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211 lines (153 loc) · 15.8 KB

File metadata and controls

211 lines (153 loc) · 15.8 KB


CV 43 (WIP): Limit unnecessary layout / position / draw passes

Agressive changes have been made to how updates are made to reduce the necessary fequency of calculations:

  • Rasterizer has been merged into DrawingGroup.
  • DrawingGroup now uses draw lists by default. See documentation for how to disable this, for cases where it harms performance.
  • Position can now be expected to be called more than once for some Layout calls, where sizing hasn't changed but positioning has (e.g. )
  • Even if rasterization isn't involved, Draw can be called more than once per Position/Layout call.
  • To specifically request an update to any of Layout/Position/Draw, the corresponding property may be set on the relevant DrawingGroup. See Drawer and Component for more detail and example implementations.

To facilitate this:

  • Most components that allow specifying a child no longer make their child editable; instead, when you wish to mutate a child view hierarchy, set the parent's initial child to Box, which allows its child to be changed (via Box:SetChild(newChild)).
  • Rect, MarginAroundRect, and Cell no longer draw decorations. Use Background instead to attach a background. (Note that Background doesn't have the rasterizing optimisation that MarginAroundRect did; instead, use nested DrawingGroups to separate the re-drawing profile of different parts of the interface hierarchy.)
  • HorizontalStack, VerticalStack, and StackInPlace no longer make their members public; instead, they must be set/get through methods that copy to/from the internal member array.
  • Other mutable properties for other component types must be changed through methods, similar to above.
  • Some properties are simply no longer mutable.
  • Dimension now has a base constructor that registers for updates with the drawing group; the previous functionality of the Dimension function has moved to AutoScalingDimension.
  • OffsettedViewport is now an overriding extension of DrawingGroup.

Changes to Menu:

  • MenuAnchor now provides menuAnchor:GetMenu() to allow accessing its menu.
  • Menu provides menu:IsMouseOver() which returns whether the user's cursor is over the menu or one of its submenus.
  • Menu's submenu menu items are now a MenuAnchor at the top level, rather than a MarginAroundRect at the top level. (This probably shouldn't be of practical concern to users of the framework.)

Misc other changes:

  • Remove elements with incomplete PrimaryFrame geometry, to prevent log spam and allow interaction
  • Various bugfixes
  • TextEntry & Button store their colours in constants, providing potential to override & set custom styles
  • PrimaryFrame no longer attempts recovery if Layout hasn't been called yet
  • Elements are removed if no PrimaryFrame is present in the view hierarchy
  • HorizontalScrollContainer and VerticalScrollContainer now use the customisable framework.dimension.scrollMultiplier to configure their scroll speed. This should provide the same scrolling experience on a 1080p display, and scale better to larger resolutions.

CV 42: Misc - kill funcs.lua, separate out constants, change WG access

Extensions are now declared in MasterFramework $VERSION/Utils, and pre-loaded before the rest of the framework. These are provided the same global environment as the rest of the framework. string extensions now all have _MasterFramework at the end of their name, while the table extension overrides the Include.table table for the framework, and provides access to the customised version as framework.table. The definition of Include.clear has been moved to Utils/table.lua, and table.joinStrings() has been removed, since it was a slower reimplementation of table.concat()

Constants have been moved out of gui_master_framework.lua into separate files in the Constants/ directory. Subfiles are not automatically loaded to allow for dependencies, other than the entry point Constants/constants.lua.

The main framework files which would have been loaded in previous versions are now contained in the Framework/ directory.

The new major directories are loaded in this order: Utils/, Framework/, then Constants/.

Framework access is no longer provided as WG.MasterFramework[compatabilityVersion], instead as WG["MasterFramework " .. compatabilityVersion]. Removing the intermediate table technically simplifies this?

CV 41: Expose VerticalScrollContainer's viewport as container.viewport

CV 40: TextEntry - Cursor up/down support, fix cursor movement after mouse selection

To make handling selection changes more graceful:

  • Added entry:CurrentCursorIndex() returns the current primary selection index - i.e. which one should be manipulated on a selection change (based on selectFrom).
  • Added entry:MoveCursor(destinationIndex, isShift) to handle all keyboard-based selection changes.

All selection handling now uses entry:MoveCursor() to ensure that selectFrom, selectionChangedClock, and entry.selectionEnd are correctly updated. This also fixes some bugs with mouse selection where keyboard selection changes would be incorrect directly after a mouse selection.

Adds entry:editAbove() and entry:editBelow() for moving cursor up/down. Use with ctrl to jump to the next raw (not visual) newline.

