The "okrager" console application allows you to generate an exploitable Okage: Shadow King game save which will leverage a stack buffer-overflow vulnerability within the player's name in the save file. This results in the code execution of the supplied PS2 ELF file when you select "RESTORE GAME" within the Okage: Shadow King game.
The application requires you to pass an existing input memory card file (.ps2/.card). Next, it injects the staging shellcode and the supplied PS2 ELF then saves the game save as a new output file (.ps2/.card).
For additional information on the inner working of this application, see the assosicated blog post "mast1c0re: Part 2 - Arbitrary PS2 code execution".
Use the following command to install the okrager package with pip:
python -m pip install okrager
Make sure the local bin path is in your path. If not, add it to ~/.bashrc
or ~/.zshrc
export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"
usage: okrager [-h] [-c CODE] [-s1 STAGE1] [-s2 STAGE2] [-v {none,normal,debug}] input output elf
Generate an Okage Shadow King exploitation game save.
positional arguments:
input The input .ps2/.card game save file.
output The exported .ps2/.card game save file.
elf The compiled PS2 ELF filepath to inject.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CODE, --code CODE The game save identifier code. (Default: BASCUS-97129)
-s1 STAGE1, --stage1 STAGE1
The stage 1 shellcode to be executed.
-s2 STAGE2, --stage2 STAGE2
The stage 2 shellcode to be executed.
-v {none,normal,debug}, --verbosity {none,normal,debug}
The script output verbosity mode. (Default: normal)
└─$ okrager VMC0.card VMC0-exploit.card program.elf
[#] Loading stagers and ELF
[#] Loading memory card
[#] Exporting BASCUS-97129
[#] Reading BASCUS-97129.psu
[#] Modifying bkmo0.dat
[#] Writing ELF
[#] Saving BASCUS-97129.psu
[#] Deleting BASCUS-97129
[#] Importing BASCUS-97129.psu
[+] Exploit wrote to save file "VMC0-exploit.card"
└─$ okrager Mcd001.ps2 Mcd001-exploit.ps2 program.elf
[#] Loading stagers and ELF
[#] Loading memory card
[#] Exporting BASCUS-97129
[#] Reading BASCUS-97129.psu
[#] Modifying bkmo0.dat
[#] Writing ELF
[#] Saving BASCUS-97129.psu
[#] Deleting BASCUS-97129
[#] Importing BASCUS-97129.psu
[+] Exploit wrote to save file "Mcd001-exploit.ps2"