diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
index cc44af833..e69de29bb 100644
--- a/.gitmodules
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-[submodule "submodules/dune"]
- path = submodules/dune
- url = https://github.com/rgrinberg/jbuilder
- branch=lsp
- ignore=dirty
diff --git a/CHANGES.md b/CHANGES.md
index e8250c826..36d616230 100644
--- a/CHANGES.md
+++ b/CHANGES.md
@@ -1,7 +1,19 @@
-# Unreleased
+# 1.14.1
+## Fixes
+- Fix various server crashes when opening non OCaml/Reason files. Files such as
+ dune, cram, etc. would cause the server to crash. (#884, fixes #871)
+- Ignore unknown tags in merlin configuration to improve forward compatibility
+ with Dune. (#883)
+# 1.14.0
## Features
+- Code action for inlining let bindings within a module or expression. (#847)
- Tag "unused code" and "deprecated" warnings, allowing clients to better
display them. (#848)
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index aef5f1c32..aa3c4de71 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ all:
# results in a conflict
.PHONY: install-test-deps
- opam install 'menhir>20211230' cinaps 'ppx_expect>=v0.15.0' \
+ opam install --yes 'menhir>20211230' cinaps 'ppx_expect>=v0.15.0' \
ocamlformat.$$(awk -F = '$$1 == "version" {print $$2}' .ocamlformat) ocamlformat-rpc
.PHONY: dev
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ check:
dune build @check
.PHONY: test-e2e
+test-e2e: yarn-install
dune build @install && dune exec -- ocaml-lsp-server/test/run_test_e2e.exe
.PHONY: promote-e2e
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 6f1974756..e65c71ca5 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -57,8 +57,26 @@ For an example of usage of the server in a VS Code extension, see OCaml
Platform Extension implementation
+### Merlin configuration (advanced)
+If you would like OCaml-LSP to respect your `.merlin` files, OCaml-LSP needs to
+be invoked with `--fallback-read-dot-merlin` argument passed to it.
## Features
The server supports the following LSP requests:
- [x] `textDocument/completion`
@@ -85,6 +103,125 @@ The server supports the following LSP requests:
Note that degrees of support for each LSP request are varying.
+### Semantic highlighting
+OCaml-LSP implements experimental semantic highlighting support (also known as
+semantic tokens support). The support can be activated by passing an evironment
+variable to OCaml-LSP:
+- To enable non-incremental (expectedly slower but more stable) version, pass
+ `OCAMLLSP_SEMANTIC_HIGHLIGHTING=full` environment variable to OCaml-LSP.
+- To enable incremental (potentially faster but more error-prone, at least on VS
+ Code) version, pass `OCAMLLSP_SEMANTIC_HIGHLIGHTING=full/delta` to OCaml-LSP.
+Tip (for VS Code OCaml Platform users): You can use `ocaml.server.extraEnv`
+setting in VS Code to pass various environment variables to OCaml-LSP.
+ "ocaml.server.extraEnv": {
+ },
+### LSP Extensions
+The server also supports a number of OCaml specific extensions to the protocol:
+- [Switch to implementation/interface](ocaml-lsp-server/docs/ocamllsp/switchImplIntf-spec.md)
+- [Infer interface](ocaml-lsp-server/docs/ocamllsp/inferIntf-spec.md)
+- [Locate typed holes](ocaml-lsp-server/docs/ocamllsp/typedHoles-spec.md)
+- [Find wrapping AST node](ocaml-lsp-server/docs/ocamllsp/wrappingAstNode-spec.md)
+Note that editor support for these extensions varies. In general, the OCaml Platform extension for Visual Studio Code will have the best support.
+### Unorthodox features
+#### Destructing a value
+OCaml-LSP has a code action that allows to generate an exhaustive pattern
+matching for values. For example, placing a cursor near a value `(Some 10)|`
+where `|` is your cursor, OCaml-LSP will offer a code action "Destruct", which
+replaces `(Some 10)` with `(match Some with | None -> _ | Some _ -> _)`.
+Importantly, one can only destruct a value if OCaml-LSP can infer the value's
+precise type. The value can be type-annotated, e.g., if it's a function argument
+with polymorphic (or yet unknown) type in this context. In the code snippet
+below, we type-annotate the function parameter `v` because when we type `let f v
+= v|`, the type of `v` is polymorphic, so we can't destruct it.
+You can also usually destruct the value by placing the cursor on the wildcard
+(`_`) pattern in a pattern-match. For example,
+type t = A | B of string option
+let f (v : t) = match v with | A -> _ | B _| -> _
+invoking destruct near the cursor (`|`) in the snippet above, you get
+type t = A | B of string option
+let f (v : t) = match v with | A -> _ | B (None) | B (Some _) -> _
+Importantly, note the undescores in place of expressions in each branch of the
+pattern match above. The underscores that occur in place of expressions are
+called "typed holes" - a concept explained below.
+Tip (formatting): generated code may not be greatly formatted. If your project
+uses a formatter such as OCamlFormat, you can run formatting and get a
+well-formatted document (OCamlFormat supports typed holes formatting).
+Tip (for VS Code OCaml Platform users): You can destruct a value using a keybinding
+Alt+D or on MacOS Option+D
+#### Typed holes
+OCaml-LSP has a concept of a "typed hole" syntactically represented as `_`
+(underscore). A typed hole represents a well-typed "substitute" for an
+expression. OCaml-LSP considers these underscores that occur in place of
+expressions as a valid well-typed OCaml program: `let foo : int = _` (the typed
+hole has type `int` here) or `let bar = _ 10` (the hole has type `int -> 'a`).
+One can use such holes during development as temporary substitutes for
+expressions and "plug" the holes later with appropriate expressions.
+Note, files that incorporate typed holes are *not* considered valid OCaml by the
+OCaml compiler and, hence, cannot be compiled.
+Also, an underscore occurring in place of a pattern (for example `let _ = 10`)
+should not be confused with a typed hole that occurs in place of an expression,
+e.g., `let a = _`.
+#### Constructing values by type (experimental)
+OCaml-LSP can "construct" expressions based on the type required and offer them
+during auto-completion. For example, typing `_` (typed hole) in the snippet
+below will trigger auto-completion (`|` is your cursor):
+(* file foo.ml *)
+type t = A | B of string option
+(* file bar.ml *)
+let v : Foo.t = _|
+The auto-completion offers completions `Foo.A` and `Foo.B _`. You can further
+construct values by placing the cursor as such: `Foo.B _|` and triggering code
+action "Construct an expression" which offers completions `None` and `Some _`.
+Trigger the same code action in `Some _|` will offer `""` - one of the possible
+expressions to replace the typed hole with.
+Constructing a value is thus triggered either by typing `_` in place of an
+expression or trigger the code action "Construct an Expression". Also, the type
+of the value needs to be non-polymorphic to construct a meaningful value.
+Tip (for VS Code OCaml Platform users): You can construct a value using a keybinding
+Alt+C or on MacOS Option+C
## Integration with other tools
### Source file formatting: OCamlFormat & Refmt
@@ -96,7 +233,7 @@ formatting support. Note, however, that OCaml-LSP requires presence of
OCamlFormat configuration file, called `.ocamlformat`, in the project root to
be able to format source files in your project.
-### Formatting code on hover
+### Formatting code on hover
When you hover the cursor over OCaml code, the extension shows you the type of
the symbol. To get nicely formatted types, install
@@ -118,11 +255,13 @@ for errors such as logged exceptions.
# clone repo with submodules
git clone --recursive git@github.com:ocaml/ocaml-lsp.git
+cd ocaml-lsp
# if you already cloned, pull submodules
git submodule update --init --recursive
# create local switch (or use global one)
-opam switch create . ocaml-base-compiler.4.14.0
+opam switch --yes create . ocaml-base-compiler.4.14.0
# don't forget to set your environment to use the local switch
eval $(opam env)
@@ -164,8 +303,9 @@ the lsp protocol covers a wider scope than merlin.
## Comparison to other LSP Servers for OCaml
-Note that the comparisons below makes no claims of being objective and may be
-entirely out of date:
+Note that the comparisons below make no claims of being objective and may be
+entirely out of
+date. Also, both servers seem deprecated.
- [reason-language-server](https://github.com/jaredly/reason-language-server)
This server supports
diff --git a/dune-project b/dune-project
index 9f198d9ac..92e58166f 100644
--- a/dune-project
+++ b/dune-project
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ possible and does not make any assumptions about IO.
+ (ocamlc-loc (>= 3.5.0))
(omd (and (>= 1.3.2) (< 2.0.0~alpha1)))
(octavius (>= 1.2.2))
(uutf (>= 1.0.2))
diff --git a/flake.lock b/flake.lock
index 05e46ad4b..b04aad6b0 100644
--- a/flake.lock
+++ b/flake.lock
@@ -81,27 +81,27 @@
"nixpkgs": {
"locked": {
- "lastModified": 1657802959,
- "narHash": "sha256-9+JWARSdlL8KiH3ymnKDXltE1vM+/WEJ78F5B1kjXys=",
+ "lastModified": 1666424192,
+ "narHash": "sha256-rb/a7Kg9s31jqkvdOQHFrUc5ig5kB+O2ZKB8mjU2kW8=",
"owner": "nixos",
"repo": "nixpkgs",
- "rev": "4a01ca36d6bfc133bc617e661916a81327c9bbc8",
+ "rev": "4f8287f3d597c73b0d706cfad028c2d51821f64d",
"type": "github"
"original": {
"owner": "nixos",
- "ref": "nixos-unstable",
+ "ref": "nixpkgs-unstable",
"repo": "nixpkgs",
"type": "github"
"nixpkgs_2": {
"locked": {
- "lastModified": 1640418986,
- "narHash": "sha256-a8GGtxn2iL3WAkY5H+4E0s3Q7XJt6bTOvos9qqxT5OQ=",
- "owner": "NixOS",
+ "lastModified": 1657802959,
+ "narHash": "sha256-9+JWARSdlL8KiH3ymnKDXltE1vM+/WEJ78F5B1kjXys=",
+ "owner": "nixos",
"repo": "nixpkgs",
- "rev": "5c37ad87222cfc1ec36d6cd1364514a9efc2f7f2",
+ "rev": "4a01ca36d6bfc133bc617e661916a81327c9bbc8",
"type": "github"
"original": {
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
"flake-compat": "flake-compat",
"flake-utils": "flake-utils_2",
"mirage-opam-overlays": "mirage-opam-overlays",
- "nixpkgs": "nixpkgs",
+ "nixpkgs": "nixpkgs_2",
"opam-overlays": "opam-overlays",
"opam-repository": [
@@ -124,11 +124,11 @@
"opam2json": "opam2json"
"locked": {
- "lastModified": 1663958540,
- "narHash": "sha256-5IFRW65Bonu0KphZig1pT2EJvm4lLLUYddHGZiQTYDA=",
+ "lastModified": 1666349768,
+ "narHash": "sha256-5aq31gf/CBH/N75PPgmGfl7zwSslwwI6zfEkycYchKQ=",
"owner": "tweag",
"repo": "opam-nix",
- "rev": "c7430da9ade302bad75f7e4cfacd9eca12783cca",
+ "rev": "877c1175d47c540fdef1caeb48dbb30448c2635f",
"type": "github"
"original": {
@@ -156,11 +156,11 @@
"opam-repository": {
"flake": false,
"locked": {
- "lastModified": 1664888712,
- "narHash": "sha256-lOsurp/727wZv1LQ1NEKE/lpxXkrRNi62RSjQuvdcRs=",
+ "lastModified": 1666348254,
+ "narHash": "sha256-CBGnheemS5frVA4YE43y3Omd+GpiyUy9sBjI6XBQFlU=",
"owner": "ocaml",
"repo": "opam-repository",
- "rev": "127acdff77b608ce60174e2dbf2e17362f3688f8",
+ "rev": "a5e83808328a0905a297cae4d1581b31e4494b13",
"type": "github"
"original": {
@@ -171,14 +171,17 @@
"opam2json": {
"inputs": {
- "nixpkgs": "nixpkgs_2"
+ "nixpkgs": [
+ "opam-nix",
+ "nixpkgs"
+ ]
"locked": {
- "lastModified": 1651529032,
- "narHash": "sha256-fe8bm/V/4r2iNxgbitT2sXBqDHQ0GBSnSUSBg/1aXoI=",
+ "lastModified": 1665671715,
+ "narHash": "sha256-7f75C6fIkiLzfkwLpJxlQIKf+YORGsXGV8Dr2LDDi+A=",
"owner": "tweag",
"repo": "opam2json",
- "rev": "e8e9f2fa86ef124b9f7b8db41d3d19471c1d8901",
+ "rev": "32fa2dcd993a27f9e75ee46fb8b78a7cd5d05113",
"type": "github"
"original": {
@@ -191,10 +194,7 @@
"inputs": {
"flake-utils": "flake-utils",
"git-subrepo-src": "git-subrepo-src",
- "nixpkgs": [
- "opam-nix",
- "nixpkgs"
- ],
+ "nixpkgs": "nixpkgs",
"opam-nix": "opam-nix",
"opam-repository": "opam-repository"
diff --git a/flake.nix b/flake.nix
index dd58b6ab5..c67af0eb1 100644
--- a/flake.nix
+++ b/flake.nix
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
inputs = {
flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
- nixpkgs.follows = "opam-nix/nixpkgs";
+ nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable";
opam-nix = {
url = "github:tweag/opam-nix";
inputs.opam-repository.follows = "opam-repository";
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
- outputs = { self, flake-utils, opam-nix, nixpkgs, ... }@inputs:
+ outputs = { self, flake-utils, opam-nix, opam-repository, nixpkgs, ... }@inputs:
let package = "ocaml-lsp-server";
in flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system:
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
ppx_yojson_conv = "*";
cinaps = "*";
ppx_expect = "*";
- ocamlformat-rpc = "*";
ocamlfind = "1.9.2";
packagesFromNames = set:
@@ -44,7 +43,13 @@
scope =
- on.buildOpamProject { resolveArgs = { with-test = true; }; } package
+ on.buildOpamProject
+ {
+ repos = [ opam-repository ];
+ inherit pkgs;
+ resolveArgs = { with-test = true; };
+ }
+ package
overlay = final: prev: {
@@ -73,6 +78,7 @@
+ dune-release
]) ++ packagesFromNames devPackages;
inputsFrom = [ self.packages.${system}.default ]
++ packagesFromNames localPackages;
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server.opam b/ocaml-lsp-server.opam
index 5d7ce84f8..0e72df06e 100644
--- a/ocaml-lsp-server.opam
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server.opam
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ depends: [
+ "ocamlc-loc" {>= "3.5.0"}
"omd" {>= "1.3.2" & < "2.0.0~alpha1"}
"octavius" {>= "1.2.2"}
"uutf" {>= "1.0.2"}
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/docs/ocamllsp/inferIntf-spec.md b/ocaml-lsp-server/docs/ocamllsp/inferIntf-spec.md
index ae88f2415..1da302e65 100644
--- a/ocaml-lsp-server/docs/ocamllsp/inferIntf-spec.md
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/docs/ocamllsp/inferIntf-spec.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#### Infer Interface Request
+# Infer Interface Request
Infer Interface Request is sent from the client to the server to get the infered
interface for a given module implementation.
@@ -10,21 +10,21 @@ If the file cannot be found in the document store, an error will be returned.
Warning: this custom request is meant to be consumed by `ocaml-vscode-platform` exclusively,
it can be removed any time and should not be relied on.
-##### Client capability
+## Client capability
nothing that should be noted
-##### Server capability
+## Server capability
property name: `handleInferIntf`
property type: `boolean`
-##### Request
+## Request
- method: `ocamllsp/inferIntf`
- params: `DocumentUri` (see [`DocumentUri`](https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-current/#uri) in LSP specification)
-##### Response
+## Response
- result: String
- error: code and message set in case an exception happens during the processing of the request.
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/docs/ocamllsp/switchImplIntf-spec.md b/ocaml-lsp-server/docs/ocamllsp/switchImplIntf-spec.md
index 819b885ac..9eef06f95 100644
--- a/ocaml-lsp-server/docs/ocamllsp/switchImplIntf-spec.md
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/docs/ocamllsp/switchImplIntf-spec.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#### Switch Implementation/Interface Request
+# Switch Implementation/Interface Request
Switch Implementation/Interface Request is sent from client to server to get
URI(s) of the file(s) that the current file can switch to, e.g., if the user
@@ -12,22 +12,22 @@ for creation is returned, e.g., if a user wants to switch from "foo.ml", but no
files already exist in the project that could be returned, a URI for "foo.mli"
is returned.
-##### Client capability
+## Client capability
nothing that should be noted
-##### Server capability
+## Server capability
property name: `handleSwitchImplIntf`
property type: `boolean`
-##### Request
+## Request
- method: `ocamllsp/switchImplIntf`
- params: `DocumentUri` (see [`DocumentUri`](https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-current/#uri) in LSP specification)
-##### Response
+## Response
- result: DocumentUri[] (non-empty)
- error: code and message set in case an exception happens during the `ocamllsp/switchImplIntf` request.
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/docs/ocamllsp/wrappingAstNode-spec.md b/ocaml-lsp-server/docs/ocamllsp/wrappingAstNode-spec.md
index cbb562ed1..3a3525d7c 100644
--- a/ocaml-lsp-server/docs/ocamllsp/wrappingAstNode-spec.md
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/docs/ocamllsp/wrappingAstNode-spec.md
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-#### Wrapping AST Node
+# Wrapping AST Node
+## Description
(Could also be named `Enclosing AST Node`)
@@ -30,16 +32,16 @@ The document URI in the request has to be open before sending a the request. If
Note: stability of this custom request is not guaranteed. Talk to the maintainers if you want to depend on it.
-##### Client capability
+## Client capability
nothing that should be noted
-##### Server capability
+## Server capability
property name: `handleWrappingAstNode`
property type: `boolean`
-##### Request
+## Request
- method: `ocamllsp/wrappingAstNode`
- params:
@@ -51,7 +53,7 @@ property type: `boolean`
-##### Response
+## Response
- result: `Range | null`
- error: code and message set in case an exception happens during the processing of the request.
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions.ml b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions.ml
index 2b5785ce3..fb834270c 100644
--- a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions.ml
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions.ml
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ let compute server (params : CodeActionParams.t) =
; Action_add_rec.t
; Action_mark_remove_unused.mark
; Action_mark_remove_unused.remove
+ ; Action_inline.t
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions/action_add_rec.ml b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions/action_add_rec.ml
index d1e3634f0..04d36eceb 100644
--- a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions/action_add_rec.ml
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions/action_add_rec.ml
@@ -65,25 +65,28 @@ let code_action_add_rec uri diagnostics doc loc =
let code_action doc (params : CodeActionParams.t) =
- let pos_start = Position.logical params.range.start in
- let m_diagnostic =
- List.find params.context.diagnostics ~f:(fun d ->
- let is_unbound () =
- String.is_prefix d.Diagnostic.message ~prefix:"Unbound value"
- and in_range () =
- match Position.compare_inclusion params.range.start d.range with
- | `Outside _ -> false
- | `Inside -> true
- in
- in_range () && is_unbound ())
- in
- match m_diagnostic with
- | None -> Fiber.return None
- | Some d ->
- let+ loc =
- Document.with_pipeline_exn doc (fun pipeline ->
- has_missing_rec pipeline pos_start)
+ match Document.kind doc with
+ | `Other -> Fiber.return None
+ | `Merlin merlin -> (
+ let pos_start = Position.logical params.range.start in
+ let m_diagnostic =
+ List.find params.context.diagnostics ~f:(fun d ->
+ let is_unbound () =
+ String.is_prefix d.Diagnostic.message ~prefix:"Unbound value"
+ and in_range () =
+ match Position.compare_inclusion params.range.start d.range with
+ | `Outside _ -> false
+ | `Inside -> true
+ in
+ in_range () && is_unbound ())
- Option.map loc ~f:(code_action_add_rec params.textDocument.uri [ d ] doc)
+ match m_diagnostic with
+ | None -> Fiber.return None
+ | Some d ->
+ let+ loc =
+ Document.Merlin.with_pipeline_exn merlin (fun pipeline ->
+ has_missing_rec pipeline pos_start)
+ in
+ Option.map loc ~f:(code_action_add_rec params.textDocument.uri [ d ] doc))
let t = { Code_action.kind = QuickFix; run = code_action }
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions/action_construct.ml b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions/action_construct.ml
index 197364785..d9f2d7330 100644
--- a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions/action_construct.ml
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions/action_construct.ml
@@ -5,8 +5,9 @@ let action_kind = "construct"
let code_action doc (params : CodeActionParams.t) =
match Document.kind doc with
- | Intf -> Fiber.return None
- | Impl ->
+ | `Other -> Fiber.return None
+ | `Merlin m when Document.Merlin.kind m = Intf -> Fiber.return None
+ | `Merlin merlin ->
let pos = Position.logical params.range.Range.end_ in
(* we want this predicate to quickly eliminate prefixes that don't fit to be
a hole *)
@@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ let code_action doc (params : CodeActionParams.t) =
if not (Typed_hole.can_be_hole prefix) then Fiber.return None
let+ structures =
- Document.with_pipeline_exn doc (fun pipeline ->
+ Document.Merlin.with_pipeline_exn merlin (fun pipeline ->
let typedtree =
let typer = Mpipeline.typer_result pipeline in
Mtyper.get_typedtree typer
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions/action_destruct.ml b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions/action_destruct.ml
index 129782dea..74a8a8fe1 100644
--- a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions/action_destruct.ml
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions/action_destruct.ml
@@ -40,14 +40,15 @@ let code_action_of_case_analysis ~supportsJumpToNextHole doc uri (loc, newText)
let code_action (state : State.t) doc (params : CodeActionParams.t) =
let uri = params.textDocument.uri in
match Document.kind doc with
- | Intf -> Fiber.return None
- | Impl -> (
+ | `Other -> Fiber.return None
+ | `Merlin m when Document.Merlin.kind m = Intf -> Fiber.return None
+ | `Merlin merlin -> (
let command =
let start = Position.logical params.range.start in
let finish = Position.logical params.range.end_ in
Query_protocol.Case_analysis (start, finish)
- let* res = Document.dispatch doc command in
+ let* res = Document.Merlin.dispatch merlin command in
match res with
| Ok (loc, newText) ->
let+ newText =
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions/action_inferred_intf.ml b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions/action_inferred_intf.ml
index 2d5069d2c..57b98213f 100644
--- a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions/action_inferred_intf.ml
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions/action_inferred_intf.ml
@@ -26,8 +26,9 @@ let code_action_of_intf doc intf range =
let code_action (state : State.t) doc (params : CodeActionParams.t) =
match Document.kind doc with
- | Impl -> Fiber.return None
- | Intf -> (
+ | `Other -> Fiber.return None
+ | `Merlin m when Document.Merlin.kind m = Impl -> Fiber.return None
+ | `Merlin _ -> (
let* intf = Inference.infer_intf state doc in
match intf with
| None -> Fiber.return None
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions/action_inline.ml b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions/action_inline.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d5816132d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions/action_inline.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+open Import
+module H = Ocaml_parsing.Ast_helper
+let action_title = "Inline into uses"
+type inline_task =
+ { inlined_var : Ident.t
+ ; inlined_expr : Typedtree.expression (** the expression to inline *)
+ }
+let find_path_by_name id env =
+ try Some (fst (Ocaml_typing.Env.find_value_by_name id env))
+ with Not_found -> None
+let check_shadowing (inlined_expr : Typedtree.expression) new_env =
+ let module I = Ocaml_typing.Tast_iterator in
+ let orig_env = inlined_expr.exp_env in
+ let exception Env_mismatch of (Longident.t * [ `Unbound | `Shadowed ]) in
+ let expr_iter (iter : I.iterator) (expr : Typedtree.expression) =
+ match expr.exp_desc with
+ | Texp_ident (path, { txt = ident; _ }, _) -> (
+ let in_orig_env =
+ find_path_by_name ident orig_env
+ |> Option.map ~f:(Path.same path)
+ |> Option.value ~default:false
+ in
+ if in_orig_env then
+ match find_path_by_name ident new_env with
+ | Some path' ->
+ if not (Path.same path path') then
+ raise_notrace (Env_mismatch (ident, `Shadowed))
+ | None -> raise_notrace (Env_mismatch (ident, `Unbound)))
+ | _ -> I.default_iterator.expr iter expr
+ in
+ let iter = { I.default_iterator with expr = expr_iter } in
+ try
+ iter.expr iter inlined_expr;
+ Ok ()
+ with Env_mismatch m -> Error m
+let string_of_error (ident, reason) =
+ let reason =
+ match reason with
+ | `Unbound -> "unbound"
+ | `Shadowed -> "shadowed"
+ in
+ Format.asprintf
+ "'%a' is %s in inlining context"
+ Pprintast.longident
+ ident
+ reason
+let contains loc pos =
+ match Position.compare_inclusion pos (Range.of_loc loc) with
+ | `Outside _ -> false
+ | `Inside -> true
+let find_inline_task typedtree pos =
+ let exception Found of inline_task in
+ let module I = Ocaml_typing.Tast_iterator in
+ let expr_iter (iter : I.iterator) (expr : Typedtree.expression) =
+ if contains expr.exp_loc pos then
+ match expr.exp_desc with
+ | Texp_let
+ ( Nonrecursive
+ , [ { vb_pat = { pat_desc = Tpat_var (inlined_var, { loc; _ }); _ }
+ ; vb_expr = inlined_expr
+ ; _
+ }
+ ]
+ , _ )
+ when contains loc pos ->
+ raise_notrace (Found { inlined_var; inlined_expr })
+ | _ -> I.default_iterator.expr iter expr
+ in
+ let structure_item_iter (iter : I.iterator) (item : Typedtree.structure_item)
+ =
+ if contains item.str_loc pos then
+ match item.str_desc with
+ | Tstr_value
+ ( Nonrecursive
+ , [ { vb_pat = { pat_desc = Tpat_var (inlined_var, { loc; _ }); _ }
+ ; vb_expr = inlined_expr
+ ; _
+ }
+ ] )
+ when contains loc pos ->
+ raise_notrace (Found { inlined_var; inlined_expr })
+ | _ -> I.default_iterator.structure_item iter item
+ in
+ let iterator =
+ { I.default_iterator with
+ expr = expr_iter
+ ; structure_item = structure_item_iter
+ }
+ in
+ try
+ iterator.structure iterator typedtree;
+ None
+ with Found task -> Some task
+(** [find_parsetree_loc pl loc] finds an expression node in the parsetree with
+ location [loc] *)
+let find_parsetree_loc pipeline loc =
+ let exception Found of Parsetree.expression in
+ try
+ let expr_iter (iter : Ast_iterator.iterator) (expr : Parsetree.expression) =
+ if Loc.compare expr.pexp_loc loc = 0 then raise_notrace (Found expr)
+ else Ast_iterator.default_iterator.expr iter expr
+ in
+ let iterator = { Ast_iterator.default_iterator with expr = expr_iter } in
+ (match Mpipeline.reader_parsetree pipeline with
+ | `Implementation s -> iterator.structure iterator s
+ | `Interface _ -> ());
+ None
+ with Found e -> Some e
+let find_parsetree_loc_exn pipeline loc =
+ Option.value_exn (find_parsetree_loc pipeline loc)
+(** [strip_attribute name e] removes all instances of the attribute called
+ [name] in [e]. *)
+let strip_attribute attr_name expr =
+ let module M = Ocaml_parsing.Ast_mapper in
+ let expr_map (map : M.mapper) expr =
+ { (M.default_mapper.expr map expr) with
+ pexp_attributes =
+ List.filter expr.pexp_attributes ~f:(fun (a : Parsetree.attribute) ->
+ not (String.equal a.attr_name.txt attr_name))
+ }
+ in
+ let mapper = { M.default_mapper with expr = expr_map } in
+ mapper.expr mapper expr
+(** Overapproximation of the number of uses of a [Path.t] in an expression. *)
+module Uses : sig
+ type t
+ val find : t -> Path.t -> int option
+ val of_typedtree : Typedtree.expression -> t
+end = struct
+ type t = int Path.Map.t
+ let find m k = Path.Map.find_opt k m
+ let of_typedtree (expr : Typedtree.expression) =
+ let module I = Ocaml_typing.Tast_iterator in
+ let uses = ref Path.Map.empty in
+ let expr_iter (iter : I.iterator) (expr : Typedtree.expression) =
+ match expr.exp_desc with
+ | Texp_ident (path, _, _) ->
+ uses :=
+ Path.Map.update
+ path
+ (function
+ | Some c -> Some (c + 1)
+ | None -> Some 1)
+ !uses
+ | _ -> I.default_iterator.expr iter expr
+ in
+ let iterator = { I.default_iterator with expr = expr_iter } in
+ iterator.expr iterator expr;
+ !uses
+(** Mapping from [Location.t] to [Path.t]. Computed from the typedtree. Useful
+ for determining whether two parsetree identifiers refer to the same path. *)
+module Paths : sig
+ type t
+ val find : t -> Loc.t -> Path.t option
+ val of_typedtree : Typedtree.expression -> t
+ val same_path : t -> Loc.t -> Loc.t -> bool
+end = struct
+ type t = Path.t Loc.Map.t
+ let find = Loc.Map.find
+ let of_typedtree (expr : Typedtree.expression) =
+ let module I = Ocaml_typing.Tast_iterator in
+ let paths = ref Loc.Map.empty in
+ let expr_iter (iter : I.iterator) (expr : Typedtree.expression) =
+ match expr.exp_desc with
+ | Texp_ident (path, { loc; _ }, _) -> paths := Loc.Map.set !paths loc path
+ | _ -> I.default_iterator.expr iter expr
+ in
+ let pat_iter (type k) (iter : I.iterator)
+ (pat : k Typedtree.general_pattern) =
+ match pat.pat_desc with
+ | Tpat_var (id, { loc; _ }) -> paths := Loc.Map.set !paths loc (Pident id)
+ | Tpat_alias (pat, id, { loc; _ }) ->
+ paths := Loc.Map.set !paths loc (Pident id);
+ I.default_iterator.pat iter pat
+ | _ -> I.default_iterator.pat iter pat
+ in
+ let iterator =
+ { I.default_iterator with expr = expr_iter; pat = pat_iter }
+ in
+ iterator.expr iterator expr;
+ !paths
+ let same_path ps l l' =
+ match (find ps l, find ps l') with
+ | Some p, Some p' -> Path.same p p'
+ | _ -> false
+let subst same subst_expr subst_id body =
+ let module M = Ocaml_parsing.Ast_mapper in
+ let expr_map (map : M.mapper) (expr : Parsetree.expression) =
+ match expr.pexp_desc with
+ | Pexp_ident id when same subst_id id -> subst_expr
+ | _ -> M.default_mapper.expr map expr
+ in
+ let mapper = { M.default_mapper with expr = expr_map } in
+ mapper.expr mapper body
+(** Rough check for expressions that can be duplicated without duplicating any
+ side effects. *)
+let rec is_pure (expr : Parsetree.expression) =
+ match expr.pexp_desc with
+ | Pexp_ident _ | Pexp_constant _ | Pexp_hole | Pexp_unreachable -> true
+ | Pexp_field (e, _) | Pexp_constraint (e, _) -> is_pure e
+ | _ -> false
+let rec find_map_remove ~f = function
+ | [] -> (None, [])
+ | x :: xs -> (
+ match f x with
+ | Some x' -> (Some x', xs)
+ | None ->
+ let ret, xs' = find_map_remove ~f xs in
+ (ret, x :: xs'))
+let rec beta_reduce (uses : Uses.t) (paths : Paths.t)
+ (app : Parsetree.expression) =
+ let rec beta_reduce_arg (pat : Parsetree.pattern) body arg =
+ let default () =
+ H.Exp.let_ Nonrecursive [ H.Vb.mk pat arg ] (beta_reduce uses paths body)
+ in
+ match pat.ppat_desc with
+ | Ppat_any | Ppat_construct ({ txt = Lident "()"; _ }, _) ->