TODO: entry:editAbove() and entry:editBelow() could remember the starting X coordinate, so as to not forget e.g. across a newline.

CV 39: Fully implement ctrl-based delete/backspace and fix ctrl-move

Simply implements the (ctrl) argument of textEntry:editDelete(ctrl), textEntry:editBackspace(ctrl), textEntry:editLeft(ctrl), textEntry:editRight(ctrl)

CV 38: WrappingText, TextEntry & string:lines Performance Optimisations

  • rename string:lines to string:lines_MasterFramework to disambiguate from BAR's implementation
  • by default, don't extract a substring for each parsed line. Call string:lines_MasterFramework(true) to return an array of strings containing each extracted line.

WrappingText and TextEntry use this optimised lines function for better performance.

  • localize a few functions for speed

  • provided arguments for supplying a partial result to wrappingText:RawIndexToDisplayIndex to avoid repeated work

  • other minor tweak(s)

  • Also slightly improves selection box drawing, namely including an indication of whether the newline is selected

CV 37: TextEntry: support Undo / Redo / Cut / Copy / Paste

Adds the following methods:

  • textEntry:InsertUndoAction(undoAction, redoAction): Adds an undo action and an associated redo action to the undo/redo log.
  • textEntry:InsertText(newText): Inserts the text at the current index. The insertin is added to the undo/redo log.
  • textEntry:editCopy(): For a point selection, noop. For a block selection, copies the current selection to clipboard. (Called for a Ctrl+C keypress.)
  • textEntry:editPaste(): For a point selection, inserts the contents of the pasteboard at the current selection. For a block selection, copies the current selection to clipboard. (Called for a Ctrl+V keypress.) The text addition is added to the undo/redo log.
  • textEntry:editCut(): For a point selection, noop. For a block selection, copies the current selection to clipboard, and removes it from the textEntry's text. (Called for a Ctrl+C keypress.) The text removal is added to the undo/redo log.
  • textEntry:editUndo(): Applies any undo action at the current index, and increases the index by one. (Called for a Ctrl+Z keypress.)
  • textEntry:editRedo(): Applies any redo action at the current index, and decreases the index by one. (Called for a Ctrl+Shift+Z keypress.)

Editing clips the undo/redo log to the current index. Redo indices are offset by undo indices by one, such that a redo cannot be called until an undo has been performed, and once all undos have been performed, the last redo will still be available.

CV 36: Allow Click-through elements

Specify true for allowInteractionBehind when calling framework:InsertElement() to allow click-through

CV 35: Better scrolling implementation

API changes:

  • Replace autowidth and autoheight arguments with mode mode specifies which axes the content can exceed the viewport's dimensions. mode can be one of the following:
    • framework.OFFSETTED_VIEWPORT_MODE_VERTICAL An error with a descriptive message will be provided if an invalid value is provided.

Scrollbars will be provided in dimensions that exceed the viewport's bounds and have been clipped. mode is immutable.

Bugs fixed:

  • Viewport not clipping to its bounds
  • Viewport scrollbars not receiving input when the content in the viewport is interactive

CV 34: Move Drawing to Groups

  • Draw to Position; all drawing components defer drawing to a framework:DrawingGroup
  • framework:TextGroup now calls text:Draw instead of text:DrawForReal
  • Many places that wrapped their children in a framework:TextGroup now wrap their children in a framework:DrawingGroup, since it also provides a text group


  • Fixed missing include for gl_Blending that broke framework:Blending

Misc debug changes:

  • Bugfix: No longer attempt to log nil messages
  • Displays message in console when debug mode is enabled
  • Provide debug information for framework:ResizableMovableFrame
  • Provide debug information for framework:MovableFrame
  • Store responder event in responder._event

Also updated readme! :)

CV 33: New component debugging system

Displays component borders on-screen, and shows debug info about the component under mouse. Call frameworkInternal.SetDebugMode(?, false, ?) in the framework's initialiser to enable.

CV 32: Swap button's margin for a cell

This delegates the padding, which makes it more flexible.

CV 31: Invert/fix ordering for responders

  • iterate v.s. pairs should be faster and have a predictable ordering
  • tasking the SearchDownResponderTree with the array invert turns out to be save work when reusing, and be a little more predictable.

CV 30: Claim un-handled events within the bounds of PrimaryFrame

Leaving unhandled events unclaimed made for a poor interaction experience, when the cursor was clearly over the element. All base responders now return true by default, and events that fail to find a child now trigger for the initial responder they were provided.

