using Compat using Compat.Test using Compat.LinearAlgebra using Compat.SparseArrays @test isempty(detect_ambiguities(Base, Core, Compat)) const struct_sym = VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.1263" ? :type : :struct # Issue #291 # 0.6 @test (1, 2) == @compat abs.((1, -2)) @test broadcast(+, (1.0, 1.0), (0, -2.0)) == (1.0,-1.0) # Test for `take!(::Task)`/`take!(::Channel)` # 0.6 dirwalk = mktempdir() cd(dirwalk) do for i=1:2 mkdir("sub_dir$i") open("file$i", "w") do f end mkdir(joinpath("sub_dir1", "subsub_dir$i")) touch(joinpath("sub_dir1", "file$i")) end touch(joinpath("sub_dir2", "file_dir2")) has_symlinks = Compat.Sys.isunix() ? true : (isdefined(Base, :WINDOWS_VISTA_VER) && Base.windows_version() >= Base.WINDOWS_VISTA_VER) follow_symlink_vec = has_symlinks ? [true, false] : [false] has_symlinks && symlink(abspath("sub_dir2"), joinpath("sub_dir1", "link")) for follow_symlinks in follow_symlink_vec chnl = walkdir(".", follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks) root, dirs, files = take!(chnl) @test root == "." @test dirs == ["sub_dir1", "sub_dir2"] @test files == ["file1", "file2"] root, dirs, files = take!(chnl) @test root == joinpath(".", "sub_dir1") @test dirs == (has_symlinks ? ["link", "subsub_dir1", "subsub_dir2"] : ["subsub_dir1", "subsub_dir2"]) @test files == ["file1", "file2"] root, dirs, files = take!(chnl) if follow_symlinks @test root == joinpath(".", "sub_dir1", "link") @test dirs == [] @test files == ["file_dir2"] root, dirs, files = take!(chnl) end for i=1:2 @test root == joinpath(".", "sub_dir1", "subsub_dir$i") @test dirs == [] @test files == [] root, dirs, files = take!(chnl) end @test root == joinpath(".", "sub_dir2") @test dirs == [] @test files == ["file_dir2"] end for follow_symlinks in follow_symlink_vec chnl = walkdir(".", follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks, topdown=false) root, dirs, files = take!(chnl) if follow_symlinks @test root == joinpath(".", "sub_dir1", "link") @test dirs == [] @test files == ["file_dir2"] root, dirs, files = take!(chnl) end for i=1:2 @test root == joinpath(".", "sub_dir1", "subsub_dir$i") @test dirs == [] @test files == [] root, dirs, files = take!(chnl) end @test root == joinpath(".", "sub_dir1") @test dirs == (has_symlinks ? ["link", "subsub_dir1", "subsub_dir2"] : ["subsub_dir1", "subsub_dir2"]) @test files == ["file1", "file2"] root, dirs, files = take!(chnl) @test root == joinpath(".", "sub_dir2") @test dirs == [] @test files == ["file_dir2"] root, dirs, files = take!(chnl) @test root == "." @test dirs == ["sub_dir1", "sub_dir2"] @test files == ["file1", "file2"] end #test of error handling chnl_error = walkdir(".") chnl_noerror = walkdir(".", onerror=x->x) root, dirs, files = take!(chnl_error) @test root == "." @test dirs == ["sub_dir1", "sub_dir2"] @test files == ["file1", "file2"] rm(joinpath("sub_dir1"), recursive=true) @test_throws SystemError take!(chnl_error) # throws an error because sub_dir1 do not exist root, dirs, files = take!(chnl_noerror) @test root == "." @test dirs == ["sub_dir1", "sub_dir2"] @test files == ["file1", "file2"] root, dirs, files = take!(chnl_noerror) # skips sub_dir1 as it no longer exist @test root == joinpath(".", "sub_dir2") @test dirs == [] @test files == ["file_dir2"] end rm(dirwalk, recursive=true) let # Subset of tests copied from base test/error.jl function foo_error(c, n) c[1] += 1 if c[1] <= n error("foo") end return 7 end # Success on first attempt c = [0] @test Compat.retry(foo_error)(c, 0) == 7 @test c[1] == 1 # Success on second attempt c = [0] @test Compat.retry(foo_error)(c,1) == 7 @test c[1] == 2 # 2 failed retry attempts, so exception is raised c = [0] ex = try Compat.retry(foo_error, delays=Compat.ExponentialBackOff(n=2))(c, 3) catch e e end c = [0] ex = try Compat.retry( foo_error, check=(s,e)->(s, try e.http_status_code == "503" end != true) )(c, 2) catch e e end @test typeof(ex) == ErrorException @test ex.msg == "foo" @test c[1] == 2 # Functions with keyword arguments foo_kwargs(x; y=5) = x + y @test Compat.retry(foo_kwargs)(3) == 8 @test Compat.retry(foo_kwargs)(3; y=4) == 7 end for os in [:apple, :bsd, :linux, :unix, :windows] from_base = if VERSION >= v"0.7.0-DEV.914" Expr(:., Expr(:., :Base, Base.Meta.quot(:Sys)), Base.Meta.quot(Symbol("is", os))) else Expr(:., :Base, Base.Meta.quot(Symbol("is_", os))) end @eval @test Compat.Sys.$(Symbol("is", os))() == $from_base() end # do-block redirect_std* # 0.6 let filename = tempname() ret = open(filename, "w") do f redirect_stdout(f) do println("hello") [1,3] end end @test ret == [1,3] @test chomp(read(filename, String)) == "hello" ret = open(filename, "w") do f redirect_stderr(f) do println(stderr, "WARNING: hello") [2] end end @test ret == [2] @test occursin("WARNING: hello", read(filename, String)) ret = open(filename) do f redirect_stdin(f) do readline() end end @test occursin("WARNING: hello", ret) rm(filename) end # 0.6 @test @__DIR__() == dirname(@__FILE__) # PR #17302 # To be removed when 0.5/0.6 support is dropped. f17302(a::Number) = a f17302(a::Number, b::Number) = a + b Compat.@dep_vectorize_1arg Real f17302 Compat.@dep_vectorize_2arg Real f17302 @test_throws MethodError f17302([1im]) @test_throws MethodError f17302([1im], [1im]) mktemp() do fname, f redirect_stderr(f) do @test f17302([1.0]) == [1.0] @test f17302(1.0, [1]) == [2.0] @test f17302([1.0], 1) == [2.0] @test f17302([1.0], [1]) == [2.0] end end if VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.3017" types = [ Bool, Float16, Float32, Float64, Int128, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt8, ] for T in types # julia#18510, Nullable constructors x = @compat Nullable(one(T), true) @test isnull(x) === false @test isa(x.value, T) @test eltype(x) === T x = @compat Nullable{T}(one(T), true) y = @compat Nullable{Any}(one(T), true) @test isnull(x) === false @test isnull(y) === false @test isa(x.value, T) @test eltype(x) === T @test eltype(y) === Any x = @compat Nullable{T}(one(T), false) y = @compat Nullable{Any}(one(T), false) @test isnull(x) === true @test isnull(y) === true @test eltype(x) === T @test eltype(y) === Any x = @compat Nullable(one(T), false) @test isnull(x) === true @test eltype(x) === T x = @compat Nullable{T}() @test isnull(x) === true @test eltype(x) === T # julia#18484, generic isnull, unsafe_get a = one(T) x = @compat Nullable(a, true) @test isequal(unsafe_get(x), a) x = @compat Nullable{Array{T}}() @test_throws UndefRefError unsafe_get(x) end end @test xor(1,5) == 4 @test 1 ⊻ 5 == 4 # julia#20414 @compat let T = Array{<:Real}, f(x::AbstractVector{<:Real}) = 1 @test isa([3,4],T) @test !isa([3,4im],T) @test f(1:3) == f([1,2]) == 1 end @compat let T = Array{>:Integer}, f(x::AbstractVector{>:Integer}) = 1 @test isa(Integer[1,2],T) @test !isa([3,4],T) @test !isa([3.0,4.0],T) @test f(Integer[1,2]) == f([1,'a',:sym]) == 1 end # supertype operator @test !