdas', 'yes', XSDIR_FILE],
- ['71c', 'sdasxcx', '', XSDIR_FILE]]
+ ["99c", "sda", "", XSDIR_FILE],
+ ["98c", "acsdc", "", XSDIR_FILE],
+ ["21c", "adsadsa", "", XSDIR_FILE],
+ ["31c", "adsadas", "", XSDIR_FILE],
+ ["00c", "sdas", "yes", XSDIR_FILE],
+ ["71c", "sdasxcx", "", XSDIR_FILE],
+ ]
df_lib = pd.DataFrame(df_rows)
- df_lib.columns = ['Suffix', 'Name', 'Default', 'MCNP']
+ df_lib.columns = ["Suffix", "Name", "Default", "MCNP"]
- return LibManager(df_lib, activationfile=ACTIVATION_FILE,
- isotopes_file=ISOTOPES_FILE)
+ return LibManager(
+ df_lib, activationfile=ACTIVATION_FILE, isotopes_file=ISOTOPES_FILE
+ )
+ def test_available_libs(self, lm: LibManager):
+ """
+ Test the ability to recover the available libraries
+ """
+ libs = lm.libraries["mcnp"]
+ assert "99c" in libs
+ assert "98c" in libs
+ assert "21c" in libs
+ assert "31c" in libs
+ assert "00c" in libs
+ assert "71c" in libs
def test_reactionfilereading(self, lm):
- assert len(lm.reactions['99c']) == 100
- assert len(lm.reactions['98c']) == 34
+ assert len(lm.reactions["99c"]) == 100
+ assert len(lm.reactions["98c"]) == 34
def test_get_reactions1(self, lm):
Test ability to recover reactions for parent zaid (one)
- parent = '9019'
- reaction = lm.get_reactions('99c', parent)[0]
- assert reaction[0] == '16'
- assert reaction[1] == '9018'
+ parent = "9019"
+ reaction = lm.get_reactions("99c", parent)[0]
+ assert reaction[0] == "16"
+ assert reaction[1] == "9018"
def test_get_reactions2(self, lm):
Test ability to recover reactions for parent zaid (multiple)
- parent = '11023'
- reactions = lm.get_reactions('99c', parent)
+ parent = "11023"
+ reactions = lm.get_reactions("99c", parent)
reaction1 = reactions[0]
reaction2 = reactions[1]
- assert reaction1[0] == '16'
- assert reaction1[1] == '11022'
- assert reaction2[0] == '102'
- assert reaction2[1] == '11024'
+ assert reaction1[0] == "16"
+ assert reaction1[1] == "11022"
+ assert reaction2[0] == "102"
+ assert reaction2[1] == "11024"
def test_formula_conversion(self, lm):
Test the abilty to switch between isotopes formulas and zaid number
- tests = ['N15', 'Er164', 'Kr83']
- finals = ['N-15', 'Er-164', 'Kr-83']
+ tests = ["N15", "Er164", "Kr83"]
+ finals = ["N-15", "Er-164", "Kr-83"]
for test, final in zip(tests, finals):
conversion = lm.get_zaidnum(test)
name, formula = lm.get_zaidname(conversion)
assert final == formula
- def test_check4zaid(self, lm):
+ def test_check4zaid(self, lm: LibManager):
Correctly checks availability of zaids
- zaid = '1001'
+ zaid = "1001"
libs = lm.check4zaid(zaid)
assert len(libs) > 1
assert len(libs[0]) == 3
- zaid = '1010'
+ zaid = "1010"
assert len(lm.check4zaid(zaid)) == 0
- def test_convertZaid(self, lm):
+ def test_convertZaid(self, lm: LibManager):
# --- Exception if library is not available ---
- zaid = '1001'
- lib = '44c'
+ zaid = "1001"
+ lib = "44c"
lm.convertZaid(zaid, lib)
assert False
except ValueError:
@@ -123,44 +136,40 @@ def test_convertZaid(self, lm):
# --- Natural zaid ---
# 1 to 1
- zaid = '12000'
- lib = '21c'
+ zaid = "12000"
+ lib = "21c"
translation = lm.convertZaid(zaid, lib)
assert translation == {zaid: (lib, 1, 1)}
# expansion
- lib = '31c'
+ lib = "31c"
translation = lm.convertZaid(zaid, lib)
assert len(translation) == 3
# not available in the requested lib but available in default
- # not available
- # try:
- zaid = '84000'
+ # available only in the default library
+ zaid = "84000"
translation = lm.convertZaid(zaid, lib)
- translation['84209'][0] == '00c'
- # assert False
- # except ValueError:
- # assert True
+ assert translation["84209"][0] == "00c"
# --- 1 to 1 ---
- zaid = '1001'
+ zaid = "1001"
translation = lm.convertZaid(zaid, lib)
assert translation == {zaid: (lib, 1, 1)}
# --- absent ---
# Use the natural zaid
- zaid = '12024'
- lib = '21c'
+ zaid = "12024"
+ lib = "21c"
translation = lm.convertZaid(zaid, lib)
- assert translation == {'12000': (lib, 1, 1)}
+ assert translation == {"12000": (lib, 1, 1)}
# zaid available in default or other library
- zaid = '84210'
+ zaid = "84210"
translation = lm.convertZaid(zaid, lib)
assert translation[zaid][0] != lib
# zaid does not exist or not available in any library
- zaid = '84200'
+ zaid = "84200"
translation = lm.convertZaid(zaid, lib)
assert False
@@ -169,46 +178,46 @@ def test_convertZaid(self, lm):
def test_get_libzaids(self, lm):
- lib = '21c'
+ lib = "21c"
zaids = lm.get_libzaids(lib)
assert len(zaids) == 76
- assert zaids[0] == '1001'
+ assert zaids[0] == "1001"
def test_get_zaidname(self, lm):
- zaid = '1001'
+ zaid = "1001"
name, formula = lm.get_zaidname(zaid)
- assert name == 'hydrogen'
- assert formula == 'H-1'
+ assert name == "hydrogen"
+ assert formula == "H-1"
- zaid = '1000'
+ zaid = "1000"
name, formula = lm.get_zaidname(zaid)
- assert name == 'hydrogen'
- assert formula == 'H-0'
+ assert name == "hydrogen"
+ assert formula == "H-0"
def test_get_zaidnum(self, lm):
- zaid = '92235'
+ zaid = "92235"
zaidnum = lm.get_zaidnum(zaid)
assert False
except ValueError:
assert True
- zaid = 'U235'
+ zaid = "U235"
zaidnum = lm.get_zaidnum(zaid)
- assert zaidnum == '92235'
+ assert zaidnum == "92235"
def test_select_lib(self, monkeypatch, lm):
# monkeypatch the "input" function
# Good trials
- for lib in ['31c', '{"21c": "31c", "00c": "71c"}', '21c-31c']:
- monkeypatch.setattr('builtins.input', lambda _: lib)
+ for lib in ["31c", '{"21c": "31c", "00c": "71c"}', "21c-31c"]:
+ monkeypatch.setattr("builtins.input", lambda _: lib)
selectedlib = lm.select_lib()
assert selectedlib == lib
# Not found
- for lib in ['44c', '{"21c": "44c", "44c": "71c"}', '21c-44c']:
- monkeypatch.setattr('builtins.input', lambda _: lib)
+ for lib in ["44c", '{"21c": "44c", "44c": "71c"}', "21c-44c"]:
+ monkeypatch.setattr("builtins.input", lambda _: lib)
selectedlib = lm.select_lib()
@@ -218,12 +227,12 @@ def test_select_lib(self, monkeypatch, lm):
def test_get_zaid_mass(self, lm):
# Normal zaid
- zaid = '99235.31c -1'
+ zaid = "99235.31c -1"
zaid = Zaid.from_string(zaid)
mass = lm.get_zaid_mass(zaid)
assert mass == 252.08298
# Natural zaid
- zaid = '8000.21c 1'
+ zaid = "8000.21c 1"
zaid = Zaid.from_string(zaid)
mass = lm.get_zaid_mass(zaid)
assert mass == 15.99937442590581