diff --git a/doc/api/scripts/searchData.js b/doc/api/scripts/searchData.js
index 5b518975..e49e0d54 100644
--- a/doc/api/scripts/searchData.js
+++ b/doc/api/scripts/searchData.js
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ pages = [{"l":"index.html#","e":false,"i":"","n":"satify","t":"satify","d":"","k
{"l":"satify/model/cnf/CNF$$And.html#","e":false,"i":"","n":"And","t":"And(left: Or | Literal, right: And | Or | Literal)","d":"satify.model.cnf.CNF","k":"case","x":""},
{"l":"satify/model/cnf/CNF$$Or.html#","e":false,"i":"","n":"Or","t":"Or(left: Or | Literal, right: Or | Literal)","d":"satify.model.cnf.CNF","k":"case","x":""},
-{"l":"satify/model/cnf/CNF$.html#printAsDSL-3da","e":false,"i":"extension (cnf: CNF)","n":"printAsDSL","t":"printAsDSL(flat: Boolean): String","d":"satify.model.cnf.CNF","k":"def","x":""},
-{"l":"satify/model/cnf/CNF$.html#printAsFormal-3da","e":false,"i":"extension (cnf: CNF)","n":"printAsFormal","t":"printAsFormal(flat: Boolean): String","d":"satify.model.cnf.CNF","k":"def","x":""},
+{"l":"satify/model/cnf/CNF$.html#asDSL-3da","e":false,"i":"extension (cnf: CNF)","n":"asDSL","t":"asDSL(flat: Boolean): String","d":"satify.model.cnf.CNF","k":"def","x":""},
+{"l":"satify/model/cnf/CNF$.html#asFormal-3da","e":false,"i":"extension (cnf: CNF)","n":"asFormal","t":"asFormal(flat: Boolean): String","d":"satify.model.cnf.CNF","k":"def","x":""},
{"l":"satify/model/errors/Error.html#","e":false,"i":"","n":"Error","t":"Error(val description: String)","d":"satify.model.errors","k":"enum","x":""},
{"l":"satify/model/errors/Error$$InvalidInput.html#","e":false,"i":"","n":"InvalidInput","t":"InvalidInput() extends Error","d":"satify.model.errors.Error","k":"case","x":""},
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ pages = [{"l":"index.html#","e":false,"i":"","n":"satify","t":"satify","d":"","k
{"l":"satify/model/expression/SymbolGeneration$$SymbolGenerator.html#prefix-0","e":false,"i":"","n":"prefix","t":"prefix: String","d":"satify.model.expression.SymbolGeneration.SymbolGenerator","k":"def","x":""},
{"l":"satify/model/expression/SymbolGeneration$$SymbolGenerator.html#reset-94c","e":false,"i":"","n":"reset","t":"reset(): Unit","d":"satify.model.expression.SymbolGeneration.SymbolGenerator","k":"def","x":""},
-{"l":"satify/model/expression/Utils$.html#printAsDSL-d34","e":false,"i":"extension (exp: Expression)","n":"printAsDSL","t":"printAsDSL(flat: Boolean): String","d":"satify.model.expression.Utils","k":"def","x":""},
-{"l":"satify/model/expression/Utils$.html#printAsFormal-d34","e":false,"i":"extension (exp: Expression)","n":"printAsFormal","t":"printAsFormal(flat: Boolean): String","d":"satify.model.expression.Utils","k":"def","x":""},
+{"l":"satify/model/expression/Utils$.html#asDSL-d34","e":false,"i":"extension (exp: Expression)","n":"asDSL","t":"asDSL(flat: Boolean): String","d":"satify.model.expression.Utils","k":"def","x":""},
+{"l":"satify/model/expression/Utils$.html#asFormal-d34","e":false,"i":"extension (exp: Expression)","n":"asFormal","t":"asFormal(flat: Boolean): String","d":"satify.model.expression.Utils","k":"def","x":""},
{"l":"satify/model/problems/GraphColoring.html#","e":false,"i":"","n":"GraphColoring","t":"GraphColoring(edges: List[(String, String)], nodes: List[String], colors: Int) extends Problem","d":"satify.model.problems","k":"class","x":""},
{"l":"satify/model/problems/GraphColoring.html#constraints-0","e":false,"i":"","n":"constraints","t":"constraints: Set[Expression]","d":"satify.model.problems.GraphColoring","k":"val","x":""},
diff --git a/doc/report/2-requirements.md b/doc/report/2-requirements.md
index f6fab8b1..060fec9f 100644
--- a/doc/report/2-requirements.md
+++ b/doc/report/2-requirements.md
@@ -113,9 +113,10 @@ A problem is represented by a set of constraints which, composed together, form
3. ## Non-functional requirements
1. The system must be executable on the three main operating systems: Windows, Linux and MacOS.
2. The system has to be user-friendly, providing few and intuitive buttons, help section and flexible input.
- 3. The system has to be secure, avoiding any kind of code injection through the input.
