Yonaguni-specific CONTRIBUTING.md:
- Anything that can safely target Bay and fits the Bay content requirements should go to Bay.
- Anything that breaks compatibility with Bay's dev branch should be as self-contained and modular as possible.
- PRs require a signoff from a maintainer before being merged by a second maintainer, or 24 hours to pass for discussion, whichever comes first.
- If your PR adds sprites or changes the map, it should include pictures of the end product.
- PRs should include a changelog - see the changelogs folder for a readme on how to use the system.
- New code or object definitions that are not modifying or replacing an existing system should go in code/modules/europa
- New sprites should go in the relative europa folder.
Baystation CONTRIBUTING.md:
Baystation12 is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3, which can be found in full in LICENSE-AGPL3.txt.
Commits with a git authorship date prior to 1420675200 +0000
(2015/01/08 00:00) are licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3, which can be found in full in LICENSE-GPL3.txt.
All commits whose authorship dates are not prior to 1420675200 +0000
are assumed to be licensed under AGPL v3, if you wish to license under GPL v3 please make this clear in the commit message and any added files.