The revision history describes the changes that were made to this document listed by revision, starting with the most recent publication.
First publication of the document.
Updated document for SmartHLS™ 2021.2 release.
Updated document for outdated figures and for SmartHLS™ 2022.2 release.
Updated document for outdated figures, references and experimental results.
Updated figures and experimental results. Updated section 6 and 7 for dataflow. Added new appendix showing alternative digit recognition implementation with dataflow.
Updated document for SmartHLS™ 2024.1 release.
Updated document for SmartHLS™ 2024.2 release.
Time Required: 4 hours
Goals of this Training:
- Explain how different types of parallelism are expressed in SmartHLS™.
- Show a complex SmartHLS design that uses multi-threading: digit recognition.
Training Topics:
- HLS optimizations:
- Overview of HLS types of parallelism
- Instruction level, pipeline level, function level parallelism
- Instruction level parallelism
- Automatic dependency analysis and scheduling
- Loop level parallelism
- Loop pipelining
- Thread-level parallelism
- SmartHLS threading
- Simple example
- Synchronization
- Digit Recognition
- Dataflow parallelism
- SmartHLS threading
- Overview of HLS types of parallelism
- Verification/Testing:
- Defining a custom testbench written in Verilog
- Applying settings for custom testbench in IDE
- Running custom testbenches
- Hardware interface specification and integration of a generated block into SmartDesign
- Connect memory interface into SmartDesign
- Replacing an existing design in SmartDesign
- Having a custom RTL wrapper around a SmartHLS-generated module
The main reason why FPGA engineers use high-level synthesis software is to increase their productivity. Designing hardware using C++ offers a higher level of abstraction than RTL design. Higher abstraction means less code to write, less bugs and better maintainability.
In the SmartHLS™ high-level synthesis design flow, the engineer implements their design in C++ software and verifies the functionality with software tests. Next, they specify a top-level C++ function, which SmartHLS will compile into an equivalent Verilog hardware module. SmartHLS can run co-simulation to verify the hardware module behavior matches the software. SmartHLS uses Libero® SoC to generate the post-layout timing and resource reports for the Verilog module. Finally, SmartHLS generates a SmartDesign IP component that the engineer can instantiate into their SmartDesign system in Libero SoC. Figure 1 shows the SmartHLS high-level synthesis FPGA design flow for targeting a Microchip PolarFire FPGA.
The C++ code input to the SmartHLS Synthesis tool describes the behavior of one specific hardware functional block that exists in the overall FPGA design. A hardware engineer writes the C++ in SmartHLS to describe the hardware logic, not a software engineer (who would typically write C/C++ code for a processor to execute). The hardware engineer will need to handle advanced hardware issues outside of the SmartHLS tool such as the clock network, clock domain crossing, Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) settings, etc.
Figure 1: SmartHLS High-level Synthesis Design Flow Targeting a
PolarFire FPGA
Before beginning this training, you should install the following software:
- Libero® SoC 2024.2 (or later) with QuestaSim
- SmartHLS 2024.2 (or later): this is packaged with Libero
This document uses the Windows versions of Libero® SoC 2024.2 and SmartHLS 2024.2. Depending on the version you use, the results generated from your Libero® SoC and SmartHLS could be slightly different from that presented in this document.
You should download the training design files in advance:
- Github link to all SmartHLS trainings and examples:
- ZIP file:
- We’ll use the Training2 folder for this training.
- Download
from the Release Assets. This archive contains the pre-compiled bitstream required for this training. - Alternatively, you can re-generate the bitstream and Libero project from scratch by following the instructions here:
The following hardware is required:
- PolarFire FPGA Video and Imaging Kit (MPF300-VIDEO-KIT).
- Monitor with an HDMI input.
- Smartphone to open the digit images used with the Digit Recognition design.
We assume some knowledge of the C/C++ programming language for this training.
We will use this cursor symbol throughout this
training document to indicate sections where you need to perform actions
to follow along.
If you plan on following Appendix B: Integrating into SmartDesign, generate the Libero project in advance.
- If you are using Windows, open the Windows command prompt (cmd) and navigate to the Libero directory. Then run
to generate the HLS example designs. e.g.:
cd C:\Workspace\fpga-hls-examples-main\Training2\Libero
- If you are using Linux, open a terminal and navigate to the Libero directory. Then run
to generate the HLS example designs. e.g.:
cd Workspace/fpga-hls-examples-main/Training1/Libero
- When this completes, use Libero to generate the project. Open Libero 2024.2, and go to File -> Execute Script.
under "Script file". In Arguments, putGENERATE_ONLY:1
- Click 'Run'. This should take about 10 minutes.
In this section we will set up the workspace and projects for SmartHLS 2024.2 used in this tutorial, as well as tool paths. We assume that SmartHLS 2024.2 and Libero® SoC 2024.2 have already been installed prior to this training. A Libero SoC install is needed for SmartHLS to run synthesis.
Download the zip file from github if you have not already (see Prerequisites). Extract the contents of the zip file. We will use the Training2 folder of the extracted content for this training.
Warning: Make sure to extract to a directory with a short path to avoid long path issues. -
Open SmartHLS 2024.2 and choose a workspace.
You may want to select a new folder so you can have a blank workspace for this training. Warning: Make sure there are no spaces in your workspace path. Otherwise, SmartHLS will error out when running synthesis.
- Select File -> Import...
- In the Import window, select General->Existing Projects into Workspace and then click Next.
- In the next step, select “Select root directory” and then click Browse... In the popup window browse to the Training2 directory and click OK.
- Now in the Projects box you should see that all SmartHLS projects have been selected. Uncheck Video-MIPI-MIV-RV32IMA-SC64. Optionally you may check “Copy projects to workspace”. Click Finish to import.
- After importing you should see 5 projects in the Project Explorer on the left.
- Next go to the top toolbar and select SmartHLS->Tool Path Settings
Make sure the tool paths to vsim.exe and libero.exe are properly set to:
Note: update these tool paths if your Libero is installed in a different location.
In this training, we will not be creating SmartHLS projects from scratch, please see the SmartHLS Sobel Tutorial for instructions on creating a fresh SmartHLS project.
When designing a hardware block using SmartHLS, parallelism is the main way of achieving performance gain. As mentioned in the SmartHLS user guide, there are four main kinds of parallelism in SmartHLS: instruction-level, loop-level, thread-level, and dataflow parallelism. These concepts have some overlap between them, but they all focus on running as many tasks in parallel as possible, reducing total runtime of the generated hardware circuit. We will look at each of them in the sections below.
Goals of this section:
- Understand different levels of parallelism found in SmartHLS.
- Understand when to use each kind of parallelism.
Instruction-level parallelism is a common optimization in computer architecture and software. This kind of optimization attempts to reduce a series of computations into dependent and independent steps, then schedule as many independent steps to run as early as possible.
For example, in the code snippet in Figure 2, we have a sequence of add operations. Since none of the computations depend on the result of a previous computation, there are no dependencies between the three operations and all the add operations can run in parallel without affecting the functionality of the program.
Figure 2: Source code and data dependency graph for 3 parallel additions
Instruction-level parallelism is especially relevant in software as C/C++ source code is inherently serial. As SmartHLS uses C/C++ as the input language to generate hardware, instruction-level parallelism is also used by SmartHLS to create performant hardware. SmartHLS will automatically apply this optimization to the software description, analyzing dependencies and scheduling as many independent instructions within the same basic block to start as early as possible.
A basic block is a group of instructions that always run together with a single entry point at the beginning and a single exit point at the end. Instruction-level parallelism only applies to instructions within the same basic block. The total amount of parallelism extracted with instruction-level parallelism is limited because in most programs the average basic block contains less than 10 instructions.
More details and examples of this kind of parallelism can be found in Appendix A.
Loop-level parallelism occurs when iterations of a loop are run in parallel. SmartHLS leverages loop-level parallelism when pipelining a loop to allow multiple loop iterations to execute in parallel. Pipelining is a common hardware optimization to increase the throughput of a circuit that repeatedly processes data in a series of steps and achieve higher hardware utilization. We have already seen this kind of parallelism in the Sobel Filter tutorial as well as in the previous training on the Canny Edge Detection Filter.
When the loop pipeline or function pipeline SmartHLS pragmas are applied in the source code, SmartHLS will automatically generate a hardware pipeline for the loop or function body to take advantage of loop-level parallelism. The total amount of parallelism extracted with loop-level parallelism can be significant since compute-intensive programs spend most of their runtime executing loops. A pipeline schedule is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Pipeline schedule for a pipeline with three stages
Thread-level parallelism, also called task-level or function-level parallelism, occurs when multiple software functions are run in parallel. By default, SmartHLS maps functions that execute sequentially in software into hardware modules that also run sequentially in hardware. We can use thread-level parallelism in SmartHLS to explicitly specify in software when we want multiple hardware modules to run in parallel.
In SmartHLS, we use a threading software API to specify functions that run in parallel. SmartHLS will map each threaded software function into a hardware module that runs in parallel. Figure 4 illustrates two software threads: Thread 1 and Thread2, which SmartHLS will map into two hardware modules that will run in parallel: Module 1 and Module 2.
Figure 4: Parallel software threads map to parallel running hardware modules
Each thread in a software program executes in parallel while sharing the same memory space with the other threads. The parallel software threads do not need to do related work and the threads can work independently. You can use thread level parallelism any time you want to generate hardware blocks within the same design that can run in parallel.
Threading will be covered in depth in a future section.
Like thread-level parallelism, dataflow parallelism is task-level or function-level parallelism. Dataflow parallelism is used when data is streamed into successive tasks that run in parallel. Thread-level parallelism can also be used for such cases, and is a more general way to express parallelism, but many parallel applications can be expressed using dataflow parallelism and require almost no code changes.
Dataflow parallelism has two main uses: to overlap functions which run in sequence, or to run independent functions in parallel. An example of overlapping functions which run in sequence was shown in Training 1 with the Canny Edge Detection design. The Canny Edge filter can be broken into four tasks corresponding to the Gaussian blur, Sobel filter, non-maximum suppression, and hysteresis filters. Each of these tasks run in succession to contribute to processing a piece of data, and all tasks can run in parallel across different data. This is like a loop pipeline where the building blocks are functions instead of instructions. Figure 5 shows the Canny design, where multiple filter functions are connected by FIFOs and video pixels are continuously streamed in. Figure 6 shows that dataflow parallelism can be thought of as a pipeline of tasks. Dataflow parallelism is usually combined with pipelining inside the parallel functions to achieve better performance in each individual task.
Figure 5: Dataflow Parallelism found in the Canny Edge example design.
Figure 6: Pipeline schedule where each block is a task instead of an
instruction. GBF: Gaussian Blur Filter, SF: Sobel Filter, NMS:
Non-maximum Suppression, HF: Hysteresis Filter.
An example of running independent tasks in parallel is illustrated in Figure 7. Task fB and fC are independent of each other, so they can execute in parallel and start executing once their dependent function fA is finished. Once both fB and fC are finished, fD will begin. This is like instruction-level parallelism, where the building blocks are functions instead of instructions. Note that this diamond sequence of functions can also be pipelined and process a continuous data stream. In other words, the successive functions or tasks do not need to be connected in a straight line.
Figure 7: Diamond example for dataflow parallelism.
In summary, dataflow parallelism can be used whenever we have a task that can be broken down into a sequence of tasks that can all run in parallel on a data stream. It allows tasks to start executing as soon as their prerequisites are ready. Dataflow parallelism was shown in Training 1, and more detailed information can be found in the SmartHLS User Guide. An example using dataflow parallelism will also be discussed in Appendix D. For more complex parallelism, e.g., with feedback/cycles between the parallel tasks, multi-threading APIs may be needed to explicitly describe the parallelism. Threading is further described in the next section.
Threading is one of the ways SmartHLS supports defining modules that run in parallel within a single SmartHLS project. SmartHLS will not run any generated modules in parallel unless explicitly told to by using the dataflow SmartHLS pragma or by running functions in threads.
When functions are run in threads, SmartHLS will automatically generate the control logic to run the resulting modules in parallel. Code that runs serially in software before and after creating the threads will also run serially before and after the module starts in hardware.
