All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.4.14 (2019-08-23)
0.4.13 (2019-05-28)
0.4.12 (2019-05-28)
0.4.11 (2019-05-27)
0.4.10 (2019-05-27)
- readme: fix badge url (23b5742)
0.4.9 (2019-05-27)
- watchers: fix ModelWatcher namespace for models (f5d2af8)
0.4.8 (2019-05-27)
0.4.7 (2019-05-27)
0.4.6 (2019-05-27)
0.4.5 (2019-05-27)
0.4.4 (2019-05-27)
0.4.3 (2019-05-27)
0.4.2 (2019-05-27)
0.4.1 (2019-05-27)
0.4.0 (2019-05-27)
- contracts: add Logger types (1139b8a)
- add test for LogWatcher (4886a76)
0.3.0 (2019-05-25)
- adoscope: recording can now be paused (87eead1)
- app: add .ts files for controllers (e3e8b9c)
- config: add new watchers to config (f6cb67a)
- exceptions: add more exceptions and refactor older ones (433284d)
- provider: monkey patch Adonis/Server and refactor some code (f8c0619)
- services: make use of WebSocket controller to send data (87c0b24)
- utils: add new methods for parsing exceptions and logs watchers (361a487)
- watchers: add exceptions and log watchers (1475241)
- watchers: watchers base class is now abstract (16e9a65)
- add new watchers tests (c18054c)
- config: Config file must be updated
0.2.1 (2019-05-20)
0.2.0 (2019-05-17)
- watchers: handle not found/invalid models (e49d117)
- watchers: initialize _statements property in QueryWatcher (f7c69d8)
- adoscope: watchers can be enabled/disabled via config file (c806e27)
- exceptions: add new exceptions (ae447f0)
- exceptions: add new exceptions for ModelWatcher (a17edb3)
- types: add new types (8395988)
- watchers: add type getter and ignore adoscope's model by default (08d5559)
- watchers: update tests to suit new features (f35559f)
- adoscope: Config file must be updated since keys has been updated or run instructions file
0.1.0 (2019-05-16)
- contracts: add more types to Contracts.ts (9d00fc3)
- entryservice.ts: add more methods (c045734)
- entrytype.ts: add more entries types (c70699a)
- exceptions: add exceptions (146c37b)
- models: add Jsonify trait (3c043db)
- providers: add monkey patches (4741364)
- watcher.ts: add more methods, refactoring (9f64789)
- watchers: add Model/Schedule/View watchers (94236ef)
- app: add remaining watchers tests (4001160)