From e3063dd4ff5060e1874426da5f1b1ef9b845e5fe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jon Daniel <>
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 2025 13:19:09 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] update font libraries

--- | 160 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 114 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index dabf433..6384816 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -5,17 +5,22 @@ Curated list about digital typography.
 - [Specifications](#specifications)
 - [OpenType](#opentype)
-- [JavaScript](#javascript)
-- [Python](#python)
+- [Assembly](#assembly)
+- [Shell](#shell)
 - [C](#c)
 - [C++](#c-1)
 - [C#](#c-2)
-- [Java](#java)
+- [Rust](#rust)
+- [APL](#apl)
+- [OCaml](#ocaml)
+- [Haskell](#haskell)
 - [Ruby](#ruby)
+- [Perl](#perl) 
+- [JavaScript](#javascript)
+- [Python](#python)
+- [Java](#java)
 - [Go](#go)
-- [Rust](#rust)
 - [PHP](#php)
-- [Perl](#perl) 
 - [Processing](#processing)
 - [Clojure](#clojure)
 - [UFO](#ufo)
@@ -42,7 +47,108 @@ Specification](
 - [The OpenType Cookbook]( - Introduction to OpenType features for type designers. [(Source)](
 - [A bit of font generation]( - Brief excursion into OpenType.
+## Assembly
+- [Fontraption]( - A tiny but powerful VGA text mode font editor for DOS
+- [CGA-font-compare]( - DOS tool to check if your CGA card uses the same ROM font as the original IBM CGA
+- [oldschool-pc-fonts]( - The world's biggest collection of classic text mode fonts, system fonts and BIOS fonts from DOS-era IBM PCs and compatibles - preserving raster typography from pre-GUI times.
+- [x86-Assembly-Font-Renderer]( - Bootloader that draws characters from a 5x7px font.
+- [atari-font as assemlby source](
+- [Atari-Font-To-Code]( - An over-engineered linux tool to convert an Atari 8-bit font to BASIC, C, and Assembly source.
+- [Atari-Binary-To-Code]( - Over-engineered linux utility to output binary data as text source for Atari 8-bit BASIC, 6502 Assembly, C, or text.
+- [gb-vwf]( - A very powerful Variable-Width Font engine for the Game Boy & Game Boy Color.
+- [protracker-font]( - 8x8 pixel font reconstructed as TTF from the Protracker v2.3D/v2.3E assembly source.
+- [x86-Assembly-Fonts]( - Use different bitmap fonts in your Real Mode OS using bitmaps and pixel routines.
+- [xfnt]( - Fontes gráficas para Hexagon/Hexagon graphic fonts.
+- [cracker]( - Text, graphics and font ripper for the ZX Spectrum.
+- [persian-assembly-font]( -  Design and implementation of Persian alphabet letters in Assembly.
+- [again]( - My custom DirectX/Assembly/Raster-font PC Intro engine (2005).
+- [amigafonts]( - Faithfully remade multi platform Amiga fonts in Amiga aspect.
+- [font-topaz-ng]( - Amiga's system font, vectorized for modern systems.
+## Shell
+- [Crimson Pro]( - The Crimson Text typeface.
+- [fontpreview-tui]( - Minimal command line tool that allows to visualize fonts inside the terminal and copy the selected font to the clipboard.
+## C
+- [otfcc]( - Parses & writes SFNT structures.
+- [AFDKO]( - Adobe Font Development Kit for OpenType. See [AFDKO Overview](
+- [stb_truetype]( - Parse, decode, and rasterize characters for TrueType fonts. Single header file.
+- [FreeType]( - Freely available software library to render fonts.
+- [Raqm]( - Library for complex text layout.
+- [SheenFigure]( - Implementation of advanced typographic tables of OpenType specification.
+- [SheenBidi]( - SheenBidi is the world's most sophisticated implementation of latest unicode bidirectional algorithm.
+- [freetype-gl]( - OpenGL text using one vertex buffer, one texture and FreeType.
+- [WOFF]( - WOFF conversion reference code.
+- [QuesoGLC]( - free implementation of the OpenGL Character Renderer.
+- [sfntly]( - A Library for Using, Editing, and Creating SFNT-based Fonts.
+- [Sluggish]( - Toy CPU and GPU implementations of the Slug rendering algorithm
+- [picasso]( - Picasso is a high quality 2D vector graphic rendering library. It support path , matrix , gradient , pattern , image and truetype font.
