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MagicMirror² Module to monitor public transport (U-Bahn, Tram, Bus, S-Bahn) in Munich


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MagicMirror² Module to monitor public transport (U-Bahn, Tram, Bus, S-Bahn) in Munich - Germany.


This magic mirror module is an independent project and is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or associated with MVG (Münchner Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH), the Munich public transportation company. Any use of data or information related to MVG services is for personal, non-commercial purposes and should comply with their terms of use.


  1. Clone the module into your MagicMirror module folder and execute npm install in the module's directory.
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
git clone


To display the module insert it in the config.js file.

Simple configuration

    module: "MMM-MVG",
    position: "bottom_left",
    header: "MVG",
    config: {
        station: "Hauptbahnhof",
        maxEntries: 10,             // 10 items on screen
        updateInterval: 60000,      // 60 s
        showIcons: true,            // Show transport type icon
        transportTypesToShow: {
            "ubahn": true,            // show ubahn route
            "sbahn": true,            // show sbahn route
            "bus": true,              // show bus route
            "regional_bus": true,     // show regional bus route
            "tram": true              // show tram route
        ignoreStations: [],         // lines with destination to which should not be shown
        lineFiltering: {
            "active": true, 			// set this to active if filtering should be used
            "filterType": "whitelist", 	// whitelist = only specified lines will be displayed, blacklist = all lines except specified lines will be displayed
            "lineNumbers": ["U1", "U3", "X50"] // lines that should be on the white-/blacklist
        timeToWalk: 10,             // 10 min walking time to station. Default is 0
        showWalkingTime: false,     // if the walking time should be included and the starting time is displayed
        showTrainDepartureTime: true,             // show tran departure time
        trainDepartureTimeFormat: "relative",     // format of the train departure time
        walkingTimeFormat: "relative",            // format of the walking time
        showInterruptions: true,				    // show interruptions as gray-out rows
        showInterruptionsDetails: false,		    // show details of interruptions in next line
        countInterruptionsAsItemShown: false,	    // count interruptions details lines as a line shown


