Code | Message | Severity |
IO_ERROR | %1 |
Error |
Code | Message | Severity |
ARRAY_LENGTH_NOT_IN_LIST | Invalid array length %1 . Valid lengths are: ('%a ', '%b ', '%c '). |
Error |
ARRAY_TYPE_MISMATCH | Type mismatch. Array element '%1 ' is not a '%2 '. |
Error |
DUPLICATE_ELEMENTS | Duplicate element. | Error |
EMPTY_ENTITY | Entity cannot be empty. | Error |
INVALID_INDEX | Index must be a non-negative integer. | Error |
INVALID_JSON | Invalid JSON data. Parser output: %1 |
Error |
INVALID_URI | Invalid URI '%1 '. Parser output: %2 |
Error |
ONE_OF_MISMATCH | Exactly one of ('%1 ', '%2 ', '%3 ', '%4 ', '%5 ') properties must be defined. |
Error |
PATTERN_MISMATCH | Value '%1 ' does not match regexp pattern '%2 '. |
Error |
TYPE_MISMATCH | Type mismatch. Property value '%1 ' is not a '%2 '. |
Error |
UNDEFINED_PROPERTY | Property '%1 ' must be defined. |
Error |
UNEXPECTED_PROPERTY | Unexpected property. | Warning |
UNSATISFIED_DEPENDENCY | Dependency failed. '%1 ' must be defined. |
Error |
VALUE_MULTIPLE_OF | Value %1 is not a multiple of %2 . |
Error |
VALUE_NOT_IN_LIST | Invalid value '%1 '. Valid values are ('%a ', '%b ', '%c '). |
Warning |
VALUE_NOT_IN_RANGE | Value %1 is out of range. |
Error |
Code | Message | Severity |
ACCESSOR_MATRIX_ALIGNMENT | Matrix accessors must be aligned to 4-byte boundaries. | Error |
ACCESSOR_NORMALIZED_INVALID | Only (u)byte and (u)short accessors can be normalized. | Error |
ACCESSOR_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT | Offset %1 is not a multiple of componentType length %2 . |
Error |
ACCESSOR_SPARSE_COUNT_OUT_OF_RANGE | Sparse accessor overrides more elements (%1 ) than the base accessor contains (%2 ). |
Error |
ANIMATION_CHANNEL_TARGET_NODE_SKIN | Animated TRS properties will not affect a skinned mesh. | Warning |
ASSET_MIN_VERSION_GREATER_THAN_VERSION | Asset minVersion '%1 ' is greater than version '%2 '. |
Error |
BUFFER_DATA_URI_MIME_TYPE_INVALID | Data URI media type must be 'application/octet-stream' or 'application/gltf-buffer'. Found '%1 ' instead. |
Error |
BUFFER_VIEW_INVALID_BYTE_STRIDE | Only buffer views with raw vertex data can have byteStride. | Error |
BUFFER_VIEW_TOO_BIG_BYTE_STRIDE | Buffer view's byteStride (%1 ) is greater than byteLength (%2 ). |
Error |
CAMERA_XMAG_YMAG_NEGATIVE | xmag and ymag should not be negative. | Warning |
CAMERA_XMAG_YMAG_ZERO | xmag and ymag must not be zero. | Error |
CAMERA_YFOV_GEQUAL_PI | yfov should be less than Pi. | Warning |
CAMERA_ZFAR_LEQUAL_ZNEAR | zfar must be greater than znear. | Error |
EXTRA_PROPERTY | This property should not be defined as it will not be used. | Information |
INVALID_EXTENSION_NAME_FORMAT | Extension name has invalid format. | Warning |
INVALID_GL_VALUE | Invalid value %1 for GL type '%2 '. |
Error |
KHR_ANIMATION_POINTER_ANIMATION_CHANNEL_TARGET_NODE | This extension requires the animation channel target node to be undefined. | Error |
KHR_ANIMATION_POINTER_ANIMATION_CHANNEL_TARGET_PATH | This extension requires the animation channel target path to be 'pointer'. Found '%1 ' instead. |
Error |
KHR_LIGHTS_PUNCTUAL_LIGHT_SPOT_ANGLES | outerConeAngle (%2 ) is less than or equal to innerConeAngle (%1 ). |
Error |
KHR_MATERIALS_ANISOTROPY_ANISOTROPY_TEXTURE_TEXCOORD | Normal and anisotropy textures should use the same texture coords. | Warning |
KHR_MATERIALS_CLEARCOAT_CLEARCOAT_NORMAL_TEXTURE_TEXCOORD | Normal and clearcoat normal textures should use the same texture coords. | Warning |
