diff --git a/KomaMRIBase/src/KomaMRIBase.jl b/KomaMRIBase/src/KomaMRIBase.jl
index 3fd03d493..2e15501e3 100644
--- a/KomaMRIBase/src/KomaMRIBase.jl
+++ b/KomaMRIBase/src/KomaMRIBase.jl
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ include("datatypes/Phantom.jl")
# Main
export γ # gyro-magnetic ratio [Hz/T]
@@ -51,8 +52,7 @@ export NoMotion, SimpleMotion, ArbitraryMotion
export SimpleMotionType
export Translation, Rotation, HeartBeat
export PeriodicTranslation, PeriodicRotation, PeriodicHeartBeat
-export get_spin_coords, sort_motions!
-export LinearInterpolator
+export get_spin_coords
# Secondary
export get_kspace, rotx, roty, rotz
# Additionals
diff --git a/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/Phantom.jl b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/Phantom.jl
index 08e33acfb..8223084f2 100644
--- a/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/Phantom.jl
+++ b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/Phantom.jl
@@ -69,10 +69,7 @@ Base.getindex(x::Phantom, i::Integer) = x[i:i]
"""Compare two phantoms"""
Base.:(==)(obj1::Phantom, obj2::Phantom) = reduce(
- [
- getfield(obj1, field) == getfield(obj2, field) for
- field in Iterators.filter(x -> !(x == :name), fieldnames(Phantom))
- ],
+ [getfield(obj1, field) == getfield(obj2, field) for field in Iterators.filter(x -> !(x == :name), fieldnames(Phantom))],
Base.:(≈)(obj1::Phantom, obj2::Phantom) = reduce(&, [getfield(obj1, field) ≈ getfield(obj2, field) for field in Iterators.filter(x -> !(x == :name), fieldnames(Phantom))])
Base.:(==)(m1::MotionModel, m2::MotionModel) = false
@@ -88,7 +85,13 @@ Base.getindex(obj::Phantom, p::Union{AbstractRange,AbstractVector,Colon}) = begi
"""Separate object spins in a sub-group (lightweigth)."""
-Base.view(obj::Phantom, p::Union{AbstractRange,AbstractVector,Colon}) = @views obj[p]
+Base.view(obj::Phantom, p::Union{AbstractRange,AbstractVector,Colon}) = begin
+ fields = []
+ for field in Iterators.filter(x -> !(x == :name), fieldnames(Phantom))
+ push!(fields, (field, @view(getfield(obj, field)[p])))
+ end
+ return Phantom(; name=obj.name, fields...)
"""Addition of phantoms"""
+(obj1::Phantom, obj2::Phantom) = begin
@@ -117,10 +120,6 @@ function get_dims(obj::Phantom)
return dims
-function sort_motions!(motion::MotionModel)
- return nothing
obj = heart_phantom(...)
@@ -178,7 +177,7 @@ function heart_phantom(
Dλ1=Dλ1[ρ .!= 0],
Dλ2=Dλ2[ρ .!= 0],
Dθ=Dθ[ρ .!= 0],
- motion=SimpleMotion([
+ motion=SimpleMotion(
@@ -189,7 +188,7 @@ function heart_phantom(
period=period, asymmetry=asymmetry, yaw=rotation_angle, pitch=0.0, roll=0.0
- ]),
+ ),
return phantom
diff --git a/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/ArbitraryMotion.jl b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/ArbitraryMotion.jl
index e3f3256dc..5191c8b43 100644
--- a/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/ArbitraryMotion.jl
+++ b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/ArbitraryMotion.jl
@@ -2,13 +2,24 @@
# Interpolator{T,Degree,ETPType},
# Degree = Linear,Cubic....
# ETPType = Periodic, Flat...
-const LinearInterpolator = Interpolations.Extrapolation{
- T,
- 1,
- Interpolations.GriddedInterpolation{T,1,V,Gridded{Linear{Throw{OnGrid}}},Tuple{V}},
- Gridded{Linear{Throw{OnGrid}}},
- Periodic{Nothing},
-} where {T<:Real,V<:AbstractVector{T}}
+const Interpolator1D = Interpolations.GriddedInterpolation{
+ T,1,V,Itp,K
+} where {
+ T<:Real,
+ V<:AbstractArray{T},
+ Itp<:Interpolations.Gridded{Linear{Throw{OnGrid}}},
+ K<:Tuple{AbstractVector{T}},
+const Interpolator2D = Interpolations.GriddedInterpolation{
+ T,2,V,Itp,K
+} where {
+ T<:Real,
+ V<:AbstractArray{T},
+ Itp<:Interpolations.Gridded{Linear{Throw{OnGrid}}},
+ K<:Tuple{AbstractVector{T}, AbstractVector{T}},
motion = ArbitraryMotion(period_durations, dx, dy, dz)
@@ -43,106 +54,82 @@ julia> motion = ArbitraryMotion(
-struct ArbitraryMotion{T<:Real,V<:AbstractVector{T}} <: MotionModel{T}
- period_durations::Vector{T}
- dx::Array{T,2}
- dy::Array{T,2}
- dz::Array{T,2}
- ux::Vector{LinearInterpolator{T,V}}
- uy::Vector{LinearInterpolator{T,V}}
- uz::Vector{LinearInterpolator{T,V}}
-function ArbitraryMotion(
- period_durations::AbstractVector{T},
- dx::AbstractArray{T,2},
- dy::AbstractArray{T,2},
- dz::AbstractArray{T,2},
-) where {T<:Real}
- @warn "Note that ArbitraryMotion is under development so it is not optimized so far" maxlog = 1
- Ns = size(dx)[1]
- num_pieces = size(dx)[2] + 1
- limits = times(period_durations, num_pieces)
- #! format: off
- Δ = zeros(Ns,length(limits),4)
- Δ[:,:,1] = hcat(repeat(hcat(zeros(Ns,1),dx),1,length(period_durations)),zeros(Ns,1))
- Δ[:,:,2] = hcat(repeat(hcat(zeros(Ns,1),dy),1,length(period_durations)),zeros(Ns,1))
- Δ[:,:,3] = hcat(repeat(hcat(zeros(Ns,1),dz),1,length(period_durations)),zeros(Ns,1))
- etpx = [extrapolate(interpolate((limits,), Δ[i,:,1], Gridded(Linear())), Periodic()) for i in 1:Ns]
- etpy = [extrapolate(interpolate((limits,), Δ[i,:,2], Gridded(Linear())), Periodic()) for i in 1:Ns]
- etpz = [extrapolate(interpolate((limits,), Δ[i,:,3], Gridded(Linear())), Periodic()) for i in 1:Ns]
- #! format: on
- return ArbitraryMotion(period_durations, dx, dy, dz, etpx, etpy, etpz)
+struct ArbitraryMotion{T} <: MotionModel{T}
+ t_start::T
+ t_end::T
+ dx::AbstractArray{T}
+ dy::AbstractArray{T}
+ dz::AbstractArray{T}
function Base.getindex(
motion::ArbitraryMotion, p::Union{AbstractRange,AbstractVector,Colon}
- fields = []
- for field in fieldnames(ArbitraryMotion)
- if field in (:dx, :dy, :dz)
- push!(fields, getfield(motion, field)[p, :])
- elseif field in (:ux, :uy, :uz)
- push!(fields, getfield(motion, field)[p])
- else
- push!(fields, getfield(motion, field))
- end
- end
- return ArbitraryMotion(fields...)
+ return ArbitraryMotion(motion.t_start, motion.t_end, motion.dx[p,:], motion.dy[p,:], motion.dz[p,:])
+function Base.view(
+ motion::ArbitraryMotion, p::Union{AbstractRange,AbstractVector,Colon}
+ return ArbitraryMotion(motion.t_start, motion.t_end, @view(motion.dx[p,:]), @view(motion.dy[p,:]), @view(motion.dz[p,:]))
Base.:(==)(m1::ArbitraryMotion, m2::ArbitraryMotion) = reduce(&, [getfield(m1, field) == getfield(m2, field) for field in fieldnames(ArbitraryMotion)])
Base.:(≈)(m1::ArbitraryMotion, m2::ArbitraryMotion) = reduce(&, [getfield(m1, field) ≈ getfield(m2, field) for field in fieldnames(ArbitraryMotion)])
function Base.vcat(m1::ArbitraryMotion, m2::ArbitraryMotion)
- fields = []
- @assert m1.period_durations == m2.period_durations "period_durations of both ArbitraryMotions must be the same"
- for field in
- Iterators.filter(x -> !(x == :period_durations), fieldnames(ArbitraryMotion))
- push!(fields, [getfield(m1, field); getfield(m2, field)])
- end
- return ArbitraryMotion(m1.period_durations, fields...)
