- boost 在协议层补充了两个新的协议 (细节见后文)
- 新协议的提出主要改进了 client 到 market 的数据传输,并不会对 venus-market 多矿工的架构造成影响
- 现在的 venus-market 可以比较顺滑地升级以支持新的协议
boost 在兼容以前协议的基础上,新增了两种协议:
- 向 market 推送订单的协议:
- 以及查询订单数据:
Field | Type | Description |
DealUUID | uuid | gen by client with uuid ("github.com/google/uuid") |
IsOffline | boolean | Indicates whether the deal is online or offline |
ClientDealProposal | ClientDealProposal | Same as <v1 proposal>.DealProposal |
DealDataRoot | cid | The root cid of the CAR file. Same as <v1 proposal>.Piece.Root |
Transfer | struct | Transfer has the parameters for a data transfer |
type DealParams struct {
DealUUID uuid.UUID
IsOffline bool
ClientDealProposal market.ClientDealProposal
DealDataRoot cid.Cid
Transfer Transfer // Transfer params will be the zero value if this is an offline deal
// Transfer has the parameters for a data transfer
type Transfer struct {
// The type of transfer eg "http"
Type string
// An optional ID that can be supplied by the client to identify the deal
ClientID string
// A byte array containing marshalled data specific to the transfer type
// eg a JSON encoded struct { URL: "<url>", Headers: {...} }
Params []byte
// The size of the data transferred in bytes
Size uint64
目前 boost 中只支持 http 类型的 transfer
Field | Type | Description |
Accepted | boolean | Indicates whether the deal proposal was accepted |
Message | string | A message about why the deal proposal was rejected |
type DealResponse struct {
Accepted bool
// Message is the reason the deal proposal was rejected. It is empty if
// the deal was accepted.
Message string
Field | Type | Description |
DealUUID | uuid | The uuid of the deal |
Signature | Signature | A signature over the uuid with the client's wallet |
// DealStatusRequest is sent to get the current state of a deal from a
// storage provider
type DealStatusRequest struct {
DealUUID uuid.UUID
Signature crypto.Signature
Field | Type | Description |
DealUUID | uuid | The uuid of the deal |
Error | string | Non-empty if there's an error getting the deal status |
IsOffline | boolean | Indicates whether the deal is online or offline |
TransferSize | integer | The total size of the transfer in bytes |
NBytesReceived | integer | The number of bytes that have been downloaded |
DealStatus | struct | the status of deal |
SignedProposalCid | cid | cid of the client deal proposal + signature |
PublishCid | cid | The cid of the publish message, if the deal has been published |
ChainDealID | integer | The ID of the deal on chain, if it's been published |
// DealStatusResponse is the current state of a deal
type DealStatusResponse struct {
DealUUID uuid.UUID
// Error is non-empty if there is an error getting the deal status
// (eg invalid request signature)
Error string
DealStatus *DealStatus
IsOffline bool
TransferSize uint64
NBytesReceived uint64
type DealStatus struct {
// Error is non-empty if the deal is in the error state
Error string
// Status is a string corresponding to a deal checkpoint
Status string
// SealingStatus is the sealing status reported by lotus miner
SealingStatus string
// Proposal is the deal proposal
Proposal market.DealProposal
// SignedProposalCid is the cid of the client deal proposal + signature
SignedProposalCid cid.Cid
// PublishCid is the cid of the Publish message sent on chain, if the deal
// has reached the publish stage
PublishCid *cid.Cid
// ChainDealID is the id of the deal in chain state
ChainDealID abi.DealID
// status
const (
Accepted Checkpoint = iota
var names = map[Checkpoint]string{
Accepted: "Accepted",
Transferred: "Transferred",
Published: "Published",
PublishConfirmed: "PublishConfirmed",
AddedPiece: "AddedPiece",
IndexedAndAnnounced: "IndexedAndAnnounced",
Complete: "Complete",
// SealingStatus string类型,没看到所有的枚举定义
boost 实现的新的订单发起流程主要是基于 /fil/storage/mk/1.2.0
拓展了 client 向 market 传输数据的方式(目前 boost 只实现了 http 的形式),舍弃了原本的graphsync
- 传统的的订单发起流程 (基于 /fil/storage/mk/1.0.1 , /fil/storage/mk/1.1.0 /fil/storage/mk/1.1.1 )
- boost 提出的新的订单发起流程 (基于 /fil/storage/mk/1.2.0 )
线上订单时,client 根据 cli-flag 生成 types.Transfer (离线订单时该对象为空)
// Store the path to the CAR file as a transfer parameter
transferParams := &types2.HttpRequest{URL: cctx.String("http-url")}
if cctx.IsSet("http-headers") {
transferParams.Headers = make(map[string]string)
for _, header := range cctx.StringSlice("http-headers") {
sp := strings.Split(header, "=")
if len(sp) != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("malformed http header: %s", header)
transferParams.Headers[sp[0]] = sp[1]
paramsBytes, err := json.Marshal(transferParams)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("marshalling request parameters: %w", err)
transfer.Type = "http"
transfer.Params = paramsBytes
// Create a deal proposal to storage provider using deal protocol v1.2.0 format
dealProposal, err := dealProposal(ctx, n, walletAddr, rootCid, abi.PaddedPieceSize(pieceSize), pieceCid, maddr, startEpoch, cctx.Int("duration"), cctx.Bool("verified"), providerCollateral, abi.NewTokenAmount(cctx.Int64("storage-price")))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create a deal proposal: %w", err)
dealParams := types.DealParams{
DealUUID: dealUuid,
ClientDealProposal: *dealProposal,
DealDataRoot: rootCid,
IsOffline: !isOnline,
Transfer: transfer,
func dealProposal(ctx context.Context, n *clinode.Node, clientAddr address.Address, rootCid cid.Cid, pieceSize abi.PaddedPieceSize, pieceCid cid.Cid, minerAddr address.Address, startEpoch abi.ChainEpoch, duration int, verified bool, providerCollateral abi.TokenAmount, storagePrice abi.TokenAmount) (*market.ClientDealProposal, error) {
endEpoch := startEpoch + abi.ChainEpoch(duration)
// deal proposal expects total storage price for deal per epoch, therefore we
// multiply pieceSize * storagePrice (which is set per epoch per GiB) and divide by 2^30
storagePricePerEpochForDeal := big.Div(big.Mul(big.NewInt(int64(pieceSize)), storagePrice), big.NewInt(int64(1<<30)))
l, err := market.NewLabelFromString(rootCid.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
proposal := market.DealProposal{
PieceCID: pieceCid,
PieceSize: pieceSize,
VerifiedDeal: verified,
Client: clientAddr,
Provider: minerAddr,
Label: l,
StartEpoch: startEpoch,
EndEpoch: endEpoch,
StoragePricePerEpoch: storagePricePerEpochForDeal,
ProviderCollateral: providerCollateral,
buf, err := cborutil.Dump(&proposal)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sig, err := n.Wallet.WalletSign(ctx, clientAddr, buf, api.MsgMeta{Type: api.MTDealProposal})
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("wallet sign failed: %w", err)
return &market.ClientDealProposal{
Proposal: proposal,
ClientSignature: *sig,
}, nil
client 发送订单请求
s, err := n.Host.NewStream(ctx, addrInfo.ID, DealProtocolv120)
if err := cborutil.WriteCborRPC(s, &dealParams); err != nil {
errc <- fmt.Errorf("failed to send request: %w", err)
boost 接收到订单后,会先进行两步处理
- 校验订单的参数
- 校验的参数包括: PieceCID,signature,Provider,piece size,duration,epoch,provider collateral,ask,client fun 等等
- 将订单注入到 boost 的订单处理循环
// ExecuteDeal is called when the Storage Provider receives a deal proposal
// from the network
func (p *Provider) ExecuteDeal(ctx context.Context, dp *types.DealParams, clientPeer peer.ID) (*api.ProviderDealRejectionInfo, error) {
ctx, span := tracing.Tracer.Start(ctx, "Provider.ExecuteDeal")