(Int >: Integer) @test Integer >: Int # julia#19246 @test numerator(1//2) === 1 @test denominator(1//2) === 2 # julia#19088 let io = IOBuffer() write(io, "aaa") @test take!(io) == UInt8['a', 'a', 'a'] write(io, "bbb") @test String(take!(io)) == "bbb" end # julia#17510 let x = [1,2,3] @compat x .= [3,4,5] @test x == [3,4,5] @compat x .= x .== 4 @test x == [0,1,0] @compat x .= 7 @test x == [7,7,7] end let s = "Koala test: 🐨" @test transcode(UInt16, s) == UInt16[75,111,97,108,97,32,116,101,115,116,58,32,55357,56360] @test transcode(UInt32, s) == UInt32[75,111,97,108,97,32,116,101,115,116,58,32,128040] for T in (UInt8,UInt16,UInt32,Cwchar_t) @test transcode(Compat.String, transcode(T, s)) == s @test transcode(UInt8, transcode(T, s)) == codeunits(s) @test transcode(T, s) == transcode(T, codeunits(s)) == transcode(T, transcode(T, s)) end end # julia#17155, tests from Base Julia @test (Compat.Unicode.uppercase∘hex)(239487) == "3A77F" let str = "aBcDeFgHiJ" @test filter(!Compat.Unicode.isupper, str) == replace(str, r"[A-Z]" => "") @test filter(!Compat.Unicode.islower, str) == replace(str, r"[a-z]" => "") end # julia#19950, tests from Base (#20028) for T in (Float16, Float32, Float64, BigFloat, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int128, BigInt, UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt128) @test iszero(T(0)) @test iszero(Complex{T}(0)) if T<:Integer @test iszero(Rational{T}(0)) end if T<:AbstractFloat @test iszero(T(-0.0)) @test iszero(Complex{T}(-0.0)) end end @test !iszero([0, 1, 2, 3]) @test iszero([0, 0, 0, 0]) let x = view(1:10, 2:4) D = Diagonal(x) @test D[1,1] == 2 @test D[3,3] == 4 A = view(rand(5,5), 1:3, 1:3) @test D*A == Diagonal(copy(x)) * copy(A) @test A*D == copy(A) * Diagonal(copy(x)) end # julia#17623 # 0.6 @test [true, false] .& [true, true] == [true, false] @test [true, false] .| [true, true] == [true, true] # julia#20022 @test !Compat.isapprox(NaN, NaN) @test Compat.isapprox(NaN, NaN, nans=true) # julia#13998 for x in (3.1, -17, 3//4, big(111.1), Inf) local x @test min(x) == max(x) == x @test minmax(x) == (x, x) end # julia#20006 @compat abstract type AbstractFoo20006 end eval(Expr( struct_sym, false, Expr(:(<:), :(ConcreteFoo20006{T<:Int}), :AbstractFoo20006), quote end)) eval(Expr( struct_sym, false, Expr(:(<:), :(ConcreteFoo20006N{T<:Int,N}), :AbstractFoo20006), quote end)) @compat ConcreteFoo200061{T<:Int} = ConcreteFoo20006N{T,1} @test Compat.TypeUtils.isabstract(AbstractFoo20006) @test !Compat.TypeUtils.isabstract(ConcreteFoo20006) @test !Compat.TypeUtils.isabstract(ConcreteFoo20006N) @test !Compat.TypeUtils.isabstract(ConcreteFoo200061) @test !Compat.TypeUtils.isabstract(StridedArray) @test Compat.TypeUtils.parameter_upper_bound(ConcreteFoo20006, 1) == Int @test isa(Compat.TypeUtils.typename(Array), Core.TypeName) @test isabstracttype(AbstractFoo20006) @test !isabstracttype(ConcreteFoo20006) @test !isabstracttype(ConcreteFoo20006N) @test !isabstracttype(ConcreteFoo200061) @test !isabstracttype(StridedArray) # @view and @views tests copied from Base let X = reshape(1:24,2,3,4), Y = 4:-1:1 @test isa(@view(X[1:3]), SubArray) @test X[1:end] == @dotcompat (@view X[1:end]) # test compatibility of @. and @view @test X[1:end-3] == @view X[1:end-3] @test X[1:end,2,2] == @view X[1:end,2,2] @test reshape(X[1,2,1:end-2],2) == @view X[1,2,1:end-2] @test reshape(X[1,2,Y[2:end]],3) == @view X[1,2,Y[2:end]] @test reshape(X[1:end,2,Y[2:end]],2,3) == @view X[1:end,2,Y[2:end]] u = (1,2:3) @test reshape(X[u...,2:end],2,3) == @view X[u...,2:end] @test reshape(X[(1,)...,(2,)...,2:end],3) == @view X[(1,)...,(2,)...,2:end] # the following tests fail on 0.5 because of bugs in the 0.5 Base.@view # macro (a bugfix is scheduled to be backported from 0.6: julia#20247) if !isdefined(Base, Symbol("@view")) || VERSION ≥ v"0.6.0-dev.2406" # test macro hygiene let size=(x,y)-> error("should not happen"), Base=nothing @test X[1:end,2,2] == @view X[1:end,2,2] end # test that side effects occur only once let foo = typeof(X)[X] @test X[2:end-1] == @view (push!(foo,X)[1])[2:end-1] @test foo == typeof(X)[X, X] end end # test @views macro @views @compat let f!(x) = x[1:end-1] .+= x[2:end].^2 x = [1,2,3,4] f!(x) @test x == [5,11,19,4] @test isa(x[1:3],SubArray) @test x[2] === 11 @test Dict((1:3) => 4)[1:3] === 4 x[1:2] = 0 @test x == [0,0,19,4] x[1:2] .= 5:6 @test x == [5,6,19,4] f!(x[3:end]) @test x == [5,6,35,4] x[Y[2:3]] .= 7:8 @test x == [5,8,7,4] @dotcompat x[(3,)..., ()...] += 3 # @. should convert to .+=, test compatibility with @views @test x == [5,8,10,4] i = Int[] # test that lhs expressions in update operations are evaluated only once: x[push!(i,4)[1]] += 5 @test x == [5,8,10,9] && i == [4] x[push!(i,3)[end]] += 2 @test x == [5,8,12,9] && i == [4,3] @dotcompat x[3:end] = 0 # make sure @. works with end expressions in @views @test x == [5,8,0,0] end # same tests, but make sure we can switch the order of @compat and @views @compat @views let f!(x) = x[1:end-1] .+= x[2:end].^2 x = [1,2,3,4] f!(x) @test x == [5,11,19,4] @test isa(x[1:3],SubArray) @test x[2] === 11 @test Dict((1:3) => 4)[1:3] === 4 x[1:2] = 0 @test x == [0,0,19,4] x[1:2] .= 5:6 @test x == [5,6,19,4] f!(x[3:end]) @test x == [5,6,35,4] x[Y[2:3]] .= 7:8 @test x == [5,8,7,4] @dotcompat x[(3,)..., ()...] += 3 # @. should convert to .+=, test compatibility with @views @test x == [5,8,10,4] i = Int[] # test that lhs expressions in update operations are evaluated only once: x[push!(i,4)[1]] += 5 @test x == [5,8,10,9] && i == [4] x[push!(i,3)[end]] += 2 @test x == [5,8,12,9] && i == [4,3] @dotcompat x[3:end] = 0 # make sure @. works with end expressions in @views @test x == [5,8,0,0] end @views @test isa(X[1:3], SubArray) @test X[1:end] == @views X[1:end] @test X[1:end-3] == @views X[1:end-3] @test X[1:end,2,2] == @views X[1:end,2,2] @test reshape(X[1,2,1:end-2],2) == @views X[1,2,1:end-2] @test reshape(X[1,2,Y[2:end]],3) == @views X[1,2,Y[2:end]] @test reshape(X[1:end,2,Y[2:end]],2,3) == @views X[1:end,2,Y[2:end]] @test reshape(X[u...,2:end],2,3) == @views X[u...,2:end] @test reshape(X[(1,)...,(2,)...,2:end],3) == @views X[(1,)...,(2,)...,2:end] # test macro hygiene let size=(x,y)-> error("should not happen"), Base=nothing @test X[1:end,2,2] == @views X[1:end,2,2] end end # @. (@__dot__) tests, from base: let x = [4, -9, 1, -16] @test [2, 3, 4, 5] == @dotcompat(1 + sqrt($sort(abs(x)))) @test @dotcompat(x^2) == x.^2 @dotcompat x = 2 @test x == [2,2,2,2] end @test [1,4,9] == @dotcompat let x = [1,2,3]; x^2; end let x = [1,2,3], y = x @dotcompat for i = 1:3 y = y^2 # should convert to y .= y.