KHR_MATERIALS_DISPERSION_NO_VOLUME | The dispersion extension needs to be combined with the volume extension. | Warning |
KHR_MATERIALS_EMISSIVE_STRENGTH_ZERO_FACTOR | Emissive strength has no effect when the emissive factor is zero or undefined. | Warning |
KHR_MATERIALS_IRIDESCENCE_THICKNESS_RANGE_WITHOUT_TEXTURE | Thickness minimum has no effect when a thickness texture is not defined. | Information |
KHR_MATERIALS_IRIDESCENCE_THICKNESS_TEXTURE_UNUSED | Thickness texture has no effect when the thickness minimum is equal to the thickness maximum. | Information |
KHR_MATERIALS_VOLUME_DOUBLE_SIDED | The volume extension should not be used with double-sided materials. | Warning |
KHR_MATERIALS_VOLUME_NO_TRANSMISSION | The volume extension needs to be combined with an extension that allows light to transmit through the surface. | Warning |
MATERIAL_ALPHA_CUTOFF_INVALID_MODE | Alpha cutoff is supported only for 'MASK' alpha mode. | Warning |
MESH_INVALID_WEIGHTS_COUNT | The length of weights array (%1 ) does not match the number of morph targets (%2 ). |
Error |
MESH_PRIMITIVES_UNEQUAL_TARGETS_COUNT | All primitives must have the same number of morph targets. | Error |
MESH_PRIMITIVE_INDEXED_SEMANTIC_CONTINUITY | Indices for indexed attribute semantic '%1 ' must start with 0 and be continuous. Total expected indices: %2 , total provided indices: %3 . |
Error |
MESH_PRIMITIVE_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE | Invalid attribute name. | Error |
MESH_PRIMITIVE_JOINTS_WEIGHTS_MISMATCH | Number of JOINTS attribute semantics (%1 ) does not match the number of WEIGHTS (%2 ). |
Error |
MESH_PRIMITIVE_NO_POSITION | No POSITION attribute found. | Warning |
MULTIPLE_EXTENSIONS | This extension may be incompatible with other extensions for the object. | Warning |
NODE_EMPTY | Empty node encountered. | Information |
NODE_MATRIX_DEFAULT | Do not specify default transform matrix. | Information |
NODE_MATRIX_NON_TRS | Matrix must be decomposable to TRS. | Error |
NODE_MATRIX_TRS | A node can have either a matrix or any combination of translation/rotation/scale (TRS) properties. | Error |
NODE_SKINNED_MESH_LOCAL_TRANSFORMS | Local transforms will not affect a skinned mesh. | Warning |
NODE_SKINNED_MESH_NON_ROOT | Node with a skinned mesh is not root. Parent transforms will not affect a skinned mesh. | Warning |
NODE_SKIN_NO_SCENE | A node with a skinned mesh is used in a scene that does not contain joint nodes. | Error |
NON_OBJECT_EXTRAS | Prefer JSON Objects for extras. | Information |
NON_RELATIVE_URI | Non-relative URI found: '%1 '. |
Warning |
NON_REQUIRED_EXTENSION | Extension '%1 ' cannot be optional. |
Error |
ROTATION_NON_UNIT | Rotation quaternion must be normalized. | Error |
SKIN_NO_COMMON_ROOT | Joints do not have a common root. | Error |
SKIN_SKELETON_INVALID | Skeleton node is not a common root. | Error |
UNKNOWN_ASSET_MAJOR_VERSION | Unknown glTF major asset version: %1 . |
Error |
UNKNOWN_ASSET_MINOR_VERSION | Unknown glTF minor asset version: %1 . |
Warning |
UNUSED_EXTENSION_REQUIRED | Unused extension '%1 ' cannot be required. |
Error |
Code | Message | Severity |
ACCESSOR_SMALL_BYTESTRIDE | Referenced bufferView's byteStride value %1 is less than accessor element's length %2 . |
Error |
ACCESSOR_TOO_LONG | Accessor (offset: %1 , length: %2 ) does not fit referenced bufferView [%3 ] length %4 . |
Error |
ACCESSOR_TOTAL_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT | Accessor's total byteOffset %1 isn't a multiple of componentType length %2 . |
Error |
ACCESSOR_USAGE_OVERRIDE | Override of previously set accessor usage. Initial: '%1 ', new: '%2 '. |
