This is HTML Quick-Start Pack For Start A New Project.
👋 Hey there! Get to know all about the key events just with a key stroke.
The app is deployed using Vercel and Netlify. You can play around with it from here,
Optionally, you can also play around with it from here,
Thanks for your time to reading this. Feel free to clone/fork/improve. Who doesn't want motivations? Give the project a star(⭐) if you liked the work.
Click Here to see the list of key codes.
- Clone the project to a local directory.
- Browse to the project folder,
. - Use the
npx serve
command to run the server. - Now you can access the app @ http://localhost:5000
Note: You must have
v12.x or higher installed. Optionally, you can also deploy this app to any other web/app servers liketomcat
, etc. and run.
is legacy(or outdated)- The
value is same for small letters(a) and capital letters(A). Hoever theevent.key
value represents the actual letter. - The
value is different in Firefox(FF) and any other browsers for the keys,equal(=)
, anddash/minus(-)
Key Name | event.which | event.key | event.code | Notes |
backspace | 8 | Backspace | Backspace | |
tab | 9 | Tab | Tab | |
enter | 13 | Enter | Enter | |
shift(left) | 16 | Shift | ShiftLeft | event.shiftKey is true |
shift(right) | 16 | Shift | ShiftRight | event.shiftKey is true |
ctrl(left) | 17 | Control | ControlLeft | event.ctrlKey is true |
ctrl(right) | 17 | Control | ControlRight | event.ctrlKey is true |
alt(left) | 18 | Alt | AltLeft | event.altKey is true |
alt(right) | 18 | Alt | AltRight | event.altKey is true |
pause/break | 19 | Pause | Pause | |
caps lock | 20 | CapsLock | CapsLock | |
escape | 27 | Escape | Escape | |
space | 32 | Space | The event.key value is a single space. |
page up | 33 | PageUp | PageUp | |
page down | 34 | PageDown | PageDown | |
end | 35 | End | End | |
home | 36 | Home | Home | |
left arrow | 37 | ArrowLeft | ArrowLeft | |
up arrow | 38 | ArrowUp | ArrowUp | |
right arrow | 39 | ArrowRight | ArrowRight | |
down arrow | 40 | ArrowDown | ArrowDown | |
print screen | 44 | PrintScreen | PrintScreen | |
insert | 45 | Insert | Insert | |
delete | 46 | Delete | Delete | |
0 | 48 | 0 | Digit0 | |
1 | 49 | 1 | Digit1 | |
2 | 50 | 2 | Digit2 | |
3 | 51 | 3 | Digit3 | |
4 | 52 | 4 | Digit4 | |
5 | 53 | 5 | Digit5 | |
6 | 54 | 6 | Digit6 | |
7 | 55 | 7 | Digit7 | |
8 | 56 | 8 | Digit8 | |
9 | 57 | 9 | Digit9 | |
a | 65 | a | KeyA | |
b | 66 | b | KeyB | |
c | 67 | c | KeyC | |
d | 68 | d | KeyD | |
e | 69 | e | KeyE | |
f | 70 | f | KeyF | |
g | 71 | g | KeyG | |
h | 72 | h | KeyH | |
i | 73 | i | KeyI | |
j | 74 | j | KeyJ | |
k | 75 | k | KeyK | |
l | 76 | l | KeyL | |
m | 77 | m | KeyM | |
n | 78 | n | KeyN | |
o | 79 | o | KeyO | |
p | 80 | p | KeyP | |
q | 81 | q | KeyQ | |
r | 82 | r | KeyR | |
s | 83 | s | KeyS | |
t | 84 | t | KeyT | |
u | 85 | u | KeyU | |
v | 86 | v | KeyV | |
w | 87 | w | KeyW | |
x | 88 | x | KeyX | |
y | 89 | y | KeyY | |
z | 90 | z | KeyZ | |
left window key | 91 | Meta | MetaLeft | event.metaKey is true |
right window key | 92 | Meta | MetaRight | event.metaKey is true |
select key (Context Menu) | 93 | ContextMenu | ContextMenu | |
numpad 0 | 96 | 0 | Numpad0 | |
numpad 1 | 97 | 1 | Numpad1 | |
numpad 2 | 98 | 2 | Numpad2 | |
numpad 3 | 99 | 3 | Numpad3 | |
numpad 4 | 100 | 4 | Numpad4 | |
numpad 5 | 101 | 5 | Numpad5 | |
numpad 6 | 102 | 6 | Numpad6 | |
numpad 7 | 103 | 7 | Numpad7 | |
numpad 8 | 104 | 8 | Numpad8 | |
numpad 9 | 105 | 9 | Numpad9 | |
multiply | 106 | * | NumpadMultiply | |
add | 107 | + | NumpadAdd | |
subtract | 109 | - | NumpadSubtract | |
decimal point | 110 | . | NumpadDecimal | |
divide | 111 | / | NumpadDivide | |
f1 | 112 | F1 | F1 | |
f2 | 113 | F2 | F2 | |
f3 | 114 | F3 | F3 | |
f4 | 115 | F4 | F4 | |
f5 | 116 | F5 | F5 | |
f6 | 117 | F6 | F6 | |
f7 | 118 | F7 | F7 | |
f8 | 119 | F8 | F8 | |
f9 | 120 | F9 | F9 | |
f10 | 121 | F10 | F10 | |
f11 | 122 | F11 | F11 | |
f12 | 123 | F12 | F12 | |
num lock | 144 | NumLock | NumLock | |
scroll lock | 145 | ScrollLock | ScrollLock | |
audio volume mute | 173 | AudioVolumeMute | event.which value is 181 in Firefox. Also FF provides the code value as, VolumeMute |
audio volume down | 174 | AudioVolumeDown | event.which value is 182 in Firefox. Also FF provides the code value as, VolumeDown |
audio volume up | 175 | AudioVolumeUp | event.which value is 183 in Firefox. Also FF provides the code value as, VolumeUp |
media player | 181 | LaunchMediaPlayer | event.which value is 0(no value) in Firefox. Also FF provides the code value as, MediaSelect |
launch application 1 | 182 | LaunchApplication1 | event.which value is 0(no value) in Firefox. Also FF provides the code value as, LaunchApp1 |
launch application 2 | 183 | LaunchApplication2 | event.which value is 0(no value) in Firefox. Also FF provides the code value as, LaunchApp2 |
semi-colon | 186 | ; | Semicolon | event.which value is 59 in Firefox |
equal sign | 187 | = | Equal | event.which value is 61 in Firefox |
comma | 188 | , | Comma | |
dash | 189 | - | Minus | event.which value is 173 in Firefox |
period | 190 | . | Period | |
forward slash | 191 | / | Slash | |
Backquote/Grave accent | 192 | ` | Backquote | |
open bracket | 219 | [ | BracketLeft | |
back slash | 220 | \ | Backslash | |
close bracket | 221 | ] | BracketRight | |
single quote | 222 | ' | Quote |
Here is an example of JavaScript(.js) file.
© Copyright 2020 or one of its affiliates.
* Some Sample Copyright Text Line
* Some Sample Copyright Text Line
* Some Sample Copyright Text Line
* Some Sample Copyright Text Line
* Some Sample Copyright Text Line
* Some Sample Copyright Text Line
const test = () => {
- Clone the project. This project comes with a script file called
and few test files to test out things before you feel comfortable to try it on your source code. - Browse to the folder where you have cloned the project.
- Change directory to
folder. - Open a shell or Gitbash or any unix command supported prompt.
- Execute this command:
The above command will set some variable value that will be used by the
export COPYRIGHTLEN=`wc -l copyright.txt | cut -f1 -d ' '`
script. - Execute the following command to add the copyright/license text from the
to your source code:Where thefind <SOURCE_CODE_DIRECTIRY> -type d -name "<EXCLUDE_DIRECTORY>" -prune -o -name "*.js" -print0 | xargs -0 ./
is the path of your source code. Where the<EXCLUDE_DIRECTORY>
is the directory to exclude if it exists under<SOURCE_CODE_DIRECTIRY>
for updating the Copyright information.