Goals of this section:
- Learn how to use the SmartHLS threading library and thread API.
- Understand synchronization and synchronization primitives.
- Understand which threaded designs can run SmartHLS co-simulation and which designs will require a custom RTL testbench.
- Learn how to write and run a custom RTL testbench.
Creating parallel modules using threads is easy in SmartHLS. SmartHLS comes with a threading library with a simple API for creating threads. Detailed information on this API can be found in the SmartHLS User Guide. SmartHLS previously supported POSIX threads (pthreads) but the pthreads API was deprecated in SmartHLS 2022.3 and the SmartHLS thread API is now the recommended way to create threads. Here we will present the basics on how to use threads.
A classic example of parallel blocks in both hardware and software is of a producer creating data and a consumer using the data. We have already seen this used in the Canny edge detection example, which was implemented using dataflow parallelism as loop pipelined modules with FIFOs between them. We will now see how this can be done with threads.
Figure 8: Producer and consumer with a communication channel between them
To see an implementation of this pattern using
threads, go to SmartHLS and open the
project, then
open the producer_consumer.cpp
source file.
This file implements a producer consumer pattern with the restriction that a memory is used as the communication channel between the producer and consumer. The shared memory buffer between them must be empty before the producer can start producing and the buffer must be full before the consumer can begin consuming.
After importing projects into SmartHLS you may
see red underlines on function calls with the message that the function
could not be resolved as shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9: Eclipse indexing error causing function calls to be underlined
in red
To fix these red underlines, you can go to the Project drop down menu and select C/C++ Index-> Rebuild. This should fix any Eclipse indexing issues which results in library functions being underlined in red.
At the top of the file producer_consumer.cpp
file, we have included to
hls/thread.hpp header file to be able to use the threading API.
1 // Import hls/thread.hpp to access the SmartHLS thread library and API.
2 #include "hls/thread.hpp"
3 #include "hls/streaming.hpp"
On line 9, we have two global variables shared between the two threaded functions. The variable buf will be the buffer between the producer and consumer. The variable done will be used for synchronization between the functions. We will talk about synchronization in more detail later. The synchronization variable must be declared as volatile. The volatile keyword tells the compiler that reads and writes to this variable must not be optimized. Usually, this keyword is used in firmware to force a memory location to be read in case something in the hardware has changed its value. In our case, we use it because the compiler does not consider accesses from other running threads and can incorrectly optimize the code.
9 // The contention free pragma tells SmartHLS not to generate an arbiter.
10 #pragma HLS memory impl variable(buf) contention_free(true)
11 int buf[100] = {0};
12 volatile bool done = false;
By default, SmartHLS will generate a round-robin arbiter for each variable (memory block) shared by a function running in a thread and any other software, threaded or otherwise. An arbiter is a hardware block that enforces the order of accesses to a shared resource. Round-robin arbiters ensure that all requestors get granted an equal use of the shared resource. Arbiters ensure that conflicting reads and writes do not happen, for example 3 reads to a dual-ported RAM in the same cycle.
If you are sure that there will never be conflicting accesses to a memory variable in any given cycle, you can use the contention free pragma to tell SmartHLS not to generate an arbiter for that memory. This simplifies the generated circuit slightly. In this implementation, we declare buf as contention free as the consumer cannot access the buffer until the producer is done writing and the producer cannot access the buffer until the consumer is done reading, therefore no conflicting accesses can occur. The memory done does not need an arbiter either, since one thread will be polling done until the other thread writes to it, there will only be a maximum of two reads, or one write, and one read per cycle. However, we do not declare the done variable as contention free to be able to show what the generated arbiter looks like in RTL. Note, the contention free pragma must precede the variable declaration unlike pragmas such as the function top pragma. For more information on where pragmas need to be defined, check the SmartHLS Pragmas Manual.
To check for generated arbiters, compile the
design to hardware (
) and open the generated
Verilog file "
". This file can be found under the
directory producer_consumer/hls_output/rtl/
. On line 213, you will
find an instantiation for a round robin arbiter for the variable done.
If you search for “round_robin_arbiter
” and cycle through the results,
you will find that no such arbiter has been generated for buf which we
declared as contention free.
214 top_round_robin_arbiter round_robin_arbiter_inst_arbiter_done_a (
219 );
You may have noticed the following warning message in the Console during
the Software and Hardware () run,
[Allocation.cpp:2371: printWarningMessageForGlobalArrayReset] Warning: The global variable, “buf”, on line 11 of producer_consumer.cpp is not read-only and has initialization data. This data will only be initialized on power up but not on reset.
Due to its size, the global variable array buf
will be implemented in a
RAM, and the memory content will only be initialized with the user
configuration data at power up. That means the memory content will stay
unchanged during reset, as SmartHLS does not create additional logic to
reset the RAM content. This message is to warn users to judge if this
arrangement will affect the correctness based on the nature of the
application. In our case, after every restart of the component, the buf
array content will be overwritten by the producer thread before being
used by the consumer, so we can safely ignore this warning message.
Back in producer_consumer.cpp
starting on line 14, we have the two
functions to be threaded: producer and consumer. The producer function
has an input FIFO and the done control variable as arguments. The
producer will check that the consumer has finished consuming by checking
done, then fill the buffer with more data and set done. The consumer
function has an output FIFO and the done control variable as arguments.
The consumer will check that the producer has finished filling the
buffer by checking done and then read from the buffer and accumulate.
The output will be written to an output FIFO and done is reset. For
functions that are meant to run continuously in hardware, we use a while
loop that always has a true condition to force the thread to run
forever. We also use loop pipelining on the inner loops to increase
14 // The producer function continuously reads from input fifo and writes to buf
15 // then waits for consumer to finish consuming.
16 void producer(hls::FIFO<int> &input_fifo, volatile bool &done) {
17 while (1) {
18 if (!done) {
19 // Pipeline for extra performance.
20 #pragma HLS loop pipeline
21 for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
22 buf[i] =;
23 done = true;
24 }
25 }
26 }
28 // The consumer function continuously waits for the producer to finish producing
29 // then reads from buf, sums and writes the result to output fifo.
30 void consumer(hls::FIFO<int> &output_fifo, volatile bool &done) {
31 while (1) {
32 if (done) {
33 int sum = 0;
34 // Pipeline for extra performance.
35 #pragma HLS loop pipeline
36 for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
37 sum += buf[i];
38 done = false;
39 output_fifo.write(sum);
40 }
41 }
42 }
At this point we have declared the two functions but have not yet run
them in threads. To run them in threads, we must create thread objects
using the SmartHLS threading API. On line 46, we have the top-level
function that passes the arguments to the threaded functions and then
returns. The API for running a function as a thread is to provide the
function as the first argument to a thread type object. Here we declare
two void return type thread objects called producer_t
and consumer_t
that run the producer and consumer functions. The void template
parameter signifies that the threaded functions return void and matches
the function signatures of the two functions. The first arguments
following the function to be run are the arguments for that function.
Here we have the FIFOs and the done control variable passed in by
reference. To pass arguments by reference to a thread, we must use the
wrapper function around the argument.
44 // The top level function launches the producer and consumer threads then
45 // returns without waiting for them to finish.
46 void top(hls::FIFO<int> &input_fifo, hls::FIFO<int> &output_fifo) {
47 #pragma HLS function top
48 hls::thread<void> producer_t(producer, hls::ref(input_fifo),
49 hls::ref(done));
50 hls::thread<void> consumer_t(consumer, hls::ref(output_fifo),
51 hls::ref(done));
52 }
You may wonder why the shared variables buf and done variables cannot be local to top and be passed as arguments to the threads. This is because the top-level function runs the threads but does not wait for them to finish before returning. Any variables local to the top-level function will be unusable after the top-level function returns, resulting in the threads accessing invalid memory. This forces us to declare buf and done as global variables to ensure correct behavior.
Next, on line 56, we have a very simple software testbench to check the functionality in software. SmartHLS currently does not support co-simulation for designs that use threads that run forever so we cannot use this software testbench to run co-simulation. However, we can replicate the test in a custom testbench and use the software inputs and outputs as a reference. We first call top while the FIFOs are empty to launch the producer and consumer threads. The producer thread will block on the empty input FIFO and the consumer thread will continuously poll done until we give input via the input FIFO.
54 // Main testbench that calls top to launch the threads, then writes 1000 inputs
55 // and expects 10 outputs.
56 int main() {
57 hls::FIFO<int> input_fifo(1000);
58 hls::FIFO<int> output_fifo(10);
59 top(input_fifo, output_fifo);
60 for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
61 input_fifo.write(i);
62 }
63 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
64 printf("result = %d\n",;
65 }
66 return 0;
67 }
Now click the compile software button
) and then run the software
) to verify its functionality. You should see
the following output in the console:
result = 4950
result = 14950
result = 24950
result = 34950
result = 44950
result = 54950
result = 64950
result = 74950
result = 84950
result = 94950
Now close the
project and opened files.
Before we move on to testing the producer_consumer
design in hardware,
we will discuss synchronization in more detail. Synchronization enforces
a certain order of execution between threads running in parallel when
performing shared work. In the producer consumer example, we used
synchronization to ensure that the producer thread wrote to the buffer
before the consumer thread could read from the buffer. This kind of
agreement was implemented with the done variable to facilitate
handshaking between the two processes.
In general, there are other tools in software that can be used to synchronize processes that are useful in different scenarios. Synchronization primitives are mechanisms to allow programmers to implement synchronization between processes. The two kinds of synchronization primitives available in SmartHLS are mutexes and barriers. Figure 10 gives a high-level block diagram for the interaction between parallel modules and synchronization primitives. Each synchronization primitive needs an arbiter to ensure that only one module can access the shared resource (mutex or barrier) at a time.
Figure 10: Block diagrams for generated hardware with two parallel
modules accessing a mutex and a barrier
As mentioned previously, we used a done variable to synchronize the producer and consumer processes to prevent them from accessing a shared buffer out of turn. This kind of synchronization problem is called “mutual exclusion” of operations. Mutual exclusion enforces that some operations need to be done on a resource atomically for the resource to remain in a valid state. An atomic operation is one that happens completely or not at all, without any interruption in between. This kind of problem is commonly found in threaded functions and requires synchronization to correctly order operations. To make sure that a series of operations are atomic in both software and hardware, we can use a mutex (short for mutual exclusion). When a thread acquires a mutex, another thread cannot acquire the same mutex and must wait until the holder releases it. If we try to acquire a mutex before all operations on shared resources that are supposed to be atomic and release them afterwards, then we can guarantee that no other thread will operate on them until the operations are finished. When mutexes are used in software, the same functionality is replicated by SmartHLS in hardware.
A generic example on how to use the mutex can be found in the User Guide, where a global mutex is locked and unlocked to ensure that the function body runs atomically.
hls::mutex m;
void f() {
In our simple producer consumer example, we used a done signal to achieve a similar kind of mutual exclusion to prevent both the producer and consumer from accessing the shared resource at the same time. In more complicated scenarios where there are multiple readers and writers, and where you might not care about enforcing a specific access order, it is easiest to use a lock to achieve mutual exclusion in both software and hardware.
Another type of common synchronization problem is to enforce shared progress between multiple threads that are operating on a related task. For example, if we split an array in half and have two threads operate on the two halves in parallel, we would want the threads to finish at the same time before moving on to the next array input. In the case that one half is slightly larger than the other half, we would need some way to make sure the thread with the smaller half does not move ahead before the other thread finishes. In this case, we can use a barrier to synchronize them. A call to a barrier will block threads until all threads reach the barrier and would prevent one thread from moving on before the other threads are ready. A barrier can handle any number of threads but must be given the number during creation.
