For generating a CSV template with headers for bulk store creation.
kfutil stores generate-template creates a csv file containing headers for a specific cert store type. store-type-name OR store-type-id is required. outpath is the path the template should be written to. Store type IDs can be found by running the "store-types" command.
kfutil stores import generate-template --store-type-id <store type id> --store-type-name <store-type-name> --outpath <output file path> [flags]
-h, --help help for generate-template
-o, --outpath string Path and name of the template file to generate.. If not specified, the file will be written to the current directory.
-i, --store-type-id int The ID of the cert store type for the template. (default -1)
-n, --store-type-name string The name of the cert store type for the template. Use if store-type-id is unknown.
--api-path string API Path to use for authenticating to Keyfactor Command. (default is KeyfactorAPI) (default "KeyfactorAPI")
--auth-provider-profile string The profile to use defined in the securely stored config. If not specified the config named 'default' will be used if it exists. (default "default")
--auth-provider-type string Provider type choices: (azid)
--client-id string OAuth2 client-id to use for authenticating to Keyfactor Command.
--client-secret string OAuth2 client-secret to use for authenticating to Keyfactor Command.
--config string Full path to config file in JSON format. (default is $HOME/.keyfactor/command_config.json)
--debug Enable debugFlag logging.
--domain string Domain to use for authenticating to Keyfactor Command.
--exp Enable expEnabled features. (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK, these features are not supported and may change or be removed at any time.)
--format text How to format the CLI output. Currently only text is supported. (default "text")
--hostname string Hostname to use for authenticating to Keyfactor Command.
--no-prompt Do not prompt for any user input and assume defaults or environmental variables are set.
--offline Will not attempt to connect to GitHub for latest release information and resources.
--password string Password to use for authenticating to Keyfactor Command. WARNING: Remember to delete your console history if providing kfcPassword here in plain text.
--profile string Use a specific profile from your config file. If not specified the config named 'default' will be used if it exists.
--token-url string OAuth2 token endpoint full URL to use for authenticating to Keyfactor Command.
--username string Username to use for authenticating to Keyfactor Command.
- kfutil stores import - Import a file with certificate store parameters and create them in keyfactor.