Universities can be a dauniting place for the newcomer. Too much infomation in too short a time to retain, unfamilar locations, lectures and seminars at hard to find rooms. Very may of the same questions are asked repeatedly:
- "Tell me about the university"
- "Where exactly am I now?"
- "Where is the Students Union/Computer Science Labs/etc from here?"
- "What COVID policy should I be aware of?"
- "Show me a map of the University"
- etc
Can we create an Augmented Reality avatar with IBM Watson Assistant. that can answer students questions in a way that is compelling and easy to use. https://trello.com/c/vjR7ptSt/40-augmented-reality-artificially-intelligent-avatar-for-your-university-compsci
This application has been developed as a Unity project, and thus can be downloaded and handled using Unity version 2019.4.26f1. These are the different pages of the main application: