open a source image. ( √ )
get the colors of the image instance, take care of the max colors. ( √ )
group the colors. ( (0 ~ 255) => 3 parts ) ( √ )
sort the item colors tuple. ( √ )
calculate the colors' weighted mean. ( √ )
return the color. ( #xxxxxx ) ( √ )
package the script to a Haishoku class. ( √ )
add getDominant api to get the image's dominant color. ( √ )
add getPalette api to get the image's palette. ( √ )
upload to pypi. ( √ )
add loadHaishoku api to get a Haishoku instance. ( √ )
base on k-means alg.( x ) -
show the percentage information with the palette. ( √ )
load image instance from a remote url. (√)