^2 end @test x == [1,256,6561] end let x = [1,2,3] @dotcompat f(x) = x^2 @test f(x) == [1,4,9] end # PR #20418 @compat abstract type Abstract20418{T} <: Ref{T} end @test Compat.TypeUtils.isabstract(Abstract20418) @compat primitive type Primitive20418{T} <: Ref{T} 16 end @test !Compat.TypeUtils.isabstract(Primitive20418) @test isbits(Primitive20418{Int}) @test sizeof(Primitive20418{Int}) == 2 # PR #20500 @compat A20500{T<:Integer} = Array{T,20500} @compat const A20500_2{T<:Union{Int,Float32}} = Pair{T,T} f20500() = A20500 f20500_2() = A20500_2 @inferred f20500() @inferred f20500_2() module CompatArray using Compat const struct_sym = VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.1263" ? :type : :struct eval(Expr( struct_sym, false, Expr(:(<:), :(CartesianArray{T,N}), :(AbstractArray{T,N})), quote parent::Array{T,N} end)) eval(Expr( struct_sym, false, Expr(:(<:), :(LinearArray{T,N}), :(AbstractArray{T,N})), quote parent::Array{T,N} end)) @compat Base.IndexStyle(::Type{<:LinearArray}) = IndexLinear() end @test IndexStyle(Array{Float32,2}) === IndexLinear() @test IndexStyle(CompatArray.CartesianArray{Float32,2}) === IndexCartesian() @test IndexStyle(CompatArray.LinearArray{Float32,2}) === IndexLinear() let a = CompatArray.CartesianArray(rand(2,3)), b = CompatArray.LinearArray(rand(2,3)) @test IndexStyle(a) === IndexCartesian() @test IndexStyle(b) === IndexLinear() end if VERSION < v"0.6.0-dev.1653" for (A,val) in ((zeros(1:5, Float32, 3, 2), 0), (ones(1:5, Float32, 3, 2), 1), (zeros(1:5, Float32, (3, 2)), 0), (ones(1:5, Float32, (3, 2)), 1)) @test isa(A, Matrix{Float32}) && size(A) == (3,2) && all(x->x==val, A) end for (A,val) in ((zeros(1:5, Float32), 0), (ones(1:5, Float32), 1)) @test isa(A, Vector{Float32}) && size(A) == (5,) && all(x->x==val, A) end end # PR 20203 @test Compat.readline(IOBuffer("Hello, World!\n")) == "Hello, World!" @test Compat.readline(IOBuffer("x\n"), keep=false) == "x" @test Compat.readline(IOBuffer("x\n"), keep=true) == "x\n" @test collect(Compat.eachline(IOBuffer("x\ny"))) == ["x", "y"] @test collect(Compat.eachline(IOBuffer("x\ny"), keep=false)) == ["x", "y"] @test collect(Compat.eachline(IOBuffer("x\ny"), keep=true)) == ["x\n", "y"] # PR 18727 let iset = Set([17, 4711]) cfset = convert(Set{Float64}, iset) @test typeof(cfset) == Set{Float64} @test cfset == iset fset = Set([17.0, 4711.0]) ciset = convert(Set{Int}, fset) @test typeof(ciset) == Set{Int} @test ciset == fset ssset = Set(split("foo bar")) cssset = convert(Set{String}, ssset) @test typeof(cssset) == Set{String} @test cssset == Set(["foo", "bar"]) end # PR 18082 @test !isassigned(Ref{String}()) @test isassigned(Ref{String}("Test")) @test unsafe_trunc(Int8, 128) === Int8(-128) @test_throws InexactError trunc(Int8, 128) # PR 21346 let zbuf = IOBuffer([0xbf, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x12, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) z1 = read(zbuf, ComplexF32) z2 = read(zbuf, ComplexF64) @test bswap(z1) === -1.5f0 + 2.5f0im @test bswap(z2) === 3.5 - 4.5im end # PR 19449 using Compat: StringVector @test length(StringVector(5)) == 5 @test String(fill!(StringVector(5), 0x61)) == "aaaaa" # collect if VERSION < v"0.7.0-" # Note: This is disabled on 0.7, since the Compat.collect functionality is only # applicable on 0.5, and OffsetArrays currently has some incompatibilities with # 0.7. This can be reenabled later if needed. using OffsetArrays a = OffsetArray(1:3, -1:1) b = Compat.collect(a) @test indices(b) === (Base.OneTo(3),) @test b == [1,2,3] end # PR 22064 module Test22064 using Compat using Compat.Test @test (@__MODULE__) === Test22064 end # invokelatest issue19774(x) = 1 let foo() = begin eval(:(issue19774(x::Int) = 2)) return Compat.invokelatest(issue19774, 0) end @test foo() == 2 end cm359() = @__MODULE__ @test Compat.invokelatest(cm359) === @__MODULE__ pr22646(x; y=0) = 1 let foo() = begin eval(:(pr22646(x::Int; y=0) = 2)) return Compat.invokelatest(pr22646, 0, y=1) end @test foo() == 2 end # PR #21197 let c = `ls -l "foo bar"` @test collect(c) == ["ls", "-l", "foo bar"] @test first(c) == "ls" == c[1] @test last(c) == "foo bar" == c[3] == c[end] @test c[1:2] == ["ls", "-l"] @test eltype(c) == String @test length(c) == 3 @test eachindex(c) == 1:3 end # PR 22629 @test logdet(0.5) == log(det(0.5)) # PR 22633 for T in (Float64, ComplexF32, BigFloat, Int) λ = T(4) @test chol(λ*I).λ ≈ √λ @test_throws Union{ArgumentError,Compat.LinearAlgebra.PosDefException} chol(-λ*I) end let @compat cr(::CartesianIndices{2}) = 2 @test cr(CartesianIndices((5, 3))) == 2 @test_throws MethodError cr(CartesianIndices((5, 3, 2))) end if VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.880" # ensure we don't bork any non-updated expressions let @compat cr(::CartesianRange{CartesianIndex{2}}) = 2 @test cr(CartesianRange((5, 3))) == 2 @test_throws MethodError cr(CartesianRange((5, 3, 2))) end end # PR 22350 eval(Expr(struct_sym, false, :TestType, Expr(:block, :(a::Int), :b))) @test fieldcount(TestType) == 2 @test fieldcount(Int) == 0 # PR 20005 @test_throws InexactError throw(InexactError(:func, Int, 3.2)) # PR 22751 @test_throws DomainError throw(DomainError(-2)) @test_throws DomainError throw(DomainError(-2, "negative")) # PR 22761 @test_throws OverflowError throw(OverflowError("overflow")) let x = fill!(StringVector(5), 0x61) # 0.7 @test pointer(x) == pointer(String(x)) end # PR 22907 using Compat: pairs # keys, values, pairs for A in (rand(2), rand(2,3)) local A for (i, v) in pairs(A) @test A[i] == v end @test collect(values(A)) == collect(A) end let A = Dict(:foo=>1, :bar=>3) for (k, v) in pairs(A) @test A[k] == v end @test sort!(collect(pairs(A))) == sort!(collect(A)) end let A14 = [11 13; 12 14] R = CartesianIndices(Compat.axes(A14)) @test vec([a for (a,b) in pairs(IndexLinear(), A14)]) == [1,2,3,4] @test vec([a for (a,b) in pairs(IndexCartesian(), A14)]) == vec(collect(R)) @test vec([b for (a,b) in pairs(IndexLinear(), A14)]) == [11,12,13,14] @test vec([b for (a,b) in pairs(IndexCartesian(), A14)]) == [11,12,13,14] end # Val(x) # 0.7 begin local firstlast firstlast(::Val{true}) = "First" firstlast(::Val{false}) = "Last" @test firstlast(Val(true)) == "First" @test firstlast(Val(false)) == "Last" end # Reshape to a given number of dimensions using Val(N) # 0.7 let for A in (rand(Float64, ()), rand(2), rand(2,3), rand(2,3,5), rand(2,3,5,7)), N in (1,2,3,4,5,6) B = @inferred reshape(A, Val(N)) @test ndims(B) == N if N < ndims(A) new_sz = (size(A)[1:N-1]..., prod(size(A)[N:end])) elseif N == ndims(A) new_sz = size(A) else new_sz = (size(A)..., ntuple(x->1, N-ndims(A))...) end @test size(B) == new_sz @test B == reshape(A, new_sz) end end # ntuple with Val(N) # 0.7 @test @inferred(ntuple(x->1, Val(3))) == (1,1,1) @test @inferred(ntuple(x->x, Val(0))) == () @test @inferred(ntuple(x->x, Val(5))) == (1,2,3,4,5) # @nospecialize # 0.7 no_specialize(@nospecialize(x)) = sin(1) no_specialize(@nospecialize(x::Integer)) = sin(2) @test no_specialize(1.0) == sin(1) @test no_specialize(1) == sin(2) no_specialize_kw1(@nospecialize(x=0)) = sin(1) no_specialize_kw1(@nospecialize(x::Integer)) = sin(2) @test no_specialize_kw1(1.0) == sin(1) @test no_specialize_kw1(1) == sin(2) @test no_specialize_kw1() == sin(2) no_specialize_kw2(@nospecialize(x)) = sin(1) no_specialize_kw2(@nospecialize(x::Integer=0)) = sin(2) @test no_specialize_kw2(1.0) == sin(1) @test no_specialize_kw2(1) == sin(2) @test no_specialize_kw2() == sin(2) # 0.7 @test read(IOBuffer("aaaa"), String) == "aaaa" @test occursin("read(@__FILE__, String)", read(@__FILE__, String)) @test read(`$(Base.julia_cmd()) --startup-file=no -e "println(:aaaa)"`, String) == "aaaa\n" # 0.7 @test isa(1:2, AbstractRange) # 0.7 let M = [1 + 2im 3 + 4im; 5 + 6im 7 + 8im], M2 = adjoint(copy(M)), Mc = [1 - 2im 5 - 6im; 3 - 4im 7 - 8im] @test adjoint(M) == Mc M2 .= 0 adjoint!(M2, M) @test M2 == Mc end # 0.7 module TestMathConstants using Compat.MathConstants end for name in [:π, :pi, :ℯ, :e, :γ, :eulergamma, :catalan, :φ, :golden] @test isdefined(TestMathConstants, name) && !Base.isdeprecated(TestMathConstants, name) @test isdefined(Compat.MathConstants, name) && !Base.isdeprecated(Compat.MathConstants, name) end module TestMathConstants2 using Compat end @test isdefined(TestMathConstants2, :ℯ) && !Base.isdeprecated(TestMathConstants, :ℯ) # 0.7 @test partialsort([3,6,30,1,9], 2, rev=true) == 9 @test partialsort([3,6,30,1,9], 2, by=x->1/x) == 9 @test partialsortperm([3,6,30,1,9], 2, rev=true) == 5 @test partialsortperm([3,6,30,1,9], 2, by=x->1/x) == 5 # 0.7 @test isa(Base.rtoldefault(1.0, 2.0, 0), Float64) @test isa(Base.rtoldefault(Float64, 2.0, 0), Float64) @test isa(Base.rtoldefault(1.0, Float64, 0), Float64) @test isa(Base.rtoldefault(Float64, Float64, 0), Float64) @test Base.rtoldefault(Float64, Float64, 1.0) === 0.0 # 0.7 @test cov([1 2; 3 4], 1, corrected=true) == fill(2.0, 2, 2) @test cov([1 2; 3 4], 1, corrected=false) == fill(1.0, 2, 2) @test cov([1 2; 3 4], [0 4; 8 9], 1, corrected=true) == [8.0 5.0; 8.0 5.0] @test cov([1 2; 3 4], [0 4; 8 9], 1, corrected=false) == [4.0 2.5; 4.0 2.5] if VERSION >= v"0.6" @test cov([1, 2], corrected=true) === 0.5 @test cov([1, 2], corrected=false) === 0.25 @test cov([1, 2], [0, 10], corrected=true) === 5.0 @test cov([1, 2], [0, 10], corrected=false) === 2.5 end # 0.7 @test isconcretetype(Int) # 0.7 module Test23876 using Compat using Compat.Test import Compat.DelimitedFiles using Compat.Mmap, Compat.SharedArrays using Compat.Distributed @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :DelimitedFiles) @test isdefined(SharedArrays, :SharedArray) @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :SharedArray) @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :procs) @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :remote_do) @test isdefined(Mmap, :mmap) end # 0.7 module Test24459 using Compat using Compat.Test using Compat.Dates @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :Dates) end # 0.7 module Test25056 using Compat using Compat.Test using Compat.Printf @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :Printf) @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, Symbol("@printf")) @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, Symbol("@sprintf")) end # 0.7 module Test24714 using Compat using Compat.Test using Compat.IterativeEigensolvers @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :IterativeEigensolvers) @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :eigs) @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :svds) end # 0.7 module Test24648 using Compat using Compat.Test using Compat.SuiteSparse @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :SuiteSparse) end let a = [0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3] # curried isequal @test findfirst(isequal(3), [1,2,4,1,2,3,4]) == 6 @test findfirst(!isequal(1), [1,2,4,1,2,3,4]) == 2 @test findnext(isequal(1), a, 4) == 6 # @test findnext(isequal(5), a, 4) == 0 @test findlast(isequal(3), [1,2,4,1,2,3,4]) == 6 @test findprev(isequal(1), a, 4) == 2 @test findprev(isequal(1), a, 8) == 6 if VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.4592" # test that equalto work on 0.6 @test findfirst(equalto(3), [1,2,4,1,2,3,4]) == 6 @test findfirst(!equalto(1), [1,2,4,1,2,3,4]) == 2 end # curried == @test findfirst(==(3), [1,2,4,1,2,3,4]) == 6 @test findfirst(!(==(1)), [1,2,4,1,2,3,4]) == 2 @test findnext(==(1), a, 4) == 6 @test findlast(==(3), [1,2,4,1,2,3,4]) == 6 @test findprev(==(1), a, 4) == 2 @test findprev(==(1), a, 8) == 6 end # 0.7 @test 'a'*"b" == "a"*'b' == 'a'*'b' == "ab" # 0.7 @test 1 in BitSet(1:10) # 0.7.0-DEV.1930 @test Compat.Unicode.textwidth("A") == 1 @test Compat.Unicode.textwidth('A') == 1 # 0.7 @test diagm(0 => ones(2), -1 => ones(2)) == [1.0 0.0 0.0; 1.0 1.0 0.0; 0.0 1.0 0.0] @test diagm(0 => ones(2), 1 => ones(2)) == [1.0 1.0 0.0; 0.0 1.0 1.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0] @test spdiagm(0 => ones(2), -1 => ones(2)) == [1.0 0.0 0.0; 1.0 1.0 0.0; 0.0 1.0 0.0] @test spdiagm(0 => ones(2), 1 => ones(2)) == [1.0 1.0 0.0; 0.0 1.0 1.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0] # 0.7 let a = [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1] @test Matrix{Int}(I, 3, 3)::Matrix{Int} == a @test Matrix{Float64}(I, (3, 2))::Matrix{Float64} == a[:,1:2] @test Array{Int}(I, (3, 3))::Matrix{Int} == a @test Array{Float64}(I, 3, 2)::Matrix{Float64} == a[:,1:2] @test SparseMatrixCSC{Int}(I, 3, 3)::SparseMatrixCSC{Int,Int} == a @test SparseMatrixCSC{Float64}(I, (3, 2))::SparseMatrixCSC{Float64,Int} == a[:,1:2] @test SparseMatrixCSC{Bool,Int16}(I, (3, 3))::SparseMatrixCSC{Bool,Int16} == a @test SparseMatrixCSC{ComplexF64,Int8}(I, 3, 2)::SparseMatrixCSC{ComplexF64,Int8} == a[:,1:2] @test Matrix(2I, 3, 3)::Matrix{Int} == Matrix(2I, (3, 3))::Matrix{Int} == 2a @test Matrix(2.0I, 3, 3)::Matrix{Float64} == Matrix(2.0I, (3, 3))::Matrix{Float64} == 2a end # 0.7.0-DEV.2581, 0.7.0-DEV.4527 @test isa(Vector(undef, 2), Vector{Any}) @test isa(Vector{Float64}(undef, 2), Vector{Float64}) @test isa(Matrix(undef, 2, 2), Matrix{Any}) @test isa(Matrix{Float64}(undef, 2, 2), Matrix{Float64}) @test isa(Array{Float64}(undef, 2, 2), Matrix{Float64}) @test isa(Array{Float64,3}(undef, 2, 2, 2), Array{Float64,3}) # 0.7.0-DEV.2687, 0.7.0-DEV.4527 @test isa(BitVector(undef, 2), BitVector) @test isa(BitArray(undef, 2, 2), BitMatrix) # 0.7.0-DEV.1472 @test get(IOContext(IOBuffer(), :arg1=>true, :arg2=>true, :arg3=>true), :arg3, false) @test