+ @assert (m1.t_start == m2.t_start) && (m1.t_end == m2.t_end) "Starting and ending times must be the same"
+ return ArbitraryMotion(m1.t_start, m1.t_end, [m1.dx; m2.dx], [m1.dy; m2.dy], [m1.dz; m2.dz])
limits = times(obj.motion)
function times(motion::ArbitraryMotion)
- period_durations = motion.period_durations
- num_pieces = size(motion.dx)[2] + 1
- return times(period_durations, num_pieces)
+ return range(motion.t_start, motion.t_end, length=size(motion.dx, 2))
+function GriddedInterpolation(nodes, A, ITP)
+ return Interpolations.GriddedInterpolation{eltype(A), length(nodes), typeof(A), typeof(ITP), typeof(nodes)}(nodes, A, ITP)
+function interpolate(motion::ArbitraryMotion{T}, Ns::Val{1}) where {T<:Real}
+ _, Nt = size(motion.dx)
+ t = similar(motion.dx, Nt); copyto!(t, collect(range(zero(T), oneunit(T), Nt)))
+ itpx = GriddedInterpolation((t, ), motion.dx[:], Gridded(Linear()))
+ itpy = GriddedInterpolation((t, ), motion.dy[:], Gridded(Linear()))
+ itpz = GriddedInterpolation((t, ), motion.dz[:], Gridded(Linear()))
+ return itpx, itpy, itpz
+function interpolate(motion::ArbitraryMotion{T}, Ns::Val) where {T<:Real}
+ Ns, Nt = size(motion.dx)
+ id = similar(motion.dx, Ns); copyto!(id, collect(range(oneunit(T), T(Ns), Ns)))
+ t = similar(motion.dx, Nt); copyto!(t, collect(range(zero(T), oneunit(T), Nt)))
+ itpx = GriddedInterpolation((id, t), motion.dx, Gridded(Linear()))
+ itpy = GriddedInterpolation((id, t), motion.dy, Gridded(Linear()))
+ itpz = GriddedInterpolation((id, t), motion.dz, Gridded(Linear()))
+ return itpx, itpy, itpz
+function resample(itpx::Interpolator1D{T}, itpy::Interpolator1D{T}, itpz::Interpolator1D{T}, t::AbstractArray{T}) where {T<:Real}
+ return itpx.(t), itpy.(t), itpz.(t)
-function times(period_durations::AbstractVector, num_pieces::Int)
- # Pre-allocating memory
- limits = zeros(eltype(period_durations), num_pieces * length(period_durations) + 1)
- idx = 1
- for i in 1:length(period_durations)
- segment_increment = period_durations[i] / num_pieces
- cumulative_sum = limits[idx] # Start from the last computed value in limits
- for j in 1:num_pieces
- cumulative_sum += segment_increment
- limits[idx + 1] = cumulative_sum
- idx += 1
- end
- end
- return limits
+function resample(itpx::Interpolator2D{T}, itpy::Interpolator2D{T}, itpz::Interpolator2D{T}, t::AbstractArray{T}) where {T<:Real}
+ Ns = size(itpx.coefs, 1)
+ id = similar(itpx.coefs, Ns)
+ copyto!(id, collect(range(oneunit(T), T(Ns), Ns)))
+ return itpx.(id, t), itpy.(id, t), itpz.(id, t)
-# TODO: Calculate interpolation functions "on the fly"
function get_spin_coords(
- t::AbstractArray{T},
+ t::AbstractArray{T}
) where {T<:Real}
- xt = x .+ reduce(vcat, [etp.(t) for etp in motion.ux])
- yt = y .+ reduce(vcat, [etp.(t) for etp in motion.uy])
- zt = z .+ reduce(vcat, [etp.(t) for etp in motion.uz])
- return xt, yt, zt
+ motion_functions = interpolate(motion, Val(size(x,1)))
+ ux, uy, uz = resample(motion_functions..., unit_time(t, motion.t_start, motion.t_end))
+ return x .+ ux, y .+ uy, z .+ uz
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/NoMotion.jl b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/NoMotion.jl
index 3a453d98c..4a6895f76 100644
--- a/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/NoMotion.jl
+++ b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/NoMotion.jl
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ x = x
struct NoMotion{T<:Real} <: MotionModel{T} end
Base.getindex(motion::NoMotion, p::Union{AbstractRange,AbstractVector,Colon}) = motion
+Base.view(motion::NoMotion, p::Union{AbstractRange,AbstractVector,Colon}) = motion
Base.:(==)(m1::NoMotion, m2::NoMotion) = true
Base.:(≈)(m1::NoMotion, m2::NoMotion) = true
@@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ function get_spin_coords(
- t::AbstractArray{T},
+ t::AbstractArray{T}
) where {T<:Real}
return x, y, z
diff --git a/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/SimpleMotion.jl b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/SimpleMotion.jl
index 166832509..75d0b0576 100644
--- a/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/SimpleMotion.jl
+++ b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/SimpleMotion.jl
@@ -8,38 +8,34 @@ is_composable(motion_type::SimpleMotionType{T}) where {T<:Real} = false
SimpleMotion model. It allows for the definition of motion by means of simple parameters.
The `SimpleMotion` struct is composed by only one field, called `types`,
-which is a vector of simple motion types. This vector will contain as many elements
+which is a tuple of simple motion types. This tuple will contain as many elements
as simple motions we want to combine.
# Arguments
-- `types`: (`::Vector{<:SimpleMotionType{T}}`) vector of simple motion types
+- `types`: (`::Tuple{Vararg{<:SimpleMotionType{T}}}`) vector of simple motion types
# Returns
- `motion`: (`::SimpleMotion`) SimpleMotion struct
# Examples
-julia> motion = SimpleMotion([
+julia> motion = SimpleMotion(
Translation(dx=0.01, dy=0.02, dz=0.0, t_start=0.0, t_end=0.5),
Rotation(pitch=15.0, roll=0.0, yaw=20.0, t_start=0.1, t_end=0.5),
HeartBeat(circumferential_strain=-0.3, radial_strain=-0.2, longitudinal_strain=0.0, t_start=0.2, t_end=0.5)
- ])
+ )
struct SimpleMotion{T<:Real} <: MotionModel{T}
- types::Vector{<:SimpleMotionType{T}}
+ types::Tuple{Vararg{<:SimpleMotionType{T}}}
+SimpleMotion(types...) = SimpleMotion(types)
Base.getindex(motion::SimpleMotion, p::Union{AbstractRange,AbstractVector,Colon}) = motion
-function Base.getindex(
- motion::SimpleMotion,
- p::Union{AbstractRange,AbstractVector,Colon},
- q::Union{AbstractRange,AbstractVector,Colon},
- return motion
+Base.view(motion::SimpleMotion, p::Union{AbstractRange,AbstractVector,Colon}) = motion
-Base.vcat(m1::SimpleMotion, m2::SimpleMotion) = SimpleMotion([m1.types; m2.types])
+Base.vcat(m1::SimpleMotion, m2::SimpleMotion) = SimpleMotion(m1.types..., m2.types...)
