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Device portal API reference
Stay up to date on the Windows Device Portal API for HoloLens development.
HoloLens, Windows Device Portal, API, mixed reality headset, windows mixed reality headset, virtual reality headset

Device portal API reference

Everything in the Windows Device Portal is built on top of REST API's that you can use to access the data and control your device programmatically.

App deployment

/api/app/packagemanager/package (DELETE)

Uninstalls an app.


  • package: File name of the package to be uninstalled.

/api/app/packagemanager/package (POST)

Installs an App.


  • package: File name of the package to be installed.


  • multi-part conforming http body

/api/app/packagemanager/packages (GET)

Retrieves the list of installed apps on the system. Includes details.

Return data

  • List of installed packages with details

/api/app/packagemanager/state (GET)

Gets the status of in-progress app installation.

Dump collection

/api/debug/dump/usermode/crashcontrol (DELETE)

Disables crash dump collection for a sideloaded app.


  • packageFullName: package name

/api/debug/dump/usermode/crashcontrol (GET)

Gets settings for sideloaded apps crash dump collection.


  • packageFullName: package name

/api/debug/dump/usermode/crashcontrol (POST)

Enables and sets dump control settings for a sideloaded app.


  • packageFullName: package name

/api/debug/dump/usermode/crashdump (DELETE)

Deletes a crash dump for a sideloaded app.


  • packageFullName: package name
  • fileName: dump file name

/api/debug/dump/usermode/crashdump (GET)

Retrieves a crash dump for a sideloaded app.


  • packageFullName: package name
  • fileName: dump file name

Return data

  • Dump file. Inspect with WinDbg or Visual Studio.

/api/debug/dump/usermode/dumps (GET)

Returns list of all crash dumps for sideloaded apps.

Return data

  • List of crash dumps per side loaded app


/api/etw/providers (GET)

Enumerates registered providers.

Return data

  • List of providers, friendly name and GUID

/api/etw/session/realtime (GET/WebSocket)

Creates a real-time ETW session; managed over a websocket.

Return data

  • ETW events from the enabled providers

Holographic OS

/api/holographic/os/etw/customproviders (GET)

Returns a list of HoloLens-specific ETW providers that aren't registered with the system.

/api/holographic/os/services (GET)

Returns the states of all services running.

/api/holographic/os/settings/ipd (GET)

Gets the stored IPD (Interpupillary distance) in millimeters.

/api/holographic/os/settings/ipd (POST)

Sets the IPD.


  • ipd: New IPD value to be set in millimeters

/api/holographic/os/webmanagement/settings/https (GET)

Gets HTTPS requirements for the Device Portal.

/api/holographic/os/webmanagement/settings/https (POST)

Sets HTTPS requirements for the Device Portal.


  • required: yes, no or default

Holographic Perception

/api/holographic/perception/client (GET/WebSocket)

Accepts WebSocket upgrades and runs a perception client that sends updates at 30 fps.


  • clientmode: "active" forces visual tracking mode when it can't be established passively

Holographic Thermal

When using these thermal APIs, reference the managing power and thermals article.

/api/holographic/thermal/stage (GET)

Get the thermal stage of the device (0 normal, 1 warm, 2 critical).

/api/holographic/thermal/getMitigationLevels (GET/websocket)

Open a websocket (or do a single HTTP GET query), returning a list of objects containing the following:

  • IsSuppressed - Identifying if a given peripheral has mitigations suppressed
  • Level - Latest thermal mitigation level for this peripheral
  • Mask - Mask of this peripheral
  • ThermalScore - Latest thermal score for this peripheral

Objects are named by peripheral name (Example: Battery)

/api/holographic/thermal/setMitigationLevel (POST)

Change the mitigation level being reported for a given peripheral


  • mask: bitmask with single bit set for the peripheral of interest (See PowerThermalPeripheralFlags for details)
  • level: new level to use (0-3)

/api/holographic/thermal/setThermalScore (POST)

Change the thermal score being reported for a given peripheral


  • mask: bitmask with single bit set for the peripheral of interest (See PowerThermalPeripheralFlags for details)
  • thermalScore: new thermal score to use (100-0)

Map Manager

/api/holographic/mapmanager/mapFiles (GET)

Gets the list of the available map files (.mapx).

