package MyApp::Controller::Root;
use base 'Catalyst::Controller::Swagger';
use Swagger qw(add_meta);
swagger => {
api_version => '2.2.3',
info => {
title => 'test project',
description => 'test description',
add_meta {
action => 'test_one',
params => [
{ name => 'start', type => 'integer' }
sub test_one_base :Chained('/') :PathPart('test_one') :CaptureArgs(2) {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
sub test_one :Chained('test_one_base') :PathPart('foo') :Args(1) :Swagger {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
# A swagger route can be flagged to be swagger with the :Swagger attribute
sub test_two :Local :Swagger {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
Add swagger metadata to any Catalyst route. This module will expose an "api_docs" route which will contain JSON that is Swagger 1.2 compatible.
When this attribute is applied to an action metadata that is implicit to the route will be exposed to the api_docs route. The data that is exposed include the following: path, method, and route nickname. Any additional metadata that would need to be exposed would need to use the Swagger::add_meta function to associate it.
Here is an example of what the default swagger output looks like:
path => '/test_two',
operations => [{
method => 'GET',
summary => '',
notes => '',
type => '',
nickname => 'GET_/test_two',
summary => '',
This is a route that is exposed that will output a JSON data structure that is Swagger 1.2 compatible.
The add_meta function allows a developer to associate other allowed swagger metadata. For example params would specify what sort of parameters a route would accept:
add_meta {
action => 'test_one', # name of route
params => [
{ name => 'start', type => 'integer' }
For further information on Swagger and what it is see:
The code for `catalyst-controller-swagger` is hosted on GitHub at:
If you would like to contribute code, documentation, tests, or bugfixes, follow these steps:
1. Fork the project on GitHub.
2. Clone the fork to your local machine.
3. Make your changes and push them back up to your GitHub account.
4. Send a "pull request" with a brief description of your changes, and a link to a JIRA
ticket if there is one.
If you are unfamiliar with GitHub, start with their excellent documentation here:
Copyright 2015, Logan Bell & John Napiorkowski / MediaMath
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.