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Token Master

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Simple token logic for providing (temporary) restricted access. No routing, views, controllers, or mailers, just logic that you can use wherever and whenever you want.

Tokens can be used for any action that needs the access, such as inviting, confirming, or resetting passwords. These actions can be considered tokenable actions.

Tokenable actions can be attributed to any model, not just users. These models then become tokenable models.

Quick Start


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'token_master'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install token_master


These examples assume Rails 5, but anything >= 4 will work

Let's say you want to add email confirmation flow to your User. Your tokenable model then is the User model, and the tokenable action might be something like confirm (although you can name it anything, as long as you are consistent).

  1. Create and run a migration to add the necessary columns to the users table like so:
bundle exec rails generate token_master User confirm
bundle exec rails db:migrate
  1. Add the Token Master token_master hook to the User class, and pass in the symbol for your tokenable action:
class User < ApplicationRecord
  token_master :confirm
  1. Somewhere during the signup flow, generate and send the token:
class UsersController < ApplicationController

  def create

    # Creating the user is up to you, here is an example
    user = User.create!(
      email: params[:email],
      password: params[:password],
      password_confirmation: params[:password_confirmation]

    # Generate and save a unique token on the new user
    token = user.set_confirm_token!

    # Mark the token as sent
    user.send_confirm_instructions! do
      # Sending the email is up to you, by passing a block here:
      UserMailer.send_confirm(user) # or some other logic

  def resend_confirmation_instructions

    # if you have a 'resend instructions?' flow you can generate a new token and send instructions again in one step
    user.resend_confirm_instructions! do
      # Sending the email is up to you, by passing a block here:
      UserMailer.send_confirm(user) # or some other logic

  1. Somewhere during the confirmation flow, find and confirm the user:
class UsersController < ApplicationController
  def confirm

    # finds the user by the token, and mark the token as completed
    user = User.confirm_by_token!(params[:token])




Let's revisit the Quick Start and fill in the details.

The Generator

When you ran the generator

bundle exec rails generate token_master User confirm

you provided two arguments:

  • User - The class name of the model to which you are adding the tokenable action
  • confirm - The name of the tokenable action

Both of these could be anything, as long as you use the same class and name later on. If you like, you can create multiple tokenables at the same time, just add more space-separated tokenable names when calling the generator:

bundle exec rails generate token_master User confirm invite reset

Running the generator does two things:

  1. Creates a migration file in #{Rails.root}/db/migrate that looks like:
class AddConfirmTokenableToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0]
  def change
    add_column :users, :confirm_token,        :string,    default: nil
    add_column :users, :confirm_created_at,   :timestamp, default: nil
    add_column :users, :confirm_completed_at, :timestamp, default: nil
    add_column :users, :confirm_sent_at,      :timestamp, default: nil

    add_index :users, :confirm_token

where the :users table is determined from the User argument and :confirm_* is determined from the confirm argument.

  1. Creates an initializer #{Rails.root}/config/initializers/token_master.rb that looks like:
TokenMaster.config do |config|
  # Set up your configurations for each *tokenable* using the methods at the bottom of this file.
  # Example: For `confirm` logic:
  # Default values:
  #   token_lifetime  = 15 # days
  #   required_params = []
  #   token_length    = 20 # characters

  config.add_tokenable_options :confirm,
    token_lifetime:  15, # days
    required_params: [:email],
    token_length:    30 # characters

The default values will be used unless you configure them otherwise. These options can be set for each tokenable action.

The Model

When you added the Token Master hook and tokenable action to your model

class User < ApplicationRecord
  token_master :confirm

just make sure the class User and tokenable(s) :confirm (this can be multiple tokenables) match what you used in your generator.


token_master :confirm, :invite, :reset
  1. The token_master hook is included automatically by Token Master in your ApplicationRecord base class.

However, if necessary, you can add this yourself by including the following in your class:

include TokenMaster::Model

This adds the token_master class method we used above, and you can make the same calls we described in the confirm example above.

  1. When you call the token_master class method, for each tokenable action you provide, a handful of methods are added to the class for each tokenable action, and named accordingly.

Assuming the tokenable action below is confirm, the methods would look like this:

Instance methods

  • set_confirm_token!
  • send_confirm_instructions!
  • resend_confirm_instructions!
  • confirm_status
  • force_confirm!

Class methods

  • confirm_by_token!

In addition to the three you have already seen in action, there is also:

confirm_status - returns the current status of the tokenable action. This is one of:

  • 'no token'
  • 'created'
  • 'sent'
  • 'completed'
  • 'expired'

force_confirm! - forcibly completes the given tokenable action

See the Api Docs for more details.


Sometimes in order to redeem a token, we want to make sure some additional information is present and possibly save that to our model. For example, when implementing a password reset flow, we want to update the User with the new password and make sure it's valid.

Assuming we are using has_secure_password or something similar all we need to do is:

  1. Configure the tokenable action to require these fields when redeeming the token


TokenMaster.config do |config|
  config.add_tokenable_options :reset_password,
    token_lifetime:  1
    required_params: [:password, :password_confirmation]
    token_length:    30
  1. Include those parameters when redeeming the token (If you don't you will get an error!)
  password: password,
  password_confirmation: password_confirmation

Under the hood, Token Master calls update! on the model, so if the model is not valid, it won't be saved and the token will not be redeemed.


Can I use this without Rails?

Yes! However, there is a small dependency on ActiveRecord, see below.

Can I use this without ActiveRecord?

Almost! There is only a slight dependence on a few ActiveRecord methods and its on our radar to refactor this a bit. In the meantime, a workaround is to make sure the class you are using implements update, update!, save, and find_by. In addition, you have to either add Token Master to your class with include TokenMaster::Model or use the Token Master core module explicitly:

TokenMaster::Core.set_token!(User, :confirm) (which is equivalent to user.set_confirm_token!(token))

See the Api Docs for more details.

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We are product builders, check us out at Launchpad Lab


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.