Error |
ANIMATION_CHANNEL_TARGET_NODE_MATRIX | Animation channel cannot target TRS properties of a node with defined matrix. | Error |
ANIMATION_CHANNEL_TARGET_NODE_WEIGHTS_NO_MORPHS | Animation channel cannot target WEIGHTS when mesh does not have morph targets. | Error |
ANIMATION_DUPLICATE_TARGETS | Animation channel has the same target as channel %1 . |
Error |
ANIMATION_SAMPLER_ACCESSOR_WITH_BYTESTRIDE | bufferView.byteStride must not be defined for buffer views used by animation sampler accessors. | Error |
ANIMATION_SAMPLER_INPUT_ACCESSOR_INVALID_FORMAT | Invalid Animation sampler input accessor format '%1 '. Must be one of ('%a ', '%b ', '%c '). |
Error |
ANIMATION_SAMPLER_INPUT_ACCESSOR_TOO_FEW_ELEMENTS | Animation sampler output accessor with '%1 ' interpolation must have at least %2 elements. Got %3 . |
Error |
ANIMATION_SAMPLER_INPUT_ACCESSOR_WITHOUT_BOUNDS | accessor.min and accessor.max must be defined for animation input accessor. | Error |
ANIMATION_SAMPLER_OUTPUT_ACCESSOR_INVALID_COUNT | Animation sampler output accessor of count %1 expected. Found %2 . |
Error |
ANIMATION_SAMPLER_OUTPUT_ACCESSOR_INVALID_FORMAT | Invalid animation sampler output accessor format '%1 ' for path '%3 '. Must be one of ('%a ', '%b ', '%c '). |
Error |
BUFFER_MISSING_GLB_DATA | Buffer refers to an unresolved GLB binary chunk. | Error |
BUFFER_VIEW_TARGET_MISSING | should be set for vertex or index data. | Hint |
BUFFER_VIEW_TARGET_OVERRIDE | Override of previously set bufferView target or usage. Initial: '%1 ', new: '%2 '. |
Error |
BUFFER_VIEW_TOO_LONG | BufferView does not fit buffer (%1 ) byteLength (%2 ). |
Error |
IMAGE_BUFFER_VIEW_WITH_BYTESTRIDE | bufferView.byteStride must not be defined for buffer views containing image data. | Error |
INCOMPLETE_EXTENSION_SUPPORT | Validation support for this extension is incomplete; the asset may have undetected issues. | Information |
INVALID_IBM_ACCESSOR_COUNT | IBM accessor must have at least %1 elements. Found %2 . |
Error |
KHR_MATERIALS_VARIANTS_NON_UNIQUE_VARIANT | This variant is used more than once for this mesh primitive. | Error |
MESH_PRIMITIVE_ACCESSOR_UNALIGNED | Vertex attribute data must be aligned to 4-byte boundaries. | Error |
MESH_PRIMITIVE_ACCESSOR_WITHOUT_BYTESTRIDE | bufferView.byteStride must be defined when two or more accessors use the same buffer view. | Error |
MESH_PRIMITIVE_ATTRIBUTES_ACCESSOR_INVALID_FORMAT | Invalid accessor format '%1 ' for this attribute semantic. Must be one of ('%a ', '%b ', '%c '). |
Error |
MESH_PRIMITIVE_ATTRIBUTES_ACCESSOR_UNSIGNED_INT | Mesh attributes cannot use UNSIGNED_INT component type. | Error |
MESH_PRIMITIVE_GENERATED_TANGENT_SPACE | Material requires a tangent space but the mesh primitive does not provide it. Runtime-generated tangent space may be non-portable across implementations. | Warning |
MESH_PRIMITIVE_INCOMPATIBLE_MODE | Number of vertices or indices (%1 ) is not compatible with used drawing mode ('%2 '). |
Warning |
MESH_PRIMITIVE_INDICES_ACCESSOR_INVALID_FORMAT | Invalid indices accessor format '%1 '. Must be one of ('%a ', '%b ', '%c '). |
Error |
MESH_PRIMITIVE_INDICES_ACCESSOR_WITH_BYTESTRIDE | bufferView.byteStride must not be defined for indices accessor. | Error |
MESH_PRIMITIVE_MORPH_TARGET_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_COUNT | Base accessor has different count. | Error |
MESH_PRIMITIVE_MORPH_TARGET_NO_BASE_ACCESSOR | The mesh primitive does not define this attribute semantic. | Error |