A generic example on how to use the barrier can be found in the User Guide, where a global barrier is initiated in main for the two threads that will use it. Inside the threaded function, a call to wait is made to block the thread until the two threads reach the barrier.
hls::barrier bar;
void f1() {
void f2() {
int main() {
auto t1 = hls::thread<void>(f1);
auto t2 = hls::thread<void>(f2);
As mentioned before, the producer_consumer
project cannot be simulated
with co-simulation. This is because the producer_consumer
project has
threads that run forever and do not finish before the top-level function
returns. SmartHLS co-simulation supports a single call to the top-level
function which then calls functions in threads. All threads run from
inside the top-level function should finish running before the end of
the function. If your code does not meet this requirement then you need
to write a custom RTL testbench as described in the next section. In
this section, we will look at a modified version that has threads that
finish before the top-level function returns and run co-sim for this
Open the
project and
open the producer_consumer.cpp
source file.
In this version of producer consumer, we have modified the threads to run only 10 iterations then return.
14 // The producer function reads from input fifo and writes to buf then waits for
15 // consumer to finish consuming 10 times.
16 void producer(hls::FIFO<int> &input_fifo, volatile bool &done) {
17 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
18 while (done)
19 ;
20 // Pipeline for extra performance.
21 #pragma HLS loop pipeline
22 for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
23 buf[i] =;
24 done = true;
25 }
26 }
28 // The consumer function waits for the producer to finish producing then reads
29 // from buf, sums and writes the result to output fifo 10 times.
30 void consumer(hls::FIFO<int> &output_fifo, volatile bool &done) {
31 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
32 while (!done)
33 ;
34 int sum = 0;
35 // Pipeline for extra performance.
36 #pragma HLS loop pipeline
37 for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
38 sum += buf[i];
39 done = false;
40 output_fifo.write(sum);
41 }
42 }
The top-level function waits for both threads to finish by using a call to join before returning.
44 // The top level function launches the producer and consumer threads then waits
45 // for them to finish before returning.
46 void top(hls::FIFO<int> &input_fifo, hls::FIFO<int> &output_fifo) {
47 #pragma HLS function top
48 hls::thread<void> producer_t(producer, hls::ref(input_fifo),
49 hls::ref(done));
50 hls::thread<void> consumer_t(consumer, hls::ref(output_fifo),
51 hls::ref(done));
52 producer_t.join();
53 consumer_t.join();
54 }
This type of thread use is supported by
co-simulation. Run compile to hardware (
) then
run co-sim (
). You should see the following in
the console output. If this project’s thread use was not supported by
co-sim, SmartHLS would error out without running co-sim.
Simulation time (cycles): 2,091
SW/HW co-simulation: PASS
Now close the
and opened files.
Since our original producer consumer code does not meet the requirements for co-simulation, we must write a custom testbench to verify the generated hardware. For the producer-consumer design we have a Verilog testbench that continuously sends FIFO data into the producer and checks for the correct outputs from the consumer.
Re-open the
project and open
the custom_tb.v
source file.
This is a simple testbench that feeds streaming input into the DUT and reads streaming output. The output is then compared to an expected golden output.
31 top_top DUT (
32 .clk(clk),
33 .reset(reset),
34 .start(1'b1),
35 .ready(),
36 .finish(),
37 // Return value.
38 .output_fifo_ready( ready_TO_DUT_DS ),
39 .output_fifo_valid( valid_FROM_DUT_DS ),
40 .output_fifo( data_FROM_DUT_DS ),
41 // Argument.
42 .input_fifo_ready( in_ready_FROM_DUT_US ),
43 .input_fifo_valid( in_valid_TO_DUT_US ),
44 .input_fifo( in_data_TO_DUT_US )
45 );
On line 50, we generate the valid and ready signals to be sent to the DUT. On line 65 we generate the data inputs and expected outputs from the DUT. For this testbench, we use the same inputs and have the same expected outputs as the ones from the software testbench.
50 // Input valid signals (upstream) and ready (downstream).
51 always @ (posedge clk) begin
52 if (reset) begin
53 in_valid_TO_DUT_US <= 0;
54 ready_TO_DUT_DS <= 0;
55 end else begin
56 if (in_data_TO_DUT_US == NUM_EXPECTED_INPUT + 1)
57 in_valid_TO_DUT_US <= 0;
58 else
59 in_valid_TO_DUT_US <= 1;
61 ready_TO_DUT_DS <= 1;
62 end
63 end
65 // Input data, and expected output.
66 always @ (posedge clk) begin
67 if (reset) begin
68 in_data_TO_DUT_US <= 0;
69 expected_output <= 4950;
70 end else begin
71 if (in_valid_TO_DUT_US & in_ready_FROM_DUT_US)
72 in_data_TO_DUT_US <= in_data_TO_DUT_US + 1;
73 if (valid_FROM_DUT_DS & ready_TO_DUT_DS) begin
74 expected_output <= expected_output + 10000;
75 end
76 end
77 end
On line 79 we create a monitor to automatically check that the DUT outputs the expected number of results, with the expected values. The monitor finishes the test when the expected number of results are received, or when we have waited too long for the output which may indicate the design is stuck somewhere in simulation. On line 95, the monitor block will print “PASS” if the expected number of outputs with the expected values are read.
79 // Monitor to check number and correctness of outputs.
80 always @ (posedge clk) begin
81 clk_cntr <= reset ? 0 : clk_cntr + 1;
82 if (valid_FROM_DUT_DS & ready_TO_DUT_DS) begin
83 output_cntr <= output_cntr + 1;
84 if (expected_output == data_FROM_DUT_DS) begin
85 match_cntr <= match_cntr + 1;
86 // $display("At cycle %d: output matches expected value, %d == %d",
87 // clk_cntr, expected_output, data_FROM_DUT_DS);
88 end else begin
89 $display("At cycle %d: output != expected value, %d != %d",
90 clk_cntr, data_FROM_DUT_DS, expected_output);
91 end
92 end
93 if (output_cntr == NUM_EXPECTED_OUTPUT) begin
94 if (match_cntr == output_cntr)
95 $display("At cycle %d: PASS", clk_cntr);
96 else
97 $display("FAIL: %d matches out of %d", match_cntr, output_cntr);
98 $finish;
99 end
100 end
Next, we want to make sure our custom testbench
is recognized by SmartHLS by adding it to our constraints. Navigate to
the SmartHLS menu and select HLS Constraints.
Once the constraints editor is brought up,
select “Set test bench file” as the constraint type and add
as the value and then click Add. This tells SmartHLS to use our
as the custom testbench file.
Next, select “Set test bench module” as the
constraint type and add
as the value and click Add. This
tells SmartHLS that the custom testbench module found in custom_tb.v
called custom_tb
. Then click OK to close.
Next run this custom testbench by clicking
). Check that you see “PASS” in the simulation
output which indicates that the design passed the test.
# run 1000000000000000ns
# At cycle 2083: PASS
# ** Note: $finish : ../custom_tb.v(98)
# Time: 20855 ns Iteration: 1 Instance: /custom\_tb
# End time: 17:34:52 on Feb 06,2024, Elapsed time: 0:00:24
# Errors: 0, Warnings: 0
Now close the
project and
opened files.
In this section, we will describe how the SmartHLS multi-threading basics we just looked at can be used to implement a digit recognition application running on the PolarFire Video Kit. We chose the digit recognition application for this training because video allows you to see and visualize the HLS design running on the FPGA, and because this application was suited to being implemented with SmartHLS multi-threading. Note, SmartHLS is not limited to video processing applications. SmartHLS can be used to implement other application areas such as security, motor control, and others. SmartHLS is also not limited to targeting the PolarFire Video Kit, SmartHLS generates an IP core that can be integrated into SmartDesign targeting other PolarFire boards.
There are three ways to implement neural networks on a Microchip FPGA: using the VectorBlox IP core, writing RTL by hand, or writing C++ with SmartHLS. There are pros and cons to each method. VectorBlox offers a flexible architecture and can easily handle different types of neural networks with only hex file changes and without running place & route. Neural networks with fixed architectures can be implemented in RTL or with SmartHLS in scenarios where FPGA area is limited. For this digit recognition application, we implemented a fixed neural network architecture using SmartHLS.
Goals of this section:
- Understand how to use SmartHLS multi-threading to implement a complex parallel hardware design.
- Learn how to port an existing RTL design into HLS using the same hardware architecture and interface requirements.
- Learn ways of optimizing an HLS software implementation of a complicated design to meet design requirements (limited DSP blocks).
- Show benefits of HLS design compared to an equivalent RTL design.
The PolarFire Video Kit Digit Recognition design builds off the PolarFire Video Kit demo. This demo has two camera inputs that get combined in a picture-in-picture format. We replaced the image processing portion of the design with our digit recognition design. The digit recognition design was an RTL to HLS port for the Hello FPGA digit recognition project.
Figure 11: Digit Recognition System Diagram
Figure 11 shows the high-level hardware blocks used for the digit recognition application on the PolarFire® board. The Digit Recognition CNN block is highlighted in blue and is implemented using SmartHLS. We used SmartHLS to design this hardware block in C++ and generate a SmartDesign IP component. The rest of the blocks are implemented in RTL.
On the left of Figure 11, the camera input is converted from Bayer format into a 24-bit RGB video stream by the Bayer Interpolator block. The RGB to YCbCr block converts the 24-bit RGB input stream into 8-bit greyscale. The Downscaler block downscales the 448x448 picture-in-picture video input to a 28x28 output video stream. The RAM block stores the downscaled video stream as a 28x28 video frame. The Digit Recognition CNN block predicts the digit (0 to 9) from the 28x28 video frame stored in the RAM block. The Prediction Images block stores 80x80 images for each of the digits 0 to 9 and the corresponding digit image can be read depending on the CNN prediction. The RAM Video Controller block stitches the original PIP video stream together with the predicted digit image and downscaled 28x28 RAM image at fixed coordinates and then sends the resulting video stream to the Alpha Blend block. The Alpha Blend block then stitches the RAM Video Controller video output with the 1920x1080 camera video stream. The 1920x1080 video stream output of Alpha Blend goes to the Monitor display.
In this section, we will go over the design process and implementation of the SmartHLS generated Digit Recognition CNN block. We will follow an approach that is suitable for a port of an existing hardware block to SmartHLS, as opposed to SmartHLS Training 1 where we used an approach suitable for porting a software implementation to SmartHLS. Many steps are similar.
We will show that by porting the digit recognition RTL implementation to HLS we can make the design easier to read, understand, and modify since C++ is at a higher abstraction level than RTL. Future design iteration, maintenance, and collaboration are easier with HLS designs since more engineers understand C++ than understand RTL.
First, we will go over some neural network concepts and terminology to better understand the implementation details of the digit recognition CNN.
A neural network is a type of computation which takes a set of inputs and then generates a set of outputs that are predicted based on previous training data. During training, we use many input and expected output examples to train the neural network to give accurate predictions. After training, the neural network architecture and weights are fixed and we can now perform inference, where we provide new inputs and get predicted outputs from the neural network.
The quality and size of the training data determines the accuracy of a neural network.
Depending on the application, neural networks can have different architectures. A convolutional neural network (CNN) is a neural network architecture that has convolution layers and is suited for image processing. Inside a CNN there are three kinds of layers that are commonly used: convolution layers, pooling layers, and fully connected layers.
Each neural network layer works with tensors of various sizes as inputs and outputs. A tensor is a generalization of scalars, vectors, and matrices, which are degree 0, degree 1, and degree 2 tensors, respectively. As shown in Figure 12, the size of a degree 2 tensor (matrix) is defined by the number of rows and columns. A degree 3 tensor is defined by the number of rows, columns, and the depth.
Figure 12: Examples of degree 2 and degree 3 tensors
Convolution layers are good for extracting geometric features from an input tensor. Convolution layers work in the same way as an image processing filter (such as the Sobel filter) where a square filter (called a kernel) is slid across an input image. The size of a filter is equal to its side length, and the size of the step when sliding the filter is called the stride. The values of the input tensor under the kernel (called the window) and the values of the kernel are multiplied and summed at each step, which is also called a convolution. Figure 13 shows an example of a convolution layer processing an input tensor with a depth of 1.