Base.:(==)(m1::SimpleMotion, m2::SimpleMotion) = reduce(&, [m1.types[i] == m2.types[i] for i in 1:length(m1.types)])
Base.:(≈)(m1::SimpleMotion, m2::SimpleMotion) = reduce(&, [m1.types[i] ≈ m2.types[i] for i in 1:length(m1.types)])
@@ -71,21 +67,31 @@ function get_spin_coords(
- t::AbstractArray{T},
+ t::AbstractArray{T}
) where {T<:Real}
+ motion = sort_motion(motion)
+ # Buffers for positions:
xt, yt, zt = x .+ 0*t, y .+ 0*t, z .+ 0*t
+ # Buffers for displacements:
+ ux, uy, uz = similar(xt), similar(yt), similar(zt)
# Composable motions: they need to be run sequentially
for motion in Iterators.filter(is_composable, motion.types)
- aux = xt .+ 0, yt .+ 0, zt .+ 0
- xt .+= displacement_x(motion, aux..., t)
- yt .+= displacement_y(motion, aux..., t)
- zt .+= displacement_z(motion, aux..., t)
+ displacement_x!(ux, motion, xt, yt, zt, t)
+ displacement_y!(uy, motion, xt, yt, zt, t)
+ displacement_z!(uz, motion, xt, yt, zt, t)
+ xt .+= ux
+ yt .+= uy
+ zt .+= uz
# Additive motions: these motions can be run in parallel
for motion in Iterators.filter(!is_composable, motion.types)
- xt .+= displacement_x(motion, x, y, z, t)
- yt .+= displacement_y(motion, x, y, z, t)
- zt .+= displacement_z(motion, x, y, z, t)
+ displacement_x!(ux, motion, x, y, z, t)
+ displacement_y!(uy, motion, x, y, z, t)
+ displacement_z!(uz, motion, x, y, z, t)
+ xt .+= ux
+ yt .+= uy
+ zt .+= uz
return xt, yt, zt
@@ -96,38 +102,16 @@ function times(motion::SimpleMotion)
return nodes
-function sort_motions!(motion::SimpleMotion)
- return sort!(motion.types; by=m -> times(m)[1])
+# Sort Motion
-# --------- Simple Motion Types: -------------
+# Simple Motion Types:
# Non-periodic types: defined by an initial time (t_start), an end time (t_end) and a displacement
-function unit_time(t::AbstractArray{T}, t_start::T, t_end::T) where {T<:Real}
- if t_start == t_end
- return (t .>= t_start) .* one(T) # The problem with this is that it returns a BitVector (type stability issues)
- else
- return min.(max.((t .- t_start) ./ (t_end - t_start), zero(T)), one(T))
- end
# Periodic types: defined by the period, the temporal symmetry and a displacement (amplitude)
-function unit_time_triangular(t, period, asymmetry)
- t_rise = period * asymmetry
- t_fall = period * (1 - asymmetry)
- t_relative = mod.(t, period)
- t_unit =
- ifelse.(
- t_relative .< t_rise,
- t_relative ./ t_rise,
- 1 .- (t_relative .- t_rise) ./ t_fall,
- )
- return t_unit
diff --git a/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/HeartBeat.jl b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/HeartBeat.jl
index 4db9f8a7c..c2b8d5181 100644
--- a/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/HeartBeat.jl
+++ b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/HeartBeat.jl
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@doc raw"""
- heartbeat = HeartBeat(t_start, t_end, dx, dy, dz)
+ heartbeat = HeartBeat(circumferential_strain, radial_strain, longitudinal_strain, t_start, t_end)
HeartBeat struct. It produces a heartbeat-like motion, characterised by three types of strain:
Circumferential, Radial and Longitudinal
@@ -25,12 +25,13 @@ julia> hb = HeartBeat(circumferential_strain=-0.3, radial_strain=-0.2, longitudi
longitudinal_strain::T = typeof(circumferential_strain)(0.0)
t_start::T = typeof(circumferential_strain)(0.0)
t_end::T = typeof(circumferential_strain)(0.0)
- @assert t_end >= t_start "t_end must be major or equal than t_start"
+ @assert t_end >= t_start "t_end must be greater or equal than t_start"
is_composable(motion_type::HeartBeat) = true
-function displacement_x(
+function displacement_x!(
+ ux::AbstractArray{T},
@@ -47,10 +48,12 @@ function displacement_x(
neg = (r .+ Δr) .< 0
Δr = (.!neg) .* Δr
Δr .-= neg .* r
- return Δr .* cos.(θ)
+ ux .= Δr .* cos.(θ)
+ return nothing
-function displacement_y(
+function displacement_y!(
+ uy::AbstractArray{T},
@@ -67,10 +70,12 @@ function displacement_y(
neg = (r .+ Δr) .< 0
Δr = (.!neg) .* Δr
Δr .-= neg .* r
- return Δr .* sin.(θ)
+ uy .= Δr .* sin.(θ)
+ return nothing
-function displacement_z(
+function displacement_z!(
+ uz::AbstractArray{T},
@@ -78,7 +83,8 @@ function displacement_z(
) where {T<:Real}
t_unit = unit_time(t, motion_type.t_start, motion_type.t_end)
- return t_unit .* (z .* motion_type.longitudinal_strain)
+ uz .= t_unit .* (z .* motion_type.longitudinal_strain)
+ return nothing
times(motion_type::HeartBeat) = begin
diff --git a/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/PeriodicHeartBeat.jl b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/PeriodicHeartBeat.jl
index d26a3f394..2a9c02537 100644
--- a/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/PeriodicHeartBeat.jl
+++ b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/PeriodicHeartBeat.jl
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@doc raw"""
- periodic_heartbeat = PeriodicHeartBeat(t_start, t_end, dx, dy, dz)
+ periodic_heartbeat = PeriodicHeartBeat(circumferential_strain, radial_strain, longitudinal_strain, period, asymmetry)
HeartBeat struct. It produces a heartbeat-like motion, characterised by three types of strain:
Circumferential, Radial and Longitudinal
@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ end
is_composable(motion_type::PeriodicHeartBeat) = true
-function displacement_x(
+function displacement_x!(
+ ux::AbstractArray{T},
@@ -41,10 +42,12 @@ function displacement_x(
neg = (r .+ Δr) .< 0
Δr = (.!neg) .* Δr
Δr .-= neg .* r
- return Δr .* cos.(θ)
+ ux .= Δr .* cos.(θ)
+ return nothing
-function displacement_y(
+function displacement_y!(
+ uy::AbstractArray{T},
@@ -61,10 +64,12 @@ function displacement_y(
neg = (r .+ Δr) .< 0
Δr = (.!neg) .* Δr
Δr .-= neg .* r
- return Δr .* sin.(θ)
+ uy .= Δr .* sin.(θ)
+ return nothing
-function displacement_z(
+function displacement_z!(
+ uz::AbstractArray{T},
@@ -72,7 +77,8 @@ function displacement_z(
) where {T<:Real}
t_unit = unit_time_triangular(t, motion_type.period, motion_type.asymmetry)
- return t_unit .* (z .* motion_type.longitudinal_strain)
+ uz .= t_unit .* (z .* motion_type.longitudinal_strain)
+ return nothing
function times(motion_type::PeriodicHeartBeat)
diff --git a/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/PeriodicRotation.jl b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/PeriodicRotation.jl
index e2ff92e41..8bb8cc5f1 100644
--- a/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/PeriodicRotation.jl
+++ b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/PeriodicRotation.jl
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@doc raw"""
- periodic_rotation = PeriodicRotation(period, asymmetry, pitch, roll, yaw)
+ periodic_rotation = PeriodicRotation(pitch, roll, yaw, period, asymmetry)
PeriodicRotation motion struct. It produces a rotation of the phantom in the three axes:
x (pitch), y (roll), and z (yaw)
@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ end
is_composable(motion_type::PeriodicRotation) = true
-function displacement_x(
+function displacement_x!(
+ ux::AbstractArray{T},
@@ -36,12 +37,14 @@ function displacement_x(
α = t_unit .* motion_type.pitch
β = t_unit .* motion_type.roll
γ = t_unit .* motion_type.yaw
- return cosd.(γ) .* cosd.(β) .* x +
- (cosd.(γ) .* sind.(β) .* sind.(α) .- sind.(γ) .* cosd.(α)) .* y +
- (cosd.(γ) .* sind.(β) .* cosd.(α) .+ sind.(γ) .* sind.(α)) .* z .- x
+ ux .= cosd.(γ) .* cosd.(β) .* x +
+ (cosd.(γ) .* sind.(β) .* sind.(α) .- sind.(γ) .* cosd.(α)) .* y +
+ (cosd.(γ) .* sind.(β) .* cosd.(α) .+ sind.(γ) .* sind.(α)) .* z .- x
+ return nothing
-function displacement_y(
+function displacement_y!(
+ uy::AbstractArray{T},
@@ -52,12 +55,14 @@ function displacement_y(
α = t_unit .* motion_type.pitch
β = t_unit .* motion_type.roll
γ = t_unit .* motion_type.yaw
- return sind.(γ) .* cosd.(β) .* x +
- (sind.(γ) .* sind.(β) .* sind.(α) .+ cosd.(γ) .* cosd.(α)) .* y +
- (sind.(γ) .* sind.(β) .* cosd.(α) .- cosd.(γ) .* sind.(α)) .* z .- y
+ uy .= sind.(γ) .* cosd.(β) .* x +
+ (sind.(γ) .* sind.(β) .* sind.(α) .+ cosd.(γ) .* cosd.(α)) .* y +
+ (sind.(γ) .* sind.(β) .* cosd.(α) .- cosd.(γ) .* sind.(α)) .* z .- y
+ return nothing
-function displacement_z(
+function displacement_z!(
+ uz::AbstractArray{T},
@@ -68,9 +73,10 @@ function displacement_z(
α = t_unit .* motion_type.pitch
β = t_unit .* motion_type.roll
γ = t_unit .* motion_type.yaw
- return -sind.(β) .* x +
- cosd.(β) .* sind.(α) .* y +
- cosd.(β) .* cosd.(α) .* z .- z
+ uz .= -sind.(β) .* x +
+ cosd.(β) .* sind.(α) .* y +
+ cosd.(β) .* cosd.(α) .* z .- z
+ return nothing
function times(motion_type::PeriodicRotation)
diff --git a/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/PeriodicTranslation.jl b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/PeriodicTranslation.jl
index 4347ad33d..7dcebaac8 100644
--- a/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/PeriodicTranslation.jl
+++ b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/PeriodicTranslation.jl
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@doc raw"""
- periodic_translation = PeriodicTranslation(period, asymmetry, dx, dy, dz)
+ periodic_translation = PeriodicTranslation(dx, dy, dz, period, asymmetry)
PeriodicTranslation motion struct. It produces a periodic translation of the phantom in the three directions x, y and z.
The amplitude of the oscillation will be defined by dx, dy and dz
@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ The amplitude of the oscillation will be defined by dx, dy and dz
asymmetry::T = typeof(dx)(0.5)
-function displacement_x(
+function displacement_x!(
+ ux::AbstractArray{T},
@@ -31,10 +32,12 @@ function displacement_x(
) where {T<:Real}
t_unit = unit_time_triangular(t, motion_type.period, motion_type.asymmetry)
- return t_unit .* motion_type.dx
+ ux .= t_unit .* motion_type.dx
+ return nothing
-function displacement_y(
+function displacement_y!(
+ uy::AbstractArray{T},
@@ -42,10 +45,12 @@ function displacement_y(
) where {T<:Real}
t_unit = unit_time_triangular(t, motion_type.period, motion_type.asymmetry)
- return t_unit .* motion_type.dy
+ uy .= t_unit .* motion_type.dy
+ return nothing
-function displacement_z(
+function displacement_z!(
+ uz::AbstractArray{T},
@@ -53,7 +58,8 @@ function displacement_z(
) where {T<:Real}
t_unit = unit_time_triangular(t, motion_type.period, motion_type.asymmetry)
- return t_unit .* motion_type.dz
+ uz .= t_unit .* motion_type.dz
+ return nothing
function times(motion_type::PeriodicTranslation)
diff --git a/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/Rotation.jl b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/Rotation.jl
index 6b48a6917..2216e7d1d 100644
--- a/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/Rotation.jl
+++ b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/Rotation.jl
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@doc raw"""
- rotation = Rotation(t_start, t_end, pitch, roll, yaw)
+ rotation = Rotation(pitch, roll, yaw, t_start, t_end)
Rotation motion struct. It produces a rotation of the phantom in the three axes:
x (pitch), y (roll), and z (yaw).