defer span.End()
span.SetAttributes(attribute.String("dealUuid", dp.DealUUID.String())) // Example of adding additional attributes
p.dealLogger.Infow(dp.DealUUID, "executing deal proposal received from network", "peer", clientPeer)
ds := types.ProviderDealState{
DealUuid: dp.DealUUID,
ClientDealProposal: dp.ClientDealProposal,
ClientPeerID: clientPeer,
DealDataRoot: dp.DealDataRoot,
Transfer: dp.Transfer,
IsOffline: dp.IsOffline,
Retry: smtypes.DealRetryAuto,
// validate the deal proposal (校验订单数据)
if err := p.validateDealProposal(ds); err != nil {
reason := err.reason
if reason == "" {
reason = err.Error()
p.dealLogger.Infow(dp.DealUUID, "deal proposal failed validation", "err", err.Error(), "reason", reason)
return &api.ProviderDealRejectionInfo{
Reason: fmt.Sprintf("failed validation: %s", reason),
}, nil
// 将订单注入 订单处理循环
return p.executeDeal(ctx, ds)
本小结简要介绍 boost 中订单处理循环 的处理流程 该订单处理循环是个典型的 select-case 结构 每个 case 对应一个 channel 作为循环的入口
// channels used to pass messages to run loop
// 接入达成 dealcheckpoints.AddedPiece 状态之前的订单
// 会处理订单直到订单达成 dealcheckpoints.AddedPiece
acceptDealChan chan acceptDealReq
// 接入达成 dealcheckpoints.Published 的订单的
// 释放占用的 fund 资源
publishedDealChan chan publishDealReq
// 接入 addpiece 之后的订单
// 释放被占用的 storage space 资源
storageSpaceChan chan storageSpaceDealReq
// 接入需要清理资源占用的的订单 (完成的订单,或者失败的订单)
// 清理订单的资源占用,主要是 fund 和 storage space
finishedDealChan chan finishedDealReq
// 接入希望重启或者希望终止 的已经停止的订单
// 重启或者终止一个停止了的订单
updateRetryStateChan chan updateRetryStateReq
- fund 资源: boost 用于抵押的资金,在 deal 初始化时被分配, deal 发布之后,被分配的资金会作为抵押被转走,同时也应该释放相应 deal 的资金占用
- storage 资源: boost 用于存储订单数据的存储空间资源,在订单创建时会被分配,在订单被 addpiece 之后会被释放掉
五个 case 之中,会着重介绍 acceptDealChan 所在的 case 分支
// case <-p.acceptDealChan 的部分源码
select {
// Process a request to
// - accept a deal proposal and execute it immediately
// - accept an offline deal proposal and save it for execution later
// when the data is imported
// - accept a request to import data for an offline deal
case dealReq := <-p.acceptDealChan:
deal := dealReq.deal
p.dealLogger.Infow(deal.DealUuid, "processing deal acceptance request")
// 离线订单,预处理,等待数据导入
if deal.IsOffline && !dealReq.isImport {
// When the client proposes an offline deal, save the deal
// to the database but don't execute the deal. The deal
// will be executed when the Storage Provider imports the
// deal data.
dh, err := p.mkAndInsertDealHandler(deal.DealUuid)
// 1.检查订单不重复
// 2.初始化订单,将之保存到数据库
aerr := p.processOfflineDealProposal(dealReq.deal, dh)
// The deal proposal was successful. Send an Accept response to the client.
dealReq.rsp <- acceptDealResp{ri: &api.ProviderDealRejectionInfo{Accepted: true}}
// Don't execute the deal now, wait for data import.
// 1. 分配 fund 和 storage space 资源
// 2. 初始化订单参数,包括订单数据的路径,创建订单的时间记录等
if deal.IsOffline {
// 离线订单,并且订单数据已经导入
// The Storage Provider is importing offline deal data, so tag
// funds for the deal and execute it
aerr = p.processImportOfflineDealData(dealReq.deal)
} else {
// 在线订单
// Process a regular deal proposal
aerr = p.processDealProposal(dealReq.deal)
if aerr != nil {
// set up deal handler so that clients can subscribe to deal update events
dh, err := p.mkAndInsertDealHandler(deal.DealUuid)
if err != nil {
sendErrorResp(&acceptError{error: err, isSevereError: true, reason: "server error: starting deal thread"})
// start executing the deal
_, err = p.startDealThread(dh, deal)
if err != nil {
sendErrorResp(&acceptError{error: err, isSevereError: true, reason: "server error: starting deal thread"})
// send an accept response
dealReq.rsp <- acceptDealResp{&api.ProviderDealRejectionInfo{Accepted: true}, nil}
case ....