+ beta_reduce uses paths body
+ | Ppat_var param | Ppat_constraint ({ ppat_desc = Ppat_var param; _ }, _)
+ -> (
+ let open Option.O in
+ let m_uses =
+ let* path = Paths.find paths param.loc in
+ Uses.find uses path
+ in
+ let same_path paths (id : _ H.with_loc) (id' : _ H.with_loc) =
+ Paths.same_path paths id.loc id'.loc
+ in
+ match m_uses with
+ | Some 0 -> beta_reduce uses paths body
+ | Some 1 ->
+ beta_reduce uses paths (subst (same_path paths) arg param body)
+ | Some _ | None ->
+ if is_pure arg then
+ beta_reduce uses paths (subst (same_path paths) arg param body)
+ else
+ (* if the parameter is used multiple times in the body, introduce a
+ let binding so that the parameter is evaluated only once *)
+ default ())
+ | Ppat_tuple pats -> (
+ match arg.pexp_desc with
+ | Pexp_tuple args ->
+ List.fold_left2
+ ~f:(fun body pat arg -> beta_reduce_arg pat body arg)
+ ~init:body
+ pats
+ args
+ | _ -> default ())
+ | _ -> default ()
+ in
+ let apply func args =
+ if List.is_empty args then func else H.Exp.apply func args
+ in
+ match app.pexp_desc with
+ | Pexp_apply
+ ( { pexp_desc = Pexp_fun (Nolabel, None, pat, body); _ }
+ , (Nolabel, arg) :: args' ) -> beta_reduce_arg pat (apply body args') arg
+ | Pexp_apply
+ ({ pexp_desc = Pexp_fun ((Labelled l as lbl), None, pat, body); _ }, args)
+ -> (
+ let m_matching_arg, args' =
+ find_map_remove args ~f:(function
+ | Asttypes.Labelled l', e when String.equal l l' -> Some e
+ | _ -> None)
+ in
+ match m_matching_arg with
+ | Some arg -> beta_reduce_arg pat (apply body args') arg
+ | None -> H.Exp.fun_ lbl None pat (beta_reduce uses paths (apply body args))
+ )
+ | _ -> app
+let inlined_text pipeline task =
+ let open Option.O in
+ let+ expr = find_parsetree_loc pipeline task.inlined_expr.exp_loc in
+ let expr = strip_attribute "merlin.loc" expr in
+ Format.asprintf "(%a)" Pprintast.expression expr
+(** [inline_edits pipeline task] returns a list of inlining edits and an
+ optional error value. An error will be generated if any of the potential
+ inlinings is not allowed due to shadowing. The successful edits will still
+ be returned *)
+let inline_edits pipeline task =
+ let module I = Ocaml_typing.Tast_iterator in
+ let open Option.O in
+ let+ newText = inlined_text pipeline task in
+ let make_edit newText loc =
+ TextEdit.create ~newText ~range:(Range.of_loc loc)
+ in
+ let edits = Queue.create () in
+ let error = ref None in
+ let insert_edit newText loc = Queue.push edits (make_edit newText loc) in
+ let not_shadowed env =
+ match check_shadowing task.inlined_expr env with
+ | Ok () -> true
+ | Error e ->
+ error := Some e;
+ false
+ in
+ (* inlining into an argument context has some special cases *)
+ let arg_iter env (iter : I.iterator) (label : Asttypes.arg_label)
+ (m_arg_expr : Typedtree.expression option) =
+ match (label, m_arg_expr) with
+ (* handle the labeled argument shorthand `f ~x` when inlining `x` *)
+ | ( Labelled name
+ , Some { exp_desc = Texp_ident (Pident id, { loc; _ }, _); _ } )
+ (* inlining is allowed for optional arguments that are being passed a Some
+ parameter, i.e. `x` may be inlined in `let x = 1 in (fun ?(x = 0) -> x)
+ ~x` *)
+ | ( Optional name
+ , Some
+ { exp_desc =
+ (* construct is part of desugaring, assumed to be Some *)
+ Texp_construct
+ ( _
+ , _
+ , [ { exp_desc = Texp_ident (Pident id, { loc; _ }, _); _ } ] )
+ ; _
+ } )
+ when Ident.same task.inlined_var id && not_shadowed env ->
+ let newText = sprintf "%s:%s" name newText in
+ insert_edit newText loc
+ | Optional _, Some ({ exp_desc = Texp_construct _; _ } as arg_expr) ->
+ iter.expr iter arg_expr
+ (* inlining is _not_ allowed for optional arguments that are being passed an
+ optional parameter i.e. `x` may _not_ be inlined in `let x = Some 1 in
+ (fun ?(x = 0) -> x) ?x` *)
+ | Optional _, Some _ -> ()
+ | _, _ -> Option.iter m_arg_expr ~f:(iter.expr iter)
+ in
+ let uses = Uses.of_typedtree task.inlined_expr in
+ let paths = Paths.of_typedtree task.inlined_expr in
+ let inlined_pexpr =
+ find_parsetree_loc_exn pipeline task.inlined_expr.exp_loc
+ in
+ let expr_iter (iter : I.iterator) (expr : Typedtree.expression) =
+ match expr.exp_desc with
+ (* when inlining into an application context, attempt to beta reduce the
+ result *)
+ | Texp_apply ({ exp_desc = Texp_ident (Pident id, _, _); _ }, _)
+ when Ident.same task.inlined_var id && not_shadowed expr.exp_env ->
+ let reduced_pexpr =
+ let app_pexpr = find_parsetree_loc_exn pipeline expr.exp_loc in
+ match app_pexpr.pexp_desc with
+ | Pexp_apply ({ pexp_desc = Pexp_ident _; _ }, args) ->
+ beta_reduce uses paths (H.Exp.apply inlined_pexpr args)
+ | _ -> app_pexpr
+ in
+ let newText =
+ Format.asprintf "(%a)" Pprintast.expression
+ @@ strip_attribute "merlin.loc" reduced_pexpr
+ in
+ insert_edit newText expr.exp_loc
+ | Texp_apply (func, args) ->
+ iter.expr iter func;
+ List.iter args ~f:(fun (l, e) -> arg_iter expr.exp_env iter l e)
+ | Texp_ident (Pident id, { loc; _ }, _)
+ when Ident.same task.inlined_var id && not_shadowed expr.exp_env ->
+ insert_edit newText loc
+ | _ -> I.default_iterator.expr iter expr
+ in
+ let iterator = { I.default_iterator with expr = expr_iter } in
+ let edits =
+ match Mtyper.get_typedtree (Mpipeline.typer_result pipeline) with
+ | `Interface _ -> []
+ | `Implementation structure ->
+ iterator.structure iterator structure;
+ Queue.to_list edits
+ in
+ (edits, !error)
+let code_action doc (params : CodeActionParams.t) =
+ let open Option.O in
+ match Document.kind doc with
+ | `Other -> Fiber.return None
+ | `Merlin merlin ->
+ Document.Merlin.with_pipeline_exn merlin (fun pipeline ->
+ let* typedtree =
+ match Mtyper.get_typedtree (Mpipeline.typer_result pipeline) with
+ | `Interface _ -> None
+ | `Implementation x -> Some x
+ in
+ let* task = find_inline_task typedtree params.range.start in
+ inline_edits pipeline task)
+ |> Fiber.map ~f:(fun m_edits ->
+ let* edits, m_error = m_edits in
+ match (edits, m_error) with
+ | [], None -> None
+ | [], Some error ->
+ let action =
+ CodeAction.create
+ ~title:action_title
+ ~kind:CodeActionKind.RefactorInline
+ ~isPreferred:false
+ ~disabled:
+ (CodeAction.create_disabled ~reason:(string_of_error error))
+ ()
+ in
+ Some action
+ | _ :: _, (Some _ | None) ->
+ let edit =
+ let version = Document.version doc in
+ let textDocument =
+ OptionalVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier.create
+ ~uri:params.textDocument.uri
+ ~version
+ ()
+ in
+ let edit =
+ TextDocumentEdit.create
+ ~textDocument
+ ~edits:(List.map edits ~f:(fun e -> `TextEdit e))
+ in
+ WorkspaceEdit.create
+ ~documentChanges:[ `TextDocumentEdit edit ]
+ ()
+ in
+ let action =
+ CodeAction.create
+ ~title:action_title
+ ~kind:CodeActionKind.RefactorInline
+ ~edit
+ ~isPreferred:false
+ ()
+ in
+ Some action)
+let t = { Code_action.kind = RefactorInline; run = code_action }
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions/action_inline.mli b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions/action_inline.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0caac27b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions/action_inline.mli
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+val t : Code_action.t
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions/action_mark_remove_unused.ml b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions/action_mark_remove_unused.ml
index 9fd8712cb..f999edeb0 100644
--- a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions/action_mark_remove_unused.ml
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions/action_mark_remove_unused.ml
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ let rec mark_value_unused_edit name contexts =
let code_action_mark_value_unused doc (diagnostic : Diagnostic.t) =
let open Option.O in
- Document.with_pipeline_exn doc (fun pipeline ->
+ Document.Merlin.with_pipeline_exn (Document.merlin_exn doc) (fun pipeline ->
let var_name = slice doc diagnostic.range in
let pos = diagnostic.range.start in
let+ text_edit =
@@ -125,10 +125,9 @@ let code_action_remove_range doc (diagnostic : Diagnostic.t) range =
(* Create a code action that removes the value mentioned in [diagnostic]. *)
let code_action_remove_value doc pos (diagnostic : Diagnostic.t) =
- Document.with_pipeline_exn doc (fun pipeline ->
+ Document.Merlin.with_pipeline_exn (Document.merlin_exn doc) (fun pipeline ->
let var_name = slice doc diagnostic.range in
- enclosing_pos pipeline pos
- |> List.map ~f:(fun (_, x) -> x)
+ enclosing_pos pipeline pos |> List.map ~f:snd
|> enclosing_value_binding_range var_name
|> Option.map ~f:(fun range ->
code_action_remove_range doc diagnostic range))
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions/action_refactor_open.ml b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions/action_refactor_open.ml
index 9cb080d24..b03c10736 100644
--- a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions/action_refactor_open.ml
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions/action_refactor_open.ml
@@ -3,30 +3,33 @@ open Fiber.O
let code_action (mode : [ `Qualify | `Unqualify ]) (action_kind : string) doc
(params : CodeActionParams.t) =
- let+ res =
- let command =
- let pos_start = Position.logical params.range.start in
- Query_protocol.Refactor_open (mode, pos_start)
+ match Document.kind doc with
+ | `Other -> Fiber.return None
+ | `Merlin doc -> (
+ let+ res =
+ let command =
+ let pos_start = Position.logical params.range.start in
+ Query_protocol.Refactor_open (mode, pos_start)
+ in
+ Document.Merlin.dispatch_exn doc command
- Document.dispatch_exn doc command
- in
- match res with
- | [] -> None
- | changes ->
- let code_action =
- let edit : WorkspaceEdit.t =
- let edits =
- List.map changes ~f:(fun (newText, loc) ->
- { TextEdit.newText; range = Range.of_loc loc })
+ match res with
+ | [] -> None
+ | changes ->
+ let code_action =
+ let edit : WorkspaceEdit.t =
+ let edits =
+ List.map changes ~f:(fun (newText, loc) ->
+ { TextEdit.newText; range = Range.of_loc loc })
+ in
+ let uri = params.textDocument.uri in
+ WorkspaceEdit.create ~changes:[ (uri, edits) ] ()
- let uri = params.textDocument.uri in
- WorkspaceEdit.create ~changes:[ (uri, edits) ] ()
+ let kind = CodeActionKind.Other action_kind in
+ let title = String.capitalize_ascii action_kind in
+ CodeAction.create ~title ~kind ~edit ~isPreferred:false ()
- let kind = CodeActionKind.Other action_kind in
- let title = String.capitalize_ascii action_kind in
- CodeAction.create ~title ~kind ~edit ~isPreferred:false ()
- in
- Some code_action
+ Some code_action)
let unqualify =
let action_kind = "remove module name from identifiers" in
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions/action_type_annotate.ml b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions/action_type_annotate.ml
index 9c0809777..cf7f41006 100644
--- a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions/action_type_annotate.ml
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions/action_type_annotate.ml
@@ -44,25 +44,31 @@ let code_action_of_type_enclosing uri doc (loc, typ) =
let code_action doc (params : CodeActionParams.t) =
- let pos_start = Position.logical params.range.start in
- let+ res =
- Document.with_pipeline_exn doc (fun pipeline ->
- let context = check_typeable_context pipeline pos_start in
- match context with
- | `Invalid -> None
- | `Valid ->
- let command = Query_protocol.Type_enclosing (None, pos_start, None) in
- let config = Mpipeline.final_config pipeline in
- let config =
- { config with query = { config.query with verbosity = 0 } }
- in
- let pipeline = Mpipeline.make config (Document.source doc) in
- Some (Query_commands.dispatch pipeline command))
- in
- match res with
- | None | Some [] | Some ((_, `Index _, _) :: _) -> None
- | Some ((location, `String value, _) :: _) ->
- code_action_of_type_enclosing params.textDocument.uri doc (location, value)
+ match Document.kind doc with
+ | `Other -> Fiber.return None
+ | `Merlin merlin -> (
+ let pos_start = Position.logical params.range.start in
+ let+ res =
+ Document.Merlin.with_pipeline_exn merlin (fun pipeline ->
+ let context = check_typeable_context pipeline pos_start in
+ match context with
+ | `Invalid -> None
+ | `Valid ->
+ let command =
+ Query_protocol.Type_enclosing (None, pos_start, None)
+ in
+ let config = Mpipeline.final_config pipeline in
+ let config =
+ { config with query = { config.query with verbosity = 0 } }
+ in
+ let pipeline = Mpipeline.make config (Document.source doc) in
+ Some (Query_commands.dispatch pipeline command))
+ in
+ match res with
+ | None | Some [] | Some ((_, `Index _, _) :: _) -> None
+ | Some ((location, `String value, _) :: _) ->
+ code_action_of_type_enclosing params.textDocument.uri doc (location, value)
+ )
let t =
{ Code_action.kind = CodeActionKind.Other action_kind; run = code_action }
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/compl.ml b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/compl.ml
index dbcc1a2af..c1af60dd5 100644
--- a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/compl.ml
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/compl.ml
@@ -163,7 +163,10 @@ module Complete_by_prefix = struct
let logical_pos = Position.logical pos in
- (prefix_of_position ~short_path:true (Document.source doc) logical_pos)
+ (prefix_of_position
+ ~short_path:true
+ (Document.Merlin.source doc)
+ logical_pos)
let completion_entries =
match completion.context with
@@ -183,7 +186,8 @@ module Complete_by_prefix = struct
following [completionItem/resolve] requests *)
let compl_params =
let textDocument =
- TextDocumentIdentifier.create ~uri:(Document.uri doc)
+ TextDocumentIdentifier.create
+ ~uri:(Document.uri (Document.Merlin.to_doc doc))
CompletionParams.create ~textDocument ~position:pos ()
|> CompletionParams.yojson_of_t
@@ -195,7 +199,7 @@ module Complete_by_prefix = struct
let complete doc prefix pos =
let+ (completion : Query_protocol.completions) =
let logical_pos = Position.logical pos in
- Document.with_pipeline_exn doc (dispatch_cmd ~prefix logical_pos)
+ Document.Merlin.with_pipeline_exn doc (dispatch_cmd ~prefix logical_pos)
process_dispatch_resp doc pos completion
@@ -252,54 +256,58 @@ let complete (state : State.t)
({ textDocument = { uri }; position = pos; _ } : CompletionParams.t) =
Fiber.of_thunk (fun () ->
let doc = Document_store.get state.store uri in
- let+ items =
- let position = Position.logical pos in
- let prefix =
- prefix_of_position ~short_path:false (Document.source doc) position
- in
- if not (Typed_hole.can_be_hole prefix) then
- Complete_by_prefix.complete doc prefix pos
- else
- let reindex_sortText completion_items =
- List.mapi completion_items ~f:(fun idx (ci : CompletionItem.t) ->