@@ -58,12 +58,13 @@ julia> rt = Rotation(pitch=15.0, roll=0.0, yaw=20.0, t_start=0.1, t_end=0.5)
yaw :: T
t_start::T = typeof(pitch)(0.0)
t_end = typeof(pitch)(0.0)
- @assert t_end >= t_start "t_end must be major or equal than t_start"
+ @assert t_end >= t_start "t_end must be greater or equal than t_start"
is_composable(motion_type::Rotation) = true
-function displacement_x(
+function displacement_x!(
+ ux::AbstractArray{T},
@@ -74,12 +75,14 @@ function displacement_x(
α = t_unit .* (motion_type.yaw)
β = t_unit .* (motion_type.roll)
γ = t_unit .* (motion_type.pitch)
- return cosd.(α) .* cosd.(β) .* x +
- (cosd.(α) .* sind.(β) .* sind.(γ) .- sind.(α) .* cosd.(γ)) .* y +
- (cosd.(α) .* sind.(β) .* cosd.(γ) .+ sind.(α) .* sind.(γ)) .* z .- x
+ ux .= cosd.(α) .* cosd.(β) .* x +
+ (cosd.(α) .* sind.(β) .* sind.(γ) .- sind.(α) .* cosd.(γ)) .* y +
+ (cosd.(α) .* sind.(β) .* cosd.(γ) .+ sind.(α) .* sind.(γ)) .* z .- x
+ return nothing
-function displacement_y(
+function displacement_y!(
+ uy::AbstractArray{T},
@@ -90,12 +93,14 @@ function displacement_y(
α = t_unit .* (motion_type.yaw)
β = t_unit .* (motion_type.roll)
γ = t_unit .* (motion_type.pitch)
- return sind.(α) .* cosd.(β) .* x +
- (sind.(α) .* sind.(β) .* sind.(γ) .+ cosd.(α) .* cosd.(γ)) .* y +
- (sind.(α) .* sind.(β) .* cosd.(γ) .- cosd.(α) .* sind.(γ)) .* z .- y
+ uy .= sind.(α) .* cosd.(β) .* x +
+ (sind.(α) .* sind.(β) .* sind.(γ) .+ cosd.(α) .* cosd.(γ)) .* y +
+ (sind.(α) .* sind.(β) .* cosd.(γ) .- cosd.(α) .* sind.(γ)) .* z .- y
+ return nothing
-function displacement_z(
+function displacement_z!(
+ uz::AbstractArray{T},
@@ -106,9 +111,10 @@ function displacement_z(
α = t_unit .* (motion_type.yaw)
β = t_unit .* (motion_type.roll)
γ = t_unit .* (motion_type.pitch)
- return -sind.(β) .* x +
+ uz .= -sind.(β) .* x +
cosd.(β) .* sind.(γ) .* y +
cosd.(β) .* cosd.(γ) .* z .- z
+ return nothing
times(motion_type::Rotation) = begin
diff --git a/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/Translation.jl b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/Translation.jl
index f0832e3c1..bbdca7317 100644
--- a/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/Translation.jl
+++ b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/Translation.jl
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@doc raw"""
- translation = Translation(t_start, t_end, dx, dy, dz)
+ translation = Translation(dx, dy, dz, t_start, t_end)
Translation motion struct. It produces a linear translation of the phantom.
Its fields are the final displacements in the three axes (dx, dy, dz)
@@ -26,10 +26,11 @@ julia> tr = Translation(dx=0.01, dy=0.02, dz=0.03, t_start=0.0, t_end=0.5)
dz :: T
t_start::T = typeof(dx)(0.0)
t_end::T = typeof(dx)(0.0)
- @assert t_end >= t_start "t_end must be major or equal than t_start"
+ @assert t_end >= t_start "t_end must be greater or equal than t_start"
-function displacement_x(
+function displacement_x!(
+ ux::AbstractArray{T},
@@ -37,10 +38,12 @@ function displacement_x(
) where {T<:Real}
t_unit = unit_time(t, motion_type.t_start, motion_type.t_end)
- return t_unit .* motion_type.dx
+ ux .= t_unit .* motion_type.dx
+ return nothing
-function displacement_y(
+function displacement_y!(
+ uy::AbstractArray{T},
@@ -48,10 +51,12 @@ function displacement_y(
) where {T<:Real}
t_unit = unit_time(t, motion_type.t_start, motion_type.t_end)
- return t_unit .* motion_type.dy
+ uy .= t_unit .* motion_type.dy
+ return nothing
-function displacement_z(
+function displacement_z!(
+ uz::AbstractArray{T},
@@ -59,7 +64,8 @@ function displacement_z(
) where {T<:Real}
t_unit = unit_time(t, motion_type.t_start, motion_type.t_end)
- return t_unit .* motion_type.dz
+ uz .= t_unit .* motion_type.dz
+ return nothing
times(motion_type::Translation) = begin
diff --git a/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/sorting.jl b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/sorting.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..17a4931a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/sorting.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ sorted_motion = sort_motion(motion)
+Sorts, with respect to time, the motion types of a `SimpleMotion` instance.
+No allocations, since it uses the TupleTools.sort method
+function sort_motion(motion::SimpleMotion)
+ return SimpleMotion(_sort(motion.types, isless, m -> times(m)[1]))
+ _sort(t::Tuple; lt=isless, by=identity, rev::Bool=false) -> ::Tuple
+Sorts the tuple `t`. Extracted from TupleTools.jl
+@inline function _sort(t::Tuple, lt=isless, by=identity, rev::Bool=false)
+ t1, t2 = _split(t)
+ t1s = _sort(t1, lt, by, rev)
+ t2s = _sort(t2, lt, by, rev)
+ return _merge(t1s, t2s, lt, by, rev)
+_sort(t::Tuple{Any}, lt=isless, by=identity, rev::Bool=false) = t
+_sort(t::Tuple{}, lt=isless, by=identity, rev::Bool=false) = t
+function _split(t::Tuple)
+ N = length(t)
+ M = N >> 1
+ return ntuple(i -> t[i], M), ntuple(i -> t[i + M], N - M)
+function _merge(t1::Tuple, t2::Tuple, lt, by, rev)
+ if lt(by(first(t1)), by(first(t2))) != rev
+ return (first(t1), _merge(tail(t1), t2, lt, by, rev)...)
+ else
+ return (first(t2), _merge(t1, tail(t2), lt, by, rev)...)
+ end
+_merge(::Tuple{}, t2::Tuple, lt, by, rev) = t2
+_merge(t1::Tuple, ::Tuple{}, lt, by, rev) = t1
+_merge(::Tuple{}, ::Tuple{}, lt, by, rev) = ()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/KomaMRIBase/src/timing/UnitTime.jl b/KomaMRIBase/src/timing/UnitTime.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0dff6bb7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/KomaMRIBase/src/timing/UnitTime.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ t_unit = unit_time(t, t_start, t_end)
+The `unit_time` function normalizes a given array of time values t
+to a unit interval [0, 1] based on a specified start time t_start and end time t_end.
+This function is used for non-periodic motions, where each element of t is transformed
+to fit within the range [0, 1] based on the provided start and end times.
+![Unit Time](../assets/unit-time.svg)
+# Arguments
+- `t`: (`::AbstractArray{T<:Real}`, `[s]`) array of time values to be normalized
+- `t_start`: (`::T`, `[s]`) start time for normalization
+- `t_end`: (`::T`, `[s]`) end time for normalization
+# Returns
+- `t_unit`: (`::AbstractArray{T<:Real}`, `[s]`) array of normalized time values
+# Examples
+julia> t_unit = KomaMRIBase.unit_time([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0], 1.0, 4.0)
+6-element Vector{Float64}:
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.3333333333333333
+ 0.6666666666666666
+ 1.0
+ 1.0
+function unit_time(t::AbstractArray{T}, t_start::T, t_end::T) where {T<:Real}
+ if t_start == t_end
+ return (t .>= t_start) .* oneunit(T)
+ else
+ return min.(max.((t .- t_start) ./ (t_end - t_start), zero(T)), oneunit(T))
+ end
+ t_unit = unit_time_triangular(t, period, asymmetry)
+The `unit_time_triangular` function normalizes a given array
+of time values t to a unit interval [0, 1] for periodic motions,
+based on a specified period and an asymmetry factor.
+This function is useful for creating triangular waveforms
+or normalizing time values in periodic processes.
