Rajawali is a 3D engine for Android based on OpenGL ES 2.0. It can be used for normal apps as well as live wallpapers.
Announcing Rajawali: An OpenGL ES 2.0 Based 3D Framework For Android
Numerous apps and live wallpapers have been made with Rajawali. Check them out!
- Clone or download a copy of the Rajawali source code.
- Import the Rajawali project into Eclipse.
- In your project's settings, add a library reference to Rajawali.
- Basic Setup & a Sphere
- Creating a Live Wallpaper and Importing a Model
- Materials
- Optimization
- [Skybox] (https://github.com/MasDennis/Rajawali/wiki/Tutorial-05-Skybox)
- [Screenshots] (https://github.com/MasDennis/Rajawali/wiki/Tutorial-06-Screenshots)
- [Plugins] (https://github.com/MasDennis/Rajawali/wiki/Tutorial-05-Plugins)
- [User Interface Elements] (https://github.com/MasDennis/Rajawali/wiki/Tutorial-08-Adding-User-Interface-Elements)
- Creating a Custom Material GLSL Shader
- 2D Renderer
- Particles
- Object Picking
- Animation Classes
- Bump Normal Mapping
- MD2 Animation
- Collision Detection
- Importing .Obj Files
- Drawing Lines
- Catmull Rom Splines
- Animated Sprites
- Fog
- More Optimisation
- Custom Vertex Shader
- Using Geometry Data To Position And Rotate Objects
- Video Material
- Orthographic Camera
- (Kean Walmsley from Autodesk) Creating a 3D viewer for our Apollonian service using Android Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
- Rajawali と戯れる Part 1 Part 2
- Introducing Plugin Architecture for Rajawali
- Object Occlusion Testing in Rajawali
- Ниже пример как сделать простую 3D модель и запустить сцену на Android