diff --git a/docs/Project.toml b/docs/Project.toml
index 04a7447e..bd5bf13d 100644
--- a/docs/Project.toml
+++ b/docs/Project.toml
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
Documenter = "e30172f5-a6a5-5a46-863b-614d45cd2de4"
+DocumenterCitations = "daee34ce-89f3-4625-b898-19384cb65244"
IntervalArithmetic = "d1acc4aa-44c8-5952-acd4-ba5d80a2a253"
Documenter = "1"
+DocumenterCitations = "1.3"
IntervalArithmetic = "0.21, =0.21" # v0.22 changed the output format
diff --git a/docs/make.jl b/docs/make.jl
index d513f598..c77036e5 100644
--- a/docs/make.jl
+++ b/docs/make.jl
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
-using Documenter, IntervalMatrices
+using Documenter, IntervalMatrices, DocumenterCitations
DocMeta.setdocmeta!(IntervalMatrices, :DocTestSetup, :(using IntervalMatrices);
+bib = CitationBibliography(joinpath(@__DIR__, "src", "refs.bib"); style=:alpha)
makedocs(; sitename="IntervalMatrices.jl",
format=Documenter.HTML(; prettyurls=get(ENV, "CI", nothing) == "true",
@@ -12,7 +14,7 @@ makedocs(; sitename="IntervalMatrices.jl",
"Library" => Any["Types" => "lib/types.md",
"Methods" => "lib/methods.md"],
"About" => "about.md",
- "References" => "references.md"])
+ "Bibliography" => "bibliography.md"])
deploydocs(; repo="github.com/JuliaReach/IntervalMatrices.jl.git",
diff --git a/docs/src/bibliography.md b/docs/src/bibliography.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a987675a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/bibliography.md
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Bibliography
diff --git a/docs/src/index.md b/docs/src/index.md
index a8b68e52..55fbdd04 100644
--- a/docs/src/index.md
+++ b/docs/src/index.md
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ See the section [Library Outline](@ref) below for details.
An application of interval matrices is to find the set of states reachable by
a dynamical system whose coefficients are uncertain. The library
-implements algorithms that use interval matrices [^3] [^4].
+implements algorithms that use interval matrices [AlthoffKS11](@citet) [Liou66](@citet).
## Installing
@@ -100,9 +100,10 @@ relevant definitions and algebraic rules that apply.
However, the straightforward application of the rules of interval arithmetic does
not always give the exact result: in general it only gives an overapproximation
-[^1] [^2]. To illustrate, suppose that we are interested in the quadratic term
-``At + \frac{1}{2}A^2 t^2``, which corresponds to the Taylor-series expansion at order two of
-``e^{At} - I``. Then, at ``t = 1.0``,
+[AlthoffSB08](@citet) [KoshelevaKMN05](@citet). To illustrate, suppose that we
+are interested in the quadratic term ``At + \frac{1}{2}A^2 t^2``, which
+corresponds to the Taylor-series expansion at order two of ``e^{At} - I``.
+Then, at ``t = 1.0``,
```jldoctest quickstart
julia> A + 1/2 * A^2
@@ -138,20 +139,3 @@ Pages = [
Depth = 2
-## References
-[^1]: Althoff, Matthias, Olaf Stursberg, and Martin Buss. *Reachability analysis
- of nonlinear systems with uncertain parameters using conservative linearization.*
- 2008 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. IEEE, 2008.
-[^2]: Kosheleva, Olga, et al. *Computing the cube of an interval matrix is NP-hard.*
- Proceedings of the 2005 ACM symposium on Applied computing. ACM, 2005.
-[^3]: Althoff, Matthias, Bruce H. Krogh, and Olaf Stursberg. *Analyzing reachability
- of linear dynamic systems with parametric uncertainties.*
- Modeling, Design, and Simulation of Systems with Uncertainties.
- Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2011. 69-94.