MESH_PRIMITIVE_NO_TANGENT_SPACE | Material requires a tangent space but the mesh primitive does not provide it and the material does not contain a normal map to generate it. | Error |
MESH_PRIMITIVE_POSITION_ACCESSOR_WITHOUT_BOUNDS | accessor.min and accessor.max must be defined for POSITION attribute accessor. | Error |
MESH_PRIMITIVE_TOO_FEW_TEXCOORDS | Material is incompatible with mesh primitive: Texture binding '%1 ' needs 'TEXCOORD_%2 ' attribute. |
Error |
MESH_PRIMITIVE_UNEQUAL_ACCESSOR_COUNT | All accessors of the same primitive must have the same count. | Error |
NODE_LOOP | Node is a part of a node loop. | Error |
NODE_PARENT_OVERRIDE | Value overrides parent of node %1 . |
Error |
NODE_SKINNED_MESH_WITHOUT_SKIN | Node uses skinned mesh, but has no skin defined. | Warning |
NODE_SKIN_WITH_NON_SKINNED_MESH | Node has skin defined, but mesh has no joints data. | Error |
NODE_WEIGHTS_INVALID | The length of weights array (%1 ) does not match the number of morph targets (%2 ). |
Error |
SCENE_NON_ROOT_NODE | Node %1 is not a root node. |
Error |
SKIN_IBM_ACCESSOR_WITH_BYTESTRIDE | bufferView.byteStride must not be defined for buffer views used by inverse bind matrices accessors. | Error |
SKIN_IBM_INVALID_FORMAT | Invalid IBM accessor format '%1 '. Must be one of ('%a ', '%b ', '%c '). |
Error |
TEXTURE_INVALID_IMAGE_MIME_TYPE | Invalid MIME type '%1 ' for the texture source. Valid MIME types are ('%a ', '%b ', '%c '). |
Error |
UNDECLARED_EXTENSION | Extension is not declared in extensionsUsed. | Error |
UNEXPECTED_EXTENSION_OBJECT | Unexpected location for this extension. | Error |
UNRESOLVED_REFERENCE | Unresolved reference: %1 . |
Error |
UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSION | Cannot validate an extension as it is not supported by the validator: '%1 '. |
Information |
UNUSED_MESH_TANGENT | Tangents are not used because the material has no normal texture. | Information |
UNUSED_MESH_WEIGHTS | The static morph target weights are always overridden. | Information |
UNUSED_OBJECT | This object may be unused. | Information |
Code | Message | Severity |
ACCESSOR_ANIMATION_INPUT_NEGATIVE | Animation input accessor element at index %1 is negative: %2 . |
Error |
ACCESSOR_ANIMATION_INPUT_NON_INCREASING | Animation input accessor element at index %1 is less than or equal to previous: %2 <= %3 . |
Error |
ACCESSOR_ANIMATION_SAMPLER_OUTPUT_NON_NORMALIZED_QUATERNION | Animation sampler output accessor element at indices %1 ..%2 is not of unit length: %3 . |
Error |
ACCESSOR_ELEMENT_OUT_OF_MAX_BOUND | Accessor contains %1 element(s) greater than declared maximum value %2 . |
Error |
ACCESSOR_ELEMENT_OUT_OF_MIN_BOUND | Accessor contains %1 element(s) less than declared minimum value %2 . |
Error |
ACCESSOR_INDEX_OOB | Indices accessor element at index %1 has value %2 that is greater than the maximum vertex index available (%3 ). |
Error |
ACCESSOR_INDEX_PRIMITIVE_RESTART | Indices accessor contains primitive restart value (%1 ) at index %2 . |
Error |
ACCESSOR_INDEX_TRIANGLE_DEGENERATE | Indices accessor contains %1 degenerate triangles (out of %2 ). |
Information |
ACCESSOR_INVALID_FLOAT | Accessor element at index %1 is %2 . |
Error |
ACCESSOR_INVALID_IBM | Matrix element at index %1 (component index %2 ) contains invalid value: %3 . |
Error |
ACCESSOR_INVALID_SIGN | Vector3 with sign at accessor indices %1 ..%2 has invalid w component: %3 . Must be 1.0 or -1.0. |
Error |
ACCESSOR_JOINTS_INDEX_DUPLICATE | Joints accessor element at index %1 (component index %2 ) has value %3 that is already in use for the vertex. |
