DocTestFilters = [r"[0-9\.]+ seconds \(.*\)"]
is a Julia package for mathematical systems interfaces.
- Generic and flexible systems definitions, while being fast and type stable.
- Types for mathematical systems modeling: continuous, discrete, controlled, descriptor systems, etc.
- Iterator interfaces to handle constant or time-varying inputs.
The following packages use MathematicalSystems.jl
- Dionysos.jl -- Optimal control of cyber-physical systems
- HybridSystems.jl -- Hybrid Systems definitions in Julia
- ReachabilityAnalysis.jl -- Methods to compute sets of states reachable by dynamical systems
- SpaceExParser.jl -- SpaceEx modeling language parser
- StructuralDynamicsODESolvers.jl -- Numerical integration methods for structural dynamics problems
- SwitchOnSafety.jl -- Computing controlled invariant sets of Hybrid Systems using Sum Of Squares Programming
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