-[^4]: Liou, M. L. *A novel method of evaluating transient response.*
- Proceedings of the IEEE 54.1 (1966): 20-23.
diff --git a/docs/src/references.md b/docs/src/references.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 10c0e647..00000000
--- a/docs/src/references.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# References
-#### [RUM10]
-```@raw html
-S.M. Rump, [*Verification methods: Rigorous results using floating-point arithmetic*](https://www.tuhh.de/ti3/paper/rump/Ru10.pdf), Acta Numerica, 19:287–449, 2010
-```@raw html
- title={Verification methods: Rigorous results using floating-point arithmetic},
- author={Rump, Siegfried M},
- journal={Acta Numerica},
- volume={19},
- pages={287--449},
- year={2010},
- publisher={Cambridge University Press}
-```@raw html
-#### [RUM99]
-```@raw html
-Rump, Siegfried M. [*Fast and parallel interval arithmetic*](https://www.tuhh.de/ti3/paper/rump/Ru99b.pdf), BIT Numerical Mathematics 39.3, 534-554, 1999
-```@raw html
- title={Fast and parallel interval arithmetic},
- author={Rump, Siegfried M},
- journal={BIT Numerical Mathematics},
- volume={39},
- number={3},
- pages={534--554},
- year={1999},
- publisher={Springer}
-```@raw html
diff --git a/docs/src/refs.bib b/docs/src/refs.bib
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..54f4d63d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/refs.bib
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+ title={A novel method of evaluating transient response},
+ author={Liou, ML},
+ journal={Proceedings of the {IEEE}},
+ volume={54},
+ number={1},
+ pages={20--23},
+ year={1966},
+ publisher={IEEE}
+ title={Fast and parallel interval arithmetic},
+ author={Rump, Siegfried M},
+ journal={{BIT} Numerical Mathematics},
+ volume={39},
+ number={3},
+ pages={534--554},
+ year={1999},
+ publisher={Springer},
+ url={https://www.tuhh.de/ti3/paper/rump/Ru99b.pdf}
+ author = {Olga Kosheleva and
+ Vladik Kreinovich and
+ G{\"{u}}nter Mayer and
+ Hung T. Nguyen},
+ editor = {Hisham Haddad and
+ Lorie M. Liebrock and
+ Andrea Omicini and
+ Roger L. Wainwright},
+ title = {Computing the cube of an interval matrix is NP-Hard},
+ booktitle = {Symposium on Applied Computing ({SAC})},
+ pages = {1449--1453},
+ publisher = {{ACM}},
+ year = {2005},
+ url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/1066677.1067007},
+ doi = {10.1145/1066677.1067007}
+ author = {Matthias Althoff and
+ Olaf Stursberg and
+ Martin Buss},
+ title = {Reachability analysis of linear systems with uncertain parameters
+ and inputs},
+ booktitle = {Conference on Decision and Control ({CDC})},
+ pages = {726--732},
+ publisher = {{IEEE}},
+ year = {2007},
+ url = {https://doi.org/10.1109/CDC.2007.4434084},
+ doi = {10.1109/CDC.2007.4434084}
+ author = {Matthias Althoff and
+ Olaf Stursberg and
+ Martin Buss},
+ title = {Reachability analysis of nonlinear systems with uncertain parameters
+ using conservative linearization},
+ booktitle = {Conference on Decision and Control ({CDC})},
+ pages = {4042--4048},
+ publisher = {{IEEE}},
+ year = {2008},
+ url = {https://doi.org/10.1109/CDC.2008.4738704},
+ doi = {10.1109/CDC.2008.4738704}
+ title={Reachability analysis and its application to the safety assessment of autonomous cars},
+ author={Althoff, Matthias},
+ year={2010},
+ school={Technische Universit{\"a}t M{\"u}nchen}
+ author = {Siegfried M. Rump},
+ title = {Verification methods: Rigorous results using floating-point arithmetic},
+ journal = {Acta Numerica},
+ volume = {19},
+ pages = {287--449},
+ year = {2010},
+ url = {https://www.tuhh.de/ti3/paper/rump/Ru10.pdf},
+ doi = {10.1017/S096249291000005X}
+ title={Analyzing reachability of linear dynamic systems with parametric uncertainties},
+ author={Althoff, Matthias and Krogh, Bruce H and Stursberg, Olaf},
+ journal={Modeling, Design, and Simulation of Systems with Uncertainties},
+ pages={69--94},
+ year={2011},
+ publisher={Springer}
+ author = {Alexandre Goldsztejn and
+ Arnold Neumaier},
+ title = {On the Exponentiation of Interval Matrices},
+ journal = {Reliable Computing},
+ volume = {20},
+ pages = {53--72},
+ year = {2014},
+ url = {http://interval.louisiana.edu/reliable-computing-journal/volume-20/reliable-computing-20-pp-053-072.pdf}
diff --git a/src/correction_matrices.jl b/src/correction_matrices.jl
index e55ddb5c..1f99dd2d 100644
--- a/src/correction_matrices.jl
+++ b/src/correction_matrices.jl
@@ -16,10 +16,7 @@ An interval matrix representing the correction term.