+![Unit Time Triangular](../assets/unit-time-triangular.svg)
+# Arguments
+- `t`: (`::AbstractArray{T<:Real}`, `[s]`) array of time values to be normalized
+- `period`: (`::T`, `[s]`) the period of the triangular waveform
+- `asymmetry`: (`::T`) asymmetry factor, a value in the range (0, 1) indicating the fraction of the period in the rising part of the triangular wave
+# Returns
+- `t_unit`: (`::AbstractArray{T<:Real}`, `[s]`) array of normalized time values
+# Examples
+julia> t_unit = KomaMRIBase.unit_time_triangular([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0], 4.0, 0.5)
+6-element Vector{Float64}:
+ 0.0
+ 0.5
+ 1.0
+ 0.5
+ 0.0
+ 0.5
+function unit_time_triangular(t::AbstractArray{T}, period::T, asymmetry::T) where {T<:Real}
+ t_rise = period * asymmetry
+ t_fall = period * (oneunit(T) - asymmetry)
+ t_relative = mod.(t, period)
+ t_unit =
+ ifelse.(
+ t_relative .< t_rise,
+ t_relative ./ t_rise,
+ oneunit(T) .- (t_relative .- t_rise) ./ t_fall,
+ )
+ return t_unit
diff --git a/KomaMRIBase/test/runtests.jl b/KomaMRIBase/test/runtests.jl
index f15bfaca2..a9e251611 100644
--- a/KomaMRIBase/test/runtests.jl
+++ b/KomaMRIBase/test/runtests.jl
@@ -382,82 +382,180 @@ end
@test size(obj1) == size(ρ)
@test length(obj1) == length(ρ)
- # Test obtaining spin psositions
- @testset "SimpleMotion" begin
+ # Test obtaining spin positions
+ @testset "NoMotion" begin
+ ph = Phantom(x=[1.0, 2.0], y=[1.0, 2.0])
+ t_start=0.0; t_end=1.0
+ t = collect(range(t_start, t_end, 11))
+ xt, yt, zt = get_spin_coords(ph.motion, ph.x, ph.y, ph.z, t')
+ @test xt == ph.x
+ @test yt == ph.y
+ @test zt == ph.z
+ end
+ @testset "Translation" begin
ph = Phantom(x=[1.0], y=[1.0])
t_start=0.0; t_end=1.0
t = collect(range(t_start, t_end, 11))
- period = 2.0
- asymmetry = 0.5
- # Translation
dx, dy, dz = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
vx, vy, vz = [dx, dy, dz] ./ (t_end - t_start)
- translation = SimpleMotion([Translation(dx, dy, dz, t_start, t_end)])
+ translation = SimpleMotion(Translation(dx, dy, dz, t_start, t_end))
xt, yt, zt = get_spin_coords(translation, ph.x, ph.y, ph.z, t')
@test xt == ph.x .+ vx.*t'
@test yt == ph.y .+ vy.*t'
@test zt == ph.z .+ vz.*t'
- # PeriodicTranslation
- periodictranslation = SimpleMotion([PeriodicTranslation(dx, dy, dz, period, asymmetry)])
+ # ----- t_start = t_end --------
+ t_start = t_end = 0.0
+ t = [-0.5, -0.25, 0.0, 0.25, 0.5]
+ translation = SimpleMotion(Translation(dx, dy, dz, t_start, t_end))
+ xt, yt, zt = get_spin_coords(translation, ph.x, ph.y, ph.z, t')
+ @test xt == ph.x .+ dx*[0, 0, 1, 1, 1]'
+ @test yt == ph.y .+ dy*[0, 0, 1, 1, 1]'
+ @test zt == ph.z .+ dz*[0, 0, 1, 1, 1]'
+ end
+ @testset "PeriodicTranslation" begin
+ ph = Phantom(x=[1.0], y=[1.0])
+ t_start=0.0; t_end=1.0
+ t = collect(range(t_start, t_end, 11))
+ period = 2.0
+ asymmetry = 0.5
+ dx, dy, dz = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
+ vx, vy, vz = [dx, dy, dz] ./ (t_end - t_start)
+ periodictranslation = SimpleMotion(PeriodicTranslation(dx, dy, dz, period, asymmetry))
xt, yt, zt = get_spin_coords(periodictranslation, ph.x, ph.y, ph.z, t')
@test xt == ph.x .+ vx.*t'
@test yt == ph.y .+ vy.*t'
@test zt == ph.z .+ vz.*t'
- # Rotation (2D)
- pitch = 0.0
+ end
+ @testset "Rotation" begin
+ ph = Phantom(x=[1.0], y=[1.0])
+ t_start=0.0; t_end=1.0
+ t = collect(range(t_start, t_end, 11))
+ pitch = 45.0
roll = 0.0
yaw = 45.0
- rotation = SimpleMotion([Rotation(pitch, roll, yaw, t_start, t_end)])
+ rotation = SimpleMotion(Rotation(pitch, roll, yaw, t_start, t_end))
xt, yt, zt = get_spin_coords(rotation, ph.x, ph.y, ph.z, t')
- @test xt[:,end] == ph.x .* cosd(yaw) - ph.y .* sind(yaw)
- @test yt[:,end] == ph.x .* sind(yaw) + ph.y .* cosd(yaw)
- @test zt[:,end] == ph.z
- # PeriodicRotation (2D)
- periodicrotation = SimpleMotion([PeriodicRotation(pitch, roll, yaw, period, asymmetry)])
+ r = vcat(ph.x, ph.y, ph.z)
+ R = rotz(π*yaw/180) * roty(π*roll/180) * rotx(π*pitch/180)
+ rot_x, rot_y, rot_z = R*r
+ @test xt[end ,end] ≈ rot_x
+ @test yt[end ,end] ≈ rot_y
+ @test zt[end ,end] ≈ rot_z
+ # ----- t_start = t_end --------
+ t_start = t_end = 0.0
+ t = [-0.5, -0.25, 0.0, 0.25, 0.5]
+ rotation = SimpleMotion(Rotation(pitch, roll, yaw, t_start, t_end))
+ xt, yt, zt = get_spin_coords(rotation, ph.x, ph.y, ph.z, t')
+ @test xt ≈ [ph.x ph.x rot_x rot_x rot_x]
+ @test yt ≈ [ph.y ph.y rot_y rot_y rot_y]
+ @test zt ≈ [ph.z ph.z rot_z rot_z rot_z]
+ end
+ @testset "PeriodicRotation" begin
+ ph = Phantom(x=[1.0], y=[1.0])
+ t_start=0.0; t_end=1.0
+ t = collect(range(t_start, t_end, 11))
+ period = 2.0
+ asymmetry = 0.5
+ pitch = 45.0
+ roll = 0.0
+ yaw = 45.0
+ periodicrotation = SimpleMotion(PeriodicRotation(pitch, roll, yaw, period, asymmetry))
xt, yt, zt = get_spin_coords(periodicrotation, ph.x, ph.y, ph.z, t')
- @test xt[:,end] == ph.x .* cosd(yaw) - ph.y .* sind(yaw)
- @test yt[:,end] == ph.x .* sind(yaw) + ph.y .* cosd(yaw)
- @test zt[:,end] == ph.z
- # HeartBeat
+ r = vcat(ph.x, ph.y, ph.z)
+ R = rotz(π*yaw/180) * roty(π*roll/180) * rotx(π*pitch/180)
+ rot_x, rot_y, rot_z = R*r
+ @test xt[end ,end] ≈ rot_x
+ @test yt[end ,end] ≈ rot_y
+ @test zt[end ,end] ≈ rot_z
+ end
+ @testset "HeartBeat" begin
+ ph = Phantom(x=[1.0], y=[1.0])
+ t_start=0.0; t_end=1.0
+ t = collect(range(t_start, t_end, 11))
circumferential_strain = -0.1
radial_strain = 0.0
longitudinal_strain = -0.1
- heartbeat = SimpleMotion([HeartBeat(circumferential_strain, radial_strain, longitudinal_strain, t_start, t_end)])
+ heartbeat = SimpleMotion(HeartBeat(circumferential_strain, radial_strain, longitudinal_strain, t_start, t_end))
xt, yt, zt = get_spin_coords(heartbeat, ph.x, ph.y, ph.z, t')
r = sqrt.(ph.x .^ 2 + ph.y .^ 2)
θ = atan.(ph.y, ph.x)
@test xt[:,end] == ph.x .* (1 .+ circumferential_strain * maximum(r) .* cos.(θ))
@test yt[:,end] == ph.y .* (1 .+ circumferential_strain * maximum(r) .* sin.(θ))
@test zt[:,end] == ph.z .* (1 .+ longitudinal_strain)
- # PeriodicHeartBeat
- periodicheartbeat = SimpleMotion([PeriodicHeartBeat(circumferential_strain, radial_strain, longitudinal_strain, period, asymmetry)])
+ # ----- t_start = t_end --------
+ t_start = t_end = 0.0
+ t = [-0.5, -0.25, 0.0, 0.25, 0.5]
+ heartbeat = SimpleMotion(HeartBeat(circumferential_strain, radial_strain, longitudinal_strain, t_start, t_end))
xt, yt, zt = get_spin_coords(heartbeat, ph.x, ph.y, ph.z, t')
+ r = sqrt.(ph.x .^ 2 + ph.y .^ 2)
+ θ = atan.(ph.y, ph.x)
+ dx = (1 .+ circumferential_strain * maximum(r) .* cos.(θ))
+ dy = (1 .+ circumferential_strain * maximum(r) .* sin.(θ))
+ dz = (1 .+ longitudinal_strain)
+ @test xt == [ph.x ph.x ph.x .* dx ph.x .* dx ph.x .* dx]
