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Releases: npease18/NOS

NOS Beta 0.5.1

24 Jun 15:45
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NOS Beta 0.5.1 Pre-release

Release 0.5.1 rebuilds the program detection routine, and adds icon detecting to ASM programs.

For Developers, download the repo via the zip provided (NOSBetav.0.5.1), not the source. You can only build it via the oncalc ICE. This requires the latest ICE to be built (v.

For those who just want the shell, download NOS1.8xp and install on calc.

NOS v.0.1.5 Beta (Updated)

15 Jun 20:34
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This is a first look for developers.

For Developers, download the repo via the zip provided (NOSDev0.5), not the source. You can only build it via the oncalc ICE.

For public, download NOS1.8xp and install on calc. This should work.