### Algorithm
-See Theorem 3 in [1].
-[1] M. Althoff, O. Stursberg, M. Buss. Reachability Analysis of Linear Systems
-with Uncertain Parameters and Inputs. CDC 2007.
+See [AlthoffSB07; Theorem 3](@citet).
function correction_hull(A::IntervalMatrix{T}, t, p) where {T}
F = _exp_remainder(A, t, p)
@@ -51,10 +48,7 @@ An interval matrix representing the correction matrix.
### Algorithm
-See Proposition 3.4 in [1].
-[1] M. Althoff. Reachability analysis and its application to the safety
-assessment of autonomous cars. 2010.
+See [Althoff10; Proposition 3.4](@citet).
function input_correction(A::IntervalMatrix{T}, t, p) where {T}
n = checksquare(A)
diff --git a/src/exponential.jl b/src/exponential.jl
index a7d5c22b..c652ed0f 100644
--- a/src/exponential.jl
+++ b/src/exponential.jl
@@ -67,8 +67,7 @@ such that `[exp(A*t)]_{ij} ⊆ m_{ij}`.
### Algorithm
-See Theorem 1 in *Reachability Analysis of Linear Systems with Uncertain
-Parameters and Inputs* by M. Althoff, O. Stursberg, M. Buss.
+See [AlthoffSB07; Theorem 1](@citet).
function exp_overapproximation(A::IntervalMatrix{T}, t, p) where {T}
n = checksquare(A)
@@ -77,9 +76,7 @@ function exp_overapproximation(A::IntervalMatrix{T}, t, p) where {T}
return S + E
-# Implementation of Prop. 1 in Althoff, Matthias, Bruce H. Krogh, and Olaf Stursberg.
-# "Analyzing reachability of linear dynamic systems with parametric uncertainties."
-# Modeling, Design, and Simulation of Systems with Uncertainties. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2011. 69-94.
+# Implementation of [AlthoffKS11; Prop. 1](@citet).
function _exp_remainder(A::IntervalMatrix{T}, t, p; n=checksquare(A)) where {T}
C = max.(abs.(inf(A)), abs.(sup(A)))
# compute Q = I + Ct + (Ct)^2/2! + ... + (Ct)^p/p!
@@ -101,10 +98,8 @@ function _exp_remainder(A::IntervalMatrix{T}, t, p; n=checksquare(A)) where {T}
return E
-# Estimates the sum of the series in the matrix exponential. See Theorem 1
-# in [1] Althoff, Matthias, Olaf Stursberg, and Martin Buss.
-# Reachability analysis of nonlinear systems with uncertain parameters using conservative linearization.
-# 2008 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. IEEE, 2008.
+# Estimates the sum of the series in the matrix exponential. See
+# [AlthoffSB08; Theorem 1](@citet).
function _exp_remainder_series(A::IntervalMatrix{T}, t, p; n=checksquare(A)) where {T}
nA = opnorm(A, Inf)
c = nA * t / (p + 2)
@@ -134,8 +129,7 @@ such that `m_{ij} ⊆ [exp(A*t)]_{ij}`.
### Algorithm
-See Theorem 2 in *Reachability Analysis of Linear Systems with Uncertain
-Parameters and Inputs* by M. Althoff, O. Stursberg, M. Buss.
+See [AlthoffSB07; Theorem 2](@citet).
function exp_underapproximation(A::IntervalMatrix{T}, t, p) where {T}
@assert p > 1 "the order $p < 2 is not supported"
@@ -196,7 +190,7 @@ An interval matrix that encloses ``B := αA + βA^2``.
### Algorithm
-This a variation of the algorithm in [1, Section 6]. If ``A = (aᵢⱼ)`` and
+This a variation of the algorithm in [KoshelevaKMN05, Section 6](@citet). If ``A = (aᵢⱼ)`` and
``B := αA + βA^2 = (bᵢⱼ)``, the idea is to compute each ``bᵢⱼ`` by factoring
out repeated expressions (thus the term *single-use expressions*).
@@ -211,9 +205,6 @@ Now consider ``i ≠ j``. Then,
bᵢⱼ = β\\sum_\\{k, k ≠ i, k ≠ j} a_{ik} a_{kj} + (α + βa_{ii} + βa_{jj}) a_{ij}.
-[1] Kosheleva, Kreinovich, Mayer, Nguyen. Computing the cube of an interval
-matrix is NP-hard. SAC 2005.
function quadratic_expansion(A::IntervalMatrix, α::Real, β::Real)
B = similar(A)
@@ -323,16 +314,13 @@ Compute the matrix exponential using scaling and squaring.