Error |
ACCESSOR_JOINTS_INDEX_OOB | Joints accessor element at index %1 (component index %2 ) has value %3 that is greater than the maximum joint index (%4 ) set by skin %5 . |
Error |
ACCESSOR_JOINTS_USED_ZERO_WEIGHT | Joints accessor element at index %1 (component index %2 ) is used with zero weight but has non-zero value (%3 ). |
Warning |
ACCESSOR_MAX_MISMATCH | Declared maximum value for this component (%1 ) does not match actual maximum (%2 ). |
Error |
ACCESSOR_MIN_MISMATCH | Declared minimum value for this component (%1 ) does not match actual minimum (%2 ). |
Error |
ACCESSOR_NON_CLAMPED | Accessor element at index %1 is not clamped to 0..1 range: %2 . |
Error |
ACCESSOR_SPARSE_INDEX_OOB | Accessor sparse indices element at index %1 is greater than or equal to the number of accessor elements: %2 >= %3 . |
Error |
ACCESSOR_SPARSE_INDICES_NON_INCREASING | Accessor sparse indices element at index %1 is less than or equal to previous: %2 <= %3 . |
Error |
ACCESSOR_VECTOR3_NON_UNIT | Vector3 at accessor indices %1 ..%2 is not of unit length: %3 . |
Error |
ACCESSOR_WEIGHTS_NEGATIVE | Weights accessor element at index %1 (component index %2 ) has negative value %3 . |
Error |
ACCESSOR_WEIGHTS_NON_NORMALIZED | Weights accessor elements (at indices %1 ..%2 ) have non-normalized sum: %3 . |
Error |
BUFFER_BYTE_LENGTH_MISMATCH | Actual data byte length (%1 ) is less than the declared buffer byte length (%2 ). |
Error |
BUFFER_GLB_CHUNK_TOO_BIG | GLB-stored BIN chunk contains %1 extra padding byte(s). |
Warning |
DATA_URI_GLB | Data URI is used in GLB container. | Warning |
IMAGE_DATA_INVALID | Image data is invalid. %1 |
Error |
IMAGE_FEATURES_UNSUPPORTED | Image contains unsupported features like non-default colorspace information, non-square pixels, or animation. | Warning |
IMAGE_MIME_TYPE_INVALID | Recognized image format '%1 ' does not match declared image format '%2 '. |
Error |
IMAGE_NON_ENABLED_MIME_TYPE | '%1 ' MIME type requires an extension. |
Error |
IMAGE_NPOT_DIMENSIONS | Image has non-power-of-two dimensions: %1 x%2 . |
Information |
IMAGE_UNEXPECTED_EOS | Unexpected end of image stream. | Error |
IMAGE_UNRECOGNIZED_FORMAT | Image format not recognized. | Warning |
URI_GLB | URI is used in GLB container. | Information |
Code | Message | Severity |
GLB_CHUNK_LENGTH_UNALIGNED | Length of %1 chunk is not aligned to 4-byte boundaries. |
Error |
GLB_CHUNK_TOO_BIG | Chunk (%1 ) length (%2 ) does not fit total GLB length. |
Error |
GLB_DUPLICATE_CHUNK | Chunk of type %1 has already been used. |
Error |
GLB_EMPTY_BIN_CHUNK | Empty BIN chunk should be omitted. | Information |
GLB_EMPTY_CHUNK | Chunk (%1 ) cannot have zero length. |
Error |
GLB_EXTRA_DATA | Extra data after the end of GLB stream. | Warning |
GLB_INVALID_MAGIC | Invalid GLB magic value (%1 ). |
Error |
GLB_INVALID_VERSION | Invalid GLB version value %1 . |
Error |
GLB_LENGTH_MISMATCH | Declared length (%1 ) does not match GLB length (%2 ). |
Error |
GLB_LENGTH_TOO_SMALL | Declared GLB length (%1 ) is too small. |
Error |
GLB_UNEXPECTED_BIN_CHUNK | BIN chunk must be the second chunk. | Error |
GLB_UNEXPECTED_END_OF_CHUNK_DATA | Unexpected end of chunk data. | Error |
GLB_UNEXPECTED_END_OF_CHUNK_HEADER | Unexpected end of chunk header. | Error |
GLB_UNEXPECTED_END_OF_HEADER | Unexpected end of header. | Error |
GLB_UNEXPECTED_FIRST_CHUNK | First chunk must be of JSON type. Found %1 instead. |
Error |
GLB_UNKNOWN_CHUNK_TYPE | Unknown GLB chunk type: %1 . |
Warning |