- 4. // TODO: performance requirements and tests
- 5. // TODO: questione estensibilità algoritmi
+ 3. The system has to be easily extensible with other algorithms for conversion and solving.
+ 4. The system has to be secure, avoiding any kind of code injection through the input.
+ 5. The system has to perform efficiently, completing satisfiability checks within acceptable
+ time limits and depending on the instance dimension conforming to the benchmarks.
4. ## Implementation requirements
1. The system must be implemented in Scala 3, using SBT as automation build tool and JDK 17.
@@ -141,5 +142,7 @@ A problem is represented by a set of constraints which, composed together, form
| [2.iii](#system-requirements) | [TseitinTest.scala](../../src/test/scala/satify/update/converters/tseitin/TseitinTest.scala) |
| [2.iv](#system-requirements) | [DpllEnumerator.scala](../../src/test/scala/satify/update/solver/dpll/impl/DpllEnumeratorTest.scala) [DpllFinder.scala](../../src/test/scala/satify/update/solver/dpll/impl/DpllFinderTest.scala) | | |
| [2.ix](#system-requirements) | [problems package](../../src/test/scala/satify/problems) |
+| [3.iv](#non-functional-requirements) | [DSL.feature](../../src/test/resources/features/DSL.feature) |
+| [3.v](#non-functional-requirements) | [Tseitin Benchmarks](../../src/test/scala/satify/update/converters/tseitin/benchmark) [DPLL Benchmarks](../../src/test/scala/satify/update/solver/dpll/benchmark) |
[Previous](1-methodology.md) | [Next](3-architectural-design.md)
diff --git a/doc/report/4-detailed-design.md b/doc/report/4-detailed-design.md
index 7d4d9abc..7c75c2ea 100644
--- a/doc/report/4-detailed-design.md
+++ b/doc/report/4-detailed-design.md
@@ -4,13 +4,17 @@
## Code organization
## Architecture
As described in the previous section, the architectural pattern used is the **Model-View-Update** (MVU).
Moreover, the **Cake Pattern** has been introduced to improve the modeling of the dependencies.
Some _trait_ has been designed to represent the components of the MVU pattern, which encapsulate within them some
-_abstract type members_ related to Model, View and Update.
+_abstract type members_ related to `Model`, `View` and `Update`.
@@ -18,19 +22,18 @@ _abstract type members_ related to Model, View and Update.
## Model
-Concretely, the **Model** will be a private implementation of the _trait_ **State**, which contains the following
+Concretely, the **Model** is an implementation of the _trait_ **State**, which contains the following
abstract types:
### Expression
-Expression is represented through a simple _enumeration_ which contains all the possible types of expression:
+Expression is represented through a _sum type_ which contains all the possible types of expression:
-- **And**. It represents the logical And gate. Takes in input *left* and *right* parameters both of type Expression;
-- **Or**. It represents the logical Or gate. Like the And Expression, it takes a *left* and *right* Expressions in
- input;
-- **Not**. It's the logical Not gate. In this case it takes in input another Expression;
-- **Symbol**. It's the basic type of Expression, and can either represent an input variable by specifying its name or a
- boolean constant by using a value of type **Bool**.
+- `And`, it represents the logical And gate. It takes in input **left** and **right** parameters both of type
+ Expression.
+- `Or`, it represents the logical Or gate. Like the `And`, it takes a **left** and **right** Expressions in input.
+- `Not`, it's the logical Not gate. It takes in input another `Expression`.
+- `Symbol`, represents an input variable by specifying its name, or a boolean constant by using boolean value.
Because of its recursive structure, Expression is a tree data structure, where the inner nodes are either
**And**, **Or** or **Not**, and each leaf is a **Symbol**.
@@ -43,30 +46,31 @@ Because of its recursive structure, Expression is a tree data structure, where t
-The general Problem representation has been designed with a _trait_ **Problem**.
+The general SAT problem representation has been designed with a _trait_ **Problem**.
It is composed by:
- A set of constraints that must be all satisfied in the solution.
-- An expression, which is the reduction of the constraints through an And gate.
+- An `Expression`, which is the reduction of the constraints using the `And` operator.
