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Spell Commands

Command List

Category Command Description Usages
Air Adrenaline Increase how fast you can attack.
Cast Adrenaline <amount> for <duration> on *<things> - Increase action point gain. The higher the amount, faster the action point gain. Hindered by encumbrance and enhanced by higher agility.
Air Pull Pull things closer to you.
Cast Pull <power> on *<things> - Pull the things a set distance closer to you. The higher the power, the further the thing will be pulled. Lighter things are pulled further.
Cast Pull <power> towards <direction> on *<things> - Pull the things a set distance in the given direction.
Air Push Push things away from you.
Cast Push <power> on *<things> - Push the things away from you. The higher the power, the further the thing will be pushed. Lighter things are pushed further.
Cast Push <power> towards <direction> on *<things> - Push the things a set distance in the given direction.
Earth Rock Hit the thing with a rock.
Cast Rock <power> size <size> on <thing> - Hit the thing with a rock. Size can be 1, 2, or 3 (small, medium or large). Small size can be rapidly fired while larger sizes do more than linearly more damage, can cause stun, and take longer to fire.
Earth Rooted Encase the thing in earth to increase their defense.
Cast Rooted <amount> for <duration> on <thing> - Encase the thing in earth to increase their defense. Increases defense by amount * percent encumbered. Fully encumbers thing.
Fire Flame High damage short range attack that leaves the thing burning.
Cast Flame <power> on *<things> - High damage short range attack that leaves the thing burning. Burns caster a proportional amount (minus immunity).
Water Heal Heal yourself or others.
Cast Heal <amount> for <duration> on *<things> - Heals damage taken over time.
Water Jet Burst of water that does one time damage to one or more things.
Cast Jet <damage amount> on *<things> - Burst of water that does one time damage to one or more things.
Water Poison Poison a thing, doing damage over time.
Cast Poison <amount> for <duration> on *<things> - Does damage over time.
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