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Example usage of sGAINS pipeline

The s-GAINS pipeline has two major groups of commands:

  • prepare that prepares the binning scheme used for further analysis and
  • process that does the actual analysis of the experimental data.

We are going to start with s-GAINS pipeline preparation, then we are going to download the data we want to analyse and as a last step we will show the actual analysis of the downloaded data.

Create working directory

Create a directory where to place all data files you plan to process with s-GAINS pipeline:

mkdir sgains_data
cd sgains_data

All instructions bellow asume that you are working inside your data directory.

Download data for the T10 case

In this tutorial we will use data from the paper:

Navin N, Kendall J, Troge J, et al. Tumor Evolution Inferred by Single Cell Sequencing. Nature. 2011;472(7341):90-94. doi:10.1038/nature09807.

In particular we will use the data for polygenomic breast tumor T10 case available from SRA.

Description of samples for T10 could be found in Supplementary Table 1 | Summary of 100 Single Cells in the Polygenomic Tumor T10

  • Create a subdirectory SRA for storing the downloaded read file:

    mkdir navin_T10
    cd navin_T10
  • Download the list of SRA indentifiers of the samples T10 samples from: navin_T10_list.csv. The downloaded file should look like this:

    head navin_T10_list.csv 

    Please note that this list contains only 95 samples (out of 100 published in the paper). We have reduced the number of samples used because we do not know the correspondence between SRA identifiers and identifiers used in the paper for five of the samples. These are the following samples:


    If you want to work with full set of SRA samples go to and use Accession List button to download file SRR_Acc_List.txt containing all samples accession numbers for this experiment. The downloaded SRR_Acc_List.txt should contain SRA identifiers for 100 samples:

    head SRR_Acc_List.txt 
  • To download the sample reads you need to use SRA Toolkit. SRA Toolkit is available in Anaconda bioconda channel. You can install it using your Anaconda sgains environment:

    conda install sra-tools
  • To download read files for T10 Ductal Carcinoma you can use fastq-tool. If you need a read file for a single sample, you can use:

    fastq-dump --gzip SRR053668

    This command will download a read file in fastq format for sample with accession number SRR053668.

  • If you want to download read files for all samples from navin_T10_list.csv, you can use (please note that the this command will download about 50Gb of data and will store about 100Gb of data on disk - cache and actual reads):

    cat navin_T10_list.csv | xargs fastq-dump --gzip

s-GAINS configuration file

Since the pipeline has many parameters you can create a configuration file, that sets values for most of parameters used by the pipeline.

The configuration file is in YAML format.

Let us create a s-GAINS configuration file named sgains-hisat2-hg19-navin-T10.yml with following content:

    aligner_name: hisat2

    genome_version: hg19
    genome_pristine_dir: hg19_pristine
    genome_dir: hisat2_hg19
    genomeindex_prefix: genomeindex

    mappable_read_length: 50
    mappable_dir: hisat2_hg19_R50
    mappable_file: hisat2_hg19_R50_mappable_regions.txt
    mappable_aligner_options: ""
    bins_count: 20000
    bins_dir: hisat2_hg19_R50_B20k
    bins_file: hg19_R50_B20k_bins_boundaries.txt

    reads_dir: navin_T10
    reads_suffix: ".fastq.gz"

    mapping_dir: navin_T10_hisat2_hg19/mapping
    mapping_suffix: ".rmdup.bam"
    mapping_aligner_options: "-3 0 -5 38"

    varbin_dir: navin_T10_hisat2_hg19/varbin
    varbin_suffix: ".varbin.r50_20k.txt"

    scclust_case: "nyu007_hisat2"
    scclust_dir: "navin_T10_hisat2_hg19/scclust"
    scclust_cytoband_file: cytoBand-hg19.txt
    scclust_nsim: 150
    scclust_sharemin: 0.85
    scclust_fdrthres: -3
    scclust_nshare: 4
    scclust_climbtoshare: 5

PREPARE: s-GAINS pipeline preparation

Preparation of genome index

  • First you need a copy of human reference genome version hg19. To download it you can go to UCSC Genome Browser, locate the downloads section and find full data set for GRCh37/hg19 version of human reference genome.

  • Download archive file chromFa.tar.gz and untar it into a separate directory:

    mkdir hg19_pristine
    cd hg19_pristine
    wget -c
    tar zxvf chromFa.tar.gz
  • Go back to the data directory and create a hg19 subdirectory where the pipeline will place a modified version of hg19 reference genome:

    mkdir hg19
  • Run genomeindex subcommand to copy and modify hg19 reference genome from your hg19_pristine copy into working hisat2_hg19 subdirectory:

    sgains-tools -c sgains-hisat2-hg19-navin-T10.yml \
        genomeindex --genome-pristine hg19_pristine --genome-dir hisat2_hg19
  • This step will use the specified aligner to produce genome index of the hg19 reference genome. Building this index is computationally intensive process and could take several hours of CPU time.