-Each problem extends **Problem** using a __case class__, and adds the constraints needed to represent the specific
+Each problem extends **Problem** using a _case class_, and adds the constraints needed to represent the specific
### Solution
### CNF
-CNF is a specific form of representing logical formulas as a *conjunction* of clauses, where each clause is a
-of literals (variables or their negations). For example:
+`CNF` is the data structure representing logical formulas as a *conjunction* of clauses,
+where each clause is a *disjunction* of literals (variables or their negations).
+For example:
$$ (a \lor c) \land (a \lor \lnot d) $$
-CNF has been modeled a specific type of __Expression__ where:
+It is a _sum type_ like `Expression`, but it has the following constraints:
-- The **Or** gate cannot contain an **And** in either its *left* and *right* parameter;
-- The **And** gate cannot contain an **And** in its *left* parameter;
-- The **Not** gate can contain only a **Symbol** parameter;
+- The `Or` gate cannot contain an `And` in either its **left** and **right** parameter.
+- The `And` gate cannot contain an `And` in its **left** parameter.
+- The `Not` gate can contain only a `Symbol` parameter.
An _enumeration_ has been used for this type of entity.
@@ -137,12 +141,11 @@ So, the best way to design it is decomposing the algorithm following the steps b
connectives (AND, OR, NOT) following the transformations listed in the table below.
| Operator | Circuit | Expression | Converted |
- |----------|-------------------------|-----------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
+ |----------|-------------------------|-----------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| AND |  | $X = A \land B$ | $(\lnot A \lor \lnot B \lor X) \land (A \lor \lnot X) \land (B \lor \lnot X)$ |
| OR |  | $X = A \lor B$ | $(A \lor B \lor \lnot X) \land (\lnot A \lor X) \land (\lnot B \lor X)$ |
| NOT |  | $X = \lnot A$ | $(\lnot A \lor \lnot X) \land (A \lor X)$ |
4. Combine the representations of the subformulas to obtain the CNF representation of the entire formula.
The resulting formula is equi-satisfiable with the original formula, meaning they have the same set of satisfying
diff --git a/doc/report/5-implementation.md b/doc/report/5-implementation.md
index 3a4f9a7e..30cb25e6 100644
--- a/doc/report/5-implementation.md
+++ b/doc/report/5-implementation.md
@@ -124,22 +124,23 @@ Despite there aren't too many dependencies in MVU, I decided to use the Cake Pat
In particular, I made use of the _Self-Type Annotation_ and _Mixin_ mechanisms offered by Scala in order to
-manage dependencies between pattern components at compile-time and to create an application instance in a simple and
+manage dependencies between architecture components at compile-time and to create an application instance in a simple
readable way.
trait MVU extends ModelComponent with ViewComponent with UpdateComponent
object Main extends App with MVU
### Abstract Modelling
-Initially I implemented the components making use of _Abstract Modelling_,
+Initially, I implemented the components using _Abstract Modelling_,
because at the start of the project I didn't know yet how
`Model`, `View` and `Update` should have been concretely implemented.
This approach permitted me to focus on high-level design, architecture testing
-and to postpone the implementation details.
+and to postpone implementation details.
I adopted _Abstract Modelling_ approach also when I started to implement the `Model` entity.
In fact, I knew that the latter had to be an immutable data structure,
@@ -162,12 +163,6 @@ The use of the _extension methods_ allowed me to call methods and compose expres
Using an Internal DSL, I obtained free and correct use of parenthesis and automatic error checking.
-[//]: # (### Solver)
-[//]: # (One of the main entities is the `Solver`, it is implemented as a trait containing the `solve` method )
-[//]: # (overloaded in order to perform also the conversion to CNF using the `Converter`, if the input is not in CNF.)
## Alberto Paganelli
Initially, I was involved in the analysis of the Tseitin transformation algorithm and its phases.