+- [fcft]( - A simple library for font loading and glyph rasterization using FontConfig, FreeType and pixman.
+- [sway]( - This is a fork of that replaces pango with for font rendering.
+- [ttf]( - TrueType/OpenType Font Library.
+- [mcufont]( - A font rendering library for microcontrollers.
+- [hamza]( - C Unicode/OpenType Library.
+- [libparsesfnt]( - SFNT parsing library.
+- [libparsepsf]( - PC Screen Font parsing library.
+- [libparsepcf]( - Portable Compiled (font) Format parsing library.
+- [libtracebitmap]( - Bitmap tracing library.
+- [libfonts]( - Library for font listing, searching, and configurations.
+- [RREFont]( - Fast RRE Font rendering library.
+- [TeensieFont]( - A tiny font library intended for use on Arduino and other similar platforms.
+- [craftmicro-fonts]( - Pixel/bitmap font library for Craft Micro SDK. 
+- [libint10h_fonts]( - The bitmap font collection as a library of C structs.
+- [ttf2mesh]( - Standalone library for TrueType font tessellation. Allows to load ttf-file and convert its glyphs to 2D or 3D mesh objects without rasterization.
+- [otf2ttf]( - convert an OTF font to TTF.
+- [psftools]( - a simple textfile based psf font editor suite.
+## C++
+- [font to svg]( - Render characters from font files into an SVG path.
+- [LCDF Typetools]( - Utilities for manipulating OpenType, PostScript Type 1, and Multiple Master fonts.
+- [HarfBuzz]( - HarfBuzz OpenType text shaping engine.
+- [FontView]( - Demo app that displays fonts with a free/libre/open-source text rendering stack: FreeType, HarfBuzz and Raqm.
+- [Text rendering tests]( - Test suite for text rendering.
+- [FTGLES]( - TrueType font rendering library for OpenGL ES on iOS devices (iPad and iPhone).
+- [TTFPatch]( - Mirror of TTFPATCH by Wolfram Esser, modified to support fonts conforming to newer OTF specifications, built for modern versions of Windows.
+- [stb-truetype-opengl-examples]( - Examples of TrueType font rendering in C++11 using stb_truetype library and OpenGL 3+.
+- [WOFF2](
+- [vectorfontstorm]( - C++ vector font rendering library for OpenGL 3D text rendering, by VoxelStorm Resources
+- [Slug library]( - Dynamic GPU Font Rendering and Advanced Text Layout
+- [trex]( - Font rendering, atlas generation and text shaping library written in C++
+- [ascii-art]( - A C++ library to make everyday alphabets look much better on the terminal , this project uses OOPS concepts to make unique fonts and display letters on command line.
+- [DigiFont]( - Library for nice, scalable digit rendering using any Arduino GFX libraries.
+- [artery-font-format]( - Artery Atlas Font format library.
+- [bmfont]( - Bitmap font generator.
+- [psfmaker]( - Tool for making linux console fonts. Output psf files and c header files.
+- [bdfreader]( - BDF font format reader.
+- [gpu-font-rendering]( - GPU font rendering from vector outlines demonstration.
+- [font]( - FreeType/HarfBuzz Node for Elixir.
+- [scalable-font2]( - Scalable Screen Font 2.0 renderer and file format specification.
+## Rust
+- [font-rs]( - The fastest font renderer in the world.
+- [font-kit]( - A cross-platform font loading library.
+- [RustType]( - Pure Rust alternative to libraries like FreeType.
+- [Pathfinder]( - Fast, practical GPU rasterizer for OpenType fonts.
+- [Font toolbox](
+- [Parser for OpenType fonts](
+- [Parser for PostScript fonts](
+- [Parser for TrueType fonts](
+- [freetype-rs]( - Rust bindings for FreeType library.
+- [freetype-sys]( - Low level bindings for the FreeType font library.
+- [truetype]( - Library for reading fonts from the TrueType format.
+- [font-generator]( - A genetic algorithm for fonts.
+## C#
+- [NRasterizer]( - Simple and clean TrueType font renderer written purely in c#.
+- [Typography]( - C# Font Reader (TrueType / OpenType / OpenFont), Glyphs Layout and Rendering.
+- [SixLabors.Fonts]( - Font loading and drawing library.
+- [SharpFont]( - Pure managed TTF / OTF reader and renderer.
+## OCaml
+- [font_awesome_icons]( - An OCaml library for Font-Awesome SVG icons.