/api/holographic/mapmanager/anchorFiles (GET)

Gets the list of available anchor files (.ancx).

/api/holographic/mapmanager/srdbFiles (GET)

Gets the list of available spatial reconstruction database files (.srdb).

/api/holographic/mapmanager/getanchors (GET)

Gets the list of persisted anchors for the current user.

Download/Upload/Delete Files

/api/holographic/mapmanager/download (GET)

Downloads a map, anchor, or spatial reconstruction database file. The file must've been previously uploaded or exported.


  • FileName: Name of file to download.


$.post("/api/holographic/mapmanager/download?FileName=" + spaceID)

/api/holographic/mapmanager/upload (POST)

Uploads a map, anchor, or spatial reconstruction database file. Once a file is uploaded, it can later be imported and used by the system.


  • file: Name of the file to upload.


var form_data = new FormData();
form_data.append("file", file_data);

    url: "/api/holographic/mapmanager/upload",
    dataType: 'json',
    cache: false,
    contentType: false,
    processData: false,
    data: form_data,
    type: 'post'

/api/holographic/mapmanager/delete (POST)

Deletes a map, anchor, or spatial reconstruction database file. The file must've been previously uploaded or exported.


  • FileName: Name of file to delete.


$.post("/api/holographic/mapmanager/delete?FileName=" + spaceID)


/api/holographic/mapmanager/export (POST)

Exports the map currently in use by the system. Once exported, it can be downloaded.



/api/holographic/mapmanager/exportanchors (POST)

Exports the map currently in use by the system. Once exported, it can be downloaded. Example:


/api/holographic/mapmanager/exportmapandanchors (POST)

Exports the map and anchors currently in use by the system. Once exported, they can be downloaded. Example:


/api/holographic/mapmanager/exportmapandspatialmappingdb (POST)

Exports the map and spatial reconstruction database currently in use by the system. Once exported, they can be downloaded.




/api/holographic/mapmanager/import (POST)

Indicates to the system which map should be used. Can be called on files that have been exported or uploaded.


  • FileName: Name of the map to be used.


$.post("/api/holographic/mapmanager/import?FileName=" + spaceID, function() { alert("Import was successful!"); })

/api/holographic/mapmanager/importanchors (POST)

Indicates to the system which anchors should be used. Can be called on files that have been exported or uploaded.


  • FileName: Name of the anchors to be used.


$.post("/api/holographic/mapmanager/import?FileName=" + spaceID, function() { alert("Import was successful!"); })

/api/holographic/mapmanager/importspatialmappingdb (POST)

Indicates to the system which spatial reconstruction database should be used. Can be called on files that have been exported or uploaded.


  • FileName: Name of the spatial mapping db to be used.


$.post("/api/holographic/mapmanager/import?FileName=" + spaceID, function() { alert("Import was successful!"); })


/api/holographic/mapmanager/resetmapandanchorsandsrdb (POST)

Reset the system the map, anchors and spatial reconstruction database.



/api/holographic/mapmanager/status (GET)

Gets the status of the system, including which map, anchors, and spatial reconstruction database files were last imported.

Mixed Reality Capture

/api/holographic/mrc/file (GET)

Downloads a mixed reality file from the device. Use the op=stream query parameter for streaming.


  • filename: Name, hex64 encoded, of the video file to get
  • op: stream

/api/holographic/mrc/file (DELETE)

Deletes a mixed reality recording from the device.


  • filename: Name, hex64 encoded, of the file to delete

/api/holographic/mrc/files (GET)

Returns the list of mixed reality files stored on the device.

/api/holographic/mrc/photo (POST)

Takes a mixed reality photo and creates a file on the device.


