This repository contains Lumeer front-end source code.
The following tools are needed to work with this repository:
Read how to install and set up both these tools here.
Before running the application on your machine for the first time, install project dependencies:
$ npm install
You can run the application locally using the following NPM scripts:
npm run start
: uses JIT compiler and default language (English at the moment)npm run start:aot
: uses AOT compiler and default language (English at the moment)npm run start:cs
: uses AOT compiler and Czech languagenpm run start:en
: uses AOT compiler and English language
The application will be run on http://localhost:7000/ui by default. The third script runs the application on http://localhost:7000/cs and the fourth one runs it on http://localhost:7000/en.
You also need to run our back-end if you want to be able to work with the application.
If the build process takes too long or fails because it runs out of memory, set NODE_OPTIONS
environment property with the maximum amount of memory your machine can provide for this process (7000 MB is used in the following example):
NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=7000 npm run start
It is recommended to save the commands above together with this environment property as run tasks in your IDE so you do not have to type long commands every time you start the application.
Here is the example command to build the application WAR file with all configuration properties you might need:
$ AUTH_CLIENT_ID=<auth0 client id> \
> AUTH_DOMAIN=<auth0 app domain> \
> BLOCKLY_CDN=<javascript library url> \
> I18N_LOCALE=en \
> LOGZIO_KEY=<access token> \
> LUMEER_ENGINE=lumeer-engine \
> LUMEER_ENV=production \
> MAPBOX_KEY=<access token> \
> MAPQUEST_KEY=<consumer key> \
> MAPTILER_KEY=<key> \
> PUSHER_KEY=<pusher api key> \
> SENTRY_DSN=https://<key><project> \
> SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN=<secret token> \
> SMARTLOOK_KEY=<api key> \
> mvn clean package -Dcontext.root=en
: client ID of Auth0 applicationAUTH_DOMAIN
: base URL for Auth0 authenticationBLOCKLY_CDN
: Blockly JavaScript library URL (optional)BUILD_NUMBER
: build number to be shown in the applicationI18N_LOCALE
: language to be used in the application (en
or empty to use defaulten
: access tokenLUMEER_ENGINE
: back-end deployment context rootLUMEER_ENV
: environment in which the application runs (staging
or empty)MAPBOX_KEY
: Mapbox access tokenMAPQUEST_KEY
: MapQuest consumer keyMAPTILER_KEY
: maximum allowed size of file attachment in megabytes (10 MB by default)PRESIGNED_URL_TIMEOUT
: time period in seconds during which a presigned file URL is valid (60s by default)PUSHER_CLUSTER
: for push notifications - the server cluster to be usedPUSHER_KEY
: for push notifications - the secret API keySENTRY_DSN
: Sentry Data Source Name, if set it activates Sentry (recommended for production only)SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN
: Sentry authentication tokenSESSION_TIMEOUT
: user inactivity time before session expiration (in minutes)SMARTLOOK_KEY
: Smartlook API keycontext.root
: front-end deployment context root (/ui/
by default)
If you are adding a new environment variable, make sure it is used in both env-vars.js
and src/environments/configuration-variables.ts
Otherwise, it will not get propagated to the application.
When you add some text to the application which will be shown to the user, you should always add i18n
attribute on its element with the translation string unique ID as its value. For example:
<span i18n="@@button.cancel">Cancel</span>
See the details in the Angular documentation.
After you add new texts, you need to run the following command:
$ npm run i18n
It will add your new texts into all translation files (src/i18n/messages.en.xlf
and src/i18n/messages.cs.xlf
). You then need to open these files and translate the texts by adding the translations between the <target>...</target>
Start your own MongoDB.
Start the engine (use VM parameter -Djboss.bind.address=
, so that
cypress can access it).
On MacOS under Settings -> General -> Airdrop & Handoff disable AirPlay receiver
(collision on port 7000). Start the frontend.
npm run cypress:open
will open the Cypress GUI. You can then run the tests from there.
Playwright tests consist of multiple projects. First is an Onboarding test that setup the user in for us. All other tests are dependent on Onboarding tests. After testing is over the teardown project removes the user from Auth0. To sucessfuly run the tests again the user's data need to be wiped from the database.
To setup the user in Playwright tests you need to add the email of the user you will use as ADMIN user in the your instance of engine (in
). The tests loads the from environment variables. Create .env
and add the email and user password into .env
To prevent failing tests the user should not be already stored in the database and must not be stored in Auth0.
To run Playwright tests use npm run playwright:run
To open the HTML report after the testing use npx playwright show-report
Everyone is welcome to contribute to this project. However, before you start making any changes, read the Contributing Guide first.
TSLint is run with every pull-request so make sure your code complies with our linting rules by running the following script:
$ npm run lint