Open source projects like this one live from contributors like you (potentially). If you want to contribute, we are very happy to hear so!
You can contribute in different ways, be it bug reports, localization or even code contributions. All of these help the project greatly on its way to becoming a good mod. Therefore, thanks a lot!
You can quite easily report bugs on GitHub. Just create a new issue, choose the correct template and fill it out!
There's a whole guide on how to add or edit translations for the mod. Check it out! Any typos or mistakes you find are also worth the effort, quality is important. If you make substantial contributions to localization efforts, you will be credited in the credits file.
Are you a developer who's familiar with Kotlin and maybe the Forge API as well, and you want to help the mod? Welcome on board! Start by setting up an IDE with the project and try solving any bug reports or issues. When you are done, make a pull request on GitHub! Please follow the guide on it, it contains information about how your commits should look. If everything goes well, you will be credited in the credits file.