This changelog references the relevant changes (bug and security fixes) done in 5.1 minor versions.
To get the diff for a specific change, go to where XXX is the change hash To get the diff between two versions, go to
5.1.0-RC1 (2020-05-16)
bug #36832 [Security] Improved upgrade path for custom remember me services (wouterj)
bug #36592 [BrowserKit] Allow Referer set by history to be overridden (Slamdunk)
bug #36800 [DI] Renamed some PHP-DSL functions (javiereguiluz)
bug #36806 RememberMeLogoutListener should depend on LogoutHandlerInterface (scheb)
bug #36805 [Security\Core] Fix NoopAuthenticationManager::authenticate() return value (chalasr)
bug #36823 [HttpClient] fix PHP warning + accept status code >= 600 (nicolas-grekas)
bug #36824 [Security/Core] fix compat of
with pre-PHP74 values ofPASSWORD_*
consts (nicolas-grekas) -
bug #36811 [DependencyInjection] Fix register event listeners compiler pass (X-Coder264)
bug #36789 Change priority of KernelEvents::RESPONSE subscriber (marcw)
bug #36794 [Serializer] fix issue with PHP 8 (nicolas-grekas)
bug #36786 [WebProfiler] Remove 'none' when appending CSP tokens (ndench)
bug #36796 [DI] Use require_once instead of require when appending cache warmer-returned files to preload file (ovrflo)
bug #36743 [Yaml] Fix escaped quotes in quoted multi-line string (ossinkine)
bug #36773 [HttpClient] preserve the identity of responses streamed by TraceableHttpClient (nicolas-grekas)
bug #36777 [TwigBundle] FormExtension does not have a constructor anymore since sf 4.0 (Tobion)
bug #36766 [HttpClient] add TimeoutExceptionInterface (nicolas-grekas)
bug #36716 [Mime] handle passing custom mime types as string (mcneely)
bug #36765 [HttpClient] fix dealing with informational response (nicolas-grekas)
bug #36747 Queue name is a required parameter (theravel)
bug #36751 [Mime] fix bad method call on
(Kocal) -
bug #36737 [Cache] fix accepting sub-second max-lifetimes in ArrayAdapter (nicolas-grekas)
bug #36749 [DI] give priority to container.hot_path over container.no_preload (nicolas-grekas)
bug #36721 [FrameworkBundle] remove getProjectDir method from MicroKernelTrait (garak)
5.1.0-BETA1 (2020-05-05)
feature #36711 [Form] deprecate
constants (nicolas-grekas) -
feature #36681 [FrameworkBundle] use the router context by default for assets (nicolas-grekas)
feature #35545 [Serializer] Allow to include the severity in ConstraintViolationList (dunglas)
feature #36471 [String] allow passing a string of custom characters to ByteString::fromRandom (azjezz)
feature #35092 [Inflector][String] Move Inflector in String (fancyweb)
feature #36302 [Form] Add the html5 option to ColorType to validate the input (fancyweb)
feature #36184 [FrameworkBundle] Deprecate renderView() in favor of renderTemplate() (javiereguiluz)
feature #36655 Automatically provide Messenger Doctrine schema to "diff" (weaverryan)
feature #35849 [ExpressionLanguage] Added expression language syntax validator (Andrej-in-ua)
feature #36656 [Security/Core] Add CustomUserMessageAccountStatusException (VincentLanglet)
feature #36621 Log deprecations on a dedicated Monolog channel (l-vo)
feature #34813 [Yaml] support YAML 1.2 octal notation, deprecate YAML 1.1 one (xabbuh)
feature #36557 [Messenger] Add support for RecoverableException (jderusse)
feature #36470 [DependencyInjection] Add a mechanism to deprecate public services to private (fancyweb)
feature #36651 [FrameworkBundle] Allow configuring the default base URI with a DSN (nicolas-grekas)
feature #36600 [Security] Added LDAP support to Authenticator system (wouterj)
feature #35453 [Messenger] Add option to stop the worker after a message failed (micheh)
feature #36094 [AmazonSqsMessenger] Use AsyncAws to handle SQS communication (jderusse)
feature #36636 Add support of PHP8 static return type for withers (l-vo)
feature #36586 [DI] allow loading and dumping tags with an attribute named "name" (nicolas-grekas)
feature #36599 [HttpKernel] make kernels implementing
be part of the cache warmup stage (nicolas-grekas) -
feature #35992 [Mailer] Use AsyncAws to handle SES requests (jderusse)
feature #36574 [Security] Removed anonymous in the new security system (wouterj)
feature #36666 [Security] Renamed VerifyAuthenticatorCredentialsEvent to CheckPassportEvent (wouterj)
feature #36575 [Security] Require entry_point to be configured with multiple authenticators (wouterj)
feature #36570 [Security] Integrated Guards with the Authenticator system (wouterj)
feature #36562 Revert "feature #30501 [FrameworkBundle][Routing] added Configurators to handle template and redirect controllers (HeahDude)" (nicolas-grekas)
feature #36373 [DI] add syntax to stack decorators (nicolas-grekas)
feature #36545 [DI] fix definition and usage of AbstractArgument (nicolas-grekas)
feature #28744 [Serializer] Add an @Ignore annotation (dunglas)
feature #36456 [String] Add locale-sensitive map for slugging symbols (lmasforne)
feature #36535 [DI] skip preloading dependencies of non-preloaded services (nicolas-grekas)
feature #36525 Improve SQS interoperability (jderusse)
feature #36516 [Notifier] Throw an exception when the Slack DSN is not valid (fabpot)
feature #35690 [Notifier] Add Free Mobile notifier (noniagriconomie)
feature #33558 [Security] AuthenticatorManager to make "authenticators" first-class security (wouterj)
feature #36187 [Routing] Deal with hosts per locale (odolbeau)
feature #36464 [RedisMessengerBridge] Add a delete_after_ack option (Seldaek)
feature #36431 [Messenger] Add FIFO support to the SQS transport (cv65kr)
feature #36455 [Cache] Added context to log messages (Nyholm)
feature #34363 [HttpFoundation] Add InputBag (azjezz)
feature #36445 [WebProfilerBundle] Make a difference between queued and sent emails (fabpot)
feature #36424 [Mailer][Messenger] add return statement for MessageHandler (ottaviano)
feature #36426 [Form] Deprecated unused old
util (HeahDude) -
feature #36433 [Console] cursor tweaks (fabpot)
feature #35828 [Notifier][Slack] Send messages using Incoming Webhooks (birkof, fabpot)
feature #27444 [Console] Add Cursor class to control the cursor in the terminal (pierredup)
feature #31390 [Serializer] UnwrappingDenormalizer (nonanerz)
feature #36390 [DI] remove restriction and allow mixing "parent" and instanceof-conditionals/defaults/bindings (nicolas-grekas)
feature #36388 [DI] deprecate the
function from the PHP-DSL in favor ofservice()
(nicolas-grekas) -
feature #36389 [DI] allow decorators to reference their decorated service using the special
id (nicolas-grekas) -
feature #36345 [OptionsResolver] Improve the deprecation feature by handling package and version (atailouloute)
feature #36372 [VarCloner] Cut Logger in dump (lyrixx)
feature #35748 [HttpFoundation] Add support for all core response http control directives (azjezz)
feature #36270 [FrameworkBundle] Add file links to named controllers in debug:router (chalasr)
feature #35762 [Asset] Allows to download asset manifest over HTTP (GromNaN)
feature #36195 [DI] add tags
to declare extra classes to preload/services to not preload (nicolas-grekas) -
feature #36209 [HttpKernel] allow cache warmers to add to the list of preloaded classes and files (nicolas-grekas)
feature #36243 [Security] Refactor logout listener to dispatch an event instead (wouterj)
feature #36185 [Messenger] Add a \Throwable argument in RetryStrategyInterface methods (Benjamin Dos Santos)
feature #35871 [Config] Improve the deprecation features by handling package and version (atailouloute)
feature #35879 [DependencyInjection] Deprecate ContainerInterface aliases (fancyweb)
feature #36273 [FrameworkBundle] Deprecate flashbag and attributebag services (William Arslett)
feature #36257 [HttpKernel] Deprecate single-colon notation for controllers (chalasr)
feature #35778 [DI] Improve the deprecation features by handling package and version (atailouloute)
feature #36129 [HttpFoundation][HttpKernel][Security] Improve UnexpectedSessionUsageException backtrace (mtarld)
feature #36186 [FrameworkBundle] Dump kernel extension configuration (guillbdx)
feature #34984 [Form] Allowing plural message on extra data validation failure (popnikos)
feature #36154 [Notifier][Slack] Add fields on Slack Section block (birkof)
feature #36148 [Mailer][Mailgun] Support more headers (Nyholm)
feature #36144 [FrameworkBundle][Routing] Add link to source to router:match (l-vo)
feature #36117 [PropertyAccess][DX] Added an
(HeahDude) -
feature #36088 [Form] Added "collection_entry" block prefix to CollectionType entries (HeahDude)
feature #35936 [String] Add AbstractString::containsAny() (nicolas-grekas)
feature #35744 [Validator] Add AtLeastOne constraint and validator (przemyslaw-bogusz)
feature #35729 [Form] Correctly round model with PercentType and add a rounding_mode option (VincentLanglet)
feature #35733 [Form] Added a "choice_filter" option to ChoiceType (HeahDude)
feature #36003 [ErrorHandler][FrameworkBundle] better error messages in failing tests (guillbdx)
feature #36034 [PhpUnitBridge] Deprecate @expectedDeprecation annotation (hkdobrev)
feature #35924 [HttpClient] make
return anAmpHttpClient
is found but curl is not or too old (nicolas-grekas) -
feature #36072 [SecurityBundle] Added XSD for the extension configuration (HeahDude)
feature #36074 [Uid] add AbstractUid and interop with base-58/32/RFC4122 encodings (nicolas-grekas)
feature #36066 [Uid] use one class per type of UUID (nicolas-grekas)
feature #36042 [Uid] add support for Ulid (nicolas-grekas)
feature #35995 [FrameworkBundle] add --deprecations on debug:container command (Simperfit, noemi-salaun)
feature #36059 [String] leverage Stringable from PHP 8 (nicolas-grekas)
feature #35940 [UID] Added the component + Added support for UUID (lyrixx)
feature #31375 [Form] Add label_html attribute (przemyslaw-bogusz)
feature #35997 [DX][Testing] Added a loginUser() method to test protected resources (javiereguiluz, wouterj)
feature #35978 [Messenger] Show message & handler(s) class description in debug:messenger (ogizanagi)
feature #35960 [Security/Http] Hash Persistent RememberMe token (guillbdx)
feature #35115 [HttpClient] Add portable HTTP/2 implementation based on Amp's HTTP client (nicolas-grekas)
feature #35913 [LDAP] Add error code in exceptions generated by ldap (Victor Garcia)
feature #35782 [Routing] Add stateless route attribute (mtarld)
feature #35732 [FrameworkBundle][HttpKernel] Add session usage reporting in stateless mode (mtarld)
feature #35815 [Validator] Allow Sequentially constraints on classes + target guards (ogizanagi)
feature #35747 [Routing][FrameworkBundle] Allow using env() in route conditions (atailouloute)
feature #35857 [Routing] deprecate RouteCompiler::REGEX_DELIMITER (nicolas-grekas)
feature #35804 [HttpFoundation] Added MarshallingSessionHandler (atailouloute)
feature #35858 [Security] Deprecated ROLE_PREVIOUS_ADMIN (wouterj)
feature #35848 [Validator] add alpha3 option to Language constraint (xabbuh)
feature #31189 [Security] Add IS_IMPERSONATOR, IS_ANONYMOUS and IS_REMEMBERED (HeahDude)
feature #30994 [Form] Added support for caching choice lists based on options (HeahDude)
feature #35783 [Validator] Add the divisibleBy option to the Count constraint (fancyweb)
feature #35649 [String] Allow to keep the last word when truncating a text (franmomu)
feature #34654 [Notifier] added Sinch texter transport (imiroslavov)
feature #35673 [Process] Add getter for process starttime (dompie)
feature #35689 [String] Transliterate & to and (Warxcell)
feature #34550 [Form] Added an AbstractChoiceLoader to simplify implementations and handle global optimizations (HeahDude)
feature #35688 [Notifier] Simplify OVH implementation (fabpot)
feature #34540 [Notifier] add OvhCloud bridge (antiseptikk)
feature #35192 [PhpUnitBridge] Add the ability to expect a deprecation inside a test (fancyweb)
feature #35667 [DomCrawler] Rename UriExpander.php -> UriResolver (lyrixx)
feature #35611 [Console] Moved estimated & remaining calculation logic to separate get method (peterjaap)
feature #33968 [Notifier] Add Firebase bridge (Jeroeny)
feature #34022 [Notifier] add RocketChat bridge (Jeroeny)
feature #32454 [Messenger] Add SQS transport (jderusse)
feature #33875 Add Mattermost notifier bridge (thePanz)
feature #35400 [RFC][DX][OptionsResolver] Allow setting info message per option (yceruto)
feature #30501 [FrameworkBundle][Routing] added Configurators to handle template and redirect controllers (HeahDude)
feature #35373 [Translation] Support name attribute on the xliff2 translator loader (Taluu)
feature #35550 Leverage trigger_deprecation() from symfony/deprecation-contracts (nicolas-grekas)
feature #35648 [Contracts/Deprecation] don't use assert(), rename to trigger_deprecation() (nicolas-grekas)
feature #33456 [MonologBridge] Add Mailer handler (BoShurik)
feature #35384 [Messenger] Add receiving of old pending messages (redis) (toooni)
feature #34456 [Validator] Add a constraint to sequentially validate a set of constraints (ogizanagi)
feature #34334 [Validator] Allow to define a reusable set of constraints (ogizanagi)
feature #35642 [HttpFoundation] Make dependency on Mime component optional (atailouloute)
feature #35635 [HttpKernel] Make ErrorListener unaware of the event dispatcher (derrabus)
feature #35019 [Cache] add SodiumMarshaller (atailouloute)
feature #35625 [String] Add the s() helper method (fancyweb)
feature #35624 [String] Remove the @experimental status (fancyweb)
feature #33848 [OptionsResolver] Add new OptionConfigurator class to define options with fluent interface (lmillucci, yceruto)
feature #35076 [DI] added possibility to define services with abstract arguments (Islam93)
feature #35608 [Routing] add priority option to annotated routes (nicolas-grekas)
feature #35526 [Contracts/Deprecation] Provide a generic function and convention to trigger deprecation notices (nicolas-grekas)
feature #32747 [Form] Add "is empty callback" to form config (fancyweb)
feature #34884 [DI] Enable auto alias compiler pass by default (X-Coder264)
feature #35596 [Serializer] Add support for stdClass (dunglas)
feature #34278 Update bootstrap_4_layout.html.twig (CoalaJoe)
feature #31309 [SecurityBundle] add "service" option in remember_me firewall (Pchol)
feature #31429 [Messenger] add support for abstract handlers (timiTao)
feature #31466 [Validator] add Validation::createCallable() (janvernieuwe)
feature #34747 [Notifier] Added possibility to extract path from provided DSN (espectrio)
feature #35534 [FrameworkBundle] Use MailerAssertionsTrait in KernelTestCase (adrienfr)
feature #35590 [FrameworkBundle] use framework.translator.enabled_locales to build routes' default "_locale" requirement (nicolas-grekas)
feature #35167 [Notifier] Remove superfluous parameters in *Message::fromNotification() (fancyweb)
feature #35415 Extracted code to expand an URI to
(lyrixx) -
feature #35485 [Messenger] Add support for PostgreSQL LISTEN/NOTIFY (dunglas)
feature #32039 [Cache] Add couchbase cache adapter (ajcerezo)
feature #32433 [Translation] Introduce a way to configure the enabled locales (javiereguiluz)
feature #33003 [Filesystem] Add $suffix argument to tempnam() (jdufresne)
feature #35347 [VarDumper] Add a RdKafka caster (romainneutron)
feature #34925 Messenger: validate options for AMQP and Redis Connections (nikophil)
feature #33315 [WebProfiler] Improve HttpClient Panel (ismail1432)
feature #34298 [String] add LazyString to provide memoizing stringable objects (nicolas-grekas)
feature #35368 [Yaml] Deprecate using the object and const tag without a value (fancyweb)
feature #35566 [HttpClient] adding NoPrivateNetworkHttpClient decorator (hallboav)
feature #35560 [HttpKernel] allow using public aliases to reference controllers (nicolas-grekas)
feature #34871 [HttpClient] Allow pass array of callable to the mocking http client (Koc)
feature #30704 [PropertyInfo] Add accessor and mutator extractor interface and implementation on reflection (joelwurtz, Korbeil)
feature #35525 [Mailer] Randomize the first transport used by the RoundRobin transport (fabpot)
feature #35116 [Validator] Add alpha3 option to country constraint (maxperrimond)
feature #29139 [FrameworkBundle][TranslationDebug] Return non-zero exit code on failure (DAcodedBEAT)
feature #35050 [Mailer] added tag/metadata support (kbond)
feature #35215 [HttpFoundation] added withers to Cookie class (ns3777k)
feature #35514 [DI][Routing] add wither to configure the path of PHP-DSL configurators (nicolas-grekas)
feature #35519 [Mailer] Make default factories public (fabpot)
feature #35156 [String] Made AbstractString::width() follow POSIX.1-2001 (fancyweb)
feature #35308 [Dotenv] Add Dotenv::bootEnv() to check for .env.local.php before calling Dotenv::loadEnv() (nicolas-grekas)
feature #35271 [PHPUnitBridge] Improved deprecations display (greg0ire)
feature #35478 [Console] Add constants for main exit codes (Chi-teck)
feature #35503 [Messenger] Add TLS option to Redis transport's DSN (Nyholm)
feature #35262 [Mailer] add ability to disable the TLS peer verification via DSN (Aurélien Fontaine)