在线订单会在完成订单资源分配和参数初始化之后,就会真正地开始执行订单处理线程 离线订单会两次进入这一段代码,第一次初始化订单参数之后退出,当导入离线数据的时候会再次进入这段代码,进行资源分配并开始 叮当处理线程
func (p *Provider) execDealUptoAddPiece(ctx context.Context, deal *types.ProviderDealState, dh *dealHandler) *dealMakingError {
pub := dh.Publisher
// publish "new deal" event
// publish an event with the current state of the deal
p.fireEventDealUpdate(pub, deal)
p.dealLogger.Infow(deal.DealUuid, "deal execution in progress")
// Transfer Data step will be executed only if it's NOT an offline deal
if !deal.IsOffline {
if deal.Checkpoint < dealcheckpoints.Transferred {
// Check that the deal's start epoch hasn't already elapsed
if derr := p.checkDealProposalStartEpoch(deal); derr != nil {
return derr
// download data from the client,and verifyCommP
if err := p.transferAndVerify(dh, pub, deal); err != nil {
// The transfer has failed. If the user tries to cancel the
// transfer after this point it's a no-op.
return err
p.dealLogger.Infow(deal.DealUuid, "deal data transfer finished successfully")
} else {
p.dealLogger.Infow(deal.DealUuid, "deal data transfer has already been completed")
// transfer can no longer be cancelled
dh.setCancelTransferResponse(errors.New("transfer already complete"))
p.dealLogger.Infow(deal.DealUuid, "deal data-transfer can no longer be cancelled")
} else if deal.Checkpoint < dealcheckpoints.Transferred {
// verify CommP matches for an offline deal
if err := p.verifyCommP(deal); err != nil {
err.error = fmt.Errorf("error when matching commP for imported data for offline deal: %w", err)
return err
p.dealLogger.Infow(deal.DealUuid, "commp matched successfully for imported data for offline deal")
// update checkpoint
if derr := p.updateCheckpoint(pub, deal, dealcheckpoints.Transferred); derr != nil {
return derr
// Publish
if deal.Checkpoint <= dealcheckpoints.Published {
if err := p.publishDeal(ctx, pub, deal); err != nil {
return err
p.dealLogger.Infow(deal.DealUuid, "deal successfully published and confirmed-publish")
} else {
p.dealLogger.Infow(deal.DealUuid, "deal has already been published and confirmed-publish")
// Now that the deal has been published, we no longer need to have funds
// tagged as being for this deal (the publish message moves collateral
// from the storage market actor escrow balance to the locked balance)
if err := p.untagFundsAfterPublish(ctx, deal); err != nil {
// If there's an error untagging funds we should still try to continue,
// so just log the error
p.dealLogger.Warnw(deal.DealUuid, "failed to untag funds after sending publish message", "err", err)
} else {
p.dealLogger.Infow(deal.DealUuid, "funds successfully untagged for deal after publish")
// AddPiece
if deal.Checkpoint < dealcheckpoints.AddedPiece {
if err := p.addPiece(ctx, pub, deal); err != nil {
err.error = fmt.Errorf("failed to add piece: %w", err.error)
return err
p.dealLogger.Infow(deal.DealUuid, "deal successfully handed over to the sealing subsystem")
} else {
p.dealLogger.Infow(deal.DealUuid, "deal has already been handed over to the sealing subsystem")
// as deal has already been handed to the sealer, we can remove the inbound file and reclaim the tagged space
if !deal.IsOffline {
_ = os.Remove(deal.InboundFilePath)
p.dealLogger.Infow(deal.DealUuid, "removed inbound file as deal handed to sealer", "path", deal.InboundFilePath)
if err := p.untagStorageSpaceAfterSealing(ctx, deal); err != nil {
// If there's an error untagging storage space we should still try to continue,
// so just log the error
p.dealLogger.Warnw(deal.DealUuid, "failed to untag storage space after handing deal to sealer", "err", err)
} else {
p.dealLogger.Infow(deal.DealUuid, "storage space successfully untagged for deal after it was handed to sealer")
// Index deal in DAGStore and Announce deal
if deal.Checkpoint < dealcheckpoints.IndexedAndAnnounced {
if err := p.indexAndAnnounce(ctx, pub, deal); err != nil {
err.error = fmt.Errorf("failed to add index and announce deal: %w", err.error)
return err
p.dealLogger.Infow(deal.DealUuid, "deal successfully indexed and announced")
} else {
p.dealLogger.Infow(deal.DealUuid, "deal has already been indexed and announced")
return nil
在订单的处理流程中, addpiece 阶段会将订单数据分配到矿工的扇区. 这个过程主要是通过调用 PieceAdder 接口的 AddPiece 方法来实现. 其中 PieceAdder 主要底层是由 lotus-miner 的 rpc client 来实现的,其依赖路径如下