- let sortText = Some (sortText_of_index idx) in
- { ci with sortText })
- in
- let preselect_first = function
- | [] -> []
- | ci :: rest ->
- { ci with CompletionItem.preselect = Some true } :: rest
- in
- let+ construct_cmd_resp, compl_by_prefix_resp =
- Document.with_pipeline_exn doc (fun pipeline ->
- let construct_cmd_resp =
- Complete_with_construct.dispatch_cmd position pipeline
- in
- let compl_by_prefix_resp =
- Complete_by_prefix.dispatch_cmd ~prefix position pipeline
- in
- (construct_cmd_resp, compl_by_prefix_resp))
+ match Document.kind doc with
+ | `Other -> Fiber.return None
+ | `Merlin merlin ->
+ let+ items =
+ let position = Position.logical pos in
+ let prefix =
+ prefix_of_position ~short_path:false (Document.source doc) position
- let construct_completionItems =
- let supportsJumpToNextHole =
- State.experimental_client_capabilities state
- |> Client.Experimental_capabilities.supportsJumpToNextHole
+ if not (Typed_hole.can_be_hole prefix) then
+ Complete_by_prefix.complete merlin prefix pos
+ else
+ let reindex_sortText completion_items =
+ List.mapi completion_items ~f:(fun idx (ci : CompletionItem.t) ->
+ let sortText = Some (sortText_of_index idx) in
+ { ci with sortText })
- Complete_with_construct.process_dispatch_resp
- ~supportsJumpToNextHole
- construct_cmd_resp
- in
- let compl_by_prefix_completionItems =
- Complete_by_prefix.process_dispatch_resp
- doc
- pos
- compl_by_prefix_resp
- in
- construct_completionItems @ compl_by_prefix_completionItems
- |> reindex_sortText |> preselect_first
- in
- Some
- (`CompletionList (CompletionList.create ~isIncomplete:false ~items ())))
+ let preselect_first = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | ci :: rest ->
+ { ci with CompletionItem.preselect = Some true } :: rest
+ in
+ let+ construct_cmd_resp, compl_by_prefix_resp =
+ Document.Merlin.with_pipeline_exn merlin (fun pipeline ->
+ let construct_cmd_resp =
+ Complete_with_construct.dispatch_cmd position pipeline
+ in
+ let compl_by_prefix_resp =
+ Complete_by_prefix.dispatch_cmd ~prefix position pipeline
+ in
+ (construct_cmd_resp, compl_by_prefix_resp))
+ in
+ let construct_completionItems =
+ let supportsJumpToNextHole =
+ State.experimental_client_capabilities state
+ |> Client.Experimental_capabilities.supportsJumpToNextHole
+ in
+ Complete_with_construct.process_dispatch_resp
+ ~supportsJumpToNextHole
+ construct_cmd_resp
+ in
+ let compl_by_prefix_completionItems =
+ Complete_by_prefix.process_dispatch_resp
+ merlin
+ pos
+ compl_by_prefix_resp
+ in
+ construct_completionItems @ compl_by_prefix_completionItems
+ |> reindex_sortText |> preselect_first
+ in
+ Some
+ (`CompletionList
+ (CompletionList.create ~isIncomplete:false ~items ())))
let format_doc ~markdown doc =
match markdown with
@@ -324,7 +332,7 @@ let resolve doc (compl : CompletionItem.t) (resolve : Resolve.t) query_doc
let prefix =
- (Document.source doc)
+ (Document.Merlin.source doc)
{ position with
@@ -333,7 +341,7 @@ let resolve doc (compl : CompletionItem.t) (resolve : Resolve.t) query_doc
let end_ =
let suffix =
- suffix_of_position (Document.source doc) logical_position
+ suffix_of_position (Document.Merlin.source doc) logical_position
{ position with
character = position.character + String.length suffix
@@ -342,10 +350,12 @@ let resolve doc (compl : CompletionItem.t) (resolve : Resolve.t) query_doc
let range = Range.create ~start ~end_ in
TextDocumentContentChangeEvent.create ~range ~text:compl.label ()
- Document.update_text doc [ complete ]
+ Document.update_text (Document.Merlin.to_doc doc) [ complete ]
let+ documentation =
- let+ documentation = query_doc doc logical_position in
+ let+ documentation =
+ query_doc (Document.merlin_exn doc) logical_position
+ in
Option.map ~f:(format_doc ~markdown) documentation
{ compl with documentation; data = None })
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/compl.mli b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/compl.mli
index 3021f4f4f..8d094e9ca 100644
--- a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/compl.mli
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/compl.mli
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ val complete :
(** creates a server response for ["completionItem/resolve"] *)
val resolve :
- Document.t
+ Document.Merlin.t
-> CompletionItem.t
-> Resolve.t
- -> (Document.t -> [> `Logical of int * int ] -> string option Fiber.t)
+ -> (Document.Merlin.t -> [> `Logical of int * int ] -> string option Fiber.t)
-> markdown:bool
-> CompletionItem.t Fiber.t
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/custom_requests/req_typed_holes.ml b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/custom_requests/req_typed_holes.ml
index 6763f97ed..a26038bef 100644
--- a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/custom_requests/req_typed_holes.ml
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/custom_requests/req_typed_holes.ml
@@ -62,7 +62,9 @@ let on_request ~(params : Jsonrpc.Structured.t option) (state : State.t) =
(Uri.to_string uri))
| Some doc ->
- let+ holes = Document.dispatch_exn doc Holes in
+ let+ holes =
+ Document.Merlin.dispatch_exn (Document.merlin_exn doc) Holes
+ in
(fun (loc, _type) -> loc |> Range.of_loc |> Range.yojson_of_t)
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/custom_requests/req_wrapping_ast_node.ml b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/custom_requests/req_wrapping_ast_node.ml
index 97664ea37..d1378f268 100644
--- a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/custom_requests/req_wrapping_ast_node.ml
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/custom_requests/req_wrapping_ast_node.ml
@@ -34,34 +34,42 @@ let on_request ~params state =
Request_params.of_jsonrpc_params_exn params
let doc = Document_store.get state.State.store text_document_uri in
- let pos = Position.logical cursor_position in
- let+ node =
- Document.with_pipeline_exn doc (fun pipeline ->
- let typer = Mpipeline.typer_result pipeline in
- let pos = Mpipeline.get_lexing_pos pipeline pos in
- let enclosing_nodes (* from smallest node to largest *) =
- Mbrowse.enclosing
- pos
- [ Mbrowse.of_typedtree (Mtyper.get_typedtree typer) ]
- in
- let loc_of_structure_item { Typedtree.str_loc; _ } = str_loc in
- let find_fst_structure_item_or_structure = function
- | _, Browse_raw.Structure_item (str_item, _) ->
- Some (loc_of_structure_item str_item)
- | _, Structure { str_items; _ } -> (
- match str_items with
- | [] -> None
- | hd :: rest ->
- let last = List.last rest |> Option.value ~default:hd in
- let { Loc.loc_start; _ } = loc_of_structure_item hd in
- let { Loc.loc_end; _ } = loc_of_structure_item last in
- Some { Loc.loc_start; loc_end; loc_ghost = false })
- | _ -> None
- in
- List.find_map
- enclosing_nodes
- ~f:find_fst_structure_item_or_structure)
- in
- match node with
- | None -> `Null
- | Some loc -> Range.of_loc loc |> Range.yojson_of_t)
+ match Document.kind doc with
+ | `Other ->
+ Jsonrpc.Response.Error.raise
+ (Jsonrpc.Response.Error.make
+ ~code:InvalidRequest
+ ~message:"not a merlin document"
+ ())
+ | `Merlin doc -> (
+ let pos = Position.logical cursor_position in
+ let+ node =
+ Document.Merlin.with_pipeline_exn doc (fun pipeline ->
+ let typer = Mpipeline.typer_result pipeline in
+ let pos = Mpipeline.get_lexing_pos pipeline pos in
+ let enclosing_nodes (* from smallest node to largest *) =
+ Mbrowse.enclosing
+ pos
+ [ Mbrowse.of_typedtree (Mtyper.get_typedtree typer) ]
+ in
+ let loc_of_structure_item { Typedtree.str_loc; _ } = str_loc in
+ let find_fst_structure_item_or_structure = function
+ | _, Browse_raw.Structure_item (str_item, _) ->
+ Some (loc_of_structure_item str_item)
+ | _, Structure { str_items; _ } -> (
+ match str_items with
+ | [] -> None
+ | hd :: rest ->
+ let last = List.last rest |> Option.value ~default:hd in
+ let { Loc.loc_start; _ } = loc_of_structure_item hd in
+ let { Loc.loc_end; _ } = loc_of_structure_item last in
+ Some { Loc.loc_start; loc_end; loc_ghost = false })
+ | _ -> None
+ in
+ List.find_map
+ enclosing_nodes
+ ~f:find_fst_structure_item_or_structure)
+ in
+ match node with
+ | None -> `Null
+ | Some loc -> Range.of_loc loc |> Range.yojson_of_t))
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/diagnostics.ml b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/diagnostics.ml
index 5d83cc7ef..9095e9ec3 100644
--- a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/diagnostics.ml
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/diagnostics.ml
@@ -215,28 +215,10 @@ let tags_of_message ~src message =
let extract_related_errors uri raw_message =
match Ocamlc_loc.parse_raw raw_message with
| `Message message :: related ->
- let string_of_message message =
- String.trim
- (match (message : Ocamlc_loc.message) with
- | Raw s -> s
- | Structured { message; severity; file_excerpt = _ } ->
- let severity =
- match severity with
- | Error -> "Error"
- | Warning { code; name } ->
- sprintf
- "Warning %s"
- (match (code, name) with
- | None, Some name -> sprintf "[%s]" name
- | Some code, None -> sprintf "%d" code
- | Some code, Some name -> sprintf "%d [%s]" code name
- | None, None -> assert false)
- in
- sprintf "%s: %s" severity message)
- in
+ let string_of_message message = String.trim message in
let related =
let rec loop acc = function
- | `Loc (_, loc) :: `Message m :: xs -> loop ((loc, m) :: acc) xs
+ | `Loc loc :: `Message m :: xs -> loop ((loc, m) :: acc) xs
| [] -> List.rev acc
| _ ->
(* give up when we see something unexpected *)
@@ -250,13 +232,13 @@ let extract_related_errors uri raw_message =
match related with
| [] -> None
| related ->
- let make_related ({ Ocamlc_loc.path = _; line; chars }, message) =
+ let make_related ({ Ocamlc_loc.path = _; lines; chars }, message) =
let location =
let start, end_ =
let line_start, line_end =
- match line with
- | `Single i -> (i, i)
- | `Range (i, j) -> (i, j)
+ match lines with
+ | Single i -> (i, i)
+ | Range (i, j) -> (i, j)
let char_start, char_end =
match chars with
@@ -277,7 +259,8 @@ let extract_related_errors uri raw_message =
(string_of_message message, related)
| _ -> (raw_message, None)
-let merlin_diagnostics diagnostics doc =
+let merlin_diagnostics diagnostics merlin =
+ let doc = Document.Merlin.to_doc merlin in
let uri = Document.uri doc in
let create_diagnostic = Diagnostic.create ~source:ocamllsp_source in
let open Fiber.O in
@@ -285,7 +268,7 @@ let merlin_diagnostics diagnostics doc =
let command =
Query_protocol.Errors { lexing = true; parsing = true; typing = true }
- Document.with_pipeline_exn doc (fun pipeline ->
+ Document.Merlin.with_pipeline_exn merlin (fun pipeline ->
match Query_commands.dispatch pipeline command with
| exception Merlin_extend.Extend_main.Handshake.Error error ->
let message =
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/diagnostics.mli b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/diagnostics.mli
index 8e30f4953..121bee5f5 100644
--- a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/diagnostics.mli
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/diagnostics.mli
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ val disconnect : t -> Dune.t -> unit
val tags_of_message :
src:[< `Dune | `Merlin ] -> string -> DiagnosticTag.t list option
-val merlin_diagnostics : t -> Document.t -> unit Fiber.t
+val merlin_diagnostics : t -> Document.Merlin.t -> unit Fiber.t
(** Exposed for testing *)
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/document.ml b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/document.ml
index 919336eef..afa2e5870 100644
--- a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/document.ml
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/document.ml
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ module Kind = struct
- ~message:(Printf.sprintf "unsupported file extension")
+ ~message:"unsupported file extension"
~data:(`Assoc [ ("extension", `String ext) ])
@@ -86,19 +86,21 @@ module Syntax = struct
| None -> Text_document.documentUri td |> Uri.to_path |> of_fname
+type merlin =
+ { tdoc : Text_document.t
+ ; pipeline : Mpipeline.t Lazy_fiber.t
+ ; merlin : Lev_fiber.Thread.t
+ ; timer : Lev_fiber.Timer.Wheel.task
+ ; merlin_config : Merlin_config.t
+ ; syntax : Syntax.t
+ }
type t =
| Other of
{ tdoc : Text_document.t
; syntax : Syntax.t
- | Merlin of
- { tdoc : Text_document.t
- ; pipeline : Mpipeline.t Lazy_fiber.t
- ; merlin : Lev_fiber.Thread.t
- ; timer : Lev_fiber.Timer.Wheel.task
- ; merlin_config : Merlin_config.t
- ; syntax : Syntax.t
- }
+ | Merlin of merlin
let tdoc = function
| Other d -> d.tdoc
@@ -106,22 +108,10 @@ let tdoc = function
let uri t = Text_document.documentUri (tdoc t)
-let is_merlin = function
- | Other _ -> false
- | Merlin _ -> true
-let kind = function
- | Merlin _ as t -> Kind.of_fname (Uri.to_path (uri t))
- | Other _ -> Code_error.raise "non merlin document has no kind" []
let syntax = function
| Merlin m -> m.syntax
| Other t -> t.syntax
-let timer = function
- | Other _ -> Code_error.raise "Document.dune" []
- | Merlin m -> m.timer
let text t = Text_document.text (tdoc t)
let source t = Msource.make (text t)
@@ -156,46 +146,6 @@ let await task =
raise (Jsonrpc.Response.Error.E e))
-let with_pipeline (t : t) f =
- match t with
- | Other _ -> Code_error.raise "Document.dune" []
- | Merlin t -> (
- let* pipeline = Lazy_fiber.force t.pipeline in
- let* task =
- match
- Lev_fiber.Thread.task t.merlin ~f:(fun () ->
- let start = Unix.time () in
- let res = Mpipeline.with_pipeline pipeline (fun () -> f pipeline) in
- let stop = Unix.time () in
- let event =
- let module Event = Chrome_trace.Event in
- let dur = Event.Timestamp.of_float_seconds (stop -. start) in
- let fields =
- Event.common_fields
- ~ts:(Event.Timestamp.of_float_seconds start)
- ~name:"merlin"
- ()
- in
- Event.complete ~dur fields
- in
- (event, res))
- with
- | Error `Stopped -> Fiber.never
- | Ok task -> Fiber.return task
- in
- let* res = await task in
- match res with
- | Ok (event, result) ->
- let+ () = Metrics.report event in
- Ok result
- | Error e -> Fiber.return (Error e))
-let with_pipeline_exn doc f =
- let+ res = with_pipeline doc f in
- match res with
- | Ok s -> s
- | Error exn -> Exn_with_backtrace.reraise exn
let version t = Text_document.version (tdoc t)
let make_pipeline merlin_config thread tdoc =
@@ -254,50 +204,122 @@ let update_text ?version t changes =
let pipeline = make_pipeline merlin_config merlin tdoc in
Merlin { t with tdoc; pipeline })
-let dispatch t command =
- with_pipeline t (fun pipeline -> Query_commands.dispatch pipeline command)
+module Merlin = struct
+ type t = merlin
+ let to_doc t = Merlin t
+ let source t = Msource.make (text (Merlin t))
+ let timer (t : t) = t.timer
-let dispatch_exn t command =
