diff --git a/cmake/linux/LinuxDeploy.cmake b/cmake/linux/LinuxDeploy.cmake index 448090bd87d..86bd73f957d 100644 --- a/cmake/linux/LinuxDeploy.cmake +++ b/cmake/linux/LinuxDeploy.cmake @@ -147,12 +147,6 @@ foreach(_lib IN LISTS LIBS) endif() endforeach() -# Ensure lmms.png is in the root of AppDir or the else: -# 1. "linuxdeploy" invokes "appimagetool" which reads "Icon=lmms" from "lmms.desktop" -# 2. "appimagetool" deploys ".DirIcon" symlinking to "lmms.svg" symlinking to ".../scalable/apps/lmms.svg" -# 3. las -- for reasons unknown -- causes erradic thumbnail behavior -file(COPY "${APP}/usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/${lmms}.png" DESTINATION "${APP}/") - # Call linuxdeploy message(STATUS "Calling ${LINUXDEPLOY_BIN} --appdir \"${APP}\" ... [... libraries].") execute_process(COMMAND "${LINUXDEPLOY_BIN}"