Here are guides to fix some of the CI failure.
Please add your words to ./custom-words.txt
if you think you have the correct spell.
If your problem is some existing error name that is not a word and need to supress the error in that file (and don't want to add to custom-words.txt), you can add it to ./cSpell.txt
Please run the following command (from an administrator Node.js command prompt if running on Windows):
npm install
npm run prettier-fix
Or if you want to fix specified service, use the complete path, not relative:
npm install
npm run prettier -- --write "<path to repo>/azure-rest-api-specs/specification/**/*.json"
Then please commit and push changes made by prettier.
Run Model Validation locally:
npm install -g oav
oav validate-example <swagger-spec-path>
Please see readme for how to install or run tool in details. Or you can run it in OpenAPI Hub. Refer to Semantic and Model Violations Reference for detailed description of validations and how-to-fix guidance. Refer to Swagger-Example-Generation for example automatic generation.
Run Semantic Validation locally:
npm install -g oav
oav validate-spec <swagger-spec-path>
Please see readme for how to install or run tool in details. Or you can run it in OpenAPI Hub Refer to Semantic and Model Violations Reference for detailed description of validations and how-to-fix guidance.
- An API contract is identified by its api-version value. Once published, no changes to this API contract are allowed. This applies regardless of whether the API contract is for private preview, public preview, or GA (stable).
- The same-version breaking change linter rules check for changes to an existing api-version swagger.
- When introducing a new API contract (preview or not), the new API contract must be backwards compatible with the previous GA’s API contract.
- However, during a (private or public) preview cycle, a new preview API contract does not have to be backwards compatible with the previous preview API contract although it must still be backwards compatible with the latest GA API contract.
- The cross version breaking change linter rules checks for this by comparing the new swagger with the latest GA swagger. If there is no latest GA swagger, then the latest preview if it > 1 year old. If nether a GA or preview > 1 year old exists, then the swagger is considered good.
The breaking change check has two types of violations: one is breaking change in the same version but not breaking change in a new version, the other is breaking change even in a new version. For the former, a label 'NewApiVersionRequired' will be added automatically; For the latter , a label 'BreakingChangeReviewRequired' will be added automatically. Adding each label will trigger a github comment with guildance on how to fix.
run oad locally (the breaking change is reported by oad tool):
npm install -g @azure/oad
oad compare <old-spec-path> <new-spec-path>
Please see readme for how to install or run tool in details. Or you can run it in OpenAPI Hub. Refer to Oad Docs for detailed description of all oad rules.
The lint diff validation is to run linter against the currect spec and the spec before current PR , the final result is the differece set between the result running against current specs and the result running against the specs before current PR.
npm install -g autorest
autorest --v3 --spectral --validation --azure-validator [email protected]/openapi-validator@latest --input-file=<path-to-spec>
autorest --v3 --spectral --validation --azure-validator [email protected]/openapi-validator@latest [--tag=<readme tag>] <path-to-readme>
Please see readme for how to install or run tool in details. Or you can run it in OpenAPI Hub. Refer to openapi-authoring-automated-guidelines for detailed description of all lint rules and how-to-fix guidance.
Run avocado locally:
npm install -g @azure/avocado
When type avocado in command line, avocado will validate in the current directory.
Note: When running in Swagger PR pipeline, Avocado only report errors with file updates in the PR, but ignore the errors existing in base. However when running Avocado against local directory, it reports all errors existing in the files.
- Run all specs: Clone the repo
and run "avocado" in folderazure/azure-rest-api-specs
. - Run single service specs: create a folder
. and move your service specs folder inspecification
. run "avocado"
Refer to Avocado Readme for detailed description of validations and how-to-fix guidance.
This CI check is to make sure service is ready before PR merge. Technically, the CI check send operationsList HTTP request to Azure Resource Provider.
To fix this CI check failure, if you haven't got ARM signed off, pls get ARM signed off first then deploy ARM manifest. After deploying ARM manifest, this operationsList HTTP request will succeed and CI pass.
NOTE: If your RP is RPaaS RP, since RPaaS requires swagger merge first. In this case, you could ignore this CI check.
This CI check is to test service API readiness, by running API Scenario test to verify:
- Service APIs are deployed to Azure
- API behavior is consistent with Swagger definition
- [InProgress] API behavior is compliant with Azure API guidelines, including ARM RPC and Microsoft Azure REST API Guidelines.
Note: Currently only applicable to management plane APIs, and target ARM region is US West Central
- the SDP pilot region.
To fix the check, download the artifact api_scenario_test_output
from Azure pipeline where you can find the report.html and auto generated API Scenario file as baseline, then refer to API Scenario documentation to run and debug it locally. After local debug, commit the API Scenario file and
file into your working branch and then the CI check will use the committed API Scenario file to re-run the test.
This validator is to ensure the cadl & swagger files in PR are consistent and the 'cadl' folder contains 'examples' and 'package.json'
Error Code | solution |
MissingPakcageJson | adding the package.json to the cadl folder |
MissingCadlFile | adding the related cadl files into 'cadl' folder, like |
MissingExamplesDirectory | the example files should be kept in the 'cadl/examples' folder, you should also check in it in PR. |
InConsistentSwagger | the generated swagger is inconsistent with the swagger in PR, so you need to re-generate swagger from cadl, and check in it |
SwaggerNotExistInPR | the occurs when there is cadl file in the PR but the swagger is not present in the PR, so you need to add the swagger to the PR |
This validator generates traffic for all operations defined in Swagger files under default tag of by using RESTler. Then, it validates the request and response pairs from the traffic against the corresponding Swagger definitions. Finally, it provides an html report that reports the Swagger accuracy.
Please refer to swagger-accuracy-report.
In case there are validation errors reported against your service that you believe do not apply, we have a suppression process you can follow to permanently remove these reported errors for your specs. Refer to Swagger Suppression Process for detailed guidance.