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OMC tutorial

We assume the root path is $OMC, e.g. /home/chaoliang/MOT

Set up environment

$conda_path denotes your anaconda path, e.g. /home/chaoliang/anaconda3

conda create -n OMC python=3.8
source activate OMC
cd OMC/lib/tutorial/
pip install -r requirements.txt


Prepare data and models

  1. Download the testing model [[Google Drive]][[Baidu NetDisk(omct)]]( to $SOTS/model.
  2. Download testing data e.g. MOT-16 and put them in $SOTS/dataset. The dataset can be downloaded from their official webpage.


In root path $OMC/tracking,

For MOT-16

python --weights ../model/ 
				   --cfg ../experiments/model_set/CSTrack_l.yaml 
				   --name l-mot16-test 
				   --test_mot16 True 
				   --output_root runs/test_w_recheck

For MOT-17

python --weights ../model/ 
				   --cfg ../experiments/model_set/CSTrack_l.yaml 
				   --name l-mot17-test 
				   --test_mot17 True 
				   --output_root runs/test_w_recheck

For MOT-20

python --weights ../model/ 
                   --cfg ../experiments/model_set/CSTrack_l.yaml 
                   --name l-mot20-test 
                   --test_mot20 True 
                   --output_root runs/test_w_recheck
  • Note: If you want to test the performance of the model. Please sign up at MOT challange and test it.



Prepare data and models

  1. Download the pretrained model which pretrain in COCO dataset [Google Drive][Baidu NetDisk(omct)] to $SOTS/weights.

  2. We provide several relevant datasets for training and evaluating the CSTrack. Annotations are provided in a unified format and all the datasets have the following structure:

   |        └——————00001.jpg
   |        |—————— ...
   |        └——————0000N.jpg
            |—————— ...

Every image has a corresponding annotation text. Given an image path, the annotation text path can be generated by replacing the string images with labels_with_ids and replacing .jpg with .txt.

In the annotation text, each line is describing a bounding box and has the following format:

[class] [identity] [x_center] [y_center] [width] [height]

The field [class] should be 0. Only single-class multi-object tracking is supported in this version.

The field [identity] is an integer from 0 to num_identities - 1, or -1 if this box has no identity annotation.

*Note that the values of [x_center] [y_center] [width] [height] are normalized by the width/height of the image, so they are floating point numbers ranging from 0 to 1.

The datasets including Caltech, CityPersons, CUHK-SYSU, PRW, ETHZ and MOT-17 follow JDE.

Caltech Pedestrian

Baidu NetDisk: [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

Google Drive: [annotations] , please download all the images .tar files from this page and unzip the images under Caltech/images

You may need this tool to convert the original data format to jpeg images. Original dataset webpage: CaltechPedestrians


Baidu NetDisk: [0] [1] [2] [3]

Google Drive: [0] [1] [2] [3]

Original dataset webpage: Citypersons pedestrian detection dataset


Baidu NetDisk: [0]

Google Drive: [0]

Original dataset webpage: CUHK-SYSU Person Search Dataset


Baidu NetDisk: [0]

Google Drive: [0]

Original dataset webpage: Person Search in the Wild datset

ETHZ (overlapping videos with MOT-16 removed):

Baidu NetDisk: [0]

Google Drive: [0]

Original dataset webpage: ETHZ pedestrian datset


Baidu NetDisk: [0]

Google Drive: [0]

Original dataset webpage: MOT-17

MOT-16 (for evaluation )

Baidu NetDisk: [0]

Google Drive: [0]

Original dataset webpage: MOT-16


The CrowdHuman dataset can be downloaded from their official webpage. The annotation text can be downloaded from the following Baidu NetDisk and Google Drive we provide.

Baidu NetDisk: [l77e]

Google Drive: [0]

Original dataset webpage: CrowdHuman

The CrowdHuman dataset has the following structure:

            |        └——————00001.jpg
            |        |—————— ...
            |        └——————0000N.jpg
            |        └——————00001.jpg
            |        |—————— ...
            |        └——————0000N.jpg
            |        └——————00001.txt
            |        |—————— ...
            |        └——————0000N.txt
            |        └——————00001.txt
            |        |—————— ...
            |        └——————0000N.txt

Start training

  1. Modify scripts:Set the dataset path in line2 of $OMC/lib/dataset/mot/cfg/*.json.

  2. cd $OMC/tracking/

for MOT16/MOT17

1). First stage:CSTrack training

python --weights ../weights/ --data ../lib/dataset/mot/cfg/data_ch.json --name l-all --device 0

2). Second stage:Train with re-check network

python --weights ../runs/train/l-all/weights/ --data ../lib/dataset/mot/cfg/mot17.json --project ../runs/train_w_recheck  --name l-mot17 --device 0 --recheck --noautoanchor

for MOT20

1). First stage:CSTrack training

python --weights ../runs/train/l-all/weights/  --data ../lib/dataset/mot/cfg/mot20.json --name l-mot20 --device 0

2). Second stage:Train with re-check network

python --weights ../runs/train/l-mot20/weights/ --data ../lib/dataset/mot/cfg/mot20.json --project ../runs/train_w_recheck  --name l-mot20 --device 0 --recheck --noautoanchor

Training for own dataset

1). First stage

python --weights ../weights/ or ../model/
                    --data ../lib/dataset/mot/cfg/xx.json #training on your own dataset
                    --device 0
                    --batch_size 8 
                    --epochs 30     
                    --name project_name                                             

2). Second stage

python --recheck 
                    --weights ../runs/train/project_name/weights/
                    --data ../lib/dataset/mot/cfg/xx.json 
                    --device 0 


[1] Z. Wang, L. Zheng, et al. Towards real-time multi object tracking. ECCV2020.
[2] C. Liang, Z. Zhang, et al. Rethinking the Competition between Detection and ReID in Multi-Object Tracking. Arxiv2020.
[3] Yolov5.