feature #35194 [Mailer] read default timeout from ini configurations (azjezz)
feature #35422 [Messenger] Move Transports to separate packages (Nyholm)
feature #35425 [CssSelector] Added cache on top of CssSelectorConverter (lyrixx)
feature #35362 [Cache] Add LRU + max-lifetime capabilities to ArrayCache (nicolas-grekas)
feature #35402 [Console] Set Command::setHidden() final for adding default param in SF 6.0 (lyrixx)
feature #35407 [HttpClient] collect the body of responses when possible (nicolas-grekas)
feature #35391 [WebProfilerBundle][HttpClient] Added profiler links in the Web Profiler -> Http Client panel (cristagu)
feature #35295 [Messenger] Messenger redis local sock dsn (JJarrie)
feature #35322 [Workflow] Added a way to not fire the announce event (lyrixx)
feature #35321 [Workflow] Make many internal services as hidden (lyrixx)
feature #35235 [Serializer] Added scalar denormalization (a-menshchikov)
feature #35310 [FrameworkBundle] Deprecate not setting the "framework.router.utf8" option (nicolas-grekas)
feature #34387 [Yaml] Added yaml-lint binary (jschaedl)
feature #35257 [FrameworkBundle] TemplateController should accept extra arguments to be sent to the template (Benjamin RICHARD)
feature #34980 [Messenger] remove several messages with command messenger:failed:remove (nikophil)
feature #35298 Make sure the UriSigner can be autowired (Toflar)
feature #31518 [Validator] Added HostnameValidator (karser)
feature #35284 Simplify UriSigner when working with HttpFoundation's Request (Toflar)
feature #35285 [FrameworkBundle] Adding better output to secrets:decrypt-to-local command (weaverryan)
feature #35273 [HttpClient] Add LoggerAwareInterface to ScopingHttpClient and TraceableHttpClient (pierredup)
feature #34865 [FrameworkBundle][ContainerLintCommand] Style messages (fancyweb)
feature #34847 Add support for safe HTTP preference - RFC 8674 (pyrech)
feature #34880 [Twig][Form] Twig theme for Foundation 6 (Lyssal)
feature #35281 [FrameworkBundle] Configure RequestContext through router config (benji07)
feature #34819 [Console] Add SingleCommandApplication to ease creation of Single Command Application (lyrixx)
feature #35104 [Messenger] Log sender alias in SendMessageMiddleware (ruudk)
feature #35205 [Form] derive the view timezone from the model timezone (xabbuh)
feature #34986 [Form] Added default
attribute to Search, Email and Tel form types (fre5h) -
feature #35091 [String] Add the reverse() method (fancyweb)
feature #35029 [DI] allow "." and "-" in env processor lines (nicolas-grekas)
feature #34548 Added access decision strategy to respect voter priority (aschempp)
feature #34881 [FrameworkBundle] Allow using the kernel as a registry of controllers and service factories (nicolas-grekas)
feature #34977 [EventDispatcher] Deprecate LegacyEventDispatcherProxy (derrabus)
feature #34873 [FrameworkBundle] Allow using a ContainerConfigurator in MicroKernelTrait::configureContainer() (nicolas-grekas)
feature #34872 [FrameworkBundle] Added flex-compatible default implementations for
(nicolas-grekas) -
feature #34916 [DI] Add support for defining method calls in InlineServiceConfigurator (Lctrs)
feature #31889 [Lock] add mongodb store (kralos)
feature #34924 [ErrorHandler] Enabled the dark theme for exception pages (javiereguiluz)
feature #34769 [DependencyInjection] Autowire public typed properties (Plopix)
feature #34856 [Validator] mark the Composite constraint as internal (xabbuh)
feature #34771 Deprecate *Response::create() methods (fabpot)
feature #32388 [Form] Allow to translate each language into its language in LanguageType (javiereguiluz)
feature #34119 [Mime] Added MimeType for "msg" (LIBERT Jérémy)
feature #34648 [Mailer] Allow to configure or disable the message bus to use (ogizanagi)
feature #34705 [Validator] Label regex in date validator (kristofvc)
feature #34591 [Workflow] Added
to check if a workflow exists (lyrixx) -
feature #32937 [Routing] Deprecate RouteCollectionBuilder (vudaltsov)
feature #34557 [PropertyInfo] Add support for typed properties (PHP 7.4) (dunglas)
feature #34573 [DX] [Workflow] Added a way to specify a message when blocking a transition + better default message in case it is not set (lyrixx)
feature #34457 Added context to exceptions thrown in apply method (koenreiniers)