+ @test yt == [ph.y ph.y ph.y .* dy ph.y .* dy ph.y .* dy]
+ @test zt == [ph.z ph.z ph.z .* dz ph.z .* dz ph.z .* dz]
+ end
+ @testset "PeriodicHeartBeat" begin
+ ph = Phantom(x=[1.0], y=[1.0])
+ t_start=0.0; t_end=1.0
+ t = collect(range(t_start, t_end, 11))
+ period = 2.0
+ asymmetry = 0.5
+ circumferential_strain = -0.1
+ radial_strain = 0.0
+ longitudinal_strain = -0.1
+ periodicheartbeat = SimpleMotion(PeriodicHeartBeat(circumferential_strain, radial_strain, longitudinal_strain, period, asymmetry))
+ xt, yt, zt = get_spin_coords(periodicheartbeat, ph.x, ph.y, ph.z, t')
+ r = sqrt.(ph.x .^ 2 + ph.y .^ 2)
+ θ = atan.(ph.y, ph.x)
@test xt[:,end] == ph.x .* (1 .+ circumferential_strain * maximum(r) .* cos.(θ))
@test yt[:,end] == ph.y .* (1 .+ circumferential_strain * maximum(r) .* sin.(θ))
@test zt[:,end] == ph.z .* (1 .+ longitudinal_strain)
@testset "ArbitraryMotion" begin
+ # 1 spin
ph = Phantom(x=[1.0], y=[1.0])
Ns = length(ph)
- period_durations = [1.0]
- num_pieces = 10
- dx = dy = dz = rand(Ns, num_pieces - 1)
- arbitrarymotion = @suppress ArbitraryMotion(period_durations, dx, dy, dz)
+ t_start = 0.0
+ t_end = 1.0
+ Nt = 10
+ dx = rand(Ns, Nt)
+ dy = rand(Ns, Nt)
+ dz = rand(Ns, Nt)
+ arbitrarymotion = @suppress ArbitraryMotion(t_start, t_end, dx, dy, dz)
+ t = times(arbitrarymotion)
+ xt, yt, zt = get_spin_coords(arbitrarymotion, ph.x, ph.y, ph.z, t')
+ @test xt == ph.x .+ dx
+ @test yt == ph.y .+ dy
+ @test zt == ph.z .+ dz
+ # More than 1 spin
+ ph = Phantom(x=[1.0, 2.0], y=[1.0, 2.0])
+ Ns = length(ph)
+ t_start = 0.0
+ t_end = 1.0
+ Nt = 10
+ dx = rand(Ns, Nt)
+ dy = rand(Ns, Nt)
+ dz = rand(Ns, Nt)
+ arbitrarymotion = @suppress ArbitraryMotion(t_start, t_end, dx, dy, dz)
t = times(arbitrarymotion)
xt, yt, zt = get_spin_coords(arbitrarymotion, ph.x, ph.y, ph.z, t')
- @test xt[:,2:end-1] == ph.x .+ dx
- @test yt[:,2:end-1] == ph.y .+ dy
- @test zt[:,2:end-1] == ph.z .+ dz
+ @test xt == ph.x .+ dx
+ @test yt == ph.y .+ dy
+ @test zt == ph.z .+ dz
- simplemotion = SimpleMotion([
+ simplemotion = SimpleMotion(
PeriodicTranslation(dx=0.05, dy=0.05, dz=0.0, period=0.5, asymmetry=0.5),
Rotation(pitch=0.0, roll=0.0, yaw=π / 2, t_start=0.05, t_end=0.5),
- ])
+ )
Ns = length(obj1)
- K = 10
- arbitrarymotion = @suppress ArbitraryMotion([1.0], 0.01 .* rand(Ns, K - 1), 0.01 .* rand(Ns, K - 1), 0.01 .* rand(Ns, K - 1))
+ Nt = 3
+ t_start = 0.0
+ t_end = 1.0
+ arbitrarymotion = @suppress ArbitraryMotion(t_start, t_end, 0.01 .* rand(Ns, Nt), 0.01 .* rand(Ns, Nt), 0.01 .* rand(Ns, Nt))
# Test phantom subset
obs1 = Phantom(
diff --git a/KomaMRICore/ext/KomaAMDGPUExt.jl b/KomaMRICore/ext/KomaAMDGPUExt.jl
index 112dc2285..d0b5f1350 100644
--- a/KomaMRICore/ext/KomaAMDGPUExt.jl
+++ b/KomaMRICore/ext/KomaAMDGPUExt.jl
@@ -10,12 +10,6 @@ KomaMRICore.set_device!(::ROCBackend, dev_idx::Integer) = AMDGPU.device_id!(dev_
KomaMRICore.set_device!(::ROCBackend, dev::AMDGPU.HIPDevice) = AMDGPU.device!(dev)
KomaMRICore.device_name(::ROCBackend) = AMDGPU.HIP.name(AMDGPU.device())
-function Adapt.adapt_storage(
- ::ROCBackend, x::Vector{KomaMRICore.LinearInterpolator{T,V}}
-) where {T<:Real,V<:AbstractVector{T}}
- return AMDGPU.rocconvert.(x)
function KomaMRICore._print_devices(::ROCBackend)
devices = [
Symbol("($(i-1)$(i == 1 ? "*" : " "))") => AMDGPU.HIP.name(d) for
diff --git a/KomaMRICore/ext/KomaCUDAExt.jl b/KomaMRICore/ext/KomaCUDAExt.jl
index 9f8ba96e7..cc97a0a96 100644
--- a/KomaMRICore/ext/KomaCUDAExt.jl
+++ b/KomaMRICore/ext/KomaCUDAExt.jl
@@ -9,12 +9,6 @@ KomaMRICore.isfunctional(::CUDABackend) = CUDA.functional()
KomaMRICore.set_device!(::CUDABackend, val) = CUDA.device!(val)
KomaMRICore.device_name(::CUDABackend) = CUDA.name(CUDA.device())
-function Adapt.adapt_storage(
- ::CUDABackend, x::Vector{KomaMRICore.LinearInterpolator{T,V}}
-) where {T<:Real,V<:AbstractVector{T}}
- return Adapt.adapt.(CuArray, x)
function KomaMRICore._print_devices(::CUDABackend)
devices = [
Symbol("($(i-1)$(i == 1 ? "*" : " "))") => CUDA.name(d) for
diff --git a/KomaMRICore/ext/KomaMetalExt.jl b/KomaMRICore/ext/KomaMetalExt.jl
index bc452f31e..d50af7901 100644
--- a/KomaMRICore/ext/KomaMetalExt.jl
+++ b/KomaMRICore/ext/KomaMetalExt.jl
@@ -12,12 +12,6 @@ KomaMRICore.set_device!(::MetalBackend, device_index::Integer) = device_index ==
KomaMRICore.set_device!(::MetalBackend, dev::Metal.MTLDevice) = Metal.device!(dev)
KomaMRICore.device_name(::MetalBackend) = String(Metal.current_device().name)
-function Adapt.adapt_storage(
- ::MetalBackend, x::Vector{KomaMRICore.LinearInterpolator{T,V}}
-) where {T<:Real,V<:AbstractVector{T}}
- return Metal.mtl.(x)
function KomaMRICore._print_devices(::MetalBackend)
@info "Metal device type: $(KomaMRICore.device_name(MetalBackend()))"
diff --git a/KomaMRICore/ext/KomaoneAPIExt.jl b/KomaMRICore/ext/KomaoneAPIExt.jl
index 03cc270de..0bec755fc 100644
--- a/KomaMRICore/ext/KomaoneAPIExt.jl
+++ b/KomaMRICore/ext/KomaoneAPIExt.jl
@@ -9,12 +9,6 @@ KomaMRICore.isfunctional(::oneAPIBackend) = oneAPI.functional()
KomaMRICore.set_device!(::oneAPIBackend, val) = oneAPI.device!(val)
KomaMRICore.device_name(::oneAPIBackend) = oneAPI.properties(oneAPI.device()).name
-function Adapt.adapt_storage(
- ::oneAPIBackend, x::Vector{KomaMRICore.LinearInterpolator{T,V}}
-) where {T<:Real,V<:AbstractVector{T}}
- return Adapt.adapt.(oneArray, a)
function KomaMRICore._print_devices(::oneAPIBackend)
devices = [
Symbol("($(i-1)$(i == 1 ? "*" : " "))") => oneAPI.properties(d).name for
diff --git a/KomaMRICore/src/simulation/Bloch/BlochSimulationMethod.jl b/KomaMRICore/src/simulation/Bloch/BlochSimulationMethod.jl
index f60a8b278..a6dabbd0a 100644
--- a/KomaMRICore/src/simulation/Bloch/BlochSimulationMethod.jl
+++ b/KomaMRICore/src/simulation/Bloch/BlochSimulationMethod.jl
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ function initialize_spins_state(
Mxy = zeros(T, Nspins)
Mz = obj.ρ
Xt = Mag{T}(Mxy, Mz)
- sort_motions!(obj.motion)
return Xt, obj
diff --git a/KomaMRICore/src/simulation/Functors.jl b/KomaMRICore/src/simulation/Functors.jl
index 4aac6628f..0d698b78f 100644
--- a/KomaMRICore/src/simulation/Functors.jl
+++ b/KomaMRICore/src/simulation/Functors.jl
@@ -71,36 +71,13 @@ x = x |> cpu
cpu(x) = fmap(x -> adapt(KA.CPU(), x), x, exclude=_isleaf)
-#MotionModel structs
-adapt_storage(::KA.GPU, x::NoMotion) = x
-adapt_storage(::KA.GPU, x::SimpleMotion) = x
-function adapt_storage(backend::KA.GPU, xs::ArbitraryMotion)
- fields = []
- for field in fieldnames(ArbitraryMotion)
- if field in (:ux, :uy, :uz)
- push!(fields, adapt(backend, getfield(xs, field)))
- else
- push!(fields, getfield(xs, field))
- end
- end
- return KomaMRICore.ArbitraryMotion(fields...)