CV 29: Floating Menus

Adds Menu, MenuAnchor, RightClickMenuAnchor, MultiOptionBox, CelledVerticalStack, and Cell. See in-code documentation for more details.

CV 28: KeyPress, KeyRelease and TextInput callin updates

  • Rename char to utf8char in TextInput
  • Rename unicode to utf32char in KeyPress and KeyRelease
  • Add scanCode and actionList arguments in KeyPress and KeyRelease

CV 27: Debug improvements

  • added Internal.debugMode.noRasterizer to specifically disable rasterizers
  • Disabled LogDrawCall default print spam; instead, we'll rely on external debugging tools overriding this call.
  • Rename component._debugIdentifier to component._debugTypeIdentifier
  • Add component._debugUniqueIdentifier, which will be a unique integer identifying the component.
  • Add Internal.DebugInfo, returned by widget:DebugInfo() that allows components to report debug information. Please only do so when debug mode is enabled.

CV 26: Improve background rasterizing for framework:MarginAroundRect

Now auto-invalidates on resize, move, and correctly invalidates on viewportDidChange.

CV 25: Add scaling support for framework:Stroke

Uses framework:Dimension for stroke.width

CV 24: Expose elements & element drawing to aid profiling

Call framework:GetElement(key) and element:Draw() to get an element and draw it, respectively.

CV 23: Correctly handle space-grabbing components: HungryStacks

Removed the trickery in HorizontalStack & VerticalStack: Hungry Stacks allow positioning of predictably-sized views before and after a component of unbounded size, and layout the unbounded component last, making sure it always knows exactly how much space it's got.

CV 22: File reorg + nice-to-haves

Versioning is now more thorough: you can drag-and-drop multiple frameworks in beside each other and have them (mostly) work. They won't be able to steal focus from each other, for example, but it's a start. Ideally you won't have to constantly bump the versions on all the widgets, but I haven't figured out something to resolve that just yet.

(Almost) every component is now in its own file, to make navigating & adding new stuff a bunch easier.

Various un-committed tweaks (mostly commented/unused stuff) crept in here, and will have to be cleaned up. Behaviour should not have changed, other than specific changes to make such a reorg possible.

A framework-local environment - framework.Internal is provided during initialisation. Cache this (local Internal = Internal if a component needs to access this table throughout its use.) This allows inter-component communication of values, or communication of internal values to the widget file. Config data is saved/stored to/from framework.Internal.ConfigData. I'd highly recommend each component store their data under in a table keyed into ConfigData with their component name - e.g. framework.Internal.ConfigData.MovableFrame.

Framework-external dependencies are provided during initialisation as framework.Include. Again, anything needed from this table throughout the component's use must be cached.

Various constants that were used in various places are now stored directly in the framework - e.g. framework.color, framework.stroke, framework.dimension.


  • All debug functions are now available externally.
  • Debug mode is now enabled by calling Internal.SetDebugMode(general, draw) directly after framework initialisation. This includes a new and improved identifier system that automatically adds a debugIdentifier with a table's type, and also automatically adds reporting for draw and layout calls.

CV 21: Wrapping Text

Added framework:WrappingText! WrappingText stores a rawString and displays a displayString, with an interface to convert character between them. Text colouring is also supported: override WrappingText:ColoredString(string) to annotate the raw string (e.g. for code syntax highlighting). Support for return-based newlines was added (wrappingText:editReturn()) and indices for delete + backspace were fixed.

framework:TextEntry now wraps a WrappingText. Provide 1 as a value for maxLines to prevent wrapping. Click-and-drag selection is now supported, and block selection is now shown while deselected.

Text is now a custom WrappingText that drops the constantWidth, constantHeight and watch options. constantHeight is replaced with maxLines, and width restrictions will have to be provided by a wrapping container. Text:GetString() is still available, simply returning WrappingText:GetRawString(). (NB watch appears to already have been disabled.)

funcs.lua: Added string:lines(), string:inserting(newString, index), string:unEscaped(showNewlines).

unEscaped is primarily for debug purposes.


CV 9

View elements no longer take a number for constant dimensions; instead, they accept a function which will return a value. Further internal optimisations to be made, and possibly allowance for providing element-specific scalings. Currently, scaling is provided based on a single constant, and relative to 1080p. Also tweaked changelog formatting because why not :)

CV 8

Added framework:Blending; wraps decorations (which execute GL calls) in a gl.Blending call, resetting to default after.

CV 7

Improved mouse over handling to provide calls for enter & leave

CV 6

Added TextGroups Rasterizer & PrimaryFrame body restricted to element:SetBody(newBody)