Figure 13: Structure of a convolution layer using a kernel to process
the first window of an input tensor with a depth of 1
The main difference between a convolution layer and an image processing filter is that in a convolution layer, the input may be a tensor that can be treated as several stacked image channels which are equivalent to the submatrices of the input tensor. The number of channels or submatrices is defined by the depth parameter of the tensor. There might also be multiple kernels applied to each matrix in the input tensor. This results in a tensor input and a tensor output for each convolution layer. Convolution layers also usually have an activation function that introduces non-linearity to the function approximated by the neural net. A common activation used in convolution layers is called the rectified linear unit (ReLu), which is a threshold function that sets all negative values to 0 as shown by Figure 14.
Figure 14: ReLu activation function
Pooling layers are a way to down sample the tensor outputs of convolution layers. Pooling layers work by applying a pooling function as the kernel to each window of each submatrix of an input tensor. The size of the pooling function is determined by the side length of the window and the step size when sliding the window is called the stride. For example, the maxpool in Figure 15 has kernel size 2 and stride 2. A commonly used pooling function is the maxpool, which outputs the maximum value within a window of values. The stride is commonly set to be the same as the size, ensuring that no two windows overlap. Pooling layers down samples the input and condenses the information for following layers.
Figure 15: Maxpool layer with kernel size 2 and stride 2
Fully connected layers are a type of neural network layer where every input is connected with every output, with a set of weights and biases associated with them, as shown in Figure 16. This type of layer is good for creating associations with input patterns and output patterns. Each output is the result of all inputs multiplied with their associated weights and added with a bias.
Figure 16: Structure of a fully connected layer with four inputs and two
For two out of the three layers (convolution and fully connected) the main operation performed is multiply accumulate (MACC). We will need to keep this in mind when implementing the CNN in hardware as to manage MACC usage. The maxpool layer does not use any MACCs.
The Digit Recognition CNN hardware block was based on the demo for the SmartFusion®2 Hello FPGA kit (M2S-HELLO-FPGA-KIT). The CNN core is described in Section 4.4 of the UG0891: Hello FPGA Libero Design User Guide.
Figure 17 shows the CNN architecture, which contains 4 convolution layers (orange), 1 max pool layer (blue), 1 fully connected layer (green), and a final maximum layer (white). The CNN was trained from the standard MNIST handwritten digit database which contains the digits in 28x28 resolution images. The CNN can detect a single digit in a 28x28 input image when the aspect ratio of the digit is approximately equal to the aspect ratio of the trained image data set. The CNN can only recognize 10 classes for digits from 0 to 9, there is no class to recognize when a digit was not detected.
Figure 17: Digit Recognition CNN architecture
The CNN classifier input is a 28x28 image in 8-bit grayscale (1 channel) and the output is a 4-bit result indicating the prediction of recognized digit (from 0-9).
Figure 18: SmartDesign canvas with the original RTL implementation of
the CNN
Our goal is to recreate a drop-in replacement for the CNN shown in Figure 18 using SmartHLS, while also having the same interfaces and architecture. Since we already have a set of requirements from the RTL implementation, we can use the same requirements to constrain our HLS implementation. We have then ported this CNN created in SmartHLS to the PolarFire Video Kit for demo purposes.
As shown in Figure 18, the original Hello FPGA design used a RAM as an input to the CNN model with RAMs to hold intermediate values between each layer. The output of the CNN is a 4-bit registered output representing the predicted digit which connects to the rest of the system. We will also use the same hardware interface in our HLS implementation.
The sizes of the inputs, parameters for the weights, and structure of the 6 layers of the CNN are given in Table 1.
Layers | Input Size: Width x Height x Channels |
Filter Size | #. Kernels | Stride | MACCs |
Convolution 1 | 28 x 28 x 1 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 2 |
Maxpool | 26 x 26 x 2 | 2 | n/a | 2 | 0 |
Convolution 2 | 13 x 13 x 2 | 3 | 4 | 1 | 8 |
Convolution 3 | 11 x 11 x 4 | 3 | 4 | 1 | 4 |
Convolution 4 | 9 x 9 x 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 4 |
Fully Connected | 7 x 7 x 2 | 98 x 10 | n/a | 2 |
All weight parameters, inputs, and intermediate values in the original design were represented as 16-bit integers. For the accumulation of the multiply products between inputs and weights, an integer wider than 16 bits is used to represent the accumulated value to prevent overflow. The same weight parameters and structure will be used in our design. Due to the limited number of MACC blocks on the target FPGA device, each layer’s compute unit is allocated with a small number of MACCs. The number of MACCs (multipliers) allocated for each layer is presented in Table 1. We will implement the layers to restrict the number of MACCs to be the same to match the original RTL usage.
Figure 19: Structure of each layer in hardware
We also notice that all layers in the RTL reference design exhibit a similar hardware structure as illustrated in Figure 19. Each layer is connected to an input RAM and an output RAM and has three sub-modules for 1) reading inputs from an input RAM, 2) performing the convolution, maxpool, or fully-connected (FC) computation, and 3) writing the computed results to an output RAM which will be read by the next layer as input. All layers are connected in sequence and run in always-running, dataflow parallel manner. We can replicate this behavior using SmartHLS by creating a dataflow pipeline using threads.
In the CNN classifier task pipeline, multiple layers can be active at the same time while processing different input frames. A layer can start computing on a new frame as soon as two conditions are met: 1) the inputs of the new frame are available in the input RAM, and 2) the subsequent layer has completed its computation for the previous frame such that the output RAM (i.e., the next layer’s input RAM) can be overwritten. Figure 20 below illustrates the task pipeline execution.
Figure 20: Illustration of Task Pipeline Execution.
- At time step 1, the first layer – Conv1 is processing Frame 1, reading from its input RAM and writing to its output RAM.
- At time step 2, when Conv1 finishes Frame 1, the second layer – Maxpool becomes active; at this time, Conv1 should stay idle because its output RAM is being read by Maxpool and is not yet ready to be overwritten.
- At time step 3, Conv2 picks up the output from Maxpool and starts the processing for Frame 1; meanwhile Conv1 can start processing a new Frame 2 since its output RAM is now “free” to be updated after Maxpool finishes.
The same pattern continues for the rest of the time steps. At time step 6, the task pipeline enters the steady state where three active layers can process three different frames simultaneously.
Although this is not handled in the original RTL, we also need to consider that the interfaces between the pipeline stages are RAMs, and that reading and writing to the same RAM must be controlled such that a later stage will not read invalid data while the previous layer is writing to the RAM. This can be easily achieved by the same “done” handshaking strategy we used in the simple project seen in the section 'Producer Consumer Example'. This prevents the layers from reading buffers that are partially filled with new data, as new data does not come in as a continuous stream. In practice, this has very little effect on the prediction as the frame rate is fairly high and the video input should remain fairly stable, but we would still like to design correct hardware where possible.
Figure 21: Target interface for digit recognition block
Signal Name | Direction | Width | Description |
clk | Input | 1-bit | System Clock |
reset | Input | 1-bit | Active low synchronous reset |
eof | Input | 1-bit | End of frame/frame valid |
ram_rd_data | Input | 16-bits | 8-bit greyscale RAM data, top 8 bits unused and tied to 0 |
ram_rd_en | Output | 1-bits | RAM read enable |
ram_rd_addr | Output | 10-bits | RAM read address |
result | Output | 4-bit | Registered prediction output |
With the above requirements set, we can begin to think about how to best implement this design in SmartHLS. We will target the hardware top-level interface presented in Figure 21 and Table 2. We can look at each restriction in turn and decide on the best method to fulfil each requirement.
The first step in porting the design to a SmartHLS design is to create a functionally correct implementation of the digit recognition design in software while keeping in mind the hardware requirements. Once we have a working software implementation, we can then adjust it to meet the more difficult performance and resource requirements.
To see the software implementation, open the
project. We first start by defining some useful
types we will use through-out the design. Open the defines.h
In the defines.h
file, we have definitions for DType and Tensor types on
lines 7 and 11:
6 // Data type used throughout the CNN.
7 using DType = hls::ap_int<16>;
9 // Tensor type representing the inputs and outputs of layers.
10 template <unsigned SIZE, unsigned DEPTH>
11 using Tensor = DType [SIZE][SIZE][DEPTH];
Figure 22: 3-Dimensional Tensor Representing Input and Intermediate Results of the CNN
represents the 16-bit integers we will be using as data values
throughout the design. The Tensor
type represents the tensor inputs and
outputs to each layer. We can use the template parameters of the Tensor
type to easily specify the dimensions of the different
3rd-order tensors used in each CNN layer as shown in Figure
22. For this CNN, the size of the first two dimensions is always the
same as each other, while the depth can be different.
Note, we use SmartHLS’s ap_int arbitrary precision data type to represent the exact bitwidth we would want to use in the initial software implementation instead of using standard int data types to better approximate the functionality of the hardware during software simulation.
Now open the
source file.
This file holds the software implementation for each of the three types of layers we presented in the Neural Network Basics. Scroll to line 54 to see the definition of the convolution layer Conv. In the basic software implementation, this layer takes an input tensor, output tensor, weights, and biases as arguments. These arrays conveniently turn into the RAMs and RAM interfaces that we want the resulting RTL to have, fulfilling some of the interface requirements. On line 52, we have template arguments which are used to parameterize the size of the input and output tensors, the weights, and the biases.
52 template <unsigned INPUT_SIZE, unsigned INPUT_DEPTH, unsigned OUTPUT_SIZE,
53 unsigned OUTPUT_DEPTH, unsigned FILTER_SIZE>
54 void
55 Conv(Tensor<INPUT_SIZE, INPUT_DEPTH> input,
56 Tensor<OUTPUT_SIZE, OUTPUT_DEPTH> output,
57 const short weights[OUTPUT_DEPTH][INPUT_DEPTH][FILTER_SIZE *
58 const short bias[OUTPUT_DEPTH]) {
We used template arguments for the Conv function so that this parameterized convolution layer can be used to implement all four convolution layers used in the CNN without changing the implementation. All C++ function template arguments must be known at compile time, allowing SmartHLS to generate efficient hardware for each parameterized function. C++ template arguments are like RTL module parameters but more powerful.
The body of the convolution layer performs the window sliding and multiply accumulate filtering steps for each of the channels of the input tensor. Likewise, the maxpool layer on line 95 and the fully connected layer on line 124 are also parameterized and perform their expected computations in software.
Next open the
source files.
This file holds all the kernels, weights and biases for the convolution and fully connected layers. We made sure the sizes and values of each of these are the same as the ones in the RTL implementation presented in Table 1.
Next open
On line 21 in this file, we have the ClassifierPipeline top-level function which runs all the CNN layers in sequence and provides the sizes, kernels, weights, and biases for layers. This function will also implement the interface for the top-level CNN hardware module.
20 // Top level function which calls all layers in sequence.
21 void ClassifierPipeline() {
22 #pragma function top
The digit_recognition.cpp
source file also holds the implementation for
the MaxComp function on line 51, which chooses the highest confidence
output from the FC layer and reports the prediction result.
49 // MaxComp takes the output of the fully-connected layer and finds the digit
50 // with the maximum confidence and reports it.
51 void MaxComp(DType input[10], FIFO<ap_uint<4>> &output_digit) {
Now open
to see the software
The main testbench function reads 10 digits from 0 – 9 taken from the
Hello FPGA design GUI and calls the ClassifierPipeline
to make sure that
the CNN algorithm performs as expected.
7 // Run 10 iterations, each with a 28x28 input image of digit from 0 to 9.
8 for (unsigned n = 0; n < 10; n++) {
9 for (unsigned i = 0; i < 28; i++)
10 for (unsigned j = 0; j < 28; j++)
11 classifier_input[i][j][0] = test_images[n][i][j][0];
12 // Run the classifier, which will write the prediction to
13 // classifier_output FIFO.
14 ClassifierPipeline();
15 }
Click the Compile Software
) and Run Software (
buttons to test the functionality of the software implementation. You
should see the following output in the console stating that all the
input digits from 0-9 were predicted correctly.
Info: Running the following targets: sw
Highest confidence: 3267, digit-0
Highest confidence: 2686, digit-1
Highest confidence: 3284, digit-2
Highest confidence: 2690, digit-3
Highest confidence: 1935, digit-4
Highest confidence: 1370, digit-5
Highest confidence: 2913, digit-6
Highest confidence: 3555, digit-7
Highest confidence: 1879, digit-8
Highest confidence: 2093, digit-9
Received prediction: 0
Received prediction: 1
Received prediction: 2
Received prediction: 3
Received prediction: 4
Received prediction: 5
Received prediction: 6
Received prediction: 7
Received prediction: 8
Received prediction: 9
We have already met some of our hardware requirements in the software implementation of digit recognition, namely, we are using input interfaces, structure, and weight parameters as specified in our requirements. Next, we will modify the software version of the digit recognition CNN to meet our remaining hardware requirements.
Close the
project and the
opened files.
In the software implementation, we are able to meet some of the hardware requirements we discussed before. The hardware requirements still missing are the output interface, running the modules in parallel, restricting the number of MACCs each layer uses, and synchronization. In the current implementation, the number of MACCs used in each layer is 1 as there is no loop unrolling. We need to increase the number of multipliers (DSPs) used to match the RTL implementation.
To see how we can meet these requirements, open
the digit recognition project.
This project is the final implementation that we have turned into hardware and incorporated into the Hello FPGA and PolarFire® Video Kit designs.
Open the
source file.
In this version, we have modified the CNN layers to use the number of
MACCs allocated to them in the original RTL design (2, 8, 4, 4, and 2)
shown previously in Table 1. In Figure 23, we provide the implementation
from lines 62-112 of digit_recognition.h
, simplified for readability.
We assigned the labels from 1 to 8 to each of the loops. In Figure 24,
we show the input tensor values and convolution filters involved in the
computation of the set of colored output tensor values (see Loop 3
For Loop 1 and Loop 2, the code traverses along the row and column dimensions
of the output tensor. Loop 3 traverses along the depth dimension of the
output tensor, and each iteration computes a total of PARALLEL_KERNELS
outputs. The accumulated_value
array will hold the partial
dot-products. Loop 4 traverses along the row and column dimensions of
the input tensor and convolution filter kernels. Then, Loop 5 walks
through each of the PARALLEL_KERNELS
selected convolution
filters and Loop 6 traverses along the depth dimension of the input
tensor. Loop 7 and Loop 8 add up the partial sums together with biases
const static unsigned PARALLEL_KERNELS = NUM_MACC / INPUT_DEPTH;
for (unsigned r = 0; r < OUTPUT_SIZE; r++) { // Loop 1.
for (unsigned c = 0; c < OUTPUT_SIZE; c++) { // Loop 2.
for (unsigned od = 0; od < OUTPUT_DEPTH; od += PARALLEL_KERNELS) { // Loop 3.
ap_int<36> accumulated_value[PARALLEL_KERNELS][INPUT_DEPTH] = {0};
#pragma HLS loop pipeline
for (unsigned m = 0, n = 0, i = 0; i < FILTER_SIZE * FILTER_SIZE; i++) { // Loop 4.
for (unsigned k = 0; k < PARALLEL_KERNELS; k++) { // Loop 5.
for (unsigned id = 0; id < INPUT_DEPTH; id++) { // Loop 6.
accumulated_value[k][id] += weights[od + k][id][i] *
input[r + m][c + n][id];
n = (n == FILTER_SIZE - 1) ? 0 : n + 1;
m = (n < 0) ? m : m + 1;
for (unsigned k = 0; k < PARALLEL_KERNELS; k++) { // Loop 7.
DType sum = bias[od + k];
for (unsigned id = 0; id < INPUT_DEPTH; id++) // Loop 8.
sum += accumulated_value[k][id](29, 14);
output[r][c][od + k] = ReLU(sum);
Figure 23: Convolution implementation simplified for readability. See diagram in Figure 24.
Figure 24: Convolution operation with parallel filters (loops labeled in
Figure 23).
Now that we understand what the software is doing, we can focus on how
to optimize the number of multipliers used in the hardware. Back in
on line 87, we have applied the SmartHLS loop
pipeline pragma to the inner loop that does the multiply accumulate
operations. Loop pipelining will get extra performance out of the loop
that does most of the processing. Loop pipelining also unrolls all loops
and functions nested inside the loop body which creates hardware to run
each unrolled iteration in parallel. We have also modified some loop
bounds and added a k loop that runs PARALLEL_KERNELS
times. By adding
this extra loop, we can force SmartHLS to duplicate the inner-most loop
times, effectively running
iterations in parallel. This in turn
determines how many MACCs we will use, since each inner-most iteration
uses a single MACC.
83 // Pipelining improves performance and unrolls inner loops, causing
84 // PARALLEL_KERNELS * INPUT_DEPTH iterations to run in parallel.
85 // Parallel iterations use one MACC each, resulting in NUM_MACC =
87 #pragma HLS loop pipeline
88 // Perform the convolution between input and weights in a
89 // window.
90 for (unsigned m = 0, n = 0, i = 0;
91 i < FILTER_SIZE * FILTER_SIZE; i++) {
92 for (unsigned k = 0; k < PARALLEL_KERNELS; k++) {
93 for (unsigned id = 0; id < INPUT_DEPTH; id++) {
94 accumulated_value[k][id] +=
95 weights[od + k][id][i] *
96 input[r + m][c + n][id];
97 }
98 }
99 n = (n == FILTER_SIZE - 1) ? 0 : n + 1;
100 m = (n > 0) ? m : m + 1;
101 }
We have also adjusted the outer loop on line 74 to increment by
instead of by one to account for this extra k loop.
74 for (unsigned od = 0; od < OUTPUT_DEPTH;
parameter is determined by the calculation on line
62, which divides the number of MACCs we want the current layer to use
by the number of depth dimensions of the input tensor. The number of
MACCs we want to use is provided as a template parameter NUM_MACC
the function signature on line 53. This code assumes that NUM_MACC
always divisible by the depth dimension of the input.
50 // Conv implements a generic convolution layer.
51 // Note that NUM_MACC has to be a multiple of INPUT_DEPTH,
52 template <unsigned INPUT_SIZE, unsigned INPUT_DEPTH, unsigned OUTPUT_SIZE,
53 unsigned OUTPUT_DEPTH, unsigned FILTER_SIZE, unsigned NUM_MACC>
60 // Based on the number of MACCs we want, calculate how many
61 // loop iterations we want to run in parallel.
62 const static unsigned PARALLEL_KERNELS = NUM_MACC / INPUT_DEPTH;
One hardware requirement was that all the layers should always stay running in parallel. We have made each of the layer functions into a threaded function that runs forever. To do this, we wrap the function body in a while loop with a true condition to make sure that this function can run in parallel with the other layers when implemented in hardware continuously. An example of this is on line 64 for the Conv layer.
64 while (1) {
We also must meet the synchronization requirements for the layers running in parallel as shown in Figure 20. We have added input valid and output valid signals to synchronize the RAMs feeding in and out of the layers. This prevents one layer from writing output to a RAM while the next layer reads from it, potentially resulting in the next layer reading invalid data. The input and output signals are declared as volatile references to be updated correctly when another thread changes the value and when the current thread wants to change the value. These handshaking signals are added between every layer. An example of this is on line 54 and 55 for the Conv layer.
54 void Conv(Tensor<INPUT_SIZE, INPUT_DEPTH> input, volatile bool &input_valid,
55 Tensor<OUTPUT_SIZE, OUTPUT_DEPTH> output, volatile bool &output_valid,
Lastly, we add input and output valid handling logic inside of each layer to finish implementing the synchronization. This is the same kind of handshaking we saw in the section 'Producer Consumer Example'. An example of this synchronization is shown on lines 66-99 and 114-115 for the Conv layer.
65 // Input valid handshaking
66 bool should_run = input_valid;
67 should_run &= !output_valid;
68 if (!should_run)
69 continue;
113 // More handshaking
114 input_valid = false;
115 output_valid = true;
The start conditions are captured by the should_run
variable. The
variable is true when both the input tensor is valid
is true) and the output tensor is ready to be overwritten
is false), at which point the start conditions are met.
When the computation for the current frame has finished, the
flag is set to false to inform the previous layer that the
input tensor RAM is now “free” to be overwritten, and the output_valid
flag is set to true to inform the next layer that the output tensor RAM
holds valid data for a new frame.
Next open the
Once again, this file contains the ClassifierPipeline
function. Scroll
to line 47 to see this function.
44 // Top level function which calls all layers in sequence.
45 // Each layer runs in a thread, meaning all layers will run in parallel in both
46 // software and hardware.
47 void ClassifierPipeline() {
48 #pragma HLS function top
You will notice that just like before, this C++ function has no function arguments. SmartHLS will infer the RTL interface from the global variables used inside the top-level C++ function. This will automatically generate the RAM interface based on the variables used in the top-level function.
In the body of the ClassifierPipeline
function you will find the
function calls have been changed to thread API calls. On line 50, we
have the declaration of the first thread t0. This is the exact same Conv
layer function call as on line 24 of the software version, we just
replaced the call with a thread declaration that we have seen in the section 'Producer Consumer Example'.
50 hls::thread<void> t0(
51 Conv</* INPUT_SIZE */ 28, /* INPUT_DEPTH */ 1, /* OUTPUT_SIZE */ 26,
52 /* OUTPUT_DEPTH */ 2, /* FILTER_SIZE */ 3, /* NUM_MACC */ 2>,
53 classifier_input, hls::ref(classifier_input_valid), conv1_output,
54 hls::ref(conv1_output_valid), conv1_weights, conv1_bias);
Likewise, the other function calls have also been replaced with thread declarations. Using threads will make these function calls run in parallel in software, as well as in hardware.
On line 94, the MaxComp
function has also been modified to have the
input valid signal. Note that the output to the MaxComp
layer is a FIFO
and not a 4-bit register as we need for the hardware interface. We will
fix this later.
92 // MaxComp runs continuously, taking the output of the fully-connected layer and
93 // finds the digit with the maximum confidence and reports it.
94 void MaxComp(DType input[10], volatile bool &input_valid,
95 FIFO<ap_uint<4>> &output_digit) {
At the top of the digit_recognition.cpp
file, you will see all the
input and output tensors declared. These represent the RAMs that will be
instantiated in hardware. Note that all of them have a contention free
pragma applied to them. This is because we have already made sure that a
single RAM will always have at most one accessor in a single cycle due
to the synchronization handshaking between layers. Because of this, we
do not need arbiters to be generated and we can remove them with the
contention free pragma. Notice on line 34 that the contention free
pragma is also applied to the input and output valid signals as well
because there are only two users for each and the users’ writes will
never overlap, similar to the producer consumer case we saw in the section 'Producer Consumer Example'.
10 // Tensors outputs of each layer in the CNN.
11 #pragma HLS memory impl variable(conv1_output) contention_free(true)
12 Tensor<26, 2> conv1_output;
32 // Valid signals between CNN layers to make sure downstream layers are always
33 // accessing valid data
34 #pragma HLS memory impl variable(conv1_output_valid) contention_free(true)
After making these modifications, we have fulfilled most of the requirements we described in the above sections. We have created a CNN that has a memory interface as input. We have used the required CNN structure and the kernels, weights, and biases provided. We have also implemented data flow parallelism with threads to achieve the same performance of the CNN as the original RTL design. We have modified the number of MACCs used in each layer to match that of the original RTL.
However, there are a few requirements left unmet. These are some incompatibilities between the interfaces generated and the RTL design due to the added handshaking signals and the output FIFO interface.
You should now click Compile Software to
Hardware (
For the same reason as our producer consumer example in the section 'Producer Consumer Example',
it’s safe to ignore the 11 printWarningMessageForGlobalArrayReset
warning messages generated from the buffer memory instantiations, as
[Allocation.cpp:2371: printWarningMessageForGlobalArrayReset] Warning:
The global variable, "conv1_output.a0.a0.a0", on line 12 of
digit_recognition.cpp is not read-only and has initialization data.
This data will only be initialized on power up but not on reset.
[Allocation.cpp:2371: printWarningMessageForGlobalArrayReset] Warning:
The global variable, "conv1_output.a0.a0.a1", on line 12 of
digit_recognition.cpp is not read-only and has initialization data.
This data will only be initialized on power up but not on reset.
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
[Allocation.cpp:2371: printWarningMessageForGlobalArrayReset] Warning:
The global variable, "conv4_output", on line 20 of
digit_recognition.cpp is not read-only and has initialization data.
This data will only be initialized on power up but not on reset.
[Allocation.cpp:2371: printWarningMessageForGlobalArrayReset] Warning:
The global variable, "fc_output", on line 22 of digit_recognition.cpp
is not read-only and has initialization data. This data will only be
initialized on power up but not on reset.
When the SmartHLS compile is finished the
report file will open, showing the
following RTL interface:
====== 1. RTL Interface ======
| RTL Interface Generated by SmartHLS |
| C++ Name | Interface Type | Signal Name | Signal Bit-width | Signal Direction |
| | Clock & Reset | clk (positive edge) | 1 | input |
| | | reset (synchronous active high) | 1 | input |
| | Control | finish | 1 | output |
| | | ready | 1 | output |
| | | start | 1 | input |
| classifier_output | Output AXI4 Stream | classifier_output_ready | 1 | input |
| | | classifier_output_valid | 1 | output |
| | | classifier_output | 4 | output |
| classifier_input | Memory | classifier_input_address_a | 10 | output |
| | | classifier_input_address_b | 10 | output |
| | | classifier_input_clken | 1 | output |
| | | classifier_input_read_data_a | 16 | input |
| | | classifier_input_read_data_b | 16 | input |
| | | classifier_input_read_en_a | 1 | output |
| | | classifier_input_read_en_b | 1 | output |
| classifier_input_valid | Scalar Memory | classifier_input_valid_read_data | 8 | input |
| | | classifier_input_valid_write_data | 8 | output |
| | | classifier_input_valid_write_en | 1 | output |
These RTL interfaces were generated automatically by SmartHLS based on
the global variables used by the top-level function ClassifierPipeline
corresponding to the classifier_input
tensor, the
handshaking signal, and the classifier_output
FIFO in the source code.
26 volatile bool classifier_input_valid = false;
29 Tensor<28, 1> classifier_input;
30 FIFO<ap_uint<4>> classifier_output;
We would like to match the expected RTL interface from Table 2. The
memory interface is compatible with the RTL interface:
ram_rd_data[15:0], ram_rd_en, ram_rd_addr[9:0]. The
expected RTL interface has an eof input indicating the end of frame.
Notice in the interface report that the classifier_input_valid
is a
scalar memory and is expected to stay high until the first layer sets it
to 0 in our implementation. We can easily implement this in RTL by
detecting the positive edge of the eof input to indicate that the
input RAM is valid. The expected RTL interface has a registered output:
result[3:0]. The classifier_output
interface is a FIFO output
instead of a registered output. But we can implement this using a
register in RTL using the FIFO valid signal as the register enable.
The modifications needed to match the expected RTL interface were not implemented in SmartHLS as it is simpler to handle these in RTL. Generally, we recommend having standard interfaces (AXI interface) in your SmartHLS design. In other cases, we recommend creating a wrapper in RTL to handle a customized RTL interface such as in this case.
Open the
source file.
In this custom RTL wrapper file, we have bridged the SmartHLS-generated
RTL interface to the expected RTL interface from Table 2 needed to
interface with the rest of the design. On line 28, we have also added
logic to register the output prediction whenever the output FIFO valid
is high. To interface with the input_valid
signal, we have added logic
to detect the positive edge of the input end of frame (EOF) signal to
create a one cycle start signal to initiate the CNN. On line 36, a new
prediction is initiated (input_valid
set to 1) when the end of frame
start signal is asserted and the CNN has already finished generating the
previous prediction (input_valid
is 0).
3 module custom_wrapper (
4 input clk,
5 input reset,
7 input eof,
8 input [15:0] ram_rd_data,
9 output ram_rd_en,
10 output [9:0] ram_rd_addr,
12 output reg [3:0] result
13 );
25 // Implements registered prediction output
26 always @ (posedge clk)
27 if (reset) result <= 0;
28 else if (classifier_output_valid) result <= classifier_output_data;
30 // Implements input valid memory using external EOF signal
31 always @ (posedge clk)
32 if (reset)
33 input_valid <= 0;
34 else if (classifier_input_valid_write_enable)
35 input_valid <= classifier_input_valid_write_data[0];
36 else if (eof & ~input_valid)
37 input_valid <= 1;
Now that we have met all requirements that we set out to meet, we can
simulate in software to verify the functionality of the CNN is still
correct. In test_main.cpp
, we have a testbench that is the same as in
the software version, but instead we call ClassifierPipeline
at the
beginning of the function to launch the threads before providing input
via writing the input buffer and then setting the input valid signal to
true. We wait for classifier_input_valid
to be 0 before giving new
input to make sure that the ClassifierPipeline
has fully read all values
from the input array, otherwise we might overwrite values that have yet
to be read.
7 // Call ClassifierPipeline to start the layer threads.
8 ClassifierPipeline();
10 // Run 10 iterations, each with a 28x28 input image of digit from 0 to 9.
11 for (unsigned n = 0; n < 10; n++) {
12 // Wait for the CNN to finish reading input before writing new input.
13 while (classifier_input_valid)
14 ;
15 for (unsigned i = 0; i < 28; i++)
16 for (unsigned j = 0; j < 28; j++)
17 classifier_input[i][j][0] = test_images[n][i][j][0];
18 // Signal for the CNN that the input is ready for use.
19 classifier_input_valid = true;
20 }
Run Compile Software (
and Run Software (
) to run the software
simulation. You should see something like the following console output
where the CNN predicts the digits 0-9.
Highest confidence: 3267, digit-0
Highest confidence: 2686, digit-1
Highest confidence: 3284, digit-2
Highest confidence: 2690, digit-3
Highest confidence: 1935, digit-4
Highest confidence: 1370, digit-5
Received prediction: 0
Received prediction: 1
Received prediction: 2
Received prediction: 3
Received prediction: 4
Received prediction: 5
Highest confidence: 2913, digit-6
Received prediction: 6
Highest confidence: 3555, digit-7
Received prediction: 7
Highest confidence: 1879, digit-8
Received prediction: 8
Highest confidence: 2093, digit-9
Received prediction: 9
Next, we want to create a custom testbench to test this the generated hardware in simulation, as co-simulation does not support threaded designs that run forever.
Open the
source file to see the
custom testbench.
As we have already seen a testbench example before, we will not go into detail about this one. The structure is similar to the testbench in the section 'Verification: Custom Testbench' except for using a RAM interface to provide input. This testbench reads the same digits as the software testbench in hex format and then sends them as input to the hardware CNN.
The custom testbench should already be set up
in the constraints in this project. You can verify it by opening up the
Constraints menu. Navigate to the SmartHLS menu and select HLS
Once the constraints editor is brought up, check
the “Set test bench file” and “Set test bench module” constraints exist.
Now we can test our design with our custom
testbench. Click the Simulate Hardware button
) to run our custom testbench. You should see
similar output to the software test stating that the digits 0-9 were
# Highest confidence: 3267, digit- 0
# Prediction: 0 (cycle gap since last output = 20698)
# Highest confidence: 2686, digit- 1
# Prediction: 1 (cycle gap since last output = 10900)
# Highest confidence: 3284, digit- 2
# Prediction: 2 (cycle gap since last output = 10902)
# Highest confidence: 2690, digit- 3
# Prediction: 3 (cycle gap since last output = 10900)
# Highest confidence: 1935, digit- 4
# Prediction: 4 (cycle gap since last output = 10902)
# Highest confidence: 1370, digit- 5
# Prediction: 5 (cycle gap since last output = 10900)
# Highest confidence: 2913, digit- 6
# Prediction: 6 (cycle gap since last output = 10902)
# Highest confidence: 3555, digit- 7
# Prediction: 7 (cycle gap since last output = 10900)
# Highest confidence: 1879, digit- 8
# Prediction: 8 (cycle gap since last output = 10902)
# Highest confidence: 2093, digit- 9
# Prediction: 9 (cycle gap since last output = 10900)
Synthesize hardware to FPGA (), this will take
about 10 minutes. When finished, you should see the following result in
report file:
====== 2. Timing Result of HLS-generated IP Core (top-level module: ClassifierPipeline_top) ======
| Clock Domain | Target Period | Target Fmax | Worst Slack | Period | Fmax |
| clk | 10.000 ns | 100.000 MHz | 4.557 ns | 5.443 ns | 183.722 MHz |
The 183.722 MHz Fmax for the CNN meets both the 100 MHz frequency requirement of the Hello FPGA design presented in Figure 25, as well as the 148.500 MHz frequency requirement for the PolarFire® Video Kit design presented in Figure 26.
Figure 25: Hello FPGA timing requirements
Figure 26: PolarFire® Video Kit timing requirements
The table below listed out the resource usage. All resource usage is below 8% of the PolarFire FPGA and is acceptable.
====== 3. Resource Usage of HLS-generated IP Core (top-level module: ClassifierPipeline_top) ======
| Resource Type | Used | Total | Percentage |
| Fabric + Interface 4LUT* | 5822 + 1536 = 7358 | 299544 | 2.46 |
| Fabric + Interface DFF* | 3400 + 1536 = 4936 | 299544 | 1.65 |
| I/O Register | 0 | 1536 | 0.00 |
| User I/O | 0 | 512 | 0.00 |
| uSRAM | 44 | 2772 | 1.59 |
| LSRAM | 8 | 952 | 0.84 |
| Math | 20 | 924 | 2.16 |
* Interface 4LUTs and DFFs are occupied due to the uses of LSRAM, Math, and uSRAM.
Number of interface 4LUTs/DFFs = (36 * #.LSRAM) + (36 * #.Math) + (12 * #.uSRAM) = (36 * 8) + (36 * 20) + (12 * 44) = 1536.
We have now created a drop-in replacement for the original RTL digit recognition CNN that fits all our hardware requirements.
After porting the original RTL implementation to SmartHLS, we would like to make a comparison between the two using some productivity metrics.
Productivity Metrics | SmartHLS | RTL Reference |
Design Time | 1 week | 1 month |
Simulation Runtime | 0.3 second | 55 seconds |
Lines of Code | 334 | 1984 |
Complexity in System Integration Design | 8 instances & tens of connections | 93 instances & hundreds of connections |
Figure 27: Number of blocks in original SmartDesign CNN
As you can see from the metrics in Table 3 and the complexity of the original SmartDesign CNN in Figure 27, SmartHLS allows a hardware designer to create the same hardware originally implemented in RTL much faster and simpler. The resulting code is simpler to read, understand, modify, and maintain.
Instruction-level parallelism is automatically achieved by SmartHLS by
analyzing dependencies within the software and scheduling independent
instructions as early as possible. SmartHLS applies instruction-level
parallelism optimizations at the basic block level in the LLVM
intermediate representation (IR). LLVM is the open source compiler
framework that SmartHLS is built on. A basic block is a group of
instructions that always run together with a single entry point at the
beginning and a single exit point at the end. A basic block in LLVM IR
always has a label at the beginning and a branching instruction at the
end (br, ret, etc.). An example of LLVM IR is shown below, where the
basic block performs an addition (add) and subtraction (sub), and
then branches unconditionally (br) to another basic block labeled
. Control flow occurs between basic blocks.
%0 = add i32 %a, %b
%result = sub i32 %0, 5
br label %body.1
We can look at how instructions are scheduled to have instruction-level parallelism in each basic block by compiling a project to hardware and looking at the schedules for each basic block in the Schedule Viewer. There are five examples we will look at to understand when instructions can run in parallel and when they cannot.
Open the
in SmartHLS and open the instruction_level_parallelism.cpp
Now click the Compile Software to Hardware
button (
) to build the design and generate the
We can ignore the printWarningMessageForGlobalArrayReset
warning message
for global variable a
in this example as described in the producer
consumer example in the section 'Producer Consumer Example'.
The first example we will look at is the no_dependency
example on line
8 of instruction_level_parallelism.cpp
with the code shown in Figure
8 void no_dependency() {
9 #pragma HLS function noinline
10 e = b + c;
11 f = c + d;
12 g = b + d;
13 }
Figure 28: Source code and data dependency graph for no_dependency function.
In this example, values are loaded from b
, c
, and d
, and additions happen
before storing to e
, f
, and g
. None of the adds use results from
the previous adds and thus all three adds can happen in parallel. The
pragma is used to prevent SmartHLS from automatically
inlining this small function and making it harder for us to understand
the schedule. Inlining is when the instructions in the called function
get copied into the caller, to remove the overhead of the function call
and to allow more opportunities to optimize.
We can see the instruction-level parallelism if
we launch the Schedule Viewer (
Tip: After the Schedule Viewer opens, click on the SmartHLS IDE and click “Run in Background” on the pop-up menu to close the menu. Now we can easily see both the source code and the Schedule Viewer.
In the Explorer tab on the left, click on
under no_dependency
to bring up the schedule for the BB_0
basic block
in the no_dependency
function. We can see three groups of instructions
that load two values, add them, and then store the result. This
corresponds to each of the three adds in the source code. SmartHLS
schedules each of these add operations to start as early as possible: at
clock cycle 1. The first clock cycle occurs when both top-level
interface ports ready and start are high on the SmartHLS generated
Figure 29: Schedule viewer for the no_dependency function.
If you highlight a store instruction in the
Schedule chart as shown in Figure 29, SmartHLS will highlight the
instructions the selected instruction depends on in red and highlight
the instructions that depend on the selected instruction in orange. Here
the store instruction highlighted in yellow depends on the result of the
add instruction as we expect.
We have declared all the variables used in this function as
volatile. The volatile
C/C++ keyword specifies that the variable can
be updated by something other than the program itself, making sure that
any operation with these variables do not get optimized away by the
compiler as every operation matters. An example of where the compiler
handles this incorrectly is seen in the section 'Producer Consumer Example', where we had to
declare a synchronization signal between two threaded functions as
. Using volatile
is required for toy examples to make sure each
operation we perform with these variables will be generated in hardware
and viewable in the Schedule Viewer.
4 volatile int a[5] = {0};
5 volatile int b = 0, c = 0, d = 0;
6 volatile int e, f, g;
Next, we will look at some cases where there are dependencies in the code and SmartHLS cannot schedule all instructions in the first cycle.
Look back at the SmartHLS IDE and look at the
function on line 15 of
as shown in Figure 30.
15 void data_dependency() {
16 #pragma HLS function noinline
17 e = b + c;
18 f = e + d;
19 g = e + f;
20 }
Figure 30: Source code and data dependency graph for the data_dependency function
In the data_dependency
function, the result of the first add which is
stored in e
is used in the second and third adds. The result of the
second add is also used in the third add. These are examples of data
dependencies as later adds use the data result of previous adds. Because
we must wait for the result e
to be produced before we can compute f
and then the result f
must be produced before we can compute g
, not all
instructions can be scheduled immediately. They must wait for the instructions
they depend on to finish executing before they can start, or
they would produce the wrong result.
Figure 31: Schedule Viewer for data_dependence function.
To see the effects of this, open the Schedule
Viewer and click
under the data_dependence
function as shown in
Figure 31. We can see the loads from e
for instruction %2
and %4
scheduled for the second cycle when the store to e
finishes. This delays
the execution of the second add by one cycle. Similarly, the loads from
for instruction %5
were scheduled for the third cycle when the store
to f
finishes. This delays the execution of the third add by another
Note, the SmartHLS scheduler uses the latency of the operations when scheduling instructions. If the latencies are not properly set up for a project or if a design generated for a different latency is used on a non-compatible FPGA, there will be functional errors in hardware. Make sure to select the correct FPGA when setting up the SmartHLS project or set it under the Set Target FPGA option in the SmartHLS drop-down menu. Also make sure to set custom latencies under HLS Constraints in the SmartHLS drop-down menu when necessary, as shown in Figure 32.
Figure 32: HLS Constraints and Target FPGA Settings options in the
Next, we will look at a special kind of dependency that can happen for memories.
Look back at the SmartHLS IDE and look at the
function on line 22 of
as shown in Figure 33.
22 void memory_dependency() {
23 #pragma HLS function noinline
24 volatile int i = 0;
25 a[i] = b;
26 f = a[1];
27 g = a[2];
28 }
Figure 33: Source code and data dependency graph for memory_dependency function.
In Figure 33, a value b
is stored into array a
at a variable index i
Because the index i
is volatile, we cannot be sure of the value used to
index the array even though i
is initialized to 0. As we cannot be sure
which element is being stored to at compile time, we cannot be sure if
there will be a data dependence on the value b
when we load elements one
and two in the loads that follow. SmartHLS will conservatively assume
there is a dependence in this case and schedule all memory accesses
after this store to wait until the store is finished, even if it turns
out there is no dependence at run time. Even if the index was not
volatile, SmartHLS currently cannot analyze the range of a variable
index into an array and will still conservatively assume that any index
in the array can be accessed, resulting in the same kind of dependency.
Figure 34: Schedule Viewer for the memory_dependency function.
To see the effects of this, open the Schedule
Viewer and click
under the memory_dependency
function as shown in
Figure 34. We can see the two loads from a
, %1
and %2
were scheduled to
run on cycle 3 when the store to a
in cycle 2 finishes. The Schedule
Viewer currently does not show memory dependencies, so the store
instruction is not highlighted as an instruction the highlighted load
depends on.
Next, we will see an example of when operations that use a limited resource cannot be scheduled in parallel due to a lack of resources.
Look back at the SmartHLS IDE and look at the
function on line 30 of
30 void resource_contention() {
31 #pragma HLS function noinline
32 e = a[0];
33 f = a[1];
34 g = a[2];
35 }
In this example, three values are loaded from the array a
and stored
into e
, f
, and g
. Arrays are mapped to RAMs in hardware with up to two
ports. In this case, three loads are performed but the RAM only has two
ports which can be used per cycle. The first two loads can be scheduled
immediately but the third store must wait for the next cycle when a port
becomes free to use.
Figure 35: Schedule Viewer for resource_contention function.
To see the effects of this, open the Schedule
Viewer and click
under the resource_contention
function in Figure
We can see the first two loads to a were scheduled for the first cycle, however the third load was scheduled for the second cycle due to resource contention even though it does not have any dependencies to previous instructions. This type of resource contention can happen with any kind of limited resource, which SmartHLS will automatically consider when generating the schedule for a design.
Next, we will see an example of how loops prevent operations from being scheduled in parallel.
37 void no_loop_unroll() {
38 #pragma HLS function noinline
39 int h = 0;
40 #pragma HLS loop unroll factor(1)
41 for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
42 h += a[i];
43 }
44 e = h;
45 }
47 void loop_unroll() {
48 #pragma HLS function noinline
49 int h = 0;
50 #pragma HLS loop unroll
51 for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
52 h += a[i];
53 }
54 e = h;
55 }
In this example, we have two functions with the same loop in the
function body. The functions sum the elements of an array and store into
. The difference between these two functions is that no_loop_unroll
has no unrolling on the loop and loop_unroll
unrolls the loop
completely. This affects the resulting hardware by removing the control
signals needed to facilitate the loop and combining multiple loop bodies
into the same basic block, allowing more instructions to be scheduled in
parallel. The trade-off here is that an unrolled loop does not reuse hardware
resources and can potentially use a lot of resources, however it will
finish earlier depending on how inherently parallel the loop body is.
To see the effects of this, open the Schedule
Viewer and first click on the
function shown in Figure
This will bring up the Control Flow Graph which will show us the flow of
control from the basic blocks in the no_loop_unroll
function. We can
see that there is a loop body BB_2
which has an arrow coming from and
pointing to itself. This means that this basic block may run again when
it finishes executing. The other arrow pointing to BB_1
means that the
block may also run after BB_2
depending on the jump conditions.
What these two basic blocks represent is the loop body which runs 5
times and the store to e after the loop finishes.
Figure 36: Schedule Viewer for no_loop_unroll function.
Next click on
under no_loop_unroll
bring up the Schedule Chart for the loop body shown in Figure 37.
We can see that this loop body takes two cycles to run. Note there is no pipelining for this loop so there are no overlapping iterations. This means the entire loop of 5 iterations takes 10 cycles total to run.
Figure 37: Schedule Viewer for BB_1.
Next click on the
basic block under
shown in Figure 38. This basic block runs once after
the loop finishes and takes 2 cycles to finish. This means the
function takes 12 cycles to finish in total.
Figure 38: Schedule Viewer for BB_2.
Next, click on the
block under
to bring up the schedule for loop_unroll
shown in Figure
With unrolling, this function takes 5 cycles to compute the same sum and
store it to e
. Unrolling this loop fully reduced the latency from 12 to
Figure 39: Schedule Viewer for loop_unroll function.
Although unrolling small loops can improve performance greatly without adding much area, the number of resources used will be replicated with each iteration of the loop that gets unrolled. This can make it unreasonable to unroll large loops, for example unrolling the nested loops that processes every pixel of the 1920x1080 frame in the Canny design from Training 1.
SmartHLS offers some alternatives that can be used to increase performance without causing a large increase in resource usage. The first alternative is using loop pipelining to allow iterations to run in parallel, which we have already seen. This would reduce the runtime of the loop from 10 to 6 cycles (number of iterations + pipeline latency - 1) and the runtime of the entire function from 12 to 8 cycles. The second option is to unroll the loop by a factor rather than unrolling the loop completely. This will expose some parallelism in the iterations that run together, while only replicating resources a fixed number of times. This can be done with the factor parameter of the unroll SmartHLS pragma.
Now close the Schedule Viewer and all the opened
files for the
Figure 40 shows the SmartDesign IP component that contains the SmartHLS-generated CNN digit recognition block.
Figure 40: Block Diagram of Custom Wrapper for SmartHLS-generated CNN
To integrate the PolarFire® Video Kit design in
Libero SoC 2024.2:
Launch Libero SoC 2024.2 and open the Digit Recognition project created in the Prerequisites section by navigating to and click on:
Navigate to the Design Hierarchy and search for “
”. Right click thecustom_wrapper
design component and select Delete. We want to avoid any duplicate blocks when importing the newcustom_wrapper
from SmartHLS. Next do the same for “ClassifierPipeline_top
Now clear the search, then click the plus next to the
SmartDesign file and then double clickvideo_pipelining
to open it in the SmartDesign Canvas. -
On the top toolbar, click Project->Execute Script... and run the
file from thedigit_recognition\hls_output\scripts\libero
SmartHLS project directory. SmartDesign will open a report window when it finishes. Make sure the script executed successfully and close the report window. -
Import the
into the Libero project hdl directory. -
Next click the Build Hierarchy button in Libero to update the newly added files.
- Next find the
block invideo_pipelining
and right click and select Replace Component. Select the newly importedcustom_wrapper
to replace the SmartDesign block without having to reconnect any wires.
Click the “Generate Component” (
) button in the SmartDesign toolbar for
. -
blocks have now been integrated and the project is ready for synthesis, place, and route. We skip this step for now since this will take 1-2 hours.
Now close Libero® SoC and all the files opened for this project in SmartHLS.
In this training, we target the PolarFire FPGA Video and Imaging Kit (MPF300-VIDEO-KIT). The peripherals of the board are shown in Figure 41. We will use the Dual Camera Sensor inputs, the HDMI 1.4 TX (J2) to display output on a computer monitor and the USB-UART (J12) for bitstream programming.
Figure 41: PolarFire® Video and Imaging Kit Peripherals
To program the design to the PolarFire board:
Connect the USB cable from J12 on the PolarFire® board to your PC.
Connect the camera board at J5 and remove the lens caps.
Connect the HDMI cable from the PolarFire Video Kit (J2) to your external Monitor.
Refer to DG0849 for jumper settings. We use the default jumper settings shipped with the board.
Make sure all the DIP switches (SW6) are in the ON position.
Connect the AC adapter to the board and power it on (SW4).