paramtype(T::Type{<:Real}, m) = fmap(x -> adapt(T, x), m)
adapt_storage(T::Type{<:Real}, xs::Real) = convert(T, xs)
adapt_storage(T::Type{<:Real}, xs::AbstractArray{<:Real}) = convert.(T, xs)
adapt_storage(T::Type{<:Real}, xs::AbstractArray{<:Complex}) = convert.(Complex{T}, xs)
adapt_storage(T::Type{<:Real}, xs::AbstractArray{<:Bool}) = xs
-adapt_storage(T::Type{<:Real}, xs::SimpleMotion) = SimpleMotion(paramtype(T, xs.types))
adapt_storage(T::Type{<:Real}, xs::NoMotion) = NoMotion{T}()
-function adapt_storage(T::Type{<:Real}, xs::ArbitraryMotion)
- fields = []
- for field in fieldnames(ArbitraryMotion)
- push!(fields, paramtype(T, getfield(xs, field)))
- end
- return ArbitraryMotion(fields...)
@@ -123,16 +100,21 @@ See also [`f32`](@ref).
f64(m) = paramtype(Float64, m)
#The functor macro makes it easier to call a function in all the parameters
+# Phantom
@functor Phantom
+# SimpleMotion
+@functor SimpleMotion
@functor Translation
@functor Rotation
@functor HeartBeat
@functor PeriodicTranslation
@functor PeriodicRotation
@functor PeriodicHeartBeat
+# ArbitraryMotion
+@functor ArbitraryMotion
+# Spinor
@functor Spinor
+# DiscreteSequence
@functor DiscreteSequence
export gpu, cpu, f32, f64
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/KomaMRICore/test/runtests.jl b/KomaMRICore/test/runtests.jl
index 315d37f1a..77246c48e 100644
--- a/KomaMRICore/test/runtests.jl
+++ b/KomaMRICore/test/runtests.jl
@@ -295,8 +295,7 @@ end
sig_jemris = signal_brain_motion_jemris()
seq = seq_epi_100x100_TE100_FOV230()
sys = Scanner()
- obj = phantom_brain()
- obj.motion = SimpleMotion([Translation(t_end=10.0, dx=0.0, dy=1.0, dz=0.0)])
+ obj = phantom_brain_simple_motion()
sim_params = Dict{String, Any}(
@@ -316,16 +315,7 @@ end
sig_jemris = signal_brain_motion_jemris()
seq = seq_epi_100x100_TE100_FOV230()
sys = Scanner()
- obj = phantom_brain()
- Ns = length(obj)
- period_durations=[20.0]
- dx = dz = zeros(Ns, 1)
- dy = 1.0 .* ones(Ns, 1)
- obj.motion = @suppress ArbitraryMotion(
- period_durations,
- dx,
- dy,
- dz)
+ obj = phantom_brain_arbitrary_motion()
sim_params = Dict{String, Any}(
diff --git a/KomaMRICore/test/test_files/utils.jl b/KomaMRICore/test/test_files/utils.jl
index d10066810..0a5f878a6 100644
--- a/KomaMRICore/test/test_files/utils.jl
+++ b/KomaMRICore/test/test_files/utils.jl
@@ -16,6 +16,29 @@ function signal_brain_motion_jemris()
return sig
+function phantom_brain_simple_motion()
+ obj = phantom_brain()
+ obj.motion = SimpleMotion(Translation(t_end=10.0, dx=0.0, dy=1.0, dz=0.0))
+ return obj
+function phantom_brain_arbitrary_motion()
+ obj = phantom_brain()
+ Ns = length(obj)
+ t_start = 0.0
+ t_end = 10.0
+ dx = zeros(Ns, 2)
+ dz = zeros(Ns, 2)
+ dy = [zeros(Ns,1) ones(Ns,1)]
+ obj.motion = ArbitraryMotion(
+ t_start,
+ t_end,
+ dx,
+ dy,
+ dz)
+ return obj
function phantom_sphere()
path = @__DIR__
fid = h5open(joinpath(path, "phantom_sphere.h5"), "r")
diff --git a/KomaMRIFiles/src/Phantom/Phantom.jl b/KomaMRIFiles/src/Phantom/Phantom.jl
index cd2bf15d8..8409d792f 100644
--- a/KomaMRIFiles/src/Phantom/Phantom.jl
+++ b/KomaMRIFiles/src/Phantom/Phantom.jl
@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ Reads a (.phantom) file and creates a Phantom structure from it
function read_phantom(filename::String)
fid = HDF5.h5open(filename, "r")
- fields = []
+ phantom_fields = []
version = read_attribute(fid, "Version")
dims = read_attribute(fid, "Dims")
Ns = read_attribute(fid, "Ns")
# Name
name = read_attribute(fid, "Name")
- push!(fields, (:name, name))
+ push!(phantom_fields, (:name, name))
# Position and contrast
for key in ["position", "contrast"]
group = fid[key]
@@ -19,16 +19,16 @@ function read_phantom(filename::String)
param = group[label]
values = read_param(param)
if values != "Default"
- push!(fields, (Symbol(label), values))
+ push!(phantom_fields, (Symbol(label), values))
# Motion
motion_group = fid["motion"]
model = read_attribute(motion_group, "model")
- import_motion!(fields, Ns, Symbol(model), motion_group)
+ import_motion!(phantom_fields, Ns, Symbol(model), motion_group)
- obj = Phantom(; fields...)
+ obj = Phantom(; phantom_fields...)
return obj
@@ -54,16 +54,16 @@ function read_param(param::HDF5.Group)
return values
-function import_motion!(fields::Array, Ns::Int, model::Symbol, motion_group::HDF5.Group)
- return import_motion!(fields, Ns, Val(model), motion_group)
+function import_motion!(phantom_fields::Array, Ns::Int, model::Symbol, motion_group::HDF5.Group)
+ return import_motion!(phantom_fields, Ns, Val(model), motion_group)
function import_motion!(
- fields::Array, Ns::Int, model::Val{:NoMotion}, motion_group::HDF5.Group
+ phantom_fields::Array, Ns::Int, model::Val{:NoMotion}, motion_group::HDF5.Group
return nothing
function import_motion!(
- fields::Array, Ns::Int, model::Val{:SimpleMotion}, motion_group::HDF5.Group
+ phantom_fields::Array, Ns::Int, model::Val{:SimpleMotion}, motion_group::HDF5.Group
types_group = motion_group["types"]
types = SimpleMotionType[]
@@ -81,29 +81,17 @@ function import_motion!(
- return push!(fields, (:motion, SimpleMotion(vcat(types...))))
+ return push!(phantom_fields, (:motion, SimpleMotion((types...))))