### Algorithm
-We use the algorithm in [1, Section 4.3], which first scales `A` by factor
+We use the algorithm in [GoldsztejnN14; Section 4.3](@citet), which first scales `A` by factor
``2^{-l}``, computes the matrix exponential for the scaled matrix, and then
squares the result ``l`` times.
\\exp(A * 2^{-l})^{2^l}
-[1] Goldsztejn, Alexandre, Arnold Neumaier. "On the exponentiation of interval
-matrices". Reliable Computing. 2014.
function scale_and_square(A::IntervalMatrix{T}, l::Integer, t, p;
validate::Bool=true) where {T}
@@ -390,10 +378,7 @@ Compute the matrix exponential using the Horner scheme.
### Algorithm
-We use the algorithm in [1, Section 4.2].
-[1] Goldsztejn, Alexandre, Arnold Neumaier. "On the exponentiation of interval
-matrices". Reliable Computing. 2014.
+We use the algorithm in [GoldsztejnN14; Section 4.2](@citet).
function horner(A::IntervalMatrix{T}, K::Integer;
validate::Bool=true) where {T}
@@ -418,7 +403,7 @@ function horner(A::IntervalMatrix{T}, K::Integer;
H = Iₙ + A / i * H
- # remainder; ref [1] uses a less precise computation here
+ # remainder; ref [GoldsztejnN14] uses a less precise computation here
R = _exp_remainder(A, one(T), K)
return H + R
diff --git a/src/operations/arithmetic.jl b/src/operations/arithmetic.jl
index c8b38165..099e6cb0 100644
--- a/src/operations/arithmetic.jl
+++ b/src/operations/arithmetic.jl
@@ -59,10 +59,7 @@ An interval matrix equivalent to `A * A`.
### Algorithm
-We follow [1, Section 6].
-[1] Kosheleva, Kreinovich, Mayer, Nguyen. Computing the cube of an interval
-matrix is NP-hard. SAC 2005.
+We follow [KoshelevaKMN05; Section 6](@citet).
function square(A::IntervalMatrix)
B = similar(A)
diff --git a/src/operations/mult.jl b/src/operations/mult.jl
index 680e4918..e82908e8 100644
--- a/src/operations/mult.jl
+++ b/src/operations/mult.jl
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Sets the algorithm used to perform matrix multiplication with interval matrices.
- `multype` -- symbol describing the algorithm used
- `:slow` -- uses traditional matrix multiplication algorithm.
- `:fast` -- computes an enclosure of the matrix product using the midpoint-radius
- notation of the matrix [[RUM10]](@ref).
+ notation of the matrix [Rump10](@citet).
!!! note ":fast option no longer supported"
`:fast` support was removed in `IntervalArithmetic` v0.22.
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Sets the algorithm used to perform matrix multiplication with interval matrices.
- By default, `:slow` is used.
- Using `fast` is generally significantly faster, but it may return larger intervals,
especially if midpoint and radius have the same order of magnitude
- (50% overestimate at most) [[RUM99]](@ref).
+ (50% overestimate at most) [Rump99](@citet).
function set_multiplication_mode(multype)
multype in (:fast, :slow) || throw(ArgumentError("$multype is not a valid input"))
diff --git a/test/models.jl b/test/models.jl
index 2822fc5a..165d84ea 100644
--- a/test/models.jl
+++ b/test/models.jl
@@ -1,15 +1,11 @@
-State matrix `A` from the transmission line model [1]; we refer to that paper
+State matrix `A` from the transmission line model [AlthoffKS11](@citet); we refer to that paper
for the interpretation of the physical parameters in this matrix. Here `A` is a
sparse, structured, square matrix of order 2η, where η ≥ 2 is a parameter
(optional, default: 2). For any choice of (positive) parameters, this matrix
is stable in the sense of Hurwitz (i.e. its eigenvalues have strictly negative
real-part). A parameter `scale` (optional, default: 1e-9) to rescale the physical
quantities is applied to `A`.
-[1] M. Althoff, B. H. Krogh, and O. Stursberg. Analyzing Reachability of
-Linear Dynamic Systems with Parametric Uncertainties. Modeling, Design,
-and Simulation of Systems with Uncertainties. 2011.
function transmission_line(; η=2, R₀=1.00, Rd₀=10.0, L₀=1e-10, C₀=1e-13 * 4.00, scale=1e-9)
A₁₁ = zeros(η, η)