apis |
models |
supportingFiles |
modelTests |
modelDocs |
apiTests |
apiDocs |
apiPackage |
IO.OpenAPI |
package for generated api classes |
modelPackage |
IO.OpenAPI |
package for generated models |
templateDir |
./templates/nodejs |
allowUnicodeIdentifiers |
false |
boolean, toggles whether unicode identifiers are allowed in names or not, default is false |
invokerPackage |
IO.OpenAPI |
root package for generated code |
phpInvokerPackage |
IO.OpenAPI |
root package for generated php code |
perlModuleName |
IO.OpenAPI |
root module name for generated perl code |
pythonPackageName |
IO.OpenAPI |
package name for generated python code |
groupId |
groupId in generated pom.xml |
artifactId |
artifactId in generated pom.xml |
artifactVersion |
artifact version in generated pom.xml |
artifactUrl |
artifact URL in generated pom.xml |
scmConnection |
SCM connection in generated pom.xml |
scmDeveloperConnection |
SCM developer connection in generated pom.xml |
scmUrl |
SCM URL in generated pom.xml |
developerName |
developer name in generated pom.xml |
developerEmail |
developer email in generated pom.xml |
developerOrganization |
developer organization in generated pom.xml |
developerOrganizationUrl |
developer organization URL in generated pom.xml |
licenseName |
Unlicense |
The name of the license |
licenseUrl |
http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html |
The URL of the license |
sourceFolder |
./out/nodejs |
source folder for generated code |
implFolder |
./out/nodejs |
folder for generated implementation code |
localVariablePrefix |
prefix for generated code members and local variables |
serializableModel |
true |
boolean - toggle "implements Serializable" for generated models |
bigDecimalAsString |
false |
Treat BigDecimal values as Strings to avoid precision loss. |
library |
library template (sub-template) |
sortParamsByRequiredFlag |
true |
Sort method arguments to place required parameters before optional parameters. |
useDateTimeOffset |
0 |
Use DateTimeOffset to model date-time properties |
ensureUniqueParams |
false |
Whether to ensure parameter names are unique in an operation (rename parameters that are not). |
projectName |
swagger_petstore |
packageName |
IO.OpenAPI |
packageVersion |
1.0.0 |
packageTitle |
swagger_petstore |
Specifies an AssemblyTitle for the .NET Framework global assembly attributes stored in the AssemblyInfo file. |
packageProductName |
swagger_petstore |
Specifies an AssemblyProduct for the .NET Framework global assembly attributes stored in the AssemblyInfo file. |
packageCompany |
Smartbear Software |
Specifies an AssemblyCompany for the .NET Framework global assembly attributes stored in the AssemblyInfo file. |
packageAuthors |
Swagger-Codegen authors |
Specifies Authors property in the .NET Core project file. |
packageCopyright |
Copyright 2016 Smartbear Software |
Specifies an AssemblyCopyright for the .NET Framework global assembly attributes stored in the AssemblyInfo file. |
podVersion |
1.0.0 |
optionalMethodArgument |
false |
Optional method argument, e.g. void square(int x=10) (.net 4.0+ only). |
optionalAssemblyInfo |
false |
Generate AssemblyInfo.cs. |
netCoreProjectFile |
true |
Use the new format (.NET Core) for .NET project files (.csproj). |
useCollection |
false |
Deserialize array types to Collection instead of List. |
interfacePrefix |
Prefix interfaces with a community standard or widely accepted prefix. |
returnICollection |
false |
Return ICollection instead of the concrete type. |
optionalProjectFile |
false |
Generate {PackageName}.csproj. |
packageGuid |
3cff8b0e-c6e1-4589-9efb-60cf16d72585 |
The GUID that will be associated with the C# project |
modelPropertyNaming |
original |
{camelCase, PascalCase, snake_case, original, UPPERCASE} |
targetFramework |
4 |
The target .NET framework version. |
{camelCase, PascalCase, snake_case, original} |
enumPropertyNaming |
Naming convention for enum properties: 'camelCase', 'PascalCase', 'snake_case', 'UPPERCASE', and 'original' |
modelNamePrefix |
Prefix that will be prepended to all model names. Default is the empty string. |
modelNameSuffix |
Suffix that will be appended to all model names. Default is the empty string. |
optionalEmitDefaultValues |
false |
Set DataMember's EmitDefaultValue. |
emitModelMethods |
true |
emitJSDoc |
true |
Whether to emit JSDoc comments |
gitUserId |