- with_pipeline_exn t (fun pipeline -> Query_commands.dispatch pipeline command)
+ let kind t = Kind.of_fname (Uri.to_path (uri (Merlin t)))
-let doc_comment pipeline pos =
- let res =
- let command = Query_protocol.Document (None, pos) in
- Query_commands.dispatch pipeline command
+ let with_pipeline (t : t) f =
+ let* pipeline = Lazy_fiber.force t.pipeline in
+ let* task =
+ match
+ Lev_fiber.Thread.task t.merlin ~f:(fun () ->
+ let start = Unix.time () in
+ let res = Mpipeline.with_pipeline pipeline (fun () -> f pipeline) in
+ let stop = Unix.time () in
+ let event =
+ let module Event = Chrome_trace.Event in
+ let dur = Event.Timestamp.of_float_seconds (stop -. start) in
+ let fields =
+ Event.common_fields
+ ~ts:(Event.Timestamp.of_float_seconds start)
+ ~name:"merlin"
+ ()
+ in
+ Event.complete ~dur fields
+ in
+ (event, res))
+ with
+ | Error `Stopped -> Fiber.never
+ | Ok task -> Fiber.return task
+ in
+ let* res = await task in
+ match res with
+ | Ok (event, result) ->
+ let+ () = Metrics.report event in
+ Ok result
+ | Error e -> Fiber.return (Error e)
+ let with_pipeline_exn doc f =
+ let+ res = with_pipeline doc f in
+ match res with
+ | Ok s -> s
+ | Error exn -> Exn_with_backtrace.reraise exn
+ let dispatch t command =
+ with_pipeline t (fun pipeline -> Query_commands.dispatch pipeline command)
+ let dispatch_exn t command =
+ with_pipeline_exn t (fun pipeline ->
+ Query_commands.dispatch pipeline command)
+ let doc_comment pipeline pos =
+ let res =
+ let command = Query_protocol.Document (None, pos) in
+ Query_commands.dispatch pipeline command
+ in
+ match res with
+ | `Found s | `Builtin s -> Some s
+ | _ -> None
+ type type_enclosing =
+ { loc : Loc.t
+ ; typ : string
+ ; doc : string option
+ }
+ let type_enclosing doc pos verbosity =
+ with_pipeline_exn doc (fun pipeline ->
+ let command = Query_protocol.Type_enclosing (None, pos, None) in
+ let pipeline =
+ match verbosity with
+ | 0 -> pipeline
+ | verbosity ->
+ let source = source doc in
+ let config = Mpipeline.final_config pipeline in
+ let config =
+ { config with query = { config.query with verbosity } }
+ in
+ Mpipeline.make config source
+ in
+ let res = Query_commands.dispatch pipeline command in
+ match res with
+ | [] | (_, `Index _, _) :: _ -> None
+ | (loc, `String typ, _) :: _ ->
+ let doc = doc_comment pipeline pos in
+ Some { loc; typ; doc })
+ let doc_comment doc pos =
+ with_pipeline_exn doc (fun pipeline -> doc_comment pipeline pos)
+let edit t text_edit =
+ let version = version t in
+ let textDocument =
+ OptionalVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier.create ~uri:(uri t) ~version ()
- match res with
- | `Found s | `Builtin s -> Some s
- | _ -> None
-type type_enclosing =
- { loc : Loc.t
- ; typ : string
- ; doc : string option
- }
+ let edit =
+ TextDocumentEdit.create ~textDocument ~edits:[ `TextEdit text_edit ]
+ in
+ WorkspaceEdit.create ~documentChanges:[ `TextDocumentEdit edit ] ()
-let type_enclosing doc pos verbosity =
- with_pipeline_exn doc (fun pipeline ->
- let command = Query_protocol.Type_enclosing (None, pos, None) in
- let pipeline =
- match verbosity with
- | 0 -> pipeline
- | verbosity ->
- let source = source doc in
- let config = Mpipeline.final_config pipeline in
- let config =
- { config with query = { config.query with verbosity } }
- in
- Mpipeline.make config source
- in
- let res = Query_commands.dispatch pipeline command in
- match res with
- | [] | (_, `Index _, _) :: _ -> None
- | (loc, `String typ, _) :: _ ->
- let doc = doc_comment pipeline pos in
- Some { loc; typ; doc })
+let kind = function
+ | Merlin merlin -> `Merlin merlin
+ | Other _ -> `Other
-let doc_comment doc pos =
- with_pipeline_exn doc (fun pipeline -> doc_comment pipeline pos)
+let merlin_exn t =
+ match kind t with
+ | `Merlin m -> m
+ | `Other ->
+ Code_error.raise
+ "Document.merlin_exn"
+ [ ("t", Dyn.string @@ DocumentUri.to_string @@ uri t) ]
let close t =
match t with
@@ -342,13 +364,3 @@ let get_impl_intf_counterparts uri =
| to_switch_to -> to_switch_to
List.map ~f:Uri.of_path files_to_switch_to
-let edit t text_edit =
- let version = version t in
- let textDocument =
- OptionalVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier.create ~uri:(uri t) ~version ()
- in
- let edit =
- TextDocumentEdit.create ~textDocument ~edits:[ `TextEdit text_edit ]
- in
- WorkspaceEdit.create ~documentChanges:[ `TextDocumentEdit edit ] ()
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/document.mli b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/document.mli
index 806a4e57c..3ae62bbd2 100644
--- a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/document.mli
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/document.mli
@@ -22,10 +22,6 @@ module Kind : sig
| Impl
-val is_merlin : t -> bool
-val kind : t -> Kind.t
val syntax : t -> Syntax.t
val make :
@@ -35,26 +31,57 @@ val make :
-> DidOpenTextDocumentParams.t
-> t Fiber.t
-val timer : t -> Lev_fiber.Timer.Wheel.task
val uri : t -> Uri.t
val text : t -> string
val source : t -> Msource.t
-val with_pipeline_exn : t -> (Mpipeline.t -> 'a) -> 'a Fiber.t
+module Merlin : sig
+ type doc := t
+ type t
+ val source : t -> Msource.t
+ val timer : t -> Lev_fiber.Timer.Wheel.task
+ val with_pipeline_exn : t -> (Mpipeline.t -> 'a) -> 'a Fiber.t
+ val dispatch :
+ t -> 'a Query_protocol.t -> ('a, Exn_with_backtrace.t) result Fiber.t
+ val dispatch_exn : t -> 'a Query_protocol.t -> 'a Fiber.t
+ val doc_comment :
+ t -> Msource.position -> (* doc string *) string option Fiber.t
+ type type_enclosing =
+ { loc : Loc.t
+ ; typ : string
+ ; doc : string option
+ }
+ val type_enclosing :
+ t
+ -> Msource.position
+ -> (* verbosity *) int
+ -> type_enclosing option Fiber.t
+ val kind : t -> Kind.t
+ val to_doc : t -> doc
+val kind : t -> [ `Merlin of Merlin.t | `Other ]
+val merlin_exn : t -> Merlin.t
val version : t -> int
val update_text :
?version:int -> t -> TextDocumentContentChangeEvent.t list -> t
-val dispatch :
- t -> 'a Query_protocol.t -> ('a, Exn_with_backtrace.t) result Fiber.t
-val dispatch_exn : t -> 'a Query_protocol.t -> 'a Fiber.t
val close : t -> unit Fiber.t
(** [get_impl_intf_counterparts uri] returns the implementation/interface
@@ -64,15 +91,3 @@ val close : t -> unit Fiber.t
val get_impl_intf_counterparts : Uri.t -> Uri.t list
val edit : t -> TextEdit.t -> WorkspaceEdit.t
-val doc_comment :
- t -> Msource.position -> (* doc string *) string option Fiber.t
-type type_enclosing =
- { loc : Loc.t
- ; typ : string
- ; doc : string option
- }
-val type_enclosing :
- t -> Msource.position -> (* verbosity *) int -> type_enclosing option Fiber.t
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/document_symbol.ml b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/document_symbol.ml
index 2fdfdebed..07ca6cd01 100644
--- a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/document_symbol.ml
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/document_symbol.ml
@@ -13,28 +13,26 @@ let outline_kind kind : SymbolKind.t =
| `Class -> Class
| `Method -> Method
-let range item = Range.of_loc item.Query_protocol.location
-let rec symbol item =
- let children = List.map item.Query_protocol.children ~f:symbol in
- let range : Range.t = range item in
+let rec symbol (item : Query_protocol.item) =
+ let children = List.map item.children ~f:symbol in
+ let range = Range.of_loc item.location in
let kind = outline_kind item.outline_kind in
- ~name:item.Query_protocol.outline_name
+ ~name:item.outline_name
- ?detail:item.Query_protocol.outline_type
+ ?detail:item.outline_type
-let rec symbol_info ?containerName uri item =
- let location = { Location.uri; range = range item } in
+let rec symbol_info ?containerName uri (item : Query_protocol.item) =
let info =
let kind = outline_kind item.outline_kind in
+ let location = { Location.uri; range = Range.of_loc item.location } in
- ~name:item.Query_protocol.outline_name
+ ~name:item.outline_name
@@ -50,23 +48,18 @@ let symbols_of_outline uri outline =
List.concat_map ~f:(symbol_info uri) outline
let run (client_capabilities : ClientCapabilities.t) doc uri =
- let command = Query_protocol.Outline in
- let+ outline = Document.dispatch_exn doc command in
- let symbols =
- let hierarchicalDocumentSymbolSupport =
- let open Option.O in
- Option.value
- (let* textDocument = client_capabilities.textDocument in
- let* ds = textDocument.documentSymbol in
- ds.hierarchicalDocumentSymbolSupport)
- ~default:false
- in
- match hierarchicalDocumentSymbolSupport with
- | true ->
- let symbols = List.map outline ~f:symbol in
- `DocumentSymbol symbols
- | false ->
- let symbols = symbols_of_outline uri outline in
- `SymbolInformation symbols
- in
- symbols
+ match Document.kind doc with
+ | `Other -> Fiber.return None
+ | `Merlin doc ->
+ let+ outline = Document.Merlin.dispatch_exn doc Outline in
+ Some
+ (match
+ Option.value
+ ~default:false
+ (let open Option.O in
+ let* textDocument = client_capabilities.textDocument in
+ let* ds = textDocument.documentSymbol in
+ ds.hierarchicalDocumentSymbolSupport)
+ with
+ | true -> `DocumentSymbol (List.map outline ~f:symbol)
+ | false -> `SymbolInformation (symbols_of_outline uri outline))
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/document_symbol.mli b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/document_symbol.mli
index 1decffee2..f074d3784 100644
--- a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/document_symbol.mli
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/document_symbol.mli
@@ -10,4 +10,5 @@ val run :
-> [> `DocumentSymbol of DocumentSymbol.t list
| `SymbolInformation of SymbolInformation.t list
+ option
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/dune b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/dune
index c9ed549c5..415cd4720 100644
--- a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/dune
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/dune
@@ -34,6 +34,6 @@
- ocamlc_loc))
+ ocamlc-loc))
(include_subdirs unqualified)
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/dune.ml b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/dune.ml
index 406d54c00..880518f18 100644
--- a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/dune.ml
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/dune.ml
@@ -257,12 +257,12 @@ end = struct
| Failed | Interrupted | Success ->
let* () =
Document_store.change_all document_store ~f:(fun doc ->
- match Document.is_merlin doc with
- | false -> Fiber.return doc
- | true ->
+ match Document.kind doc with
+ | `Other -> Fiber.return doc
+ | `Merlin merlin ->
let doc = Document.update_text doc [] in
let+ () =
- Diagnostics.merlin_diagnostics diagnostics doc
+ Diagnostics.merlin_diagnostics diagnostics merlin
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/folding_range.ml b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/folding_range.ml
index 5609492b4..799ae8eed 100644
--- a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/folding_range.ml
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/folding_range.ml
@@ -303,9 +303,12 @@ let fold_over_parsetree (parsetree : Mreader.parsetree) =
let compute (state : State.t) (params : FoldingRangeParams.t) =
Fiber.of_thunk (fun () ->
let doc = Document_store.get state.store params.textDocument.uri in
- let+ ranges =
- Document.with_pipeline_exn doc (fun pipeline ->
- let parsetree = Mpipeline.reader_parsetree pipeline in
- fold_over_parsetree parsetree)
- in
- Some ranges)
+ match Document.kind doc with
+ | `Other -> Fiber.return None
+ | `Merlin m ->
+ let+ ranges =
+ Document.Merlin.with_pipeline_exn m (fun pipeline ->
+ let parsetree = Mpipeline.reader_parsetree pipeline in
+ fold_over_parsetree parsetree)
+ in
+ Some ranges)
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/hover_req.ml b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/hover_req.ml
index 8adb1face..f93954207 100644
--- a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/hover_req.ml
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/hover_req.ml
@@ -39,71 +39,77 @@ let handle server { HoverParams.textDocument = { uri }; position; _ } mode =
let store = state.store in
Document_store.get store uri
- let verbosity =
- let mode =
- match (mode, Sys.getenv_opt "OCAMLLSP_HOVER_IS_EXTENDED") with
- | Default, Some "true" -> Extended_variable
- | x, _ -> x
- in
- match mode with
- | Default -> 0
- | Extended_fixed v ->
- state.hover_extended.history <- None;
- v
- | Extended_variable ->
- let v =
- match state.hover_extended.history with
- | None -> 0
- | Some (h_uri, h_position, h_verbosity) ->
- if
- Uri.equal uri h_uri
- && Ordering.is_eq (Position.compare position h_position)
- then succ h_verbosity
- else 0
- in
- state.hover_extended.history <- Some (uri, position, v);
- v
- in
- let pos = Position.logical position in
- let* type_enclosing = Document.type_enclosing doc pos verbosity in
- match type_enclosing with
- | None -> Fiber.return None
- | Some { Document.loc; typ; doc = documentation } ->
- let syntax = Document.syntax doc in
- let+ typ =
- (* We ask Ocamlformat to format this type *)
- let* result =
- Ocamlformat_rpc.format_type state.ocamlformat_rpc ~typ
+ match Document.kind doc with
+ | `Other -> Fiber.return None
+ | `Merlin merlin -> (
+ let verbosity =
+ let mode =
+ match (mode, Sys.getenv_opt "OCAMLLSP_HOVER_IS_EXTENDED") with
+ | Default, Some "true" -> Extended_variable
+ | x, _ -> x
- match result with
- | Ok v ->
- (* OCamlformat adds an unnecessay newline at the end of the type *)
- Fiber.return (String.trim v)
- | Error `No_process -> Fiber.return typ
- | Error (`Msg message) ->
- (* We log OCamlformat errors and display the unformated type *)
- let+ () =
- let message =
- sprintf
- "An error occured while querying ocamlformat:\n\
- Input type: %s\n\n\
- Answer: %s"
- typ
- message
- in
- State.log_msg server ~type_:Warning ~message
+ match mode with
+ | Default -> 0
+ | Extended_fixed v ->
+ state.hover_extended.history <- None;
+ v
+ | Extended_variable ->
+ let v =
+ match state.hover_extended.history with
+ | None -> 0
+ | Some (h_uri, h_position, h_verbosity) ->
+ if
+ Uri.equal uri h_uri
+ && Ordering.is_eq (Position.compare position h_position)
+ then succ h_verbosity
+ else 0
- typ
+ state.hover_extended.history <- Some (uri, position, v);
+ v
- let contents =
- let markdown =
- let client_capabilities = State.client_capabilities state in
- ClientCapabilities.markdown_support
- client_capabilities
- ~field:(fun td ->
- Option.map td.hover ~f:(fun h -> h.contentFormat))
- in
- format_contents ~syntax ~markdown ~typ ~doc:documentation
+ let pos = Position.logical position in
+ let* type_enclosing =
+ Document.Merlin.type_enclosing merlin pos verbosity
- let range = Range.of_loc loc in
- Some (Hover.create ~contents ~range ()))
+ match type_enclosing with
+ | None -> Fiber.return None
+ | Some { Document.Merlin.loc; typ; doc = documentation } ->
+ let syntax = Document.syntax doc in
+ let+ typ =
+ (* We ask Ocamlformat to format this type *)
+ let* result =
+ Ocamlformat_rpc.format_type state.ocamlformat_rpc ~typ
+ in
+ match result with
+ | Ok v ->
+ (* OCamlformat adds an unnecessay newline at the end of the
+ type *)
+ Fiber.return (String.trim v)
+ | Error `No_process -> Fiber.return typ
+ | Error (`Msg message) ->
+ (* We log OCamlformat errors and display the unformated type *)
+ let+ () =
+ let message =
+ sprintf
+ "An error occured while querying ocamlformat:\n\
+ Input type: %s\n\n\
+ Answer: %s"
+ typ
+ message
+ in
+ State.log_msg server ~type_:Warning ~message
+ in
+ typ
+ in
+ let contents =
+ let markdown =
+ let client_capabilities = State.client_capabilities state in
+ ClientCapabilities.markdown_support
+ client_capabilities
+ ~field:(fun td ->
+ Option.map td.hover ~f:(fun h -> h.contentFormat))
+ in
+ format_contents ~syntax ~markdown ~typ ~doc:documentation
+ in
+ let range = Range.of_loc loc in
+ Some (Hover.create ~contents ~range ())))
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/import.ml b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/import.ml
index dc3df96e2..80eb584ba 100644
--- a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/import.ml
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/import.ml
@@ -110,15 +110,42 @@ module Ast_iterator = Ocaml_parsing.Ast_iterator
module Asttypes = Ocaml_parsing.Asttypes
module Cmt_format = Ocaml_typing.Cmt_format
module Ident = Ocaml_typing.Ident
+module Env = Ocaml_typing.Env
module Loc = struct
- include Ocaml_parsing.Location
- include Ocaml_parsing.Location_aux
+ module T = struct
+ include Ocaml_parsing.Location
+ include Ocaml_parsing.Location_aux
+ end
+ include T
+ module Map = Map.Make (struct
+ include T
+ let compare x x' = Ordering.of_int (compare x x')
+ let position_to_dyn (pos : Lexing.position) =
+ Dyn.Record
+ [ ("pos_fname", Dyn.String pos.pos_fname)
+ ; ("pos_lnum", Dyn.Int pos.pos_lnum)
+ ; ("pos_bol", Dyn.Int pos.pos_bol)
+ ; ("pos_cnum", Dyn.Int pos.pos_cnum)
+ ]
+ let to_dyn loc =
+ Dyn.Record
+ [ ("loc_start", position_to_dyn loc.loc_start)
+ ; ("loc_end", position_to_dyn loc.loc_end)
+ ; ("loc_ghost", Dyn.Bool loc.loc_ghost)
+ ]
+ end)
module Longident = Ocaml_parsing.Longident
module Parsetree = Ocaml_parsing.Parsetree
module Path = Ocaml_typing.Path
+module Pprintast = Ocaml_parsing.Pprintast
module Typedtree = Ocaml_typing.Typedtree
module Types = Ocaml_typing.Types
module Warnings = Ocaml_utils.Warnings
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/inference.ml b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/inference.ml
index 2c9e57253..8edc4ddf0 100644
--- a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/inference.ml
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/inference.ml
@@ -3,12 +3,16 @@ open Fiber.O
let infer_intf_for_impl doc =
match Document.kind doc with
- | Intf ->
+ | `Other ->
+ Code_error.raise
+ "expected an implementation document, got a non merlin document"
+ []
+ | `Merlin m when Document.Merlin.kind m = Intf ->
"expected an implementation document, got an interface instead"
- | Impl ->
- Document.with_pipeline_exn doc (fun pipeline ->
+ | `Merlin doc ->
+ Document.Merlin.with_pipeline_exn doc (fun pipeline ->
let typer = Mpipeline.typer_result pipeline in
let sig_ : Types.signature =
let typedtree = Mtyper.get_typedtree typer in
@@ -59,8 +63,11 @@ let open_document_from_file (state : State.t) uri =
let infer_intf (state : State.t) doc =
match Document.kind doc with
- | Impl -> Code_error.raise "the provided document is not an interface." []
- | Intf ->
+ | `Other ->
+ Code_error.raise "the provided document is not a merlin source." []
+ | `Merlin m when Document.Merlin.kind m = Impl ->
+ Code_error.raise "the provided document is not an interface." []
+ | `Merlin _ ->
Fiber.of_thunk (fun () ->
let intf_uri = Document.uri doc in
let impl_uri =
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/merlin_config.ml b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/merlin_config.ml
index 28d332994..7a7bf4c37 100644
--- a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/merlin_config.ml
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/merlin_config.ml
@@ -110,7 +110,10 @@ module Config = struct
| `STDLIB path -> ({ config with stdlib = Some path }, errors)
| `READER reader -> ({ config with reader }, errors)
| `EXCLUDE_QUERY_DIR -> ({ config with exclude_query_dir = true }, errors)
- | `UNKNOWN_TAG s -> (config, sprintf "Unknown tag %S" s :: errors)
+ | `UNKNOWN_TAG _ ->
+ (* For easier forward compatibility we ignore unknown configuration tags
+ when they are provided by dune *)
+ (config, errors)
| `ERROR_MSG str -> (config, str :: errors))
let postprocess =
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/ocaml_lsp_server.ml b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/ocaml_lsp_server.ml
index f957dc723..f6bc0ea51 100644
--- a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/ocaml_lsp_server.ml
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/ocaml_lsp_server.ml
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ let initialize_info (client_capabilities : ClientCapabilities.t) :
; Action_refactor_open.unqualify
; Action_refactor_open.qualify
; Action_add_rec.t
+ ; Action_inline.t
|> List.sort_uniq ~compare:Poly.compare
@@ -150,38 +151,43 @@ let ocamlmerlin_reason = "ocamlmerlin-reason"
let set_diagnostics detached diagnostics doc =
let uri = Document.uri doc in
- let async send =
- let+ () =
- task_if_running detached ~f:(fun () ->
- let timer = Document.timer doc in
- let* () = Lev_fiber.Timer.Wheel.cancel timer in
- let* () = Lev_fiber.Timer.Wheel.reset timer in
- let* res = Lev_fiber.Timer.Wheel.await timer in
- match res with
- | `Cancelled -> Fiber.return ()
- | `Ok -> send ())
- in
- ()
- in
- match Document.syntax doc with
- | Dune | Cram | Menhir | Ocamllex -> Fiber.return ()
- | Reason when Option.is_none (Bin.which ocamlmerlin_reason) ->
- let no_reason_merlin =
- let message =
- sprintf "Could not detect %s. Please install reason" ocamlmerlin_reason
+ match Document.kind doc with
+ | `Other -> Fiber.return ()
+ | `Merlin merlin -> (
+ let async send =
+ let+ () =
+ task_if_running detached ~f:(fun () ->
+ let timer = Document.Merlin.timer merlin in
+ let* () = Lev_fiber.Timer.Wheel.cancel timer in
+ let* () = Lev_fiber.Timer.Wheel.reset timer in
+ let* res = Lev_fiber.Timer.Wheel.await timer in
+ match res with
+ | `Cancelled -> Fiber.return ()
+ | `Ok -> send ())
- Diagnostic.create
- ~source:Diagnostics.ocamllsp_source
- ~range:Range.first_line
- ~message
- ()
+ ()
- Diagnostics.set diagnostics (`Merlin (uri, [ no_reason_merlin ]));
- async (fun () -> Diagnostics.send diagnostics (`One uri))
- | Reason | Ocaml ->
- async (fun () ->
- let* () = Diagnostics.merlin_diagnostics diagnostics doc in
- Diagnostics.send diagnostics (`One uri))
+ match Document.syntax doc with
+ | Dune | Cram | Menhir | Ocamllex -> Fiber.return ()
+ | Reason when Option.is_none (Bin.which ocamlmerlin_reason) ->
+ let no_reason_merlin =
+ let message =
+ sprintf
+ "Could not detect %s. Please install reason"
+ ocamlmerlin_reason
+ in
+ Diagnostic.create
+ ~source:Diagnostics.ocamllsp_source
+ ~range:Range.first_line
+ ~message
+ ()
+ in
+ Diagnostics.set diagnostics (`Merlin (uri, [ no_reason_merlin ]));
+ async (fun () -> Diagnostics.send diagnostics (`One uri))
+ | Reason | Ocaml ->
+ async (fun () ->
+ let* () = Diagnostics.merlin_diagnostics diagnostics merlin in
+ Diagnostics.send diagnostics (`One uri)))
let on_initialize server (ip : InitializeParams.t) =
let state : State.t = Server.state server in
@@ -269,7 +275,8 @@ module Formatter = struct
let run rpc doc =
let state : State.t = Server.state rpc in
- if Document.is_merlin doc then
+ match Document.kind doc with
+ | `Merlin _ -> (
let* res =
let* res = Ocamlformat_rpc.format_doc state.ocamlformat_rpc doc in
match res with
@@ -289,8 +296,8 @@ module Formatter = struct
task_if_running state.detached ~f:(fun () ->
Server.notification rpc (ShowMessage msg))
- Jsonrpc.Response.Error.raise error
- else
+ Jsonrpc.Response.Error.raise error)
+ | `Other -> (
match Dune.for_doc (State.dune state) doc with
| [] ->
let message =
@@ -314,7 +321,7 @@ module Formatter = struct
State.log_msg rpc ~type_:MessageType.Warning ~message
let+ to_ = Dune.Instance.format_dune_file dune doc in
- Some (Diff.edit ~from:(Document.text doc) ~to_)
+ Some (Diff.edit ~from:(Document.text doc) ~to_))
let location_of_merlin_loc uri : _ -> (_, string) result = function
@@ -369,72 +376,78 @@ let signature_help (state : State.t)
Compl.prefix_of_position (Document.source doc) pos ~short_path:true
(* TODO use merlin resources efficiently and do everything in 1 thread *)
- let* application_signature =
- if Document.is_merlin doc then
- Document.with_pipeline_exn doc (fun pipeline ->
+ match Document.kind doc with
+ | `Other ->
+ let help = SignatureHelp.create ~signatures:[] () in
+ Fiber.return help
+ | `Merlin merlin -> (
+ let* application_signature =
+ Document.Merlin.with_pipeline_exn merlin (fun pipeline ->
let typer = Mpipeline.typer_result pipeline in
let pos = Mpipeline.get_lexing_pos pipeline pos in
let node = Mtyper.node_at typer pos in
Signature_help.application_signature node ~prefix)
- else Fiber.return None
- in
- match application_signature with
- | None ->
- let help = SignatureHelp.create ~signatures:[] () in
- Fiber.return help
- | Some application_signature ->
- let prefix =
- let fun_name =
- Option.value ~default:"_" application_signature.function_name
- in
- sprintf "%s : " fun_name
- let offset = String.length prefix in
- let+ doc =
- Document.doc_comment doc application_signature.function_position
- in
- let info =
- let parameters =
- List.map
- application_signature.parameters
- ~f:(fun (p : Signature_help.parameter_info) ->
- let label =
- `Offset (offset + p.param_start, offset + p.param_end)
- in
- ParameterInformation.create ~label ())
+ match application_signature with
+ | None ->
+ let help = SignatureHelp.create ~signatures:[] () in
+ Fiber.return help
+ | Some application_signature ->
+ let prefix =
+ let fun_name =
+ Option.value ~default:"_" application_signature.function_name
+ in
+ sprintf "%s : " fun_name
- let documentation =
- let open Option.O in
- let+ doc in
- let markdown =
- ClientCapabilities.markdown_support
- (State.client_capabilities state)
- ~field:(fun td ->
- let* sh = td.signatureHelp in
- let+ si = sh.signatureInformation in
- si.documentationFormat)
+ let offset = String.length prefix in
+ let+ doc =
+ Document.Merlin.doc_comment
+ merlin
+ application_signature.function_position
+ in
+ let info =
+ let parameters =
+ List.map
+ application_signature.parameters
+ ~f:(fun (p : Signature_help.parameter_info) ->
+ let label =
+ `Offset (offset + p.param_start, offset + p.param_end)
+ in
+ ParameterInformation.create ~label ())
- format_doc ~markdown ~doc
+ let documentation =
+ let open Option.O in
+ let+ doc in
+ let markdown =
+ ClientCapabilities.markdown_support
+ (State.client_capabilities state)
+ ~field:(fun td ->
+ let* sh = td.signatureHelp in
+ let+ si = sh.signatureInformation in
+ si.documentationFormat)
+ in
+ format_doc ~markdown ~doc
+ in
+ let label = prefix ^ application_signature.signature in
+ SignatureInformation.create ~label ?documentation ~parameters ()
- let label = prefix ^ application_signature.signature in
- SignatureInformation.create ~label ?documentation ~parameters ()
- in
- SignatureHelp.create
- ~signatures:[ info ]
- ~activeSignature:0
- ?activeParameter:application_signature.active_param
- ()
+ SignatureHelp.create
+ ~signatures:[ info ]
+ ~activeSignature:0
+ ?activeParameter:application_signature.active_param
+ ())
let text_document_lens (state : State.t)
{ CodeLensParams.textDocument = { uri }; _ } =
let store = state.store in
let doc = Document_store.get store uri in
match Document.kind doc with
- | Intf -> Fiber.return []
- | Impl ->
+ | `Other -> Fiber.return []
+ | `Merlin m when Document.Merlin.kind m = Intf -> Fiber.return []
+ | `Merlin doc ->
let+ outline =
let command = Query_protocol.Outline in
- Document.dispatch_exn doc command
+ Document.Merlin.dispatch_exn doc command
let rec symbol_info_of_outline_item item =
let children =
@@ -458,130 +471,157 @@ let text_document_lens (state : State.t)
let rename (state : State.t)
{ RenameParams.textDocument = { uri }; position; newName; _ } =
let doc = Document_store.get state.store uri in
- let command =
- Query_protocol.Occurrences (`Ident_at (Position.logical position))
- in
- let+ locs = Document.dispatch_exn doc command in
- let version = Document.version doc in
- let source = Document.source doc in
- let edits =
- List.map locs ~f:(fun (loc : Warnings.loc) ->
- let range = Range.of_loc loc in
- let make_edit () = TextEdit.create ~range ~newText:newName in
- match
- let occur_start_pos =
- Position.of_lexical_position loc.loc_start |> Option.value_exn
- in
- occur_start_pos
- with
- | { character = 0; _ } -> make_edit ()
- | pos -> (
- let mpos = Position.logical pos in
- let (`Offset index) = Msource.get_offset source mpos in
- assert (index > 0)
- (* [index = 0] if we pass [`Logical (1, 0)], but we handle the case
- when [character = 0] in a separate matching branch *);
- let source_txt = Msource.text source in
- match source_txt.[index - 1] with
- | '~' (* the occurrence is a named argument *)
- | '?' (* is an optional argument *) ->
- let empty_range_at_occur_end =
- let occur_end_pos = range.Range.end_ in
- { range with start = occur_end_pos }
+ match Document.kind doc with
+ | `Other -> Fiber.return (WorkspaceEdit.create ())
+ | `Merlin merlin ->
+ let command =
+ Query_protocol.Occurrences (`Ident_at (Position.logical position))
+ in
+ let+ locs = Document.Merlin.dispatch_exn merlin command in
+ let version = Document.version doc in
+ let source = Document.source doc in
+ let edits =
+ List.map locs ~f:(fun (loc : Warnings.loc) ->
+ let range = Range.of_loc loc in
+ let make_edit () = TextEdit.create ~range ~newText:newName in
+ match
+ let occur_start_pos =
+ Position.of_lexical_position loc.loc_start |> Option.value_exn
- TextEdit.create
- ~range:empty_range_at_occur_end
- ~newText:(":" ^ newName)
- | _ -> make_edit ()))
- in
- let workspace_edits =
- let documentChanges =
- let open Option.O in
- Option.value
- ~default:false
- (let client_capabilities = State.client_capabilities state in
- let* workspace = client_capabilities.workspace in
- let* edit = workspace.workspaceEdit in
- edit.documentChanges)
+ occur_start_pos
+ with
+ | { character = 0; _ } -> make_edit ()
+ | pos -> (
+ let mpos = Position.logical pos in
+ let (`Offset index) = Msource.get_offset source mpos in
+ assert (index > 0)
+ (* [index = 0] if we pass [`Logical (1, 0)], but we handle the case
+ when [character = 0] in a separate matching branch *);
+ let source_txt = Msource.text source in
+ match source_txt.[index - 1] with
+ | '~' (* the occurrence is a named argument *)
+ | '?' (* is an optional argument *) ->
+ let empty_range_at_occur_end =
+ let occur_end_pos = range.Range.end_ in
+ { range with start = occur_end_pos }
+ in
+ TextEdit.create
+ ~range:empty_range_at_occur_end
+ ~newText:(":" ^ newName)
+ | _ -> make_edit ()))
- if documentChanges then
- let textDocument =
- OptionalVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier.create ~uri ~version ()
+ let workspace_edits =
+ let documentChanges =
+ let open Option.O in
+ Option.value
+ ~default:false
+ (let client_capabilities = State.client_capabilities state in
+ let* workspace = client_capabilities.workspace in
+ let* edit = workspace.workspaceEdit in
+ edit.documentChanges)
- let edits = List.map edits ~f:(fun e -> `TextEdit e) in
- WorkspaceEdit.create
- ~documentChanges:
- [ `TextDocumentEdit (TextDocumentEdit.create ~textDocument ~edits) ]
- ()
- else WorkspaceEdit.create ~changes:[ (uri, edits) ] ()
- in
- workspace_edits
+ if documentChanges then
+ let textDocument =
+ OptionalVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier.create ~uri ~version ()
+ in
+ let edits = List.map edits ~f:(fun e -> `TextEdit e) in
+ WorkspaceEdit.create
+ ~documentChanges:
+ [ `TextDocumentEdit (TextDocumentEdit.create ~textDocument ~edits) ]
+ ()
+ else WorkspaceEdit.create ~changes:[ (uri, edits) ] ()
+ in
+ workspace_edits
let selection_range (state : State.t)
{ SelectionRangeParams.textDocument = { uri }; positions; _ } =
- let selection_range_of_shapes (cursor_position : Position.t)
- (shapes : Query_protocol.shape list) : SelectionRange.t option =
- let rec ranges_of_shape parent s =
- let selectionRange =
- let range = Range.of_loc s.Query_protocol.shape_loc in
- { SelectionRange.range; parent }
+ let doc = Document_store.get state.store uri in
+ match Document.kind doc with
+ | `Other -> Fiber.return []
+ | `Merlin merlin ->
+ let selection_range_of_shapes (cursor_position : Position.t)
+ (shapes : Query_protocol.shape list) : SelectionRange.t option =
+ let rec ranges_of_shape parent s =
+ let selectionRange =
+ let range = Range.of_loc s.Query_protocol.shape_loc in
+ { SelectionRange.range; parent }
+ in
+ match s.Query_protocol.shape_sub with
+ | [] -> [ selectionRange ]
+ | xs -> List.concat_map xs ~f:(ranges_of_shape (Some selectionRange))
- match s.Query_protocol.shape_sub with
- | [] -> [ selectionRange ]
- | xs -> List.concat_map xs ~f:(ranges_of_shape (Some selectionRange))
+ (* try to find the nearest range inside first, then outside *)
+ let nearest_range =
+ let ranges = List.concat_map ~f:(ranges_of_shape None) shapes in
+ List.min ranges ~f:(fun r1 r2 ->
+ let inc (r : SelectionRange.t) =
+ Position.compare_inclusion cursor_position r.range
+ in
+ match (inc r1, inc r2) with
+ | `Outside x, `Outside y -> Position.compare x y
+ | `Outside _, `Inside -> Gt
+ | `Inside, `Outside _ -> Lt
+ | `Inside, `Inside -> Range.compare_size r1.range r2.range)
+ in
+ nearest_range
- (* try to find the nearest range inside first, then outside *)
- let nearest_range =
- let ranges = List.concat_map ~f:(ranges_of_shape None) shapes in
- List.min ranges ~f:(fun r1 r2 ->
- let inc (r : SelectionRange.t) =
- Position.compare_inclusion cursor_position r.range
+ let+ ranges =
+ Fiber.sequential_map positions ~f:(fun x ->
+ let+ shapes =
+ let command = Query_protocol.Shape (Position.logical x) in
+ Document.Merlin.dispatch_exn merlin command
- match (inc r1, inc r2) with
- | `Outside x, `Outside y -> Position.compare x y
- | `Outside _, `Inside -> Gt
- | `Inside, `Outside _ -> Lt
- | `Inside, `Inside -> Range.compare_size r1.range r2.range)
+ selection_range_of_shapes x shapes)
- nearest_range
- in
- let doc = Document_store.get state.store uri in
- let+ ranges =
- Fiber.sequential_map positions ~f:(fun x ->
- let+ shapes =
- let command = Query_protocol.Shape (Position.logical x) in
- Document.dispatch_exn doc command
- in
- selection_range_of_shapes x shapes)
- in
- List.filter_opt ranges
+ List.filter_opt ranges
let references (state : State.t)
{ ReferenceParams.textDocument = { uri }; position; _ } =
let doc = Document_store.get state.store uri in
- let command =
- Query_protocol.Occurrences (`Ident_at (Position.logical position))
- in
- let+ locs = Document.dispatch_exn doc command in
- Some
- (List.map locs ~f:(fun loc ->
- let range = Range.of_loc loc in
- (* using original uri because merlin is looking only in local file *)
- { Location.uri; range }))
+ match Document.kind doc with
+ | `Other -> Fiber.return None
+ | `Merlin doc ->
+ let command =
+ Query_protocol.Occurrences (`Ident_at (Position.logical position))
+ in
+ let+ locs = Document.Merlin.dispatch_exn doc command in
+ Some
+ (List.map locs ~f:(fun loc ->
+ let range = Range.of_loc loc in
+ (* using original uri because merlin is looking only in local file *)
+ { Location.uri; range }))
-let definition_query server (state : State.t) uri position merlin_request =
+let definition_query kind (state : State.t) uri position =
+ let* () = Fiber.return () in
let doc = Document_store.get state.store uri in
- let position = Position.logical position in
- let command = merlin_request position in
- let* result = Document.dispatch_exn doc command in
- match location_of_merlin_loc uri result with
- | Ok s -> Fiber.return s
- | Error message ->
- let+ () =
- let message = sprintf "Locate failed. %s" message in
- State.log_msg server ~type_:Error ~message
+ match Document.kind doc with
+ | `Other -> Fiber.return None
+ | `Merlin doc -> (
+ let command =
+ let pos = Position.logical position in
+ match kind with
+ | `Definition -> Query_protocol.Locate (None, `ML, pos)
+ | `Declaration -> Query_protocol.Locate (None, `MLI, pos)
+ | `Type_definition -> Query_protocol.Locate_type pos
- None
+ let* result = Document.Merlin.dispatch_exn doc command in
+ match location_of_merlin_loc uri result with
+ | Ok s -> Fiber.return s
+ | Error err_msg ->
+ let kind =
+ match kind with
+ | `Definition -> "definition"
+ | `Declaration -> "declaration"
+ | `Type_definition -> "type definition"
+ in
+ Jsonrpc.Response.Error.raise
+ (Jsonrpc.Response.Error.make
+ ~code:Jsonrpc.Response.Error.Code.RequestFailed
+ ~message:(sprintf "Request \"Jump to %s\" failed." kind)
+ ~data:
+ (`String
+ (sprintf "'Locate' query to merlin returned error: %s" err_msg))
+ ()))
let workspace_symbol server (state : State.t) (params : WorkspaceSymbolParams.t)
@@ -653,29 +693,29 @@ let highlight (state : State.t)
{ DocumentHighlightParams.textDocument = { uri }; position; _ } =
let store = state.store in
let doc = Document_store.get store uri in
- let command =
- Query_protocol.Occurrences (`Ident_at (Position.logical position))
- in
- let+ locs = Document.dispatch_exn doc command in
- let lsp_locs =
- List.map locs ~f:(fun loc ->
- let range = Range.of_loc loc in
- (* using the default kind as we are lacking info to make a difference
- between assignment and usage. *)
- DocumentHighlight.create ~range ~kind:DocumentHighlightKind.Text ())
- in
- Some lsp_locs
+ match Document.kind doc with
+ | `Other -> Fiber.return None
+ | `Merlin m ->
+ let command =
+ Query_protocol.Occurrences (`Ident_at (Position.logical position))
+ in
+ let+ locs = Document.Merlin.dispatch_exn m command in
+ let lsp_locs =
+ List.map locs ~f:(fun loc ->
+ let range = Range.of_loc loc in
+ (* using the default kind as we are lacking info to make a difference
+ between assignment and usage. *)
+ DocumentHighlight.create ~range ~kind:DocumentHighlightKind.Text ())
+ in
+ Some lsp_locs
let document_symbol (state : State.t) uri =
- let+ symbols =
- let doc =
- let store = state.store in
- Document_store.get store uri
- in
- let client_capabilities = State.client_capabilities state in
- Document_symbol.run client_capabilities doc uri
+ let doc =
+ let store = state.store in
+ Document_store.get store uri
- Some symbols
+ let client_capabilities = State.client_capabilities state in
+ Document_symbol.run client_capabilities doc uri
let on_request :
type resp.
@@ -764,12 +804,15 @@ let on_request :
let resolve = Compl.Resolve.of_completion_item ci in
match resolve with
| None -> Fiber.return ci
- | Some resolve ->
+ | Some resolve -> (
let doc =
let uri = Compl.Resolve.uri resolve in
Document_store.get state.store uri
- Compl.resolve doc ci resolve Document.doc_comment ~markdown)
+ match Document.kind doc with
+ | `Other -> Fiber.return ci
+ | `Merlin doc ->
+ Compl.resolve doc ci resolve Document.Merlin.doc_comment ~markdown))
| CodeAction params -> Code_actions.compute server params
| TextDocumentColor _ -> now []
@@ -784,22 +827,12 @@ let on_request :
| TextDocumentHighlight req -> later highlight req
| DocumentSymbol { textDocument = { uri }; _ } -> later document_symbol uri
| TextDocumentDeclaration { textDocument = { uri }; position } ->
- later
- (fun state () ->
- definition_query rpc state uri position (fun pos ->
- Query_protocol.Locate (None, `MLI, pos)))
- ()
+ later (fun state () -> definition_query `Declaration state uri position) ()
| TextDocumentDefinition { textDocument = { uri }; position; _ } ->
- later
- (fun state () ->
- definition_query rpc state uri position (fun pos ->
- Query_protocol.Locate (None, `ML, pos)))
- ()
+ later (fun state () -> definition_query `Definition state uri position) ()
| TextDocumentTypeDefinition { textDocument = { uri }; position; _ } ->
- (fun state () ->
- definition_query rpc state uri position (fun pos ->
- Query_protocol.Locate_type pos))
+ (fun state () -> definition_query `Type_definition state uri position)
| TextDocumentCompletion params ->
later (fun _ () -> Compl.complete state params) ()
@@ -808,16 +841,19 @@ let on_request :
(fun _ () ->
let doc = Document_store.get store uri in
- let command =
- Query_protocol.Occurrences (`Ident_at (Position.logical position))
- in
- let+ locs = Document.dispatch_exn doc command in
- let loc =
- List.find_opt locs ~f:(fun loc ->
- let range = Range.of_loc loc in
- Position.compare_inclusion position range = `Inside)
- in
- Option.map loc ~f:Range.of_loc)
+ match Document.kind doc with
+ | `Other -> Fiber.return None
+ | `Merlin doc ->
+ let command =
+ Query_protocol.Occurrences (`Ident_at (Position.logical position))
+ in
+ let+ locs = Document.Merlin.dispatch_exn doc command in
+ let loc =
+ List.find_opt locs ~f:(fun loc ->
+ let range = Range.of_loc loc in
+ Position.compare_inclusion position range = `Inside)
+ in
+ Option.map loc ~f:Range.of_loc)
| TextDocumentRename req -> later rename req
| TextDocumentFoldingRange req -> later Folding_range.compute req
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/ocamlformat.ml b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/ocamlformat.ml
index 59057d113..1570e9d32 100644
--- a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/ocamlformat.ml
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/ocamlformat.ml
@@ -132,7 +132,12 @@ let formatter doc =
match Document.syntax doc with
| (Dune | Cram | Ocamllex | Menhir) as s -> Error (Unsupported_syntax s)
| Ocaml -> Ok (Ocaml (Document.uri doc))
- | Reason -> Ok (Reason (Document.kind doc))
+ | Reason ->
+ Ok
+ (Reason
+ (match Document.kind doc with
+ | `Merlin m -> Document.Merlin.kind m
+ | `Other -> Code_error.raise "unable to format non merlin document" []))
let exec cancel bin args stdin =
let refmt = Fpath.to_string bin in
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/semantic_highlighting.ml b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/semantic_highlighting.ml
index d096d01e6..a87ab4e2c 100644
--- a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/semantic_highlighting.ml
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/semantic_highlighting.ml
@@ -896,7 +896,9 @@ let gen_new_id =
string_of_int x
let compute_tokens doc =
- let+ parsetree = Document.with_pipeline_exn doc Mpipeline.reader_parsetree in
+ let+ parsetree =
+ Document.Merlin.with_pipeline_exn doc Mpipeline.reader_parsetree
+ in
let module Fold = Parsetree_fold () in
Fold.apply parsetree
@@ -920,13 +922,21 @@ module Debug = struct
^ " expects an argument but didn't receive any")
- | Some (`Assoc _ as json) | Some (`List _ as json) ->
+ | Some (`Assoc _ as json) | Some (`List _ as json) -> (
let params = SemanticTokensParams.t_of_yojson json in
let store = state.store in
let uri = params.textDocument.uri in
let doc = Document_store.get store uri in
- let+ tokens = compute_tokens doc in
- Tokens.yojson_of_t tokens)
+ match Document.kind doc with
+ | `Other ->
+ Jsonrpc.Response.Error.raise
+ @@ Jsonrpc.Response.Error.make
+ ~code:Jsonrpc.Response.Error.Code.InvalidParams
+ ~message:"expected a merlin document"
+ ()
+ | `Merlin merlin ->
+ let+ tokens = compute_tokens merlin in
+ Tokens.yojson_of_t tokens))
let on_request_full :
@@ -936,10 +946,13 @@ let on_request_full :
let store = state.store in
let uri = params.textDocument.uri in
let doc = Document_store.get store uri in
- let+ tokens = compute_encoded_tokens doc in
- let resultId = gen_new_id () in
- Document_store.update_semantic_tokens_cache store uri ~resultId ~tokens;
- Some { SemanticTokens.resultId = Some resultId; data = tokens })
+ match Document.kind doc with
+ | `Other -> Fiber.return None
+ | `Merlin doc ->
+ let+ tokens = compute_encoded_tokens doc in
+ let resultId = gen_new_id () in
+ Document_store.update_semantic_tokens_cache store uri ~resultId ~tokens;
+ Some { SemanticTokens.resultId = Some resultId; data = tokens })
(* TODO: refactor [find_diff] and write (inline?) tests *)
@@ -999,22 +1012,25 @@ let on_request_full_delta :
let store = state.store in
let uri = params.textDocument.uri in
let doc = Document_store.get store uri in
- let+ tokens = compute_encoded_tokens doc in
- let resultId = gen_new_id () in
- let cached_token_info =
- Document_store.get_semantic_tokens_cache
- state.store
- params.textDocument.uri
- in
- Document_store.update_semantic_tokens_cache store uri ~resultId ~tokens;
- match cached_token_info with
- | Some cached_v
- when String.equal cached_v.resultId params.previousResultId ->
- let edits = find_diff ~old:cached_v.tokens ~new_:tokens in
- Some
- (`SemanticTokensDelta
- { SemanticTokensDelta.resultId = Some resultId; edits })
- | Some _ | None ->
- Some
- (`SemanticTokens
- { SemanticTokens.resultId = Some resultId; data = tokens }))
+ match Document.kind doc with
+ | `Other -> Fiber.return None
+ | `Merlin doc -> (
+ let+ tokens = compute_encoded_tokens doc in