get(IOContext(IOBuffer(), :arg1=>true, :arg2=>true), :arg2, false) # 0.7.0-DEV.2338 module Test24361 using Compat using Compat.Test @test String(Compat.Base64.base64decode("SGVsbG8h")) == "Hello!" end # 0.7 let A = [1] local x = 0 @compat finalizer(a->(x+=1), A) finalize(A) @test x == 1 A = 0 GC.gc(); GC.gc() @test x == 1 end # 0.7.0-DEV.1499 let key = "TEST_23412" @test !haskey(ENV, key) @test get(() -> "default", ENV, key) == "default" end # 0.7.0-DEV.2919 @test ComplexF16 === Complex{Float16} @test ComplexF32 === Complex{Float32} @test ComplexF64 === Complex{Float64} # 0.7.0-DEV.3073 if VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.3073" @test Compat.Sys.BINDIR == JULIA_HOME else @test Compat.Sys.BINDIR == Sys.BINDIR end # 0.7.0-DEV.2915 module Test25021 using Compat using Compat.Test using Compat.Unicode @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :Unicode) @test !isnumeric('a') @test isnumeric('1') @test titlecase("firstname lastname") == "Firstname Lastname" @test Compat.Unicode.isassigned('柒') && !Compat.Unicode.isassigned(0xfffe) @test Compat.Unicode.normalize("\U1e9b\U0323", :NFKC) == "\U1e69" @test Compat.Unicode.normalize("\t\r", stripcc=true) == " " end # 0.7.0-DEV.2951 @test AbstractDict === (isdefined(Base, :AbstractDict) ? Base.AbstractDict : Base.Associative) # 0.7.0-DEV.2978 @test Compat.axes === (isdefined(Base, :axes) ? Base.axes : Base.indices) @test Compat.axes(1) == () @test Compat.axes(1,1) == 1:1 # 0.7.0-DEV.3137 @test Nothing === (isdefined(Base, :Nothing) ? Base.Nothing : Base.Void) @test Nothing === Cvoid # 0.7.0-DEV.3017 @test isa(Some(1), Some{Int}) @test convert(Some{Float64}, Some(1)) == Some(1.0) @test convert(Nothing, nothing) == nothing @test_throws MethodError convert(Nothing, 1) @test Some(nothing) != nothing @test coalesce(Some(1)) == 1 @test coalesce(nothing) == nothing @test coalesce(nothing, Some(1), Some(2)) == 1 @test Compat.notnothing(1) == 1 @test_throws ArgumentError Compat.notnothing(nothing) # 0.7.0-DEV.3155 let coolvec = [1,2,3] @test pushfirst!(coolvec, 0) == [0,1,2,3] @test popfirst!(coolvec) == 0 end # 0.7.0-DEV.3309 let v = [1, 2, 3] @test Compat.IteratorSize(v) isa Base.HasShape @test Compat.IteratorEltype(v) == Base.HasEltype() end # 0.7.0-DEV.3057 let A = [0, 0, 0], B = [1, 2, 3] @test copyto!(A, B) === A == B end let A = [0, 0, 0], B = [1, 2, 3] @test unsafe_copyto!(A, 2, B, 1, 1) === A == [0, 1, 0] end # 0.7.0-DEV.3406 using Compat.Random @test rand(MersenneTwister(1234)) == 0.5908446386657102 # 0.7, make sure this works on 0.6 if VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.3272" @test contains("Hello, World!", r"World") end # 0.7.0-DEV.4639 @test occursin(r"World", "Hello, World!") @test occursin(r"World", "Hello, World!", offset = 4) @test occursin("World", "Hello, World!") # 0.7.0-DEV.912 @test occursin('W', "Hello, World!") # 0.7.0-DEV.3449 let A = [2.0 1.0; 1.0 3.0], b = [1.0, 2.0], x = [0.2, 0.6] @test cholfact(A) \ b ≈ x end # 0.7.0-DEV.3173 @test invpermute!(permute!([1, 2], 2:-1:1), 2:-1:1) == [1, 2] # 0.7.0-DEV.3172 @test replace("abcb", "b"=>"c") == "accc" @test replace("abcb", "b"=>"c", count=1) == "accb" # 0.7.0-DEV.3216 @test Compat.AbstractDateTime === (isdefined(Compat.Dates, :AbstractDateTime) ? Compat.Dates.AbstractDateTime : Compat.Dates.TimeType) @test Compat.AbstractDateTime <: Compat.Dates.TimeType @test Compat.Dates.DateTime <: Compat.AbstractDateTime # 0.7.0-DEV.2402 x = Compat.Dates.Second(172799) @test floor(x, Compat.Dates.Week) == Compat.Dates.Week(0) @test floor(x, Compat.Dates.Day) == Compat.Dates.Day(1) @test floor(x, Compat.Dates.Hour) == Compat.Dates.Hour(47) @test floor(x, Compat.Dates.Minute) == Compat.Dates.Minute(2879) @test floor(x, Compat.Dates.Second) == Compat.Dates.Second(172799) @test floor(x, Compat.Dates.Millisecond) == Compat.Dates.Millisecond(172799000) @test ceil(x, Compat.Dates.Week) == Compat.Dates.Week(1) @test ceil(x, Compat.Dates.Day) == Compat.Dates.Day(2) @test ceil(x, Compat.Dates.Hour) == Compat.Dates.Hour(48) @test ceil(x, Compat.Dates.Minute) == Compat.Dates.Minute(2880) @test ceil(x, Compat.Dates.Second) == Compat.Dates.Second(172799) @test ceil(x, Compat.Dates.Millisecond) == Compat.Dates.Millisecond(172799000) @test round(x, Compat.Dates.Week) == Compat.Dates.Week(0) @test round(x, Compat.Dates.Day) == Compat.Dates.Day(2) @test round(x, Compat.Dates.Hour) == Compat.Dates.Hour(48) @test round(x, Compat.Dates.Minute) == Compat.Dates.Minute(2880) @test round(x, Compat.Dates.Second) == Compat.Dates.Second(172799) @test round(x, Compat.Dates.Millisecond) == Compat.Dates.Millisecond(172799000) x = Dates.Nanosecond(2000999999) @test floor(x, Compat.Dates.Second) == Compat.Dates.Second(2) @test floor(x, Compat.Dates.Millisecond) == Compat.Dates.Millisecond(2000) @test floor(x, Compat.Dates.Microsecond) == Compat.Dates.Microsecond(2000999) @test floor(x, Compat.Dates.Nanosecond) == x @test ceil(x, Compat.Dates.Second) == Compat.Dates.Second(3) @test ceil(x, Compat.Dates.Millisecond) == Compat.Dates.Millisecond(2001) @test ceil(x, Compat.Dates.Microsecond) == Compat.Dates.Microsecond(2001000) @test ceil(x, Compat.Dates.Nanosecond) == x @test round(x, Compat.Dates.Second) == Compat.Dates.Second(2) @test round(x, Compat.Dates.Millisecond) == Compat.Dates.Millisecond(2001) @test round(x, Compat.Dates.Microsecond) == Compat.Dates.Microsecond(2001000) @test round(x, Compat.Dates.Nanosecond) == x for x in [Compat.Dates.Week(3), Compat.Dates.Day(14), Compat.Dates.Second(604800)] local x for p in [Compat.Dates.Week, Compat.Dates.Day, Compat.Dates.Hour, Compat.Dates.Second, Compat.Dates.Millisecond, Compat.Dates.Microsecond, Compat.Dates.Nanosecond] local p @test floor(x, p) == p(x) @test ceil(x, p) == p(x) end end x = Compat.Dates.Hour(36) @test round(x, Compat.Dates.Day, RoundNearestTiesUp) == Compat.Dates.Day(2) @test round(x, Compat.Dates.Day, RoundUp) == Compat.Dates.Day(2) @test round(x, Compat.Dates.Day, RoundDown) == Compat.Dates.Day(1) @test_throws DomainError round(x, Compat.Dates.Day, RoundNearest) @test_throws DomainError round(x, Compat.Dates.Day, RoundNearestTiesAway) @test_throws DomainError round(x, Compat.Dates.Day, RoundToZero) @test round(x, Dates.Day) == round(x, Compat.Dates.Day, RoundNearestTiesUp) x = Compat.Dates.Hour(86399) for p in [Compat.Dates.Week, Compat.Dates.Day, Compat.Dates.Hour, Compat.Dates.Second, Compat.Dates.Millisecond, Compat.Dates.Microsecond, Compat.Dates.Nanosecond] local p for v in [-1, 0] @test_throws DomainError floor(x, p(v)) @test_throws DomainError ceil(x, p(v)) @test_throws DomainError round(x, p(v)) end end for p in [Compat.Dates.Year, Compat.Dates.Month] local p for v in [-1, 0, 1] @test_throws MethodError floor(x, p(v)) @test_throws MethodError ceil(x, p(v)) @test_throws DomainError round(x, p(v)) end end # 0.7.0-DEV.3025 let c = CartesianIndices(1:3, 1:2), l = LinearIndices(1:3, 1:2) @test LinearIndices(c) == collect(l) @test CartesianIndices(l) == collect(c) @test first(c) == CartesianIndex(1, 1) @test CartesianIndex(1, 1) in c @test first(l) == 1 @test size(c) == size(l) == (3, 2) @test c == collect(c) == [CartesianIndex(1, 1) CartesianIndex(1, 2) CartesianIndex(2, 1) CartesianIndex(2, 2) CartesianIndex(3, 1) CartesianIndex(3, 2)] @test l == collect(l) == reshape(1:6, 3, 2) @test c[1:6] == vec(c) @test l[1:6] == vec(l) # TODO the following test fails on current Julia master (since 0.7.0-DEV.4742), and # it's not clear yet whether it should work or not. See # and the # discussion following it #@test l == l[c] == map(i -> l[i], c) @test l[vec(c)] == collect(1:6) @test CartesianIndex(1, 1) in CartesianIndices((3, 4)) end if !isdefined(Base, Symbol("@info")) let fname = tempname() try open(fname, "w") do fout redirect_stderr(fout) do Compat.