The changelog for this version is incredibly long, so only things worthwhile to standard users will be here. In case you want to read the full changelog, read the github release post, it also contains comments on some of the changes.
Introduced Python to UNITE
Implemented translation support (Currently only English and Spanish)
Added controls for refraction and alpha visibility regarding panels and HDRI's
Added an advanced option to control the personal HDRI with UNITE
Added an HDRI Mix "mode" to support more setups other than standard "Luminance != 100%"
Deprecated lights "Random Seed"
Made HDRI Preview only load while the HDRI is actually being used
Fixed being able to select a preset while Preset Mode was turned off
Introduced 4 new setups/presets :
- BIT Deluxe : An import of the BIT Lightroom's Contrast setup, slightly improved panel wise and with an added HDRI
- Ultimate Basics : An import of the iconic David. F's Ultimate Lights, mostly not touched aside from some slight tweaks
- Direct Point : An import of Ricky Bustillos's Glowroom, calibrated to match the other setups and to add for the old Brazilian look
- Nikko : An all new test to make a consistent slightly plain look with some highlights up and down!
Updated "JuanFX" setup to the 2023 version
"Parallel" setup renamed to "CORE"
Calibrated light values for "CORE"
Python Specific :
- Implemented an advanced setting to adjust render settings automatically
- Added a control which can override the rendering of shadows in the project
- Fixed Default Light Positioning
- Public Test Release