Mermade |
Git user ID, e.g. swagger-api. |
gitRepoId |
openapi-codegen |
Git repo ID, e.g. swagger-codegen. |
releaseNote |
Minor update |
Release note, default to 'Minor update'. |
httpUserAgent |
OpenAPI-Codegen/1.0.0/nodejs |
HTTP user agent, e.g. codegen_csharp_api_client, default to 'Swagger-Codegen/{packageVersion}}/{language}' |
supportsES6 |
true |
Generate code that conforms to ES6. |
supportsAsync |
true |
Generate code that supports async operations. |
excludeTests |
false |
Specifies that no tests are to be generated. |
generateApiDocs |
true |
Not user-configurable. System provided for use in templates. |
generateApiTests |
true |
Specifies that api tests are to be generated. |
generateModelDocs |
true |
Not user-configurable. System provided for use in templates. |
generateModelTests |
true |
Specifies that model tests are to be generated. |
hideGenerationTimestamp |
false |
Hides the generation timestamp when files are generated. |
generatePropertyChanged |
true |
Specifies that models support raising property changed events. |
nonPublicApi |
false |
Generates code with reduced access modifiers; allows embedding elsewhere without exposing non-public API calls to consumers. |
validatable |
true |
Generates self-validatable models. |
variableNamingConvention |
original |
camelCase, PascalCase, snake_case, original, or UPPERCASE. |
ignoreFileOverride |
.swagger-codegen-ignore |
Specifies an override location for the .swagger-codegen-ignore file. Most useful on initial generation. |
removeOperationIdPrefix |
false |
Remove prefix of operationId, e.g. config_getId => getId |
nickname |
operation |
addPet |
httpMethod |
operation |
post |
path |
operation |
/pet |
operationId |
operation |
addPet |
operationIdLowerCase |
operation |
addpet |
operationIdSnakeCase |
operation |
undefined |
description |
operation |
summary |
operation |
Add a new pet to the store |
allParams |
operation |
[array] |
pathParams |
operation |
[array] |
queryParams |
operation |
[array] |
headerParams |
operation |
[array] |
formParams |
operation |
[array] |
notes |
operation |
responseHeaders |
operation |
[array] |
hasMore |
operation |
true |
isResponseBinary |
operation |
false |
baseName |
operation |
pet |
consumes |
operation |
[array] |
hasParams |
operation |
false |
hasOptionalParams |
operation |
false |
hasRequiredParams |
operation |
true |
hasQueryParams |
operation |
false |
hasFormParams |
operation |
false |
hasPathParams |
operation |
false |
hasHeaderParams |
operation |
false |
hasBodyParam |
operation |
true |
openapi |
operation |
{object} |
bodyParam |
operation |
{object} |
hasConsumes |
operation |
true |
bodyParams |
operation |
[array] |
tags |
operation |
[array] |
imports |
operation |
[array] |
vendorExtensions |
operation |
{object} |
responses |
operation |
[array] |
hasExamples |
operation |
false |
isBodyParam |
parameter |
true |
isHeaderParam |
parameter |
false |
isQueryParam |
parameter |
false |
isPathParam |
parameter |
false |
isFormParam |
parameter |
false |
isDate |
parameter |
false |
isDateTime |
parameter |
false |
baseName |
parameter |
body |
paramName |
parameter |
body |
required |
parameter |
true |
optional |
parameter |
false |
dataType |
parameter |
object |
description |
parameter |
Pet object that needs to be added to the store |
schema |
parameter |
{object} |
isEnum |
parameter |
false |
vendorExtensions |
parameter |
{object} |
type |
parameter |
object |
jsonSchema |
parameter |
"string" |
hasMore |
parameter |
false |
isFile |
parameter |
false |
code |
response |
405 |
nickname |
response |
response405 |
message |
response |
Invalid input |
description |
response |
Invalid input |
simpleType |
response |
true |
schema |
response |
{object} |
jsonSchema |
response |
"string" |
openapi |
response |
{object} |
name |
model |
Order |
classname |
model |
Order |
classVarName |
model |
Order |
modelJson |
model |
"string" |
title |
model |
undefined |
unescapedDescription |
model |
undefined |
classFilename |
model |
clsOrder |
modelPackage |
model |
Order |
hasEnums |
model |
false |
vars |
model |
[array] |
isMapContainer |
model |
false |
boolean - set to true when container is a map |
isArrayContainer |
model |
false |
boolean - set to true when container is an array |
itemsComplexType |
vars |
OrderDetails |
Stores the name of the model for array elements |