Open up FlashPro Express (FPExpress v2024.2), which you can find in the Start Menu, listed under “Microchip Libero SoC v2024.2”:
- Select Project and New Job Project.
Now select the job file “
” downloaded from the release assets. Alternatively, you may generate your own bitstream from the Libero project created in the previous section by running "Generate Bitstream", which runs Synthesis, Place and Route, and Timing (approx. 1-2 hours.) -
Enter a project location. Click OK.
Now the Programmer window will open. If you do not see the Programmer for the MPF300TS PolarFire® FPGA, then click Refresh/Rescan Programmers.
Now click the RUN button to program the FPGA.
After programming you should see the RUN PASSED. Now power cycle the board, then make sure to press the user reset switch, and close FlashPro Express.
Now you should see two video streams on your monitor, one smaller picture in picture on the top left and then the background. If the video streams look blurry, try focusing the camera by rotating the camera lens. You should also see a downscaled greyscale version of the picture in picture video stream on the bottom left of the picture in picture represented in green, and a digit displayed under the picture in picture representing the CNN prediction for the current image. An example of this is shown in Figure 43: Expected output on Monitor for “5” digit. If the prediction is frozen, or the small 28x28 image is not static but wrapping around vertically or horizontally, you may need to reprogram the board. This may need to be done a few times. The 28x28 wrapping is also usually accompanied with the top-left camera view flashing purple. The board can be reprogrammed until the wrapping goes away. The top-left camera view being purple does not affect the classification.
Using your smartphone, open this document and zoom in on the example handwritten digits shown in Figure 42.
Figure 42: Example Handwritten Digits
- Now hold your smartphone screen up the PolarFire® Video Kit camera and move your phone until the picture in picture shows only one digit. For example, if you hold the “5” digit from Figure 42 up to the camera, you should see the output on the top left of the monitor shown in Figure 43. If your prediction is stuck at one value, make sure you press the user reset switch to reset the circuit.
Figure 43: Expected output on Monitor for “5” digit
- Below the picture in picture, as shown in Figure 44, you will see a small 28x28 green image which shows the downscaled greyscale image seen by the digit recognition CNN hardware block. On the right is the digit predicted by the hardware, in this case the prediction was 5. Keep in mind the prediction can sometimes be incorrect depending on the position, orientation, and readability of the input handwritten digit.
Figure 44: Downscaled digit recognition input and predicted digit output
- You may notice the prediction may not be very accurate. This is due to the CNN structure being a smaller version of the standard MNIST digit recognition CNN. In general, you should restructure and retrain the CNN to get better effectiveness if the CNN is not performing as well as you need it to.
Another way to achieve function-level or task-level parallelism in the
digit recognition example is using Dataflow. This requires some
modifications to digit_recognition.cpp
and digit_recognition.h
Create a new SmartHLS project and import all the source files in the
folder. Please check the SmartHLS Sobel Tutorial
for instructions on creating a new SmartHLS project.
Open the
source file. To
execute the top function ClassifierPipeline with dataflow parallelism,
#pragma HLS function dataflow
is added, as shown in line 8. This was
combined with the top pragma but could have been added on a separate
6 void ClassifierPipeline(Tensor<28, 1> &classifier_input,
7 FIFO<ap_uint<4>> &classifier_output) {
8 #pragma HLS function top dataflow
Next, we define intermediate data. Synchronization is required between
the layers to prevent invalid memory access due to reading and writing
to shared variables at the same time. SmartHLS can convert intermediate
data into double/shared buffers or FIFOs by using the Dataflow Channel
pragma. We will be using double buffers. To switch to shared buffers,
to line 9. Recall that we did not
convert intermediate data into synchronization buffers when we were
using thread-level parallelism, but rather manually used handshaking
signals to meet the synchronization requirements.
11 #define BUFFER_TYPE shared_buffer
12 #else
13 #define BUFFER_TYPE double_buffer
14 #endif
16 // Configure intermediate data type.
17 #pragma HLS dataflow_channel variable(conv1_output) type(BUFFER_TYPE)
18 Tensor<26, 2> conv1_output;
19 #pragma HLS dataflow_channel variable(maxpool_output) type(BUFFER_TYPE)
20 Tensor<13, 2> maxpool_output;
21 #pragma HLS dataflow_channel variable(conv2_output) type(BUFFER_TYPE)
22 Tensor<11, 4> conv2_output;
23 #pragma HLS dataflow_channel variable(conv3_output) type(BUFFER_TYPE)
24 Tensor<9, 4> conv3_output;
25 #pragma HLS dataflow_channel variable(conv4_output) type(BUFFER_TYPE)
26 Tensor<7, 2> conv4_output;
27 #pragma HLS dataflow_channel variable(fc_output) type(BUFFER_TYPE)
28 ap_uint<16> fc_output[10];
In the body of ClassifierPipeline function, instead of thread declarations, we simply used function calls to build the CNN model illustrated in Figure 17. The first function call is on line 31.
31 Conv< /* INPUT_SIZE */ 28, /* INPUT_DEPTH */ 1, /* OUTPUT_SIZE */ 26,
32 /* OUTPUT_DEPTH */ 2, /* FILTER_SIZE */ 3, /* NUM_MACC */ 2,
33 /* LAYER_INDEX */ 0>(classifier_input, conv1_output, conv1_weights,
34 conv1_bias);
When using dataflow parallelism with buffers, variables declared outside
of the dataflow function and its sub-functions can be only accessed by 1
sub-function. Because of this, instead of using global variables,
and classifier_output
are function parameters. Note
that the dataflow function and all its sub-functions must have a void
return type. Thus, the output FIFO is passed by reference into
6 void ClassifierPipeline(Tensor<28, 1> &classifier_input,
7 FIFO<ap_uint<4>> &classifier_output) {
Open the
source file.
In the header file, handshaking signals are removed from function definitions when using dataflow parallelism. These signals were added between each layer to ensure the shared variable is only accessed by one layer at a time when we were using thread-level parallelism. For the dataflow version, SmartHLS converts the intermediate variables into buffers, and automatically handles buffer acquire/release so we no longer need handshaking signals to manually synchronize between layers.
Moreover, we removed the infinite while loop that was used to keep all the threads running in parallel as it is no longer needed in the dataflow version.
We will now simulate software to verify the CNN model still gives the
correct outputs. We have provided a testbench in the test_main.cpp
file. We first declare classifier_input
and classifier_output
variables, and call ClassifierPipeline on each input image.
10 Tensor<28, 1> classifier_input;
11 FIFO<ap_uint<4>> classifier_output(10);
12 // Run 10 iterations, each with a 28x28 input image of digit from 0 to 9.
13 for (unsigned n = 0; n < 10; n++) {
14 for (unsigned i = 0; i < 28; i++)
15 for (unsigned j = 0; j < 28; j++)
16 classifier_input[i][j][0] = test_images[n][i][j][0];
17 ClassifierPipeline(classifier_input, classifier_output);
18 }
Run Compile Software () and Run Software
) to execute the software simulation. You
should see the following console output indicating that the test passed.
Info: Running the following targets: sw_compile sw
Info: Compiling Software...
Highest confidence: 3267, digit-0
Highest confidence: 2686, digit-1
Highest confidence: 3284, digit-2
Highest confidence: 2690, digit-3
Highest confidence: 1935, digit-4
Highest confidence: 1370, digit-5
Highest confidence: 2913, digit-6
Highest confidence: 3555, digit-7
Highest confidence: 1879, digit-8
Highest confidence: 2093, digit-9
Received prediction: 0
Received prediction: 1
Received prediction: 2
Received prediction: 3
Received prediction: 4
Received prediction: 5
Received prediction: 6
Received prediction: 7
Received prediction: 8
Received prediction: 9
With the thread version of the digit recognition, we were previously unable to use the SW/HW Co-Simulation feature to automatically generate an RTL testbench. This is because SW/HW Co-Simulation does not support threads that run continuously. Instead, we had to create a custom RTL testbench to verify that the generated hardware produces the same outputs as software. After switching to dataflow parallelism, we can now use SW/HW Co-Simulation.
Run compile to hardware () then run co-sim
). You should see the following console output
saying that we passed co-simulation.
Simulation time (cycles): 106,397
SW/HW co-simulation: PASS
Next, click Synthesize Hardware to FPGA (). The
report file will be generated once this step is
====== 2. Timing Result of HLS-generated IP Core (top-level module: ClassifierPipeline_top) ======
| Clock Domain | Target Period | Target Fmax | Worst Slack | Period | Fmax |
| clk | 10.000 ns | 100.000 MHz | 3.580 ns | 6.420 ns | 155.763 MHz |
The reported Fmax is for the HLS core in isolation (from Libero's post-place-and-route timing analysis).
When the HLS core is integrated into a larger system, the system Fmax may be lower depending on the critical path of the system.
====== 3. Resource Usage of HLS-generated IP Core (top-level module: ClassifierPipeline_top) ======
| Resource Type | Used | Total | Percentage |
| Fabric + Interface 4LUT* | 6445 + 2016 = 8461 | 108600 | 7.79 |
| Fabric + Interface DFF* | 3327 + 2016 = 5343 | 108600 | 4.92 |
| I/O Register | 0 | 852 | 0.00 |
| User I/O | 0 | 284 | 0.00 |
| uSRAM | 48 | 1008 | 4.76 |
| LSRAM | 20 | 352 | 5.68 |
| Math | 20 | 336 | 5.95 |
* Interface 4LUTs and DFFs are occupied due to the uses of LSRAM, Math, and uSRAM.
Number of interface 4LUTs/DFFs = (36 * #.LSRAM) + (36 * #.Math) + (12 * #.uSRAM) = (36 * 20) + (36 * 20) + (12 * 48) = 2016.
Dataflow parallelism with double buffers also reaches the clock frequency requirement of both the Hello FPGA design and the PolarFire® Video Kit design presented in Figure 25 and Figure 26. Resource utilization is similar to the version with threads, although uSRAM and LSRAM usage increased from 44 and 10 to 48 and 20 when using double buffers. This is because the initial thread implementation was closer to shared buffers. The shared buffer results are shown below.
====== 2. Timing Result of HLS-generated IP Core (top-level module: ClassifierPipeline_top) ======
| Clock Domain | Target Period | Target Fmax | Worst Slack | Period | Fmax |
| clk | 10.000 ns | 100.000 MHz | 4.163 ns | 5.837 ns | 171.321 MHz |
The reported Fmax is for the HLS core in isolation (from Libero's post-place-and-route timing analysis).
When the HLS core is integrated into a larger system, the system Fmax may be lower depending on the critical path of the system.
====== 3. Resource Usage of HLS-generated IP Core (top-level module: ClassifierPipeline_top) ======
| Resource Type | Used | Total | Percentage |
| Fabric + Interface 4LUT* | 5794 + 1608 = 7402 | 108600 | 6.82 |
| Fabric + Interface DFF* | 3163 + 1608 = 4771 | 108600 | 4.39 |
| I/O Register | 0 | 852 | 0.00 |
| User I/O | 0 | 284 | 0.00 |
| uSRAM | 44 | 1008 | 4.37 |
| LSRAM | 10 | 352 | 2.84 |
| Math | 20 | 336 | 5.95 |
* Interface 4LUTs and DFFs are occupied due to the uses of LSRAM, Math, and uSRAM.
Number of interface 4LUTs/DFFs = (36 * #.LSRAM) + (36 * #.Math) + (12 * #.uSRAM) = (36 * 10) + (36 * 20) + (12 * 44) = 1608.
Notice that double buffers use more memory than shared buffers, because double buffers contain two copies of storage while shared buffers only have one. This is shown in Figure 45. When using double buffers, the producer can write to one buffer (shown in orange) while the consumer reads from the other (shown in green). For shared buffers, the producer and the consumer must take turns acquiring and releasing the single shared buffer. However, double buffers require fewer clock cycles to complete than shared buffers because the two buffers can be filled and accessed in parallel. This shows a tradeoff between memory usage and throughput. Overall, in this example the shared buffer implementation uses similar resources as the thread version, with 4LUT and DFF usage being slightly lower and LSRAM usage being slightly higher.