- Where: zoom.us
- When: May 23, 2018 at 3pm-4pm UTC ( May 23, 2018 8am-9am PT )
- Location: on calendar invite to registered attendees
- Contact:
- Name: Brad Nelson
- Email: [email protected]
If you are a Working Group member no registration is required.
If you are a Community Group member who would like to observe, please register here: https://goo.gl/forms/HD2kLCM0iSKk7AVl1
The meeting will be on a zoom.us video conference. Installation is required, see the calendar invite.
- Opening, welcome and roll call
- Opening of the meeting
- Introduction of attendees
- Find volunteers for note taking (chair to volunteer).
- Adoption of the agenda
- Proposals and discussions
- Discussion on status of the Working Draft.
- Update on Brad Nelson.
- Future meetings
- Confirm next meeting date + time.
- Handing of agenda for in person meeting.
- Closure
Anekc Brad Nelson Ben Smith Jacob Gravelle Conrad Watt JF Bastien Luke Wagner John Hall Shiva Kushwa Deepti Gandluri
Brad Nelson to take notes.
JF Seconds.
Timing on patent exclusions in First Public Working Draft 150 day window. It's currently 97 days since Feb 15. 53 to go. New items start separate 90 days clocks on the diff. We are obligated to publish a new draft or explain why every 6 months.
It has come up that we shouldn't knowingly publish something that's going to be incompatible.
JF in the CG I'd heard some objection about not having things not in the MVP.
JF: I'm swayed by Luke's argument.
AI: Let's have a poll on the agenda.
AI: Next time let's poll on Mutable globals begin ship worthy.
AI: Add a standing item to the agenda on general ship worthiness.
Brad Nelson is leaving work on the Chrome team, as such we probably should select a new chair who will be directly involved going forward.
Brad would like to propose Ben Smith, but we didn't give notice on this agenda.
Also Brad needs to investigate the process around a proper hand-off.
In the interest of accelerating the hand-off, Brad might like to have a meeting in a week for the transition. On the other hand it might take longer to sort out. Brad asks the group for his discretion on scheduling next meeting (1 week or 2 week). It is suggested we could have a one-off special meeting so as not to break the cadence we have.
Luke thanks Brad for his service as chair.