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An expression oriented programming language / data notation, designed for elegant data processing and transference.


All terms in lala will eventually converge to an expression, so it's fair to start from. Here is a list of all forms of expressions. The list will be revisited as new terms are introduced.

List of Expression

  1. Type System
    • Literal
    • Type Constructor
  2. Modular System
    • Obstruction
    • Projection
    • Exposure
  3. Value Space
    • Literal
    • Application
  4. Binder Space
    • Abstraction
    • Pattern Language
  5. Control Flow
    • Pattern Matching
    • Pattern Enumeration


  1. Literals are just the application of the type primitive defined by a type constructor in core.
  2. An obstruction is a data block with certain computational order, a projection accesses the result of a previous block, and an exposure opens up a binded data block.
  3. Abstraction can be analogized by variables and functions, and works through bindings.


Let's bootstrap with some quick examples.


Literals contain int, float and string.

42;       /* int */
-1;       /* int */

0.0;      /* float */
0.;       /* float */

"";       /* string */
"Ehaema"; /* string */

where /* ... */ represents comment.

A more sophisticated literal will come later.


Use binders to introduce new variables and functions.

ans := 42;
x   := ans;
x'  := ans - 1; /* only suffix `'`s are allowed */
add x y := x + y;


Operators are special binders defined in core.

// Todo..


Use type by prefixing '.

truth' := bool'true; /* type'data */
truth := 'true; /* shortened, equal effect */


// Todo..

Comments and Docs

Finally, perhaps key to maintainable data, let's introduce comment and document syntax.

/* Comment */

/* => tag
any markdown content

within the markdown area, you may write anything that helps, from a speech to a note, which will be collected together with the binder directly below and renderred to a static doc page. The tags can be used to cluster the pages in a package; leave it blank if not useful.

If the doc is file-wise, or no binder is available, use !!.

/* => tag !!
any markdown content

Data Block

Perhaps the most fundamental question in the short history of computer science is the question of how to collect, process and present data in a safe and flexible way. lala is yet another attempt of an elegant solution for data abstraction.


// Note: !! Add Generalized Tuple () as true parallel; Tuple = Array made better?; {} for dependent, simultaneous computation.

It all started with the sequence of evaluation. We want to collect the result of our computation in three ways: either sequential, simultaneous, or parallel. If the latter computation depends on the result of the previous one, it's sequential; if the order of computation satisfies a resolvable dependency graph, it's simultaneous; if we insist that a set of computations must all complete regardless of the order of completion within the set, it's parallel.

If you admit that all data processing is eventually a sequence of evaluation, it would natural to represent them with data blocks. To differentiate the three sequences of evaluation, [], {} and () are introduced as primitives.



// Todo..

Since each expression is a computation, it's not abrupt to propagate the use of ;.

Usage as List and Map

// Todo: List and Map

list := [0,1,2,3];
map  := {
    0: 0,
    1: 1,
    2: 2,
    3: 3,

// Todo: Dynamically typed list and map

// Todo: List is more of a vector, for easier usage (?: doubly-linked list)

Binder Space and Value Space

We use different separators for the two spaces. ; acts upon the binder space, standing for a pulse of computation. an operation that don't show effect by returning value, and a reusable piece of code; while , acts upon the value space, standing for conjunction and product of values, and construction or deconstruction of things.


// Todo..

Mask and Mask Exposure

// Todo..

<sin; sin'> := trigonometric = [
    math := [<lala>].math;
    <math> := [<lala>];
    <math> := lala;
    sin  := math.sin;
    sin' := math.cos;

Note that three math's are the same.

<sin; cos> := trigonometric = [

// Note: see Exposure.

Projection Visibility


  1. If a block can be seen, it can be projected.
  2. If a binder binds to a block, it is the block.
  3. If a binder is masked by =, it can't be seen outside the containing block.
  4. If a binder is masked by :=, it can be seen outside the containing block.

Thus = binders can't be projected to outside the containing block, while := binders can.

Note that binders appear in the form of patterns.

// Todo..

Effect Shift

data := ![
    alice  := "kawaii";
    ehaema := "elegant";
    carol  := [ alice; ehaema ];

is effectively

data := {
    "alice"  : "kawaii",
    "ehaema" : "elegant",
    "carol"  : [


<a; b; c> := data;
/* equals to */
_ := <a; b; c> = data;


Binder and Binding

// Todo..

A binder can be binded to any expression.

f := g := [];


add x y := x + y;   /* function definition `add` */
res := add 1 2;     /* 3 */

As for currying,

add_1 := add 1;

partially apply a function will produce any other function with fewer arguments to be fed. Under the hood, the binders (for functions) only takes one actual argument.

Modular Input

Suppose we want to pass a data block to a function and make use of the bindings immediately, considering it's similar to exposure, we could write

f <x;y;z> := x + y + z;
res = f [x := 3; y := 4; z := 5];

Note that it's unreasonable to write

/* error */
f <x;y;z> := <res> = [ 
    res := x + y + z;

because res would be ambiguous.

Evaluation Order

Abstraction is so common and signaficant in programming languages, but it's unbelievably hard to do it right.

// Todo: example of function argument evaluation order.

However, in lala you can explictly denote the evaluation order by passing arguments in different ways.

f  x y z  := () /* z -> y -> x -> (f  x y z ) */
f [x,y,z] := () /* x -> y -> z -> (f [x,y,z]) */
f (x,y,z) := () /* (x,y,z), parallel  -> (f (x,y,z)) */
f <x;y;z> := () /* <x;y;z>, preserved -> (f <x;y;z>) */

Pattern Language

As we've in fact incountered many pattern usage, I think it's a good time now to formally introduce pattern language in lala:

/* deconstruct a list or array */
ab+[c] /* favored for performance (?: dl-list) */
_ +[c]
[a, ..]

/* deconstruct a tuple */
(a, ..)

/* deconstruct a hashmap */
{0: a, 1: b, 2: c}
{"king": a, "queen": b, "eeloo": c}
{0: a, ..}

/* deconstruct a block */

Notice that there's little ; in pattern language because , looks better (kidding). In fact, the design principle traces back to the difference between binder space and value space. Almost all patterns are dealing with values, so , appears everywhere, except <a; b; c> as it deals with binder space elimination.

A few other comments:

  1. ab+[c] should be favored over [a]+bc, unlike most fp language's behavior. This is because lala prefers vector impl over linked lists. e.g., in the use case of json a vector is better most of the time. Say a history of operations are stored. Usually we append, not prepend the latest events.

Type Constructor

bool := '{
truth := bool'true;
falsehood := 'false;

To bind data and use polymorphism,

tree 'a := '{
    leaf '[
        :data 'a,
    node '[
        :data 'a,
        :lt tree 'a,
        :rt tree 'a,

But you may choose not to force the type, leaving it ducked:

tree := '{
    leaf '[
    node '[

To recursively define types,

http_response_status 'data := '{
    informational '{
        /* ... */
    successful '{
        ok '[
            :data, /* equal to `:data 'data` */
        /* ... */
    /* ... */

// Todo: All data structures can be typed.

// Todo: Binders defined with type (member function / variable).

Control Flow and Pattern Matching

// Todo...

Lala File and Package

// Todo..

Package Manager

It's called dada.

Defines how "global" data blocks within lala's domain maps to reality, i.e. file system or repositories.

Though with a special purpose, dada is just lala syntax, with no magic at all.