diff --git a/doc/report/img/packages.svg b/doc/report/img/packages.svg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2c2d2c86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/report/img/packages.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 9ba6d8c4..00000000
Binary files a/doc/report/img/problem/problem.png and /dev/null differ
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index b382b433..58e6f278 100644
--- a/doc/report/img/problem/problem.svg
+++ b/doc/report/img/problem/problem.svg
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/satify/model/cnf/CNF.scala b/src/main/scala/satify/model/cnf/CNF.scala
index f41116c3..0bff0e1f 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/satify/model/cnf/CNF.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/satify/model/cnf/CNF.scala
@@ -17,17 +17,17 @@ enum CNF:
object CNF:
extension (cnf: CNF)
- def printAsDSL(flat: Boolean = false): String =
+ def asDSL(flat: Boolean = false): String =
cnf match
case Symbol(name) => name.toString
case And(left, right) =>
- if flat then s"${left.printAsDSL(flat)} and ${right.printAsDSL(flat)}"
- else s"${left.printAsDSL(flat)} and\n${right.printAsDSL(flat)}"
- case Or(left, right) => s"${left.printAsDSL(flat)} or ${right.printAsDSL(flat)}"
- case Not(branch) => s"not(${branch.printAsDSL(flat)})"
+ if flat then s"${left.asDSL(flat)} and ${right.asDSL(flat)}"
+ else s"${left.asDSL(flat)} and\n${right.asDSL(flat)}"
+ case Or(left, right) => s"${left.asDSL(flat)} or ${right.asDSL(flat)}"
+ case Not(branch) => s"not(${branch.asDSL(flat)})"
- def printAsFormal(flat: Boolean = false): String =
- var r = printAsDSL(flat)
+ def asFormal(flat: Boolean = false): String =
+ var r = asDSL(flat)
.replace("and", "∧")
.replace("or", "∨")
.replace("not", "¬")
diff --git a/src/main/scala/satify/model/expression/Utils.scala b/src/main/scala/satify/model/expression/Utils.scala
index 87292b05..3f169aed 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/satify/model/expression/Utils.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/satify/model/expression/Utils.scala
@@ -5,17 +5,17 @@ import satify.model.expression.Expression.{And, Not, Or, Symbol}
object Utils:
extension (exp: Expression)
- def printAsDSL(flat: Boolean = false): String =
+ def asDSL(flat: Boolean = false): String =
exp match
case Symbol(value) => value
case And(left, right) =>
- if flat then s"(${left.printAsDSL(flat)} and ${right.printAsDSL(flat)})"
- else s"(${left.printAsDSL(flat)} and\n${right.printAsDSL(flat)})"
- case Or(left, right) => s"(${left.printAsDSL(flat)} or ${right.printAsDSL(flat)})"
- case Not(branch) => s"not(${branch.printAsDSL(flat)})"
+ if flat then s"(${left.asDSL(flat)} and ${right.asDSL(flat)})"
+ else s"(${left.asDSL(flat)} and\n${right.asDSL(flat)})"
+ case Or(left, right) => s"(${left.asDSL(flat)} or ${right.asDSL(flat)})"
+ case Not(branch) => s"not(${branch.asDSL(flat)})"
- def printAsFormal(flat: Boolean = false): String =
- var r = printAsDSL(flat)
+ def asFormal(flat: Boolean = false): String =
+ var r = asDSL(flat)
.replace("and", "∧")
.replace("or", "∨")
.replace("not", "¬")
diff --git a/src/main/scala/satify/model/problems/GraphColoring.scala b/src/main/scala/satify/model/problems/GraphColoring.scala
index eb0f20ef..b2d88ef2 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/satify/model/problems/GraphColoring.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/satify/model/problems/GraphColoring.scala
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
package satify.model.problems
import satify.model.Assignment
import satify.model.expression.Expression
import satify.model.expression.Expression.*
diff --git a/src/main/scala/satify/model/problems/NQueens.scala b/src/main/scala/satify/model/problems/NQueens.scala
index 6c1fd08f..9ace2cbe 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/satify/model/problems/NQueens.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/satify/model/problems/NQueens.scala
@@ -21,21 +21,21 @@ case class NQueens(n: Int) extends Problem:
yield Symbol(s"x_${i}_$j")
/** At least one queen on each row and column */
- private val atLeastOneQueen: Expression =
+ private val atLeastOneQueenRowsColumns: Expression =
val constraint =
for i <- 0 until n
yield And(atLeastOne(variables(i): _*), atLeastOne(variables.map(row => row(i)): _*))
constraint.reduceLeft(And(_, _))
/** At most one queen on each row and column */
- private val atMostOneQueen: Expression =
+ private val atMostOneQueenRowsColumns: Expression =
val atMostConstraints =
for i <- 0 until n
yield And(atMostOne(variables(i): _*), atMostOne(variables.map(row => row(i)): _*))
atMostConstraints.reduceLeft(And(_, _))
/** At most one queen on each diagonal */
- private def diagConstr: Expression =
+ private def atMostOneQueenDiagonals: Expression =
val clauses =
for i <- 0 until (n - 1)
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ case class NQueens(n: Int) extends Problem:
clauses.reduceLeft(And(_, _))
override val constraints: Set[Expression] =
- if n > 1 then Set(atLeastOneQueen, atMostOneQueen, diagConstr)
- else Set(atLeastOneQueen, atMostOneQueen)
+ if n > 1 then Set(atLeastOneQueenRowsColumns, atMostOneQueenRowsColumns, atMostOneQueenDiagonals)
+ else Set(atLeastOneQueenRowsColumns, atMostOneQueenRowsColumns)
override def toString(assignment: Assignment): String =
diff --git a/src/main/scala/satify/model/problems/NurseScheduling.scala b/src/main/scala/satify/model/problems/NurseScheduling.scala
index 276dfb4d..5d99cc4a 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/satify/model/problems/NurseScheduling.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/satify/model/problems/NurseScheduling.scala
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
package satify.model.problems
import satify.model.Assignment
import satify.model.expression.Expression
import satify.model.expression.Expression.*
diff --git a/src/main/scala/satify/model/problems/Problem.scala b/src/main/scala/satify/model/problems/Problem.scala
index 6bf2fd87..75e7c7c0 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/satify/model/problems/Problem.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/satify/model/problems/Problem.scala
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ import satify.model.Assignment
import satify.model.expression.Expression
import satify.model.expression.Expression.And
-import scala.swing.Component
/** Entity representing a SAT problem. */
trait Problem:
diff --git a/src/main/scala/satify/update/Update.scala b/src/main/scala/satify/update/Update.scala
index 2d5033ce..acaacc45 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/satify/update/Update.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/satify/update/Update.scala
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ object Update:
val lines = s.getLines.toSeq
val cnf: CNF = parse(lines).getOrElse(Symbol("NO CNF"))
- val input = cnf.printAsDSL()
+ val input = cnf.asDSL()
State(input, cnf)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/satify/view/View.scala b/src/main/scala/satify/view/View.scala
index 534f647b..12f16103 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/satify/view/View.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/satify/view/View.scala
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ object View:
val fp: BoxPanel = new BoxPanel(Orientation.Vertical):
name = cnfOutputDialogName
- contents += new ScrollPane(createOutputTextArea(cnf.get.printAsFormal(), 30, 35))
+ contents += new ScrollPane(createOutputTextArea(cnf.get.asFormal(), 30, 35))
contents += new FlowPanel():
contents += exportButton
contents += new FlowPanel():
diff --git a/src/test/resources/features/DSL.feature b/src/test/resources/features/DSL.feature
index 97307f49..49d40652 100644
--- a/src/test/resources/features/DSL.feature
+++ b/src/test/resources/features/DSL.feature
@@ -19,3 +19,8 @@ Feature: Inserting expression through DSL
Given the input "and or not"
When it is reflected to scala compiler
Then I should obtain an IllegalArgumentException
+ Scenario: I cannot make code injection
+ Given the input "a and b; println(\"hello\")"
+ When it is reflected to scala compiler
+ Then I should obtain an IllegalArgumentException
diff --git a/src/test/scala/satify/features/ConversionSteps.scala b/src/test/scala/satify/features/ConversionSteps.scala
index bdad4f35..732bf801 100644
--- a/src/test/scala/satify/features/ConversionSteps.scala
+++ b/src/test/scala/satify/features/ConversionSteps.scala
@@ -20,5 +20,5 @@ object ConversionSteps extends ScalaDsl with EN:
Then("I should obtain the CNF {string}") { (expected: String) =>
- cnf.get.printAsDSL(true) shouldBe expected
+ cnf.get.asDSL(true) shouldBe expected
diff --git a/src/test/scala/satify/features/DSLSteps.scala b/src/test/scala/satify/features/DSLSteps.scala
index 811ae9c4..d802ee75 100644
--- a/src/test/scala/satify/features/DSLSteps.scala
+++ b/src/test/scala/satify/features/DSLSteps.scala
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ object DSLSteps extends ScalaDsl with EN:
Then("I should obtain the expression {string}") { (expected: String) =>
- expression.get.printAsDSL(true) shouldBe expected
+ expression.get.asDSL(true) shouldBe expected
Then("I should obtain an IllegalArgumentException") {
error shouldBe a[IllegalArgumentException]
diff --git a/src/test/scala/satify/model/cnf/CNFOutputTest.scala b/src/test/scala/satify/model/cnf/CNFOutputTest.scala
index 1fa7f765..a7ce221e 100644
--- a/src/test/scala/satify/model/cnf/CNFOutputTest.scala
+++ b/src/test/scala/satify/model/cnf/CNFOutputTest.scala
@@ -8,23 +8,23 @@ class CNFOutputTest extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers:
import satify.model.cnf.CNF.*
"The cnf symbol a" should "be printed as a in formal way" in {
- Symbol("a").printAsFormal(true) shouldBe "a"
- Symbol("a").printAsFormal() shouldBe "a"
+ Symbol("a").asFormal(true) shouldBe "a"
+ Symbol("a").asFormal() shouldBe "a"
"The cnf exp ((a ∨ ¬b) ∧ c)" should "be printed in the formal way and according to the output flat mode" in {
val cnfExp: CNF = And(Or(Symbol("a"), Not(Symbol("b"))), Symbol("c"))
- cnfExp.printAsFormal(true) shouldBe "a ∨ ¬(b) ∧ c"
- cnfExp.printAsFormal() shouldBe "a ∨ ¬(b) ∧\nc"
+ cnfExp.asFormal(true) shouldBe "a ∨ ¬(b) ∧ c"
+ cnfExp.asFormal() shouldBe "a ∨ ¬(b) ∧\nc"
"The only symbol a" should "be printed as a in DSL" in {
- Symbol("a").printAsDSL(true) shouldBe "a"
- Symbol("a").printAsDSL() shouldBe "a"
+ Symbol("a").asDSL(true) shouldBe "a"
+ Symbol("a").asDSL() shouldBe "a"
"The exp ((a ∨ ¬b) ∧ c)" should "be printed in the DSL format according to the output flat mode" in {
val exp: CNF = And(Or(Symbol("a"), Not(Symbol("b"))), Symbol("c"))
- exp.printAsDSL(true) shouldBe "a or not(b) and c"
- exp.printAsDSL() shouldBe "a or not(b) and\nc"
+ exp.asDSL(true) shouldBe "a or not(b) and c"
+ exp.asDSL() shouldBe "a or not(b) and\nc"
diff --git a/src/test/scala/satify/model/expression/ExpressionOutputTest.scala b/src/test/scala/satify/model/expression/ExpressionOutputTest.scala
index 9676802f..884637c7 100644
--- a/src/test/scala/satify/model/expression/ExpressionOutputTest.scala
+++ b/src/test/scala/satify/model/expression/ExpressionOutputTest.scala
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ class ExpressionOutputTest extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers:
"The only symbol a" should "be printed as a in formal way" in {
val exp: Expression = Symbol("a")
- val fRes: String = exp.printAsFormal(true)
- val nfRes: String = exp.printAsFormal(false)
+ val fRes: String = exp.asFormal(true)
+ val nfRes: String = exp.asFormal(false)
val expected = "a"
List(fRes, nfRes) shouldBe List(expected, expected)
@@ -18,17 +18,17 @@ class ExpressionOutputTest extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers:
"The exp ((a ∧ ¬b) ∨ c)" should "be printed in the formal way according to the output flat mode" in {
val exp: Expression =
Or(And(Symbol("a"), Not(Symbol("b"))), Symbol("c"))
- val fRes: String = exp.printAsFormal(true)
+ val fRes: String = exp.asFormal(true)
val fExp = "((a ∧ ¬(b)) ∨ c)"
- val nfRes: String = exp.printAsFormal(false)
+ val nfRes: String = exp.asFormal(false)
val nfExp = "((a ∧\n¬(b)) ∨ c)"
List(fRes, nfRes) shouldBe List(fExp, nfExp)
"The only symbol a" should "be printed as a in DSL" in {
val exp: Expression = Symbol("a")
- val fRes: String = exp.printAsDSL(true)
- val nfRes: String = exp.printAsDSL(false)
+ val fRes: String = exp.asDSL(true)
+ val nfRes: String = exp.asDSL(false)
val expected = "a"
List(fRes, nfRes) shouldBe List(expected, expected)