Stations names with arrival time
config: {
    station: "Hauptbahnhof",
    maxEntries: 10,             // 10 items on screen
    updateInterval: 60000,      // 60 s
    showIcons: false,            // Show transport type icon
    transportTypesToShow: {
        "ubahn": true,            // show ubahn route
        "sbahn": false,            // show sbahn route
        "bus": false,              // show bus route
        "regional_bus": false,     // show regional bus route
        "tram": false              // show tram route
    ignoreStations: [],         // destination not to be shown
    timeToWalk: 0,             // 10 min walking time to station. Default is 0
    showWalkingTime: false,     // if the walking time should be included and the starting time is displayed
    showTrainDepartureTime: true,     // show tran departure time
    trainDepartureTimeFormat: "relative",   // format of the train departure time
    walkingTimeFormat: "relative",    // format of the walking time
Stations names with icons and arrival time
config: {
    station: "Karlsplatz",
    maxEntries: 15,             // 10 items on screen
    updateInterval: 60000,      // 60 s
    showIcons: true,            // Show transport type icon
    transportTypesToShow: {
        "ubahn": true,            // show ubahn route
        "sbahn": true,            // show sbahn route
        "bus": false,              // show bus route
        "regional_bus": false,     // show regional bus route
        "tram": true              // show tram route
    ignoreStations: [],         // destination not to be shown
    timeToWalk: 0,             // 10 min walking time to station. Default is 0
    showWalkingTime: true,     // if the walking time should be included and the starting time is displayed
    showTrainDepartureTime: true,     // show tran departure time
    trainDepartureTimeFormat: "relative",   // format of the train departure time
    walkingTimeFormat: "relative"    // format of the walking time
Stations names with icons, arrival time and walking time
config: {
    station: "Karlsplatz",
    maxEntries: 15,             // 10 items on screen
    updateInterval: 60000,      // 60 s
    showIcons: true,            // Show transport type icon
    transportTypesToShow: {
        "ubahn": true,            // show ubahn route
        "sbahn": true,            // show sbahn route
        "bus": true,              // show bus route
        "regional_bus": false,     // show regional bus route
        "tram": true              // show tram route
    ignoreStations: [],         // destination not to be shown
    timeToWalk: 0,             // 10 min walking time to station. Default is 0
    showWalkingTime: true,     // if the walking time should be included and the starting time is displayed
    showTrainDepartureTime: true,     // show tran departure time
    trainDepartureTimeFormat: "absolute",   // format of the train departure time
    walkingTimeFormat: "relative"    // format of the walking time
Stations names with icons, arrival time and disruption marking
config: {
    station: "Harras",
    maxEntries: 10,             // 10 items on screen
    updateInterval: 60000,      // 60 s
    showIcons: true,            // Show transport type icon
    transportTypesToShow: {
        "ubahn": true,            // show ubahn route
        "sbahn": true,            // show sbahn route
        "bus": true,              // show bus route
        "regional_bus": false,     // show regional bus route
        "tram": false              // show tram route
    ignoreStations: [],         // destination not to be shown
    timeToWalk: 0,             // 10 min walking time to station. Default is 0
    showWalkingTime: false,     // if the walking time should be included and the starting time is displayed
    showTrainDepartureTime: true,     // show tran departure time
    trainDepartureTimeFormat: "absolute",   // format of the train departure time
    walkingTimeFormat: "relative",    // format of the walking time
    showInterruptions: true,
    showInterruptionsDetails: false,
    countInterruptionsAsItemShown: false
Stations names with icons, arrival time, disruption marking and disruptions details (disruption details are not counted as new lines)
config: {
    station: "Harras",
    maxEntries: 10,             // 10 items on screen
    updateInterval: 60000,      // 60 s
    showIcons: true,            // Show transport type icon
    transportTypesToShow: {
        "ubahn": true,            // show ubahn route
        "sbahn": true,            // show sbahn route
        "bus": true,              // show bus route
        "regional_bus": false,     // show regional bus route
        "tram": false              // show tram route
    ignoreStations: [],         // destination not to be shown
    timeToWalk: 0,             // 10 min walking time to station. Default is 0
    showWalkingTime: false,     // if the walking time should be included and the starting time is displayed
    showTrainDepartureTime: true,     // show tran departure time
    trainDepartureTimeFormat: "absolute",   // format of the train departure time
    walkingTimeFormat: "relative",    // format of the walking time
    showInterruptions: true,
    showInterruptionsDetails: true,
    countInterruptionsAsItemShown: false
Stations names with icons, arrival time, disruption marking and disruptions details (disruption details are counted as new lines)
config: {
    station: "Harras",
    maxEntries: 10,             // 10 items on screen
    updateInterval: 60000,      // 60 s
    showIcons: true,            // Show transport type icon
    transportTypesToShow: {
        "ubahn": true,            // show ubahn route
        "sbahn": true,            // show sbahn route
        "bus": true,              // show bus route
        "regional_bus": false,     // show regional bus route
        "tram": false              // show tram route
    ignoreStations: [],         // destination not to be shown
    timeToWalk: 0,             // 10 min walking time to station. Default is 0
    showWalkingTime: false,     // if the walking time should be included and the starting time is displayed
    showTrainDepartureTime: true,     // show tran departure time
    trainDepartureTimeFormat: "absolute",   // format of the train departure time
    walkingTimeFormat: "relative",    // format of the walking time
    showInterruptions: true,
    showInterruptionsDetails: true,
    countInterruptionsAsItemShown: true


  • instance of MagicMirror²
  • Nothing else, module is small and simple! 🙌

Config Options

Option Description
station Station for which you want to display data.
Default: Hauptbahnhof
maxEntries Number of items shown in table.
Default: 8
updateInterval Update interval
Default: 60000
ubahn Show data for U-Bahn.
Possible values: true or false
Default: true
bus Show data for Bus.
Possible values: true or false
Default: true
regional_bus Show data for regional Bus.
Possible values: true or false
Default: true
tram Show data for Tram.
Possible values: true or false
Default: true
sbahn Show data for S-Bahn.
Possible values: true or false
Default: true
ignoreStations Ignore destinations based on a array list.
Possible values e.g.: ["Feldmoching", "Hauptbahnhof"]
Default []
timeToWalk Time to walk to the station from your current location
Default: 0 minutes
showWalkingTime If the time to leave should be displayed which includes the walking time.
Possible values: true or false
Default: false
showTrainDepartureTime If the time of train departure should be displayed.
Possible values: true or false
Default: true
trainDepartureTimeFormat Train departure time format. Absolute: 21:10; Relative: in 8 min;
Possible values: relative or absolute
Default relative
walkingTimeFormat Walking time format. Absolute: 21:08; Relative in 6 min;
Possible values: relative or absolute
Default relative
showInterruptions Gray-out lines with interruptions;
Possible values: true or false
Default false
showInterruptionsDetails Show interruptions details in a new line after the item with interruptions;
Possible values: true or false
Default false
countInterruptionsAsItemShown Count interruption detail lines as line of a transport (number of lines will not explode in case of many interruptions;
Possible values: true or false
Default false Flag to activate or deactivate line filtering
Possible values: true or false
Default false
lineFiltering.filterType Whitelist or blacklist option lines from lineFiltering.lineNumbers
Possible values: whitelist or blacklist
Default blacklist
lineFiltering.lineNumbers lines that should be on the white-/blacklist
Possible values ["U1, U3, X50"]
Default value []