Post Scrapbook updates right from your menu bar on your Mac! Download now
- Download the zip file from the releases page
- Extract the app from the zip file
- Drag the app to your
- Run
brew install --cask LinusS1/taps/scrapple
- 🔌 Quick connecting with Slack: it opens the default broswer and has you sign into slack. Then through deep links, it is able to get it's authorization code.
- 🚀 Easy sharing: from the menu bar you are able to type in the update, and select the file.
- 🧨 Auto starting: Starts up when you login
- ✨ Automatic updating: With Sparkle, you'll get a notification.
- 🤡 Share files with the share sheet
- 📚 And of course everything else:
- ✅ Doesn't take up any system resources
- 🔒 Privacy friendly
- 🍎 Signed and notarized.
Speaking of updates here's the future 🕳:
- ⏰ Reminder to keep your streak!
- ± And a whole ton more....