+ let resultId = gen_new_id () in
+ let cached_token_info =
+ Document_store.get_semantic_tokens_cache
+ state.store
+ params.textDocument.uri
+ in
+ Document_store.update_semantic_tokens_cache store uri ~resultId ~tokens;
+ match cached_token_info with
+ | Some cached_v
+ when String.equal cached_v.resultId params.previousResultId ->
+ let edits = find_diff ~old:cached_v.tokens ~new_:tokens in
+ Some
+ (`SemanticTokensDelta
+ { SemanticTokensDelta.resultId = Some resultId; edits })
+ | Some _ | None ->
+ Some
+ (`SemanticTokens
+ { SemanticTokens.resultId = Some resultId; data = tokens })))
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/test/e2e-new/action_inline.ml b/ocaml-lsp-server/test/e2e-new/action_inline.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..daff1816c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/test/e2e-new/action_inline.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+open Test.Import
+open Code_actions
+let parse_cursor src =
+ let cursor =
+ String.split_lines src
+ |> List.find_mapi ~f:(fun lnum line ->
+ match String.index line '$' with
+ | Some cnum -> Some (Position.create ~character:cnum ~line:lnum)
+ | None -> None)
+ |> Option.value_exn
+ in
+ ( String.filter_map src ~f:(function
+ | '$' -> None
+ | c -> Some c)
+ , Range.create ~start:cursor ~end_:cursor )
+let offset_of_position src (pos : Position.t) =
+ let line_offset =
+ String.split_lines src |> List.take pos.line
+ |> List.fold_left ~init:0 ~f:(fun s l -> s + String.length l)
+ in
+ line_offset + pos.line (* account for line endings *) + pos.character
+let apply_edit (edit : TextEdit.t) src =
+ let start_offset = offset_of_position src edit.range.start in
+ let end_offset = offset_of_position src edit.range.end_ in
+ let start = String.take src start_offset in
+ let end_ = String.drop src end_offset in
+ start ^ edit.newText ^ end_
+let apply_inline_action src range =
+ let open Option.O in
+ let code_actions = ref None in
+ iter_code_actions src range (fun ca -> code_actions := Some ca);
+ let* m_code_actions = !code_actions in
+ let* code_actions = m_code_actions in
+ let* { documentChanges; _ } =
+ List.find_map code_actions ~f:(function
+ | `CodeAction { kind = Some RefactorInline; edit = Some edit; _ } ->
+ Some edit
+ | _ -> None)
+ in
+ let+ documentChanges in
+ let edits =
+ List.filter_map documentChanges ~f:(function
+ | `TextDocumentEdit e -> Some e
+ | _ -> None)
+ in
+ match edits with
+ | [] -> src
+ | [ { edits = [ `TextEdit e ]; _ } ] -> apply_edit e src
+ | _ -> failwith "expected one edit"
+let inline_test src =
+ let src, range = parse_cursor src in
+ Option.iter (apply_inline_action src range) ~f:print_string
+let%expect_test "" =
+ inline_test {|
+let _ =
+ let $x = 0 in
+ x + 1
+ [%expect {|
+ let _ =
+ let x = 0 in
+ (0) + 1 |}]
+let%expect_test "shadow-1" =
+ inline_test
+ {|
+let _ =
+ let y = 1 in
+ let $x = y in
+ let y = 0 in
+ x + 1
+ [%expect {| |}]
+let%expect_test "shadow-2" =
+ inline_test
+ {|
+let _ =
+ let y = 1 in
+ let $x y = y in
+ let y = 0 in
+ x y + 1
+ [%expect
+ {|
+ let _ =
+ let y = 1 in
+ let x y = y in
+ let y = 0 in
+ (y) + 1 |}]
+let%expect_test "shadow-3" =
+ inline_test
+ {|
+let _ =
+ let y = 1 in
+ let $x z = y + z in
+ let y = 0 in
+ x y + 1
+ [%expect {| |}]
+let%expect_test "shadow-4" =
+ inline_test
+ {|
+module M = struct
+ let y = 1
+let _ =
+ let $x = M.y in
+ let module M = struct
+ let y = 2
+ end in
+ x
+ [%expect {| |}]
+let%expect_test "shadow-5" =
+ inline_test
+ {|
+module M = struct
+ let y = 1
+let _ =
+ let $x = M.y in
+ let module N = struct
+ let y = 2
+ end in
+ x
+ [%expect
+ {|
+ module M = struct
+ let y = 1
+ end
+ let _ =
+ let x = M.y in
+ let module N = struct
+ let y = 2
+ end in
+ (M.y) |}]
+let%expect_test "" =
+ inline_test {|
+let _ =
+ let $x = 0 + 1 in
+ (fun x -> x) x
+ [%expect {|
+ let _ =
+ let x = 0 + 1 in
+ (fun x -> x) (0 + 1) |}]
+let%expect_test "" =
+ inline_test {|
+let _ =
+ let $x = 0 + 1 in
+ (fun ~x -> x) ~x
+ [%expect
+ {|
+ let _ =
+ let x = 0 + 1 in
+ (fun ~x -> x) ~x:(0 + 1) |}]
+let%expect_test "" =
+ inline_test {|
+let _ =
+ let $x = 0 + 1 in
+ (fun ?(x = 2) -> x) ~x
+ [%expect
+ {|
+ let _ =
+ let x = 0 + 1 in
+ (fun ?(x = 2) -> x) ~x:(0 + 1) |}]
+let%expect_test "" =
+ inline_test {|
+let _ =
+ let $x = Some 0 in
+ (fun ?(x = 2) -> x) ?x
+ [%expect {| |}]
+let%expect_test "" =
+ inline_test {|
+let _ =
+ let $x = 0 in
+ (fun ~x -> x) ~x:(x + 1)
+ [%expect
+ {|
+ let _ =
+ let x = 0 in
+ (fun ~x -> x) ~x:((0) + 1) |}]
+let%expect_test "" =
+ inline_test {|
+let _ =
+ let $x = 0 in
+ (fun ?(x = 1) -> x) ~x:(x + 1)
+ [%expect
+ {|
+ let _ =
+ let x = 0 in
+ (fun ?(x = 1) -> x) ~x:((0) + 1) |}]
+let%expect_test "" =
+ inline_test {|
+let _ =
+ let $f x = x in
+ f 1
+ [%expect {|
+ let _ =
+ let f x = x in
+ (1) |}]
+let%expect_test "" =
+ inline_test {|
+let _ =
+ let $f _ = 0 in
+ f 1
+ [%expect {|
+ let _ =
+ let f _ = 0 in
+ (0) |}]
+let%expect_test "" =
+ inline_test {|
+let _ =
+ let $f x = x + x in
+ f 1
+ [%expect {|
+ let _ =
+ let f x = x + x in
+ (1 + 1) |}]
+let%expect_test "" =
+ inline_test {|
+let _ =
+ let $f x = x + x in
+ f (g 1)
+ [%expect
+ {|
+ let _ =
+ let f x = x + x in
+ (let x = g 1 in x + x) |}]
+let%expect_test "" =
+ inline_test {|
+let _ =
+ let $f x y = x + y in
+ f 0
+ [%expect {|
+ let _ =
+ let f x y = x + y in
+ (fun y -> 0 + y) |}]
+let%expect_test "" =
+ inline_test {|
+let _ =
+ let $f x ~y = x + y in
+ f ~y:0
+ [%expect
+ {|
+ let _ =
+ let f x ~y = x + y in
+ ((fun x ~y -> x + y) ~y:0) |}]
+let%expect_test "" =
+ inline_test {|
+let _ =
+ let $f ~x y = x + y in
+ f ~x:0
+ [%expect {|
+ let _ =
+ let f ~x y = x + y in
+ (fun y -> 0 + y) |}]
+let%expect_test "" =
+ inline_test {|
+let _ =
+ let $f ~x ~y = x + y in
+ f ~y:0
+ [%expect
+ {|
+ let _ =
+ let f ~x ~y = x + y in
+ (fun ~x -> x + 0) |}]
+let%expect_test "" =
+ inline_test {|
+let _ =
+ let $f (x : int) = x + 1 in
+ f 0
+ [%expect {|
+ let _ =
+ let f (x : int) = x + 1 in
+ (0 + 1) |}]
+(* TODO: allow beta reduction with locally abstract types *)
+let%expect_test "" =
+ inline_test {|
+let _ =
+ let $f (type a) (x : a) = x in
+ f 0
+ [%expect
+ {|
+ let _ =
+ let f (type a) (x : a) = x in
+ ((fun (type a) -> fun (x : a) -> x) 0) |}]
+let%expect_test "" =
+ inline_test {|
+let _ =
+ let $f : int -> int = fun x -> x in
+ f 0
+ [%expect {|
+ let _ =
+ let f : int -> int = fun x -> x in
+ (0) |}]
+let%expect_test "" =
+ inline_test
+ {|
+let _ =
+ let $f = function Some x -> x | None -> 0 in
+ f (Some 1)
+ [%expect
+ {|
+ let _ =
+ let f = function Some x -> x | None -> 0 in
+ ((function | Some x -> x | None -> 0) (Some 1)) |}]
+(* TODO: allow beta reduction with `as` *)
+let%expect_test "" =
+ inline_test {|
+let _ =
+ let $f (x as y) = y + 1 in
+ f 1
+ [%expect
+ {|
+ let _ =
+ let f (x as y) = y + 1 in
+ (let x as y = 1 in y + 1) |}]
+let%expect_test "" =
+ inline_test {|
+let _ =
+ let $f 1 = 2 in
+ f 2
+ [%expect {|
+ let _ =
+ let f 1 = 2 in
+ (let 1 = 2 in 2) |}]
+let%expect_test "" =
+ inline_test {|
+let _ =
+ let $f (x, y) = x + y in
+ f (1, 2)
+ [%expect {|
+ let _ =
+ let f (x, y) = x + y in
+ (1 + 2) |}]
+let%expect_test "" =
+ inline_test {|
+let _ =
+ let $f (x, y) = x + y + y in
+ f (1, 2 + 3)
+ [%expect
+ {|
+ let _ =
+ let f (x, y) = x + y + y in
+ (let y = 2 + 3 in (1 + y) + y) |}]
+let%expect_test "" =
+ inline_test
+ {|
+let _ =
+ let $f (x, y) = x + y + y in
+ let z = (1, 2) in
+ f z
+ [%expect
+ {|
+ let _ =
+ let f (x, y) = x + y + y in
+ let z = (1, 2) in
+ (let (x, y) = z in (x + y) + y) |}]
+(* TODO *)
+let%expect_test "" =
+ inline_test
+ {|
+type t = { x : int; y : int }
+let _ =
+ let $f { x; y } = x + y in
+ f { x = 1; y = 1 }
+ [%expect
+ {|
+ type t = { x : int; y : int }
+ let _ =
+ let f { x; y } = x + y in
+ (let { x; y } = { x = 1; y = 1 } in x + y) |}]
+(* TODO: beta reduce record literals as with tuples *)
+let%expect_test "" =
+ inline_test
+ {|
+type t = { x : int; y : int }
+let _ =
+ let $f { x; _ } = x + 1 in
+ f { x = 1; y = 1 }
+ [%expect
+ {|
+ type t = { x : int; y : int }
+ let _ =
+ let f { x; _ } = x + 1 in
+ (let { x;_} = { x = 1; y = 1 } in x + 1) |}]
+let%expect_test "" =
+ inline_test {|
+let _ =
+ let $f x = [%test] x in
+ f 1
+ [%expect {|
+ let _ =
+ let f x = [%test] x in
+ (([%test ]) 1) |}]
+let%expect_test "" =
+ inline_test {|
+let _ =
+ let $f x = x in
+ [%test] (f 1)
+ [%expect {|
+ let _ =
+ let f x = x in
+ [%test] (1) |}]
+let%expect_test "" =
+ inline_test {|
+let _ =
+ let $f x = (* test comment *) x in
+ f 1
+ [%expect {|
+ let _ =
+ let f x = (* test comment *) x in
+ (1) |}]
+let%expect_test "" =
+ inline_test {|
+let _ =
+ let $f x = x in
+ (* test comment *) f 1
+ [%expect {|
+ let _ =
+ let f x = x in
+ (* test comment *) (1) |}]
+let%expect_test "" =
+ inline_test {|
+let $f x = x
+let g y = f y
+ [%expect {|
+ let f x = x
+ let g y = (y) |}]
+(* TODO *)
+let%expect_test "" =
+ inline_test
+ {|
+module M = struct
+ let $f x = x
+ let g y = f y
+let h = M.f
+ [%expect
+ {|
+ module M = struct
+ let f x = x
+ let g y = (y)
+ end
+ let h = M.f |}]
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/test/e2e-new/code_actions.ml b/ocaml-lsp-server/test/e2e-new/code_actions.ml
index 68b65c44c..292973ddd 100644
--- a/ocaml-lsp-server/test/e2e-new/code_actions.ml
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/test/e2e-new/code_actions.ml
@@ -1,54 +1,47 @@
open Test.Import
-let%expect_test "code actions" =
- let source = {ocaml|
-let foo = 123
-|ocaml} in
+let iter_code_actions ?(path = "foo.ml") source range k =
let handler =
Client.Handler.make ~on_notification:(fun _ _ -> Fiber.return ()) ()
- ( Test.run ~handler @@ fun client ->
- let run_client () =
- let capabilities =
- let window =
- let showDocument =
- ShowDocumentClientCapabilities.create ~support:true
- in
- WindowClientCapabilities.create ~showDocument ()
+ Test.run ~handler @@ fun client ->
+ let run_client () =
+ let capabilities =
+ let window =
+ let showDocument =
+ ShowDocumentClientCapabilities.create ~support:true
- ClientCapabilities.create ~window ()
+ WindowClientCapabilities.create ~showDocument ()
- Client.start client (InitializeParams.create ~capabilities ())
+ ClientCapabilities.create ~window ()
- let run =
- let* (_ : InitializeResult.t) = Client.initialized client in
- let uri = DocumentUri.of_path "foo.ml" in
- let* () =
- let textDocument =
- TextDocumentItem.create
- ~uri
- ~languageId:"ocaml"
- ~version:0
- ~text:source
- in
- Client.notification
- client
- (TextDocumentDidOpen (DidOpenTextDocumentParams.create ~textDocument))
+ Client.start client (InitializeParams.create ~capabilities ())
+ in
+ let run =
+ let* (_ : InitializeResult.t) = Client.initialized client in
+ let uri = DocumentUri.of_path path in
+ let* () =
+ let textDocument =
+ TextDocumentItem.create ~uri ~languageId:"ocaml" ~version:0 ~text:source
- let+ resp =
- let range =
- let start = Position.create ~line:1 ~character:5 in
- let end_ = Position.create ~line:1 ~character:7 in
- Range.create ~start ~end_
- in
- let context = CodeActionContext.create ~diagnostics:[] () in
- let request =
- let textDocument = TextDocumentIdentifier.create ~uri in
- CodeActionParams.create ~textDocument ~range ~context ()
- in
- Client.request client (CodeAction request)
+ Client.notification
+ client
+ (TextDocumentDidOpen (DidOpenTextDocumentParams.create ~textDocument))
+ in
+ let+ resp =
+ let context = CodeActionContext.create ~diagnostics:[] () in
+ let request =
+ let textDocument = TextDocumentIdentifier.create ~uri in
+ CodeActionParams.create ~textDocument ~range ~context ()
- match resp with
+ Client.request client (CodeAction request)
+ in
+ k resp
+ in
+ Fiber.fork_and_join_unit run_client (fun () -> run >>> Client.stop client)
+let print_code_actions ?(path = "foo.ml") source range =
+ iter_code_actions ~path source range (function
| None -> print_endline "no code actions"
| Some code_actions ->
print_endline "Code actions:";
@@ -58,10 +51,18 @@ let foo = 123
| `Command command -> Command.yojson_of_t command
| `CodeAction ca -> CodeAction.yojson_of_t ca
- Yojson.Safe.pretty_to_string ~std:false json |> print_endline)
- in
- Fiber.fork_and_join_unit run_client (fun () -> run >>> Client.stop client)
- );
+ Yojson.Safe.pretty_to_string ~std:false json |> print_endline))
+let%expect_test "code actions" =
+ let source = {ocaml|
+let foo = 123
+|ocaml} in
+ let range =
+ let start = Position.create ~line:1 ~character:5 in
+ let end_ = Position.create ~line:1 ~character:7 in
+ Range.create ~start ~end_
+ in
+ print_code_actions source range;
Code actions:
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/test/e2e-new/start_stop.ml b/ocaml-lsp-server/test/e2e-new/start_stop.ml
index 8e9694627..e1dca8c58 100644
--- a/ocaml-lsp-server/test/e2e-new/start_stop.ml
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/test/e2e-new/start_stop.ml
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ let%expect_test "start/stop" =
"capabilities": {
"codeActionProvider": {
"codeActionKinds": [
- "quickfix", "construct", "destruct", "inferred_intf",
- "put module name in identifiers",
+ "quickfix", "refactor.inline", "construct", "destruct",
+ "inferred_intf", "put module name in identifiers",
"remove module name from identifiers", "type-annotate"
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/test/e2e-new/test.ml b/ocaml-lsp-server/test/e2e-new/test.ml
index fba7ed7e9..45be35b55 100644
--- a/ocaml-lsp-server/test/e2e-new/test.ml
+++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/test/e2e-new/test.ml
@@ -1,5 +1,32 @@
module Import = struct
- include Stdune
+ include struct
+ include Stdune
+ module List = struct
+ include List
+ let find_mapi ~f l =
+ let rec k i = function
+ | [] -> None
+ | x :: xs -> (
+ match f i x with
+ | Some x' -> Some x'
+ | None -> (k [@tailcall]) (i + 1) xs)
+ in
+ k 0 l
+ let take n l =
+ let rec take acc n l =
+ if n = 0 then acc
+ else
+ match l with
+ | [] -> failwith "list shorter than n"
+ | x :: xs -> (take [@tailcall]) (x :: acc) (n - 1) xs
+ in
+ List.rev (take [] n l)
+ end
+ end
include Fiber.O
module Client = Lsp_fiber.Client
include Lsp.Types
diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/vendor/dune b/ocaml-lsp-server/vendor/dune
deleted file mode 100644
index a184ff68b..000000000
--- a/ocaml-lsp-server/vendor/dune
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-(subdir ocamlc_loc
- (copy_files %{project_root}/submodules/dune/src/ocamlc_loc/*.{ml,mli})
- (library
- (name ocamlc_loc)
- (libraries re dyn stdune)))
diff --git a/submodules/dune b/submodules/dune
deleted file mode 160000
index 26fe675d7..000000000
--- a/submodules/dune
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit 26fe675d7bb4eb1e1ece8109415c9b0b51166ca5