@info "A" Compat.@warn "B" oldstate = Compat.DEBUG[] Compat.enable_debug(false) Compat.@debug "C" Compat.enable_debug(true) Compat.@debug "D" Compat.enable_debug(oldstate) Compat.@error "E" end end @test read(fname, String) == (Base.have_color ? "\e[1m\e[36mInfo: \e[39m\e[22m\e[36mA\n\e[39m\e[1m\e[33mWarning: \e[39m\e[22m\e[33mB\e[39m\n\e[1m\e[34mDebug: \e[39m\e[22m\e[34mD\n\e[39m\e[1m\e[91mError: \e[39m\e[22m\e[91mE\n\e[39m" : "Info: A\nWarning: B\nDebug: D\nError: E\n") finally rm(fname, force=true) end end end # 0.7.0-DEV.3460 @test parentmodule(Compat.Sys) == Compat @test parentmodule(sin) == Base @test parentmodule(sin, Tuple{Int}) == Base.Math @test parentmodule(Int) == Core @test parentmodule(Array) == Core @test codeunits("foo") == [0x66,0x6f,0x6f] == codeunits(SubString("fooαβγ",1,3)) @test ncodeunits("αβγ") == 6 == ncodeunits(SubString("fooαβγ",4,8)) # 0.7.0-DEV.3539 @test nameof(Compat.Sys) == :Sys @test nameof(sin) == :sin @test nameof(Float64) == :Float64 @test nameof(Array) == :Array # 0.7.0-DEV.3382 module TestLibdl using Compat using Compat.Libdl using Compat.Test @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :Libdl) end # 0.7.0-DEV.3516 @test argmax([10,12,9,11]) == 2 @test argmax([10 12; 9 11]) == CartesianIndex(1, 2) @test argmax(Dict(:z=>10, :y=>12, :x=>9, :w=>11)) == :y @test argmin([10,12,9,11]) == 3 @test argmin([10 12; 9 11]) == CartesianIndex(2, 1) @test argmin(Dict(:z=>10, :y=>12, :x=>9, :w=>11)) == :x # 0.7.0-DEV.3415 @test findall(x -> x==1, [1, 2, 3, 2, 1]) == [1, 5] # 0.7.0-DEV.3500 module TestREPL using Compat using Compat.REPL using Compat.Test @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :REPL) end # 0.7.0-DEV.3476 module TestSerialization using Compat using Compat.Serialization using Compat.Test @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :Serialization) @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :serialize) @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :deserialize) @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :SerializationState) end module TestPkg using Compat using Compat.Pkg using Compat.Test @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :Pkg) @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :add) end module TestInteractiveUtils using Compat using Compat.InteractiveUtils using Compat.Test @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :InteractiveUtils) @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :varinfo) end module TestLibGit2 using Compat using Compat.LibGit2 using Compat.Test @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :LibGit2) @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :GitRepo) end # 0.7.0-DEV.3469 @test GC.enable(true) @test GC.enable(false) @test !GC.enable(false) @test !GC.enable(true) @test GC.enable(true) @test eltype(Base.Multimedia.displays) <: AbstractDisplay # 0.7.0-DEV.3481 let b = IOBuffer() write(b, "hi") @test bytesavailable(b) == 0 end # 0.7.0-DEV.3583 @test lastindex(zeros(4)) == 4 @test lastindex(zeros(4,4)) == 16 @test all(x -> firstindex(x) == 1, ([1, 2], [1 2; 3 4], 'a', 1, 1=>2, `foo`, "foo", (1, 2))) # 0.7.0-DEV.3585 let buf = IOBuffer() if VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.3077" col = Base.have_color eval(Base, :(have_color = true)) printstyled(buf, "foo", color=:red) eval(Base, :(have_color = $col)) else printstyled(IOContext(buf, :color=>true), "foo", color=:red) end @test startswith(String(take!(buf)), Base.text_colors[:red]) end # 0.7.0-DEV.3455 @test hasmethod(sin, Tuple{Float64}) let x = y = 1 @test objectid(x) == objectid(y) end # 0.7.0-DEV.3415 for (f1, f2, i) in ((Compat.findfirst, Compat.findnext, 1), (Compat.findlast, Compat.findprev, 2)) # Generic methods @test f1(isequal(0), [1, 0]) == f2(isequal(0), [1, 0], i) == 2 @test f1(isequal(9), [1, 0]) == f2(isequal(9), [1, 0], i) == nothing @test f1(in([0, 2]), [1, 0]) == f2(in([0, 2]), [1, 0], i) == 2 @test f1(in([0, 2]), [1, 9]) == f2(in([0, 2]), [1, 9], i) == nothing if VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.4592" # test that occursin work on 0.6 @test f1(occursin([0, 2]), [1, 0]) == f2(occursin([0, 2]), [1, 0], i) == 2 @test f1(occursin([0, 2]), [1, 9]) == f2(occursin([0, 2]), [1, 9], i) == nothing end @test f1([true, false]) == f2([true, false], i) == 1 @test f1([false, false]) == f2([false, false], i) == nothing # Specific methods @test f2(isequal('a'), "ba", i) == f1(isequal('a'), "ba") == 2 for S in (Int8, UInt8), T in (Int8, UInt8) # Bug in Julia 0.6 f1 === Compat.findlast && VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.3272" && continue @test f2(isequal(S(1)), T[0, 1], i) == f1(isequal(S(1)), T[0, 1]) == 2 @test f2(isequal(S(9)), T[0, 1], i) == f1(isequal(S(9)), T[0, 1]) == nothing end for chars in (['a', 'z'], Set(['a', 'z']), ('a', 'z')) @test f2(in(chars), "ba", i) == f1(in(chars), "ba") == 2 @test f2(in(chars), "bx", i) == f1(in(chars), "bx") == nothing if VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.4592" # test that occursin work on 0.6 @test f2(occursin(chars), "ba", i) == f1(occursin(chars), "ba") == 2 @test f2(occursin(chars), "bx", i) == f1(occursin(chars), "bx") == nothing end end end @test findnext("a", "ba", 1) == findfirst("a", "ba") == 2:2 @test findnext("z", "ba", 1) == findfirst("z", "ba") == (VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.4480" ? (0:-1) : nothing) @test findprev("a", "ba", 2) == findlast("a", "ba") == 2:2 @test findprev("z", "ba", 2) == findlast("z", "ba") == (VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.4480" ? (0:-1) : nothing) @test Compat.findnext("a", "ba", 1) == Compat.findfirst("a", "ba") == 2:2 @test Compat.findnext("z", "ba", 1) == Compat.findfirst("z", "ba") == nothing @test Compat.findprev("a", "ba", 