 ## JavaScript
+- [unicopedia-plus]( - Developer-oriented set of Unicode, Unihan, Unikemet & emoji utilities wrapped into one single app, built with Electron.
 - [OpenType.js]( - Read and write OpenType fonts.
 - [opentype-layout]( - Experimental word-wrapping and layout for OpenType.js.
 - [canvas-text-opentypejs-shim]( - Consistent text rendering for <canvas> (backed by OpenType.js).
@@ -108,6 +214,7 @@ Specification](
 - [node-fonttools]( - Native bindings to fonttools to decompile and compile fonts.
 - [font-toolkit]( - Font file manipulating in TypeScript.
 - [variableFont.js]( - Handles variable fonts through OpenType.js
+- [bdfparser-js]( - BDF (Glyph Bitmap Distribution) format bitmap font file parser library in TypeScript (JavaScript).
 ## Python
 - [fontTools]( - Library for manipulating fonts, written in Python.
@@ -139,34 +246,7 @@ Specification](
 - [font-line]( - OpenType vertical metrics reporting and font line spacing adjustment tool.
 - [Flat]( - Library for creating and manipulating digital forms of fine arts.
 - [PageBot]( - Scripted page layout program, as application inside Drawbot generating high quality typographic documents that support high quality fonts.
-## C
-- [otfcc]( - Parses & writes SFNT structures.
-- [AFDKO]( - Adobe Font Development Kit for OpenType. See [AFDKO Overview](
-- [stb_truetype]( - Parse, decode, and rasterize characters for TrueType fonts. Single header file.
-- [FreeType]( - Freely available software library to render fonts.
-- [Raqm]( - Library for complex text layout.
-- [SheenFigure]( - Implementation of advanced typographic tables of OpenType specification.
-- [SheenBidi]( - SheenBidi is the world's most sophisticated implementation of latest unicode bidirectional algorithm.
-- [freetype-gl]( - OpenGL text using one vertex buffer, one texture and FreeType.
-- [WOFF]( - WOFF conversion reference code.
-## C++
-- [font to svg]( - Render characters from font files into an SVG path.
-- [LCDF Typetools]( - Utilities for manipulating OpenType, PostScript Type 1, and Multiple Master fonts.
-- [HarfBuzz]( - HarfBuzz OpenType text shaping engine.
-- [FontView]( - Demo app that displays fonts with a free/libre/open-source text rendering stack: FreeType, HarfBuzz and Raqm.
-- [Text rendering tests]( - Test suite for text rendering.
-- [FTGLES]( - TrueType font rendering library for OpenGL ES on iOS devices (iPad and iPhone).
-- [TTFPatch]( - Mirror of TTFPATCH by Wolfram Esser, modified to support fonts conforming to newer OTF specifications, built for modern versions of Windows.
-- [stb-truetype-opengl-examples]( - Examples of TrueType font rendering in C++11 using stb_truetype library and OpenGL 3+.
-- [WOFF2](
-## C#
-- [NRasterizer]( - Simple and clean TrueType font renderer written purely in c#.
-- [Typography]( - C# Font Reader (TrueType / OpenType / OpenFont), Glyphs Layout and Rendering.
-- [SixLabors.Fonts]( - Font loading and drawing library.
-- [SharpFont]( - Pure managed TTF / OTF reader and renderer.
+- [bdfparser]( - BDF (Glyph Bitmap Distribution) format bitmap font file parser library in Python.
 ## Java
 - [sfntly]( - Library for Using, Editing, and Creating SFNT-based Fonts.
@@ -180,19 +260,7 @@ Specification](
 ## Go
 - [font]( - Parsing OpenType fonts in Golang.
 - [freetype]( - Freetype font rasterizer in Go.
-## Rust
-- [font-rs]( - The fastest font renderer in the world.
-- [font-kit]( - A cross-platform font loading library.
-- [RustType]( - Pure Rust alternative to libraries like FreeType.
-- [Pathfinder]( - Fast, practical GPU rasterizer for OpenType fonts.
-- [Font toolbox](
-- [Parser for OpenType fonts](
-- [Parser for PostScript fonts](
-- [Parser for TrueType fonts](
-- [freetype-rs]( - Rust bindings for FreeType library.
-- [freetype-sys]( - Low level bindings for the FreeType font library.
-- [truetype]( - Library for reading fonts from the TrueType format.
+- [checkfont]( - Checks which system fonts contain the desired characters.
 ## PHP
 - [PHP Font Lib]( - Library to read, parse, export and make subsets of different types of font files.