function import_motion!(
- fields::Array, Ns::Int, model::Val{:ArbitraryMotion}, motion_group::HDF5.Group
+ phantom_fields::Array, Ns::Int, model::Val{:ArbitraryMotion}, motion_group::HDF5.Group
- dur = read(motion_group["period_durations"])
- K = read_attribute(motion_group, "K")
- dx = zeros(Ns, K - 1)
- dy = zeros(Ns, K - 1)
- dz = zeros(Ns, K - 1)
- for key in HDF5.keys(motion_group)
- if key != "period_durations"
- values = read_param(motion_group[key])
- if key == "dx"
- dx = values
- elseif key == "dy"
- dy = values
- elseif key == "dz"
- dz = values
- end
- end
- end
- return push!(fields, (:motion, ArbitraryMotion(dur, dx, dy, dz)))
+ t_start = read(motion_group["t_start"])
+ t_end = read(motion_group["t_end"])
+ dx = read(motion_group["dx"])
+ dy = read(motion_group["dy"])
+ dz = read(motion_group["dz"])
+ return push!(phantom_fields, (:motion, ArbitraryMotion(t_start, t_end, dx, dy, dz)))
@@ -158,20 +146,17 @@ function export_motion!(motion_group::HDF5.Group, motion::SimpleMotion)
for (counter, sm_type) in enumerate(motion.types)
simple_motion_type = typeof(sm_type).name.name
type_group = create_group(types_group, "$(counter)_$simple_motion_type")
- fields = fieldnames(typeof(sm_type))
- for field in fields
+ phantom_fields = fieldnames(typeof(sm_type))
+ for field in phantom_fields
HDF5.attributes(type_group)[string(field)] = getfield(sm_type, field)
function export_motion!(motion_group::HDF5.Group, motion::ArbitraryMotion)
HDF5.attributes(motion_group)["model"] = "ArbitraryMotion"
- HDF5.attributes(motion_group)["K"] = size(motion.dx)[2] + 1
- motion_group["period_durations"] = motion.period_durations
- for key in ["dx", "dy", "dz"]
- d_group = create_group(motion_group, key)
- HDF5.attributes(d_group)["type"] = "Explicit" #TODO: consider "Indexed" type
- d_group["values"] = getfield(motion, Symbol(key))
- end
+ motion_group["t_start"] = motion.t_start
+ motion_group["t_end"] = motion.t_end
+ motion_group["dx"] = motion.dx
+ motion_group["dy"] = motion.dy
+ motion_group["dz"] = motion.dz
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/KomaMRIFiles/test/runtests.jl b/KomaMRIFiles/test/runtests.jl
index deccbf82d..02d9a432f 100644
--- a/KomaMRIFiles/test/runtests.jl
+++ b/KomaMRIFiles/test/runtests.jl
@@ -58,10 +58,13 @@ using TestItems, TestItemRunner
write_phantom(obj1, filename)
obj2 = read_phantom(filename)
@test obj1 == obj2
+ end
+ @testset "SimpleMotion" begin
# SimpleMotion
+ path = @__DIR__
filename = path * "/test_files/brain_simplemotion.phantom"
obj1 = brain_phantom2D()
- obj1.motion = SimpleMotion([
+ obj1.motion = SimpleMotion(
@@ -73,17 +76,24 @@ using TestItems, TestItemRunner
- )])
+ )
+ )
write_phantom(obj1, filename)
obj2 = read_phantom(filename)
@test obj1 == obj2
+ end
+ @testset "ArbitraryMotion" begin
# ArbitraryMotion
+ path = @__DIR__
filename = path * "/test_files/brain_arbitrarymotion.phantom"
obj1 = brain_phantom2D()
Ns = length(obj1)
K = 10
+ t_start = 0.0
+ t_end = 1.0
obj1.motion = ArbitraryMotion(
- [1.0],
+ t_start,
+ t_end,
0.01.*rand(Ns, K-1),
0.01.*rand(Ns, K-1),
0.01.*rand(Ns, K-1))
diff --git a/KomaMRIFiles/test/test_files/brain_arbitrarymotion.phantom b/KomaMRIFiles/test/test_files/brain_arbitrarymotion.phantom
index e33788427..2010fcf20 100644
Binary files a/KomaMRIFiles/test/test_files/brain_arbitrarymotion.phantom and b/KomaMRIFiles/test/test_files/brain_arbitrarymotion.phantom differ
diff --git a/KomaMRIFiles/test/test_files/brain_nomotion.phantom b/KomaMRIFiles/test/test_files/brain_nomotion.phantom
index a487a64b8..cf0d1bae2 100644
Binary files a/KomaMRIFiles/test/test_files/brain_nomotion.phantom and b/KomaMRIFiles/test/test_files/brain_nomotion.phantom differ
diff --git a/KomaMRIFiles/test/test_files/brain_simplemotion.phantom b/KomaMRIFiles/test/test_files/brain_simplemotion.phantom
index c72c99584..cfc0a7d34 100644
Binary files a/KomaMRIFiles/test/test_files/brain_simplemotion.phantom and b/KomaMRIFiles/test/test_files/brain_simplemotion.phantom differ
diff --git a/KomaMRIPlots/src/ui/DisplayFunctions.jl b/KomaMRIPlots/src/ui/DisplayFunctions.jl
index 9bc6c550a..4d181c409 100644
--- a/KomaMRIPlots/src/ui/DisplayFunctions.jl
+++ b/KomaMRIPlots/src/ui/DisplayFunctions.jl
@@ -792,8 +792,8 @@ function plot_image(
- zmin=minimum(abs.(image[:])),
- zmax=maximum(abs.(image[:])),
+ zmin=minimum(image[:]),
+ zmax=maximum(image[:]),
@@ -1032,36 +1032,29 @@ function plot_phantom_map(
- function process_times(motion::SimpleMotion)
+ function interpolate_times(motion::MotionModel)
t = times(motion)
# Interpolate time points (as many as indicated by intermediate_time_samples)
- itp = interpolate(
- (
- 1:(intermediate_time_samples + 1):(length(t) + intermediate_time_samples * (length(t) - 1)),
- ),
- t,
- Gridded(Linear()),
- )
- return itp.(1:(length(t) + intermediate_time_samples * (length(t) - 1)))
+ itp = interpolate((1:(intermediate_time_samples + 1):(length(t) + intermediate_time_samples * (length(t) - 1)), ), t, Gridded(Linear()))
+ t = itp.(1:(length(t) + intermediate_time_samples * (length(t) - 1)))
+ return t
+ end
+ function process_times(motion::SimpleMotion)
+ motion = KomaMRIBase.sort_motion(motion)
+ return interpolate_times(motion)
function process_times(motion::ArbitraryMotion)
- t = times(motion)
- # Interpolate time points (as many as indicated by intermediate_time_samples)
- itp = interpolate(
- (
- 1:(intermediate_time_samples + 1):(length(t) + intermediate_time_samples * (length(t) - 1)),
- ),
- t,
- Gridded(Linear()),
- )
- t = itp.(1:(length(t) + intermediate_time_samples * (length(t) - 1)))
+ t = interpolate_times(motion)
# Decimate time points so their number is smaller than max_time_samples
ss = length(t) > max_time_samples ? length(t) ÷ max_time_samples : 1
return t[1:ss:end]
- process_times(motion::MotionModel) = times(motion)
+ function process_times(motion::MotionModel)
+ return times(motion)
+ end
- # IDEA: subsample phantoms which are too large
function decimate_uniform_phantom(ph::Phantom, num_points::Int)
dimx, dimy, dimz = KomaMRIBase.get_dims(ph)
ss = Int(ceil((length(ph) / num_points)^(1 / sum(KomaMRIBase.get_dims(ph)))))
@@ -1077,7 +1070,7 @@ function plot_phantom_map(
if length(ph) > max_spins
ph = decimate_uniform_phantom(ph, max_spins)
- @warn "For performance reasons, the number of displayed spins was capped to `max_spins`=$(max_spins)." maxlog=1
+ @warn "For performance reasons, the number of displayed spins was capped to `max_spins`=$(max_spins)."
path = @__DIR__
@@ -1129,7 +1122,6 @@ function plot_phantom_map(
cmin_key = get(kwargs, :cmin, factor * cmin_key)
cmax_key = get(kwargs, :cmax, factor * cmax_key)
- sort_motions!(ph.motion)
t = process_times(ph.motion)
x, y, z = get_spin_coords(ph.motion, ph.x, ph.y, ph.z, t')
diff --git a/docs/src/assets/unit-time-triangular.svg b/docs/src/assets/unit-time-triangular.svg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5a91bd907
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/assets/unit-time-triangular.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
diff --git a/docs/src/assets/unit-time.svg b/docs/src/assets/unit-time.svg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c7cc6d3f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/assets/unit-time.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
diff --git a/examples/3.tutorials/lit-05-SimpleMotion.jl b/examples/3.tutorials/lit-05-SimpleMotion.jl
index c26a8aa3f..93b3da121 100644
--- a/examples/3.tutorials/lit-05-SimpleMotion.jl
+++ b/examples/3.tutorials/lit-05-SimpleMotion.jl
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ obj.Δw .= 0 # hide
# In this example, we will add a [`Translation`](@ref) of 2 cm in x, with duration of 200 ms (v = 0.1 m/s):
-obj.motion = SimpleMotion([
+obj.motion = SimpleMotion(
Translation(t_start=0.0, t_end=200e-3, dx=2e-2, dy=0.0, dz=0.0)
p1 = plot_phantom_map(obj, :T2 ; height=450, intermediate_time_samples=4) # hide
#md savefig(p1, "../assets/5-phantom1.html") # hide
diff --git a/examples/5.koma_paper/comparison_accuracy/d.brain_motion/run_koma.jl b/examples/5.koma_paper/comparison_accuracy/d.brain_motion/run_koma.jl
index e2f63f0d9..7e3c9933c 100644
--- a/examples/5.koma_paper/comparison_accuracy/d.brain_motion/run_koma.jl
+++ b/examples/5.koma_paper/comparison_accuracy/d.brain_motion/run_koma.jl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
using KomaMRI, Suppressor, MAT
obj = @suppress read_phantom_jemris("../../../2.phantoms/brain.h5")
-obj.uy = (x,y,z,t)-> 0.1f0 * t # Hacer que el fichero brain_motion.phantom tenga este movimiento (con SimpleMotion y ArbitraryMotion)
+obj.uy = (x,y,z,t)-> 0.1f0 * t
seq = @suppress read_seq("../sequences/EPI/epi_100x100_TE100_FOV230.seq")
sys = Scanner()