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Go check out our Trello.
Avoid opening any new issues without having checked if your problem has already been reported. If there are no currently open issues that fit your problem's description, feel free to add it.
When writing an issue make sure to include a clear title and description as well as having filled out all the necessary information, depending on the severity of the issue also include the necessary log files and minidump.
Try to following the given template when writing a new issue if possible.
Fork the FlaxEngine, create a new branch and push your changes there. Then, create a pull request.
When creating a PR for fixing an issue/bug make sure to describe as to what led to the fix for better understanding, for small and obvious fixes this is not really needed. However make sure to mention the relevant issue where it was first reported if possible.
For feature PR's the first thing you should evaluate is the value of your contribution, as in, what would it bring to this engine? Is it really required? If its a small change you could preferably suggest it to us on our discord, else feel free to open up a PR for it.
Ensure when creating a PR that your contribution is well explained with a adequate description and title.
Generally, good code quality is expected, make sure your contribution works as intended and is appropriately commented where necessary.
Thank you for taking interest in contributing to Flax!