@@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ class ExpressionOutputTest extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers:
"The exp ((a ∧ ¬b) ∨ c)" should "be printed in the DSL format according to the output flat mode" in {
val exp: Expression =
Or(And(Symbol("a"), Not(Symbol("b"))), Symbol("c"))
- val fRes: String = exp.printAsDSL(true)
+ val fRes: String = exp.asDSL(true)
val fExp = "((a and not(b)) or c)"
- val nfRes: String = exp.printAsDSL(false)
+ val nfRes: String = exp.asDSL(false)
val nfExp = "((a and\nnot(b)) or c)"
List(fRes, nfRes) shouldBe List(fExp, nfExp)
diff --git a/src/test/scala/satify/update/converters/tseitin/benchmark/ConversionMemoryBenchmark.scala b/src/test/scala/satify/update/converters/tseitin/benchmark/ConversionMemoryBenchmark.scala
index 433e01a0..b8ce89e7 100644
--- a/src/test/scala/satify/update/converters/tseitin/benchmark/ConversionMemoryBenchmark.scala
+++ b/src/test/scala/satify/update/converters/tseitin/benchmark/ConversionMemoryBenchmark.scala
@@ -1,18 +1,20 @@
package satify.update.converters.tseitin.benchmark
import org.scalameter.api.*
-import satify.model.problems.{NQueens, GraphColoring, NurseScheduling}
+import satify.model.problems.{GraphColoring, NQueens, NurseScheduling}
import satify.update.converters.Converter
-import satify.update.converters.ConverterType.Tseitin
object ConversionMemoryBenchmark extends Bench.OfflineReport:
+ import satify.update.converters.ConverterType.Tseitin
override def measurer = new Measurer.MemoryFootprint
performance of "N-Queens conversion memory" in {
val sizes: Gen[Int] = Gen.range("size")(2, 10, 1)
measure method "N-Queens Conversion" in {
using(sizes) in { size =>
- val cnf = Converter(Tseitin).convert(NQueens(size).exp, false)
+ Converter(Tseitin).convert(NQueens(size).exp, false)
@@ -24,7 +26,7 @@ object ConversionMemoryBenchmark extends Bench.OfflineReport:
val sizes: Gen[Int] = Gen.range("size")(0, 1, 1)
measure method "Graph-Coloring Conversion" in {
using(sizes) in { size =>
- val cnf = Converter(Tseitin).convert(GraphColoring(edges, nodes, colors).exp, false)
+ Converter(Tseitin).convert(GraphColoring(edges, nodes, colors).exp, false)
@@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ object ConversionMemoryBenchmark extends Bench.OfflineReport:
val sizes: Gen[Int] = Gen.range("size")(0, 1, 1)
measure method "Nurse-Scheduling Conversion" in {
using(sizes) in { size =>
- val cnf = Converter(Tseitin).convert(NurseScheduling(nurses, days, shifts).exp, false)
+ Converter(Tseitin).convert(NurseScheduling(nurses, days, shifts).exp, false)
diff --git a/src/test/scala/satify/update/converters/tseitin/benchmark/ConversionProblemBenchmark.scala b/src/test/scala/satify/update/converters/tseitin/benchmark/ConversionProblemBenchmark.scala
index bc0f0f30..96e9cc7b 100644
--- a/src/test/scala/satify/update/converters/tseitin/benchmark/ConversionProblemBenchmark.scala
+++ b/src/test/scala/satify/update/converters/tseitin/benchmark/ConversionProblemBenchmark.scala
@@ -3,16 +3,17 @@ package satify.update.converters.tseitin.benchmark
import org.scalameter.api.*
import satify.model.problems.{GraphColoring, NQueens, NurseScheduling}
import satify.update.converters.Converter
-import satify.update.converters.ConverterType.Tseitin
object ConversionProblemBenchmark extends Bench.OfflineReport:
import satify.update.converters.ConverterType.Tseitin
performance of "N-Queens conversion time" in {
val sizes: Gen[Int] = Gen.range("size")(1, 10, 1)
measure method "N-Queens Conversion" in {
using(sizes) in { size =>
- val cnf = Converter(Tseitin).convert(NQueens(size).exp, false)
+ println(reports.resultDir)
+ Converter(Tseitin).convert(NQueens(size).exp, false)
@@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ object ConversionProblemBenchmark extends Bench.OfflineReport:
val sizes: Gen[Int] = Gen.range("size")(0, 1, 1)
measure method "Graph-Coloring Conversion" in {
using(sizes) in { size =>
- val cnf = Converter(Tseitin).convert(GraphColoring(edges, nodes, colors).exp, false)
+ Converter(Tseitin).convert(GraphColoring(edges, nodes, colors).exp, false)
@@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ object ConversionProblemBenchmark extends Bench.OfflineReport:
val sizes: Gen[Int] = Gen.range("size")(0, 1, 1)
measure method "Nurse-Scheduling Conversion" in {
using(sizes) in { size =>
- val cnf = Converter(Tseitin).convert(NurseScheduling(nurses, days, shifts).exp, false)
+ Converter(Tseitin).convert(NurseScheduling(nurses, days, shifts).exp, false)
diff --git a/src/test/scala/satify/update/solver/dpll/benchmark/SolvingMemoryBenchmark.scala b/src/test/scala/satify/update/solver/dpll/benchmark/SolvingMemoryBenchmark.scala
index 83f43a6c..997c1b66 100644
--- a/src/test/scala/satify/update/solver/dpll/benchmark/SolvingMemoryBenchmark.scala
+++ b/src/test/scala/satify/update/solver/dpll/benchmark/SolvingMemoryBenchmark.scala
@@ -1,19 +1,21 @@
package satify.update.solver.dpll.benchmark
import org.scalameter.api.*
-import satify.model.problems.{NQueens, NurseScheduling, GraphColoring}
+import satify.model.problems.{GraphColoring, NQueens, NurseScheduling}
import satify.update.solver.Solver
-import satify.update.solver.SolverType.*
-import satify.update.converters.ConverterType.Tseitin
object SolvingMemoryBenchmark extends Bench.OfflineReport:
+ import satify.update.converters.ConverterType.Tseitin
+ import satify.update.solver.SolverType.DPLL
override def measurer = new Measurer.MemoryFootprint
performance of "N-Queens solving memory" in {
val sizes: Gen[Int] = Gen.range("size")(2, 5, 1)
measure method "N-Queens Solving" in {
using(sizes) in { size =>
- val s = Solver(DPLL, Tseitin).solveAll(NQueens(size).exp, false)
+ Solver(DPLL, Tseitin).solveAll(NQueens(size).exp, false)
@@ -25,7 +27,7 @@ object SolvingMemoryBenchmark extends Bench.OfflineReport:
val sizes: Gen[Int] = Gen.range("size")(0, 1, 1)
measure method "Graph-Coloring Solving" in {
using(sizes) in { size =>
- val s = Solver(DPLL, Tseitin).solveAll(GraphColoring(edges, nodes, colors).exp, false)
+ Solver(DPLL, Tseitin).solveAll(GraphColoring(edges, nodes, colors).exp, false)
@@ -37,7 +39,7 @@ object SolvingMemoryBenchmark extends Bench.OfflineReport:
val sizes: Gen[Int] = Gen.range("size")(0, 1, 1)
measure method "Nurse-Scheduling Solving" in {
using(sizes) in { size =>
- val s = Solver(DPLL, Tseitin).solveAll(NurseScheduling(nurses, days, shifts).exp, false)
+ Solver(DPLL, Tseitin).solveAll(NurseScheduling(nurses, days, shifts).exp, false)
diff --git a/src/test/scala/satify/update/solver/dpll/benchmark/SolvingProblemBenchmark.scala b/src/test/scala/satify/update/solver/dpll/benchmark/SolvingProblemBenchmark.scala
index 0aab76e8..8118777c 100644
--- a/src/test/scala/satify/update/solver/dpll/benchmark/SolvingProblemBenchmark.scala
+++ b/src/test/scala/satify/update/solver/dpll/benchmark/SolvingProblemBenchmark.scala
@@ -3,16 +3,17 @@ package satify.update.solver.dpll.benchmark
import org.scalameter.api.*
import satify.model.problems.{GraphColoring, NQueens, NurseScheduling}
import satify.update.solver.Solver
-import satify.update.solver.SolverType.*
object SolvingProblemBenchmark extends Bench.LocalTime:
import satify.update.converters.ConverterType.Tseitin
+ import satify.update.solver.SolverType.DPLL
performance of "N-Queens solving time" in {
val sizes: Gen[Int] = Gen.range("size")(2, 5, 1)
measure method "N-Queens Solving" in {
using(sizes) in { size =>
- val s = Solver(DPLL, Tseitin).solveAll(NQueens(size).exp, false)
+ Solver(DPLL, Tseitin).solveAll(NQueens(size).exp, false)
@@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ object SolvingProblemBenchmark extends Bench.LocalTime:
val sizes: Gen[Int] = Gen.range("size")(0, 1, 1)
measure method "Graph-Coloring Solving" in {
using(sizes) in { size =>
- val s = Solver(DPLL, Tseitin).solveAll(GraphColoring(edges, nodes, colors).exp, false)
+ Solver(DPLL, Tseitin).solveAll(GraphColoring(edges, nodes, colors).exp, false)
@@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ object SolvingProblemBenchmark extends Bench.LocalTime:
val sizes: Gen[Int] = Gen.range("size")(0, 1, 1)
measure method "Nurse-Scheduling Solving" in {
using(sizes) in { size =>
- val s = Solver(DPLL, Tseitin).solveAll(NurseScheduling(nurses, days, shifts).exp, false)
+ Solver(DPLL, Tseitin).solveAll(NurseScheduling(nurses, days, shifts).exp, false)