  • holo: capture holograms: true or false (defaults to false)
  • pv: capture PV camera: true or false (defaults to false)
  • RenderFromCamera: (HoloLens 2 only) render from perspective of photo/video camera: true or false (defaults to true)

/api/holographic/mrc/settings (GET)

Gets the default mixed reality capture settings.

/api/holographic/mrc/settings (POST)

Sets the default mixed reality capture settings. Some of these settings are applied to the system's MRC photo and video capture.

/api/holographic/mrc/status (GET)

Gets the state of mixed reality capture within the Windows Device Portal.


The response contains a JSON property that indicates if Windows Device Portal is recording video or not.

{"IsRecording": boolean}

/api/holographic/mrc/thumbnail (GET)

Gets the thumbnail image for the specified file.


  • filename: Name, hex64 encoded, of the file for which the thumbnail is being requested

/api/holographic/mrc/video/control/start (POST)

Starts a mixed reality recording.


  • holo: capture holograms: true or false (defaults to false)
  • pv: capture PV camera: true or false (defaults to false)
  • mic: capture microphone: true or false (defaults to false)
  • loopback: capture app audio: true or false (defaults to false)
  • RenderFromCamera: (HoloLens 2 only) render from perspective of photo/video camera: true or false (defaults to true)
  • vstab: (HoloLens 2 only) enable video stabilization: true or false (defaults to true)
  • vstabbuffer: (HoloLens 2 only) video stabilization buffer latency: 0 to 30 frames (defaults to 15 frames)

/api/holographic/mrc/video/control/stop (POST)

Stops the current mixed reality recording.

Mixed Reality Streaming


Because of loopback isolation, you can't connect to mixed reality streaming from inside an app on a device.

HoloLens supports live preview of mixed reality via chunked download of a fragmented mp4.

Mixed reality streams share the same set of parameters to control what's captured:

  • holo: capture holograms: true or false
  • pv: capture PV camera: true or false
  • mic: capture microphone: true or false
  • loopback: capture app audio: true or false

If none of these are specified, then holograms, photo/video camera, and app audio will be captured.

If any are specified, the unspecified parameters will default to false

Optional parameters (HoloLens 2 only)

  • RenderFromCamera: render from perspective of photo/video camera: true or false (defaults to true)
  • vstab: enable video stabilization: true or false (defaults to false)
  • vstabbuffer: video stabilization buffer latency: 0 to 30 frames (defaults to 15 frames)

/api/holographic/stream/live.mp4 (GET)

A 1280x720p 30fps 5Mbit stream.

/api/holographic/stream/live_high.mp4 (GET)

A 1280x720p 30fps 5Mbit stream.

/api/holographic/stream/live_med.mp4 (GET)

A 854x480p 30fps 2.5Mbit stream.

/api/holographic/stream/live_low.mp4 (GET)

A 428x240p 15fps 0.6Mbit stream.


/api/networking/ipconfig (GET)

Gets the current IP configuration.

OS Information

/api/os/info (GET)

Gets operating system information.

/api/os/machinename (GET)

Gets the machine name.

/api/os/machinename (POST)

Sets the machine name.


  • name: New machine name, hex64 encoded, to set to

Perception Simulation Control

/api/holographic/simulation/control/mode (GET)

Gets the simulation mode.

/api/holographic/simulation/control/mode (POST)

Sets the simulation mode.


  • mode: simulation mode: default, simulation, remote, legacy

/api/holographic/simulation/control/stream (DELETE)

Delete a control stream.

/api/holographic/simulation/control/stream (GET/WebSocket)

Open a WebSocket connection for a control stream.

/api/holographic/simulation/control/stream (POST)

Create a control stream (priority is required) or post data to a created stream (streamId required). Posted data is expected to be of type 'application/octet-stream'.

/api/holographic/simulation/display/stream (GET/WebSocket)

Request a simulation video stream containing the content rendered to the system display when in 'Simulation' mode. A simple format descriptor header will be sent initially, followed by H.264-encoded textures, with each preceded by a header indicating the eye index and texture size.

Perception Simulation Playback

/api/holographic/simulation/playback/file (DELETE)

Delete a recording.