2) == Compat.findlast("a", "ba") == 2:2 @test Compat.findprev("z", "ba", 2) == Compat.findlast("z", "ba") == nothing @test findnext(r"a", "ba", 1) == findfirst(r"a", "ba") == 2:2 @test findnext(r"z", "ba", 1) == findfirst(r"z", "ba") == (VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.4480" ? (0:-1) : nothing) @test Compat.findnext(r"a", "ba", 1) == Compat.findfirst(r"a", "ba") == 2:2 @test Compat.findnext(r"z", "ba", 1) == Compat.findfirst(r"z", "ba") == nothing @test findall([true, false, true]) == [1, 3] @test findall(in([1, 2]), [1]) == [1] if VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.4592" # test that occursin work on 0.6 @test findall(occursin([1, 2]), [1]) == [1] end # 0.7.0-DEV.3666 module TestUUIDs using Compat using Compat.UUIDs using Compat.Test @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :uuid1) @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :uuid4) @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :uuid_version) @test uuid_version(uuid1()) == 1 @test uuid_version(uuid4()) == 4 @test uuid1() isa UUID @test uuid4() isa UUID end # 0.7.0-DEV.3589 import Compat.Markdown @test isa(Markdown.parse("foo"), Markdown.MD) @test repr("text/plain", "string") == "\"string\"" #25990 @test showable("text/plain", 3.14159) #26089 # 25959 @test all(x -> isa(x, IO), (devnull, stdin, stdout, stderr)) @static if !isdefined(Base, :devnull) @test stdin === STDIN @test stdout === STDOUT @test stderr === STDERR end # 0.7.0-DEV.3666 module TestSockets using Compat using Compat.Sockets using Compat.Test @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :UDPSocket) @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :connect) @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :listen) @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :recv) @test ip"".host == UInt32(2130706433) end # 0.7.0-DEV.3526 module TestNames export foo function bar end end @test :foo in Compat.names(TestNames) @test :bar in Compat.names(TestNames, all=true) # 0.7.0-DEV.4062, but dropped in 0.7.0-DEV.4804 @test Compat.trunc(pi, 3, base = 2) == 3.125 @test Compat.floor(pi, 3, base = 2) == 3.125 @test Compat.ceil(pi, 3, base = 2) == 3.25 @test Compat.round(pi, 3, base = 2) == 3.125 @test Compat.signif(pi, 5, base = 10) == 3.1416 # 0.7.0-DEV.4804 @test Compat.trunc(pi, digits = 3, base = 2) == 3.125 @test Compat.floor(pi, digits = 3, base = 2) == 3.125 @test Compat.ceil(pi, digits = 3, base = 2) == 3.25 @test Compat.round(pi, digits = 3, base = 2) == 3.125 @test Compat.round(pi, sigdigits = 5, base = 10) == 3.1416 # 0.7.0-DEV.3734 let buf = Compat.IOBuffer(read=true, write=false, maxsize=25) @test buf.readable @test !buf.writable @test buf.maxsize == 25 end let buf = Compat.IOBuffer(zeros(UInt8, 4), write=true) # issue #502 write(buf, 'a') @test take!(buf) == [0x61] end let buf = Compat.IOBuffer(sizehint=20) println(buf, "Hello world.") @test String(take!(buf)) == "Hello world.\n" end # 0.7.0-DEV.3986 @test_throws ArgumentError Compat.range(1) @test_throws ArgumentError Compat.range(nothing) @test_throws ArgumentError Compat.range(1, step=1) @test_throws ArgumentError Compat.range(1, step=1, stop=4, length=3) @test Compat.range(2, step=2, stop=8) == 2:2:8 @test Compat.range(2, stop=8) == 2:8 @test Compat.range(2, step=2, length=8) == 2:2:16 @test Compat.range(1.0, stop=2.0, length=3) == 1.0:0.5:2.0 # 0.7.0-DEV.3995 mktempdir(@__DIR__) do dir src = joinpath(dir, "src.jl") touch(src) dest = joinpath(dir, "dest.jl") touch(dest) open(src, "w") do f write(f, "Hello, world!") end Compat.cp(src, dest, force = true) open(dest, "r") do f @test read(f, String) == "Hello, world!" end, dest, force = true) open(dest, "r") do f @test read(f, String) == "Hello, world!" end @test readdir(dir) == ["dest.jl"] end # 0.7.0-DEV.3972 @test Compat.indexin([1, 2], [1, 0, 1]) == [1, nothing] # 0.7.0-DEV.4585 @test isuppercase('A') @test !isuppercase('a') @test islowercase('a') @test !islowercase('A') @test uppercasefirst("qwerty") == "Qwerty" @test lowercasefirst("Qwerty") == "qwerty" # 0.7.0-DEV.4064 # some tests are behind a version check below because Julia gave # the wrong result between 0.7.0-DEV.3262 and 0.7.0-DEV.4646 # see Issue26488 = VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.3262" || VERSION >= v"0.7.0-DEV.4646" @test Compat.mean([1 2; 3 4]) == 2.5 @test Compat.mean([1 2; 3 4], dims=1) == [2 3] @test Compat.mean([1 2; 3 4], dims=2) == hcat([1.5; 3.5]) @test Compat.cumsum([1 2; 3 4], dims=1) == [1 2; 4 6] @test Compat.cumsum([1 2; 3 4], dims=2) == [1 3; 3 7] @test Compat.cumprod([1 2; 3 4], dims=1) == [1 2; 3 8] @test Compat.cumprod([1 2; 3 4], dims=2) == [1 2; 3 12] @test Compat.sum([1 2; 3 4]) == 10 @test Compat.sum([1 2; 3 4], dims=1) == [4 6] @test Compat.sum([1 2; 3 4], dims=2) == hcat([3; 7]) @test Compat.sum(x -> x+1, [1 2; 3 4]) == 14 Issue26488 && @test Compat.sum(x -> x+1, [1 2; 3 4], dims=1) == [6 8] Issue26488 && @test Compat.sum(x -> x+1, [1 2; 3 4], dims=2) == hcat([5; 9]) @test[1 2; 3 4]) == 24 @test[1 2; 3 4], dims=1) == [3 8] @test[1 2; 3 4], dims=2) == hcat([2; 12]) @test -> x+1, [1 2; 3 4]) == 120 Issue26488 && @test -> x+1, [1 2; 3 4], dims=1) == [8 15] Issue26488 && @test -> x+1, [1 2; 3 4], dims=2) == hcat([6; 20]) @test Compat.maximum([1 2; 3 4]) == 4 @test Compat.maximum([1 2; 3 4], dims=1) == [3 4] @test Compat.maximum([1 2; 3 4], dims=2) == hcat([2; 4]) @test Compat.maximum(x -> x+1, [1 2; 3 4]) == 5 @test Compat.maximum(x -> x+1, [1 2; 3 4], dims=1) == [4 5] @test Compat.maximum(x -> x+1, [1 2; 3 4], dims=2) == hcat([3; 5]) @test Compat.minimum([1 2; 3 4]) == 1 @test Compat.minimum([1 2; 3 4], dims=1) == [1 2] @test Compat.minimum([1 2; 3 4], dims=2) == hcat([1; 3]) @test Compat.minimum(x -> x+1, [1 2; 3 4]) == 2 @test Compat.minimum(x -> x+1, [1 2; 3 4], dims=1) == [2 3] @test Compat.minimum(x -> x+1, [1 2; 3 4], dims=2) == hcat([2; 4]) @test Compat.all([true false; true false]) == false @test Compat.all([true false; true false], dims=1) == [true false] @test Compat.all([true false; true false], dims=2) == hcat([false; false]) @test Compat.all(isodd, [1 2; 3 4]) == false @test Compat.all(isodd, [1 2; 3 4], dims=1) == [true false] @test Compat.all(isodd, [1 2; 3 4], dims=2) == hcat([false; false]) @test Compat.any([true false; true false]) == true @test Compat.any([true false; true false], dims=1) == [true false] @test Compat.any([true false; true false], dims=2) == hcat([true; true]) @test Compat.any(isodd, [1 2; 3 4]) == true @test Compat.any(isodd, [1 2; 3 4], dims=1) == [true false] @test Compat.any(isodd, [1 2; 3 4], dims=2) == hcat([true; true]) @test Compat.findmax([3, 2, 7, 4]) == (7, 3) @test Compat.findmax([3, 2, 7, 4], dims=1) == ([7], [3]) @test Compat.findmax([1 2; 3 4], dims=1) == ([3 4], [CartesianIndex(2, 1) CartesianIndex(2, 2)]) @test Compat.findmax([1 2; 3 4]) == (4, CartesianIndex(2, 2)) @test Compat.findmax([1 2; 3 4], dims=1) == ([3 4], [CartesianIndex(2, 1) CartesianIndex(2, 2)]) @test Compat.findmax([1 2; 3 4], dims=2) == (hcat([2; 4]), hcat([CartesianIndex(1, 2); CartesianIndex(2, 2)])) @test Compat.findmin([3, 2, 7, 4]) == (2, 2) @test Compat.findmin([3, 2, 7, 4], dims=1) == ([2], [2]) @test Compat.findmin([1 2; 3 4]) == (1, CartesianIndex(1, 1)) @test Compat.findmin([1 2; 3 4], dims=1) == ([1 2], [CartesianIndex(1, 1) CartesianIndex(1, 2)]) @test Compat.findmin([1 2; 3 4], dims=2) == (hcat([1; 3]), hcat([CartesianIndex(1, 1); CartesianIndex(2, 1)])) @test Compat.varm([1 2; 3 4], -1) == 18 @test Compat.varm([1 2; 3 4], [-1 -2], dims=1) == [20 52] @test Compat.varm([1 2; 3 4], [-1, -2], dims=2) == hcat([13, 61]) @test Compat.var([1 2; 3 4]) == 5/3 @test Compat.var([1 2; 3 4], dims=1) == [2 2] @test Compat.var([1 2; 3 4], dims=2) == hcat([0.5, 0.5]) @test Compat.var([1 2; 3 4], corrected=false) == 1.25 @test Compat.var([1 2; 3 4], corrected=false, dims=1) == [1 1] @test Compat.var([1 2; 3 4], corrected=false, dims=2) == hcat([0.25, 0.25]) @test Compat.std([1 2; 3 4]) == sqrt(5/3) @test Compat.std([1 2; 3 4], dims=1) == [sqrt(2) sqrt(2)] @test Compat.std([1 2; 3 4], dims=2) == hcat([sqrt(0.5), sqrt(0.5)]) @test Compat.std([1 2; 3 4], corrected=false) == sqrt(1.25) @test Compat.std([1 2; 3 4], corrected=false, dims=1) == [sqrt(1) sqrt(1)] @test Compat.std([1 2; 3 4], corrected=false, dims=2) == hcat([sqrt(0.25), sqrt(0.25)]) @test Compat.cov([1 2; 3 4]) == [2 2; 2 2] @test Compat.cov([1 2; 3 4], dims=1) == [2 2; 2 2] @test Compat.cov([1 2; 3 4], dims=2) == [0.5 0.5; 0.5 0.5] @test Compat.cov([1 2; 3 4], [4; 5]) == hcat([1; 1]) @test Compat.cov([1 2; 3 4], [4; 5], dims=1) == hcat([1; 1]) @test Compat.cov([1 2; 3 4], [4; 5], dims=2) == hcat([0.5; 0.5]) @test Compat.cov([1 2; 3 4], [4; 5], corrected=false) == hcat([0.5; 0.5]) @test Compat.cov([1 2; 3 4], [4; 5], corrected=false, dims=1) == hcat([0.5; 0.5]) @test Compat.cov([1 2; 3 4], [4; 5], corrected=false, dims=2) == hcat([0.25; 0.25]) @test Compat.cor([1 2; 3 4]) ≈ [1 1; 1 1] @test Compat.cor([1 2; 3 4], dims=1) ≈ [1 1; 1 1] @test Compat.cor([1 2; 3 4], dims=2) ≈ [1 1; 1 1] @test Compat.cor([1 2; 3 4], [4; 5]) ≈ [1; 1] @test Compat.cor([1 2; 3 4], [4; 5], dims=1) ≈ [1; 1] @test Compat.cor([1 2; 3 4], [4; 5], dims=2) ≈ [1; 1] @test Compat.median([1 2; 3 4]) == 2.5 @test Compat.median([1 2; 3 4], dims=1) == [2 3] @test Compat.median([1 2; 3 4], dims=2) == hcat([1.5; 3.5]) @test Compat.mapreduce(string, *, [1 2; 3 4]) == "1324" Issue26488 && @test Compat.mapreduce(string, *, [1 2; 3 4], dims=1) == ["13" "24"] Issue26488 && @test Compat.mapreduce(string, *, [1 2; 3 4], dims=2) == hcat(["12", "34"]) @test Compat.mapreduce(string, *, "z", [1 2; 3 4]) == "z1324" @test Compat.mapreduce(string, *, "z", [1 2; 3 4], dims=1) == ["z13" "z24"] @test Compat.mapreduce(string, *, "z", [1 2; 3 4], dims=2) == hcat(["z12", "z34"]) @test Compat.reduce(*, [1 2; 3 4]) == 24 @test Compat.reduce(*, [1 2; 3 4], dims=1) == [3 8] @test Compat.reduce(*, [1 2; 3 4], dims=2) == hcat([2, 12]) @test Compat.reduce(*, 10, [1 2; 3 4]) == 240 @test Compat.reduce(*, 10, [1 2; 3 4], dims=1) == [30 80] @test Compat.reduce(*, 10, [1 2; 3 4], dims=2) == hcat([20, 120]) @test Compat.sort([1, 2, 3, 4]) == [1, 2, 3, 4] @test Compat.sort([1 2; 3 4], dims=1) == [1 2; 3 4] @test Compat.sort([1 2; 3 4], dims=2) == [1 2; 3 4] @test Compat.sort([1, 2, 3, 4], rev=true) == [4, 3, 2, 1] @test Compat.sort([1 2; 3 4], rev=true, dims=1) == [3 4; 1 2] @test Compat.sort([1 2; 3 4], rev=true, dims=2) == [2 1; 4 3] @test Compat.accumulate(*, [1 2; 3 4], dims=1) == [1 2; 3 8] @test Compat.accumulate(*, [1 2; 3 4], dims=2) == [1 2; 3 12] @test Compat.cumsum([1 2; 3 4], dims=1) == [1 2; 4 6] @test Compat.cumsum([1 2; 3 4], dims=2) == [1 3; 3 7] @test Compat.cumprod([1 2; 3 4], dims=1) == [1 2; 3 8] @test Compat.cumprod([1 2; 3 4], dims=2) == [1 2; 3 12] let b = zeros(2,2) Compat.accumulate!(*, b, [1 2; 3 4], dims=1) @test b == [1 2; 3 8] Compat.accumulate!(*, b, [1 2; 3 4], dims=2) @test b == [1 2; 3 12] Compat.cumsum!(b, [1 2; 3 4], dims=1) @test b == [1 2; 4 6] Compat.cumsum!(b, [1 2; 3 4], dims=2) @test b == [1 3; 3 7] Compat.cumprod!(b, [1 2; 3 4], dims=1) @test b == [1 2; 3 8] Compat.cumprod!(b, [1 2; 3 4], dims=2) @test b == [1 2; 3 12] end @test Compat.reverse([1, 2, 3, 4]) == [4, 3, 2, 1] @test Compat.reverse([1 2; 3 4], dims=1) == [3 4; 1 2] @test Compat.reverse([1 2; 3 4], dims=2) == [2 1; 4 3] # Issue #523 @test length(Compat.CartesianIndices((1:1,))) == 1 @test length(Compat.CartesianIndices((1:2,))) == 2 @test length(Compat.CartesianIndices((1:2, -1:1))) == 6 # 0.7.0-DEV.4738 @test squeeze([1 2], dims=1) == [1, 2] @test_throws ArgumentError squeeze([1 2], dims=2) @test_throws ArgumentError squeeze(hcat([1, 2]), dims=1) @test squeeze(hcat([1, 2]), dims=2) == [1, 2] @test_throws Exception squeeze([1,2]) # 0.7.0-DEV.3976 let A = rand(5,5) @test selectdim(A, 1, 3) == A[3, :] @test selectdim(A, 1, 1:3) == A[1:3, :] @test selectdim(A, 2, 3) == A[:, 3] @test selectdim(A, 2, 1:3) == A[:, 1:3] selectdim(A, 1, 3)[3] = 42 @test A[3,3] == 42 if VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.3976" || VERSION >= v"0.7.0-DEV.4739" # in the omitted version range, Julia's selectdim always gives IndexCartesian() B = rand(4, 3, 2) @test IndexStyle(selectdim(B, 1, 1)) == IndexStyle(view(B, 1, :, :)) == IndexLinear() @test IndexStyle(selectdim(B, 2, 1)) == IndexStyle(view(B, :, 1, :)) == IndexCartesian() @test IndexStyle(selectdim(B, 3, 1)) == IndexStyle(view(B, :, :, 1)) == IndexLinear() end end # 0.7.0-DEV.843 / 0.7.0-DEV.2337 let A = [1 2; 1 2; 1 2] f = Compat.qr(A, Val(false), full=false) @test f == Compat.qr(A, Val(false)) @test length(f) == 2 @test size(f[1]) == (3, 2) @test f[1] * f[2] ≈ A f = Compat.qr(A, Val(false), full=true) @test length(f) == 2 @test size(f[1]) == (3, 3) @test f[1] * [f[2]; [0 0]] ≈ A f = Compat.qr(A, Val(true), full=false) @test f == Compat.qr(A, Val(true)) @test length(f) == 3 @test size(f[1]) == (3, 2) @test f[1] * f[2] ≈ A[:,f[3]] f = Compat.qr(A, Val(true), full=true) @test length(f) == 3 @test size(f[1]) == (3, 3) @test f[1] * [f[2]; [0 0]] ≈ A[:,f[3]] end let A = [1 2; 3 4] @test Compat.rmul!(A, 2) == [2 4; 6 8] @test Compat.rmul!(A, Diagonal([1, 2])) == [2 8; 6 16] @test Compat.rmul!(A, UpperTriangular([2 2; 3 3])) == [4 28; 12 60] @test Compat.rmul!(LowerTriangular(A), Diagonal([1, 2])) == LowerTriangular([4 0; 12 120]) @test Compat.rmul!(Diagonal(A), Diagonal([2, 1])) == Diagonal([8, 120]) end # 0.7.0-DEV.5087 @test isletter('a') @test isletter('β') @test !isletter('3') nothing