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68 lines (50 loc) · 2.07 KB

File metadata and controls

68 lines (50 loc) · 2.07 KB


This command is a package handler for the Hassbian scripts. All interactions for installing software should be handled through this command.
Running the individual scripts to install software will no longer work as expected.


The hassbian-config command is invoked with:

hassbian-config *command* *suite* *flag(optional)*

where *command* is one of:

Command Description
install Use this to install an suite.
upgrade Use this to upgrade an installed suite.
show This will show you all available suites.
log This will show you the log of last hassbian-config operation.
share-log This will generate an hastebin link of the last hassbian-config operation.
show-installed Generates a list of installed suites.

Optional flags:

Flag Alt. flag Description
--accept -Y This will accept defaults on scripts that allow this.
--force -F This will force run an script. This is useful if you need to reinstall a package.
--debug -D This will output every comand to the console.
--beta -B This will install the current beta version if implemented.
--dev This will install the current development version if implemented.

Other available commands:

Command Alt. command Description
--version - -V This will show you the installed version of hassbian-config.
--help - -H Shows help for the tool, with all available commands.


This package is pre-installed on the Hassbian image.
This package can be used with Raspbian lite but it's not recommended.

curl | grep "browser_download_url.*deb" | cut -d : -f 2,3 | tr -d \" | wget -qi -
sudo apt install -y ./hassbian*


sudo hassbian-config upgrade hassbian-script

Upgrade to dev branch

sudo hassbian-config upgrade hassbian-script --dev