  • Download cytoBand.txt.gz for HG19 and store it inside our working subdirectory. This file will be needed for last step in last step of the pipeline - scclust.

    cd hg19
    wget -c
    gunzip cytoBand.txt.gz
    mv cytoBand.txt cytoBand-hg19.txt

Preparation of uniquely mappable regions

  • The next step is to generate uniquely mappable regions, i.e. contiguous regions wherein all reads of a given length are unique in the genome. To this end you can use mappalbe-regions subcommand of s-GAINS pipeline. You need to specify the directory, where a working copy of reference genome is located and the read length to be used.

  • Create a subdirectory in which to save mappable regions file:

    mkdir R50
  • Here is an example of invoking the mappalbe-regions subcommand with reads of length 100:

    sgains-tools -c sgains-hisat2-hg19-navin-T10.yml \
        mappable-regions --genome-dir hisat_hg19 \
        --mappable-dir hisat2_hg19_R50 --mappable-read-length 50
  • This step is computationaly very intensive and could take days in CPU time. Consider using --parallel option of sgains-tools command to parallelize the computation if your computer has a suitable number of cores. For example, on a workstation with 10 cores you could use 8 cores to compute mappable regions:

    sgains-tools -p 8 -c sgains-hisat2-hg19-navin-T10.yml \
        mappable-regions --genome-dir hisat2_hg19 \
        --mappable-dir hisat2_hg19_R50 --mappable-read-length 50
  • Alternatively you can download precomputed mappable regions file from s-GAINS pipeline releases at For this tutorial you should download mappable regions with length 50 base pairs for HG19 reference genome from

    mkdir R50
    cd R50/
    wget -c
    gunzip hg19_R50_mappable_regions.txt.gz

Calculation of bin boundaries

In this step we will partition the genome into bins with an expected equal number of uniquely mappable positions.

  • Create a subdirectory for storing the bin boundaries file:

    mkdir hisat2_hg19_R50_B20k
  • Run bins subcommand to calculate bin boundaries. To run the command you need to specify:

    • the number of bins you want to calculate
    • a directory for storing the bin boundary file
    • a directory and file name for mappable regions
    • a directory where a working copy of HG19 is located
    sgains-tools -c sgains-hisat2-hg19-navin-T10.yml bins \
        --mappable-dir hisat2_hg19_R50 \
        --mappable-file hisat_hg19_R50_mappable_regions.txt \
        --genome-dir hisat2_hg19 \
        --bins-count 20000 \
        --bins-dir hisat2_hg19_R50_B20k \
        --bins-file hisat2_hg19_R50_B20k_bins_boundaries.txt
  • Alternatively you can download bin boundaries file from s-GAINS pipeline releases at For this tutorial you should download bin boundaries file for 20000 bins with read length 50bp for HG19 reference genome from

    mkdir R50_B20k
    cd R50_B20k/
    wget -c
    gunzip hg19_R50_B20k_bins_boundaries.txt.gz

PROCESS: Processing data with s-GAINS pipeline

Process downloaded data

mapping step

First step in processing samples is to map them on the reference genome. For the mapping we are using bowtie. By default sgains-tools uses unique mapping of reads, i.e. if the read could be mapped on more than one place on reference genome it is discarded.

This step is CPU intensive and could take hours in CPU time.

To start the mapping step you can use:

sgains-tools -p 8 -c sgains-hisat2-hg19-navin-T10.yml mapping

Please note that -p 8 in the previous command starts 8 bowtie processes for aligning samples on the reference genome. You need to adapt this number depending on the hardware resources you have in your hands.

varbin step

The varbin step counts the number of reads aligned in each uniquely mappable region of reference genome. For each uniquely mapped read we take the starting position of the read, find the bin in which it is contained and increment the read count for this bin.

To start this step you should use:

sgains-tools -p 8 sgains-hisat2-hg19-navin-T10.yml varbin

scclust step

This step performs segmentation and clustering of the read counts using SCclust package and prepares the results, that could be visualized using SCGV viewer.

To run the step you could use:

sgains-tools sgains-hisat2-hg19-navin-T10.yml scslust

This command will read the results from varbin step and will store results in subdirectory as configured in sgains.yml configuration file.

Run whole processing pipeline in single command

Once we have s-GAINS configuration file setup we can run sgains-tools command to process the downloaded data (please note that this command in computationally intensive and could take long time to finish):

sgains-tools -p 10 -c sgains-hisat2-hg19-navin-T10.yml process

This command will run the last three steps of the pipeline:

  • mapping step that maps reads to the reference genome

  • varbin step that transforms the mappings into bin counts for the binning scheme we have produced in step bins

  • scclust step that segments the bins counts and builds the clonal structure of the samples using hierarchical clustering.

The results from running this command will be stored as configured in the configuration file or could be overridden using CLI parameters.

Visualization of results

You can visualize results from segmentation and clustering using SCGV viewer.

Navin's T10