  • recording: Name of recording to delete.

/api/holographic/simulation/playback/file (POST)

Upload a recording.

/api/holographic/simulation/playback/files (GET)

Get all recordings.

/api/holographic/simulation/playback/session (GET)

Get the current playback state of a recording.


  • recording: Name of recording.

/api/holographic/simulation/playback/session/file (DELETE)

Unload a recording.


  • recording: Name of recording to unload.

/api/holographic/simulation/playback/session/file (POST)

Load a recording.


  • recording: Name of recording to load.

/api/holographic/simulation/playback/session/files (GET)

Get all loaded recordings.

/api/holographic/simulation/playback/session/pause (POST)

Pause a recording.


  • recording: Name of recording.

/api/holographic/simulation/playback/session/play (POST)

Play a recording.


  • recording: Name of recording.

/api/holographic/simulation/playback/session/stop (POST)

Stop a recording.


  • recording: Name of recording.

/api/holographic/simulation/playback/session/types (GET)

Get the types of data in a loaded recording.


  • recording: Name of recording.

Perception Simulation Recording

/api/holographic/simulation/recording/start (POST)

Start a recording. Only a single recording can be active at once. One of these must be set: head, hands, spatialMapping or environment.


  • head: Set to 1 to record head data.
  • hands: Set to 1 to record hand data.
  • spatialMapping: Set to 1 to record spatial mapping.
  • environment: Set to 1 to record environment data.
  • name: Name of the recording.
  • singleSpatialMappingFrame: Set to 1 to record only a single spatial mapping frame.

/api/holographic/simulation/recording/status (GET)

Get recording state.

/api/holographic/simulation/recording/stop (GET)

Stop the current recording. Recording will be returned as a file.

Performance data

/api/resourcemanager/processes (GET)

Returns the list of running processes with details.

Return data

  • JSON with list of processes and details for each process

/api/resourcemanager/systemperf (GET)

Returns system perf statistics (I/O read/write, memory stats, etc.

Return data

  • JSON with system information: CPU, GPU, Memory, Network, IO


/api/power/battery (GET)

Gets the current battery state.

/api/power/state (GET)

Checks if the system is in a low power state.

Remote Control

/api/control/restart (POST)

Restarts the target device.

/api/control/shutdown (POST)

Shuts down the target device.

Task Manager

/api/taskmanager/app (DELETE)

Stops a modern app.


  • package: Full name of the app package, hex64 encoded
  • forcestop: Force all processes to stop (=yes)

/api/taskmanager/app (POST)

Starts a modern app


  • appid: PRAID of app to start, hex64 encoded
  • package: Full name of the app package, hex64 encoded

WiFi Management

/api/wifi/interfaces (GET)

Enumerates wireless network interfaces.

Return data

  • List of wireless interfaces with details (GUID, description etc.)

/api/wifi/network (DELETE)

Deletes a profile associated with a network on a specified interface.


  • interface: network interface guid
  • profile: profile name

/api/wifi/networks (GET)

Enumerates wireless networks on the specified network interface.


  • interface: network interface guid

Return data

  • List of wireless networks found on the network interface with details

/api/wifi/network (POST)

Connects or disconnects to a network on the specified interface.


  • interface: network interface guid
  • ssid: ssid, hex64 encoded, to connect to
  • op: connect or disconnect
  • createprofile: yes or no
  • key: shared key, hex64 encoded

Windows Performance Recorder

/api/wpr/customtrace (POST)

Uploads a WPR profile and starts tracing using the uploaded profile.


  • multi-part conforming http body

Return data

  • Returns the WPR session status.

/api/wpr/status (GET)

Retrieves the status of the WPR session

Return data

  • WPR session status.

/api/wpr/trace (GET)

Stops a WPR (performance) tracing session.

Return data

  • Returns the trace ETL file

/api/wpr/trace (POST)

Starts a WPR (performance) tracing session.


  • profile: Profile name. Available profiles are stored in perfprofiles/profiles.json

Return data

  • On start, returns the WPR session status.

See also