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Azure Key Vault Secrets Spring Boot Starter Sample

This sample illustrates how to use Azure Key Vault Secrets Spring Boot Starter.

In this sample, a secret named spring-datasource-url is stored into an Azure Key Vault, and a sample Spring application will use its value as a configuration property value.

Setup Azure Key Vault

First, we need to store secret spring-datasource-url into Azure Key Vault.

  • Create one azure service principal by using Azure CLI or via Azure Portal. Save your service principal id and password for later use. You can use the following az cli commands to create a service principal:
az login
az account set --subscription <your_subscription_id>

# create azure service principal by azure cli
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name <your_azure_service_principal_name>
# save the appId and password from output

Save the service principal id and password contained in the output from above command.

  • Create Azure Key Vault by using Azure CLI or via Azure Portal. You also need to grant appropriate permissions to the service principal created. You can use the following az cli commands:
az keyvault create --name <your_keyvault_name>            \
                   --resource-group <your_resource_group> \
                   --location <location>                  \
                   --enabled-for-deployment true          \
                   --enabled-for-disk-encryption true     \
                   --enabled-for-template-deployment true \
                   --sku standard
az keyvault set-policy --name <your_keyvault_name>   \
                       --secret-permission get list  \
                       --spn <your_sp_id_create_in_step1>


The property azure.keyvault.secret.keys specifies which exact secrets the application will load from Key Vault. If this property is not set, which means the application will have to list all the secrets in Key Vault, you have to grant both LIST and GET secret permission to the service principal. Otherwise, only GET secret permission is needed.

Save the displayed Key Vault uri for later use.

  • Set secret in Azure Key Vault by using Azure CLI or via Azure Portal. You can use the following az cli commands:
az keyvault secret set --name spring-datasource-url                \
                       --value jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/moviedb \
                       --vault-name <your_keyvault_name>
az keyvault secret set --name <yourSecretPropertyName>   \
                       --value <yourSecretPropertyVaule> \
                       --vault-name <your_keyvault_name>

Add Dependency

"azure-keyvault-secrets-spring-boot-starter" is published on Maven Central Repository.
If you are using Maven, add the following dependency.


Add the property setting

Open file and add below properties to specify your Azure Key Vault url, Azure service principle client id and client key.


# Uncomment following property if you want to specify the secrets to load from Key Vault
# azure.keyvault.secret.keys=yourSecretPropertyName1,yourSecretPropertyName2

Get Key Vault secret value as property

Now, you can use Azure Key Vault secret value as a configuration property.

public class SampleApplication implements CommandLineRunner {

    private String mySecretProperty;
    private String dbUrl;

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

    public void run(String... varl) throws Exception {        
        System.out.println("property yourSecretPropertyName value is: " + mySecretProperty);
        System.out.println("property spring.datasource.url is: " + dbUrl);


Run the sample

  • Use Maven

    mvn package
    java -jar target/azure-keyvault-secrets-spring-boot-sample-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
  • Use Gradle

    gradle bootRepackage
    java -jar build/libs/azure-keyvault-secrets-spring-boot-sample-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar